mari62 Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 We're absolutely looking forward to hearing from the islands! Kumazzz said: Professional photos he lies on the runway... ======= REPORTS ======= LaraMay 1 2 3 tiibet ======= PICTURES ======= LaraMay tiibet Professional pics ======= VIDEOS ======= LaraMay: RAIN She tells me/Elle Me Dit Lollipop talk
nenartus Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013
LaraMay Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Going home now so I'll write a review (it will be a funny one) tonight, but lets just say that the audience was REALLY annoying lol The Faroe Islands was absolutely beautiful though and Mika was at his usual impressive self onstage and very polite when we met him. Could hardly take any videos or photos because me, Nina and Yulia were pushed, crammed, tortured throughout the concert by little children! At the same time it felt like babysitting and watching out so no little children were hurt in the crowd. Security were hilariously amateurish too lol
kath Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Going home now so I'll write a review (it will be a funny one) tonight, but lets just say that the audience was REALLY annoying lolThe Faroe Islands was absolutely beautiful though and Mika was at his usual impressive self onstage and very polite when we met him. Could hardly take any videos or photos because me, Nina and Yulia were pushed, crammed, tortured throughout the concert by little children! At the same time it felt like babysitting and watching out so no little children were hurt in the crowd. Security were hilariously amateurish too lol Oh dear:shocked: that doesn't sound good.
LaraMay Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 (edited) Oh dear:shocked: that doesn't sound good. It was a wonderful trip and great show though anyway; A special experience considering the funny surprises from the festival, and 'Underwater' was amazing with the mountains around us and Mika pushing a lightbulb front and back So I really didn't think it was a bad experience, it was fun and me and Nina had a wonderful time there. Oh and why does Mika tease his fans by soundchecking' Overrated' yet not performing it?? Almost screamed when I heard it at Soundcheck XD it sounded SO Good! Edited August 9, 2013 by LaraMay
kath Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 It was a wonderful trip and great show though anyway; A special experience considering the funny surprises from the festival, and 'Underwater' was amazing with the mountains around us and Mika pushing a lightbulb front and back So I really didn't think it was a bad experience, it was fun and me and Nina had a wonderful time there. That's good to hear. I really wanted to get to this one - I have visited the island once before and thought it was lovely. I am glad you had a great time
Kumazzz Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 2 videos : uploaded by the user BG Love Today
LaraMay Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 That's good to hear. I really wanted to get to this one - I have visited the island once before and thought it was lovely. I am glad you had a great time Thank you, yes it was one of the most amazingly beautiful places I've ever visited! I'm depressed now that I'm back in Sweden because it was such a peaceful and spiritual enviorment in the Faroes. I definitely would want to visit the islands again and go hiking or something for days.
Kumazzz Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 YouTube video : uploaded by ChelsKong Underwater
Kumazzz Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Facebook LARGE size
Kumazzz Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Professional photos he lies on the runway...
BiaIchihara Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Facebook LARGE size LURVED the messages :lmao:
mellody Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Facebook LARGE size "i hate glitter"?! wtf?!
DutchAnnie Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 LURVED the messages :lmao: My mother has the same one.
Kumazzz Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 Could hardly take any videos or photos because me, Nina and Yulia were pushed, crammed, tortured throughout the concert by little children! At the same time it felt like babysitting and watching out so no little children were hurt in the crowd. Security were hilariously amateurish too lol Children were in the crowd !
tiibet Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 I absolutely LOVED Faroe Islands I think Mika did too. Uploaded some pictures and a small report here: Heard there was some kind of m&g backstage with a lot of kids, we were not included, lol, but he was very sweet and stopped his car on his way out and I could quickly give him my gift. It was kind of related to the place (that's why I wanted to give it to him there) but he said he won't open it before his birthday... I was a bit disappointed to hear that because he probably won't understand the connection then or maybe the gift gets lost but he was very determined First he didn't see us (he stopped for a couple of local fans) but his mother saw us and pointed us to him. Very sweet
AnnaMariaPetra Posted August 9, 2013 Posted August 9, 2013 "i hate glitter"?! wtf?! Perhaps because it is difficult to write on?
Kumazzz Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 An article Ummæli: Sjarmutrøllið MIKA frálíka konsert við lýtum Friday 9. August 2013 - 18:20 UMMÆLI: Ávísur tónleikur og ávísir tónleikarar hava tann eginleikan, at teir fáa teg at smíla. Júst tann eginleikan hevur MIKA og lívligi og glaði popptónleikur hansara. Eingin ivi var um, at MIKA fekk áskoðarafjøldina á Vágsbøi at smíla frá fyrstu løtu í gjárskvøldi. Ikki bara at smíla, men við síni smittandi og orkumiklu framførslu fekk hann eisini fólk at syngja hart, dansa og hoppa við. Har varð sannliga eisini borðreitt við eini merkisverdari perlurøð av hittum - so sum "Grace Kelly", "Relax, take it easy", "We are Golden", "Big Girl" og "Love Today". Og áskoðararnir - serliga tey, sum stóðu í fremru røðunum - fóru upp at ýla hart beinanvegin, tey kendu innleiðandi tónarnar aftur. Ein stórur partur av áskoðarafjøldini sang við av hjartans lyst, serliga tá niðurløgini komu. EITT SJARMUTRØLL MIKA er eitt sjarmutrøll, sum tykist at hava lætt við at sjarmera øll, sum síggja og hoyra hann. Men loyndarmálið er sjálvandi, at MIKA er ein listamaður í heimsflokki, sum fyrireikar alt sítt 'show' niður í minsta smálut. Hann veit, hvussu nógv heildin hevur at siga - og tí skal hvør smálutur fyrireikast, so alt kann draga somu línu. Pallurin skal undirstrika tónleikauniversið og umvent. Hartil spælir MIKA klaver sum ein eingil og er ein eminentur sangskrivari, ið dugir frábera væl at frambera síni lættfangandi poppløg. Tað er ikki av ongum, at MIKA er vorðin samanborin við stór nøvn sum t.d. Freddie Mercury, hóast sangstílurin er ein annar. Men sterku, orkumiklu útstrálingina hevur MIKA í yvirmáta til felags við hesa og aðrar stórar popp- og rockstjørnur. LJÓÐIÐ KUNDI VERIÐ BETRI Showið hjá MIKA á Summar Festivalinum í gjár var frálíkt, men hevði kortini síni lýti. Fleiri høvdu á munni, at røddin hjá MIKA tíverri hoyrdist nakað illa - serliga í fyrru helvt av konsertini. Undirritaða hevði eisini onkuntíð ilt við at hoyra, bæði tá MIKA sang og tosaði við áskoðarafjøldina. Sjálvandi høvdu vindblakini, sum blástu ljóðið burtur frá áskoðarafjøldini aðruhvørja løtu, sín part av skuldini, men ikki bara. Ti tað var t.d. eingin trupulleiki at hoyra teir báðar Swangah rapparnar seinni um kvøldið frá sama palli. Tað tyktist sum, at MIKA hevði eina 'short range' mikrofon - tvs. eina mikrofon, sum bert fangar ljóð, sum er heilt tætt hjá, tí hvørja ferð MIKA, ið annars uttan iva veit alt um mikrofonteknikk, bara flutti mikrofonina eitt vet burtur frá munninum, so hoyrdist røddin illa. Hetta var spell, tí hóast fólk sungu so hart við, at tey næstan 'avloystu' MIKA, so tók hetta - at tú mátti streingja teg ann í støðum fyri at hoyra tónleikin - toppin av tí annars frálíku konsertupplivingini. Helst var eitt tekniskt brek orsøk til hetta. Men sum nevnt, áskoðarafjøldin tyktist kortini glað og nøgd - serliga tá MIKA rósti Føroyum av og á millum løgini. Tað var sannførandi og tyktist koma av einum ærligum hjarta. Sjálv helt eg tað vera rættiliga merkisvert, at rættiliga nógv av teimum ungu fólkunum, sum eg stóð saman við, skrálaðu við og dugdu so at siga hvørt eitt einasta orð uttanat í flest øllum sangum. Hetta - umframt at tað vóru so nógv fólk til hesa konsertina, sum tað ongantíð fyrr hava verið hóskvøld á Summar Festivalinum - vitnaði um, at MIKA hevur stóran tokka, serliga millum ung í Føroyum. Hartil vitnar hetta eisini um, Summar Festivalurin veruliga hevur rakt seymin á høvdið, tá tey fingu MIKA at koma hendan vegin at framføra fyri føroyingum. Síggja vit burtur frá, at ljóðið kundi verið betri, so var heildarupplivingin kortini góð. MIKA er avgjørt ein tónleikari, ið vert er at leggja merki til. Nærlesur ein sangtekstirnar hjá honum, eru teir rættiliga nógv djúpri enn so nógvir aðrir tómir popp-tekstir. Tú kans verða vís/-ur í, at tú finnur onkran tekst, sum lýsa júst tínar kenslur, og sum tú kanst samkenna teg við. HVØR ER MIKA? MIKA er breti og hevur borgarliga navnið Michael Holbrook Penniman, Jr.. Hann kom í verðina 18. august 1983 í Beirut sum tann triðji av fimm systkjum. Mamma hansara er úr Libanon, meðan pápin er amerikanari. Tá MIKA bert var eitt ára gamal, mátti familjan flýggja úr Beirut orsakað av krígnum, sum tá leikaði uppá tað harðasta har. Familjan flutti í fyrstu atløgu til París, har tey búðu, til MIKA var 9 ára gamal. Síðani gekk leiðin til London, har hann hevur búð síðani. MIKA hevði ymiskar trupulleikar sum barn, m.a. var hann orðblindur. Hann hevur sagt frá í samrøðum við miðlar, at hann bleiv so illa happaður tey fyrstu árini í skúlanum í London, at mamman mátti taka hann úr skúlanum og undirvísa honum heima. Men einki var galið við musikalsku evnunum. MIKA smíðaði sítt fyrsta lag sum 7 ára gamal, og seinni kom hann inn á gitna tónleikaskúlan - The Royal Academy of Music í London. Fyrsta EP'in, sum MIKA gav út var "Dodgy Holiday" við fýra løgum á, m..a. kenda lagið "Relax". Tó gjørdist lagið ikki eitt 'hitt' beinanvegin. Tað var ikki fyrr enn fyrsta fløgan í fullari longd, "Life in Cartoon Motion", kom út í 2007, har staklagið "Grace Kelly" gjørdist eitt risa 'hitt', at "Relax" eisini rakk upp á popptindarnar. "Life in Cartoon Motion" varð seld í 5,6 millioner eintøkum kring allan heim og førdi við sær, at MIKA vann ein Brit Award fyri Best British Breakthrough Act. Harumframt var MIKA eisini tilnevndur ein Grammy Award. Tvey ár seinni gav MIKA aftur út eina EP, "Songs for Sorrow", sum bert var útgivin í avmarkaðari nøgd, har av øll eintøkini eru útseld. Í 2009 gav MIKA út sína aðru fløgu í fullari longd "The Boy Who Knew Too Much". Og eftir at hava verið á eini konsertferð kring allan heim, gav MIKA út sína triðju fulla fløgu "The Origin of Love" í fjør. Sjálvur sigur hann, at hetta er ein fløga við meira einføldum poppi, og ikki so nógv løg í tónleikinum, sum í teim seinastu fløgunum. Fløgan kom á altjóða marknaðin í september í fjør og á bretska marknaðin í oktober sama ár. I couldn't understand it at all. Google translator doesn't work...
LaraMay Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) Ok, I'm exhausted but it's time for a review before it's too late. This was one of the most pleasant trips I've taken overseas and I enjoyed seeing the Faroe Islands with Nina even more than seeing Mika live again to be honest. This is my only Mika gig this year and it was enough until the next one (hopefully soon). Anyway, the Faroe Islands were absolutely stunning. It's a peaceful, spiritual, beautiful and enchanting place where all you can see are mountains, farm animals, waterfalls and an untouched beauty of nature. I couldn't imagine how incredible it would be when I booked the flight with Nina earlier this year and I'm so happy we decided to see this show together. Travelling with Nina was an absolute pleasure because as you all know she's very sweet and kindhearted and easy to get along with; So thank you for being my travel buddy, Nina; Lets do it again soon! Before we got on the plane, I bought a coke bottle randomly and the name 'Jacob' was on it. By a strange twist of faith, we sat next to a man named 'Jakob' on the plane and he was going to Klaksvik! He was very helpful and helped us take the right buses to the town and was very friendly like most of the people on the Islands. Very down to earth, simple living people; Which I absolutely adored because it reminded me of my childhood and growing up in a small town with friendly neighbors. The only downside to the Faroe Islands is that it is absolutely FREEZING COLD there. I was naive and wore my sandals and leather jacket and it lead to me having to purchase a winter coat just to survive. Nina bought some shoes for her cold feet. When we arrived in Klaksvik, the tourist information desk alarmed us that our previously booked room at a nearby the festival bed and breakfast was cancelled, so they had booked us an apartment in a house about fifteen minutes away from the festival area. Here's a photo of the (red) house that I took It was actually much nicer than the B&B because it was located in the mountains with an absolutely breathtaking view of Klaksvik's mountains and rivers, so we didn't mind that it was a bit far away that much. About our festival experience; Everybody who worked at the festival, from the security to the volonteers, seemed very confused and laid back about the information about opening hours and rules, etc; And we weren't sure when or even if the doors ever opened because people were inside the festival even before and no one bothered to check wristbands. It was difficult to find a restaurant in Klaksvik as well so me and Nina starved until right before Mika got onstage and we felt very weak. About the show: The only downside was the crowd because it was pretty much only children and teenagers watching the concert; Which made me, Nina and Yulia feel old and ridicilous in a way. They all went beserk as soon as Mika got onstage and started to push and shove and act violent; And that made us feel not only uncomfortable but also concerned (as the grown women we are) about the little children's safety. A lot of kids had to be taken out of the crowd by security which reminded me of Michael Jackson's concerts (where girls and boys would faint just from seeing him), except these girls and boys were really really young people who were about to faint. It was all very discomforting and they shouldn't had been allowed to be there by their parents but let me just say that I saw a little girl smoke a cigarette carelessly and was shocked, after the show. I think these parents are okay with their kids having fun once a year or something at this festival but it still concerned us. It was also very difficult to enjoy Mika's show when you constantly had to fight for yours and others' safety because security at the show just didn't seem to care; Except for a few times when they carried the kids out of the audience and another (funny) time when a horrible, teenage boy, who had been drinking too much and was yelling for Mika to do 'RELAX!!! RELAX!!!' throughout the show, started to knock Nina from behind on her head; Which worried me. We called the security and they were just ignoring us, but then, all of the sudden, one came up to us, looking furious at the boy, grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer in a threatening manner, between Nina, then simply pushed him back into the crowd: It was crazy! Funny but crazy. And sometimes, a group of ten of them would come to us in a big mob and point their flashlights into the front row but without doing anything else but distract us from Mika lol It was almost impossible to actually watch the show like we normally would because there were constant distractions and discomforts going on in the front row. The kids would try anything to get to the front row, so they would all push and push and push throughout the show. Nina tried to distract herself by taking photos with the professional camera she managed to be able to use inside and I was too, but the photos didn't turn out as good as they usually would because of the white balance and light on the stage. I only filmed two songs; Rain & She Tells Me / EMD and a bit of Lollipop, which was the last song he did. As for what I managed to see from Mika; He was in top form and full of energy. He was obviously in love with the Faroe Islands and kept telling the audience that it was the most beautiful place he has ever been to, which we agreed with of course. Everyone should visit the Faroe Islands because it is truly stunning. The stage was perfect for a Mika show I thought, because he had a giant ramp/cat walk to walk down and pose and dance on. As naive as I am I actually thought he would perform 'Overrated' because they played it during soundcheck, but Nina told me he had done that before many times and it didn't mean he would perform it. I wish he would change his setlist because I'm actually growing weary of hearing the same songs live over and over again; Although I must say that 'Underwater' was amazing, echoing through the mountains. I also enjoyed 'LYWID' and 'Elle Me Dit'. I know he's supposed to please the mainstream crowds with his old classics but as a long term fan I wish he would trade in one or two songs at least every now and then for new songs like 'Overrated'; Yes I love that one; But it really would be amazing live; He could even open up a show with that song it's so powerful. I just don't understand why he's settling with the same stuff live over and over again. I would go mad if I had to perform the same songs month after month at gigs. Yes, the band did alter some of the songs and I did enjoy Mika's piano intros but I guess I'm just one of those demanding fans; I want a new concert set and new songs; Even if it's just one or two; Or I'll grow weary of seeing him perform I'm afraid. But like I said; He's one of the greatest live acts I've ever seen so it's always worth it to see his shows. He's Mika after all and a very unique and free artist. I would just like him to shock us a little more; Suprise us long term fans; Which he does do sometimes but I want it more often. Now it sounds like I'm putting Mika down but I'm not; I have faith in him that he will surprise us with his next album and future projects, I really do; That's why I'm still his fan; And because he's not full of himself and stays humble to his fans; Which he proved to us again after the show. We gave him some birthday presents as he was being driven out of the festival area with the always lovely Mrs Penniman, and he seemed happy to see us. We also bumped into him by a coincidence at the airport just as me and Nina had checked in and he seemed happy to say goodbye and chat a bit to us, as he was swarmed by little children (again) asking for autographs, which was really cute to see actually The little girls were so adorable. So, to end this review; It was one of the most pleasant experiences of my life travelling to the Faroe Islands with Nina and it felt really intimate to be one of the few long term Mika fans who were there amongst all of those teenagers and children. Don't worry; We were careful so they wouldn't harm themselves during the show. I would love to go there again some day and go hiking for a week or something. Thank you to Nina & Yulia (and of course Mika) for contributing to this very special experience; 'Til next time MY PHOTOS: MY VIDS (more soon): Edited August 10, 2013 by LaraMay
A. Clay Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 (edited) GREAT VID of 'RAIN' [YouTube]tMaYQ61l-oQ[/YouTube] Edited August 10, 2013 by A. Clay
Zimwana Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Thank you for your detailed report! I wonder what makes this festival a kid's gathering
Yuna Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Thank you for your detailed report! I wonder what makes this festival a kid's gathering Any crowded concert would be a huge something to children in this small island.. Festival for children too! Not only children..maybe it's a festival for whole inhabitants of this country! I love the pic of this island tooken by fans and Mika! it's now on my list of places to go in my life also! it's like a dreamland!
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