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Mika in French press - 2020


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4 hours ago, mellody said:




"I Love Beirut": Mika s'engage pour le Liban en organisant un grand concert caritatif

Le chanteur organise une soirée exceptionnelle pour récolter des fonds pour les sinistrés de Beyrouth.




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Mika parle de son duo avec Soprano «Cœur Holiday» 
«Le message a pris de l’ampleur après la pandémie»


C’est un message plein d’espoir et d’amour que Mika et Soprano ont voulu livrer avec leur collaboration «Cœur Holiday». Ce titre a aujourd’hui une résonnance toute particulière après les épreuves familiales qu’ont dû traverser les deux artistes. Découvrez les confessions de Mika pour NRJ.


Mika est un artiste engagé ! Le chanteur a organisé un concert virtuel en soutien au Liban il y a quelques jours et a voulu offrir un titre positif et plein d’espoir quelques semaines après le confinement. «Cœur Holiday», chanté à l’unisson avec Soprano, est un hit qui réchauffe les cœurs dans ce contexte sanitaire inquiétant.


«Le message c’est l’amour. Quand quelqu’un t’aime ça peut être une copine, un copain ou un parent. Et bah tu as de la valeur. Tu n’es pas rien du tout. (…) Quand tu te sens valorisé et que tu ne te sens pas comme un moins que rien, tu changes ton comportement. Et tu changes aussi ton regard sur le monde autour de toi. L’amour provoque de l’amour aussi.», révèle Mika au micro d’NRJ.


Mika se confie sur le clip très émouvant de «Cœur Holiday»


Comment s’est passée la collaboration avec Soprano? Les deux chanteurs se sont rencontrés sur le plateau de The Voice et ont décidé de chanter ensemble il y a longtemps. Depuis, Soprano a perdu son père des suites du Covid-19. Le Marseillais n’a donc pas souhaité apparaitre dans une vidéo illustrant «Cœur Holiday».


«J’ai commencé à écrire cette chanson en anglais, il y a dix mois. Je l’ai adaptée ensuite et on l’a enregistrée avec Soprano. On l’a terminée avant cette pandémie. Avant que tout soit fermé, et avant tout ce qui est arrivé à Soprano et aussi dans ma famille. Le message a pris de l’ampleur. Quand je devais faire la vidéo. Je ne voulais pas être dans une vidéo sans lui. J’ai donc travaillé avec une équipe sur une animation qui pouvait provoquer une émotion.», se confie Mika avec beaucoup de sincérité.



Mika talks about his duet with Soprano "Heart Holiday"


"The message gained momentum after the pandemic"


It is a message full of hope and love that Mika and Soprano wanted to deliver with their collaboration "Heart Holiday". This title has a very special resonance today after the family trials that the two artists had to go through. Check out Mika's confessions for NRJ.

Mika is a committed artist! The singer organized a virtual concert in support of Lebanon a few days ago and wanted to offer a positive and hopeful track a few weeks after confinement. "Holiday Heart", sung in unison with Soprano, is a hit that warms hearts in this disturbing health context.

“The message is love. When someone loves you it can be a girlfriend, boyfriend or parent. And bah you have value. You are not nothing at all. (…) When you feel valued and you don't feel like less than nothing, you change your behavior. And you also change your outlook on the world around you. Love breeds love too, "Mika reveals at NRJ's microphone.

Mika confides on the very moving clip of "Heart Holiday"

How did the collaboration with Soprano go? The two singers met on the set of The Voice and decided to sing together a long time ago. Since then, Soprano has lost his father to Covid-19. The Marseillais therefore did not wish to appear in a video illustrating "Heart Holiday".

“I started writing this song in English ten months ago. I adapted it afterwards and recorded it with Soprano. We finished it before this pandemic. Before everything was closed, and before everything that happened to Soprano and also to my family. The message gained momentum. When I had to do the video. I didn't want to be in a video without him. So I worked with a team on an animation that could provoke emotion, "says Mika with great sincerity.




Edited by Kumazzz
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France Info


franceinfo – Radio France
Mis à jour le 18/09/2020 | 16:09 – publié le 18/09/2020 | 16:09
Mika, à propos des explosions à Beyrouth : "Ça m’a frappé presque dans l’estomac"

Elodie Suigo



Tous les jours, une personnalité s'invite dans le monde d'Élodie Suigo. Aujourd'hui, l’invité est le chanteur libano-britannique Mika depuis l’Italie, où il se produira samedi soir à 21h00 pour un concert caritatif en live-stream intitulé "I Love Beirut".


Le 4 août dernier, la zone portuaire de Beyrouth est le théâtre de deux énormes explosions. Les souffle des déflagrations est ressenti à des dizaines de kilomètres à la ronde, et provoque l'effodrement de nombreux bâtiments. Le bilan humain s'établit à plus de 190 morts et plus de 6 500 blessés. 


"I Love Beirut" est un concert particulier pour Mika. Sa façon à lui, non seulement d’apporter sa pierre à la reconstruction de la ville, la totalité de la recette étant reversée à La Croix-Rouge libanaise et à l’association Save The Children UK "qui sont extrêmement actives au Liban et à Beyrouth en ce moment", explique le chanteur. Ce concert sera aussi sa façon de raconter "l’histoire de ce qui est en train de se passer là-bas. Il doit aussi communiquer ce qui se passe là-bas en utilisant la musique et provoquer l’empathie. Je trouve que ça aussi c’est très important et la musique peut le faire."


Mika revient au micro d’Elodie Suigo, ému, sur ce jour noir. Il se trouve à Rome pour le travail et raconte que le matin, à son réveil, il échange des photos sur Twitter avec ses fans pour fêter les quatre ans de son dernier concert à Baalbek (Liban). Quelques heures plus tard, l'allégresse laisse place à la stupéfaction : "Le soir même je suis en train de regarder les images et les vidéos de l’explosion dans le port. Donc c’était un grand contraste entre les deux choses que j’étais en train de regarder le même jour à Beyrouth. Ça m’a frappé presque dans l’estomac".


Cette douleur viscérale Mika l’explique simplement. Né à Beyrouth pendant la guerre en 1983, ses parents s’expatrient rapidement et s’installent en France. Dans ce nouveau pays, ils fréquentent la diaspora libanaise, donc le lien avec leur pays de naissance est maintenu.

Il y avait toute une partie de ma vie qui était une vie transplantée de gens qui avant vivaient à Beyrouth et à cause de la guerre étaient à Paris. Même si je n’ai jamais vécu à Beyrouth, ça faisait toujours partie de la culture domestique.

Le 10 septembre, dans la même zone c’est un énorme incendie qui se déclare. Les colis humanitaires de la Croix-Rouge partent en fumée: "C’est un nouveau coup dur avec des gens qui sont déjà exaspérés et qui ont vraiment besoin encore d’aide."

La situation là-bas est extrêmement fragile. Il y a 300 000 personnes qui ont perdu leur maison. La crise est sérieuse et profonde, c’est pour ça que je m’engage

Pour nous donner un avant-goût des réjouissances, il lâche les noms de quelques surprises : "Kylie Minogue, Fanny Ardant, Louane, Rufus Wainwright, Danna Paola"... et raconte, exalté, que ce show, il l’a écrit et produit lui-même de sa cuisine "avec une très petite équipe et c’est devenu très grand". C'est presque incrédule qu’il ajoute : "Maintenant je peux vous dire que la troupe totale a plus 283 personnes". Et peut-être 284 en comptant sa maman qui veille sur lui de loin. "I Love Beirut" se déroulera samedi à partir de 21 heures. C'est ici pour prendre un billet et participé à la reconstruction de Beyrouth. Pour la cagnotte "I Love Beirut" sur GoFundMe, c’est là.


Mika, on the explosions in Beirut: "It almost hit me in the stomach"


Elodie Suigo


Every day, a personality comes into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today's guest is Lebanese-British singer Mika from Italy, where he will perform at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening for a live-stream charity concert titled "I Love Beirut".

On August 4, the Beirut port area was the scene of two huge explosions. The blast of the blasts is felt for tens of kilometers around, and causes the collapse of many buildings. The human toll stands at more than 190 dead and more than 6,500 injured.

"I Love Beirut" is a special concert for Mika. His own way, not only to make a contribution to the reconstruction of the city, the totality of the proceeds being donated to The Lebanese Red Cross and to the association Save The Children UK "which are extremely active in Lebanon and in Beirut at the moment ", explains the singer. This concert will also be his way of telling "the story of what is happening there. He also has to communicate what is going on there using the music and provoking empathy. I think that is it. so it's very important and music can do it. "

Mika returns to Elodie Suigo's microphone, moved, on this dark day. He is in Rome for work and says that in the morning, when he wakes up, he exchanges photos on Twitter with his fans to celebrate the four years of his last concert in Baalbek (Lebanon). A few hours later, the glee gave way to amazement: "That same evening I was looking at the images and videos of the explosion in the port. So it was a great contrast between the two things I was doing. was watching the same day in Beirut. It almost hit me in the stomach. "

This visceral pain Mika explains it simply. Born in Beirut during the war in 1983, his parents quickly expatriated and settled in France. In this new country, they frequent the Lebanese diaspora, so the link with their country of birth is maintained.

    There was a whole part of my life which was a life transplanted from people who before lived in Beirut and because of the war were in Paris. Even though I never lived in Beirut, it was still part of the domestic culture.


On September 10, in the same area, a huge fire broke out. Red Cross humanitarian packages go up in smoke: "This is yet another blow with people who are already exasperated and who really need more help."

    The situation there is extremely fragile. There are 300,000 people who have lost their homes. The crisis is serious and deep, that's why I'm getting involved

To give us a taste of the festivities, he drops the names of some surprises: "Kylie Minogue, Fanny Ardant, Louane, Rufus Wainwright, Danna Paola" ... and tells, elated, that this show, he wrote it and produces himself from his kitchen "with a very small team and it has grown very big". It is almost incredulous that he adds, "Now I can tell you the total troop has over 283 people." And maybe 284 including his mother who watches over him from afar. “I Love Beirut” will take place on Saturday from 9pm. It's here to get a ticket and participate in the reconstruction of Beirut. For the "I Love Beirut" prize pool on GoFundMe, it's there.



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I only understood parts of the Maritima interview, but I think that was quite an interesting interview - @Subtitling Team I'd love a translation please. :wub2:


It was a phone interview, sounded like he was in the car. They talked about the pandemic a lot, about Coeur Holiday and the Beirut gig - tho from the things I understood I can't tell for sure whether the interview was recorded before the gig or if it was indeed live (or recorded this week). I didn't hear any talk about the reception of the gig (maybe I just missed it).


At the beginning Mika talked about the Coeur Holiday video and how the animation studio agreed to make that video within just a few weeks - he said that he's used to getting told no for such unusual ideas, but now people in the creative industry are more likely to agree these days, as they have to find new ways to work due to the pandemic.


Later he said that the different countries should work closer together in fighting the pandemic, he mentioned Trump and even got a bit political I think, tho he said just last week that he doesn't give opinions about politics. :teehee: But maybe I understood it wrong, I'll leave that up to the translators. :blush-anim-cl: I love it if he gives his opinion on such matters, that's more like the Grace Kelly and Promiseland Mika, who isn't afraid to tell what he thinks and say what he wants and isn't trying to please everyone. :thumb_yello:


They also talked about how his family was affected by Covid and about The Voice and the tour cancellations, but I didn't understand any details of that.


Edit: Here's the replay, even with video (indeed from his car :teehee:)


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1 hour ago, mellody said:

They talked about the pandemic a lot, about Coeur Holiday and the Beirut gig - tho from the things I understood I can't tell for sure whether the interview was recorded before the gig or if it was indeed live (or recorded this week). I didn't hear any talk about the reception of the gig (maybe I just missed it).


Yes, the interview was live, they talked about the concert from last week and Mika said that the amount of money collected is impressive :thumb_yello: 

Also he said that he wrote Le Coeur Holiday in English first, long time before the pandemic started, then he contacted Soprano and re-write it in French for their collaboration. He recorded his voice in the USA, then flew to Marseille to record Soprano's.  They were supposed to appear in the video but given the situation with Soprano's loss and Mika's familial problems, they decided to make an animated video instead.

There's also more interesting info about the tour cancellations ( and how some promoters pushed him to decide if he'll cancel or not his dates), I hope the subtitling team will find time to translate it :)

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1 hour ago, mellody said:

I only understood parts of the Maritima interview, but I think that was quite an interesting interview - @Subtitling Team I'd love a translation please. :wub2:


It was a phone interview, sounded like he was in the car. They talked about the pandemic a lot, about Coeur Holiday and the Beirut gig - tho from the things I understood I can't tell for sure whether the interview was recorded before the gig or if it was indeed live (or recorded this week). I didn't hear any talk about the reception of the gig (maybe I just missed it).


At the beginning Mika talked about the Coeur Holiday video and how the animation studio agreed to make that video within just a few weeks - he said that he's used to getting told no for such unusual ideas, but now people in the creative industry are more likely to agree these days, as they have to find new ways to work due to the pandemic.


Later he said that the different countries should work closer together in fighting the pandemic, he mentioned Trump and even got a bit political I think, tho he said just last week that he doesn't give opinions about politics. :teehee: But maybe I understood it wrong, I'll leave that up to the translators. :blush-anim-cl: I love it if he gives his opinion on such matters, that's more like the Grace Kelly and Promiseland Mika, who isn't afraid to tell what he thinks and say what he wants and isn't trying to please everyone. :thumb_yello:


They also talked about how his family was affected by Covid and about The Voice and the tour cancellations, but I didn't understand any details of that.


Edit: Here's the replay, even with video (indeed from his car :teehee:)



Maritima Radio

MIKA en direct sur Maritima le replay à voir ICI !



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So did anyone listen to this morning's radio interviews? Mika first was on HitWest: https://www.hitwest.com/page/le-reveil-de-mika-sur-hit-west-1247 and then on champagne fm: https://www.champagnefm.com/jeuxconcours/mika-invite-de-la-famille-816 ... I heard the last few minutes of the 2nd one, but there wasn't anything interesting. I think he guessed the listener's fave Mika song right (Elle me dit) and he talked with the cash code winner on the phone. And said he'd love to do a concert in that region. The actual interview must've been before that.


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I listen to the entire show on Champagne FM. Nothing really interesting ...

Except that Mika is in a recording studio in Italy 😁


He was asked about the meeting with Soprano and the genesis of "Le coeur holyday".

If he is proud of Kendji's carreer.

He talked about I love Beirut show.

And the presenter told him "Elle me dit" was the single people chose for today show.


A podcast will be available on their website but not yet


I am really gutted because they asked listeners to send questions for Mika last week. They only took 1 listener.... for the Soprano's question . 😥



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Just now, mellody said:


Ah, thanks for that info! It sounded like he was live in the radio station.

Recording studio... :das: :fangurl:


I would have love him to be in Reims. I live there 😄


At the end of the show Mika said that he loves champagne of course 🤣

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13 minutes ago, skiwi said:

I listen to the entire show on Champagne FM. Nothing really interesting ...

Except that Mika is in a recording studio in Italy 😁




I think the most important information was that "I Love Beirut"  broke all the world records in streaming.

Mika didn't say any details for the moment but I hope he will announce it soon.


Here is the audio I recorded.




Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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1 hour ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

the most important information was that "I Love Beirut"  broke all the world records in streaming


:wub2: I guess we might have to wait for official news on that until the VoD streaming has expired (Oct 7, I think?), but that sounds awesome! :mf_lustslow:

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7 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:




I think the most important information was that "I Love Beirut"  broke all the world records in streaming.

Mika didn't say any details for the moment but I hope he will announce it soon.


Here is the audio I recorded.





OMM!!!  My heart is beating wild


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