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2024 - Mika @ Forest National Brussels, BELGIUM, 31 March REPORTS / VIDS / PICS


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Here we are !!

We are waiting for your posts !!!



  1. Bougez
  2. Apocalypse Calypso
  3. Talk About You
  4. Sweetie banana
  5. Feels Like Fire
  6. Underwater
  7. Relax (Take It Easy)
  8. Yo Yo
  9. Jane Birkin
  10. Good Guys
  11. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
  12. Elle me dit
  13. 30 seconds
  14. Grace Kelly
  15. C'est la Vie
  16. Happy Ending
  17. Love Today
  18. Any Other World
  19. We Are Golden 













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What an incredible night!! Such high energy, he was clearly taking it all in at the end. 🤩

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32 minutes ago, Froy said:

What an incredible night!! Such high energy, he was clearly taking it all in at the end. 🤩



Is this SETLIST correct ?



  1. Bougez
  2. Apocalypse Calypso
  3. Talk About You
  4. Sweetie banana
  5. Feels Like Fire
  6. Underwater
  7. Relax (Take It Easy)
  8. Yo Yo
  9. Jane Birkin
  10. Good Guys
  11. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
  12. Elle me dit
  13. 30 seconds
  14. Grace Kelly
  15. C'est la Vie
  16. Happy Ending
  17. Love Today
  18. Any Other World
  19. We Are Golden 
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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:



Is this SETLIST correct ?



  1. Bougez
  2. Apocalypse Calypso
  3. Talk About You
  4. Sweetie banana
  5. Feels Like Fire
  6. Underwater
  7. Relax (Take It Easy)
  8. Yo Yo
  9. Jane Birkin
  10. Good Guys
  11. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
  12. Elle me dit
  13. 30 seconds
  14. Grace Kelly
  15. C'est la Vie
  16. Happy Ending
  17. Love Today
  18. Any Other World
  19. We Are Golden 

Yes! He had to restart Grace Kelly due to a malfunction of his in-ears. 🙈

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23 minutes ago, carafon said:

I was so surprised by this come back that I missed the beginning. :doh:


I love the dance he does for Sweetie Banana, we should get fans to learn the moves and make it a new trend! :naughty: :pbjt:

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Posted (edited)

YouTube Channel Ethan H.


Intro + Bougez


Apocalypse Calypso


Feels Like Fire






Yo Yo



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Dansende Beren


1 april 2024


MIKA @ Vorst Nationaal: Ca-ching!


Een vrome katholiek vierde op Pasen de herrijzenis van Jezus en liet de gedachte aan een naderende apocalyps achter zich. Maar MIKA had andere plannen tijdens zijn kruistocht door Brussel met zijn “Apocalypse Calypso Tour”. In onze schooljaren was MIKA ons popidool, terwijl we gehoorzaam het ochtendgebed opzegden. Zijn debuutalbum Life In Cartoon Motion belichaamde de leefwereld van elk kind en werd wereldwijd een megahit. Dit succes wist de Brits-Libanese zanger nooit meer te evenaren. Op middelbare schoolfeesten was “We Are Golden” nog steeds een absolute dansvloerfavoriet. Nieuwe genres namen geleidelijk de overhand en MIKA raakte uit het zicht. Desalniettemin bleef er altijd een plekje voor hem in ons hart en blijft hij vooral in Franstalige gebieden een superster. Als co-presentator van het Eurovisiesongfestival in 2022 stond hij internationaal nog eens in de schijnwerper en ook zijn huidige tour brengt hem door verschillende Europese steden.



MIKA’s Europese uitstraling werd gekenmerkt door zijn vloeiende beheersing van het Italiaans en Frans. Hij liet zijn vlot Frans voor het eerst horen op zijn recente album Que Ta Tête Fleurisse Toujours. Tegen onze verwachtingen in was het opvallend dat Vorst Nationaal al vol zat toen we aankwamen om MIKA aan het werk te zien. Er werd niets vermeld in de communicatie van het evenement, maar de discoset van de dienstdoende dj was een ideale reden om de Paasbrunch rustig af te sluiten met wat swing. De uptempo discohitjes waren voorspelbaar, maar de dj gaf er toch een interactieve draai aan door handmatig het tempo en het volume te veranderen. Van achter de schermen kon MIKA wellicht al zien hoe het publiek graag vermaakt wilde worden, en dat zou alleen maar toenemen gedurende de rest van de avond.



Toen de gordijnen opengingen, leek het alsof de duivel zelf opgesloten zat in zijn kooi en op Paaszondag maar één missie had: dansend de tralies wegvijlen. Het Franse “Bougez” kreeg als opener een uitbundige opbouw die het verdere verloop van de show bepaalde. MIKA leeft voor de aandacht van zijn publiek en stelde niet teleur. Samen met zijn vierkoppige band – volledig in het roze gekleed – nam hij Vorst mee op een reis van meer dan twee uur vol extravaganza. Ondanks zijn fysieke uitbundigheid viel het op dat er vaak een tape meeliep. Of hij altijd live zong, daar konden we slechts naar gissen want zijn micro was met momenten redelijk ver van zijn zangorgaan te bespeuren. De beweegbare podiumelementen zorgden er echter voor dat de bandleden niet op de achtergrond verdwenen. Hoewel MIKA hun namen niet noemde, was de muzikale regie in professionele handen.



Elke track kreeg zowel muzikaal als productietechnisch een theatrale draai. Zelfs de minst avontuurlijke, recente nummers zorgden zo voor de nodige opwinding. Alsof we nog niet genoeg waren opgewarmd door de hitte, maakte de flamboyante frontman speelse, sexy opmerkingen. “Sweetie banana” was daarvan het meest expliciete voorbeeld. MIKA pelde als het ware het publiek af en doopte hen vervolgens tot zijn legioen “l’enfants terribles”. Bereid als duizenden mensen waren, gingen alle armen de lucht in of lieten ze vanuit de tribunes de arena vibreren door met hun voeten te roffelen. Zo werden we volledig ondergedompeld in het overdonderende geluid van “Underwater”, dat anders zo ingetogen kon zijn en werd uitgespeeld als een stadionhymne. Hetzelfde gold voor de klassieker “Relax, Take It Easy”, die gepaard ging met MIKA’s hoge sprongen en funky gitaren.



Het Studio 100 Pop-Up Theater was voor deze gelegenheid in Vorst in plaats van Puurs. Technische mankementen kunnen altijd gebeuren, maar de bombastische opbouw naar “Grace Kelly” eindigde in mineur toen de geluidsinstallatie uitviel. De fervente danspassen moesten nu wijken voor zijn welbespraaktheid. MIKA stond stevig in zijn schoenen en liet het spektakel vlot doorgaan zonder enige terughoudendheid. Bij “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)” veranderde hij in een vlinder die vanaf het podium tot aan de tribunes het publiek recht in de ogen keek. Daarna sloot hij zichzelf op in een kringetje met een select groepje fans die via ingezonden pancartes deel mochten uitmaken van de show. Hun geluk kon niet op en de zanger leek voor hen precies een engelenbewaarder te zijn. De aanwezigheid van de witte vleugelpiano versterkte dat gevoel.


In Club Apocalypso hadden we echter geen vleugels nodig om van de grond te komen. Vorst veranderde voor meer dan dertig seconden in een zweterige discotheek uit een exotisch oord. Door zich volledig te wijden aan fysieke uitbundigheid, had hij de minimale pyrotechnische effecten beter achterwege kunnen laten, of in plaats daarvan de nodige gastzangeressen kunnen uitnodigen voor “Happy Ending”. We hoefden onze zakdoeken er niet bij te pakken. De show was nog lang niet voorbij. “Love Today” was met zijn rockende outro het equivalent van Robbie Williams’ “Let Me Entertain You”, dat eerst werd opgefleurd door de opzwepende beat van New Order’s “Blue Monday”. MIKA zette zo de poprollercoaster denderend voort, maar racete ook tegen de tijd.


Zijn weelderige haardos was bij “Any Other World” en “We Are Golden” tot de laatste druppel zweet uitgewrongen. Het moest allemaal snel gaan om de curfew te halen, maar daarvan was in het publiek niets te merken. Ze werden volledig meegesleept in hun hoopvolle tienerdromen en dansten hun onzekerheden er helemaal vanaf. Toen MIKA en zijn band broederlijk afscheid namen, viel het doek onherroepelijk. Maar de glans bleef nog even hangen in de zaal. MIKA bracht een klassieke popshow met speelse erotiek, een vleugje narcisme, en was pas zelf tevreden als hij de bevestiging kreeg van de duizenden toeschouwers. Die kwam er telkens via luid gejoel of spontaan handgeklap. De man liet op Pasen de hardste klokken luiden waar ze in Rome jaloers op mochten zijn.




Google translator



A devout Catholic celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter and left thoughts of an impending apocalypse behind him. But MIKA had other plans during his crusade through Brussels with his “Apocalypse Calypso Tour”. In our school years, MIKA was our pop idol, as we obediently said the morning prayers. His debut album Life In Cartoon Motion embodied the world of every child and became a mega hit worldwide. The British-Lebanese singer was never able to match this success. At high school parties, “We Are Golden” was still an absolute dance floor favorite. New genres gradually took over and MIKA fell out of sight. Nevertheless, there has always been a place for him in our hearts and he remains a superstar, especially in French-speaking areas. As co-presenter of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2022, he was once again in the international spotlight and his current tour also takes him through various European cities.


MIKA's European appearance was characterized by his fluent command of Italian and French. He showed his fluent French for the first time on his recent album Que Ta Tête Fleurisse Toujours. Contrary to our expectations, it was striking that Vorst Nationaal was already full when we arrived to see MIKA at work. Nothing was mentioned in the communication of the event, but the disco set by the DJ on duty was an ideal reason to end the Easter brunch quietly with some swing. The uptempo disco hits were predictable, but the DJ still gave them an interactive twist by manually changing the tempo and volume. From behind the scenes, MIKA could perhaps already see how the audience wanted to be entertained, and that would only increase throughout the rest of the evening.


When the curtains opened, it seemed as if the devil himself was locked in his cage and had only one mission on Easter Sunday: dancing to remove the bars. The French “Bougez” had an exuberant build-up as the opener that determined the further course of the show. MIKA lives for the attention of its audience and did not disappoint. Together with his four-piece band – dressed entirely in pink – he took Vorst on a journey of more than two hours of extravaganza. Despite his physical exuberance, it was noticeable that there was often a tape running along. We could only guess whether he always sang live because his microphone was sometimes quite far away from his singing organ. However, the movable stage elements ensured that the band members did not disappear into the background. Although MIKA did not mention their names, the musical direction was in professional hands.


Each track was given a theatrical twist, both musically and production-wise. Even the least adventurous, recent songs provided the necessary excitement. As if we weren't warmed up enough by the heat, the flamboyant frontman made playful, sexy comments. “Sweetie banana” was the most explicit example of this. MIKA peeled away the audience, as it were, and then baptized them into his legion of “l'enfants terribles”. Prepared as thousands of people were, all arms raised into the air or from the stands they vibrated the arena by drumming their feet. This way we were completely immersed in the overwhelming sound of “Underwater”, which could otherwise be so subdued and was played out like a stadium anthem. The same went for the classic “Relax, Take It Easy”, which was accompanied by MIKA's high jumps and funky guitars.


For this occasion, the Studio 100 Pop-Up Theater was in Vorst instead of Puurs. Technical glitches can always happen, but the bombastic build-up to “Grace Kelly” ended in a minor key when the sound system failed. The fervent dance steps now had to make way for his eloquence. MIKA stood firm and allowed the spectacle to continue smoothly without any restraint. With “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)” he turned into a butterfly that looked straight into the audience's eyes from the stage to the stands. He then locked himself in a circle with a select group of fans who were allowed to be part of the show through submitted pancartes. Their happiness could not be beat and the singer seemed to be exactly a guardian angel for them. The presence of the white grand piano enhanced that feeling.


However, in Club Apocalypso we didn't need wings to get off the ground. For more than thirty seconds, Vorst turned into a sweaty disco from an exotic place. By dedicating himself entirely to physical exuberance, he would have been better off forgoing the minimal pyrotechnic effects, or instead inviting the necessary guest singers for “Happy Ending”. We didn't have to take out our handkerchiefs. The show was far from over. “Love Today,” with its rocking outro, was the equivalent of Robbie Williams’ “Let Me Entertain You,” which was first enlivened by the driving beat of New Order’s “Blue Monday”. MIKA continued the pop rollercoaster like this, but was also racing against time.

His lush hair was wrung out until the last drop of sweat during “Any Other World” and “We Are Golden”. It all had to happen quickly to reach the curve, but there was no sign of this in the audience. They were completely swept up in their hopeful teenage dreams and danced away their insecurities completely. When MIKA and his band said their brotherly farewells, the curtain fell irrevocably. But the glow lingered in the room for a while. MIKA presented a classic pop show with playful eroticism, a touch of narcissism, and was only satisfied when he received confirmation from the thousands of spectators. This always came through loud cheering or spontaneous clapping. The man rang the loudest bells on Easter that they could be jealous of in Rome.









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5 hours ago, IngievV said:

Does anyone have a video of Elle Me Dit?


Elle Me Dit


from @vanessa-love-mika's YouTube Playlist. :heart:



23 hours ago, vanessa-love-mika said:

Here's the playlist of my videos:




I will try to post a small resume and some of my pics tomorrow after work :) 


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Where do I start? This gig is definitely the best gig I have been to so far, EVER. The energy was so good, from the very first note right until the very end, with both Mika as with the audience - which continued to work as a strong synergy as the gig progressed. I remember Mika saying recently in a Belgian interview that there is something special about the venue Forest National (Vorst Nationaal in Dutch), and I definitely experienced myself what he meant by that. 


Having attended Amsterdam two days prior (from the seated area instead of the pit) and knowing Brussels is officially bilingual (French and Dutch), I was curious about the setlist and if there would be mainly English songs or also French songs. To my delight, it was the setlist he had used for the Francophone leg of the tour so far, meaning it included Bougez (French), Sweetie Banana, Apocalypse Calypso, Jane Birkin, 30 Secondes and C’est La Vie. 

Just like in Amsterdam, he replaced Moi, Andy et Paris with Good Guys - and honestly, although I do love MAEP, it is a very good choice and I felt it was definitely one of the highlights of the setlist. (But I am very biased, I absolutely adore Good Guys and am very happy to hear it live).


When I heard the French songs again in concert, I had this feeling of familiarity and just the sense that they all belonged in the entire concept of the show. To exchange them with only English songs doesn’t do the show justice in my opinion, because I feel it was built around the French songs. It just feels RIGHT to have them there, period. And I fiercely hope that Mika will include them more and more in the English speaking part of the tour. 


For Big Girls he wore a new suit! Pink with a pink plastic flower. It looks so elegant on him that I squealed in utter excitement as he appeared on stage. It’s almost embarrassing how happy something like that makes me, I just cannot contain myself. Haha!


My favourite part is when he appears on stage with the blue feather suit. His stage persona transforms into a rockstar and I felt in Brussels he was a really really happy rockstar, because the audience went absolutely insane. If there was any pent up energy still in any of the audience, he certainly pulled it out of them and let them jump (and fly) like madmen and madwomen. 


When Any Other World started, I was paralyzed. This songs really touched a very emotional cord with me.

We Are Golden came on swiftly after. If Mika wants to make us dance with tears in our eyes. I think he certainly succeeded with this extreme contrast in subsequent songs. 


I left the gig with a huge smile on my face. My heart is still full when I think back. This is the kind of show that the world should see. This show is like being immersed in the dreams and imagination of his mind, pulling you in completely, to then suddenly (yet gently) let you go when it ends. Simply left stunned, but very content.

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3 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:





What a remarkable week on the road! Amsterdam, Brussels and my first show in Berlin for 12 years!


Now it’s your turn UK and Ireland!! I’ll see you tonight for a sold out show at the Brighton Centre!!


🎥 @adambgoodall

#apocalypsecalypsotour #brighton



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Brussels 31-03-2024

The Mika train continues down south!


I went to Brussels together with Ingrid, who ever so kindly agreed to my crazy butt travel plans.

So on Saturday the 30th, after I had 4 hours of sleep, I took the train down to Eindhoven, where she picked me up to continue by car. We were both still tired from Amsterdam, but energetic enough to have a fun vibe going on.

When we arrived in Brussels the weather had thankfully started to clear and it wasn’t too cold. 

We got to the garage next to the hotel, which was a big maze, but eventually we got the car parked.

The hotel was really nice, and we tested the beds pretty soon after we got up.😴😂 It was a comfortable half hour of just laying on the bed, before we decided to go into town to sightsee.

Last time I was in Brussels we literally drove to the gig, slept and went home, so it was a nice change to actually see Brussels.

We decided to just walk towards the city centre and see from there. One thing on the list was Manneke Pis. Now I know it’s not interesting, but when in Brussels, you gotta. We saw a big church, cathedral and a war memorial with a fantasic view over Brussels.

We did end up in a sketchy neighbourhood near Brussels central station and did get scared for our lives and things, but thankfully we made it out fine. 

After we finally saw the tiny weeny man and a thousand chocolate shops we had dinner at a restaurant called Leffe Cafe. The food was alright and we were mostly glad to have eaten a full and warm meal. 

Then we made the climb back home, showered and went to bed. 😴😴

So in this night the clocks went an hour forward again, which again means less sleep. So we didn’t get up too early this time. There was definitely daylight at that time.

We headed for breakfast before glamming up. The breakfast spread was relatively simple, but the quality higher than what I’m used to, so the bread was fresh, fruits were seasonal, minicakes and brownies fresh, lovely flavoured water (with limes, mint and other fruit) etc etc. 

I always bring my Revolution rainbow palette so we went wild with that. For this day I decided to go with my other skirt that I wore last year and the year before that. 

We got to the venue around 10:30 ish and received the numbers 37 and 38. 

We plopped our stuff down and started to just chill. I still really want to dance on the stage during Elle Me Dit, so we came up with a dance plan. We were going to challenge Mika to dance. So we started writing our sign, and then.. the winds shifted.

After a half hour suddenly everybody started to move. 

There were two people that came at 11 that wouldn’t take a number and decided to stand by the opening fences and stay there, attached to the fence, holding on for dear life. So because of that, everyone made sure to sit somewhat in order of the numbers around the two, in case more people got the idea to skip ahead. Because let’s face it, as odd as the numbers can be, there’s still the logic that it’s fair to let those that waited the longest go first. It wasn’t even noon.. But anyway. We didn’t care to create more drama so we just sat down at the gates and continued our dancing plans.

I also shot a little instagram reel, which I’ll edit after Berlin. 

We then came up with this fantastic choreography, and did a little practice round. You might’ve seen it and thought not much of it 😂 But we seriously got it down by the time we were inside.. 

The day felt pretty long because it started to rain. And rain. Rain rain rain! Pretty damn boring, unless familiar faces would come by, and we’d complain about having to sit in our designated spot already. But we were at least free to either get food or go pee. 

I took out my little poncho and built a little tent with it around my wee chair. 

And waited some more. Ingrid went to the Belhaize at some point and got some crisps and got me a wrap to eat. 

At around 3pm Rose joined us from further down the queue and we had a lovely chat. At 3:30 I decided to go to the car to get rid of my bag and chair etc. We wanted to make sure that getting in was going to be easy, since it was a chaos already. I yelled at some buses and trucks for driving past me in the muddy rain but I got my stuff figured out. With snacks in my pocket I made my way back, photographed some random cabbage on the ground, lost the wafer biscuit I was eating and made it back to the group.

I then ran to the cafe we went to for pee-breaks, but it was all the way down the hill. And during that time I received messages from Ingrid, stating that more queues were being formed and I had to hurry.

So after I finally found Cafe st Denis, I sorta hobbled up the hill to get back as fast as possible. When I finally got there it wasn’t too difficult to get back in the queue, but the rain.. it was so bad! Thankfully I had one of those gold/silver blankets so we used that as our shelter until the doors would open.

At some point it did stop raining, so we could get rid of all the plastic shelter. As we waited for the gates to officially open, we got a preshow on top of the entrance….. A cute pigeon couple graced us with their love 😂 They were quite the exhibitionists, but got a little shy once all the people there started cheering them on. 

Then we were finally released from our metal and human formed prison and the chaos started. Thank the heavens I had Ingrid with me, because she knows how to get a good spot in the front, so she stood in front of me going in. But the security lady was So. Slow. Scanning the tickets! I held onto the door so people wouldn’t push through, and on the sides people were pushing too, but I eventually got my ticket scanned and was able to get to those cursed stairs. 

I almost ran, but got sorta stopped and speedwalked my way over to Ingrid who was ready at the front. She got a fantastic spot at that giant stage.💪 A little to the right, but in the middle of the right side.

We plopped our butts down at the fence and took a nap.

But in the meantime I also went through the little choreo we came up with. 😂👍 

After a good while Syreeta the DJ came on stage, so we got up and watched her. It wasn’t a bad set, but also not the best. But we made the best time of it anyway. And Syreeta clearly appreciated that, which I love. DJs may not be my thing, but it’s good to respect their efforts and energy anyway. 

After that it was finally time 🤩

Mika started with the French version of Bougez, so I then knew we were in for a treat. New album songs all around!

The energy was just as crazy. But crazier. This crowd blew it out of the park! 

Then we finally got to hear Apocalypse Calypso. The tour song! I loved it even more live. And the background finally made sense too. This song is such a fever dream. 

Talk about You was definitely fun again, and I have learned to appreciate it a bit more now. 

Then another favourite finally made it, Sweetie Banana. I’ve had this song stuck in my head for the past song and it was such a sweet moment in the gig. The song is just cute. A little moment of relaxation in the midst of all the crazy, but still very silly.

And then my favourite of the show came, which is Feels Like Fire. I was able to pay a little more attention to the screen and saw that Nomfundo Moh did some hand movements, so I started following her movements. I also love Mika’s little dance with his hands and how he did the yell in between verses live as well.

Oh man and Relax, I’ll never get bored of it. Ever. The ‘Don’t ScreAAAAAAAAAMMMM’ part is something I had missed for many years. He did that back in 2008, but it somehow went away after that, while 13 y/o me had memorized that to a T. 

I also really like how YoYo is still part of the gigs, even if it’s the crazy remix that used to be the postgig song in 2022. It’s like the party expands after Relax. Just another pile of jumping and wild movements 🤭.

The intro to Jane Birkin was really sweet and special, I’m very glad to have finally seen it live.

My favourite bit in Jane Birkin is ‘J’aimerai seulement me dire que j’m’en fous’, it’s such a good bit to shout out, and to be able to do that the concert is just great.

There’s these little bubble sounds in the prechorus, those are a highlight too haha!

I had seen in other videos that he taught the crowd to do the ‘ah ah’ in the chorus, but we didn’t have that. But we did get to do the ‘la lala, la la la lalaa la’ parts, which is easier anyway, so that’s probably why he dropped the ‘ah ah’ moments. XD

Good Guys was wonderful again, I love putting emphasis on ‘Cause some of us in the gutter are looking up at the stars’, as we are in the pit looking up at the star that is Mika. But to me it also feels like looking up at Mika as the artist that he is. It’s inspiring how far he’s gotten with his empire of artists surrounding him, helping him realise his dreams. Quite the ringmaster.

I’ve finished artschool 5 years ago now, and I haven’t gotten far as an illustrator yet, as I have a crappy dayjob, but hearing this song and seeing Mika is inspiring and helping me to keep chasing my dreams.


Anyway sob story over.

Big Girls was fun as usual, I personally always dislike it that he gets in the crowd as it creates a lot of chaos, but he was far from us this time, so all was well and we had a little party of our own at the front since we couldn’t see him anymore anyway. 😆

Then the big EMD came. Our moment to grab I held the sign up, and gave my cheekiest smile, as Ingrid stood next to me, challenging Mika whenever he was in front of us. He did read it. He saw it. He looked very mischievous at the sign and us. But the moment passed and that was that. 💔 Instead we got the mess on stage after that.. 🥲 Ahh well his loss. He sat down on the stage later, so maybe he was too tired to go do crazy dancing to win from us. But we would’ve given quite the choreographed show. I do appreciate him acknowledging the signs that got confiscated (altho hey hey, you should know you can’t bring big ones in by now🤫) but that was very sweet of him.


Then 30 secondes. Man that song is gorgeous 😍 I stayed quiet for most of the song to simply enjoy the beautiful melodies except for ‘(we!) (yeah!) in between his lines. 

Then the silliness from Grace Kelly, I don’t know what exactly happened, but from what I can understand, he moved so wild that his inear popped out of the receiver?😂  He then prayed to the venue to let the rest of the show go well. (I mean.. one the speakers did give out at one point 🤫 and he couldn’t hear the audience at first…) 

He played Twinke twinkle little star, or as we sing in Dutch ‘Altijd is Kortjakje ziek’ and whatever was sung in French xD

Then we got what I practiced the hell out of. C’est La Vie’. I just remember screaming ‘Parce que c’est ça la vie. Parce que c’est ça’ a LOT. 😂👍

Happy Ending was very special. Mika was so so moved by this firy crowd, he clearly had a bit of a quivering lip going on, slapped some sense into himself and picked himself up, to then have his poor tired voice crack from emotion. 🥺 I think he was glad he could switch to the part where he has the audience shout Love LOVE LOVE LOVE, to then switch to Love Today.

I’ve been missing my own Mother during Love Today because his old tour manager once said ‘Shock shock you, Mama’ to her because we went to the concert while I had a bit of a fever going on in 2010😅 So I always shout that exact line lol.


Then the show stopped and the crowd was craaaaazy! So much noise! So many stomps! Way better than hurting your hands clapping😂

Then he came back again with Any Other World and I sobbed again. This time for real. Mika seemed more emotional than in Amsterdam as well and he sent some love up to the sky at some point 🖤

Then we quickly had to dry the tears to get ready for the giant finish for We Are Golden. I gave it my all. I jumped like crazy, pulling myself up on the barrier to reach new hights. 


After the gig we stumbled our way to the bathrooms (what a maze down there!!), and we also found Rose along the way. We then hung out outside to see how long it would take for Mika to come out this time. I also went to the car to get my bag and snacks, because we were starrrrving! 

We snacked on some crisps and easter eggs as we enjoyed our view of the trucks loading and driving out. It was pretty damn cold and I got a little bored, so I started blowing bubbles. At first I just tried to create as many as possible, but I then created a giant bubble which floated around for a long time! I helped it to get higher in the air and the entire group of people got entertained by watching that silly bubble 😂 There were these two windows on the building, and since Mika was at a top window in Amsterdam, I expected this for this building too, and the bubble made it all the way to the top of that window! 😂👍 So Mika if you’re reading this, did you see it???

After the bubble spectacle I rejoined the group and waited patiently. But at some point I got cold again, so I started jogging up and down the ramp, but sideways. And there was a little window to the carpark beneath the building. So I just looked through it, saw some shopping carts, and turned around again. 

However, this created curiosity among the group. 😂 So more and more people ran over to look through the window. At some point it stopped, and I jogged again, and more started looking 🤣 It was a fun little game!

After this the lights turned off in the windows, so we knew it wasn’t going to take much longer. And poof, there he was! Mika got out in a blacked out mini van, drove up the ramp, and suddenly stopped. Mika got out, I looked him straight in the eyes like 😳Ignored me, and he went directly to Rose on my right to tell her he got out the car for her ❤️ She got a kiss on the cheek, which was really sweet. He then moved on down the line of people, and then Andy got out too. He then told me that he loved the rabbit ears, and that they’d discussed the video placement in the Amsterdam story video. Adam wanted to put it in the front, but they then decided to give it its moment later on with a couple more microseconds 😂👍

So my day was made by that. Mika left very quickly so we did too.

We said our goodnights to everyone, dropped off Rose at her hotel (Nina, we wanted to take you too, but you were gone :( ) And we then crashed at our hotel.  

We had to sleep quickly as the next day we had to leave very early (again, sorry Ingrid). 

I think we got up at 6:45? We had breakfast like zombies, had an egg because hello, Easter, and got our stuff and drove to the Netherlands at 07:45

I had to get my train at 09:34, so it was a verrrry close call to missing my train, but we were perfectly on time. I took my train from Eindhoven to Utrecht, to Hengelo and then to Berlin via Osnabrück. And I was going to meet my sister in Hengeloooooo.

So there’s the end to the Brussel leg of the mini tour 💪 Vorst Nationaal showed a way better side than last time in 2015. So I am very grateful for that. 

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16 hours ago, Maaikie... said:

Brussels 31-03-2024

The Mika train continues down south!


I went to Brussels together with Ingrid, who ever so kindly agreed to my crazy butt travel plans.

So on Saturday the 30th, after I had 4 hours of sleep, I took the train down to Eindhoven, where she picked me up to continue by car. We were both still tired from Amsterdam, but energetic enough to have a fun vibe going on.

When we arrived in Brussels the weather had thankfully started to clear and it wasn’t too cold. 

We got to the garage next to the hotel, which was a big maze, but eventually we got the car parked.

The hotel was really nice, and we tested the beds pretty soon after we got up.😴😂 It was a comfortable half hour of just laying on the bed, before we decided to go into town to sightsee.

Last time I was in Brussels we literally drove to the gig, slept and went home, so it was a nice change to actually see Brussels.

We decided to just walk towards the city centre and see from there. One thing on the list was Manneke Pis. Now I know it’s not interesting, but when in Brussels, you gotta. We saw a big church, cathedral and a war memorial with a fantasic view over Brussels.

We did end up in a sketchy neighbourhood near Brussels central station and did get scared for our lives and things, but thankfully we made it out fine. 

After we finally saw the tiny weeny man and a thousand chocolate shops we had dinner at a restaurant called Leffe Cafe. The food was alright and we were mostly glad to have eaten a full and warm meal. 

Then we made the climb back home, showered and went to bed. 😴😴

So in this night the clocks went an hour forward again, which again means less sleep. So we didn’t get up too early this time. There was definitely daylight at that time.

We headed for breakfast before glamming up. The breakfast spread was relatively simple, but the quality higher than what I’m used to, so the bread was fresh, fruits were seasonal, minicakes and brownies fresh, lovely flavoured water (with limes, mint and other fruit) etc etc. 

I always bring my Revolution rainbow palette so we went wild with that. For this day I decided to go with my other skirt that I wore last year and the year before that. 

We got to the venue around 10:30 ish and received the numbers 37 and 38. 

We plopped our stuff down and started to just chill. I still really want to dance on the stage during Elle Me Dit, so we came up with a dance plan. We were going to challenge Mika to dance. So we started writing our sign, and then.. the winds shifted.

After a half hour suddenly everybody started to move. 

There were two people that came at 11 that wouldn’t take a number and decided to stand by the opening fences and stay there, attached to the fence, holding on for dear life. So because of that, everyone made sure to sit somewhat in order of the numbers around the two, in case more people got the idea to skip ahead. Because let’s face it, as odd as the numbers can be, there’s still the logic that it’s fair to let those that waited the longest go first. It wasn’t even noon.. But anyway. We didn’t care to create more drama so we just sat down at the gates and continued our dancing plans.

I also shot a little instagram reel, which I’ll edit after Berlin. 

We then came up with this fantastic choreography, and did a little practice round. You might’ve seen it and thought not much of it 😂 But we seriously got it down by the time we were inside.. 

The day felt pretty long because it started to rain. And rain. Rain rain rain! Pretty damn boring, unless familiar faces would come by, and we’d complain about having to sit in our designated spot already. But we were at least free to either get food or go pee. 

I took out my little poncho and built a little tent with it around my wee chair. 

And waited some more. Ingrid went to the Belhaize at some point and got some crisps and got me a wrap to eat. 

At around 3pm Rose joined us from further down the queue and we had a lovely chat. At 3:30 I decided to go to the car to get rid of my bag and chair etc. We wanted to make sure that getting in was going to be easy, since it was a chaos already. I yelled at some buses and trucks for driving past me in the muddy rain but I got my stuff figured out. With snacks in my pocket I made my way back, photographed some random cabbage on the ground, lost the wafer biscuit I was eating and made it back to the group.

I then ran to the cafe we went to for pee-breaks, but it was all the way down the hill. And during that time I received messages from Ingrid, stating that more queues were being formed and I had to hurry.

So after I finally found Cafe st Denis, I sorta hobbled up the hill to get back as fast as possible. When I finally got there it wasn’t too difficult to get back in the queue, but the rain.. it was so bad! Thankfully I had one of those gold/silver blankets so we used that as our shelter until the doors would open.

At some point it did stop raining, so we could get rid of all the plastic shelter. As we waited for the gates to officially open, we got a preshow on top of the entrance….. A cute pigeon couple graced us with their love 😂 They were quite the exhibitionists, but got a little shy once all the people there started cheering them on. 

Then we were finally released from our metal and human formed prison and the chaos started. Thank the heavens I had Ingrid with me, because she knows how to get a good spot in the front, so she stood in front of me going in. But the security lady was So. Slow. Scanning the tickets! I held onto the door so people wouldn’t push through, and on the sides people were pushing too, but I eventually got my ticket scanned and was able to get to those cursed stairs. 

I almost ran, but got sorta stopped and speedwalked my way over to Ingrid who was ready at the front. She got a fantastic spot at that giant stage.💪 A little to the right, but in the middle of the right side.

We plopped our butts down at the fence and took a nap.

But in the meantime I also went through the little choreo we came up with. 😂👍 

After a good while Syreeta the DJ came on stage, so we got up and watched her. It wasn’t a bad set, but also not the best. But we made the best time of it anyway. And Syreeta clearly appreciated that, which I love. DJs may not be my thing, but it’s good to respect their efforts and energy anyway. 

After that it was finally time 🤩

Mika started with the French version of Bougez, so I then knew we were in for a treat. New album songs all around!

The energy was just as crazy. But crazier. This crowd blew it out of the park! 

Then we finally got to hear Apocalypse Calypso. The tour song! I loved it even more live. And the background finally made sense too. This song is such a fever dream. 

Talk about You was definitely fun again, and I have learned to appreciate it a bit more now. 

Then another favourite finally made it, Sweetie Banana. I’ve had this song stuck in my head for the past song and it was such a sweet moment in the gig. The song is just cute. A little moment of relaxation in the midst of all the crazy, but still very silly.

And then my favourite of the show came, which is Feels Like Fire. I was able to pay a little more attention to the screen and saw that Nomfundo Moh did some hand movements, so I started following her movements. I also love Mika’s little dance with his hands and how he did the yell in between verses live as well.

Oh man and Relax, I’ll never get bored of it. Ever. The ‘Don’t ScreAAAAAAAAAMMMM’ part is something I had missed for many years. He did that back in 2008, but it somehow went away after that, while 13 y/o me had memorized that to a T. 

I also really like how YoYo is still part of the gigs, even if it’s the crazy remix that used to be the postgig song in 2022. It’s like the party expands after Relax. Just another pile of jumping and wild movements 🤭.

The intro to Jane Birkin was really sweet and special, I’m very glad to have finally seen it live.

My favourite bit in Jane Birkin is ‘J’aimerai seulement me dire que j’m’en fous’, it’s such a good bit to shout out, and to be able to do that the concert is just great.

There’s these little bubble sounds in the prechorus, those are a highlight too haha!

I had seen in other videos that he taught the crowd to do the ‘ah ah’ in the chorus, but we didn’t have that. But we did get to do the ‘la lala, la la la lalaa la’ parts, which is easier anyway, so that’s probably why he dropped the ‘ah ah’ moments. XD

Good Guys was wonderful again, I love putting emphasis on ‘Cause some of us in the gutter are looking up at the stars’, as we are in the pit looking up at the star that is Mika. But to me it also feels like looking up at Mika as the artist that he is. It’s inspiring how far he’s gotten with his empire of artists surrounding him, helping him realise his dreams. Quite the ringmaster.

I’ve finished artschool 5 years ago now, and I haven’t gotten far as an illustrator yet, as I have a crappy dayjob, but hearing this song and seeing Mika is inspiring and helping me to keep chasing my dreams.


Anyway sob story over.

Big Girls was fun as usual, I personally always dislike it that he gets in the crowd as it creates a lot of chaos, but he was far from us this time, so all was well and we had a little party of our own at the front since we couldn’t see him anymore anyway. 😆

Then the big EMD came. Our moment to grab I held the sign up, and gave my cheekiest smile, as Ingrid stood next to me, challenging Mika whenever he was in front of us. He did read it. He saw it. He looked very mischievous at the sign and us. But the moment passed and that was that. 💔 Instead we got the mess on stage after that.. 🥲 Ahh well his loss. He sat down on the stage later, so maybe he was too tired to go do crazy dancing to win from us. But we would’ve given quite the choreographed show. I do appreciate him acknowledging the signs that got confiscated (altho hey hey, you should know you can’t bring big ones in by now🤫) but that was very sweet of him.


Then 30 secondes. Man that song is gorgeous 😍 I stayed quiet for most of the song to simply enjoy the beautiful melodies except for ‘(we!) (yeah!) in between his lines. 

Then the silliness from Grace Kelly, I don’t know what exactly happened, but from what I can understand, he moved so wild that his inear popped out of the receiver?😂  He then prayed to the venue to let the rest of the show go well. (I mean.. one the speakers did give out at one point 🤫 and he couldn’t hear the audience at first…) 

He played Twinke twinkle little star, or as we sing in Dutch ‘Altijd is Kortjakje ziek’ and whatever was sung in French xD

Then we got what I practiced the hell out of. C’est La Vie’. I just remember screaming ‘Parce que c’est ça la vie. Parce que c’est ça’ a LOT. 😂👍

Happy Ending was very special. Mika was so so moved by this firy crowd, he clearly had a bit of a quivering lip going on, slapped some sense into himself and picked himself up, to then have his poor tired voice crack from emotion. 🥺 I think he was glad he could switch to the part where he has the audience shout Love LOVE LOVE LOVE, to then switch to Love Today.

I’ve been missing my own Mother during Love Today because his old tour manager once said ‘Shock shock you, Mama’ to her because we went to the concert while I had a bit of a fever going on in 2010😅 So I always shout that exact line lol.


Then the show stopped and the crowd was craaaaazy! So much noise! So many stomps! Way better than hurting your hands clapping😂

Then he came back again with Any Other World and I sobbed again. This time for real. Mika seemed more emotional than in Amsterdam as well and he sent some love up to the sky at some point 🖤

Then we quickly had to dry the tears to get ready for the giant finish for We Are Golden. I gave it my all. I jumped like crazy, pulling myself up on the barrier to reach new hights. 


After the gig we stumbled our way to the bathrooms (what a maze down there!!), and we also found Rose along the way. We then hung out outside to see how long it would take for Mika to come out this time. I also went to the car to get my bag and snacks, because we were starrrrving! 

We snacked on some crisps and easter eggs as we enjoyed our view of the trucks loading and driving out. It was pretty damn cold and I got a little bored, so I started blowing bubbles. At first I just tried to create as many as possible, but I then created a giant bubble which floated around for a long time! I helped it to get higher in the air and the entire group of people got entertained by watching that silly bubble 😂 There were these two windows on the building, and since Mika was at a top window in Amsterdam, I expected this for this building too, and the bubble made it all the way to the top of that window! 😂👍 So Mika if you’re reading this, did you see it???

After the bubble spectacle I rejoined the group and waited patiently. But at some point I got cold again, so I started jogging up and down the ramp, but sideways. And there was a little window to the carpark beneath the building. So I just looked through it, saw some shopping carts, and turned around again. 

However, this created curiosity among the group. 😂 So more and more people ran over to look through the window. At some point it stopped, and I jogged again, and more started looking 🤣 It was a fun little game!

After this the lights turned off in the windows, so we knew it wasn’t going to take much longer. And poof, there he was! Mika got out in a blacked out mini van, drove up the ramp, and suddenly stopped. Mika got out, I looked him straight in the eyes like 😳Ignored me, and he went directly to Rose on my right to tell her he got out the car for her ❤️ She got a kiss on the cheek, which was really sweet. He then moved on down the line of people, and then Andy got out too. He then told me that he loved the rabbit ears, and that they’d discussed the video placement in the Amsterdam story video. Adam wanted to put it in the front, but they then decided to give it its moment later on with a couple more microseconds 😂👍

So my day was made by that. Mika left very quickly so we did too.

We said our goodnights to everyone, dropped off Rose at her hotel (Nina, we wanted to take you too, but you were gone :( ) And we then crashed at our hotel.  

We had to sleep quickly as the next day we had to leave very early (again, sorry Ingrid). 

I think we got up at 6:45? We had breakfast like zombies, had an egg because hello, Easter, and got our stuff and drove to the Netherlands at 07:45

I had to get my train at 09:34, so it was a verrrry close call to missing my train, but we were perfectly on time. I took my train from Eindhoven to Utrecht, to Hengelo and then to Berlin via Osnabrück. And I was going to meet my sister in Hengeloooooo.

So there’s the end to the Brussel leg of the mini tour 💪 Vorst Nationaal showed a way better side than last time in 2015. So I am very grateful for that. 

I enjoyed our crazy adventure and I think I almost recovered from the sleep deprivation😁

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