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Mika in Italian Press 2019


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Mika: “Ho ritrovato me stesso e tanta energia” (Video)

Bellacanzone17 ottobre 2019

"My Name Is Michael Holbrook" è il nuovo album di Mika: il disco è frutto di una marcata maturazione artistica, attraverso drammi familiari e gioie personali che l’hanno portato ad aprirsi di più, a prendere rischi e voltare nettamente pagina rispetto al passato in termini di contenuto e di presentazione della propria immagine. Ecco la nostra video intervista a Discoteca Laziale!

Anticipato da ben cinque brani usciti tra l’estate e questi ultimi giorni, finalmente è stato pubblicato il quinto disco in studio di Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr, in arte Mika dal titolo “My Name Is Michael Holbrook“.

Ecco tutti i concerti previsti in Italia tra fine 2019 ed inizio 2020 (ecco come acquistare i biglietti del tour di Mika😞

  • 24 novembre Torino, Pala Alpitour
  • 26 novembre Ancona, PalaPrometeo
  • 27 novembre Roma, Palazzo Dello Sport
  • 29 novembre Casalecchio Di Reno, Unipol Arena
  • 30 novembre Montichiari, PalaGeorge
  • 2 dicembre Livorno, Modigliani Forum
  • 3 dicembre Assago, Mediolanum Forum
  • 1 febbraio Padova, Kioene Arena
  • 2 febbraio Bozen/Bolzano, Eiswelle/Palaonda
  • 5 febbraio Napoli, Teatro PalaPartenope
  • 7 febbraio Bari, Palaflorio
  • 8 febbraio Reggio Calabria, Palacalafiore

Mika: intervista



Com’è il tuo rapporto con i fan?
Un rapporto molto forte. Ci sono alcuni che riconosco perché mi seguono da dieci anni, ma sono sempre sorpreso dalle persone che vengono perché c’è davvero di tutto. Tutte le età, uomini, donne, ragazzi, giovani, meno, giovani. Quello che faccio è nato da una stanza, quindi è surreale fare questo salto con il materiale nato dall’intimità e che poi va in giro grazie ad un firmacopie in cui ci sono persone che non conosco, piene di passione ed energia. È sempre surreale.

E ci sarà anche un tour di ben 12 date…
Ci sono 12 date in Italia con uno show che sarà quello più intimo e spettacolare mai fatto. Ci sarà un’intensità ben rappresentata dall’energia e dalla grinta che ho in questo momento per il mio lavoro, per quello che sto facendo. Sarà un one man show e cambierà da un giorno all’altro.

Quali canzoni troviamo in scaletta?
Per il tour italiano c’è una scaletta diversa da quella americana, francese e inglese. È piena di canzoni di questo disco che si mischiano tanto bene con le mie grandi hit. Ci sarà una band in parte rivoluzionata con il chitarrista di Adele, un gruppo fortissimo. C’è un equilibrio che mi fa davvero piacere.

Con questo album hai ritrovato te stesso, hai ritrovato Michael…
Ho ritrovato me stesso e soprattutto l’energia. Sto scrivendo solo per me, l’emozione che esce non va giudicata, i colori non vanno giudicati. La melodia può esistere a servizio dell’emozione, ma volevo questo album pieno di colori forti. Ho ritrovato questa energia che si sente anche sul palco.

Nella copertina del disco infatti c’è la tua foto in bianco e nero poi un’esplosione di colori…
La verità è che in tutti i miei album non mi sono mai presentato con una foto a colori. Mi sembra giusto così perché il colore viene dalla musica e dalle canzoni. Da lì che la vita vissuta in bianco e nero diventa colorata, diventa più bella anche nella tristezza o nella rabbia. Per questo scrivo e rappresenta al meglio il mio atteggiamento, il mio modo di essere.

Vedremo questo tour anche in tv?
Per ora questo tour rimane una cosa intensa, ma effimera. Ho deciso di non riprendere i concerti perché c’è un linguaggio diverso. Se volete vedere questo mondo sospeso e spettacolare dovete vederlo di persona.


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Mika: "I found myself and so much energy" (Video)

Bellacanzone17 October 2019

"My Name Is Michael Holbrook" is Mika's new album: the album is the result of a marked artistic maturation, through family dramas and personal joys that led him to open up more, to take risks and to turn a sharp page with respect to the past in terms of content and presentation of its image. Here is our video interview with Discoteca Laziale!
Anticipated by five songs released between the summer and the last few days, Michael Holbrook's fifth studio album Penniman Jr was finally released, aka Mika entitled "My Name Is Michael Holbrook".

Here are all the concerts planned in Italy between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 (here is how to buy Mika tour tickets):
24 November Turin, Pala Alpitour
26 November Ancona, PalaPrometeo
November 27 Rome, Palazzo Dello Sport
November 29th Casalecchio Di Reno, Unipol Arena
30 November Montichiari, PalaGeorge
December 2 Livorno, Modigliani Forum
December 3 Assago, Mediolanum Forum
1 February Padua, Kioene Arena
2 February Bozen / Bolzano, Eiswelle / Palaonda
5 February Naples, PalaPartenope Theater
7 February Bari, Palaflorio
8 February Reggio Calabria, Palacalafiore

Mika: interview

What is your relationship with fans like?
A very strong relationship. There are some that I recognize because they have been following me for ten years, but I am always surprised by the people who come because there is really everything. All ages, men, women, boys, young, less, young. What I do was born of a room, so it is surreal to make this leap with the material born of intimacy and which then goes around thanks to a firm copy in which there are people I don't know, full of passion and energy. It is always surreal.
And there will also be a 12-date tour ...
There are 12 dates in Italy with a show that will be the most intimate and spectacular ever made. There will be an intensity well represented by the energy and determination I have at the moment for my work, for what I am doing. It will be a one man show and will change from day to day.
What songs do we find in the lineup?
For the Italian tour there is a different lineup than the American, French and English ones. It's full of songs on this record that mix so well with my big hits. There will be a partly revolutionized band with Adele's guitarist, a very strong group. There is a balance that makes me really happy.
With this album you found yourself, you found Michael ...
I found myself and above all energy. I am writing only for myself, the emotion that comes out should not be judged, the colors should not be judged. The melody can exist in the service of emotion, but I wanted this album full of strong colors. I found this energy that you can also feel on stage.
In fact, on the cover of the disc is your photo in black and white, then an explosion of colors ...
The truth is that in all my albums I never presented myself with a color photo. It seems so right because the color comes from the music and the songs. From there the life lived in black and white becomes colored, it becomes even more beautiful in sadness or anger. For this reason I write and best represent my attitude, my way of being.
Will we see this tour also on TV?
For now this tour remains an intense but ephemeral thing. I decided not to resume the concerts because there is a different language. If you want to see this suspended and spectacular world, you have to see it for yourself.





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Mika a Livorno in giro per la città per la promozione del nuovo album


Il cantante internazionale Mika oggi a Livorno per far promozione al suo nuovo album “My Name Is Michael Holbrook”, ha girato per la città presentando anche il suo nuovo chitarrista un giovanissimo Livornese 21anni pronto ad affrontare il sogno della sua vita in un tour tutto nuovo con Mika che attraverserà anche tante città mai toccate come Livorno appunto al Modigliani Forum il concerto sarà il 2 dicembre 2019.

E’ stato un onore intervistarlo e conoscere da vicino una star davvero internazionale una persona squisita e molto disponibile!

Seguite le interviste nei nostri spazi informativi su Radio Bruno Toscana



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24 ottobre 2019

🔻PDF file ( 101KB ) Oggi N.42 – 24 Ottobre 2019-98.pdf



«In questo album vi svelo chi sono davvero»




Nato tra Miami, Londra e la campagna toscana, il nuovo album di Mika ha un compito preciso: colmare la distanza tra il personaggio pubblico e quello privato. Per questo si intitola My Name Is Michael Holbrook, il suo vero nome. Dopo 12 anni da Grace Kelly, il primo grande successo, tanti concerti in giro per il mondo e molta tv (tre stagioni di X Factor, due di Stasera Casa Mika e sei di The Voice Francia) il cantautore libanese, classe 1983, era entrato quasi in crisi creativa.


I ritmi dell’album sono gioiosi e ricordano gli Anni 80, ma i testi lo sono ben poco: è così?


«Gli ultimi quattro anni sono stati disastrosi: ho perso cinque persone care, tra cui le due nonne, e la salute di mia mamma è peggiorata. Il brano Paloma è dedicato a mia sorella che ha avuto un terribile incidente in cui è rimasta infilzata in una cancellata. Quello che voglio trasmettere alla gente è: la vita spesso fa schifo ma io cerco di fare il mio meglio, soprattutto sul palco».


In Italia con il Revelation tour terrà 12 concerti a partire da Torino il 24 novembre: che show sarà?


«Sarà raccontato in italiano. Io cercherò un rapporto diretto con il pubblico, e poi ho un progetto: cantare a cappella nei palazzetti, senza alcuna amplificazione!».



:uk: Google translator




«In this album I tell you who I really am»




Born in Miami, London and the Tuscan countryside, Mika's new album has a specific task: to bridge the gap between the public and private figures. This is why its real name is called My Name Is Michael Holbrook. After 12 years from Grace Kelly, the first great success, so many concerts around the world and a lot of TV (three X Factor seasons, two from Stasera Casa Mika and six from The Voice Francia) the Lebanese singer-songwriter, born in 1983, had entered almost in creative crisis.


The rhythms of the album are joyful and reminiscent of the 80s, but the lyrics are very little: is it so?

"The last four years have been disastrous: I have lost five loved ones, including the two grandmothers, and my mother's health has deteriorated. The song Paloma is dedicated to my sister who had a terrible accident in which she was stuck in a gate. What I want to convey to people is: life often sucks but I try to do my best, especially on stage ».


In Italy with the Revelation tour he will hold 12 concerts starting in Turin on November 24th: which show will it be?

«It will be told in Italian. I will seek a direct relationship with the public, and then I have a project: singing a cappella in the halls, without any amplification! ».



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Il Messaggero.it

Venerdì 18 Ottobre - agg. 00:25



Mika al Messaggero, passione politica e un disco "che parla di chi sono"


Mika al Messaggero è una scoperta reciproca: lui che guarda ammirato le pagine storiche del quotidiano romano e si intrattiene con il direttore Cusenza parlando di politica internazionale e di una Brexit che la sua famiglia cosmopolita e fatta di diplomatici non digerisce. E la redazione che si lascia colpire dal suo modo gentile di essere una pop star planetaria e poliglotta. L'album che sta portando in giro per il mondo racconta molte cose intime di Mika, tv star che l'Italia ha scoperto e amato moltissimo. "Ho ritrovato me stesso con questo disco". La dedica alla madre che combatte contro il cancio, molta intimità e verità. Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., il suo vero nome, è un altro uomo rispetto a quello che terremotò le classifiche con la hit Grace Kelly. In Italia il successo esplosivo come giudice di XFactor e Stasera a casa Mika. E ora My Name is Michael Holbrook...


Il tour. Un tour che è già un evento: mai nessuna star della musica internazionale del suo calibro è stata protagonista di una tournée di ben 12 date nei palasport italiani, da nord a sud. Un’impresa e un primato. Mika supera se stesso anche rispetto alla precedente stagione 2016: live da record per il suo “Revelation Tour” prodotto nel nostro Paese da Barley Arts che, dal 24 novembre all’8 febbraio.


:uk:Google translator



Mika al Messaggero, political passion and a record "that talks about who I am"


Mika al Messaggero is a mutual discovery: he who admires the historical pages of the Roman newspaper and talks to the director Cusenza talking about international politics and a Brexit that his cosmopolitan family made up of diplomats does not digest. And the editors who are struck by his gentle way of being a planetary and polyglot pop star. The album he is taking around the world tells many intimate things about Mika, TV star that Italy has discovered and loved very much. "I found myself with this record". He dedicates it to his mother who fights against the pot, a lot of intimacy and truth. Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., his real name, is another man than the one who hit the charts with the hit Grace Kelly. In Italy the explosive success as judge of XFactor and Stasera a casa Mika. And now My Name is Michael Holbrook ...


The tour. A tour that is already an event: never any international music star of his caliber has been the protagonist of a tour of 12 dates in Italian sports halls, from north to south. A business and a record. Mika exceeds himself even compared to the previous 2016 season: record live for his "Revelation Tour" produced in our country by Barley Arts which, from November 24th to February 8th.




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26 ottobre 2019


Mika: «Mia madre è malata»




È TORNATO CON UN PESO SUL CUORE Mika, 36, torna dopo quattro anni di silenzio con un nuovo album, My name is Michael Holbrook: è il suo lavoro più autentico e sincero, nato nei mesi difficili nei quali la madre scopriva di avere un tumore al cervello.


C’è una storia dietro ogni canzone, quadro, poesia: sta all’artista rivelarla o mantenere il riserbo, condividerla con il suo pubblico o meno. Nel caso di My name is Michael Holbrook, il nuovo album di Mika - il quinto della sua carriera, dopo quattro anni di silenzio - il restroscena è drammatico, in contrasto con le melodie pop care al cantautore di Grace Kelly. Ma non poteva rimanere segreto, perché questo ultimo lavoro è soprattutto un tributo, un omaggio alla persona più importante: mamma Joannie, che oggi lotta contro un cancro al cervello, ma non smette di infondere coraggio e forza al figlio.


«È lei che mi ha costruito, che mi ha salvato», ha raccontato Mika al settimanale francese Paris Match. «Le sono grato e per la prima volta sento il bisogno di riconoscere il suo sacrificio, l’intensità del legame che c’è tra di noi». Quando era un ragazzino e andava male a scuola - così male che a un certo punto lo buttarono fuori dall’istituto - era lei, dura e materna allo stesso tempo, a spronarlo. La signora ci vedeva lungo, aveva già colto tutto il suo potenziale. « O avrai successo e sarai felice, oppure avrai un sacco di problemi», gli ripeteva, e poi lo obbligava a cantare per ore, a studiare musica anche quando lui non ne aveva voglia e non ne capiva il senso. Il giovane Michael piangeva disperato, ma lei non mollava finché non arrivava in fondo alla canzone senza deturparla di singhiozzi.


Da quei pomeriggi difficili sono passati tanti anni. Ma è solo di recente, quando inizia a lavorare al nuovo album, che Mika ha come un’intuizione: capisce che è il momento di dire grazie prima che sia troppo tardi. Crudeltà della sorte,


Appena finisce di comporre Tiny Love - che parla di superare i propri limiti come mamma gli ha sempre insegnato - lei finisce in ospedale d’urgenza per un problema cardiaco. Lo spavento è grande, dopo l’operazione insorgono brutte complicanze. Joannie dovrebbe stare a riposo, ma appena migliora ricomincia a volare dal figlio come ha sempre fatto, per fargli da stylist e da manager. Lui continua a scrivere canzoni, vuole realizzare un bell’album, «una specie di medicina, non solo per me ma per tutta la mia famiglia». Ma la mazzata peggiore deve ancora arrivare. Durante l’estate 2018, in piena gestazione di My name is Michael Holbrook, il clan si riunisce in Sardegna: la mamma è inquieta, affaticata. Le sorelle di Mika la portano a fare dei controlli, gli esami danno un esito drammatico, evidenziano una grossa massa nella testa. È un tumore al cervello particolarmente aggressivo, un colpo più violento di qualsiasi altra cosa mai sperimentata prima. Un altro intervento, la chemioterapia: i mesi successivi trascorrono in una bolla d’irrealtà.


Ma la vita va avanti. Il cantante è distrutto ma continua a lavorare. Lei gli scrive: “Ormai sono vecchia e sto per morire, ma quello che posso dirti è che tutto ciò che faccio non è per me. Quel che desidero è che tu resti sempre il migliore: non ti ho mai insegnato a essere banale”. Parole forti, in perfetto stile Joannie. Mamma non si smentisce: la malattia la consuma, ma intanto lei lotta, continua a uscire, ad andare all’opera e a teatro, a incitare il figlio alla creazione, al miglioramento. «Mi ha spinto a tuffarmi completamente nelle emozioni, a essere il più autentico possibile», dice lui. «Mi ha ispirato».

Iniziato in un contesto tanto diverso, molto più sereno, l’album è così portato a compimento in un turbinio d’angoscia e di sentimenti contrastanti, tuttora in corso: il risultato è un concentrato d’energia che ha qualosa di unico. Di maturo, anche: « Si diventa adulti quando ci si trova faccia a faccia con la paura di perdere qualcuno e in quel momento si è obbligati ad aprire gli occhi e il cuore», riflette Mika. «Può succedere a 15 anni come a 60: questa trasformazione significa che noi smettiamo di appoggiarci agli altri, mentre gli altri possono finalmente appoggiarsi a noi». Così, dopo aver ricevuto tanto per tutta la prima parte della vita, dall’infanzia a oggi, ora è giunto il momento di ricambiare: cantando una donna straordinaria e celebrandola con l’ennesimo successo.




:uk: Google translator



Mika: "My mother is sick"




IT'S BACK WITH A WEIGHT ON THE HEART Mika, 36, returns after four years of silence with a new album, My name is Michael Holbrook: it's his most authentic and sincere work, born in the difficult months in which the mother discovered she had a tumor to the brain.

There is a story behind every song, picture, poetry: it is up to the artist to reveal it or keep it in reserve, share it with his audience or not. In the case of My name is Michael Holbrook, Mika's new album - the fifth of his career, after four years of silence - the restroscena is dramatic, in contrast to the melodies pop dear to the songwriter of Grace Kelly. But it could not remain secret, because this last work is above all a tribute, a tribute to the most important person: mother Joannie, who today fights against brain cancer, but does not stop instilling courage and strength to her son.


"She built me and saved me," Mika told the French weekly Paris Match. "I am grateful to you and for the first time I feel the need to recognize your sacrifice, the intensity of the bond between us". When he was a little boy and he went to school badly - so badly that at some point they threw him out of the institute - it was she, tough and motherly at the same time, who spurred him on. The lady saw us long, she had already grasped all her potential. "Either you will be successful and you will be happy, or you will have a lot of problems," he repeated, and then forced him to sing for hours, to study music even when he didn't feel like it and didn't understand its meaning. The young Michael cried in despair, but she did not give up until he reached the bottom of the song without spoiling her with sobs.

Many years have passed since those difficult afternoons. But it is only recently, when he starts working on the new album, that Mika has an intuition: he understands that it's time to say thank you before it's too late. Cruelty of fate,


As soon as she finishes composing Tiny Love - which talks about overcoming her own limitations as a mother has always taught him - she ends up in an emergency hospital for a heart problem. The fear is great, after the operation ugly complications arise. Joannie should be at rest, but as soon as she gets better she starts flying back to her son as she always did, to be his stylist and manager. He continues to write songs, he wants to make a good album, "a kind of medicine, not just for me but for my whole family". But the worst blow has yet to come. During summer 2018, in full gestation of My name is Michael Holbrook, the clan meets in Sardinia: the mother is restless, tired. Mika's sisters take her to make checks, the exams give a dramatic outcome, they show a large mass in the head. It is a particularly aggressive brain tumor, a more violent blow than anything ever experienced before. Another intervention, chemotherapy: the following months pass in a bubble of unreality.


But life goes on. The singer is destroyed but continues to work. She writes to him: "Now I am old and I am going to die, but what I can tell you is that all I do is not for me. What I want is that you always remain the best: I never taught you to be banal ". Strong words, in perfect Joannie style. Mamma does not deny herself: the illness consumes her, but meanwhile she struggles, she continues to go out, to go to work and to the theater, to incite her son to create, to improve. "He pushed me to dive completely into the emotions, to be as authentic as possible," he says. "It inspired me."

Started in a context so different, much more serene, the album is thus completed in a whirlwind of anguish and conflicting feelings, still in progress: the result is a concentration of energy that has something unique. Of mature, also: "You become an adult when you come face to face with the fear of losing someone and at that moment you are forced to open your eyes and your heart", reflects Mika. "It can happen at 15 as at 60: this transformation means that we stop relying on others, while others can finally lean on us." So, after having received so much for the first part of life, from childhood to today, now is the time to reciprocate: singing an extraordinary woman and celebrating it with yet another success.



















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Tu Style

  • 22 Oct 2019

PressReader https://pressreader.com/

🔻 PDF file ( 3 pages / 762 KB ) 2019-10-22_TuStyle_MIKA.pdf


Mika «Piacere, vi presento Michael Holbrook»


L’ultimo disco di Mika è un percorso a ritroso nelle tappe, anche dolorose, della sua vita


REVELATION TOUR A lato, Mika in concerto a Verona. Sopra, la cover di My name is Michael Holbrook, anticipato da 5 brani che hanno già scalato le classifiche.




My name is Michael Holbrook non è soltanto il titolo del quinto album in studio di Mika, anticipato da cinque brani (tra cui Tiny Love e Ice cream) che sono già nella top 10 delle canzoni straniere più scaricate. My name is Michael Holbrook è anche una confessione che il poliedrico cantautore libanese-americano ha voluto fare a se stesso ripercorrendo a ritroso, in un inedito sforzo introspettivo, le tappe più dolorose e importanti della sua vita. «Io, quel nome, Michael Holbrook, l’ho sempre odiato, me ne vergognavo come se non mi appartenesse. C’era solo Mika, prima. Ricordando a tutti il mio vero nome ho cercato di rimettere insieme i fili della mia esistenza, facendo finalmente incontrare il performer che tutti conoscono con il mio io più intimo, quello che ho nascosto per troppi anni» spiega, con quella disponibilità umana che lo ha reso celebre al grande pubblico, non solo sul palco ma anche nelle sue frequenti apparizioni tv (CasaMika, X Factor, The Voice francese). Seduto sul divano di uno studio milanese, Mika rimarca il concetto con la consueta generosità: «Se non fossi riuscito a a far incontrare Michael e Mika non sarei più riuscito a scrivere un altro album, e io sarei diventato un uomo insoddisfatto».


Perché avevi litigato con Michael?

«Per proteggermi, per rimuovere le cose dolorose. Che cosa vuol dire, se uno si vergogna del nome che appartiene a suo padre?».

L’album è anche, dunque, un modo per riconciliarti con tuo padre... «Non volevo essere come lui. Solo ora mi sono accorto che tutto quello che ha fatto era dettato dalla voglia di dare un futuro ai suoi 5 figli. Faceva il consulente finanziario e non aveva un grande senso degli affari. Il rapporto forte è sempre stato con mamma, sin da quando, all’istituto francese di Londra, mi cacciarono da scuola».


Cacciato, perché?

«Ero dislessico. Per loro ero stupido e pigro. Ogni anno la mia insegnante prendeva di mira due o tre vittime e gli rendeva impossibile la vita. Ho sofferto tanto e, se ci ripenso, quella donna avrebbe dovuto andare a processo per gli abusi che ha commesso».


E poi che cosa è successo?

«A otto anni sono stato nove mesi a casa. Mia mamma ha preteso che studiassi canto. Le devo tutto. Entrai alla Royal Opera House».


Nel disco c’è anche un brano molto poetico dedicato all’incidente di tua sorella maggiore Paloma. Hai voglia di raccontarmi qualcosa?

«Paloma è nata disabile, con la parte sinistra mezza paralizzata. Il giorno stesso in cui si è trasferita a vivere da sola, è caduta dalla finestra del quarto piano. Vivevo a uno stabile di distanza dalla sua abitazione. Sono corso subito. È stato terribile».


Come definiresti musicalmente il tuo nuovo album?

«È un viaggio al servizio delle emozioni, una medicina, si sente il colore, il calore, i testi sono cupi ma ti fanno ballare, con un mix di sound uniti dal racconto e dalla voce, in modo organico, come non si usa fare più. E poi questo disco nasce da un’altra urgenza...».



«Ho 36 anni. Non c’è niente di più vecchio di uno che continua a fare il ragazzino quando non lo è più. È il mio album della maturità».


Michael si sente più musicista, showman televisivo o designer?

«Il design per me è storytelling. La tv mi piace e, forse, tornerò a farla, ma a modo mio, seguendo il mio istinto. Quanto alla musica, sono nato musicista».


Ti senti più americano, francese, inglese o libanese?

«Vivo tra le mie case a Londra, Miami e in una magione a 35 km da Firenze, dove vado a scrivere, in compagnia di mia sorella. Di passaporto sono statunitense, ma mi sento più europeo dei miei amici europeissimi. Poi, è chiaro, mi piacerebbe vivere su una barca a vela. Sono un sailor».


C’è qualcosa del mondo di oggi che non ti piace?

«Tutto è immagine. Troppo. Sui social è una gara a sminuire gli altri. E la politica attuale si regge sull’odio, sulla paura del diverso, sull’ignoranza. Sembra che l’Europa abbia come unico obiettivo quello di preservare quello che ha senza guardare avanti, al futuro».


Chi guarda al futuro?

«I ragazzi che scendono in piazza, come Greta Thunberg. Ne ascolti il tono di voce ripetitivo, e hai un’impressione. Poi leggi una trascrizione e ti illumini: è forte, intelligente, potente. Forse è troppo sola. Ci vorrebbero una, cento, mille Greta Thunberg».


Dodici tappe in Italia, a partire dal 24 novembre. Come sarà il Revelation Tour?

«Essenziale, senza scenografia né effetti speciali. L’attenzione sarà puntata solo sulla musica. Vedrete: sarà una festa sporca, energica, romantica. Senza ballerini sul palco, solo luci e tanto sound».


:uk: Google translator



Mika «Pleased to meet you, Michael Holbrook»


Mika's last album is a journey back in the stages, even painful, of his life


REVELATION TOUR On the side, Mika in concert in Verona. Above, the cover of My name is Michael Holbrook, preceded by 5 tracks that have already climbed the charts.




My name is Michael Holbrook is not only the title of Mika's fifth studio album, preceded by five songs (including Tiny Love and Ice cream) which are already in the top 10 most downloaded foreign songs. My name is Michael Holbrook is also a confession that the versatile Lebanese-American singer-songwriter wanted to do to himself by retracing, in an unprecedented introspective effort, the most painful and important stages of his life. "I, that name, Michael Holbrook, I've always hated it, I was ashamed as if it didn't belong to me. There was only Mika before. Reminding everyone of my real name, I tried to put together the threads of my existence, finally meeting the performer that everyone knows with my most intimate self, the one I hid for too many years, "he explains, with that human availability that has him made famous to the general public, not only on stage but also in its frequent TV appearances (CasaMika, X Factor, The French Voice). Sitting on the sofa of a Milanese studio, Mika emphasizes the concept with the usual generosity: "If I hadn't managed to get Michael and Mika together, I wouldn't have been able to write another album, and I would have become an unsatisfied man."


Why did you fight with Michael?

«To protect myself, to remove painful things. What does it mean, if one is ashamed of the name that belongs to his father? "


The album is also, therefore, a way to reconcile yourself with your father ... "I didn't want to be like him. Only now I realized that everything he did was dictated by the desire to give his 5 children a future. He was a financial advisor and didn't have a great business sense. The strong relationship has always been with Mom, since they kicked me out of school at the French Institute in London ".


Hunted, why?

"I was dyslexic. For them I was stupid and lazy. Every year my teacher targeted two or three victims and made life impossible. I suffered so much and, if I think back, that woman would have had to go to trial for the abuses she committed ».


And then what happened?

"At the age of eight I spent nine months at home. My mom demanded that you study singing. I owe you everything. I entered the Royal Opera House ».


In the record there is also a very poetic song dedicated to the accident of your older sister Paloma. Do you want to tell me something?

 "Paloma was born disabled, with the left half paralyzed. The same day she moved to live alone, she fell from the fourth floor window. I lived in a stable away from his home. I ran immediately. It was terrible".


How would you define your new album musically?

"It is a journey to the service of emotions, a medicine, you can feel the color, the warmth, the texts are dark but they make you dance, with a mix of sound united by the story and the voice, in an organic way, as one does not use to do more. And then this record comes from another urgency ... ».



"I'm 36 years old. There is nothing older than one who continues to be a kid when he is no longer a kid. It's my album of maturity ».


Does Michael feel more like a musician, TV showman or designer?

«Design for me is storytelling. I like TV and, maybe, I'll go back to doing it, but in my own way, following my instincts. As for music, I was born a musician ».


Do you feel more American, French, English or Lebanese?

«I live in my homes in London, Miami and in a mansion 35 km from Florence, where I go to write, in the company of my sister. I am a US passport, but I feel more European than my European friends. Then, of course, I'd like to live on a sailboat. I'm a sailor ».


Is there anything in the world today that you don't like?

«Everything is image. Too much. On social media it's a competition to belittle others. And current politics is based on hatred, on fear of the different, on ignorance. It seems that Europe's sole objective is to preserve what it has without looking ahead to the future ".


Who looks to the future?

"The boys taking to the streets, like Greta Thunberg. You hear the repetitive tone of voice, and you have an impression. Then read a transcript and enlighten yourself: it is strong, intelligent, powerful. Maybe it's too lonely. It would take one, a hundred, a thousand Greta Thunberg ».


Twelve stages in Italy, starting on November 24th. What will the Revelation Tour be like?

«Essential, without scenography or special effects. Attention will be focused only on music. You will see: it will be a dirty, energetic, romantic party. Without dancers on stage, only lights and lots of sound ».



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It seems to me that nobody has posted this very interesting interview to the magazine Wired. I have only the screenshots, I don't think it's available online. My english, unfortunately, is not good enough to be able to translate it.







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Mika on Glamour: 




MIKA da tutti

«Finalmente mi mostro “senza buccia”. Per quello che sono». A un passo dal Revelation Tour, il cantautore ha deciso di svelare la parte più intima di sé, mai esibita prima. A partire da questa intervista. Che comincia qui e finisce sul numero di novembre

MIKA ORIZZNon è mai facile mettersi a nudo. La cosa diventa più complicata se sei una pop star mondiale, hai venduto dieci milioni di album, ricevuto dischi d’oro e di platino come se piovessero, sfiori i tre milioni di like su Facebook e conti oltre mille migliaia di follower su Instagram e Twitter. Mika, cantautore luccicante – pare arrivato dal Paese delle Meraviglie, con un carico di hit super catchy dal sapore eighties e uno stile da Peter Pan che ama Freddie Mercury ed Elton John –, si toglie la maschera da showman.
A 36 anni, rottamata l’anima da control freak attento a ogni dettaglio della carriera, il performer di origine libanese ha deciso di mostrare la parte più intima di sé, mai esibita in tv (da X Factor a The Voice versione francese e Stasera CasaMika). Con questo nuovo lavoro – pur non abbandonando le sonorità divertenti e spensierate – punta all’essenziale. A cominciare dal titolo, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, che svela il suo vero nome, fino al Revelation Tour in partenza il 24 novembre da Torino. Mika mette all’angolo l’alter ego artistico, per mostrare se stesso «con semplicità, senza filtri tra il me reale e ciò che rappresento per la gente. È la cosa più difficile al mondo, ma il vero lusso è la sostanza. Me ne rendo conto solo adesso».
Perché solo adesso?
«Sto vivendo un momento di transizione. Durante la realizzazione dell’album ho dovuto dire addio a persone per me importantissime: mia nonna, alla quale ho dedicato tante canzoni, e Bella, una signora apparsa anche nel video di Grace Kelly. Entrambe anime fondamentali, che influivano sul mio lavoro. Di fronte a simili perdite ho riconsiderato l’essenza delle cose».
Come si manifestano nel disco, questi cambiamenti?
«L’emozione è più vera, la melodia più evidente e i colori sono più forti. L’album è l’accesso al giardino segreto dei miei ricordi e delle mie relazioni. Nel brano Sanremo, per esempio, racconto il primo luogo visitato in Italia con la mia famiglia. Dormivamo a Villeneuve Loubet, ma andavamo spesso in Liguria. Era tutto così decadente e la gente possedeva un linguaggio del corpo così evocativo. Ho voluto omaggiare quella cartolina, quel Paese sensuale. La canzone non c’entra nulla con il Festival, come alcuni hanno pensato».
Qualche anno fa si vociferava della tua possibile conduzione sul palco dell’Arison.


Edited by Gabry74
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Glamour Italia

Novembre 2019


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MIKA da tutti

«Finalmente mi mostro “senza buccia”. Per quello che sono».

A un passo dal Revelation Tour, il cantautore ha deciso di svelare la parte più intima di sé, mai esibita prima. A cominciare da questa intervista d i gaspare baglio foto yann rabanier


di Gaspare Baglio

foto Yann Rabanier


Non è mai facile mettersi a nudo. La cosa diventa più complicata se sei una pop star mondiale, hai venduto dieci milioni di album, ricevuto dischi d’oro e di platino come se piovessero, sfiori i tre milioni di like su Facebook e conti oltre mille migliaia di follower su Instagram e Twitter. Mika, cantautore luccicante – pare arrivato dal Paese delle Meraviglie, con un carico di hit super catchy dal sapore eighties e uno stile da Peter Pan che ama Freddie Mercury ed Elton John –, si toglie la maschera da showman.


A 36 anni, rottamata l’anima da control freak attento a ogni dettaglio della carriera, il performer di origine libanese ha deciso di mostrare la parte più intima di sé, mai esibita in tv (da X Factor a The Voice versione francese e Stasera CasaMika). Con questo nuovo lavoro – pur non abbandonando le sonorità divertenti e spensierate – punta all’essenziale. A cominciare dal titolo, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, che svela il suo vero nome, fino al Revelation Tour in partenza il 24 novembre da Torino. Mika mette all’angolo l’alter ego artistico, per mostrare se stesso «con semplicità, senza filtri tra il me reale e ciò che rappresento per la gente. È la cosa più difficile al mondo, ma il vero lusso è la sostanza. Me ne rendo conto solo adesso».


Perché solo adesso?
«Sto vivendo un momento di transizione. Durante la realizzazione dell’album ho dovuto dire addio a persone per me importantissime: mia nonna, alla quale ho dedicato tante canzoni, e Bella, una signora apparsa anche nel video di Grace Kelly. Entrambe anime fondamentali, che influivano sul mio lavoro. Di fronte a simili perdite ho riconsiderato l’essenza delle cose».

Come si manifestano nel disco, questi cambiamenti?
«L’emozione è più vera, la melodia più evidente e i colori sono più forti. L’album è l’accesso al giardino segreto dei miei ricordi e delle mie relazioni. Nel brano Sanremo, per esempio, racconto il primo luogo visitato in Italia con la mia famiglia. Dormivamo a Villeneuve Loubet, ma andavamo spesso in Liguria. Era tutto così decadente e la gente possedeva un linguaggio del corpo così evocativo. Ho voluto omaggiare quella cartolina, quel Paese sensuale. La canzone non c’entra nulla con il Festival, come alcuni hanno pensato».


Qualche anno fa si vociferava della tua possibile conduzione sul palco dell’Ariston.

«Ho rifiutato. È un’esperienza tosta, un’opportunità che ci si deve meritare dopo anni e anni di carriera».


Certe sfide ti intimoriscono?

«Il problema è che la tv deforma, nonostante le migliori intenzioni. È molto faticoso controllare il risultato finale. Ci vuole grande consapevolezza, mentre io sono un’incosciente. Il che è fantastico, però diventa facile attaccarmi: quando si compiono azioni poco calcolate bisogna saper gestire le conseguenze o ci si può bruciare».


Sanremo a parte: ti rivedremo sul piccolo schermo?

«In questo momento la mia priorità è fare capire alle persone chi sono per davvero. Motivo per cui, con il Revelation Tour, giro l’Italia in lungo e in largo: ho intenzione di creare un rapporto intimo e intenso con il pubblico».


Nel “nuovo Mika” non mancano, però, le sonorità sognanti del passato che l’hanno reso celebre.

«Sono convinto che ci sia ancora molta voglia di canzoni che permettono di fantasticare, di visitare mondi dove si può volare e subito dopo diventare minuscoli per poi crescere come giganti. Peccato non piacciano più tanto al music business!».



«Ci è richiesto di presentare la versione ideale di noi stessi. Stiamo diventando degli avatar. Ciò che ci differenzia e i difetti non sono visti di buon occhio, ma l’empatia non si concilia con la perfezione».


Anche sui social, ammetterai, paga la versione ideale di noi stessi.

«Il marchese De Sade esiste per una ragione e va studiato. Chi non conosce questo personaggio della letteratura francese non comprende una grossa fetta dell’umanità. Il male è eccitante, pornografico e rappresenta una parte innegabile della psiche umana. Al giorno d’oggi il problema è avere l’impressione – totalmente sbagliata – che la negatività non abbia conseguenze: essere cattivi è diventato uno sport, come se la corte di Luigi XIV si fosse ingigantita, prendendo il nome di social media».


Per questo nella canzone Ready yet ammetti di avere paura del mondo?

«Lì esprimo la mia difficoltà a dare un senso alla visione americana del successo, dove tutto deve essere macro: “il più grande”, “il più bello”, “il più forte”. Anche la politica mi lascia perplesso: mi fido di un candidato fino alla carica di sindaco, una volta superata in troppi si “macchiano”».


Non le mandi a dire. Come nella hit Ice Cream, particolarmente esplicita.

«Musica e arte senza erotismo sono come un sandwich di solo pane. Non capisco chi posta selfie sexy, ma si vergogna del sesso. Io sono molto liberale, però con il mio compagno Andy siamo discreti: è stato il modo giusto di farlo entrare in famiglia».


L’insegnamento più importante di questo viaggio introspettivo?

«A renderci umani sono le persone che abbiamo fatto felici e quelle che, a loro volta, ci hanno donato felicità».




:uk: Google translator



MIKA from everyone


"Finally I show myself" without skin ". For what they are ».


A step away from the Revelation Tour, the singer-songwriter has decided to reveal the most intimate part of himself, never performed before. Beginning with this interview

by Gaspare Baglio

photo Yann Rabanier

It is never easy to get naked. The thing becomes more complicated if you are a world pop star, you have sold ten million albums, received gold and platinum records as if they were raining, over three million likes on Facebook and accounts for over a thousand thousands of followers on Instagram and Twitter . Mika, a shining singer-songwriter - seems to have arrived from Wonderland, with a load of super catchy eighties flavor and a Peter Pan style that loves Freddie Mercury and Elton John -, he takes off his showman mask.

At 36, scrapped with a control freak's soul attentive to every detail of his career, the Lebanese-born performer decided to show the most intimate part of himself, never shown on TV (from X Factor to The Voice French version and CasaMika tonight ). With this new work - while not abandoning the amusing and carefree sounds - it points to the essential. Starting with the title, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, which reveals its real name, up to the Revelation Tour starting November 24th from Turin. Mika corner the artistic alter ego, to show himself «with simplicity, without filters between the real me and what I represent for the people. It's the hardest thing in the world, but the real luxury is the substance. I only realize it now ».


Why only now?
«I am experiencing a moment of transition. During the making of the album I had to say goodbye to very important people: my grandmother, to whom I dedicated so many songs, and Bella, a lady who also appeared in the Grace Kelly video. Both fundamental souls, which influenced my work. In the face of such losses I have reconsidered the essence of things ".

How do these changes manifest themselves on the record?
«The emotion is truer, the melody more evident and the colors are stronger. The album is the access to the secret garden of my memories and my relationships. In the Sanremo passage, for example, I tell the first place visited in Italy with my family. We slept in Villeneuve Loubet, but we often went to Liguria. It was all so decadent and people had such evocative body language. I wanted to pay homage to that postcard, that sensual country. The song has nothing to do with the Festival, as some have thought ».

A few years ago it was rumored that you could be on the Ariston stage.

"I refused. It is a tough experience, an opportunity that must be deserved after years and years of career ».

Do some challenges intimidate you?

«The problem is that the TV distorts, despite the best intentions. It is very difficult to check the final result. It takes great awareness, while I am an unconscious. Which is fantastic, but it becomes easy to attack me: when you do little calculated actions you have to know how to manage the consequences or you can burn yourself ".

Sanremo aside: will we see you on the small screen?

"Right now my priority is to make people understand who they really are. Which is why, with the Revelation Tour, I travel far and wide Italy: I'm going to create an intimate and intense relationship with the public ".

However, in the "new Mika" there is no lack of the dreamy sounds of the past that made him famous.

«I am convinced that there is still a great desire for songs that allow us to fantasize, to visit worlds where we can fly and immediately afterwards become tiny and then grow like giants. Too bad they don't like music business much anymore! ».


"We are required to present the ideal version of ourselves. We are becoming avatars. What differentiates us and the defects are not welcomed, but empathy is not reconciled with perfection ".

Even on social media, you'll admit, pay the ideal version of ourselves.

"The Marquis De Sade exists for a reason and must be studied. Who does not know this character of French literature does not include a large portion of humanity. Evil is exciting, pornographic and represents an undeniable part of the human psyche. Nowadays the problem is having the impression - totally wrong - that negativity has no consequences: being bad has become a sport, as if the court of Louis XIV had become bigger, taking the name of social media ".

Is this why in the song Ready yet you admit you are afraid of the world?

"There I express my difficulty in making sense of the American vision of success, where everything must be macro:" the greatest "," the most beautiful "," the strongest ". Politics also puzzles me: I trust a candidate up to the position of mayor, once too many people "stain themselves" ».

Don't send them to say. As in the hit Ice Cream, particularly explicit.

«Music and art without eroticism are like a sandwich of just bread. I don't understand those who post sexy selfies, but are ashamed of sex. I am very liberal, but with my partner Andy we are discreet: it was the right way to bring him into the family ».

The most important teaching of this introspective journey?

"To make us human are the people we have made happy and those who, in turn, have given us happiness".















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I'm posting the first part of the wired article's translation. My English is very basic and I helped myself with Google transalte. I hope it will be quite clear. I'll try to post the second part this evening or tomorrow.




To make his new album, the pop star has made a journey to discover his origins and the person who could have been. Starting with the name: Michael Holbrook.


It’s unusual to meet an artist, one with Mika’s sensitiveness and culture, who is willing to tell, with great honesty, about a moment of big change. Who is willing to talk for real, even if he starts with: “what shall we say? I already said everything in the press release”. He jokes, but not so much either. It doesn’t happen every day that the new album presentation of an international artist uses words like: “ I went in search of who I could have been if I weren’t Mika. Some artists engage in an artistic alter ego. I made the opposite, I went to discover the man behind the artist”. And if someone had still doubts about the facts that he really wants to tell who he is, the title of his new work takes them away: My name is Michael Holbrook.


Q. To entitle the album with your real name is a sort of coming out to reveal who you really are?

A. I was born Michael Holbrook, but half an hour after my birth, my mother had chosen Mica. It’s her who imposed it to me: she didn’t want a son with a name w.a.s.p. She used to say that it was ugly and boring, “a name who smelled of Usa”. She said exactly these words. So, if we didn’t consider those first 30 minutes, I have always been Mica. I only changed the c with the k, graphically it was better.


Q. So what do you want to say with My name is Michael Holbrook?

A. The last record is from 2015, then I wrote nothing for 2 years because I had nothing to say. During that period I was in Florida and one day, thinking about my life, I realized that I had always worked only with my mother. Since I was a child, she had taken control of me: “you will end in jail or you will be  famous” she used to repeat. The only reason why I started this job is that I was terrified to go to jail. I had no choice.


Q. Tell me about that day in Florida

A. I decided to discover the other side of my family, my father’s one, the Penniman: I drove to Savannah, Georgia. I didn’t know anything about them, only that they were W.A.S.P. I went to Bonaventure cemetery where I found their large fenced lot: the males were all called Richard, William, Michael or Holbrook. I looked at their graves and I told myself: “This is me, this story is part of me and, if I have to look for something to write, it’s from here that I will start”. My album was born in that cemetery. When I came back home I sat in front of my piano and I wrote “My name is Michael Holbrook, I was born in 1983”. It was the start.


Q. What happened afterwards?

A. I discovered the perverse joy of writing from Michael Holbrook point of view. Mika made television, read the reviews, was asked by fans not to film videos with good looking girls, pretending to be a heterosexual male… I wanted to tell everybody to go to hell! And what better way to do that? Becoming someone else. Someone who is really the real me and has my birth name. With this feeling I finally felt free and I started to write. I promised myself to do that only at home: in Florida, in London and finally in a rented house in  Tuscany. In this home-like environment I found myself like I still was “Mica with the c”, writing without thinking too much at the consequences, with a joy that allowed me to face lightly very difficult topics, that I had never had the courage to write about.


Q. For example?

A. My sister Paloma’s terrible accident. One night she fall from a 4th floor window and she was pierced by the railing. I was with her, waiting for aid. Doctors said she would die: she is alive. That she would be paralyzed and on a wheelchair: today she walks. That she would never have children: she has a son. When you write a pop album and you put in it a song about that night, you realize that something inside you unblocked: you can call it emancipation, liberation or revelation. My tour name will be Revelation indeed.


Q. with this album do you want to cut the umbilical cord?

A. We choose nothing, it’s life that make it in our place. We can only react to what life throws at us making some actions, like writing a new album. In this way we are under the illusion of having control.


Q. What is that life threw at you?

A. When I started to work at this album many things happened: my mother’s health got worse, five persons very important for me passed away, I rebuilt the relationship with my sister Paloma… I understood that our dear ones won’t be with us forever, even if we often are under the illusion of the contrary. Only knowing who you are, emotionally and creatively, you can accept all of this: you have to leave space to the sweetest version of yourself, where love is at the center of everything, without shame or disguise. To survive you have to be flexible like trees in the wind. If you are hard, you will end to break yourself.


Q. This is an album where you get naked (metaphorically speaking). Listening to Dear Jealousy it seems you have problems with jealousy…

A. Yes, it’s a disease. Everyone has problems with jealousy and envy, just have an Instagram account, a social who is based on these feelings.

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1 hour ago, lormare73 said:

I discovered the perverse joy of writing from Michael Holbrook point of view. Mika made television, read the reviews, was asked by fans not to film videos with good looking girls, pretending to be a heterosexual male… I wanted to tell everybody to go to hell! And what better way to do that? Becoming someone else. Someone who is really the real me and has my birth name. With this feeling I finally felt free and I started to write. I promised myself to do that only at home: in Florida, in London and finally in a rented house in  Tuscany. In this home-like environment I found myself like I still was “Mica with the c”, writing without thinking too much at the consequences, with a joy that allowed me to face lightly very difficult topics, that I had never had the courage to write about.


I dont get this :aah: I still fail to see any difference

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This is the second and last part of the translation of the Wired interview. I hope I haven't made too many mistakes.


Q. What relationship do you have with social media and technology in general?

A. Ours isn’t a relationship with technology anymore, but with her interfaces, where everything is based on our desire’s exploitation, on surplus, on continuous comparison with others. We end up being envious of everyone. My only antidote is to do something I am creatively satisfied with.


Q. What annoys you most about social media?

A. Most of my friends use dating apps, where the choice process is based only on images. There’s no humanity, everything is based only on sex, where there isn’t even chemistry but only consumption. They made me read their chat on Tinder and I saw that the more you write, the less the other wants to talk to you.


Q. Where have you met your partner?

A. I met Andy in a pub. And I also disliked him.


Q. Ennio Flaiano (an Italian journalist and writer) used to say: “great loves announce themselves in a precise way: as soon as you see her you say: who is this bi**h / as***le?”…

A. When I saw him I thought indeed: “Who is that idiot / stupid (cretino in Italian)?” Anyway, I wrote Dear Jealousy because even my partner and I spent a difficult year and the cause was the jealousy:  he makes documentaries, a job that often leads him to get into other people ‘s life very deeply. And that, sometimes, can bring some consequences in the couple. Anyway, we got over it.


Q. Coming back to social media: how do you react to negative comments?

A. The problem of negativity online is that it’s really exciting. It plays with that bit of sadomasochism that is present inside every person. People complain about it but then put it into practice. For this reason, when on Instagram you read the start of a mean message, you don’t resist  temptation and you go on until the end. Luckily I have a lot of humour. Irony saves us, from everything.


Q. Beside your mother, who have been your good and bad teachers?

A. Some of my teachers have been very important. For better or for worse. One of them has nearly ruined my life and that of other children as well, she would be in jail. Nowadays she tries to get in touch with me all the time, but I never want to talk to her again.


Q. What did she do to you?

A. Every school year she identified some children and abused them. Not sexually but psychologically. When I was 7, she found lots of ways to humiliate me: sometimes she forced me to stand on the desk for two hours. One day she mortified a girl so much that, for the embarrassment, she wet herself. Not happy, she wrote a story about this episode and she hung it in the classroom, forcing everybody to read it in front of that poor girl. She was sick.


Q. Let’s talk about the good teachers?

A. Two. One was my French and Spanish teacher. He was fired from a private school, because he has participated to Mister Gay Uk competition, arriving on stage completely stoned. He used to sleep only 3 hours, because he went out to dance every night. He was really out of his mind, but he was also a genius who spoke 14 languages Swahili included. Although it was known he was gay, nobody, neither the most mean schoolmates, dared say anything , because he had a razor-sharp intelligence: in one moment he could humiliate you or lift you up. At school he has been a great support for me.


Q. Did he also help you to understand your sexuality?

A. He has been a good example even when he was a bad example, because, if he exaggerated, I told myself: I don’t want to end up like this. He was a real person and he allowed us to be the same. With him we staged Peter Shaffer works or Maupassant stories. Everything was possible, as in the film Dead Poets Society (L’attimo fuggente in Italian).


Q. And the second good teacher?

A. It was my English teacher. With her we created a magazine named Pink, where we wrote crazy and irreverent things: unfortunately one day there was a leak and all our articles ended up on the national press, from Times to Evening Standard. A scandal. We students were threatened with expulsion and her to be fired: we saved ourselves because she took all the blame. They gave her another year, then they would send her away. She decided to leave organizing “a cabaret show made as it should be made”. She asked me to play the part of a presenter / host (presentatore in Italian) “pig, sexist, disguised/drag (travestito in Italian), drug addicted, perverted, filonazi”. And I answered: “Ok, let’s do it.”


Q. What did you learn from that experience?

A. That was the first time when I realized how much power a performance could have. Pushing me so far, I felt I kept everyone in the palm of my hand. During that show I decided to leave the London School of Economics (to which I had been admitted), to camping outside the Royal College of Music (who had rejected me instead): every evening I waited for the principal of singing course to beg him to let me do another audition. It was all thanks to that show and to that teacher because, when they fired her, she told me: I leave the school but I will have a career. If you leave the school, be sure to have a career too.


Q. Your teacher, did she have a career then?

A. Today she is one of the five most important theatre directors in the world: her name is Lyndsey Turner.


Q. And how did it go to you? Did they let you re-do the audition?

A. Yes. The teacher said that I was crazy and he accepted me.


And the rest is history.

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4 hours ago, lormare73 said:

Mika made television, read the reviews, was asked by fans not to film videos with good looking girls, pretending to be a heterosexual male… I wanted to tell everybody to go to hell! 


Lol! :lmfao: He only did that for Ice Cream, and he had finished writing his album by then, so that connection doesn't really make sense. :teehee: Nice of him though that he decided to go on tour without the dancers despite wanting to tell us to go to hell for the comments about them. :naughty:


Thanks for the translation, lormare, your English is perfectly fine! :flowers2:

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12 minutes ago, mellody said:


Lol! :lmfao: He only did that for Ice Cream, and he had finished writing his album by then, so that connection doesn't really make sense. :teehee: Nice of him though that he decided to go on tour without the dancers despite wanting to tell us to go to hell for the comments about them. :naughty:


Thanks for the translation, lormare, your English is perfectly fine! :flowers2:


I thought the same... I was wondering actually if he meant the comments about Boum Boum Boum:dunno: or he wanted to complain but didnt know in what other context to bring that up lol.

I think most people didnt like the dancers because they just werent very good, nor they were playing/singing live - nothing to do with what he is saying. I wrote something on twitter about how it is silly to sing 'I want your ice cream' at women but I doubt he saw that:lmfao:

Ive actually seen more criticism for having a woman in the Tiny Love music video ( though it was more people wishing he would have a man in a video for once, not a demand ) and I did comment on that too. :teehee:

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22 minutes ago, ellie said:


I thought the same... I was wondering actually if he meant the comments about Boum Boum Boum:dunno: or he wanted to complain but didnt know in what other context to bring that up lol.


I don't remember the comments about BBB, but that was way before he started writing this album, so in that case he must be very resentful. :rolleyes: I think the 2nd option could be true... :teehee:


And don't underestimate his curiosity, he reads a lot more than we think. :aah: I just hope that at least he doesn't read MFC anymore, like in the early days - IG and Twitter should keep him busy enough? :naughty:

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I think it’s more plausible thinking about the BBB video too 🤔 

I saw some critical comments on Twitter about the Ice Cream girls, but few were tagging him, so I really don’t know if he decided to remove the dancers just for those... maybe he wasn’t really sure yet himself yet about the whole thing 

Edited by maggie112
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4 minutes ago, maggie112 said:

I think it’s more plausible thinking about the BBB video too 🤔 

I saw some critical comments on Twitter about the Ice Cream girls, but few were tagging him, so I really don’t know if he decided to remove the dancers just for those... maybe he wasn’t really sure yet himself yet about the whole thing 


No, I don't think he removed the dancers because of the comments. But I saw lots of comments about it, Mika even replied to one of them on IG... it was something about Big Girls, after he had posted the pics of the video shoot (before the video was released).

He might've removed the dancers for the tour simply because it was too expensive. :dunno:

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Anyway I’m happy he finally said (just a bit) how he met his partner 😂

He avoided the question few times when fans asked him in events like “Ask Mika on Twitter” so it’s clear it’s another point on which he wants to be very private 

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