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Another Hello from Germany


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I'm a new-infected Mika-Fan from Germany (Leipzig).


I get to know Mika in a some kind of strange way. Until 3 month ago I never had heard a song from Mika, I didn't even know he existed.


And then I saw a independend film called "Were the world mine", were "Relax, take it easy" is played in one scene, and fell in love with this film. After that I listened to the soundtrack of "Were the world mine" nonstop. But firstly my favorite songs were others, "Relax" was only a good song for me, not more.


But it happened that "Relax" began to "grow" quietly and secretly. After some time I catched myself in playing this song more and more, at the end it was nearly like "repeat one play mode".


So, after listening to some other songs on youtube, which I liked (but not loved yet), I went to the record store and listened to "Life in cartoon motion" for trying.


And at that moment it made "click" Exits this phrase in English? *unsure* It really blows me away. After the second song I was sure, I would buy this CD. I listened to every song from the start to the end, which I've never done before. I had such a crush on the songs.


Now I'm listening to Mika for some weeks and I can't get enough. So much time I'm sitting anywhere and only listening to Mika.


His music has so much of positiv energie and "inner power". His melodies are so catchy without being annoying or the "being sick of hearing after three times"-characteristic. His songs partakes of something really special, individual and creative.


And Mika achieved something special: I feel his music, not only like it or think it's great - which only happened with one other band ever. The feeling, when the music floods in every fibre and you are full of it... I hope, this doesn't sound crazy and some can understand unsure.gif


After getting some information of Mika I was shocked. I mean, he is a well-known singer. And I needed a film which hardly anybody knows to get to know him :blink:

How I managed to never heard of him? He was number one in the UK, won/was nominated for lots of famous awards and all.

How I managed to never heard him at radio? Some days after buying his CD I heard him at radio two times.


I've registrated here mostly because I want to read some lyrics-discussion. For me some of his lyrics are a little bit cryptical and I'm not sure if I understand them right.


But now I stop. Sorry for the long text. Normally I don't talk much. Only if I'm very enthralled of something. And of Mika I'm more than enthralled at the moment biggrin.gif


If you have questions - ask them :)

Edited by DerMoment1608
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herzlich willkommen im MFC! :huglove: wenn du irgendwelche fragen zum forum (oder auch zu mika) hast, kannst du dich gern an mich wenden. :wink2: und wenn du mit anderen deutschen fans quatschen willst, gibt's hier einen thread dafür: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13559&page=303


interesting story of how you got to know about mika - guess we'll have to work harder on making him more popular in germany, can't believe there really are people that have never heard of him. but seems like your local radio station doesn't like him much, if they hardly ever play his music! :sneaky2:


so do you already have mika's new album "the boy who knew too much"? and are you going to the concert in leipzig next year in march? if you are, guess we'll meet there. :original:

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Thanks for your welcomes :)


@Local Radio Station

The thing is, it seems as if they are playing Mika regulary - I heard him some times after getting to know him. That's why it's even stranger that I didn't hear a song before (although I don't listen to the radio so often, but mostly you know the song nevertheless)


@Concert in Leipzig

I will be there smiley_emoticons_hurra2.gif And in Berlin, too!



wie alt bist du? welche musik liebst du?

I'm 21. And I mostly listen to german music like Rosenstolz (big fan for lot of years), Wise Guys, Die Prinzen, Meret Becker, Annett Louisan... So Mika isn't really my "normal taste". But most of the things which enthralled me really were something diffent from my "standard-likings" ;)



I like your avatar as well


Thanks :) It's the scene in "Were the world mine", were "Relax" is played. I thougt it is good combination, because I love this scene and I love "Relax" and becaus of this scene I get to know Mika. And the combination of T-Shirt an the writing is like "I ♥ Relax".

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