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Mika to be a guest @Italian TV program LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE 17 January 2014


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Oh, that was wonderful! Says the girl who barely understood a word that was spoken. But did you really need to? You could tell all that you need to know by the childlike delight on Mika's face as he spent time with his idol. You could tell what an amazing, interesting character Dario Fo is, and how important this meeting was, by the respectful attitude of the audience. How he gave Dario his arm when they were walking-so respectful and polite. The interview-when he looked sad and serious, I knew he was talking about the bullying, blushing and giggling, his partner. Underwater.... wow. No words. So happy for him. I don't think he will ever forget this night. Neither will we. I'm still in a happy glow, hours later., feeling like I'm so lucky that this is my favorite singer.

Back when I first discovered Mika and I was looking up everything I could, lurking on the MFC, I kept reading people saying, "I didn't think I could love him any more than I do, but......." I knew then that this was someone really special, who I wanted to invest my time in. Yeah, I totally get that now. We just keep doing it over, and over and over again.

You guys would have been laughing so hard at me today. First it took me 1/2 an hour to load the flash player and figure out how to find the show. When I finally got on, the political guy was on. Then I had to walk to the bus with the dog to get my son. It was snowing like crazy, and the bus was late. Then it got stopped by a train. I'm standing on the corner, hopping up and down with frustration, sure I'm going to miss it. Son gets off the the bus, and I shriek, "Mika! Italian TV! Let's go!" and I take off sprinting down my street slipping and sliding on the snow, the dog running with me, and the 9yo sighing, "Mika again? " Luckily, political guy was still talking, and I missed nothing. It was so worth it!

Edited by ceebs
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Oh, that was wonderful! Says the girl who barely understood a word that was spoken. But did you really need to? You could tell all that you need to know by the childlike delight on Mika's face as he spent time with his idol. You could tell what an amazing, interesting character Dario Fo is, and how important this meeting was, by the respectful attitude of the audience. How he gave Dario his arm when they were walking-so respectful and polite. The interview-when he looked sad and serious, I knew he was talking about the bullying, blushing and giggling, his partner. Underwater.... wow. No words. So happy for him. I don't think he will ever forget this night. Neither will we. I'm still in a happy glow, hours later., feeling like I'm so lucky that this is my favorite singer.

Back when I first discovered Mika and I was looking up everything I could, lurking on the MFC, I kept reading people saying, "I didn't think I could love him any more than I do, but......." I knew then that this was someone really special, who I wanted to invest my time in. Yeah, I totally get that now. We just keep doing it over, and over and over again.

You guys would have been laughing so hard at me today. First it took me 1/2 an hour to load the flash player and figure out how to find the show. When I finally got on, the political guy was on. Then I had to walk to the bus with the dog to get my son. It was snowing like crazy, and the bus was late. Then it got stopped by a train. I'm standing on the corner, hopping up and down with frustration, sure I'm going to miss it. Son gets off the the bus, and I shriek, "Mika! Italian TV! Let's go!" and I take off sprinting down my street slipping and sliding on the snow, the dog running with me, and the 9yo sighing, "Mika again? " Luckily, political guy was still talking, and I missed nothing. It was so worth it!


You're right, it was quite amazing... I've only seen Mika acting like this in one another occasion: when a French show surprised him by having Charles Aznavour sing for him:wub2:


And you made me laugh with your snow/bus story... I know that feeling too well:wink2:

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Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.

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Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


:thumb_yello: Grazie mille!! You said it all :huglove:

The deeper the mud is, the more beautiful the flower growing there is - that's exactly how the film about TINAs life starts ...:wub2:




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Fangirling moment: omg!

That was so special that I can't sleep now. But I can't report right now, mobile is running out of charge .

So I'll try to get some sleep (3am here) then I'll tell you everything tomorrow.

I'm amazed. And I love the whole world right now. I suppose I'm high.


:huglove: I so do understand you - and in fact I think you all, being present in this TV studio last night, don't understand how lucky you all are - because this is really once in a lifetime experience, and even we all can repeat it, whenever we want, because it's taped and shared, you have something very, very special in your own harddisk ( brain ) And once again, I'm really happy for you all ...:wub2:




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allegra said:


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


Thanks, Allegra. Your words touch me, and I understand you completely. :wub2: I'm so glad that you were able to enter the show in the end. I wish I could have been with you.


For anyone who missed this special evening, Le Invasioni/La7 have it online in segments already, so you can watch it easily.


Mika receives a platinum disk for Songbook Vol. 1




The meeting with Dario Fo:




The 1st part of the interview:




The 2nd part of the interview, including "Underwater"





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I can't believe what I've seen! Wonderful!


For me it is incredibile that a column of the Italian culture as Dario Fo, a nobel prize for literature, knows Mika and his songs and declares of being his fan.

And is also incredibile that Mika knows Dario Fo, his wife Franca Rame and their work, so difficult to understand for a foreigner because it's often in dialect. Mika, another time, has shown his intelligence, his culture and his deep respect for the country in which is. And his great sensibility, in his eyes and in the way he was watching the old Dario.

Franco who sings The Origin of Love!

And Mika who sings in the dialect spoken in Milan, "Ho visto un re"( I've seen a king), the most famous and original song of Dario.

For an italian this will remain an unforgettable moment. Believe in me


Proud to be there ..with a Nobel Prize winner and a Nobel person... mum and dad are now crazy about Mika..and now makes may original family Mika addicted :doh:

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Thanks for tratslation, the links and all the opinions!


It`s great duo of intelligent people, I agree.


But what disappointed me after all they were talkin` about: Is Mika going to get back to recording music and albums in the nearest future ? All he said proves that probably his priorities have changed....

Tell me I`m wrong.

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Fangirling moment: omg!

That was so special that I can't sleep now. But I can't report right now, mobile is running out of charge .

So I'll try to get some sleep (3am here) then I'll tell you everything tomorrow.

I'm amazed. And I love the whole world right now. I suppose I'm high.


No sleep at all :blush-anim-cl:

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Proud to be there ..with a Nobel Prize winner and a Nobel person... mum and dad are now crazy about Mika..and now makes may original family Mika addicted :doh:


Congratulations to your discovery! Yes, it `s great to see Mika in your home country, an amazing feeling))

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Thanks for tratslation, the links and all the opinions!


It`s great duo of intelligent people, I agree.


But what disappointed me after all they were talkin` about: Is Mika going to get back to recording music and albums in the nearest future ? All he said proves that probably his priorities have changed....

Tell me I`m wrong.


Well, I think last night they simply have not talked about the future: they had other things to talk about. The meeting between Mika and Fo was at the center of the scene and moreover i think the comparison between Mika and Dario about the way they use to communicate, has been very gratifying for Mika.

And about the next XF, he only said that he would like to do it again.

I think that his Italian period has given him much more 'than what was expected. :wink2:

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Congratulations to your discovery! Yes, it `s great to see Mika in your home country, an amazing feeling))


I was aware since 2007 but due of my crazy messy life I was not able to workship it


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I just had a look around the web to find articles or news on the meeting last night between Mika and Dario Fo: there are dozens and dozens. Incredible. :shocked:


And this is a tweet of Daria Bignardi:

"@dariabig: Grazie Dario Fo, grazie MIKA. Un bell'incontro. Una serata indimenticabile."


"@dariabig: Thank you Dario Fo, Thank you MIKA. A beautiful meeting. An unforgettable night."

Edited by Marta.
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Briefly: a very long and interesting interview . :thumb_yello:


They started talking again about Dario Fo and about how Mika loves him , because symbol of anarchy and absolute freedom, and how Mika discovered him and why he studied his work so long. Then they talked about XF and his experience: he said he'd like to do again XF next year.

And then he talked about his childhood, his family and his mother , who Daria has tried to get on stage but she did not want to . In particular he spoke of his parents, who love each other even after so long and so many problems , about his school problems, about a terrible teacher who traumatized him as a child, about the importance of the personal identity and of music in his life, and finally about love.

About the fact that love can be considered a sort of positive drug , about how love changes over time and how important it is in his life along with sex, and also he talked about his boyfriend , how much he still loves him after 7 years, and about the way he likes talking about love and sex in his songs .

At the end Mika told Daria that she was very dangerous , because she has been able to make him talking about many intimate things , which usually does not speak.


He has shown himself in the deep. Lovely. :huglove:


Thank you :huglove: Could you tell me more about how he came to study Dario Fo's work? Was he playing one of his play ("accidental death of an anarchist") for school?


As I was saying on twitter, what really was special about his meeting with Dario Fo to me was the fact that there is absolutely no need to know anything about both Mika and Dario Fo, one can ignore who their are, the value of Fo's work, can even think he's just a funny old man, but one can't ignore the fact that these two people have something in their eyes- call it intelligence, art, youth, whatever- it's a spark that very few people have, and for me that spark is what truly establishes a link between these two, both as persons and as artists.


exactly :wub2:


This disappoints me, because it means there won't be an extensive tour for the next album, and that means meant fans will miss out AGAIN!

And I am talking about the Australians, New Zealanders, South African, Mexican and possibly the South Americans too.

There just won't be time to do it.


It's true, I really hope he can make shows there too


Oh, that was wonderful! Says the girl who barely understood a word that was spoken. But did you really need to? You could tell all that you need to know by the childlike delight on Mika's face as he spent time with his idol. You could tell what an amazing, interesting character Dario Fo is, and how important this meeting was, by the respectful attitude of the audience. How he gave Dario his arm when they were walking-so respectful and polite. The interview-when he looked sad and serious, I knew he was talking about the bullying, blushing and giggling, his partner. Underwater.... wow. No words. So happy for him. I don't think he will ever forget this night. Neither will we. I'm still in a happy glow, hours later., feeling like I'm so lucky that this is my favorite singer.

Back when I first discovered Mika and I was looking up everything I could, lurking on the MFC, I kept reading people saying, "I didn't think I could love him any more than I do, but......." I knew then that this was someone really special, who I wanted to invest my time in. Yeah, I totally get that now. We just keep doing it over, and over and over again.

You guys would have been laughing so hard at me today. First it took me 1/2 an hour to load the flash player and figure out how to find the show. When I finally got on, the political guy was on. Then I had to walk to the bus with the dog to get my son. It was snowing like crazy, and the bus was late. Then it got stopped by a train. I'm standing on the corner, hopping up and down with frustration, sure I'm going to miss it. Son gets off the the bus, and I shriek, "Mika! Italian TV! Let's go!" and I take off sprinting down my street slipping and sliding on the snow, the dog running with me, and the 9yo sighing, "Mika again? " Luckily, political guy was still talking, and I missed nothing. It was so worth it!


:lmfao: Good that you could make it!


Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


ok, this brought tears in my eyes :wub2:


Now waiting for a (long) report from Elwendin :mf_rosetinted:

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Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


Nothing more to add :thumb_yello:


Thanks everyone for your reports and opinions :flowers2:

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Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


I couldn't have found better words. It was such an honor to be there, in that magical atmosphere. You are right, it was surreal and -as Mika said- surreal is also a bad thing because when you are living it, you can't realize what is happening. I still can't believe how privileged I was seeing them together, the mix of two brilliant minds!

And the surprise to know that Fo is a fan of Mika, of Origin of Love! Yes, definitively surreal!


And I've never thought this could have happened on (and thank to) Italian TV.

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Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


I completely agree with Allegra, it was a pretty surreal experience. I know it won't mean as much to me as the Italians because I'm foreign, but the whole thing with Dario Fo was very special. Like Mika I'd studied his work in English because at the time I didn't know enough Italian, and it was surreal seeing a figure who I'd studied in uni singing with Mika. It was a great evening, I'm glad there were so many of us fans there!

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Sometimes i think that to be so "active" fan of someone is almost a shame.

Night like yesterday night remembers me that i'm proud to be a fan here.

Even if he sang just one and half song the atmosphere was really magical and emotional and i was touched. :wub2:

The key word of the night is: surreal!

Two so different men who totally understand each other: surreal

A young fashion victim in Loboutin shoes who take care of an old man anarchic in his life and style: surreal!

The band played fake but i did not care: surreal!

General italian people did not know The Origin of Love song because it never been a single on the radio but a 88 years old man knew it and sang it: surreal!


Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


Allegra your words are perfect to describe the yesterday evening, which I think was one of the most beautiful experiences with Mika.


It was moving to see a Nobel Prize duet with Mika and deal with him in a natural way as if they had known since time.

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I don't have words, really! Last night happened something magical, I never saw a show like that and a tv program never touched me in this way!

Before now I don't never tought how much these two genius are similar. It was very exciting to look at Mika so touched in front of his hero, he couldn't realizes what was happening! He was looking at Fo like he was having a mystical vision :wub2:

I was very glad to see Mika so happy! It was a very amazing and wonderful surprise for him!! :mikalove:

And the interview too, it was very interesting, Mika opened his heart... and finally the Underwater performance was :swoon:

It was a perfect night, I still can't believe what I saw yesterday! :woot_jump:

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I've just watched the whole thing on webcasts and I'm all :wub2:


I was there, but I needed to watch it again, because the interview was very long and I could only watch Mika's back :naughty:


I need to say thank you to X-factor and to Mika himself for accepting being a judge? Yes, I do.

Because otherwise I would never EVER have witnessed last night.

I must do an effort, that is trying to understand and accept that before doing something valuable he needs to do something trash, in order to become (or stay) famous and give us amazing moments. It's quite difficult for me, as I detest how cheap he has become recently (ads are there to prove it).


Dario Fo is an old Mika. But Mika lives in a total different time, historically and socially. So the outcome is different, and I'm sure Mika will never be awarded a Nobel prize. But they share the same childish point of view, a magic, a freedom of mind.

The old man has always been a free spirit, and now that he's old he feels free also from political clichés. He can see the purity of things and people, without any screen. I trust him a lot when he says he sees what Mika is.


The night was perfect. He stopped with fans after the show and was happy and chatty. He said he's been ill during xmas time so he's taking some days off. Then I couldn't help it, I asked when he thinks to go to Los Angeles.

I don't remember if he replied anything, but immediately after other fans were urging him with questions about the new album, and I felt a bit sorry I started it all.

I don't think he gave us a precise answer...he only said 20% of the songs are done.


Only time will tell. I'd like him NOT to make new music if he doesn't feel like to, or hasn't found the right inspiration. I don't need new music just for the sake of it. Nonetheless, I hope he'll find the inspiration to make something artistically valuable...not only ads for cash. Or talent shows. Kachinga was fun only in GK!



Give me a night like last night, and I'll be his devoted fan forever again.

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Only time will tell. I'd like him NOT to make new music if he doesn't feel like to, or hasn't found the right inspiration. I don't need new music just for the sake of it. Nonetheless, I hope he'll find the inspiration to make something artistically valuable...not only ads for cash. Or talent shows. Kachinga was fun only in GK!



Give me a night like last night, and I'll be his devoted fan forever again.


You get the point, I totally agree:thumb_yello:

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