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Everything posted by mellody

  1. i have to disagree with scut... i like it that there are more boards now, but it's hard enough to get used to the changed layout, so please leave the chat on top and concerts at the bottom, like it always was.
  2. well, he's also 30 years older than he claims to be and already had 2 kids in the 70s. hurray for plastic surgery.
  3. tell him to post it tomorrow, and then again on wednesday, so we know for sure that it wasn't a joke.
  4. yeah, that's what they told me too when i was in australia - but seems to be just a legend, see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangaroo#Terminology - they probably just wanna impress tourists with that story so, have there been any news on here in the last 2 days, except for that we'll get the news on april 1st?
  5. it was part of the "wetten dass" backstage interview which has been posted before... but nice to see that yoga clip again!
  6. ok, who is giving out the numbers this time? well, i meant a paid job, not voluntary work... if you get paid for that, i might think of exchanging my german mfc website against being a mod here...
  7. *wonders how many dozens of pages will be added here before there are any news...* to freddie: and if there are going to be any (and if just poorly) paid jobs in the new official fanclub, let me know where i can apply... organizing things in a mika fanclub is about the only thing i'd do for free if i won enough in the lottery so i didn't have to work anymore. *dreams of job that will never exist*
  8. voted too... wouldn't mind to visit florence again!
  9. agree with a lot of this... though i have to say that some should see mika MORE as a man than a celebrity, maybe then at the afterparty they would've understood that he's just human and not an autograph-machine. (and yes, i got a pic with him too at the party, but i don't feel bad about it, because of the way it happened - see the afterparty thread. ). but in the boyfriend context, of course you're right. btw, i'm shocked to learn that so many people know where exactly he lives and even go there to stalk him! this last point, on the other hand... well, but that's not about mika for me, i'm generally obsessed with guys who have beautiful hair and i really wanna touch it. i only do it though when i'm really drunk and am sure that the guy doesn't mind.
  10. heyy, kaum is man mal 2 wochen net da, schon gibts nen 2. teil vom deutsch thread! melde mich hiermit zurück von meinem australien-urlaub und möchte mal erwähnen, dass ich das wetter hier in deutschland besch... finde! hab gestern bei meiner rückkehr voll den kälteschock gekriegt, in sydney hatte es 28 grad und sonnenschein, und hier minusgrade und schneesturm. und warme sachen hatt ich natürlich net mit. hatte für den flug nen rock an, weil mit meinem sonnenbrand am bauch wär ne hose zu unbequem gewesen... wollt mich dann eigentlich am münchner airport noch umziehen, aber mein koffer war irgendwie beim umsteigen in london hängengeblieben (den hab ich erst heut abend gekriegt), also stand ich mit knielangem rock und sommerjacke im schneesturm, klasse. sydney war jedenfalls super, traumwetter, viel sightseeing, und ein paar tage am strand... nur die spinnen waren ziemlich groß und zahlreich. fotos werd ich demnächst auf myspace hochladen.
  11. hi dear aussies, i'll be in sydney from saturday for about 10 days, so if any of you wants to meet up, PM me. won't be anywhere else in australia, unfortunately, and i guess not many of you are from sydney, but i thought i'd ask anyway. (and, um, i'd have loved to bring mika with me
  12. no, that was me. i was to the right of the girl with the green feather mask, wasn't it the one who was there with her boyfriend? they arrived late, pushed in, and the guy kept 3 front row places for others and wouldn't let me stand there!
  13. which of the many bags is yours? here's the whole pic, maybe you can see yourself on it.
  14. agree with that. they have not only ignored his request that he would come around the room, but also the one for a break after about half an hour of constant photos and signing. when i heard him ask for a break and saw that people just didn't bother, it made me so sad and angry. yup, especially the flowers on the crowd microphones, what are they for anyway?! don't need any decoration on the crowd mics!
  15. just uploaded all my non-mika london pix on myspace. vix, what happened to you? about christine's post, just read it for the first time and i agree with most of it. though i guess if mika had wanted it to be just a party without signing and taking pix, he or his management would've made that clear in the beginning. it wouldn't have been a problem for me if they had said "no cameras or autographs". but i think he wanted to do it, just not in the way it went, with everyone pushing and mika not getting the slightest break in between.
  16. some of my pix from the 26th: the rest is here: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-london02b.php
  17. yup i am! :lmao: he surely must've thought about the living gray skelly in the room while kissing the plastic head. thanx for the videos! btw sara, i have the moment on video when you discovered that mika was wearing your shirt, there's a clear voice from the left going "my t-shirt, OMG, that's my t-shirt!" it's really great that it found its way into his wardrobe, there are not many fan presents he constantly uses, i only know of blue's so far. btw, has anyone ever seen him wearing the shirt he got with the birthday cards in august?
  18. this one really makes me want to be the microphone! someone should tell him that he's not supposed to eat it!
  19. finally uploaded my pix: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-london02a.php ... also have some videos, but won't have time to upload them before my australia holiday, so you'll have to wait a few more weeks for them, sorry... here are some of the pix: wtf is he doing with his lip on the mic there?!
  20. yup that's me. and about icey, i really had to behave myself not to LOL during his and sariflor's conversation (i was standing right next to sara)... he didn't say a word, but you could see it all in his face!
  21. yeah thanx, that was the song! maybe a different version, but this is certainly the original. and dito to the 2nd part! thanx for everyone's pix, they're fantastic! here's the link to mine: http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder-london02c.php, and some of them here: that's only the mika pix for now, will upload the queuing and crowd pix on myspace later.
  22. found those on the london thread (by marleen), don't know if they have been posted here (but if they have, it certainly can't hurt to post them again ) i like the little snowflake that sticks to his tummy!
  23. something like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Tesaabroller.JPG/800px-Tesaabroller.JPG - just a transparent foil that sticks. btw, to everyone who was at the london gigs, they played a french song before the show, guess it's some old song cause i knew it, but i'd like to know the title, does anyone know? it's funny cause they used this melody for a new german party hit, so i get to hear it all the time now, it kinda follows me, lol! would just like to know the original title.
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