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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. Thanks to all for posting pics & articles, especially you Eriko! For a second when i was scrolling along i thought "wait, that is NOT Mika!" but then i'm like "oh there he is!" I've been in the Mika's nose and Mika's lips threads enough times to recognize them anywhere
  2. Welcome in advance to our country I don't live anywhere near D.C. but I've been there a few times. I recommend the zoo, it's cost is free and they have pandas! The Smithsonian museums are all really interesting, and also free. my favorite was museum of natural history with it's gemstones and dinosaur bones and other cool exhibits, but the American history museum might be better if you wanna learn about the USA more. DcDeb could tell you more since she lives near the city, perhaps drop her a note in case she hasn't seen your post.
  3. OMG Mika i love you i can't stop looking at this, like i go away for a minute but i keep having to come back to see it again for more lols.
  4. HI Welcome to MFC i loved reading your intro to Mika story, it really made me smile. thank you for posting it!
  5. You're welcome he never did sing a Bowie song. i just had a sure feeling he was going to, something about the dancers in the sparkly jackets made me certain.
  6. it's been a while since i had a good Mika dream which he was actually in, but last night's was a doozy... so i was in Italy i guess for a Mika gig, it was some kind of special event with loads of fancy people and those who didn't seem to know his music very well and a lot of children. i arrived at the fancy venue with @Miss Kristal. a bunch of other MFCers were already there, including @dcdeb and @tiibet and @Alie so we go in line behind them, hoping Mika would appear. as usual security was moving us about and the line got a bit jumbled up and VIP people who'd been backstage ended up in the front of the line so i was in a bit of a huff. But then Mika appeared from a side door to go do soundcheck or something, he paused pretty close to were i was and waved at us all and people called out to him and all was well. So speed ahead to gig time... MK and i had ended up at the end of the line but somehow found a spot in the 3rd row of seats because the front 2 rows seemed to be reserved. When Mika appeared everybody went crazy of course and he started singing and a wave of "rightness" about seeing him on stage performing washed over me. The venue wasn't even full and hardly anyone was in the first 2 rows so MK and i moved closer. He still seemed far away tho, like sort of small and hard to hear, i guess since we were seated and he was at the piano some of the time. He sang a bunch of songs, most i didn't know, i think one was old, one was new and the rest were covers, including Prince's "Kiss" (which i knew cuz he'd sung it w/ the judges on the Voice) with a bunch of sparkly-jacketed dancers which made me sure he was gonna do a Bowie song too. We ended up moving closer again. At one point a real woodchuck ran on stage and someone scurried out from backstage and grabbed it before Mika could see it. Another woodchuck was on top of the set in the background but no one seemed to mind. A couple songs later the venue staff brought out cake for everyone, some kind of lemon cake or maybe pineapple i think. So much cake! Soon after the cake was brought out Mika left the stage for a surprise intermission. He seemed to be taking a very long time to return so i made some joke about him being too busy to sing because he was eating all the leftover cake (we all know how much he likes cake). i woke up before he ever returned. seeing Mika, MFC friends, a woodchuck, Mika actually performing, cake, what more could i ask for in a dream!?
  7. Hi Gloria! Welcome to MFC I'm Dee, from nebraska & i'm a world rep for the USA so if you need anything or have question about Mika or MFC please feel free to contact me via private MFC message. Also, come visit us in the American thread (which Silver posted the link to a few replies ago), it needs some fresh blood
  8. he pronounces those words strangely to me & my american ears too. I just chalked it up to the fact they're sung since he doesn't speak them so strangely
  9. Yeah, i thought he said before that Mel is Moo, and this time he misspelled Mel anyway That's an *ahem* interesting bench
  10. gaaaah that kiwi is so cute! what are those Mikado things? they have a nice name
  11. kreacher

    The 100

    i s**t you not, i literally considered checking out the 3rd season DVDs from the library this very morning! the only thing that stopped me is that i'm expecting a guest for a couple days this weekend so i won't have much time for non-Mika DVD watching. it's not a show i'd say that i loooooove love, but the first two seasons were interesting and i want to see where it goes.
  12. looks good, Silver! especially in a way. So that's a Doctor Who diary? I spied it right away & wondered. Is the thing that says SULA(?) some binder clips?
  13. Urska said she'll be able to do our MM this month or next, otherwise I might've taken you up on your offer, Silver Debs, were you planning to post the pic of what i sent you, or do you want me to post it for you? I'd like future ppl to see i'm a good MM partner
  14. here's the threads i know of, no idea if the links still work: LICM http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/29152-dl-life-in-cartoon-motion-full-album-official-instrumentals/?hl=instrumental Rain and WAG http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/29157-dl-we-are-golden-and-rain-official-instrumentals/?hl=instrumental i never heard instrumentals for the TBWKTM songs except those two, tho it looks like Bia posted Blue Eyes
  15. still no Bercy dvd! its temporarily out of stock on amazon.com now GAAAAAAAH >.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kat75


      Ah ok thanks just curious

    3. kat75


      Ah ok thanks just curious

    4. Kumazzz


      me too !!!!! waiing waiting so long... :'(


  16. Yesterday i finally started posting all the changes & finished up today. Some stuff needs more details but i wanted to get up what i had. MASTER POST OF RECENT UPDATES quoting this because it's been so long... ***TOOK AUGUST-OCTOBER OFF*** DONE IN THE WEEKS OF 11/8/2016 - 12/24/2016: i added about 80 new Mikapedia entries (and worked on a few more than aren’t quite ready yet), added 10 new extended info entries, added some quotes, made 2 new extended entry posts in order to split his design projects & writings from important events, charities, etc and to split duettists from other music collaborators because the posts outgrew the forum's character limit, moved a few other extentries around, added a few new gigs to the tour dates shared document and color-coded it by year, added new awards and charity things to Mika’s bio, other random tweaks that needed done UP NEXT: my to-do list is even more HUGE! Just a few of the things on it include: adding mentions of the new dvd and his casamika performances to each song’s extentry when applicable, more quotes especially about/by the guests on his TV show, adding photos of DVD credits if they're too long to list them all, more researching in old interviews and videos, adding more support bands and other info to past tour dates document, adding common mis-titles/alternate titles to song extended info, moving more stuff around in extended posts because some are close to exceeding the forum character limit, adding more photos (including casamika ones to his guests w/ extentries), adding to people's bios & other info, adding new encyclopedia entries including those from the to be added list, maybe for funsies i might make a copy of the tour dates list and color code it by country, etc....
  17. yeah, i have a region-free dvd player. without it i could only play like 3 or 4 of the Mika dvds i have (out of 9 or so) so it's paid for itself many times over
  18. i feel your pain! i'm starting to think i should cancel my amazon.com order and try one of the French places. i bet it'd arrive faster >.<
  19. Wonderful Christmastime live with Kylie on his tv show [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjsRTBk-hvg&feature=youtu.be&t=3m1s[/media] Mika taking an elfie Mika decorating himself also a couple Mika-ish christmas things i came across: his christmas dinner from ? years ago the christmas card he designed for charity
  20. i'm kinda obsessed with Mika and giant stuff. this photo finally tipped me over the edge so i created a new pinterest board today https://www.pinterest.com/kreacher7/mika-and-oversized-things/
  21. awwwww yay, i love this! i think he just earned himself a Mikapedia entry thanks for translating Anne and thanks Eriko for finding & posting
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