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Mika to be a guest @Italian TV program LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE 17 January 2014


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I only watched online, but today I'm feeling a letdown. Sad and cranky. How do you guys do this? Maybe I should never go to a concert. I may have to be locked up after! I'll only get to see a little bit of The Voice today, if at all. Real Life has other plans for me.

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I've just watched the whole thing on webcasts and I'm all :wub2:


I was there, but I needed to watch it again, because the interview was very long and I could only watch Mika's back :naughty:


I need to say thank you to X-factor and to Mika himself for accepting being a judge? Yes, I do.

Because otherwise I would never EVER have witnessed last night.

I must do an effort, that is trying to understand and accept that before doing something valuable he needs to do something trash, in order to become (or stay) famous and give us amazing moments. It's quite difficult for me, as I detest how cheap he has become recently (ads are there to prove it).


Dario Fo is an old Mika. But Mika lives in a total different time, historically and socially. So the outcome is different, and I'm sure Mika will never be awarded a Nobel prize. But they share the same childish point of view, a magic, a freedom of mind.

The old man has always been a free spirit, and now that he's old he feels free also from political clichés. He can see the purity of things and people, without any screen. I trust him a lot when he says he sees what Mika is.


The night was perfect. He stopped with fans after the show and was happy and chatty. He said he's been ill during xmas time so he's taking some days off. Then I couldn't help it, I asked when he thinks to go to Los Angeles.

I don't remember if he replied anything, but immediately after other fans were urging him with questions about the new album, and I felt a bit sorry I started it all.

I don't think he gave us a precise answer...he only said 20% of the songs are done.


Only time will tell. I'd like him NOT to make new music if he doesn't feel like to, or hasn't found the right inspiration. I don't need new music just for the sake of it. Nonetheless, I hope he'll find the inspiration to make something artistically valuable...not only ads for cash. Or talent shows. Kachinga was fun only in GK!



Give me a night like last night, and I'll be his devoted fan forever again.


I was coming to write exactly what you did, especially the last part. You can't make music like you bake a cake or repair a car. It takes time and inspiration.


I don't necessary agree with the "getting cheap" part but I see your point. Personally, I think XF brought Mika far more than just easy money. Seeing him watching clips last night with eyes almost filled with tears makes me believe it. And if companies want Mika in an ad, that's because they think he has values and will bring them attention.


But that just me, always seeing the glass half full:blush-anim-cl:

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Message to people (like me, sometimes) who think that to partecipate to an italian talent show is quite a shame and it is just mud for a career in music:

in the mud can grow a flower.

That surreal night is a flower and it happened thanks to XF because entire Italy discovered Mika just few months ago.


You should write more. I loved what you said. :huglove:

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Today it's a rainy day in Italy...a real stormy weather...and so I've translated the first part of the interview...it's too interesting and emotional...the second part will arrive. Enjoy.


interview at LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE 17 January 2014 - part 1


D : and now we are all here for him... a great artist and a great person ... Mika!

M : Good evening !

D: How did you spend this hour in the dressing room? Have you seen all the kids? there were my daughter, her little friends...

M : Oh yes ... but I've also talked some more with Dario Fo ...

D: How was this meeting?

M : completely surreal ... and for this I have not even realized that it was true, that he was here...l think tomorrow morning I will say to me: " but why have you not said everything that you wanted to say? Why have you not touched a little more that man?"

But perhaps he would not like to be touched much more (he laughs)

D: You can remember him from his pictures , the pictures he gave to you ...

M : Oh yeah , I looked at them ...

D: I think you'll keep that pictures with you in your house...that you won't give them to your mom ! [ before he said that all his awards are in his mother's house]

M : Oh yes, that pictures will be in my house! (he laughs)

Well, I started studying Fo when I was 14 .. I had a teacher named Mr. Reece [ this could be the right name, i hope] ... he was a very polemical man... he had lost his job 3 times , just because it was a very free and anarchical man.. now he is dead ... he saw me and said : ok, you are my project . I worked with him to make an artistical work by Peter Shaffer [ i think ] ... and then we made in english the work of Dario Fo "the accidental death of an anarchist".

From that moment I began to study Dario Fo with this French teacher ... and he's dead now .. and this is the price he paid for a life so free ... I realized that for me, for Mr. Reece and for many other people, Dario Fo is one of the last "enfant terrible" that we have in the world...we have seen the artwork of Jean Cocteau, Fellini ... the most ' important in the world ... but we have also Dario Fo ... I think he's the last one ..

D : I am so glad of this meeting...

M : Thank you for this wonderful gift! One of the most beautiful gift in my life!

D: I had read that you define Fo as your "hero" ... and then I wondered what was the story behind this word ... because you're not a person talking nonsense ... there's always something behind your words ... "hero" is a strong word .. and in fact behind this word there was so much to discover..

M: ehm...yes ...

D: Tell me something about yourself

M I'm just the result of all these people , my French teacher , my Russian teacher of singing , a very tough woman who taught me to sing

D: Oh , but let's start from the beginnig, since you were born ..

M : From the beginnig ? since when?

D : yes, you have a biography so incredible and I want to know more ...

M : yeah, but then we have to talk with my mother , she is here ...

D : Oh, let's see if your mom wants to ... [ Mika smiles and looks in the direction of the mother to see if she wants to come close to him, but his mom does not want ...]

M : No, she does not want

D: Oh , I see ... but maybe she is without makeup, does not have the right outfit .. she's right ( they laugh ). So, you was born in Beirut but you lived there only for a few months...

M: Yes, I'm the third of five children.

D: But when you were there , that country was a disaster, there was a war ... what are your memories ? You've felt the pain of the stories from your parents, of your brothers ...

M : I have no memories , I was a too little baby ... but from the stories of my mother , I realized that it is always possible to find a sort of contrast, the contrast that exists between all these horrible things and the feeling of joy ... it's a mix of feelings that is very Lebanese, this idea that also in the midst of so many horrible things, you can always find the life ...

D: I wanted to ask you that ... what did you get from Lebanese culture?

M : maybe this mix of feelings , even in the most difficult moments of the life , in our family there is always this anarchical joy ..

D : You are a large family ...

M : Oh yeah , we are 5 ...i have three sisters and a brother

D: Tell us the name of all of them...

M : oh I don't want to say who is the older of my sisters...it would not be so polite ... so, I say the names in no particular order ...

Yasmine , Paloma, Zulaika and my brother Fortunato ...

D: I see all of you in this photo [ they see a photo on the screen]

M : Oh yes, but i can't see my brother in this photo ... now he is so perfect, he looks just like me , we are a photocopy

D: Which are your memories of the period in which you lived in Paris ?

M : oh at first, my father had found a good job in a bank, and we lived in a nice neighborhood, very chic ... but we were always the Lebanese family , too noisy, with too many problems and too many scandals ...(he laughs)... then we lost everything ... then we recovered the money ... and then we lost everything again ... we had to sleep in the car, in our " Toyota Previa " ... and then we moved to London ... always "up and down " for our entire lives...

D: and in London your problems at school have started...

M : well, I was studying in Paris in a nice school, a small school ... and in small schools there is much tolerance ... children understand each other...but when I went to London, I passed from this very protected environment to a big school , a big and bad school ... it was a ... a French school, a " Lycée ". And in that school I had so many problems, especially with a teacher who was ... ah , I don't know ... I don't know why, but with me and with other children she was...ah, i really don't know...but for me that period was a real disaster...

D: Have you ever been a victim of bullying?

M: Yes, from that woman ... that woman has destroyed the lives of so many children ...

D: A sadistic woman?

M: I don't know. I can't say. I don't want to say. But at nine years old I've had a sort of "shutdown", I forgot everything, how to read, how to write

how to read music ... a very strange thing ... and now I'm very dyslexic

D: dyslexia is a common complaint that many children have ... your problems are related to that trauma?

M: Yes, but the dyslexia can come from many things and can be worsened by many things ... I was thrown out of school and I have not been studying for a year

D: Have you been rejected?

M: expelled.

D: What did you do to be expelled?

M: oh..my sister saw this woman in action ... and my father came to school and told her all that things she said to me, in face of her...in front of all the other parents and so ... I was expelled ...

D: and that teacher..has she ever hit you?

M: It was a psychological violence...

D: And how were you as a child, before all this?

M. ah, I was always "in trouble" ... but they were not real problems, I was an anarchist, full of life and joy ... and I put all the clothes that I liked (he laughs)

D: You were already an artist!

M: Yes ... but with that woman...ah, all things have changed ... after that period, however, I found the music ...oh, I studied only music, for a year I didn't go to school ... something of illegal in effect...

D: It was a decision of your mother?

M: Yes, she said: ok, let's do another path with this guy, let's try .... so I started to work, in a theatre in London ...I was eleven years old...I was an opera singer ... and they paid me! And then I discovered another world, it was so important for me, it was a real job, not a game. And then I said: oh sh*t! In this world I can going to work and having money... So what should I do ... working or going to school??? oh, I really want to work! And so I started working very young ... it was totally accidental, a case in fact!

D: Have you written your first song at seven years old?

M: Yes, and it was horrible.

Q: how was it called?

M. oh no, it was too horrible. I had learned these chords [he sings them: tum, tatum, tatum] ... and than I wrote 40 songs only on these few chords...(he laughs)

D: Do you remember the advertising of toothpaste?

M: Oh yes! [he sings the little song written for the toothpaste advertising]

Q: I have written others songs ... even the music of the British Airways ... one day, when I was 21, I had a big problem with British Airways and so I called the office to complain ... but they put me on hold ... and at the phone I heard in the background my music, my voice when I was 14. So ... I hung up the phone .

D: you said before, that what happened to you was a case ... but there was a sort of engine inside you ...

M: It was a case, as it is a case for all other people i think...

D: did you know that you would become a pop star? did you imagine it?

M oh, but what does it mean pop star??

D: well, a star!

M: no. I wanted to be a director of theatre, of an opera. Just this. The theatre was what I understood ... [the correct italian verb for "understood" is "capivo" but he misses and says "capiscevo" ... the audience laughs and he gets angry a little bit] ah, this is not good ... I can not speak Italian so bad...because being a clown as Dario Fo is, can be okay, it means playing the fool with intelligence ... but being funny for the way you speak a language...no, is not good ...

D: but you are pretty good in learning Italian! ... But I understand that you always want doing things in the right way, in the perfect way ... i think you speak other languages perfectly

M: I speak fluent French ... I speak Spanish ... but now...oh, when I learned Italian I forgot all my Spanish...in my little head there is not enough space ...

D: I read that the show The Voice in France is having an incredible success ... the other judges say that you are smart, that you're a small fox, and that you steal them the scene

M: But how it is it possible? There is only a chair in front of a stage with talents on it... what could I do in that situation?

D: but are you aware that you are able to communicate in a very special way?

M: well, I don't know...I said "yes" to The voice only after this positive experience in Italy with XF ... which for me was a surprise "bellissima".

D: Well, we'll talk about it later.


Edited by Marta.
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Now waiting for a (long) report from Elwendin :mf_rosetinted:


:teehee: it will be ready probably tomorrow. Just came home and I'm on the edge... husband time or catch up time? Neither of them are compatible with writing, but I need to calm down a little cause now I'm too high with endorphins and I don't know what it would come out....

Speaking of catching up... I'd love to save the interview and the performance, but those links are just for streaming.

Someone here with magical IT power could help?

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Today it's a rainy day in Italy...a real stormy weather...and so I've translated the first part of the interview...it's too interesting and emotional...the second part will arrive. Enjoy.


oh, thank you so much, it's a huge work! :huglove::huglove:

(now I'm going to read it, wanted to thank you before:wink2:)

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Marta, thank you so much for your huge work and translating the interview! I can understand something (and of course I can guess something) but I was so hoping someone would translate it. Thank you!! :flowers2:


I feel still so emotional after watching what happened last night. Can't even imagine how special this is for you Italian fans. Somehow I was really touched by what happened in the show, by the contact between Mika and Dario Fo and by emotions I could read from his face when he was talking or watching the X Factor clips and it all reminded me of what kind of intelligent, understanding person he is and I'm so happy to see he can finally show that to the whole world (first to Italy, soon France and hopefully to everywhere).

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Thanks so much for the awesome translation. I couldn't understand a word that the native speakers said, but for some reason, I can pick out a lot of words that Mika says. Maybe he speaks more slowly and with more basic words. Or I'm just used to his speaking. And through expressions and tones, I could figure out a lot. I felt good when I read your translation and confirmed that I was right abouta lot. I have a great Italian lesson app.

I had to laugh when he said he was saying his sisters names in no particular order. But they were in age order, right? :teehee: His family's story just fascinates me. I'm from, a small quiet family,so loud big families attract me.

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Today it's a rainy day in Italy...a real stormy weather...and so I've translated the first part of the interview...it's too interesting and emotional...the second part will arrive. Enjoy.


Huge thank you for a great job :thumb_yello::huglove:

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Only time will tell. I'd like him NOT to make new music if he doesn't feel like to, or hasn't found the right inspiration. I don't need new music just for the sake of it. Nonetheless, I hope he'll find the inspiration to make something artistically valuable...not only ads for cash. Or talent shows. Kachinga was fun only in GK!


you're absolutely right! I would like the album to be released as soon as possible but I also don't want it to be not so good as it could be with just a little more time, so maybe I prefer to wait. In fact yesterday he said it took him one and a half year to prepare Underwater which is one of his best songs! and I agree with the "ad" topic as well.


feel still so emotional after watching what happened last night. Can't even imagine how special this is for you Italian fans. Somehow I was really touched by what happened in the show, by the contact between Mika and Dario Fo and by emotions I could read from his face when he was talking or watching the X Factor clips and it all reminded me of what kind of intelligent, understanding person he is and I'm so happy to see he can finally show that to the whole world (first to Italy, soon France and hopefully to everywhere).


I hope other countries will have the chance to have this kind of interviews, because it shows how he really is and it's something you can't easily forget :wub2:

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I am still under a spell being there was just amazing :blush-anim-cl:


One funny thing was that during the other people parts we were able to have a preview of Mika beyond the set design and he was looking toward us too





Life in Mika motion is beatiful :mika2::group_hug:


Ready for Paris ? Yes

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I was coming to write exactly what you did, especially the last part. You can't make music like you bake a cake or repair a car. It takes time and inspiration.


I don't necessary agree with the "getting cheap" part but I see your point. Personally, I think XF brought Mika far more than just easy money. Seeing him watching clips last night with eyes almost filled with tears makes me believe it. And if companies want Mika in an ad, that's because they think he has values and will bring them attention.


But that just me, always seeing the glass half full:blush-anim-cl:


I completely share your perspective :)


Ps: and kudos to Marta, that translation is HUGE, I know how much time it takes, so thanks for doing it, so everyone can understand!

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Did any of you show up on tv? I looked at all the crowd scenes and wondered if I was looking at any of you. I said to my kids, "I know people there!" They were unimpressed, but I found it cool.

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Btw, a part of the amazing interview of Mika and the unforgettable duet with Dario Fo can I thank all the Mika staff and the MFCers for making this evening even more special with their help and companionship?


Without all of you everything would be less exciting :wub2:

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It sounds like a really magical night. Haven't watched the videos yet but you know, moments like these and reports from all you lovely Italians give me a little bit of hope that it will all be alright in the end.:wub2:

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you can definitely see some of us, but how can I tell you who's who? we should screen cap....you can't spot me anyway, so it's up to the people decide whether to post some pics or not :wink2:


edit: sorry, I should have quoted this:

Did any of you show up on tv? I looked at all the crowd scenes and wondered if I was looking at any of you. I said to my kids, "I know people there!" They were unimpressed, but I found it cool.

Edited by robertina
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I was coming to write exactly what you did, especially the last part. You can't make music like you bake a cake or repair a car. It takes time and inspiration.


I don't necessary agree with the "getting cheap" part but I see your point. Personally, I think XF brought Mika far more than just easy money. Seeing him watching clips last night with eyes almost filled with tears makes me believe it. And if companies want Mika in an ad, that's because they think he has values and will bring them attention.


But that just me, always seeing the glass half full:blush-anim-cl:


that's why I love this community so much. We have different point of view and every one is so helpful. I love yours and Nina's half full glass! :wub2:

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I didn't quite get the Dario Fo thing because I am not up on my Italian Nobel Prize winners sorry. :aah: But it's funny I saw a pic of Mika in his suit last night and was thinking how much older he looks. I mean not in an old wrinkly way, but just like a mature man. :naughty: But he was so delighted in that segment with Dario he looked exactly like a boy again. When they showed the pic of him from high school behind him he looks like he hasn't changed at all. He was so happy and I know he is hesitant to meet his idols in case they disappointment him but that was surely not the case here. Very pleased for him and everyone who got to share it in such a tiny studio!


Thanks so much for the translation of the interview. Surprisingly I caught quite a bit of it. He seems to be struggling with his Italian again. It must be so difficult especially in a situation like that. :aah:

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I only watched online, but today I'm feeling a letdown. Sad and cranky. How do you guys do this? Maybe I should never go to a concert. I may have to be locked up after! I'll only get to see a little bit of The Voice today, if at all. Real Life has other plans for me.


Yes, it's worse after a gig, but we have a thread for that:



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