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MIKA as a judge at "THE VOICE" France 2014


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TF1 put a behind the scenes of the trailer -> http://videos.tf1.fr/the-voice/bonus/entrez-dans-les-coulisses-du-tournage-de-la-ba-de-the-voice-4-8533263.html


And for those who are geolocked ->



What he says:


" We're filming the trailer of this season, and it's "The Good the Bad the Ugly and Zazie". "


"Today I am not a cowboy, I am the pianist. No gun, I am sort-of-playing the innocent victim. A bit like those people always standing in the corner. "



And at the end with Zazie:


- Mika: Have you seen the ponies? One of the ponies is mad.

- Zazie: It's Florent's horse... please cut that.

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#TheVoice , saison 4 : les Coachs sont prêts à dégainer !




I've watch it on Twitter, but couldn't download the clip. ( In last season, it worked !!) :shocked:


some screen caps from the clip.
























Wow! It's a very nice spot! :thumb_yello::mikalove:

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It was cool to attend three auditions and to meet all the fans :thumb_yello: I made a small video after the last audition on 18 November :blush-anim-cl: It was dark but flashes helped to add some light :aah:




I love looking Mika with his fans! He's always wonderfull with us! In Italy, in France, in England, in all the world... :thumb_yello::mikalove:

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The scans are here:


and I translated Mika's answers into English as well as what the three other coaches said about Mika when asked about Mika's assets as a coach.



When I flirt it's a desaster

Q: What are the secret weapons of Mika as a coach?

I'm generous- which doesn't necessarily means kind-, constructive and straight forward. Since I'm sincere, the candidates feel I'm right.

Q: You forgot about seduction:it's needed to convince the candidates to join your team....

Yes, even more this year because Zazie is a total flirt! (laughing)

Q: And between the coaches is there also some sort of seduction?

Yes I call it our "machiavelic little games". They they give lots of rythm to the show, and we're having lots of fun doing this!

Q: What is according to you the main asset of the three other coaches to attract the candidates?

Zazie uses her emotions. When she's moved by a candidate she's in a trance. So I call her "My beloved witch" (French name for "Bewitched" TV show) (laughing)

Jenifer's strength is that she was once a candidate in Star Academy: so she knows about the dangers of television. And she's also naughty.... when she jumps up and down bounces around like a little girl you know the candidate will choose her. As far as Lord Pagny.... is the duke, a baron! a mix of nobility and total

anti-snobbery. His main weapons are his muscles.Not that he's a bodybuilder. I I'm talking about his vocal muscles. He sings in such an athletic way!

Q: An artist must also know how to charm his public...I'm better at flirting on stage than in life. When I flirt it's a disaster(laughing) I'm shy and clumsy. However singing in front of millions of people that's no problem at all for me.

So,in life what was your secret weapon to succeed?

Nobody is more serious than a dreamer. If one day I'm responsible for a child I will teach them never to stop dreaming that's the secret....

Florent Pagny about Mika:to seduce the candidates Mika tells them about their future artistic career.

Jennifer about Mika: he's spontaneous and clumsy like me, which can be a way to seduce.

Zazie about Mika: he knows how to talk to the candidates.

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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The advantage of waking up at 6 whatever the time you go to bed: you can write while everybody's sleeping :aah:



Battles. More impressive to say than Blind Auditions. Let's go to the Batttttlles. (ok, I'll stop now)


But only the word is better though. For the rest, same thing than on television: Battles is when we become serious (well, they at least) so we have less funny moments to laugh at. Combined with the fact that from where I was I couldn't hear anything of the 'off' conversation (when most of the fun happens) I feel very poor of anecdotes. (In fact I couln't even really hear the voices of he contestants as the orchestra was covering everything up for me).


We went through a mini hell before the show started, as the agency which is in charge of tickets and placement and all made a little video to put on their website for christmas... and it took them I don't know it felt like an hour it was soooo long.


And then another eternity of Nikos recording launchings...


And finally the coaches arrived on set... but only to record the performance of a guest whom I absolutely didn't know but is apparently from Season 2 of the voice (Anthony Touma, he was called. Still is, probably).

Mika arrived in his velvet suit that looked black but turned out to be more like very deep green(as I realised at the very last minute (about time xD) when he was walking in front of us under a very crude light as we were already up leaving).

The Anthony guy sang his song and oh Lord, it is seriously such a bad song that it becomes a good one XD. The lyrics are ridiculous and everything was so wrong... well at least his voice wasn't bad but... The funniest thing was Mika's face though, staring at him blankly and then looking the more and more “What the f**k is that?!!?”


At last things began for real and the four of them went in the middle of the ring stage to sing their opening song... except something wasn't working so they stayed in here waiting for like 5 minutes, passing the time by doing stupid things : Mika went dancing a little walz with a technician, and then Florent and him began to pretend they were in a circus presenting acts (“And Jenifer, what does she do?” “Jenifer does nothing” :aah:). They then began to imitate cicadas because why not, and to conclude this lovely schoolyard moment Mika decided to play golf with his mic as a club. Kids :mf_rosetinted:


They finally were able to sing. They sang Come Together, which could have been nice except it was a total non sense so I hope for them they're gonna do it again tomorrow :doh: (he was really invested in the “shhhoup” parts :P )


Finally they reach their seats, and 3 of them begin to focus (or to sleep I don't know). The fourth one begins to test the elasticity of his tongue :fisch:.


Battles began and I didn't really follow what was happening in the other teams (I just won't forget Mika's hallucinated face when one of Jenifer's contestant began to shake her butt in front of him) but Mika's team had 3 battles. A classic but not bad one, a very very good one, and a weird one (but not bad. But weird xD). I'll put the rest under spoiler as I'm gonna give the names of the songs.


The first one was on Stay With me. He put a girl and a boy (no point in giving you their names as you won't know them), both with quite nice voice but very.. conventional? It gave him the opportunity to declare his love to Sam Smith though, mostly because “he is so weird!”


Second one was on Mon Amie la Rose, and this one I really, really liked. He apparently decided of the arrangements hismself, and it was far closer to the

than the
. On this he put his Lebanese singer (who was wearing a very lovely dress) and a guy that I didn't even remember from the auditions but he was really good. At the end of the song I just said to my neighbor that I was gutted he had to get rid of one of them (and indeed he said himself that he just sacrificed one of those two great voices for the sake of an amazing battle). I also added that whomever he wouldn't choose if I was in one of the other seats I would choose to save the loser (quick reminder for those who don't remember/haven't followed last year: the coaches choose between two singers but the 3 other coaches have the possibility to “steal” the one not chosen. They can do that only twice though). But at first nobody seemed to move for the one he didn't choose.... so he began his great lobbying campaign and... it worked! And so both of them were saved, so I was very happy (him too obviously, he really looked relieved (after having jumped his joy out everywhere for 30 seconds of course)).


Third Battle was on U2's One, and this definitely was the weird one. He put together 2 very strange singers (not strange in a bad way. I can't really say a good way either, I just need to re-watch it with a correct sound because I couldn't even make my mind on this. I was surprised by his choice because from the few I could hear it seems like the one he chose was always late or losing words, but it might be just an impression. Although Mika did say to him that he made lots of mistakes and went really wrong at a point. But he still chose him. I guess he sees something to do with him but as I said, this one was far too strange for me to really have an opinion considering how bad the sound was (and he doesn't really care about my opinion anyway).



For the rest, out of order: he managed to spill his glass again so he had to ask for something to clean it up in the middle of the recording (while Pagny was commenting “can we have something because Mika just peed himself”)


And, as usual, invented a couple of words. First, a classic as he has done it quite a few times already but his “choreography” is always a good challenger, but the winner was – oh wait how I am gonna explain that in english – he was saying to two contestants that they had flirted together and flirted with the audience, so it was all flirting. Except that instead of flirting (drague in french) he went for a whole new word, “draguage” which is in fact logical except it doesn't exist :aah: it would be like “to flirtate” maybe? (well in fact the word dragage exists but it means dredging so I guess saying that it's not what he meant is a safe bet). Anyway it led to a funny moment when Nikos went “but in fact we should all talk like you it's easier” and they all began to talk with a lot of words invented with the same pattern (adding -age at the end of every word). I think this one is definitely funnier in french :aah:


Nothing more to say really - wel nothing else comes to my mind anyway. Does "there was probably enough chocolate on the parking to fill a little country" applies as useful comment?



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The advantage of waking up at 6 whatever the time you go to bed: you can write while everybody's sleeping :aah:



Battles. More impressive to say than Blind Auditions. Let's go to the Batttttlles. (ok, I'll stop now)


But only the word is better though. For the rest, same thing than on television: Battles is when we become serious (well, they at least) so we have less funny moments to laugh at. Combined with the fact that from where I was I couldn't hear anything of the 'off' conversation (when most of the fun happens) I feel very poor of anecdotes. (In fact I couln't even really hear the voices of he contestants as the orchestra was covering everything up for me).


We went through a mini hell before the show started, as the agency which is in charge of tickets and placement and all made a little video to put on their website for christmas... and it took them I don't know it felt like an hour it was soooo long.


And then another eternity of Nikos recording launchings...


And finally the coaches arrived on set... but only to record the performance of a guest whom I absolutely didn't know but is apparently from Season 2 of the voice (Anthony Touma, he was called. Still is, probably).

Mika arrived in his velvet suit that looked black but turned out to be more like very deep green(as I realised at the very last minute (about time xD) when he was walking in front of us under a very crude light as we were already up leaving).

The Anthony guy sang his song and oh Lord, it is seriously such a bad song that it becomes a good one XD. The lyrics are ridiculous and everything was so wrong... well at least his voice wasn't bad but... The funniest thing was Mika's face though, staring at him blankly and then looking the more and more “What the f**k is that?!!?”


At last things began for real and the four of them went in the middle of the ring stage to sing their opening song... except something wasn't working so they stayed in here waiting for like 5 minutes, passing the time by doing stupid things : Mika went dancing a little walz with a technician, and then Florent and him began to pretend they were in a circus presenting acts (“And Jenifer, what does she do?” “Jenifer does nothing” :aah:). They then began to imitate cicadas because why not, and to conclude this lovely schoolyard moment Mika decided to play golf with his mic as a club. Kids :mf_rosetinted:


They finally were able to sing. They sang Come Together, which could have been nice except it was a total non sense so I hope for them they're gonna do it again tomorrow :doh: (he was really invested in the “shhhoup” parts :P )


Finally they reach their seats, and 3 of them begin to focus (or to sleep I don't know). The fourth one begins to test the elasticity of his tongue :fisch:.


Battles began and I didn't really follow what was happening in the other teams (I just won't forget Mika's hallucinated face when one of Jenifer's contestant began to shake her butt in front of him) but Mika's team had 3 battles. A classic but not bad one, a very very good one, and a weird one (but not bad. But weird xD). I'll put the rest under spoiler as I'm gonna give the names of the songs.


The first one was on Stay With me. He put a girl and a boy (no point in giving you their names as you won't know them), both with quite nice voice but very.. conventional? It gave him the opportunity to declare his love to Sam Smith though, mostly because “he is so weird!”


Second one was on Mon Amie la Rose, and this one I really, really liked. He apparently decided of the arrangements hismself, and it was far closer to the

than the
. On this he put his Lebanese singer (who was wearing a very lovely dress) and a guy that I didn't even remember from the auditions but he was really good. At the end of the song I just said to my neighbor that I was gutted he had to get rid of one of them (and indeed he said himself that he just sacrificed one of those two great voices for the sake of an amazing battle). I also added that whomever he wouldn't choose if I was in one of the other seats I would choose to save the loser (quick reminder for those who don't remember/haven't followed last year: the coaches choose between two singers but the 3 other coaches have the possibility to “steal” the one not chosen. They can do that only twice though). But at first nobody seemed to move for the one he didn't choose.... so he began his great lobbying campaign and... it worked! And so both of them were saved, so I was very happy (him too obviously, he really looked relieved (after having jumped his joy out everywhere for 30 seconds of course)).


Third Battle was on U2's One, and this definitely was the weird one. He put together 2 very strange singers (not strange in a bad way. I can't really say a good way either, I just need to re-watch it with a correct sound because I couldn't even make my mind on this. I was surprised by his choice because from the few I could hear it seems like the one he chose was always late or losing words, but it might be just an impression. Although Mika did say to him that he made lots of mistakes and went really wrong at a point. But he still chose him. I guess he sees something to do with him but as I said, this one was far too strange for me to really have an opinion considering how bad the sound was (and he doesn't really care about my opinion anyway).



For the rest, out of order: he managed to spill his glass again so he had to ask for something to clean it up in the middle of the recording (while Pagny was commenting “can we have something because Mika just peed himself”)


And, as usual, invented a couple of words. First, a classic as he has done it quite a few times already but his “choreography” is always a good challenger, but the winner was – oh wait how I am gonna explain that in english – he was saying to two contestants that they had flirted together and flirted with the audience, so it was all flirting. Except that instead of flirting (drague in french) he went for a whole new word, “draguage” which is in fact logical except it doesn't exist :aah: it would be like “to flirtate” maybe? (well in fact the word dragage exists but it means dredging so I guess saying that it's not what he meant is a safe bet). Anyway it led to a funny moment when Nikos went “but in fact we should all talk like you it's easier” and they all began to talk with a lot of words invented with the same pattern (adding -age at the end of every word). I think this one is definitely funnier in french :aah:


Nothing more to say really - wel nothing else comes to my mind anyway. Does "there was probably enough chocolate on the parking to fill a little country" applies as useful comment?




:thumb_yello: Thanks for report! :huglove: Have fun tomorrow as well :wink2: Thanks also to Anne - for translation of MIKAs answers! :huglove:




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The advantage of waking up at 6 whatever the time you go to bed: you can write while everybody's sleeping :aah:


Battles. More impressive to say than Blind Auditions. Let's go to the Batttttlles. (ok, I'll stop now)


Thank you for your report :huglove: Great as always :thumb_yello:

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Vidéo The Voice : Zazie débarque pour tout rafler




re-uplooaded to

VK https://vk.com/video232312753_170975094


Thanks so much Melyssa :huglove: I love your reports :wub2:

Thanks for being our fabulous archivist Eriko :huglove::thumb_yello:

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