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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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oh you met him after the after party? We left because we thought he'd be all night at the party.

yeah, I'm still wrecked too, I had a good sleep last night, but just thinking about all that jumping about makes me tired again!

yeah, Mika must be exhauseted after that whole tour, but he doesn't let it show on stage! He's so great to his fans!


He got nasty reviews?? really, about what though?:sneaky2:


The reviews in the (Natzie)Evening Standard and the (Tory) Times were of a mocking and derogatory tone. What's wrong with people in this country - they dont like to see people having fun and performances of splendid over the top, colourful camp exuberance is just too much for their dull sensibilities.They are just too serious and dont see the 'tongue in cheek' or humour in Mika's shows - as for energy - they haven't a clue. Apparently NME have just given him some mock award for worst video as well. I think Mika appeals to Latinos, French, Spanish and Italians etc. because they have an inbuilt culture of carnival. To attend a Mika show is like going to a fiesta or carnival. True we are begining to celebrate in the streets more (The Thames Day carnival was super) but there are still a lot of boring old farts in Little Britain! :naughty:

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The reviews in the (Natzie)Evening Standard and the (Tory) Times were of a mocking and derogatory tone. What's wrong with people in this country - they dont like to see people having fun and performances of splendid over the top, colourful camp exuberance is just too much for their dull sensibilities.They are just too serious and dont see the 'tongue in cheek' or humour in Mika's shows - as for energy - they haven't a clue. Apparently NME have just given him some mock award for worst video as well. I think Mika appeals to Latinos, French, Spanish and Italians etc. because they have an inbuilt culture of carnival. To attend a Mika show is like going to a fiesta or carnival. True we are begining to celebrate in the streets more (The Thames Day carnival was super) but there are still a lot of boring old farts in Little Britain! :naughty:


I can't believe some of our papers have the nerve to give him a bad review.




He was bloody amazing live, I loved every moment of it. :wub2:


One of the best shows I've ever seen - and I've been fortunate to see alot and some of the best people. He for me knocked socks off the likes of Madonna, Michael Jackson et all.


Idiots wouldn't know class and talent if it leapt up and bit them on the behind.



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Well I think you must be the nice Belgian layde I was standing next to for some while. I loved your Tin-Tin flag by the way. True - now I know about the dreadful chaos at the after-party - Mika was indeed very gracious to stop and chat to people and do signings at the stage-door. It was just nice to see him close up - I wasn't so bothered about a signature - but since he was doing them I took the opportunity. There was still a friendly atmosphere outside anyway. Nice meeting you and I hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip to lovely London town. I've spent virtually the last 2 days in bed recovering - so what must Mika feel like - all that girlie smothering and some very nasty reviews in the papers as well.


Yup susie, you saw more of Mika outside than we did inside.

But what's this about nasty reveiws?

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The reviews in the (Natzie)Evening Standard and the (Tory) Times were of a mocking and derogatory tone. What's wrong with people in this country - they dont like to see people having fun and performances of splendid over the top, colourful camp exuberance is just too much for their dull sensibilities.They are just too serious and dont see the 'tongue in cheek' or humour in Mika's shows - as for energy - they haven't a clue. Apparently NME have just given him some mock award for worst video as well. I think Mika appeals to Latinos, French, Spanish and Italians etc. because they have an inbuilt culture of carnival. To attend a Mika show is like going to a fiesta or carnival. True we are begining to celebrate in the streets more (The Thames Day carnival was super) but there are still a lot of boring old farts in Little Britain! :naughty:


Come on susie, he has sold over a million albums here - just because two newspapers give a bad review. It's not even the newspaper most of the time, it's the individual journalist.

And don't forget we have the biggest street carnival in Europe - you may say Notting Hill is peopled by Carribeans, but they are part of our culture.


And you only had to look at the crowd on Thursday which had to be mostly British........

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I haven't seen a video of it yet, just thought you could check that thread as well.


What I'm really looking for is the LT video from Hammersmith because I was getting a whole lotta love from Mika during that song. :wub2:


i got one bit too :wub2:


i remember he gave you one and you went AAALLLLL girlie!!! and I prodded you and I said "happy now?" :roftl: :roftl:


and then he threw fake snow over us and it went down my top. and my sister said "mika touched that snow". and i was like "wow - in a way, mika almost kinda sorta touched me up" :roftl: *obviously not really lol, BUT THAT SNOW MUST HAVE HIS FINGERPRINTS ON IT :roftl:*

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i remember he gave you one and you went AAALLLLL girlie!!! and I prodded you and I said "happy now?" :roftl: :roftl:


and then he threw fake snow over us and it went down my top. and my sister said "mika touched that snow". and i was like "wow - in a way, mika almost kinda sorta touched me up" :roftl: *obviously not really lol, BUT THAT SNOW MUST HAVE HIS FINGERPRINTS ON IT*


:roftl: That also took me by surprise. I'm pretty sure he's never done that before.


I want video evidence of that. :naughty:


Petra tells me she has some video. I'm sure there's a whole lot of "OMFG!!!" and other expletives on the audio. :naughty:


There's also another interesting bit in there that is not fit for public consumption so I don't think this video is ever going to see the light of day. :fisch:

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Petra tells me she has some video. I'm sure there's a whole lot of "OMFG!!!" and other expletives on the audio. :naughty:

Excellent. I want to see fangirl!Christine in action. :naughty:


There's also another interesting bit in there that is not fit for public consumption so I don't think this video is ever going to see the light of day. :fisch:

You tease. :mf_rosetinted:


I trust you know how to PM.


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i see some people r looking for love today , well i have 2 short clips of this 1 at the begining & 1 at the end , why not all u ask well the crowd was absolutley bouncing that night & at one point i nearly lost my camera :blink: heres the first bit

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I'm lucky I live in the UK as he seems to tour alot here - when he does tour that is.


I just really hope he goes to Australia and Argentina (after spending most of the day at Hammy reading my Year In Cartoon Motion book and all the messages asking him to go to Argentina - he'd bloody better go now)


That he does... then to Europe... then back to England... then a gig or two in Scotland... then England... Europe... The US and Canada...


I'm not bitter or annoyed... nooo.... :fisch:


tent - check

sleeping bag - check


next gig autumn 2008... better get out there now




I hope he thinks about the other fans elsewhere as well...


I just noticed Martin snuck into the Saranayde pic too.


Martin!!! :wub2:


Soooo jealous...


Mika: "Go away Martin! We don't need you on top of my big M!"

Martin: " :tears: "




Awwww... I'll give you a great big hug Martin...


what they should do is issue out bands to people who show the flashing hearts...that way it would only be MFC'ers since only people within the forum would no...the only thing im worried about now is if they keep doing this eventuallly like every other official fan club it will have a fee and you will have to pay for these sorta privelages like soo many other official fanclubs


That's not a good idea... seems people who aren't part of the MFC are wearing them too... a membership card would be better...


really you have to pay. how much? maybe they will charge members that join after it becomes official if anything i think they will do that cuz then it would be unfair for people who already joined and dont want/cant pay


Nothing has been said about payin... not that we know anything yet... so relax...


Yeah' date=' that's how I got a Hanson M&G. Someone from their management walked down the line (queue, lol) and asked, "Who has their MOE card?" (The name for the official membership card.) Some girls begged him for a M&G but they had no card, so he said no. I ran up to him, waved my card in the air, and he gave me a M&G pass. So yeah, it works to have a fee and an official card. You show the card, and you get perks. And on Hanson.net they tell you to bring your card to every show. Mika should do that.


Whoa! I think the Hanson.net membership is $40 for the entire YEAR. Those Britney fans are totally ripped off[/quote']


That's a good idea... $40 isn't too bad.. still a fair bit... Britney isn't really worth it IMO...


In a "in one second he looked deep into my soul from across the room despite having a hundred people between us" kind of way?




*tries to be objective*


Mrs Penniman said that she gave Jemma and I passes because we had seen him so many times and deserved it, to which I replied, but that's our choice, to travel, and spend our money in this way. I don't expect to be rewarded for it, and I thanked her.


Next we'll be handing out medals according to how far people have travelled.


Note to Christine - get your spare room ready, I want a medal.


Aussieland is further...


It's on. I'd like to see anyone beat Melbourne to London. :mf_rosetinted:


I agree... somewhere in the US would be further... East Coast maybe?


I've been hinting at it for weeks now...I'd love to do Australia...expensive, but when I have my mind on something...there's very little that can stop me.

And you'll fuel it (the idea) even more, if you promise to go too. The only problem is getting Mika to commit.


It'll be totally worth it... I think we should campaign for an exclusive party for the Aussies and Mika... seeing as he neglected us...


Only if I get a medal and priority backstage passes because I have travelled so far. Those are my conditions and I'm sticking with them.


I've been to Perth twice and the flight was so damn long and boring.


We'll see what we can do Bab...


In that case we need Christine to come to Australia. If she's indeed such a Mika-magnet he might finally decide to do a tour here if she's here.


Ooooooh... that's an idea...


The Power of Christine... quite scary really.


What if we get Christine and Yop to Australia? He'd have to come then, wouldn't he? We could get Mika-showing scheduled simply by shuttling Christine from country to country...




Sounds good... and I can practice worshipping the ground she walks on...


Was the worst video award for Big Girl? Cos..that would be well deserved...


I don't want to go off topic or re-hash old conversations, but this video was truely appalling.


I agree... was the worst vid out of all of them...


Petra tells me she has some video. I'm sure there's a whole lot of "OMFG!!!" and other expletives on the audio. :naughty:


There's also another interesting bit in there that is not fit for public consumption so I don't think this video is ever going to see the light of day.


Oh... but... but... as your number one fangirl I deserve to see it!

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OK, whats the whole thing with Mika loving Christine? (If true, go Christine! lol):thumb_yello:

Can someone explain??:blush-anim-cl:

That's just some of us sarcastically exaggerating and poking fun at the fact that Mika focused on Christine a lot during his performance of Love Today on the 26th (there are witnesses). :fisch:

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I'm not in "Love" with Mika. Don't know the guy at all so would be abit silly lol


Like his music alot, seems a really nice person... and ummmm, he's pretty hot which is a bonus.


I really need to renew my membership for Franz's fanclub - but can't be arsed at the moment. LOL. Oh and I can't afford too either after seeing Mika this week.


Do you think he'd give me a sub lol

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