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"Rain," Everybody!

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Ohhh I'd love to hear like violins with it, hmmmm and you know how Mika adds sounds to things, I keep imagining the sound of a actual downpour maybe at the beginning or the end.


that would be cool, although pushing the already seemingly strained cheesy bar for this piece. but I like it, sometimes a little cheese is good.


exactly, and maybe a cello doing soft undertones. :wub2:


but him simply on the piano would sound beautiful as well.

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Ohhh I'd love to hear like violins with it, hmmmm and you know how Mika adds sounds to things, I keep imagining the sound of a actual downpour maybe at the beginning or the end.


You're probably right

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yea cello in the background would be unbelievable...or maybe just on the chorus..i love the three back up voices on the acoustic but i think they may have been just a little too loud...at that point i couln't really hear mika's voice thru theirs

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yea cello in the background would be unbelievable...or maybe just on the chorus..i love the three back up voices on the acoustic but i think they may have been just a little too loud...at that point i couln't really hear mika's voice thru theirs


yeah a bit. I think some of the backups clashed with the Chorus at the high part, but alas, that is one of the dangers of not being in a studio.

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yea cello in the background would be unbelievable...or maybe just on the chorus..i love the three back up voices on the acoustic but i think they may have been just a little too loud...at that point i couln't really hear mika's voice thru theirs


Well I'm sure on the stupid album Mika will do the harmonies and it will be even and complimentary:wink2:



EDIT: I put "Stupid" instead of "second" :lmfao: My baddd

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Well I'm sure on the stupid album Mika will do the harmonies and it will be even and complimentary:wink2:


oh that's true! mika always knows best i guess:bleh:i just wish he'd hurry up! i'm kinda loosing interest





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oh that's true! mika always knows best i guess:bleh:i just wish he'd hurry up! i'm kinda loosing interest






We're all getting impatient :naughty:


Don't worry, the months will fly by sooner than you know:thumb_yello:

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yea cello in the background would be unbelievable...or maybe just on the chorus..i love the three back up voices on the acoustic but i think they may have been just a little too loud...at that point i couln't really hear mika's voice thru theirs

Ahhh, adding an orchestra to rain would be amazing.... It would make it... complete. My favorite is when artists add strings and trumpets into their songs. It blows me away.

Or he can have rain pattering in the background in the beginning :lol3: Like Ring Ring... With the ringing.

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Sorry... have to make sure the conversation stays even :naughty:


Nooo, I didn't mean I don't like Elvis (love his old films) - it's just the same lyrics ... "caught in a trap"


When I'm listening to MIKA I don't want to be thinking about Elvis


Young Elvis is hot... Older Elvis... well, not so much...


Ooooh... Suspicious Minds... love that song...


Where the hell did you get it? I neeeed to hear it! Are you sure it's him?


Yep... Oh, and I'll get to the DVD by the top of the week... :naughty:


wow !!!!! alot of people really hate this song, sorry mika i think your some your fans are turing on you lol


You ain't seen people turning on him just yet! :naughty:


OK time for some sun now Mika, put a sock in it


Yeah Mika... I blame you for making it rain here... I want some snow damn it !!!


I've read through the thread, and I guess I understand why some don't like it. That's fine, of course, nobody is making you. Go non fan girl attitudes.


I've listened to Rain again, and I still like it. And not just because "ilikeeverythingmikaevenifitsoundslikesh*tjustbecauseit'smikasinging"


I like the lyrics and the flow of the song. Even if it wasn't mika singing it, i think i'd still like it. *shrugs*


Yep, gotta be the non conformist around here...


Though I must admit, even if it wasn't Mika singing it, lets say... Hanson or U2... I'd still dislike it...


Though I'm pretty sure Isaac wrote a song called Rain Falling Down... the name of Mika's song reminded me of that one...


Why the hell were you talking about I gave it all away?

Sorry... I mentioned how I really dislike that song... that's why... my bad!

However, what I have heard did sound like lazy writing and lazy singing, so that's what I commented on because I feel that Mika is capable of better.


I'm withholding my final judgement until I hear it properly, but I love Holy Johnny whether I hear it on the Live DVD or see a poor quality recording on YouTube, so I'm not sure my opinion will change much. Having it stuck in my head as I slept, and still ringing in my brain as I woke, didn't help.


Those points I waned to say I agree wih completely...


I almost feel like some people here won't be satisfied unless the new songs are like LICM. Any attempt at something new, and you'll analyze every note to death and find something you don't like about it as much as you love LICM.


I would prefer to hear what Mika can really do... I mean we all know he can do pop music... but I want to see something different... As long as it's something different to what's out there already will be great.


If you look at U2 or Hanson. Each of their albums are different to each other (esp when you look at Pop compared to something like War or Boy). The thing is, each o their albums have something about them that make it uniquely theirs (eg, Hanson has the whole 3 part harmony).


Though a little less falsetto could be good... He sings beautifully without it (The Only Lonely One is a great example).


I definitely would love to see something new, even very different from LICM. But I think many of us have high expectations and it's going to be hard to please us now. Not because we want more of the same, but because we've seen glimpses of how very talented he can be, and what his potential is. I think that many of us are just hoping to be blown away, whether or not it has a similar sound.


Edit: I'd actually like to see him focus less on the spectacle and more on the basics... just to let us hear his voice. At Adele's concert there was no "show", just her at the front of the stage, baring her soul. I would soooooo love to see Mika do that, but it's not going to happen - at least not for many years until one day he decides to reinvent himself. Right now he just wants to be a showman, and although it made for a spectacular concert I think it might make me lose interest if the actual songwriting and craft of the songs on the next album don't do it for me.


I totally agree...


Let it rainnn , I could be brownnnn , I could be blueeee rainnn , I could be snow , I could be iceeeee


Maybe has a better ring to it


Long as it it isn't yellow snow :naughty:...


Well, I've listened to it again.


I love the verses. I love the melody of it, that's all hunky dory, but the problem that lies with me is a problem that lies with many - the chorus.


Yep... it was only OK before it got to the chorus...


Well how are you gonna avoid that? Most of us are here because we like the songs on LICM, so of course we're gonna compare the new songs to those we fell in love with. You always compare to something and it doesn't really make sense to compare his songs to Timbaland's latest production...but okay if you insist - compared to that Rain is a masterpiece


An excellent point...


but i got scared over the second album since HMDYLM came out. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. For me, it's an okay song. Mika has so much potential and like you, I really want him to do well.


Perez said his new songs are awesome. let's hope Perez is right.


Same for me... If HJ is on there, then it a least has one saving grace...


what about any other world? happy ending? over my shoulder? erase? your sympathy?


The only one in that list that I like is Happy Ending.. absolutely hate OMS... the others are okay...


We havent heard the album yet!


Ohhhh rock


Now we are talking , I would love to see him to a rock album or something much heavier


Now... if he were to channel U2, then I might be a bit happier...


But once the album comes out and we hear Rain we will treat it like OMS, a lovely, quiet song that suits a particular mood.


I already treat it like OMS... I dislike it immensely and I don't listen to it...


i like HMDYLM, i like HJ, i like rain. however imo none of them would make a great album. i hope that means he's saving the best ones for later.


I hope he is too... I really hope so...


Btw I think I must be about the only person in the MFC who doesn't like HMDYLM.


neither love nor hate for me lol...


Same... It's only okay... just like vegemite is for me now... it's okay...


So do I....and I'm sure it will be, we just have to believe in him and LISTEN to his new songs. He needs us to support him in this and not slag him off!


But who's slagging him off? I've not seen anyone slagging him off in here...


but hey we all agree its better than erase, right


I agree with that...


only fan who does not like this song.


Nope... join the club...


There's me, mikas_gal07 and Christine :naughty:




Thought someone might like this picture in this thread.


Sorry, couldn't resist after the LOL cats earlier.


It's our LOL MIKA.


Hehe... *thinks of what words to put on it*


don't shoot me for saying this, but I didn't really like it.


maybe it was just that I couldn't hear it, but it sounded awful to me. :(


Join the club!


*completely agrees* Luckily, no one saw my comment that was at the bottom of the page


I did...

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Ahhh, adding an orchestra to rain would be amazing.... It would make it... complete. My favorite is when artists add strings and trumpets into their songs. It blows me away.

Or he can have rain pattering in the background in the beginning :lol3: Like Ring Ring... With the ringing.


haha the other day there was a phone commercial on the Radio, that sounded suprisingly like the beginning of Ring Ring and I started flipping out, thinking that Mika was being played on the radio.

My family was like "..uh are you okay? its just a commercial" I had to explain and got all the eyerolls :naughty: :naughty:

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If you need to deconstruct a 3 minute pop song in order to appreciate it on any level that tells me that it's not working at all. It's pop music. You're supposed to enjoy it. If you need to listen to it many times and break it down in order to convince yourself it's not bad, it has failed the test of being a good pop song.


Oh I know exactly what you mean, but think of Grace Kelly. It's a happy, boppy, catchy tune, but the lyrics say something completely different. Sometimes you might be humming the tune and not know the words, but then once you learn them/look them up it's something completely different.


That's...kinda what I was trying to get across.

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Notice he says "acoustic version".....hmmm


I hope the studio version is very similar to the live version...this song is too beautiful to be over-processed, but I bet Christine will disagree :naughty:

Imagine if the album version would sound like Relax!:shocked:

Well I'm sure on the stupid album Mika will do the harmonies and it will be even and complimentary:wink2:


I hope:naughty:

I hope that album will ever come, and it'll better be good!

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There are all sorts of reasons why I haven't liked what I've heard of "Rain" - not well performed, lyrics could be better etc.




I walked round the supermarket this morning humming it to myself, and had to come back and listen to it again.

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There are all sorts of reasons why I haven't liked what I've heard of "Rain" - not well performed, lyrics could be better etc.




I walked round the supermarket this morning humming it to myself, and had to come back and listen to it again.

Boo!! :bleh:


Looks as if I'm the only one who hasn't commented in here on Rain.

It's rained at my place constantly since I heard it.. Thanks Mika.

Anyway, it's got potential to be saved in the studio.. But if it's on Album #2, then I hope it's the weakest track on there..

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Boo!! :bleh:


Looks as if I'm the only one who hasn't commented in here on Rain.

It's rained at my place constantly since I heard it.. Thanks Mika.

Anyway, it's got potential to be saved in the studio.. But if it's on Album #2, then I hope it's the weakest track on there..




I actually came to this thread to write smth like that!!!!!!!

was thinking (hoping that is), that he might save the better ones for the release itself...


anyways, hope there wld be some genious producer to save that one....

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I love the new song 'Rain', but my son calls it 'PAIN', because he says that's what Mika sounds like when he sings it.

I think I need some Mika-love from the MFC, to make up for my son's dissing of Mika's wonderful voice and his songwriting skills

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There are all sorts of reasons why I haven't liked what I've heard of "Rain" - not well performed, lyrics could be better etc.




I walked round the supermarket this morning humming it to myself, and had to come back and listen to it again.



And having listened to it again I still think the performance is awful. But there is a song there to be saved - he could drop it an octave so that he doesn't have to strain to sing it, for a start, and ditch the back-up singers in the chorus ...

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And having listened to it again I still think the performance is awful. But there is a song there to be saved - he could drop it an octave so that he doesn't have to strain to sing it, for a start, and ditch the back-up singers in the chorus ...


I was just watching the chorus on video again (sorry Marilyn, it IS painful!)


I think he should just hold "when it rains" straight through the chorus and let backing singers do the harmony...instead of him repeating "when it rains" quickly and going up and down and all over the place with his voice.

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Yeah, the straining on high notes is terrible.. It's always impressive he can sing high, but this song would benefit without it.. But I guess the good thing is he can keep working on it in live shows until he's (we're :naughty: ) happy (happier/tolerant) with it..

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Yeah, the straining on high notes is terrible.. It's always impressive he can sing high, but this song would benefit without it.. But I guess the good thing is he can keep working on it in live shows until he's (we're :naughty: ) happy (happier/tolerant) with it..


Quite a way to go then :fisch:

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