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GMA Free Outdoor Mika Concert - Bryant Park, New York City


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They gave them to the people outside, which was nicer fpr them. They looked miserable in the window behind us. We got more than enough action inside! They were these ones: http://mika.bravado-shops.com/002/shop_bravado_details.php?sfc=girl


http://mika.bravado-shops.com/002/shop_bravado_details.php?sfc=tour (Except it was the brighter one with flowers and waves).


No clue, they might be mailing them out? You never know.




I loved the high voice: "Boooys don't give a ****!" Typically adorable.

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Yeh I need a hug!


Im just so pleased it came off well , I will read it all in more detail later , looks like it went amazing , the secret gig was sooo last minute!!!! :shocked:


Did you all get a t shirt?




i think they ran out


but i didn't care 'cause i was too busy enjoying the songs!

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Nothing was planned, Mika, Martin and Mikey came out on stage, " so..what the hell are we gunna do?...i really dont give a ****!" with a notebook and pen and talking telling stories to the audience.


what stories did they tell? :biggrin2:

sounds like you all had an amazing day, thanx for your reports! and i'm really looking forward to hear that new song! is it more slow or more uptempo? don't think anyone will post in on youtube though, cause if it wasn't allowed to take pix, it probably also wasn't allowed to film.

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...sorry if posted(checked a dozen pgs back - didnt see...cant check more - on the run)...from WENN


...just a BOY(?) :biggrin2:










Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww why was I not there!!!

MIKA WITH STUBBLE - Sorry no words too busy drooling LOL!



(colours not working yet :shocked:)

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Okay, I'm back guys. This took over an hour to type. I will do my best to give a report but it will probably end up as a mushy (but probably the most honest thing I've ever written) homage to Mika.


My train DID make it in time, I was in a great position at GMA. Sorry for being so annoying hining about that earlier. When I'm nervous, I'm the most annoying person ever.


I ran, as planned to Times Square, and fell in a huge muddy puddle of water on the way, as I was running.* I made it at 6 AM on the dot, and everything was fine.


We were in line. Mika saw my bigass Leb. Lollipop Girl sign,. He pointed right to it and laughed and waved and what not and I was really happy that he acknowledged that. I worked a lot on the sign and the whole shindig, so I was very happy about that.


I made it in, and got into a great side by the stage. I happened to end up with with Jackie, Jen and Rachel (MOTW, lovetoday, PinkSock) and several others (Carrie = amazing). Kjoshi and I talked earlier, but she ended up on the other side of the stage- The lady coordinating it told me to go to the other side, so I did. We then were together at the secret gig. More about that later.


Mika came over to us a lot at the GMA taping. He was his cute usual self (to make it short here). He highfived me and everyone was asking him to sign stuff. He was going to sign my poster, but I wanted to give him my card first, and I couldn't really reach so I'm glad he got my card instead. It had everything I wanted to say to him in it, and I'm very happy he got it. Everyone was like, "Mika! Sign this!" and I said, "Mika, this is for you," and he said "Oh, thank you!" with a cute face and that's all the action I got, for which I am very grateful. My Leb. friends here wanted me to ask what part of Lebanon he was from, and I tried to ask 3 times, but he didn't hear me. It was really rush rush. So I do feel really, really bad about that and I've got to apologize to them. They've been trying to figure it out for weeks.


So we were finding out bits and pieces of the secret gig which the idea of it, let me say is so, so, so, sweet. Weather like this happens all the time and I don't know any other artist who would do this, especially with the way Mika has been feeling (health-wise) lately. That was the most gracious thing of him to do. Offer us his music. But, more on that later.


Once I got the address squared away, my Mom and I went to Alice's Tea Cup, which is a very cute place, Tea, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner all themed Alice In Wonderland! I loved going there in my costume! The tea was fabulous, they had hundreds of kinds!


Then we went to Dylan's Candy Bar which was nearby: Lollipop Girl's dream!


The employee who rang me up saw me and was like, "GO MIKA! Are you a big fan? I love him!" and all that nad he said if I stick around, I could hear Lollipop, since they play it there. Of course, I didn't though because I had to get to the gig.


So we got to the secret gig by 11:30, and Kjoshi was nice enough to let me stand with her. We FROZE in the rain, no overhang or anything. It was at this really random venue in the Meatpacking district.


Ray asked us not to take pictures, and I'm glad we weren't allowed to, actually. It was the most beautiful musical experience I've ever had. Nobody was worried about anything. Everyone wanted to be there. There was no pushing or anything. It was total respect. He respected us, and I was very glad to return the favor and not take pictures. There was this one girl who kept asking Mika to get naked, which was annoying and I felt bad for Mika because here he is, trying to do something extra, exta nice and out of his way for us with his music and she just like, blew that off. He was asking Mikey and Martin (Just them, acoustic) what they wanted to do. GET NAKED! :-/ Whatever, the show was sooo far beyond that.


We were a few feet from the stage (Like, 3). Me and Kjoshi begged Mika to do Over My Shoulder, but he didn't end up doing it but that's not relevant. The feeling in the room was so gracious and genuine, in the truthiest forms of those words. It was a talky-songy, very intimate fest. I can't even describe how lucky I feel to witness it, it was a great, great feeling. As a music fan, I was totally, totally taken. I'm on cloud nine, and slightly delusional. I don't know if saying it was surreal would be right. I just feel so passionate about this amazing experience, it's hard to describe. I think it's a combination of so elated and tired that I can't believed it happened. It seems so out of this world, and re-confirmed to me in a first hand experience that Mika is super, super special. I just feel so much right now! I don't even think my report is doing my emtions justice. I'm being super general for you guys, but I'm still trying to process all the amazing moments.


We heard a new song, "Century Man." Shared the the SITM lyric, "Lookin' at life from the perspective of a boy." I bet it will be on the EP hopefully. It's mostly full voice, reminds me of Elton John, a bit, but of course, it's Mika's originality. I really liked it, and it was really special for us. :-)


*Falling in the mud, losing my Mika rosette (it was torn by the rain), bleeding my heels out from my sneakers walking on the way home- All of it is so, so, so completely insignificant. Any other day, even a good day, those this would have brought me down. But this SO beyond that, these things are far past rolled off my shoulders.They're not even as important as if like... I lost a penny or something. Even way less important than that. It's not even significat that those things happened.


I didn't get many pics, my mom has a few more on her disposable. I'll post what I have soon.


:thumb_yello: wow awesome. sounds like everyone had a good time! he's so sweet! lucky peeps :biggrin2:

that person should be ashamed of herself! i hope she isn't an mfcer...i don't think so, but who knows!

aw again everyone is so lucky and this just shows how sweet and caring he is!

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Can anyone comfirm the the setlist? I dont remember the order, and I think that's all he performed...HELP?!?


Grace Kelly

My Interpretation

Everybody is Talking

Stuck In The Middle

Holly Johnny

Billy Brown

Century Man

Love Today

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yes that is very nice of him from their point of view but try to understand our point of view here in Canada... and the fact that a charity lost money because of this and all...


sorry I'm a little put off by this...


oh well try and stay positive


YAY for the people who are going !!!


I couldn't help but think about that as soon as I heard about the free gig. I'm sorry, but that seems to me like an even bigger kick in the face of the people who had tix to cancelled gigs. Ah well...

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To all the amazing MFCers I met yesterday: Thanks for making the day even better!


I just slept for 14 hours. Now yesterday is sinking in. It felt like a dream at the time, like Kate said. I just can't believe how ridiculously lucky I, and those who came to both GMA and the free (amazing) gig, are. I don't think we'll ever see something like that again.


And thanks to FD, Caz, Sivan, and Deano for helping us so much. I can't believe that yesterday happened.

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Omg.. guys its sounds like you guys had a great time!! I'm so pissed that i didn't get to go, ESPECIALLY since he had the suprise concert! Ugh so pissed! Lol. well im guessing that mika will be back in NY soon, so i'll go to him again.


Good job mods with getting the VIPS .. that's awesome!!

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honestly, I think the rings under his eye were just from being tired, it was early in the morning, that was during the sound check.


But he can still be very hyped with his high-pitched voice in the morning..awesome :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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Hey don't have time to read through...barely have time to be online...I'll be back tomorrow but here's my report!




So here goes…left my house at around 12am with my cousin…tried to take a nap before during the day and stuff so I wouldn’t be tired…but that didn’t happen unfortunately! So we left…picked my other cousins up and set out on our way. We got there around 3ish and saw that there were already people there! I met got to meet Christine and a bunch of other people who’s names escape me at the moment. We were waiting in line for a really long time…can’t remember how long at the moment but def more than 4hrs before they let us in. Before we got in we could see through the windows the sound check that was going on. Every now and then Mika would look out the windows, wave, and point to posters as he read them out loud to Martin and stuff. Finally we got to go and Mika was on stage writing things down on pieces of paper. We were all curious to see what he was writing but we found out soon enough. It said on there that the weather sucked, he was sorry about what had happened, and that he was going to play a secret acoustic show some where to make it up to everyone.


So show was fun! The crowd kinda sucked where I was though, none of them jumped or shouted like I did! But me and my cousins didn’t care I was having fun! In between he come over to talk to people and sign stuff which was really very nice of him. The show itself was great as always! And after they all came out to the audience and signed stuff and took pictures if you were quick enough.


Mirtilla!!! I told Martin you said hi!! I don’t know why I said that it just randomly came out…but he remembered you and told me to tell you hi back!


I got a chance to talk to Mika for a little bit which was cool because a lot of people had left. Being patient really does help a lot! He asked us if we were okay since we hadn’t slept all night and asked us if we were coming to the show. It was nice because he seemed very sincere in making sure that we were going to be okay. He was asking us what we were going to do before the concert because he knew we didn’t have anywhere to go cause of the rain and since we didn’t have a hotel or anything. It was nice that he remembered us!! I wasn’t expecting that just because of how many people he’s met. But we remembered us very well…even our dress from the last concert! Although he didn’t remember our names…which I don’t mind because they’re all difficult.


So then after we got our chat we left and got breakfast at the Hard Rock Café. It was only across the street yet we still got completely soaked! It didn’t help that it was really cold and windy too! I kept calling my mom every 5 min. so that she could check online to see where the secret show was going to be, because they said they’d announce it on mikasounds and his myspace. It took us forever to find out. That’s another not fun story.


So we had to take a cab to get to the place because it was way to far. We got there and waiting about an hour outside, which I wouldn’t have minded if, again, it was raining and freezing at the same time. But we finally got in!!! I was shivering from head to toe…I couldn’t stop shaking because it was airconditioned inside and we were all really wet.

We weren’t allowed to take any pics or anything, if we did we would’ve gotten kicked out so I didn’t take the risk. But the actual show was amazing!!! He came out with an umbrella which was really funny…and they sat down and he was like “so martin, what should we doâ€

They had no idea what they were doing…which was really funny!!!! They ended up playing Love Today, Grace Kelly, Everybody’s Talking, Stuck, Holy Johnny, and a NEW SONG called Century Man!! It was really really great!!!! Again I felt like me and a couple other people were jumping and screaming but I didn’t care! It was cool though because he kept looking down and smiling at me! ?

Then it was over? I wanted to wait around and see if we could meet him afterwards because I never got my picture with him. I’ve seen him 3 times and somhow all my sisters and cousins get pics but not me! (I lied I do have one of a group pic with me him me my sisters and my cousins) Oh well…All my cousins were really tired so we didn’t wait around. I wonder if he came out. Then we had a very long drive home. Took us 5 and ½ hrs!!!!!! Not the safest thing to do when none of us had any sleep. But we made it home okay. With wonderful memories to take with us!



It was so awesome to see everyone from MFC again!!!! It was nice to be able to recognize each other!

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Hey don't have time to read through...barely have time to be online...I'll be back tomorrow but here's my report!




So here goes…left my house at around 12am with my cousin…tried to take a nap before during the day and stuff so I wouldn’t be tired…but that didn’t happen unfortunately! So we left…picked my other cousins up and set out on our way. We got there around 3ish and saw that there were already people there! I met got to meet Christine and a bunch of other people who’s names escape me at the moment. We were waiting in line for a really long time…can’t remember how long at the moment but def more than 4hrs before they let us in. Before we got in we could see through the windows the sound check that was going on. Every now and then Mika would look out the windows, wave, and point to posters as he read them out loud to Martin and stuff. Finally we got to go and Mika was on stage writing things down on pieces of paper. We were all curious to see what he was writing but we found out soon enough. It said on there that the weather sucked, he was sorry about what had happened, and that he was going to play a secret acoustic show some where to make it up to everyone.


So show was fun! The crowd kinda sucked where I was though, none of them jumped or shouted like I did! But me and my cousins didn’t care I was having fun! In between he come over to talk to people and sign stuff which was really very nice of him. The show itself was great as always! And after they all came out to the audience and signed stuff and took pictures if you were quick enough.


Mirtilla!!! I told Martin you said hi!! I don’t know why I said that it just randomly came out…but he remembered you and told me to tell you hi back!


I got a chance to talk to Mika for a little bit which was cool because a lot of people had left. Being patient really does help a lot! He asked us if we were okay since we hadn’t slept all night and asked us if we were coming to the show. It was nice because he seemed very sincere in making sure that we were going to be okay. He was asking us what we were going to do before the concert because he knew we didn’t have anywhere to go cause of the rain and since we didn’t have a hotel or anything. It was nice that he remembered us!! I wasn’t expecting that just because of how many people he’s met. But we remembered us very well…even our dress from the last concert! Although he didn’t remember our names…which I don’t mind because they’re all difficult.


So then after we got our chat we left and got breakfast at the Hard Rock Café. It was only across the street yet we still got completely soaked! It didn’t help that it was really cold and windy too! I kept calling my mom every 5 min. so that she could check online to see where the secret show was going to be, because they said they’d announce it on mikasounds and his myspace. It took us forever to find out. That’s another not fun story.


So we had to take a cab to get to the place because it was way to far. We got there and waiting about an hour outside, which I wouldn’t have minded if, again, it was raining and freezing at the same time. But we finally got in!!! I was shivering from head to toe…I couldn’t stop shaking because it was airconditioned inside and we were all really wet.

We weren’t allowed to take any pics or anything, if we did we would’ve gotten kicked out so I didn’t take the risk. But the actual show was amazing!!! He came out with an umbrella which was really funny…and they sat down and he was like “so martin, what should we doâ€

They had no idea what they were doing…which was really funny!!!! They ended up playing Love Today, Grace Kelly, Everybody’s Talking, Stuck, Holy Johnny, and a NEW SONG called Century Man!! It was really really great!!!! Again I felt like me and a couple other people were jumping and screaming but I didn’t care! It was cool though because he kept looking down and smiling at me! ?

Then it was over? I wanted to wait around and see if we could meet him afterwards because I never got my picture with him. I’ve seen him 3 times and somhow all my sisters and cousins get pics but not me! (I lied I do have one of a group pic with me him me my sisters and my cousins) Oh well…All my cousins were really tired so we didn’t wait around. I wonder if he came out. Then we had a very long drive home. Took us 5 and ½ hrs!!!!!! Not the safest thing to do when none of us had any sleep. But we made it home okay. With wonderful memories to take with us!



It was so awesome to see everyone from MFC again!!!! It was nice to be able to recognize each other!


woah sounds like you had a great day, except for the weather! :thumb_yello: Your so lucky!!

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With wonderful memories to take with us!


It was so awesome to see everyone from MFC again!!!! It was nice to be able to recognize each other!


I'm glad everything worked out for you. Must have been incredible! I was looking for you in the GMA audience. Thought maybe I saw one of your cousins? I'll have to look at the tape again.

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so who here thought it was hysterical at the secret gig, after mika holds up the cow bell and was like what the hell am i gunna do with this? its an acoustic gig blahblhablah and then like 2 songs later, mikey choi out of nowhere has it in his hand and starts banging on it. and mika goes ' YOU BASTARD!'


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so who here thought it was hysterical at the secret gig, after mika holds up the cow bell and was like what the hell am i gunna do with this?



I would have shouted out "I got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell."



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