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I have a dream...


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  1. @MikaFanClub I have read this and of course will take it seriously. Thank u for bringing it to my attention.38 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to MikaFanClub

The power of Twitter and a fanclub to help make this little boy's dream become a reality. Fabulous.


so sweet of him to respond so quickly to this


hope little mathieu gets better very soon

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Mathieu is a French 5-year-old kid who is a big fan of MIKA. He knows all his songs and sings them all the time.

Unfortunately, he is also a victim of cancer, and he is now spending a lot of time in hospitals and in a lot of pain.

We'd like to offer him, and his family, a few happy moments in this stark period for all of them. So when I saw that MIKA was coming to Paris for two concerts in june, I started having that dream - of him going to that concert, and of him being invited by him. As the mother of a little boy who also had cancer and is now no longer with us today, I can personally attest to how important such moments can be for ill children and for their families. And I know that my little boy left us with stars in his eyes...



So, if I could now help Mathieu fulfil his dream, it would make me - in addition to them - so happy!



Thanks for anything you may be able to do to help me...

With kind regards,




I hope Mathieu gets better very soon! and I hope he gets to see mika :huglove:

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Cancer is a terrible thing. I've lost someone to it. He was also young but 5 year is even worse. I'm a bit late with this, but I read Mika is aware of it now. Hopefully something good will come out of it.:thumb_yello:

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Hi there! I'd love to help, but although I follow Mika and MFC with twitter and have an account I don't know how to twitt someone;) Can someone explain, so I can twitt Mika, please? Thanks!


Mika has already read the tweet about this and says he will take it seriously:thumb_yello:but if u wanna tweet someone u need to set up an account on twitter, follow the person u wanna tweet and then reply to one of their tweets...am I making any sense?!:roftl:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunno if you guys read this on Twitter...so sad... :tears:


To all those who tried to help by tweeting @Mikasounds, little Mathieu lost his fight against cancer last night :(Thx for everything anyway.

7:15 AM May 28th from web

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Dunno if you guys read this on Twitter...so sad... :tears:


To all those who tried to help by tweeting @Mikasounds, little Mathieu lost his fight against cancer last night :(Thx for everything anyway.

7:15 AM May 28th from web

:shocked: i saw this thread bumped and i thought it was going to be a good news. i thought he was going to a mika gig.


well he'll be a lovely angel watching mika from above.

is really sad... poor little boy :sad:

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yes, we got the terrible news that mathieu had lost his fight with cancer.

our thoughts are with his family at the moment.:huglove:


please, do not twit mika about this, as he has been made aware.

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Dunno if you guys read this on Twitter...so sad... :tears:


To all those who tried to help by tweeting @Mikasounds, little Mathieu lost his fight against cancer last night :(Thx for everything anyway.

7:15 AM May 28th from web

That's so sad! :(

My thoughts go out to his family. :tears:


please, do not twit mika about this, as he has been made aware.

Okay, no problem.

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Dunno if you guys read this on Twitter...so sad... :tears:


To all those who tried to help by tweeting @Mikasounds, little Mathieu lost his fight against cancer last night :(Thx for everything anyway.

7:15 AM May 28th from web


So so sad , and so close to making this happen

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