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Why is Mika Boycotted in the UK?

Marilyn Mastin

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*mutters under breath* Not gonna mention all the parts of the world where he's only been once or twice... *clears throat*





YES!!! Us evil Aussies have whinged enough about Mika that you've become one of us!!!


It's only for the home fans that this is such an issue. Living on this isolated rock in the south seas, I'm now resigned to practically never seeing the man. I've seen him once and that may have to do me for the rest of my life.


I'm a bit like that myself (even though I've seen him twice). I wouldn't mind seeing him here again, but I'm not desperate about it. If he gets here he gets here (of course I've spent a fir bit of this year fangurling over Hanson, so :dunno:).


During the last dry spell I had a running joke with some people that we were waiting for the booty call. That once Mika was done with his hiding and faffing around and neglecting his fans that suddenly there would be a promise of new songs with a secret gig or similar.


But I do not intend to sit another several years by the phone waiting for the next booty call. :naughty:




I think he said something like he had a one night stand with us and that it was too long between visits... From memory, he said he didn't want to leave it for as long next time....


*looks at watch*


Well Meeks, it's coming up to three years between visits :fisch:


He won't be able to use the same distribution channels anymore, meaning that the record won't be available in the stores. Should he record something without a major contract you could still buy it from MFC, of course, and at his own small gigs but he'd even find it difficult to get promoters organize concerts for him.


I wouldn't necessarily agree with that...


Hanson aren't signed with a record label anymore and I believe they managed to organise a distribution deal with a larger company (can't remember off the top of my head, but for some reason I think outside of the US it's Sony). They also managed to sell out concerts in Oz (they did ones in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, etc), and are constantly touring. They even have gotten a lot of press here, I was surprised at how much.


Admiteddly, they do work hard at it and they really involve their fans in getting their music out there, but it's doable.


Anyways, that was a bit off topic :ot:

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Doesn't his sweetness justify it for you? :pinkbow:



I find it hard to believe that he sold 4 million copies of his last album and I doubt he sold 4 million tickets for his own unless one includes the attendance of festivals he was only one of the performers at :dunno:



I think he does.


He won't be able to use the same distribution channels anymore, meaning that the record won't be available in the stores. Should he record something without a major contract you could still buy it from MFC, of course, and at his own small gigs but he'd even find it difficult to get promoters organize concerts for him. Without a contract he wouldn't get exposure in the media unless he starts going out with Justin Bieber.

At the same time, it looks like he can always release a new album in France with Label Barclay.



You may be but is he?


During the inactive period we did not stop to be Mika fans but were simply moaning about Mika not being active, weren't we? True it won't be that exciting the second time so perhaps we can go and hibernate now to return in 5 years... :roftl:





You can't deny you are a Mika fan :roftl:



yes, to both. He needs to live with the consequences though.





It was not about the endorsement, it was about the song being awesome and stading out from the rest. (Plus, great video as well) It worked for Mika once, with Grace Kelly. His success on that has worn off, so he'd need other awesome stuff to get people hooked again. When the first news of the album arrived I expected a total re-launch of him with TOOL leading as a single but it never happened.


Clearly we don´t agree on anything :mf_rosetinted:


... or maybe only on the chicken stuff... :aah:


Look, I´ll get stick to what I think... About how many tickets he sold during his last tour, I´m not sure about the amount, but he said in an interview he sold more tickets than albums. I don´t know if he counted also with the festivals, but he was touring for... 2 years? so I do believe it´s true, since for what I remember the Imaginarium Tour wasn´t an accoustic tour, I mean, they wasn´t small venues usually. In Spain he performed in two big venues, not arenas, true, but El Palacio de los Deportes is really really big and they needed to... erm... put the stage a bit more... erm... to the back side?? (damn, it´s been a long since I don´t type in English and I´m losing this ability) cause he sold more tickets than they expected.


About using the channels of distributions... seriously... sod them. An album doesn´t need this or that label to be sold. A guy I´m following like a year ago has just launched his first album with a small label in London, and you can find his album either on the net or in some shops... and it´s not pop, it´s a sort of electronic music, nothing popular, so if Mika gets rid of the people who still today can´t make things properly to put this album on the chart sales maybe it´s better. I´m pretty sure there must be tons of labels who would open their arms to Mika if he decided to leave Universal.


About Mika and his happiness or sadness with the amount of fans he has... it´s something I don´t know. But if as we have thought always, he has been told to do this or that in order to get to a bigger amount of people and he doesn´t, I tend to think that he is happy with what he has. We only see his popstar side, but he is writing under girl names for some other artists, so... who knows? He´s said recently he loves writing... Writing a song for someone else means: low effort and easy repay. If the song is good enough he´ll get money, if not... oh well, he only spent few hours doing it so... (according to what he says, he wrote BG in 4 minutes, and OOL in an hour, so... since he says he vomits songs, it´s a very easy task for him). With this job he can get the money he needs to live at ease. And whenever he feels the curtain call, he can always go tour with his own songs... I mean... Mika has a very special way of thinking. Don´t forget that when he was asked bout the cover of his album, where we all had seen a Greek God, he saw a clown :doh: so, who knows?


We talked about this before, that maybe if this record didn´t make it to number one it could mean the end of Mika´s career... well I don´t think so. There are thousands of singers or bands that sell half of the half of what Mika sells, and they keep on doing their things.


He for sure needs someone taking care of his promotion. Cause he is performing here in a week, and no one has said a word. No-one. I think only in Barcelona the promotors put ads. But nothing in Madrid. Tickets are not totally sold this time and... I don´t know.

I also thought Mika was going to explode this time. I do think his album is good, far better than the last one (IMO) and also very different from the old ones but people who I made listen to the album have told me I´m totally biased and this album is quite flat. :shocked: flat? I give up. As I said before, I´m not in my "I need Mika to breathe" phase, and if he gets his arse to number one, perfect, but if not... I don´t care cause it´s not in my hands to do anything.



And before you ask, yes, I´m in my pre-gig depresion, so don´t take anything seriously. I still love him.




Edited by basicamenteyo
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Clearly we don´t agree on anything :mf_rosetinted:


... or maybe only on the chicken stuff... :aah:


Look, I´ll get stick to what I think... About how many tickets he sold during his last tour, I´m not sure about the amount, but he said in an interview he sold more tickets than albums. I don´t know if he counted also with the festivals, but he was touring for... 2 years? so I do believe it´s true, since for what I remember the Imaginarium Tour wasn´t an accoustic tour, I mean, they wasn´t small venues usually. In Spain he performed in two big venues, not arenas, true, but El Palacio de los Deportes is really really big and they needed to... erm... put the stage a bit more... erm... to the back side?? (damn, it´s been a long since I don´t type in English and I´m losing this ability) cause he sold more tickets than they expected.


About using the channels of distributions... seriously... sod them. An album doesn´t need this or that label to be sold. A guy I´m following like a year ago has just launched his first album with a small label in London, and you can find his album either on the net or in some shops... and it´s not pop, it´s a sort of electronic music, nothing popular, so if Mika gets rid of the people who still today can´t make things properly to put this album on the chart sales maybe it´s better. I´m pretty sure there must be tons of labels who would open their arms to Mika if he decided to leave Universal.


About Mika and his happiness or sadness with the amount of fans he has... it´s something I don´t know. But if as we have thought always, he has been told to do this or that in order to get to a bigger amount of people and he doesn´t, I tend to think that he is happy with what he has. We only see his popstar side, but he is writing under girl names for some other artists, so... who knows? He´s said recently he loves writing... Writing a song for someone else means: low effort and easy repay. If the song is good enough he´ll get money, if not... oh well, he only spent few hours doing it so... (according to what he says, he wrote BG in 4 minutes, and OOL in an hour, so... since he says he vomits songs, it´s a very easy task for him). With this job he can get the money he needs to live at ease. And whenever he feels the curtain call, he can always go tour with his own songs... I mean... Mika has a very special way of thinking. Don´t forget that when he was asked bout the cover of his album, where we all had seen a Greek God, he saw a clown :doh: so, who knows?


We talked about this before, that maybe if this record didn´t make it to number one it could mean the end of Mika´s career... well I don´t think so. There are thousands of singers or bands that sell half of the half of what Mika sells, and they keep on doing their things.


He for sure needs someone taking care of his promotion. Cause he is performing here in a week, and no one has said a word. No-one. I think only in Barcelona the promotors put ads. But nothing in Madrid. Tickets are not totally sold this time and... I don´t know.

I also thought Mika was going to explode this time. I do think his album is good, far better than the last one (IMO) and also very different from the old ones but people who I made listen to the album have told me I´m totally biased and this album is quite flat. :shocked: flat? I give up. As I said before, I´m not in my "I need Mika to breathe" phase, and if he gets his arse to number one, perfect, but if not... I don´t care cause it´s not in my hands to do anything.



And before you ask, yes, I´m in my pre-gig depresion, so don´t take anything seriously. I still love him.





I really enjoyed reading your post :biggrin2: You do make me laugh! - I am not being rude about your opinions ( which I basically agree with) - just your way of writing - I can see you saying it and it has put a smile on my face :huglove:

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I really enjoyed reading your post :biggrin2: You do make me laugh! - I am not being rude about your opinions ( which I basically agree with) - just your way of writing - I can see you saying it and it has put a smile on my face :huglove:


I could have said the same, couldn't I? I feel the same fire in Rosa as I have.

AH, those mediterraneans......:blush-anim-cl:

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blimey, I shouldn't have read the last pages. Now I feel depressed :emot-sad:


Why are you depressed? You love the new album, don't you? I know I do. It's everything I was hoping for and even more and I think he can be very pleased with it. The tour is lovely, he is doing great venues atm (in many countries).


Of course I was hoping the album would sell much better in the UK. I know it would have made him so happy... But it got really positive reviews in the US and the gigs sold out in minutes. Origin will be his next single and UW video out soon and both are good news. Why don't we just wait what will happen, it's not like he is suffering because he doesn't have enough money or something. He has a huge house in London and probably one whole room full of Louboutins :teehee:


Music business is a weird and complicated thing (he agreed about the first single, for example, but it was not that simple). And, sometimes it's really hard to understand decisions around him. Well some things are much better now, for example his FB. On the other hand, they didn't use Origin as the first single and they added the old mess (community etc) to his new gorgeous web site? And I could never manage to order my copy from Mikasounds, the page is not working for me :aah: (it says something about cookies but instructions doesn't work). Still, there's no reason to see everything darker than it is, imo, being realistic is just enough. I want to enjoy the album and gigs, I waited them for a long time. He is a brilliant artist, there will always be more beautiful songs and performances.

Edited by tiibet
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Why are you depressed? You love the new album, don't you? I know I do. It's everything I was hoping for and even more and I think he can be very pleased with it. The tour is lovely, he is doing great venues atm (in many countries).


Of course I was hoping the album would sell much better in the UK. I know it would have made him so happy... But it got really positive reviews in the US and the gigs sold out in minutes. Origin will be his next single and UW video out soon and both are good news. Why don't we just wait what will happen, it's not like he is suffering because he doesn't have enough money or something. He has a huge house in London and probably one whole room full of Louboutins :teehee:


Music business is a weird and complicated thing (he agreed about the first single, for example, but it was not that simple). And, sometimes it's really hard to understand decisions around him. Well some things are much better now, for example his FB. On the other hand, they didn't use Origin as the first single and they added the old mess (community etc) to his new gorgeous web site? And I could never manage to order my copy from Mikasounds, the page is not working for me :aah: (it says something about cookies but instructions doesn't work). Still, there's no reason to see everything darker than it is, imo, being realistic is just enough. I want to enjoy the album and gigs, I waited them for a long time. He is a brilliant artist, there will always be more beautiful songs and performances.


ah this is of great comfort, thanks:naughty:

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Why are you depressed? You love the new album, don't you? I know I do. It's everything I was hoping for and even more and I think he can be very pleased with it. The tour is lovely, he is doing great venues atm (in many countries).


Of course I was hoping the album would sell much better in the UK. I know it would have made him so happy... But it got really positive reviews in the US and the gigs sold out in minutes. Origin will be his next single and UW video out soon and both are good news. Why don't we just wait what will happen, it's not like he is suffering because he doesn't have enough money or something. He has a huge house in London and probably one whole room full of Louboutins :teehee:


Music business is a weird and complicated thing (he agreed about the first single, for example, but it was not that simple). And, sometimes it's really hard to understand decisions around him. Well some things are much better now, for example his FB. On the other hand, they didn't use Origin as the first single and they added the old mess (community etc) to his new gorgeous web site? And I could never manage to order my copy from Mikasounds, the page is not working for me :aah: (it says something about cookies but instructions doesn't work). Still, there's no reason to see everything darker than it is, imo, being realistic is just enough. I want to enjoy the album and gigs, I waited them for a long time. He is a brilliant artist, there will always be more beautiful songs and performances.


Totally agree with you, especially the bold part.


Some success takes more time than others and he can't promote everyone at the same time. Just wish he would come in Montreal sooner than later:naughty:

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Clearly we don´t agree on anything :mf_rosetinted:


... or maybe only on the chicken stuff... :aah:


Look, I´ll get stick to what I think... About how many tickets he sold during his last tour, I´m not sure about the amount, but he said in an interview he sold more tickets than albums. I don´t know if he counted also with the festivals, but he was touring for... 2 years? so I do believe it´s true, since for what I remember the Imaginarium Tour wasn´t an accoustic tour, I mean, they wasn´t small venues usually. In Spain he performed in two big venues, not arenas, true, but El Palacio de los Deportes is really really big and they needed to... erm... put the stage a bit more... erm... to the back side?? (damn, it´s been a long since I don´t type in English and I´m losing this ability) cause he sold more tickets than they expected.


About using the channels of distributions... seriously... sod them. An album doesn´t need this or that label to be sold. A guy I´m following like a year ago has just launched his first album with a small label in London, and you can find his album either on the net or in some shops... and it´s not pop, it´s a sort of electronic music, nothing popular, so if Mika gets rid of the people who still today can´t make things properly to put this album on the chart sales maybe it´s better. I´m pretty sure there must be tons of labels who would open their arms to Mika if he decided to leave Universal.


About Mika and his happiness or sadness with the amount of fans he has... it´s something I don´t know. But if as we have thought always, he has been told to do this or that in order to get to a bigger amount of people and he doesn´t, I tend to think that he is happy with what he has. We only see his popstar side, but he is writing under girl names for some other artists, so... who knows? He´s said recently he loves writing... Writing a song for someone else means: low effort and easy repay. If the song is good enough he´ll get money, if not... oh well, he only spent few hours doing it so... (according to what he says, he wrote BG in 4 minutes, and OOL in an hour, so... since he says he vomits songs, it´s a very easy task for him). With this job he can get the money he needs to live at ease. And whenever he feels the curtain call, he can always go tour with his own songs... I mean... Mika has a very special way of thinking. Don´t forget that when he was asked bout the cover of his album, where we all had seen a Greek God, he saw a clown :doh: so, who knows?


We talked about this before, that maybe if this record didn´t make it to number one it could mean the end of Mika´s career... well I don´t think so. There are thousands of singers or bands that sell half of the half of what Mika sells, and they keep on doing their things.


He for sure needs someone taking care of his promotion. Cause he is performing here in a week, and no one has said a word. No-one. I think only in Barcelona the promotors put ads. But nothing in Madrid. Tickets are not totally sold this time and... I don´t know.

I also thought Mika was going to explode this time. I do think his album is good, far better than the last one (IMO) and also very different from the old ones but people who I made listen to the album have told me I´m totally biased and this album is quite flat. :shocked: flat? I give up. As I said before, I´m not in my "I need Mika to breathe" phase, and if he gets his arse to number one, perfect, but if not... I don´t care cause it´s not in my hands to do anything.



And before you ask, yes, I´m in my pre-gig depresion, so don´t take anything seriously. I still love him.





You are right Rosa! Just cheer out of the pre-gig depression or I'll kick your butt:wink2:

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That's the reason why I follow his career and I love these theater size gigs most so I can't complain.


I would love them too if I could go to them. So would everyone I'm sure.


I guess I'm not so demanding fan, he doesn't need to come to me, I just want to see him performing, where ever it is.


But what if you couldn't? That is the reality for most people who don't live in mainland western Europe.


So yes, I could have probably bought a a new car or two with the money I've used seeing his concerts but you can't measure everything with money


Perhaps you don't need to measure in money if you are talking about luxuries that you don't need. But I am talking about paying off my mortgage. If anyone chooses Mika gigs over owning the roof over their head I think it's time for their friends and family to stage an intervention. :freak:


I know Mika doesn't go to Finland either but I'm on a completely different continent. I can't even get on a plane to Europe now for less than $1200. If I earned enough money to justify spending thousands of dollars on ONE concert then I would have so many work responsibilities I wouldn't have time to chase Mika all over the planet anyway.


About using the channels of distributions... seriously... sod them. An album doesn´t need this or that label to be sold. A guy I´m following like a year ago has just launched his first album with a small label in London, and you can find his album either on the net or in some shops... and it´s not pop, it´s a sort of electronic music, nothing popular, so if Mika gets rid of the people who still today can´t make things properly to put this album on the chart sales maybe it´s better.


Being independent means even more of a constant promotion grind (a la Justin Bieber). I am also following an independent singer and it is just non stop for him. He puts out new music literally every month. He sends a CD to all his fan club members 12 times a year. He does secret gigs, house gigs, small bars, opens for other artists, etc., etc.


I just don't see Mika doing any of this kind of thing or perhaps we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.


I never realized it before but I think "why don't you like me without making me try" is a true instance of Mika's "in lyrics veritas".


Yelle has performed more dates in the US than Mika and she doesn't even speak English, but that's what you have to do to even try to make a dent in the market. I guess it's a lot more rewarding to be a superstar in France than it is to sit anonymously on a crappy tour bus in the US.


I´m pretty sure there must be tons of labels who would open their arms to Mika if he decided to leave Universal.


I also think he sells enough records and Label Barclay is really behind him so I'm sure he'll be fine.


I could have said the same, couldn't I? I feel the same fire in Rosa as I have.

AH, those mediterraneans......:blush-anim-cl:


Ha, I find the Italian and Spanish fire a bit different though.

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But what if you couldn't? That is the reality for most people who don't live in mainland western Europe.


I know, and if he will do more US gigs in the future I can't travel much. It's not only money issue but time issue too, I can't travel long trips. But I was also thinking about his career in general, him not getting the airplay in the UK and about selling big venues etc. Just can't see why people are so worried. The album is good and he has already done gigs both in US and Europe and planning Asia. It seems to suit him well to have time and space to do many things and not massive promotion. Short answer, I can't write properly now...

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It seems to suit him well to have time and space to do many things and not massive promotion. Short answer, I can't write properly now...


I am not worried about Mika. Mika is doing just fine buying multi million dollar houses all over the world. But I have a mortgage to pay. Since he has put all his efforts into France and his side projects then I am not going to be able to go to his gigs anymore and invest the same kind of time in following his career. Many people made this decision long ago which is why there are less people to buy his album and concert tickets in 2012.

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I would love them too if I could go to them. So would everyone I'm sure.




But what if you couldn't? That is the reality for most people who don't live in mainland western Europe.




Perhaps you don't need to measure in money if you are talking about luxuries that you don't need. But I am talking about paying off my mortgage. If anyone chooses Mika gigs over owning the roof over their head I think it's time for their friends and family to stage an intervention. :freak:


I know Mika doesn't go to Finland either but I'm on a completely different continent. I can't even get on a plane to Europe now for less than $1200. If I earned enough money to justify spending thousands of dollars on ONE concert then I would have so many work responsibilities I wouldn't have time to chase Mika all over the planet anyway.




Being independent means even more of a constant promotion grind (a la Justin Bieber). I am also following an independent singer and it is just non stop for him. He puts out new music literally every month. He sends a CD to all his fan club members 12 times a year. He does secret gigs, house gigs, small bars, opens for other artists, etc., etc.


I just don't see Mika doing any of this kind of thing or perhaps we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.


I never realized it before but I think "why don't you like me without making me try" is a true instance of Mika's "in lyrics veritas".


Yelle has performed more dates in the US than Mika and she doesn't even speak English, but that's what you have to do to even try to make a dent in the market. I guess it's a lot more rewarding to be a superstar in France than it is to sit anonymously on a crappy tour bus in the US.




I also think he sells enough records and Label Barclay is really behind him so I'm sure he'll be fine.




Ha, I find the Italian and Spanish fire a bit different though.


Your on about Sam Beeton aren't you ... I do like some of his music - he's good - I can't really do europe gigs ... I just don't have the money - I have rent to pay for - that takes most of my paycheck ... I would love to go to more Mika gigs ... maybe once in a blue moon I can get over to Europe to see him (let's jump on a ferry at 4.00am and go to Brussels) but I have to admit the idea of going abroad on my own kind of scares me abit ... it was different last time ... I went with someone ... and we still got lost completely :doh::teehee: The idea of him not having UK shows and not doing much over here does worry me ... I won't pretend it doesn't ... I thought for a long while I was done with Mika ... I was done with Mika ... then I saw him live again and wham ... the old feelings are back again and I love him probably even more than I did before ... I'm lucky .. I know some people haven't seen him very much, if you're in the US or Australia, and I've been lucky cos' by the end of the year I'll have seen him 23 times ... I just want to see him alot more and not have the added worry of how I'm going to get to places abroad ... the minute I even open a foreign website trying to work out how to buy tickets I get a panic attack ... let alone booking a hotel ... or how to get to the venue when I don't speak the language ... I really need to get out of this bloody country more :lmfao:

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I started to quote and ended up with a looooong post without saying anything.:teehee:


My dearest MFC friends, I see some serious sentences around here, and now I'm feeling even more depressed. :sneaky2:


The closest gig for me was in Vienna and I was planing to go for months but couldn't make it for so many reasons. I'm still in pain every time something about that gig appears and I even avoided to enter the thread with reports for days. Still never seen any gigs and you can't imagine how I wish this to happen. I started to dream myself going to a gig and never get there. I'm feeling sick any time I hear how easily most of you organize your travels, not because you do, I'm happy that you can and happy to read all your reports and see videos and pictures, but because I'm feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. You can't imagine how lucky you all are. I even stopped posting anything here not because I'm not around, but because I feel so desperate for not being able to see Mika at all and didn't want to spread around my bad feelings. At this point of my life I can't afford it (I even planned to take a credit from a bank to go to Vienna, can you believe that:freak:), my friends can't afford traveling with me, cause they are not that insane. And I'm not a student or unemployed. I have a job, work as a teacher, and I have two faculty degrees. No mortgage to pay. I think in this lifetime I won't be able to have my own house or apartment. Or my own car. We are struggling, really struggling, with everyday life here. By that I mean to buy jackets or shoes for our kids, or tickets for the cinema. We forgot how it looks like to eat in a restaurant or to go to a theater. Books are my only vice an a new Mika CD.


Traveling to a Mika gig for me is now more than just a gig.


What is the chance for Mika to come to Serbia? No chance at all I think.:sad:

I'm sorry if this sounds too pathetic or private. It wasn't my intention. I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be unhappy with what you have.



And after all I have to say that I have a feeling Mika still didn't start a proper promo in UK. I think he left it for Christmas time. Am I being too optimistic? I always am, so I can't make a difference between me being optimistic or just realistic. :aah: So it's not just a Lebanese who smile when should be crying. We Serbians do that too. It's the similar way of living.


Sorry for this burst of bad feelings. It had to come out somewhere. I waited for too long to say it somewhere or to someone. I promise I'm usually completely different. :blush-anim-cl:

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I started to quote and ended up with a looooong post without saying anything.:teehee:


My dearest MFC friends, I see some serious sentences around here, and now I'm feeling even more depressed. :sneaky2:


The closest gig for me was in Vienna and I was planing to go for months but couldn't make it for so many reasons. I'm still in pain every time something about that gig appears and I even avoided to enter the thread with reports for days. Still never seen any gigs and you can't imagine how I wish this to happen. I started to dream myself going to a gig and never get there. I'm feeling sick any time I hear how easily most of you organize your travels, not because you do, I'm happy that you can and happy to read all your reports and see videos and pictures, but because I'm feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. You can't imagine how lucky you all are. I even stopped posting anything here not because I'm not around, but because I feel so desperate for not being able to see Mika at all and didn't want to spread around my bad feelings. At this point of my life I can't afford it (I even planned to take a credit from a bank to go to Vienna, can you believe that:freak:), my friends can't afford traveling with me, cause they are not that insane. And I'm not a student or unemployed. I have a job, work as a teacher, and I have two faculty degrees. No mortgage to pay. I think in this lifetime I won't be able to have my own house or apartment. Or my own car. We are struggling, really struggling, with everyday life here. By that I mean to buy jackets or shoes for our kids, or tickets for the cinema. We forgot how it looks like to eat in a restaurant or to go to a theater. Books are my only vice an a new Mika CD.


Traveling to a Mika gig for me is now more than just a gig.


What is the chance for Mika to come to Serbia? No chance at all I think.:sad:

I'm sorry if this sounds too pathetic or private. It wasn't my intention. I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be unhappy with what you have.



And after all I have to say that I have a feeling Mika still didn't start a proper promo in UK. I think he left it for Christmas time. Am I being too optimistic? I always am, so I can't make a difference between me being optimistic or just realistic. :aah: So it's not just a Lebanese who smile when should be crying. We Serbians do that too. It's the similar way of living.


Sorry for this burst of bad feelings. It had to come out somewhere. I waited for too long to say it somewhere or to someone. I promise I'm usually completely different. :blush-anim-cl:


Don't give up hope of seeing Mika - he is always popping up where you don't expect it (Iceland!) :hug:


And yes, a lot of us do forget how lucky we are at being able to see Mika relatively easily.

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Anyway Chickadee it's nice to see you again and hear your thoughts on this. i hope you and your family have been well.


Lovely to see you again Christine and yes, we are all pretty well. I must admit, you're scaring me with the talk about your days of being a Mika fan coming to an end. I just can't imagine this place without you!


That "chickadee" comment was for me?? :aah: whats a chickadee?? LOL Sounds chickeny :lmfao:


What's a chickadee? ME! An old member who hasn't been around for yonks. Nice to meet you.


I must be a very low-maintenance fan:mf_rosetinted:


I love that idea - a low maintenance fan. That's me, too.


I too will always love Mika, no matter what, but I don't want those wilderness years again.


Love that expression, the wilderness years. Yes, I buggered off during the wilderness years. I think it would have driven me mental to read about him gigging and touring all over the place where I couldn't see him (not to mention the other side projects you all are reporting) and not getting down to business making a new album that I could access to have my own little piece of Mika.


We talked about this before, that maybe if this record didn´t make it to number one it could mean the end of Mika´s career... well I don´t think so. There are thousands of singers or bands that sell half of the half of what Mika sells, and they keep on doing their things.


And then there are the bands who suddenly sell a lot less than expected and get dropped unceremoniously by their record companies. I believe Mika will be OK but it has happened to others out there.


My dearest MFC friends, I see some serious sentences around here, and now I'm feeling even more depressed. :sneaky2:


The closest gig for me was in Vienna and I was planing to go for months but couldn't make it for so many reasons. I'm still in pain every time something about that gig appears and I even avoided to enter the thread with reports for days. Still never seen any gigs and you can't imagine how I wish this to happen. I started to dream myself going to a gig and never get there. I'm feeling sick any time I hear how easily most of you organize your travels, not because you do, I'm happy that you can and happy to read all your reports and see videos and pictures, but because I'm feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. You can't imagine how lucky you all are. I even stopped posting anything here not because I'm not around, but because I feel so desperate for not being able to see Mika at all and didn't want to spread around my bad feelings. At this point of my life I can't afford it (I even planned to take a credit from a bank to go to Vienna, can you believe that:freak:), my friends can't afford traveling with me, cause they are not that insane. And I'm not a student or unemployed. I have a job, work as a teacher, and I have two faculty degrees. No mortgage to pay. I think in this lifetime I won't be able to have my own house or apartment. Or my own car. We are struggling, really struggling, with everyday life here. By that I mean to buy jackets or shoes for our kids, or tickets for the cinema. We forgot how it looks like to eat in a restaurant or to go to a theater. Books are my only vice an a new Mika CD.


Traveling to a Mika gig for me is now more than just a gig.


What is the chance for Mika to come to Serbia? No chance at all I think.:sad:

I'm sorry if this sounds too pathetic or private. It wasn't my intention. I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be unhappy with what you have.



And after all I have to say that I have a feeling Mika still didn't start a proper promo in UK. I think he left it for Christmas time. Am I being too optimistic? I always am, so I can't make a difference between me being optimistic or just realistic. :aah: So it's not just a Lebanese who smile when should be crying. We Serbians do that too. It's the similar way of living.


Sorry for this burst of bad feelings. It had to come out somewhere. I waited for too long to say it somewhere or to someone. I promise I'm usually completely different. :blush-anim-cl:


:clap: Amen! I knew there were places Mika hadn't yet visited but couldn't name names. Thank you for posting, and I don't look on it as a burst of bad feeling. You are simply stating the facts as they are for you and how that impacts on you and makes you feel. I admire your honesty.

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The closest gig for me was in Vienna and I was planing to go for months but couldn't make it for so many reasons. I'm still in pain every time something about that gig appears and I even avoided to enter the thread with reports for days. Still never seen any gigs and you can't imagine how I wish this to happen. I started to dream myself going to a gig and never get there. I'm feeling sick any time I hear how easily most of you organize your travels, not because you do, I'm happy that you can and happy to read all your reports and see videos and pictures, but because I'm feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. You can't imagine how lucky you all are. I even stopped posting anything here not because I'm not around, but because I feel so desperate for not being able to see Mika at all and didn't want to spread around my bad feelings.


I'm sorry that you are feeling so bad. :sad::huglove:


And I'm not a student or unemployed. I have a job, work as a teacher, and I have two faculty degrees. No mortgage to pay. I think in this lifetime I won't be able to have my own house or apartment. Or my own car.


You know all the Mika stuff aside I have been thinking about this A LOT. I know I am lucky to be a single woman and to be able to own my own home and put food on the table and get on a plane to fly to Asia if I really want. It's actually obscene how much wealth there is in western countries even with all the incessant moaning because of the recession. At no time in history could I have lived this way. Even the upper classes didn't have the conveniences and luxuries we have and forget about living any kind of decent life without a father or husband to support you, even 100 years ago.


Anyway that probably doesn't make you feel better. :aah: But just know that I do not take it for granted. I am amazed by it every day.


Don't give up hope of seeing Mika - he is always popping up where you don't expect it (Iceland!) :hug:


Yes that is so true. I know it's hard to imagine but for so many people who never thought they'd get a chance it works out in the end. Even if it's a long wait. :aah:


And yes, a lot of us do forget how lucky we are at being able to see Mika relatively easily.


Obviously I am not in the same position of Nenartus so I am only speaking for myself but I am not so much bothered with people taking it for granted that they can see him easily or relatively easily. What I don't understand is why Mika's happiness and his self-indulgence is supposed to be every fan's overriding concern. I mean of course I wish him happiness and do not expect or even want him to take his fans' desires into consideration when he is planning out his career and his life. But that doesn't mean that someone in Serbia (or even the relatively spoiled people of Toronto) should be just as happy with the consequences of his decisions as someone who can get to any one of 30 gigs within an hour or two on a cheap flight or train.


Anyway the situation is what it is. The only reason I mentioned it is because I think it's time to stop blaming the world for the fact that Mika is not as popular in the UK as he once was.

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Don't give up hope of seeing Mika - he is always popping up where you don't expect it (Iceland!) :hug:


And yes, a lot of us do forget how lucky we are at being able to see Mika relatively easily.


I'm not giving up hope at all. I will be in choir on stage with an ear trumpet:old: at some gig when he turns 70. :mikacool: I'm that optimistic. Hopefully he wont trip on my wheelchair and brake his wide Lebanese hip.:aah:



:clap: Amen! I knew there were places Mika hadn't yet visited but couldn't name names. Thank you for posting, and I don't look on it as a burst of bad feeling. You are simply stating the facts as they are for you and how that impacts on you and makes you feel. I admire your honesty.


He was in Serbia.:tears: I wasn't a fan back than! :doh::hair:

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Clearly we don´t agree on anything :mf_rosetinted: :

We never really did, so no change there :mf_rosetinted:


Look, I´ll get stick to what I think...

well, I am not trying to make you think otherwise, just post what I think :roftl:


About Mika and his happiness or sadness with the amount of fans he has... it´s something I don´t know.

Realistically speaking, he is likely to be happier when his album is selling (more people are listening to his music) and his concerts are selling out or simply being in a position to organize a proper tour.


But if as we have thought always, he has been told to do this or that in order to get to a bigger amount of people and he doesn´t,


That is something you can't state for certain. No-one knows if he has been recommended to take a particular direction (e.g more electronic music) or collaborate with particular people (you know who I am thinkingabout). That is not to say that he has but you simply can't say it for sure.



@nenartus :huglove: I hope you don't feel that views and stories you readon MFC are representative of the way people spend their time and money when it comes to attending concerts.

Most people work to earn a living, find it hard to save to travel and when they do they might have other priorties than attending a concert.

This thread is mainly about Mika not getting the airplay and success in the UK that would enable him to get exposure elsewhere in Europe so that he could visit more countries, Serbia included. It is not about his happiness but about fans' happiness. Rather few seem to get that though...

You are definitely not alone with your problem of not having been able to afford to go to Vienna, even though it is relatively close and cheaper than it would have been to fly to anywere else. Not even some Hungarians I know could afford the ticket that was almost double the price of the return train ticket. You could feel the absence of fans from neighbouring countries (there were still many but not in the numbers they came 2.5 years ago). So I personally do understand how you feel and I absolutely think that you have a valid point in getting really sad about reading some of the 'complaints' that may actually sound like bragging to someone being in a similar situation you currently are in.

Edited by suzie
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I'm not giving up hope at all. I will be in choir on stage with an ear trumpet:old: at some gig when he turns 70. :mikacool: I'm that optimistic. Hopefully he wont trip on my wheelchair and brake his wide Lebanese hip.:aah:




He was in Serbia.:tears: I wasn't a fan back than! :doh::hair:


Snap! Mika's been to Australia twice. I missed the first time as I wasn't a fan then. (And I'm actually glad I wasn't a fan at that point as he came to Australia just after my father-in-law passed away and we were in Brisbane organising the funeral and everything, and I would have been so torn up inside at not being able to go and then feeling guilty that I even wanted to go considering the circumstances.) Thank the Lord I saw him on his second visit.

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@nenartus :huglove: I hope you don't feel that views and stories you readon MFC are representative of the way people spend their time and money when it comes to attending concerts.

Most people work to earn a living, find it hard to save to travel and when they do they might have other priorties than attending a concert.

This thread is mainly about Mika not getting the airplay and success in the UK that would enable him to get exposure elsewhere in Europe so that he could visit more countries, Serbia included. It is not about his happiness but about fans' happiness. Rather few seem to get that though...

You are definitely not alone with your problem of not having been able to afford to go to Vienna, even though it is relatively close and cheaper than it would have been to fly to anywere else. Not even some Hungarians I know could afford the ticket that was almost double the price of the return train ticket. You could feel the absence of fans from neighbouring countries (there were still many but not in the numbers they came 2.5 years ago). So I personally do understand how you feel and I absolutely think that you have a valid point in getting really sad about reading some of the 'complaints' that may actually sound like bragging to someone being in a similar situation you currently are in.


Well put.


You know, I'm getting a sense of deja vu (and please forgive me for not putting the accents on the letters. I don't know how!)

I feel like I've been part of this conversation many times before on the MFC, a long time ago, granted, but still. It's so easy to get sucked into it again. I'm going to try (really hard) not to say anything more on the subject as I fear we will end up WAAAAY off topic.

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I'm sorry that you are feeling so bad. :sad::huglove:




You know all the Mika stuff aside I have been thinking about this A LOT. I know I am lucky to be a single woman and to be able to own my own home and put food on the table and get on a plane to fly to Asia if I really want. It's actually obscene how much wealth there is in western countries even with all the incessant moaning because of the recession. At no time in history could I have lived this way. Even the upper classes didn't have the conveniences and luxuries we have and forget about living any kind of decent life without a father or husband to support you, even 100 years ago.


Anyway that probably doesn't make you feel better. :aah: But just know that I do not take it for granted. I am amazed by it every day.




Yes that is so true. I know it's hard to imagine but for so many people who never thought they'd get a chance it works out in the end. Even if it's a long wait. :aah:




Obviously I am not in the same position of Nenartus so I am only speaking for myself but I am not so much bothered with people taking it for granted that they can see him easily or relatively easily. What I don't understand is why Mika's happiness and his self-indulgence is supposed to be every fan's overriding concern. I mean of course I wish him happiness and do not expect or even want him to take his fans' desires into consideration when he is planning out his career and his life. But that doesn't mean that someone in Serbia (or even the relatively spoiled people of Toronto) should be just as happy with the consequences of his decisions as someone who can get to any one of 30 gigs within an hour or two on a cheap flight or train.


Anyway the situation is what it is. The only reason I mentioned it is because I think it's time to stop blaming the world for the fact that Mika is not as popular in the UK as he once was.


Did I miss a post, about someone blaming the rest of the world for his lack of success in the UK? That isn't the problem here. I've been dipping in and out of the thread spasmodically, so I don't know quite what everyone has said.

I'm happy he's doing great in other countries, and, okay sometimes I feel that he gives France more attention, but if that's where he's selling more records, and it keeps him going as regards financing future music, then I guess it's something he has to do.

I'm frustrated with the people here in the UK, for his lack of success here. They seem blinkered by X Factor culture, which I find bland and unimaginative. Hence why I was drawn to Mikas music, as it was so different and refreshing from all the crap I had been listening to.

I still have little battles with my own family about it, I keep asking why they don't like him, and it's constantly about his falsetto voice. I tell them he doesn't just sing like that, and to check out other songs he's sung, but they won't. And I feel this is the same for the rest of the UK, they constantly judge him for that, and won't even try to listen to anything else he's done. It makes me want to bang my head against the wall, it's so annoying.

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Lovely to see you again Christine and yes, we are all pretty well.


That is good to hear!


I must admit, you're scaring me with the talk about your days of being a Mika fan coming to an end. I just can't imagine this place without you!


Well it's just this...


I think it would have driven me mental to read about him gigging and touring all over the place where I couldn't see him (not to mention the other side projects you all are reporting) and not getting down to business making a new album that I could access to have my own little piece of Mika.


As I said earlier I will always be a fan of Mika's I just don't think I can handle being "Mika fan" during the wilderness years.



He was in Serbia.:tears: I wasn't a fan back than! :doh::hair:


Oh I thought he had been but I wasn't sure when you said you didn't think he'd ever get there.


Did I miss a post, about someone blaming the rest of the world for his lack of success in the UK?


I didn't mean literally the world. Like everyone from Uzbekistan to Guatemala. :naughty:


I mean people are blaming Team Mika, his PR company, BBC One, even homophobics. Now you appear to be blaming the British public. And yes for sure their tastes and attitudes are frustrating and so is the current state of the music business. But the situation is what it is. If Mika wants to concentrate on France and disappear from the UK for several years at a time people are not going to buy his albums or give him prime opportunities to promote himself in the same way they did in 2007.

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That is good to hear!




Well it's just this...




As I said earlier I will always be a fan of Mika's I just don't think I can handle being "Mika fan" during the wilderness years.




Oh I thought he had been but I wasn't sure when you said you didn't think he'd ever get there.




I didn't mean literally the world. Like everyone from Uzbekistan to Guatemala. :naughty:


I mean people are blaming Team Mika, his PR company, BBC One, even homophobics. Now you appear to be blaming the British public. And yes for sure their tastes and attitudes are frustrating and so is the current state of the music business. But the situation is what it is. If Mika wants to concentrate on France and disappear from the UK for several years at a time people are not going to buy his albums or give him prime opportunities to promote himself in the same way they did in 2007.


He's not the only artist who has disappeared for a while, to come back with limited promotion. Jeff Lynne from ELO has been away for an absolute age, and came back with a solo album, okay not his own songs, but it got higher in the UK charts than Mikas did. The only real promotion he had before the release was a documentary about the making of it on BBC FOUR, and an interview on Jools Hollands show the week of the release, which was the same week as TOOL!

There are many artists that do this, and still have recognition in the UK, it has nothing to do with him going off doing side projects where ever he may do them. Bowie did things like that back in the early days, but it didn't hurt his career one jot. The Manic Street Preachers spent time away to do various side projects, spending some time in Cuba at one point, and still came back to success.

I guess what he said about success being a wave and having to catch it at the right time, is probably true. Just wondering when that wave will hit here again.

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He's not the only artist who has disappeared for a while, to come back with limited promotion. Jeff Lynne from ELO has been away for an absolute age, and came back with a solo album, okay not his own songs, but it got higher in the UK charts than Mikas did. The only real promotion he had before the release was a documentary about the making of it on BBC FOUR, and an interview on Jools Hollands show the week of the release, which was the same week as TOOL!

There are many artists that do this, and still have recognition in the UK, it has nothing to do with him going off doing side projects where ever he may do them. Bowie did things like that back in the early days, but it didn't hurt his career one jot. The Manic Street Preachers spent time away to do various side projects, spending some time in Cuba at one point, and still came back to success.

I guess what he said about success being a wave and having to catch it at the right time, is probably true. Just wondering when that wave will hit here again.


These people are not Mika's peers. They have long established careers. I don't know much about Bowie but he released an album just about every year for the first 10 or 15 years of his career. I knew who David Bowie was when I was 6 years old because he was a household name and he was still a massive deal when I was 16 years old. His popularity waxed and waned in those 10 years but he never waited 3 years to release the next album.

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