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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. looks like a Norwegian TV show called Skam (Shame) used "Last Party" in an episode back in June 2017 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6754842/?ref_=_1 i've never seen the show, i just happened upon this listing while doing research, so i can't verify how much of the song was used or even if IMDB is correct. perhaps @Hannekj or @mamiam can confirm?
  2. Hi! Welcome to MFC Thank you for your great intro. If you have any questions or need anything just ask I'm in the USA too and I use the online streaming link that Eriko posted to watch it, so far it's worked great. If you wanna see the show with English subtitles too we have a great team of fans who have already completed the first episode
  3. excellent use of time! mine only froze once today, on a Fiat
  4. what browser are you using? it only works for me if i use internet explorer instead of chrome
  5. this is the one i'm using if you still need it: https://www.firstonetv.net/Live/Italy/Rai-2--32
  6. please make them be released worldwide please make them be released worldwide please make them be released worldwide please make them be released worldwide please make them be released worldwide
  7. oooh yes, i'm a fan! my fave is Dustin i think, he's just adorable my friends and i binge watched all of season 2 in two nights, but i won't give any spoilers! i'll just say it's really good, just as intriguing and fun as the 1st season i think!
  8. Hello Welcome to the MFC! I'm Dee from Nebraska and i'm the MFC World Representative for USA. You can find fellow MFCers from the USA here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28540. If you need anything or have questions about Mika, the forum or whatever, I'm available via private message or you can post in the American Thread
  9. I do have this, somewhere, so it isn't lost.... i just can't find it. Hopefully someone else has it handy, otherwise i'll try to remember to check my bazillion USB drives when i can. i love Mika with Grimmy, they're so flirty and fun together xD Did you see their Freshly Squeezed interview? It seems to be hard to find
  10. Hi Carson, I'm Dee from Nebraska. I'm the MFC world rep for the USA so if you have any questions about the forum or Mika or anything feel free to drop me a note How did you find out about Mika & his music? i'm always curious to know how people, especially US people since we seem few and far between, discover him
  11. "Grace Kelly" was used on tonight's episode of America's Got Talent, ironically(?) when the judges were discussing an act which only Simon Cowell didn't like
  12. Hi Molly, Welcome to MFC! I'm Dee from Nebraska. I'm a MFC world rep for the USA, we've got a thread for people from the USA to chat and get to know each other http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31005-us-american-thread-part-vi/ If you have any questions please feel free to ask If you need more Mika videos to devour (and who doesn't?!) this is a good thread to explore: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/30851-mika-rare-video-treasures-for-newbies-and-others/
  13. I'm logged in to FB and can't see it either, it says "The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."
  14. i was looking for better pics of the drummer at this gig to see if it was Daisy Palmer or not (cuz it's certainly not Ed or Joy) and came across these two: From here: http://shoelifer.com/spots/cartier-opening-casablanca/ The article talks about him too: "Mais l’heure n’est pas aux achats. Entre deux échanges mondains, les quelques 600 happy few sont dirigés vers un écrin rouge géant conçu comme une salle de concert VIP pour un concert d’exception, celui du célèbre Mika. Il a enchanté un public, il faut le dire, tout prêt à être charmé par le chanteur et musicien si apprécié sous nos cieux. Une façon smart & chic de susciter le désir pour un bel écrin." "But the time is not for shopping. Between two social exchanges, the few 600 happy few are directed towards a giant red box designed as a VIP concert hall for an exceptional concert, that of the famous Mika. He has enchanted an audience, it must be said, ready to be charmed by the singer and musician so appreciated under our skies. A smart & chic way to arouse desire for a beautiful jewel case." (according to google translate) also, this site http://enti.ma/soiree-cartier-casablanca/ had this:
  15. Thank you so much for sharing you photos Nao, what luck you had! He's doing much more interesting things in your pics than in the professional images from getty images & stuff
  16. i found some backstage photos i don't think were posted here yet from here http://www.rai.it/programmi/sanremo/
  17. Sorry the pics don't work anymore I hadn't realized so many were broken now Mika writing in motion <3
  18. I guess Casa Mika didn't win this, Un Bacio didn't win it's category either http://www.diversitylab.it/
  19. Thank you so much Anne for the translation! What a great article he said so many good quotes about stuff, i have to remember to go though and get a bunch for the Mikapedia *makes a note*
  20. raaawr i've awoken from my 6-month slumber! there's a ton of news and Mika stuff i want to add. tonight i was all ready to get started.... but after doing a bit of experimenting with the new forum changes i realized there's so many formatting issues (i.e. font size & spacing, spoilers, etc) i need to address first. i'd spent countless hours getting the entries perfectly how i wanted them but now they're f**ked so i gotta reconsider how i do things (i.e. my google docs where i made updates then pasted to the forum) *headdesk*
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