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2010 - MIKA @ Moscow, Russia - July 28 REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES


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I have written that it was the first meeting but not last. It is not last meeting within those three days, that Mika was in Russia)


I think people are confused because you asked if he remembered you when you are describing the first time you met him. Does he remember you from letters or the yearbook maybe? Twitter?

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it was a great show, very memorable evening and my dream come true )) shame it passed so quickly .. now when i'm at home ... it feels so far already though t was only 2 days ago , aah...


Loved your report Anastasia. So glad your dreams came true. :huglove:

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I think people are confused because you asked if he remembered you when you are describing the first time you met him. Does he remember you from letters or the yearbook maybe? Twitter?


I do not know what to answer... He knows. And all)


your pics are amzing Lena Thx again :huglove:

haha Karla. Really?:roftl:

Oh wow you got to keep his AAA pass!! :shocked:


I don't think I've ever seen a fan with one of those. :teehee:

I do not know... was His personal AAA:shocked:? It seemed to me, Mika has given something to Kath too... is not:blink:? And He has then returned to me and has given me this ААА pass... Then I am glad three times as much). And on a underside of this AAA pass there is Him autograph too...:teehee:

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ok ... think i have to write a report now )


we came to the venue somewhere in between 4 to 5 pm and there were only about 10 people queuing ... no numbers or anything ... a girl from Mexico and two Moscow guys had been waiting since early morning ... which is quite a heroic act considering how hot it was outside!

then John came out and we asked if they gonna pick people for LGs&BGs ... and later Mika's mother came out and said that the stage is very small so she need only few people and asked for 4boys first ... then she picked 3BGs & 3LGs (incl. me and my friend) ... finding a tall girl for a Bride wasn't easy tho ... but when she did ... we all went to the back doors where we rehearsed the march ... catching weird glances from people around ))) afterwards she brought us sandwiches , crisps and water which was really generous

when the supporting act was on stage we went to the venue and got dressed in the costumes ... i didn't expect it'll be so hot in this dress .. i got soaked within minutes

then we were given dark tunics and went to the balcony close to VIP zone to watch the show ... luckily we had the whole walkway for 11 of us ... i don't know how people in fanzone felt ... coz they were pretty close to one another and considering that no air conditioning systems were on in the venue it must have been really hard for them ... the air was so stuffy and hot ... that's what hell should be like i think ))

Mika started with Relax ... and crowd got crazy! so did i )) i let my inner fangirl out and enjoyed the show singing along, jumping and dancing around ))

i can't recollect the setlist ... but he did quite a lot of songs and talking .. both in english and russian and what surprised me he spoke russian really well )))

i especially loved Touches You and Sweet Dreams ... i hoped to hear God Gone Girl and I See You ... but those songs were not included in the set list

somewhere in the middle of the show we did the march and then got back to see the rest of the show from the balcony ... and they after Lollipop when everybody left the stage we went to change and have some water

then the girl that helped us with dresses asked for the things we wanted Mika to sign and part into 2 groups for taking a picture with Mika

shortly after she came back with signed things Mika came upstair and took pictures with both groups ... we didn't have much time to talk coz he was really busy

when we came out the queue for M&G was really huge ... from the entrance to the car with his mom and young brother and sister ... we didn't stay there an went home

it was a great show, very memorable evening and my dream come true ))

shame it passed so quickly .. now when i'm at home ... it feels so far already though t was only 2 days ago , aah...



it was really nice to meet Lonnie, Lena, Kath, Vika and few other Mika's fans we spent the evening with )))

and we had and international team backstage ))) a girls from Mexico, Serbia and Germany ... i actually thought that Kath would be the only foreigner there but obviously a i was mistaken ... probably there were many more in the audience ))


Edit #2:

John was really lovely and managed everything so that people who came early could enter the venue 15 minutes before everybody else to get spots they like )))


Thanks for sharing! Love the report verily much:thumb_yello::biggrin2:

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Is it " security pass "?? I did not know how to name this card).





Я не могла ничего писать 29 июля! Я была занята))). Ведь Мика был ещё в Москве). И я приехала домой только сегодня)

Ладно, пишу. Но я не знаю, что вы поймёте))).

Я привезла для всех подарки. Я ещё не знала, когда и как дать подарок каждому дорогому гостю России). По стечению счастливых обстоятельств я написала одному прекрасному бескорыстному человеку, который доверился мне и сказал всё, что я хотела узнать.Я живу в периферии и мы не потеряли традицию встречать и провожать гостей. Очень хотелось, чтобы Мика почувствовал себя желанным гостем с первого шага на нашу русскую земню:teehee:. Я не знала, кого позвать с собой, если честно. Днём в рабочее время в интернете почти никого нет. В общем, сумели встретиться и поехать только с одной девочкой. Приглашать всех открыто я побоялась. Мы ждали. Долго. Около пяти часов. Наконец , я увидела Джона). (Джон , Чериз, Джимми , Имма и семья прибыли накануне, как выяснилось позже.). буду писать короче)). Я подарила Джону сувенир. Он разговаривал с нашей девочкой Катей, потому, что я сумела вспомнить мало слов)). Самолёт задерживался на час. Все пошли ближе ко входу ( ещё были 2 организатора концерта). Они пошли к столикам кафе, мы встали поодаль и смотрели на вход в ожидании Мики. И что забавно, я знала, что Джон обязательно к нам подойдёт и пригласит к столу)). Он подошёт и пригласил. Мы отказались, конечно. Но было приятно ощутить его британскую галантность на себе:wub2:. Укорачиваю.... Нам сказали , что Мика подойдёт к нам, и мы ждали в стороне от встречающих. и МИКА вышел! По-моему , я начала повизигивать от радости)). Первое, что я увидела - это длинные ноги, шагающие сами по себе без его хозяина)). Размашистый шаг гибких журавлиных ног...Красота!! дальше я не помню, что было прежде, подарки или фотографии... Мило было с подарками). Я подарила ему подарок от знакомой американки и взяла для неё автограф. Интересно, как он повторяет слова)) . Берёт и комментирует, он действительно, не ожидал такой атаки:naughty:

Я( копаять всё время в сумке)) = Это для тебя....

....это для мамы

М (весело и удивлённо) - для мамы!

I= это для систёр

М= (Мике совсем весело, показалось, что хохотнул) - для сестёр!

I= Это для брата

М= Для брата!

I= (Достаю ещё пакетик, думаю, кого же я забыла...) Это для Мартина...

А пакетик уже в ладонях Мики)...

М= А Мартин там, там идёт ! И показывает себе за спину). И такое лицо у него было всё это время).

I= Мартин там ?

М= подняв бровки , да Мартин там идёт!

я понимала, но за спиной слышала перевод))

Милое и радостно улыбающееся лицо. Ему было дейтвительно забавно).

Мы с девочкой Катей сфотографировались по очереди с Ним. Совсем не помню прикосновений) . Только его мягкий согнутый локоть с мягкими волосками)). Я боялась прикасаться к нему, потому, что мы были горячими, а Мика был свеженький). Не хотелось его отпуcкать от нас. Я хотела сделать фотографию и когда звала Мику, он радостно поворачивался). Но так как он все время двигался, то я не делала никаких снимков и так было несколько раз. Уже в самый последний момент я снова позвала его и сфотографировала" лишь бы как " . Джон не дал ему повернуть в нашу сторону на этот раз))). Ангел-хранитель Мики). В общем, Мика был радостным, сияющим, улыбающимся и очень доброжелательным. Да...Я сказала в самом начале, " Я Лена, ты помнишь меня?" Мика сказал " Да, я помню тебя" и взгляд поменялся, когда человек понимает, что видит кого-то знакомого)). Вот эти глаза я и запомнила и это выражение лица) И эту встречу, самую первую и не последнюю).

Этих фотографий у меня пока нет, надеюсь и жду, когда мне их пришлют...


Видимо, это первая часть) С утра я ухожу на работу, а написала только треть)


I have one video but it is hard for adding on youtube.( it is a big part of Rain and a little part of BIOTG:wub2:) My photos is very bad(


Thanks for sharing your report (waiting for the other episodes).

Your photos are great, no matter if they're not professionally cleaned, matters most the emotion they transmit to whom took them and to all of us fans, Thank you! :D Video was excellent too!


Thanks to everyone as well for photos, comments and videos:thumb_yello:

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I don't really know where to start to be honest. I think I will cut out the smilies as I would no doubt use too many and get in a pickle.


To begin with, may I appologise for what is probably going to be a fairly badly written (grammatically) report. I am physically shaking at present. I know it is odd...............it is several days after the gig but this week has been an incredible experience for me in many, many ways. I returned home a few hours ago....when I got out of the car I started shaking and I don't think I have stopped yet. I spent four days in temepratures/conditions unlike any I have ever experienced. I live in Scotland and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the climate here that means that I live in the cold and wet most of the time :naughty:. My body doesn't seem to be able to readjust. Add to that the fact that I have just read the whole of this thread and the pre gig thread. Reading the reports from the Russian girls and all the general excitement on here has certainly added to my shakes!




Firstly I would like to say what an absolute pleasure it was to meet the Russian fans. I don't know everyones name......only Lena and Anastasia (mikatuned) but I met more than that and I appolgise to those of you whose names I do not remember. However, may I thank you all for making Abby and I feel very very welcome both in Russia and at the gig itself. Right from the begining, although I was REALLY looking forward to it, I felt a little guilty about attending this gig. I knew that it was going to be very special for you all and I didn't in any way want to undermine your special moment. However, in the event, I think that everyone was happy.....we all had an amazing time.

The gig itself was mindblowing. Totally awesome. Until now I have honestly never been able to put my finger on a favourite gig. As has been said many times, it often depends largely on ones own personal experiences, the queuing, your position, whether you get to meet Mika etc. Therefore, all these things being considered, some gigs are more memorable to individuals than others. And for me, I have a lot of gigs that are certainly up there as 'favourites' but not one that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Until now.

The whole performance was incredible. I honestly don't know how Mika managed to put on such an amazing show in such unbearable heat. But he did. He gave it 1000% percent as usual. His performances of Dr John/Rain and Touches you were some of the best I have seen. When he did Sweet Drams I really seriously thought that I had died and gone to heaven, it was such an unexpected surprise.

The whole atmosphere of the gig was just so 'special'. Although I was obviously aware that this was Mika's first performance in Russia I guess that the full significance of that hadn't really hit me. The excitement in the queue was palpable. People were literally jumping and squealling on the spot in anticipation.

Mika clearly LOVED the whole experience. He told the story of his Russian singing teacher and he dedicated the gig to her which was lovely. I was very impressed with how much Russian he spoke. I was watching the security guards faces as he spoke Russian - they seemed impresssed


I was delighted that he did the M and G afterwards- I had been a little afraid as I thought that he might be so heat exhausted that he would be unable to do it.

I think that the pics that Droopsy has posted (thanks for that!) and all the other ones that people have put on here sum the gig up perfectly. They are indeed some of the best pics that we have seen for a long time.


Lena - just to clarify what happened at the end of the M and G. - When Mika got to the end of the line he looked back. He obviously wanted to give you his security pass but at that point he couldn't see you. So he came back to me and he asked me to give it to you. He used your name - I was incredibly impressed with that! However, just as he was passing it to me he saw you - and so gave you it personally. Which was (of course) far nicer for you - to have him pass it to you personally rather than from my hot sweaty hands .:naughty:

Edited by kath
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Here there is an audio record of all Moscow concert! There was a direct broadcasting. I start to listen just now. Even shouts is poorly audible) Probably, wrote down from close distance and our shouts have not reached record))




Спасибо Lena :flowers2:




That is absolutely amazing:wub2: I'm really happy for you Lena!!!

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:fangurl: Lovely read!

I'm very glad you finally had your turn, Lena! :kaf:


:wub2: It's always so heartwarming to read about Mika's incredible sensitivity for what makes people happy. Like when he made Natie sign the t-shirt she had made for him. Or when he asked for a pen to carve his signature for Clara85's blind daughter. Or when he chose that very special souvenir for you, Lena. :wub2: Makes me want to virtually squeeze him very tight girl_blush2.gif

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I don't really know where to start to be honest. I think I will cut out the smilies as I would no doubt use too many and get in a pickle.


To begin with, may I appologise for what is probably going to be a fairly badly written (grammatically) report. I am physically shaking at present. I know it is odd...............it is several days after the gig but this week has been an incredible experience for me in many, many ways. I returned home a few hours ago....when I got out of the car I started shaking and I don't think I have stopped yet. I spent four days in temepratures/conditions unlike any I have ever experienced. I live in Scotland and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the climate here that means that I live in the cold and wet most of the time :naughty:. My body doesn't seem to be able to readjust. Add to that the fact that I have just read the whole of this thread and the pre gig thread. Reading the reports from the Russian girls and all the general excitement on here has certainly added to my shakes!




Firstly I would like to say what an absolute pleasure it was to meet the Russian fans. I don't know everyones name......only Lena and Anastasia (mikatuned) but I met more than that and I appolgise to those of you whose names I do not remember. However, may I thank you all for making Abby and I feel very very welcome both in Russia and at the gig itself. Right from the begining, although I was REALLY looking forward to it, I felt a little guilty about attending this gig. I knew that it was going to be very special for you all and I didn't in any way want to undermine your special moment. However, in the event, I think that everyone was happy.....we all had an amazing time.

The gig itself was mindblowing. Totally awesome. Until now I have honestly never been able to put my finger on a favourite gig. As has been said many times, it often depends largely on ones own personal experiences, the queuing, your position, whether you get to meet Mika etc. Therefore, all these things being considered, some gigs are more memorable to individuals than others. And for me, I have a lot of gigs that are certainly up there as 'favourites' but not one that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Until now.

The whole performance was incredible. I honestly don't know how Mika managed to put on such an amazing show in such unbearable heat. But he did. He gave it 1000% percent as usual. His performances of Dr John/Rain and Touches you were some of the best I have seen. When he did Sweet Drams I really seriously thought that I had died and gone to heaven, it was such an unexpected surprise.

The whole atmosphere of the gig was just so 'special'. Although I was obviously aware that this was Mika's first performance in Russia I guess that the full significance of that hadn't really hit me. The excitement in the queue was palpable. People were literally jumping and squealling on the spot in anticipation.

Mika clearly LOVED the whole experience. He told the story of his Russian singing teacher and he dedicated the gig to her which was lovely. I was very impressed with how much Russian he spoke. I was watching the security guards faces as he spoke Russian - they seemed impresssed


I was delighted that he did the M and G afterwards- I had been a little afraid as I thought that he might be so heat exhausted that he would be unable to do it.

I think that the pics that Droopsy has posted (thanks for that!) and all the other ones that people have put on here sum the gig up perfectly. They are indeed some of the best pics that we have seen for a long time.


Lena - just to clarify what happened at the end of the M and G. - When Mika got to the end of the line he looked back. He obviously wanted to give you his security pass but at that point he couldn't see you. So he came back to me and he asked me to give it to you. He used your name - I was incredibly impressed with that! However, just as he was passing it to me he saw you - and so gave you it personally. Which was (of course) far nicer for you - to have him pass it to you personally rather than from my hot sweaty hands .


Wonderful report Kath:wub2: Sounds like it was a super exciting gig:biggrin2:

And how kind of him to dedicate the concert to his teacher!!!

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:fangurl: Lovely read!

I'm very glad you finally had your turn, Lena! :kaf:


:wub2: It's always so heartwarming to read about Mika's incredible sensitivity for what makes people happy. Like when he made Natie sign the t-shirt she had made for him. Or when he asked for a pen to carve his signature for Clara85's blind daughter. Or when he chose that very special souvenir for you, Lena. :wub2: Makes me want to virtually squeeze him very tight girl_blush2.gif


I've never read Natie's story before, thanks for bringing it up:thumb_yello:

It's incredibly heartwarming reading stories like these:wub2:

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First, for Lena:wub2:....I am so glad to read about your wonderful experiences, and especially to see that Mika knew EXACTLY who his biggest supporter in Russia has been since 2007. How amazing you got his pass!!!


And mikatuned and Kath, thank you for your reports too. Kath I hope you have finally stopped shaking....that actually happened to me after my first experience seeing Mika...it is nice to know he can still work his magic even after you have seen so many shows :fangurl:

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Wow! you're very lucky Lena! And thank you for your report so far! (and thanks silver for translating... I got the general idea of what was said, but your translation cleared it up for me!)


You managed to get some really good pictures too!


I don't really know where to start to be honest. I think I will cut out the smilies as I would no doubt use too many and get in a pickle.


To begin with, may I appologise for what is probably going to be a fairly badly written (grammatically) report. I am physically shaking at present. I know it is odd...............it is several days after the gig but this week has been an incredible experience for me in many, many ways. I returned home a few hours ago....when I got out of the car I started shaking and I don't think I have stopped yet. I spent four days in temepratures/conditions unlike any I have ever experienced. I live in Scotland and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the climate here that means that I live in the cold and wet most of the time :naughty:. My body doesn't seem to be able to readjust. Add to that the fact that I have just read the whole of this thread and the pre gig thread. Reading the reports from the Russian girls and all the general excitement on here has certainly added to my shakes!




Firstly I would like to say what an absolute pleasure it was to meet the Russian fans. I don't know everyones name......only Lena and Anastasia (mikatuned) but I met more than that and I appolgise to those of you whose names I do not remember. However, may I thank you all for making Abby and I feel very very welcome both in Russia and at the gig itself. Right from the begining, although I was REALLY looking forward to it, I felt a little guilty about attending this gig. I knew that it was going to be very special for you all and I didn't in any way want to undermine your special moment. However, in the event, I think that everyone was happy.....we all had an amazing time.

The gig itself was mindblowing. Totally awesome. Until now I have honestly never been able to put my finger on a favourite gig. As has been said many times, it often depends largely on ones own personal experiences, the queuing, your position, whether you get to meet Mika etc. Therefore, all these things being considered, some gigs are more memorable to individuals than others. And for me, I have a lot of gigs that are certainly up there as 'favourites' but not one that stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Until now.

The whole performance was incredible. I honestly don't know how Mika managed to put on such an amazing show in such unbearable heat. But he did. He gave it 1000% percent as usual. His performances of Dr John/Rain and Touches you were some of the best I have seen. When he did Sweet Drams I really seriously thought that I had died and gone to heaven, it was such an unexpected surprise.

The whole atmosphere of the gig was just so 'special'. Although I was obviously aware that this was Mika's first performance in Russia I guess that the full significance of that hadn't really hit me. The excitement in the queue was palpable. People were literally jumping and squealling on the spot in anticipation.

Mika clearly LOVED the whole experience. He told the story of his Russian singing teacher and he dedicated the gig to her which was lovely. I was very impressed with how much Russian he spoke. I was watching the security guards faces as he spoke Russian - they seemed impresssed


I was delighted that he did the M and G afterwards- I had been a little afraid as I thought that he might be so heat exhausted that he would be unable to do it.

I think that the pics that Droopsy has posted (thanks for that!) and all the other ones that people have put on here sum the gig up perfectly. They are indeed some of the best pics that we have seen for a long time.


Lena - just to clarify what happened at the end of the M and G. - When Mika got to the end of the line he looked back. He obviously wanted to give you his security pass but at that point he couldn't see you. So he came back to me and he asked me to give it to you. He used your name - I was incredibly impressed with that! However, just as he was passing it to me he saw you - and so gave you it personally. Which was (of course) far nicer for you - to have him pass it to you personally rather than from my hot sweaty hands .:naughty:


Thanks Kath! Sounds like an awesome gig! And I'm impressed that he spoke Russian...

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Well .. it might be something like this - I was never very good with tenses and some bits I don't really understand :doh: - maybe mikatuned can correct it :naughty:



i changed only few things , mainly highlighted bits ... and some sentences that were understood wrong .... sorry i don't have time to do proper proofreading


did you use an online translator or did you hide that you know russian so well, silver?



I had brought gifts for everyone. I still did not know when and how to give the gifts to each dear visitor to Russia. Due to the circumstances I had contacted one really good person who trusted me and told everything that I needed to know. I live far from the capital and we have not lost the tradition of meeting and seeing off visitors. I thought it was very desirable that Mika felt like a welcome guest from the first step on our Russian soil.

Frankly, I didn’t know whom to call to go with me. On week days at working time there’s nearly no one in the internet. I ended up going with only one other girl. I got afraid to invite everybody publicly. We’ve been waiting. For long. For about 5 hours.

Finally, I saw John. (John, Cherisse, Jimmy, Imma and Mika's family had arrived earlier, as it turned out later. I shall write more shortly). I presented John with a souvenir. He talked to Katya because I have managed to recollect only few words). The plane landed 1 hr late. Everyone went closer to an entrance with 2 organizers from the concert).

They went to some small cafe tables. We stood aside and looked at the entrance to see if Mika was coming. Funny, I just knew that John was going to come and ask us to join them. And he really did but We refused, of course. But it was pleasant to feel British gallantry (hospitality?)

I shorten.... We were told that Mika would come over to us, and we waited away from thos who came to meet him. And Mika arrived. I think I started to squeak from joy. The first thing I saw was those long legs, walking in by themselves apparently without an owner. A wide step of flexible crane legs (I think she might mean flamingo (guess you would say flamingo … but she meant crane as a bird… also the one with long legs that lives in our latitudes , we don’t have flamingo here) ... Beauty!! Don’t remember what happened first whether it was gifts or photos.. (it was sweet with the gifts)

I gave him a present from a friend of mine from the US and took an autograph for her. It was interesting that he repeated my words as he took each present and made comments. Apparently he didn’t expect such an ‘attack’ from me.

I = It is for you...... It is for your mum

M (cheerfully and surprised) - for my mum!

I = it for your sisters

M = (giggling) - for my sisters!

I = It for your brother

M = For my brother!

I = (taking out another bag, I try to remember who I have forgotten...) It for Martin...

(And a bag is already in Mika’s hands)...

M = And Martin is there, there he goes! (pointing behind his back)

I = Martin there?

M = (lifting his eye brows), yes Martin is going there!

(I understood, someone behind me translated)

Lovely and happily smiling face. It looked really funny to him.


Katya and I were photographed in turns with Mika. I do not remember his touch at all, only his bent elbow with soft hair I was afraid to touch him because we were hot, and Mika was fresh. I didn’t want to let him go. I wanted to take a photo of him and when I called Mika, he turned and smiled. But as he kept on moving, I could not take a picture. Then I called Mika again, and this time I was able to photo him. John would not allow him to turn our way again. Mika’s gardian angel (I think she means John looks after Mika (exactly)).

In general, Mika was joyful, blinding, smiling and very friendly. Yes... I told you right at the beginning.... I said " I Lena, do you remember me? " and Mika replied " Yes, I remember you " his look changed it’s like when you understand that you see smb familiar. And I remembered the look in his eyes and this first meeting, the very first but not the last one (Does she mean she has met him before? (no she means that’ was very first meeting but there’ll be more in the next few days))

I don’t have those photos yet, I’m still waiting for them to be mailed to me

It’s only the first part of my report, I’m going to work in the morning and I only wrote 1/3 of my report

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First, for Lena:wub2:....I am so glad to read about your wonderful experiences, and especially to see that Mika knew EXACTLY who his biggest supporter in Russia has been since 2007. How amazing you got his pass!!!


And mikatuned and Kath, thank you for your reports too. Kath I hope you have finally stopped shaking....that actually happened to me after my first experience seeing Mika...it is nice to know he can still work his magic even after you have seen so many shows :fangurl:


Well, I aren't saying that he couldn't still give me the shakes but to be honest I think it has more to do with the diversity of temperature on this occasion :roftl:


Yeah................it is fantastic that Mika gave Lena his pass. I am SO delighted that she had such a great time.


Great for Anastasia to go on stage too :thumb_yello:

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I live in Scotland and for those of you that are unfamiliar with the climate here that means that I live in the cold and wet most of the time :naughty:. My body doesn't seem to be able to readjust.


I know exactly what you mean. I came back to Canada in the winter from living in South Africa and southern England for years and I thought I was going to die from the cold. :aah:


Mika clearly LOVED the whole experience. He told the story of his Russian singing teacher and he dedicated the gig to her which was lovely. I was very impressed with how much Russian he spoke. I was watching the security guards faces as he spoke Russian - they seemed impresssed


I had never thought about his connection with his teacher...I guess he learned some Russian from her as well as music.


I think that the pics that Droopsy has posted (thanks for that!) and all the other ones that people have put on here sum the gig up perfectly. They are indeed some of the best pics that we have seen for a long time.


Yes, wow, I noticed that and wanted to ask. I think part of it is because it looks like they didn't kick the photographers out after 3 songs like they normally do. But weren't they in your way all the time? I hate that. :aah:


Lena - just to clarify what happened at the end of the M and G. - When Mika got to the end of the line he looked back. He obviously wanted to give you his security pass but at that point he couldn't see you. So he came back to me and he asked me to give it to you. He used your name - I was incredibly impressed with that! However, just as he was passing it to me he saw you - and so gave you it personally. Which was (of course) far nicer for you - to have him pass it to you personally rather than from my hot sweaty hands .:naughty:


It doesn't matter how many times I hear stories like this and know that this is exactly what Mika is like - it's still amazing to me. :fangurl:


Thanks so much for your report Kath. I was looking forward to the traveller's perspective. Glad it was so special for you and worth the journey.


:wub2: It's always so heartwarming to read about Mika's incredible sensitivity for what makes people happy. Like when he made Natie sign the t-shirt she had made for him. Or when he asked for a pen to carve his signature for Clara85's blind daughter. Or when he chose that very special souvenir for you, Lena. :wub2: Makes me want to virtually squeeze him very tight girl_blush2.gif


Oh gosh I miss Natie. She was so sweet.


To meet anyone with Mika's empathy for others is extraordinary but to see it in a popstar is just unbelievable really.

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Well, I aren't saying that he couldn't still give me the shakes but to be honest I think it has more to do with the diversity of temperature on this occasion :roftl:


Yeah................it is fantastic that Mika gave Lena his pass. I am SO delighted that she had such a great time.


Great for Anastasia to go on stage too :thumb_yello:


i really loved it! but i hoped for a bit longer M&G ... he was in a real hurry to come out to you guys ... we had time only to take pics and then he rushed out

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