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Mika to be a guest @Italian TV program LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE 17 January 2014


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As you wish :naughty:

I suggest the others to skip it. It's insane long.


When I landed here on MFC (I wish I could say back in the day but actually that was just some months ago) one of the first thing many of you told me was: forget planning, forget preparing, forget that comfy feeling to be aware of what's going to happen.

Which was quite a shock to me, all my life is based on planning. It makes me feel safe. But when Mika is at stake, how could I stick to my old habits? I guess I apprenticed a bit through Bergamo signing session and Che Tempo Che Fa show, so I was a kind of relaxed this time.


As you all know the start of this adventure was a bit difficult: confirmed, cancelled, confirmed again almost the day before the show (I'll be grateful forever, won't forget). That would be enough to make my old me freak out, but new me was a way more calm. I admit, actually after the first confirmation I still tried to plan a bit asking people were they were going to sleep, as you (yes, you know who you are :naughty: ) told me... “don't bother the girls”.... (just kidding, I love you, don't get mad :aah:)

I think the fate is using Mika to teach me something.

I'm overcoming so many fears these days, I'm changing so much. And the side effect is that I'm always happy. Who wouldn't enjoy learn having fun like that?

I was scared of driving around in big towns and about getting injections by myself. I spent months avoiding to think about that, since I knew I should have face that this month and I was terrified.

The day of the first confirmation I switched from “what if I ask some old lady to come at my place and do the shots?” to “just give my that thing, I'll do it by myself, I'm busy, I have to go and see Mika”. See? No big deal.

Anyway, for the third time in about a month and a half I asked my hubby to get my bakpack from the attic. “Which one, the one you told me you weren't going to ask it again since your trips to see Mika were over after the Bergamo thing?” Euh, yes, that one :teehee:


So, I left friday morning with my backpack and my coolbag with the drugs and drove to Sarik's parents home in Milan. Just a little stop at the pastry shop to buy a little present for Mika, even if I swear I was totally sure we wouldn't meet. There will be no sneaking ut of the studio, and no chances to meet. But you know, just in case something weird happen,just in case, just in case. That's not planning. That's wondering about life twists and be prepared not to regret something. Besides we all enjoyed those biscuits last time, I was sure we could enjoy them again.

Of course me and my car were singing Mika all he drive long. I listened especially to Underwater instrumental, I felt in love with it, it's overwhelming and fulfills me completely.

As I arrived close to Sarik's place I dropped the car in the first free parking spot I found, and relaxed: ok, it's done, I parked the car. From now, I just have to walk to her place, and get it tomorrow morning. Sarik introduced me to her family (lovely lovely people) and then pizza and chat.

In a blink of an eye it was time to leave, so we walked towards the car. While walking I noticed I already knew that road, since it was the same I did to reach her home. I thought “Oh, funny, she parked near to my car”. Then an awful thought came to my mind, exactly when I recalled her saying “I don't drive”. Oh s * h * t.

This is how Kismet made me drive downtown in Milan, by night. Remember the ovecome-your-fear thing? Exactly. This didn't prevent me to swear now and then against traffic, pavement, pedestrians and the whole town while Mika was still singing on my cd. Well, even he can't do all miracles, can he? We finally got to the studio, thank to my human navigator Sarik, who was always late on giving instructions (turn here – here where? - here!!! - wheeeere???!!!)


So, we eventually parked in an alley and agreed to split the fine since it's less expensive than a parking lot (we didn't get it eventually) and reached the studio.

I was totally sure we weren't going to meet him this time. But just in case just in case I wrote a tiny note and attached it to the present. I don't know why I did it, I really didn't think to have a chance. Probably that was all about not having any regret. I hate regrets, they haunt me. Outside Rai studio I just got stucked and couldn't to anything, I didn't want to feel like that again. Just in case.

Dario Fo arrived and walked his way to the studio, asking if we all were there for Mika (sure!) and telling us “Mica sceme”. (not fool of you).

Then Mika came but the van didn't stop, me and Sarik didn't care, we had no expectation at all, we were too busy to chat. :aah:

Little walk back to my car to have my shot done (dark alley, but Sarik being on lookout couldn't prevent a guy to stare at that junkie girl (me), her car full of garbage and dogs crates, her syringe and her so-what-look... :naughty:

Back to the studio, met the girls (yes, we all still are girls) I already knew and some new one and waited for the door getting opened.

I didn't do it that much, so yes, I still enjoy queueing to have the chance to talk with everybody (which I eventualy didn't even if I tried to.)


We finally managed to get in, and we left our jackets at the wardrobe. We were given tickets with numbers, to be able to recognize our stuff later. I noticed some year ago that my lucky number is 4. It really is. Well, I had two tickets: 4 and 44.

I felt a bit thrilled and wondered “WTH...?” but then let it go. I used to study science at university, I used to be skeptical on that stuff, so I just put them into my pocket and kept on talking with the girls (yes, before that I told everybody about my lucky numbers, the gap between the being-thrilled moment and the let-it-go one was long enough to tell :teehee: The more emotional I get, the more childish) We finally noticed there were no strangers left, so it occured to us that they were letting people getting the seats and reached the stage. We were told were to sit, and we all got the perfect seats to admire Mika's bright red soles. I was fine with that, we were alltogether, the studio was so tiny that we could perfectly hear everything and I knew I could watch the vids today. I was and still am so grateful for this chance, I don't mind the seats at all.


The show started and I enjoyed being there, chatting a little while listening to guests. Daria told us we were a bit too calm when the politician was talking, but what could we do? You stay quiet when a politician talks, right? I thought.. ok.. just wait and see when Mika will enter the stage... :naughty:

We managed to see him peeping from the back stage, that was funny.

He finally got in, and two rows among the audience did a standing ovation. That were the former too quiet rows.... guess who they were :mf_rosetinted:

I think he looked at us in that moment, but I don't know if I'm delusional, the others could confirm or deny.

Then it was just perfect. I enjoyed so much his time with Dario Fo, they both looked happy, I suppose Mika felt a kind of how we could feel meeting him one to one for many minutes... I'm sure they had some extra time behind the scenes as well.


When it comes to the interview, we knew Daria is pretty good to make guests at ease and ask them interesting questions in order to make them talk. We knew she was dangerous, as he noticed after a while :aah: and I didn't know what will be the result. I think it was pretty good, wasn't it? I still have to watch the vids, I'm looking forward to see his looks, for you sake, who knows how long could I write after having watched them?

Then he sang. OMG he sang Underwater and that was a way too good to forget it in a whole life. I love that song, I already knew him back in the day for being the writer of it (yes, swatch ad). I almost never fall for a song at the first listening, but on that one I fell immediately. Ok, I admit I didn't look for more till I randomly stumbled on him on XF while doing chores, I'm (should I say I was?) a moron when it comes to music.

I could talk more about Underwater but I could end up banned for writing too much...


Then the show ended and my 4 and 44 worked. He stayed there, he didn't leave. Ok, I didn't take that chance cause I didn't go to him immediately (none of us did), so when I managed to go over there he was surrounded by people asking for pics together and stuff. But that's my fault, I'm the one to blame. I was trying to get whether we were allowed or not.

So I let it go and come back to join the girls who were chatting with his band. I didn't dare to say anything, cause I felt I had no right, so I just waved, but I enjoyed so much just standing there with all of them.

We eventually got out, and waited for him at the gate. As you know, he did stop. I couldn't believe my no meeting no expectation day was twisting like that. I know, I know, you told me things happen like that, randomly, and I should have trusted my 4 and 44, but … unbelievable. He was happy and willing to chat (I suppose a platinum award and a meeting with Dario Fo worked) and so he talked a little with the ones he already knew and with the new ones who managed to speak. Guess who got stuck?

I managed to give him my present, though, I still don't know how. I wasn't able to get his attention (too busy signing school journals and stuff), I suppose Lucrezia helped (thank you so so so much :wub2:). So this way I fixed my previous regret of the Rai studios and have another one to fix for the next time (it's about time to switch from notes to spoken chat, isn't it?....)


I'm not lying when I say I enjoyed his chat with mfcers. I don't care if it wasn't me the one who spoke. I admit I have loved if he had looked at me eve for less than a second, which he didn't, but since I wasn't expecting anything of that, I'm good with what happend. He will regret it when he will taste those amazing biscuits and won't be able to remember who ask for more :roftl: . I told once or twice that I would have enjoyed a group chat and that was a kind of.

If he waited 14 years to talk some minutes to Dario Fo, I can wait some time (months, years, who knows?) to chat with him a few seconds. Meanwhile, I'll keep on writing. Perhaps he would read a note of mine, some day. And yes, those are shorter than this report.


Epilogue: back to Sarik's parents place, couldn't sleep till 5 am. Woke up at 7, drove 200 km far to visit a friend, boosted my energies with some coffee (try never have coffee and then drink it with sugar, it kicks your ass), another 200 km drive back home, felt high with endorphines (and coffee and sugar), sang from the top of my lungs (I trust truck drivers heard me), saw The Voice/chatted with some mfcers till midnight, went to bed, woke up at 5 am and back to Milan, came home from Milan, wrote this report for about 4 hours.

And I'm not done. I still feel good.



driving around Milan: done

having my shot done by myself in my car: done

meeting mfcers: done

seeing Mika in the show talking and singing: done

meeting Mika: a kind of done


Feeling amazed: work in progress, so far so good.


Dedicated to Allegra, who loves my looooong reports so much :doh::naughty:


Thank you very much for the report, Elwendin!! It's amazing :thumb_yello:

Great experience, I'm happy for you :wink2:

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As you wish :naughty:

I suggest the others to skip it. It's insane long.


When I landed here on MFC (I wish I could say back in the day but actually that was just some months ago) one of the first thing many of you told me was: forget planning, forget preparing, forget that comfy feeling to be aware of what's going to happen.

Which was quite a shock to me, all my life is based on planning. It makes me feel safe. But when Mika is at stake, how could I stick to my old habits? I guess I apprenticed a bit through Bergamo signing session and Che Tempo Che Fa show, so I was a kind of relaxed this time.


As you all know the start of this adventure was a bit difficult: confirmed, cancelled, confirmed again almost the day before the show (I'll be grateful forever, won't forget). That would be enough to make my old me freak out, but new me was a way more calm. I admit, actually after the first confirmation I still tried to plan a bit asking people were they were going to sleep, as you (yes, you know who you are :naughty: ) told me... “don't bother the girls”.... (just kidding, I love you, don't get mad :aah:)

I think the fate is using Mika to teach me something.

I'm overcoming so many fears these days, I'm changing so much. And the side effect is that I'm always happy. Who wouldn't enjoy learn having fun like that?

I was scared of driving around in big towns and about getting injections by myself. I spent months avoiding to think about that, since I knew I should have face that this month and I was terrified.

The day of the first confirmation I switched from “what if I ask some old lady to come at my place and do the shots?” to “just give my that thing, I'll do it by myself, I'm busy, I have to go and see Mika”. See? No big deal.

Anyway, for the third time in about a month and a half I asked my hubby to get my bakpack from the attic. “Which one, the one you told me you weren't going to ask it again since your trips to see Mika were over after the Bergamo thing?” Euh, yes, that one :teehee:


So, I left friday morning with my backpack and my coolbag with the drugs and drove to Sarik's parents home in Milan. Just a little stop at the pastry shop to buy a little present for Mika, even if I swear I was totally sure we wouldn't meet. There will be no sneaking ut of the studio, and no chances to meet. But you know, just in case something weird happen,just in case, just in case. That's not planning. That's wondering about life twists and be prepared not to regret something. Besides we all enjoyed those biscuits last time, I was sure we could enjoy them again.

Of course me and my car were singing Mika all he drive long. I listened especially to Underwater instrumental, I felt in love with it, it's overwhelming and fulfills me completely.

As I arrived close to Sarik's place I dropped the car in the first free parking spot I found, and relaxed: ok, it's done, I parked the car. From now, I just have to walk to her place, and get it tomorrow morning. Sarik introduced me to her family (lovely lovely people) and then pizza and chat.

In a blink of an eye it was time to leave, so we walked towards the car. While walking I noticed I already knew that road, since it was the same I did to reach her home. I thought “Oh, funny, she parked near to my car”. Then an awful thought came to my mind, exactly when I recalled her saying “I don't drive”. Oh s * h * t.

This is how Kismet made me drive downtown in Milan, by night. Remember the ovecome-your-fear thing? Exactly. This didn't prevent me to swear now and then against traffic, pavement, pedestrians and the whole town while Mika was still singing on my cd. Well, even he can't do all miracles, can he? We finally got to the studio, thank to my human navigator Sarik, who was always late on giving instructions (turn here – here where? - here!!! - wheeeere???!!!)


So, we eventually parked in an alley and agreed to split the fine since it's less expensive than a parking lot (we didn't get it eventually) and reached the studio.

I was totally sure we weren't going to meet him this time. But just in case just in case I wrote a tiny note and attached it to the present. I don't know why I did it, I really didn't think to have a chance. Probably that was all about not having any regret. I hate regrets, they haunt me. Outside Rai studio I just got stucked and couldn't to anything, I didn't want to feel like that again. Just in case.

Dario Fo arrived and walked his way to the studio, asking if we all were there for Mika (sure!) and telling us “Mica sceme”. (not fool of you).

Then Mika came but the van didn't stop, me and Sarik didn't care, we had no expectation at all, we were too busy to chat. :aah:

Little walk back to my car to have my shot done (dark alley, but Sarik being on lookout couldn't prevent a guy to stare at that junkie girl (me), her car full of garbage and dogs crates, her syringe and her so-what-look... :naughty:

Back to the studio, met the girls (yes, we all still are girls) I already knew and some new one and waited for the door getting opened.

I didn't do it that much, so yes, I still enjoy queueing to have the chance to talk with everybody (which I eventualy didn't even if I tried to.)


We finally managed to get in, and we left our jackets at the wardrobe. We were given tickets with numbers, to be able to recognize our stuff later. I noticed some year ago that my lucky number is 4. It really is. Well, I had two tickets: 4 and 44.

I felt a bit thrilled and wondered “WTH...?” but then let it go. I used to study science at university, I used to be skeptical on that stuff, so I just put them into my pocket and kept on talking with the girls (yes, before that I told everybody about my lucky numbers, the gap between the being-thrilled moment and the let-it-go one was long enough to tell :teehee: The more emotional I get, the more childish) We finally noticed there were no strangers left, so it occured to us that they were letting people getting the seats and reached the stage. We were told were to sit, and we all got the perfect seats to admire Mika's bright red soles. I was fine with that, we were alltogether, the studio was so tiny that we could perfectly hear everything and I knew I could watch the vids today. I was and still am so grateful for this chance, I don't mind the seats at all.


The show started and I enjoyed being there, chatting a little while listening to guests. Daria told us we were a bit too calm when the politician was talking, but what could we do? You stay quiet when a politician talks, right? I thought.. ok.. just wait and see when Mika will enter the stage... :naughty:

We managed to see him peeping from the back stage, that was funny.

He finally got in, and two rows among the audience did a standing ovation. That were the former too quiet rows.... guess who they were :mf_rosetinted:

I think he looked at us in that moment, but I don't know if I'm delusional, the others could confirm or deny.

Then it was just perfect. I enjoyed so much his time with Dario Fo, they both looked happy, I suppose Mika felt a kind of how we could feel meeting him one to one for many minutes... I'm sure they had some extra time behind the scenes as well.


When it comes to the interview, we knew Daria is pretty good to make guests at ease and ask them interesting questions in order to make them talk. We knew she was dangerous, as he noticed after a while :aah: and I didn't know what will be the result. I think it was pretty good, wasn't it? I still have to watch the vids, I'm looking forward to see his looks, for you sake, who knows how long could I write after having watched them?

Then he sang. OMG he sang Underwater and that was a way too good to forget it in a whole life. I love that song, I already knew him back in the day for being the writer of it (yes, swatch ad). I almost never fall for a song at the first listening, but on that one I fell immediately. Ok, I admit I didn't look for more till I randomly stumbled on him on XF while doing chores, I'm (should I say I was?) a moron when it comes to music.

I could talk more about Underwater but I could end up banned for writing too much...


Then the show ended and my 4 and 44 worked. He stayed there, he didn't leave. Ok, I didn't take that chance cause I didn't go to him immediately (none of us did), so when I managed to go over there he was surrounded by people asking for pics together and stuff. But that's my fault, I'm the one to blame. I was trying to get whether we were allowed or not.

So I let it go and come back to join the girls who were chatting with his band. I didn't dare to say anything, cause I felt I had no right, so I just waved, but I enjoyed so much just standing there with all of them.

We eventually got out, and waited for him at the gate. As you know, he did stop. I couldn't believe my no meeting no expectation day was twisting like that. I know, I know, you told me things happen like that, randomly, and I should have trusted my 4 and 44, but … unbelievable. He was happy and willing to chat (I suppose a platinum award and a meeting with Dario Fo worked) and so he talked a little with the ones he already knew and with the new ones who managed to speak. Guess who got stuck?

I managed to give him my present, though, I still don't know how. I wasn't able to get his attention (too busy signing school journals and stuff), I suppose Lucrezia helped (thank you so so so much :wub2:). So this way I fixed my previous regret of the Rai studios and have another one to fix for the next time (it's about time to switch from notes to spoken chat, isn't it?....)


I'm not lying when I say I enjoyed his chat with mfcers. I don't care if it wasn't me the one who spoke. I admit I have loved if he had looked at me eve for less than a second, which he didn't, but since I wasn't expecting anything of that, I'm good with what happend. He will regret it when he will taste those amazing biscuits and won't be able to remember who ask for more :roftl: . I told once or twice that I would have enjoyed a group chat and that was a kind of.

If he waited 14 years to talk some minutes to Dario Fo, I can wait some time (months, years, who knows?) to chat with him a few seconds. Meanwhile, I'll keep on writing. Perhaps he would read a note of mine, some day. And yes, those are shorter than this report.


Epilogue: back to Sarik's parents place, couldn't sleep till 5 am. Woke up at 7, drove 200 km far to visit a friend, boosted my energies with some coffee (try never have coffee and then drink it with sugar, it kicks your ass), another 200 km drive back home, felt high with endorphines (and coffee and sugar), sang from the top of my lungs (I trust truck drivers heard me), saw The Voice/chatted with some mfcers till midnight, went to bed, woke up at 5 am and back to Milan, came home from Milan, wrote this report for about 4 hours.

And I'm not done. I still feel good.



driving around Milan: done

having my shot done by myself in my car: done

meeting mfcers: done

seeing Mika in the show talking and singing: done

meeting Mika: a kind of done


Feeling amazed: work in progress, so far so good.


Dedicated to Allegra, who loves my looooonSg reports so much :doh::naughty:


Hey girl! It's not only Allegra who loves your long reports:thumb_yello:


Next time you'll talk to him, don't worry. And then, you'll have something to start the convo with those cookies!

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As you wish :naughty:

I suggest the others to skip it. It's insane long.


Brilliant :clap:


I'm overcoming so many fears these days, I'm changing so much. And the side effect is that I'm always happy. Who wouldn't enjoy learn having fun like that?


Ha you are such a quick study, well done.


I don't know about all the "4"s business but it helps to be prepared even when there are no guarantees. You have to make your own luck in a way.


You know every flat I have lived in during my life has been on the 4th floor? But I think it's bad luck in Chinese culture so it is no going to work in my favour if I have to sell my loft. :naughty:

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driving around Milan: done

having my shot done by myself in my car: done

meeting mfcers: done

seeing Mika in the show talking and singing: done

meeting Mika: a kind of done


Feeling amazed: work in progress, so far so good.


Ah, Elwendin, your report is stellar and you are a star. I know perfectly some of the emotions you are feeling, and I couldn't agree more about Mika being able to take you out of your comfort zone. The first time I traveled to New York City all by myself was to see a Mika show -- as you say, "the old me" would never have done such a thing. Because of Mika, I've traveled to Europe on my own several times, going to New York City alone is now a piece of cake, I even flew to Iceland to see him. He has definitely encouraged me to do things I would probably have never done otherwise, and I think that's what's responsible for keeping the young girl alive inside of me. I cannot thank him enough for that. :wub2:


Thanks for sharing your report -- not too long at all. :thumb_yello:

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What a great report! I always love reading them, long or short, thank you so much for taking time to share this with us :thumb_yello:

I recognize myself a little bit in what you say about overcoming your fears. I'm crazy with planning/organizing/analyzing things up to the point where it actually prevents me from enjoying some moments because I think too much; but with Mika I'm getting much better and I keep on surprising myself. It's all part of the Mika effect :original:

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I am such a terrible planner so the Mika thing works well for me. :naughty: I embarked on a trip to Ireland and had no idea where I was going or how to get there. I just assumed someone else would figure it out and tell me eventually. :teehee:


The last minute business has stressed me out on a number of occasions though. Sometimes it ends up being extremely time consuming and I've found myself wasting an afternoon in London, for example, trying to buy tickets to a Toronto gig because it was just announced a few hours prior. And there have been some pretty big bad surprises like cancelled gigs. :aah: But overall the surprises have been great and really worth it in the end and even the "bad" surprises have had a huge silver lining. As long as you are travelling, spending time with friends, etc. it's always worthwhile.

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This is how Kismet made me drive downtown in Milan, by night. Remember the ovecome-your-fear thing? Exactly. This didn't prevent me to swear now and then against traffic, pavement, pedestrians and the whole town while Mika was still singing on my cd. Well, even he can't do all miracles, can he? We finally got to the studio, thank to my human navigator Sarik, who was always late on giving instructions (turn here – here where? - here!!! - wheeeere???!!!)


Did noboby tell:bleh::woot_jump: that I am on version 1. Wall.E mood.. my "husband" forgot to fix me on time :fisch: only 20% :naughty:



Dario Fo arrived and walked his way to the studio, asking if we all were there for Mika (sure!) and telling us “Mica sceme”. (not fool of you).

Then Mika came but the van didn't stop, me and Sarik didn't care, we had no expectation at all, we were too busy to chat. :aah:


:thumb_yello: but we were sure he is was in.. Mum in the front seat



Little walk back to my car to have my shot done (dark alley, but Sarik being on lookout couldn't prevent a guy to stare at that junkie girl (me), her car full of garbage and dogs crates, her syringe and her so-what-look... :naughty:


Junkies as we are ... a new blockbuster :blush-anim-cl:


:group_hug: to you and a big thanks all that where there and not you all are helping me to copy with "my serious life" .. It is very hard to be meeee:mikalove:

As my collegue keeps on telling me .. under those serious and professional glasses there is an entire and magical world..

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I managed to give him my present, though, I still don't know how. I wasn't able to get his attention (too busy signing school journals and stuff), I suppose Lucrezia helped (thank you so so so much :wub2:).


You don't need to thank me Elwendin :huglove:

I had a very nice night with you!

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Next time you'll talk to him, don't worry. And then, you'll have something to start the convo with those cookies!

Ahahah, no, I was barely a hand in the crowd, trust me, he didn't see me. He perhaps heard me squeaking"can you please take these, I'm trying to give them to you every time"(my goal was making him to get the note attached to them but since I didn't prepare a proper letter, that was just a quick sentence. That very morning, before leaving for Milan, I told husband I regretted not to have written a letter, #justincase. I was right...)

I suppose I was a bit rude (who am I to ask him to take my present...) but that was just out of frustration cause I felt I was missing my chance. Lucrezia pointed out that those were new ones, so he laughed (I think, I was so confused) and I added that the old ones, we ate them (I wanted to say together with mfcers but then another school journal happend. Perhaps that was good luck, who manage to say mfcers out loud? :naughty:).


Still not sleepy, I blame it on you guys. You filled me up again with endorphines cause nice words are always good to hear, I'm so thankful for that, thank you thank you thank you! Guess what you won? Another loooong report next time.... :aah: Who knows when it will happen though. :tears:



Brilliant :clap:




Ha you are such a quick study, well done.


I don't know about all the "4"s business but it helps to be prepared even when there are no guarantees. You have to make your own luck in a way.


You know every flat I have lived in during my life has been on the 4th floor? But I think it's bad luck in Chinese culture so it is no going to work in my favour if I have to sell my loft. :naughty:


How does it works with you mods? You drawing lots and the one who loose has to read it? I do apologize for that to the looser... :mf_rosetinted:


When it comes to the loft just don't sell it to chinese people and it will work.


I like your sentence "You have to make your own luck in a way." I just wonder where's the limit between make your own luck and don't respect people. I, we, behave and he got surrounded anyway while we were pushed back. I could push as well, but it's not my scene to act that way (I now you didn't mean I had to pass over the dead bodies of some girl, I just wondering about the situation). But those are the two possible outcomes: behave and let people sneak between you and him and push you back or being the sneaky one. I don't want to be a shade in the back and I don't want to be a hysterical girl. I'm a bit confused about how to act, but I suppose it doesn't matter since I get stuck and lost, everytime it happens. :doh:


When it comes to drag me out of my comfort zone, it's not always nice, it hurts. But then I'm so proud of myself. When I read all your stories I'm amazed by you guys. You do travels continents, you are heroes. I would feel totally lost and scared.

But I suppose I could do it with a little help. I trust mfcers are helpful when it comes to help. Well, I hope. When it comes to me, I'll help you to come here if he'll ever will perform in my village among the mountains ... Sorry to be so useless.

I couldn't make it this time if someone wouldn't help me. The studio was in a not nice place, I was scared of being there by night. So, the help came as being in a group. I actually have to say I was ready to go even on my own, so perhaps I could make it on my own, but the group helped to make me feel totally at ease. Without it I would have felt anxious, this way instead was just pure joy.:wub2:

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When it comes to the loft just don't sell it to chinese people and it will work.


Yes I suppose you're right :lmfao:


I like your sentence "You have to make your own luck in a way." I just wonder where's the limit between make your own luck and don't respect people. I, we, behave and he got surrounded anyway while we were pushed back. I could push as well, but it's not my scene to act that way


Well I was speaking more generally. I mean if you weren't at this show at all you are guaranteed not to have any experience. You wouldn't have a report to write. Maybe you will get to speak to him next time, maybe not. But if you were to sit at home, not even try to get tickets, not even try to drive to Milan, etc. for sure nothing would happen.


I'm a bit confused about how to act, but I suppose it doesn't matter since I get stuck and lost, everytime it happens. :doh:


I don't know what to tell you. The environment is very different here and I've had the luxury of meeting Mika in situations where he will come and speak to me and others even if we are not up in his face. Sometimes that's not the case and I don't speak to him and I'm fine with that. But if people are all over him every single time you see him then standing back quietly is probably never going to pay off. :dunno:


When it comes to drag me out of my comfort zone, it's not always nice, it hurts.


Things will get easier as time goes on. Pretty soon things like travelling on your own won't be out of your comfort zone. :wink2:

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Well I was speaking more generally. I mean if you weren't at this show at all you are guaranteed not to have any experience. You wouldn't have a report to write. Maybe you will get to speak to him next time, maybe not. But if you were to sit at home, not even try to get tickets, not even try to drive to Milan, etc. for sure nothing would happen.


Things will get easier as time goes on. Pretty soon things like travelling on your own won't be out of your comfort zone. :wink2:


You're so so so right!

I agree on every word. Besides:


no one will mess with a group of fierce Mika's fans :boxing:


so don't worry...united we stand :naughty:

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@Elwendin :wub2::wub2::wub2: Beautiful report, I love the way you describe every single detail, you have an amazing photoghraphic memory :thumb_yello:

I imagined also the wardrobe and you girls that take your number :naughty:

I'm happy that he did stop for a while with you girls :thumb_yello:

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I like your sentence "You have to make your own luck in a way." I just wonder where's the limit between make your own luck and don't respect people. I, we, behave and he got surrounded anyway while we were pushed back. I could push as well, but it's not my scene to act that way (I now you didn't mean I had to pass over the dead bodies of some girl, I just wondering about the situation). But those are the two possible outcomes: behave and let people sneak between you and him and push you back or being the sneaky one. I don't want to be a shade in the back and I don't want to be a hysterical girl. I'm a bit confused about how to act, but I suppose it doesn't matter since I get stuck and lost, everytime it happens. :doh:



Thank you very much for your report Elwendin, I loved reading it :thumb_yello: And I'm glad you could spend such a nice evening :wub2:


What you are talking about above is also what happens in France, and we are sure it will get worse in the next weeks: we are trying to behave and other fans don't, they jump on poor Mika :aah:

Sometimes it's disappointing to see that behaving well we get nothing and they get "something", sure. But I can tell you from the experience of The Voice in this magical 21th of December 2013, Mika sees everything and he cares :wub2: if it's not today that he gives you his attention, it will be tomorrow, don't worry (you and I are lucky enough to be able to see him quite often in Italy / France). And this kind of attention is so much better that the one he gives to the ones who take it by force from him :wub2::wub2: it counts for 1000 :thumb_yello:



I also want to add to the topic "out of our comfort zone", that I started again driving last week :blush-anim-cl: after 10 years without driving a single meter :mf_rosetinted:

Only to be able to drive to Mika's gig this summer :naughty:

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a clip of "Underwater" from the original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG7vTSbner8




It's a private video. Which is a shame as I think it's one that would play on my Kindle.

I haven't been able to see him singing Underwater yet, as no embedded video on here will play on my tablet.

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Thanks Smokesignal!! :wub2:



Mika sees everything and he cares :wub2: if it's not today that he gives you his attention, it will be tomorrow, don't worry. And this kind of attention is so much better that the one he gives to the ones who take it by force from him :wub2::wub2: it counts for 1000 :thumb_yello:



I also want to add to the topic "out of our comfort zone", that I started again driving last week :blush-anim-cl: after 10 years without driving a single meter :mf_rosetinted:

Only to be able to drive to Mika's gig this summer :naughty:


It's pretty wise of you having started to drive again, don't give up on that!!! My mom did and now she drives no more, it's such a mess. I'm glad Mika 's giving you the motivation, I'm waiting for you here in Italy for a gig then. I'm on your way to Italy, if you come here by car, remember? I have a spare room :teehee:

When it comes to the Mika attention thing, it's so useless and silly of me. I know there's no point in the whole thing, so why I keep bother for being noticed? I wondered a lot about this and I finally realize it's all about how good it feels when he looks and talks to you. Obviously there are no further consequences out of a ten seconds small talk, but it just feels good. I suppose :doh: Apparently he did said something to me, about three words, I've just been told, and I don't remember it at all. In spite of my

amazing photoghraphic memory



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It's pretty wise of you having started to drive again, don't give up on that!!! My mom did and now she drives no more, it's such a mess. I'm glad Mika 's giving you the motivation, I'm waiting for you here in Italy for a gig then. I'm on your way to Italy, if you come here by car, remember? I have a spare room :teehee:

When it comes to the Mika attention thing, it's so useless and silly of me. I know there's no point in the whole thing, so why I keep bother for being noticed? I wondered a lot about this and I finally realize it's all about how good it feels when he looks and talks to you. Obviously there are no further consequences out of a ten seconds small talk, but it just feels good. I suppose :doh: Apparently he did said something to me, about three words, I've just been told, and I don't remember it at all. In spite of my




yes, I remember your spare room :naughty: any reservation from Mika Team yet? :wink2:


I think we all feel the same when he looks at us :teehee::wub2: That's his charisma, we can do nothing against it :mf_rosetinted:

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It's a private video. Which is a shame as I think it's one that would play on my Kindle.

I haven't been able to see him singing Underwater yet, as no embedded video on here will play on my tablet.


But you HAVE to see and hear him. Absolutely. So, try this. :thumb_yello:



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As you wish :naughty:

I suggest the others to skip it. It's insane long.


When I landed here on MFC (I wish I could say back in the day but actually that was just some months ago) one of the first thing many of you told me was: forget planning, forget preparing, forget that comfy feeling to be aware of what's going to happen.

Which was quite a shock to me, all my life is based on planning. It makes me feel safe. But when Mika is at stake, how could I stick to my old habits? I guess I apprenticed a bit through Bergamo signing session and Che Tempo Che Fa show, so I was a kind of relaxed this time.


As you all know the start of this adventure was a bit difficult: confirmed, cancelled, confirmed again almost the day before the show (I'll be grateful forever, won't forget). That would be enough to make my old me freak out, but new me was a way more calm. I admit, actually after the first confirmation I still tried to plan a bit asking people were they were going to sleep, as you (yes, you know who you are :naughty: ) told me... “don't bother the girls”.... (just kidding, I love you, don't get mad :aah:)

I think the fate is using Mika to teach me something.

I'm overcoming so many fears these days, I'm changing so much. And the side effect is that I'm always happy. Who wouldn't enjoy learn having fun like that?

I was scared of driving around in big towns and about getting injections by myself. I spent months avoiding to think about that, since I knew I should have face that this month and I was terrified.

The day of the first confirmation I switched from “what if I ask some old lady to come at my place and do the shots?” to “just give my that thing, I'll do it by myself, I'm busy, I have to go and see Mika”. See? No big deal.

Anyway, for the third time in about a month and a half I asked my hubby to get my bakpack from the attic. “Which one, the one you told me you weren't going to ask it again since your trips to see Mika were over after the Bergamo thing?” Euh, yes, that one :teehee:


So, I left friday morning with my backpack and my coolbag with the drugs and drove to Sarik's parents home in Milan. Just a little stop at the pastry shop to buy a little present for Mika, even if I swear I was totally sure we wouldn't meet. There will be no sneaking ut of the studio, and no chances to meet. But you know, just in case something weird happen,just in case, just in case. That's not planning. That's wondering about life twists and be prepared not to regret something. Besides we all enjoyed those biscuits last time, I was sure we could enjoy them again.

Of course me and my car were singing Mika all he drive long. I listened especially to Underwater instrumental, I felt in love with it, it's overwhelming and fulfills me completely.

As I arrived close to Sarik's place I dropped the car in the first free parking spot I found, and relaxed: ok, it's done, I parked the car. From now, I just have to walk to her place, and get it tomorrow morning. Sarik introduced me to her family (lovely lovely people) and then pizza and chat.

In a blink of an eye it was time to leave, so we walked towards the car. While walking I noticed I already knew that road, since it was the same I did to reach her home. I thought “Oh, funny, she parked near to my car”. Then an awful thought came to my mind, exactly when I recalled her saying “I don't drive”. Oh s * h * t.

This is how Kismet made me drive downtown in Milan, by night. Remember the ovecome-your-fear thing? Exactly. This didn't prevent me to swear now and then against traffic, pavement, pedestrians and the whole town while Mika was still singing on my cd. Well, even he can't do all miracles, can he? We finally got to the studio, thank to my human navigator Sarik, who was always late on giving instructions (turn here – here where? - here!!! - wheeeere???!!!)


So, we eventually parked in an alley and agreed to split the fine since it's less expensive than a parking lot (we didn't get it eventually) and reached the studio.

I was totally sure we weren't going to meet him this time. But just in case just in case I wrote a tiny note and attached it to the present. I don't know why I did it, I really didn't think to have a chance. Probably that was all about not having any regret. I hate regrets, they haunt me. Outside Rai studio I just got stucked and couldn't to anything, I didn't want to feel like that again. Just in case.

Dario Fo arrived and walked his way to the studio, asking if we all were there for Mika (sure!) and telling us “Mica sceme”. (not fool of you).

Then Mika came but the van didn't stop, me and Sarik didn't care, we had no expectation at all, we were too busy to chat.: aah:

Little walk back to my car to have my shot done (dark alley, but Sarik being on lookout couldn't prevent a guy to stare at that junkie girl (me), her car full of garbage and dogs crates, her syringe and her so-what-look... :naughty:

Back to the studio, met the girls (yes, we all still are girls) I already knew and some new one and waited for the door getting opened.

I didn't do it that much, so yes, I still enjoy queueing to have the chance to talk with everybody (which I eventualy didn't even if I tried to.)


We finally managed to get in, and we left our jackets at the wardrobe. We were given tickets with numbers, to be able to recognize our stuff later. I noticed some year ago that my lucky number is 4. It really is. Well, I had two tickets: 4 and 44.

I felt a bit thrilled and wondered “WTH...?” but then let it go. I used to study science at university, I used to be skeptical on that stuff, so I just put them into my pocket and kept on talking with the girls (yes, before that I told everybody about my lucky numbers, the gap between the being-thrilled moment and the let-it-go one was long enough to tell :teehee: The more emotional I get, the more childish) We finally noticed there were no strangers left, so it occured to us that they were letting people getting the seats and reached the stage. We were told were to sit, and we all got the perfect seats to admire Mika's bright red soles. I was fine with that, we were alltogether, the studio was so tiny that we could perfectly hear everything and I knew I could watch the vids today. I was and still am so grateful for this chance, I don't mind the seats at all.


The show started and I enjoyed being there, chatting a little while listening to guests. Daria told us we were a bit too calm when the politician was talking, but what could we do? You stay quiet when a politician talks, right? I thought.. ok.. just wait and see when Mika will enter the stage... :naughty:

We managed to see him peeping from the back stage, that was funny.

He finally got in, and two rows among the audience did a standing ovation. That were the former too quiet rows.... guess who they were :mf_rosetinted:

I think he looked at us in that moment, but I don't know if I'm delusional, the others could confirm or deny.

Then it was just perfect. I enjoyed so much his time with Dario Fo, they both looked happy, I suppose Mika felt a kind of how we could feel meeting him one to one for many minutes... I'm sure they had some extra time behind the scenes as well.


When it comes to the interview, we knew Daria is pretty good to make guests at ease and ask them interesting questions in order to make them talk. We knew she was dangerous, as he noticed after a while :aah: and I didn't know what will be the result. I think it was pretty good, wasn't it? I still have to watch the vids, I'm looking forward to see his looks, for you sake, who knows how long could I write after having watched them?

Then he sang. OMG he sang Underwater and that was a way too good to forget it in a whole life. I love that song, I already knew him back in the day for being the writer of it (yes, swatch ad). I almost never fall for a song at the first listening, but on that one I fell immediately. Ok, I admit I didn't look for more till I randomly stumbled on him on XF while doing chores, I'm (should I say I was?) a moron when it comes to music.

I could talk more about Underwater but I could end up banned for writing too much...


Then the show ended and my 4 and 44 worked. He stayed there, he didn't leave. Ok, I didn't take that chance cause I didn't go to him immediately (none of us did), so when I managed to go over there he was surrounded by people asking for pics together and stuff. But that's my fault, I'm the one to blame. I was trying to get whether we were allowed or not.

So I let it go and come back to join the girls who were chatting with his band. I didn't dare to say anything, cause I felt I had no right, so I just waved, but I enjoyed so much just standing there with all of them.

We eventually got out, and waited for him at the gate. As you know, he did stop. I couldn't believe my no meeting no expectation day was twisting like that. I know, I know, you told me things happen like that, randomly, and I should have trusted my 4 and 44, but … unbelievable. He was happy and willing to chat (I suppose a platinum award and a meeting with Dario Fo worked) and so he talked a little with the ones he already knew and with the new ones who managed to speak. Guess who got stuck?

I managed to give him my present, though, I still don't know how. I wasn't able to get his attention (too busy signing school journals and stuff), I suppose Lucrezia helped (thank you so so so much :wub2:). So this way I fixed my previous regret of the Rai studios and have another one to fix for the next time (it's about time to switch from notes to spoken chat, isn't it?....)


I'm not lying when I say I enjoyed his chat with mfcers. I don't care if it wasn't me the one who spoke. I admit I have loved if he had looked at me eve for less than a second, which he didn't, but since I wasn't expecting anything of that, I'm good with what happend. He will regret it when he will taste those amazing biscuits and won't be able to remember who ask for more :roftl: . I told once or twice that I would have enjoyed a group chat and that was a kind of.

If he waited 14 years to talk some minutes to Dario Fo, I can wait some time (months, years, who knows?) to chat with him a few seconds. Meanwhile, I'll keep on writing. Perhaps he would read a note of mine, some day. And yes, those are shorter than this report.


Epilogue: back to Sarik's parents place, couldn't sleep till 5 am. Woke up at 7, drove 200 km far to visit a friend, boosted my energies with some coffee (try never have coffee and then drink it with sugar, it kicks your ass), another 200 km drive back home, felt high with endorphines (and coffee and sugar), sang from the top of my lungs (I trust truck drivers heard me), saw The Voice/chatted with some mfcers till midnight, went to bed, woke up at 5 am and back to Milan, came home from Milan, wrote this report for about 4 hours.

And I'm not done. I still feel good.



driving around Milan: done

having my shot done by myself in my car: done

meeting mfcers: done

seeing Mika in the show talking and singing: done

meeting Mika: a kind of done


Feeling amazed: work in progress, so far so good.


Dedicated to Allegra, who loves my looooong reports so much : doh:: naughty:


Thank you Sylvie , it felt like being there with you :swoon:

Now I'm :fangurl: ing

I'm so glad you got to meet him and give him his present with your note :wub2:

I love your long reports and Underwater is my fav as well, so you can even write longer next time : naughty:

There's no ban for this : lmfao:

I loved reading your report :bow::huglove:

I watched it online and I could tell it was very special : wub2:: wub2: :wub2:: wub2:

May I suggest finding a chicken for next time you meet Mika? :naughty:

A chicken is sure to catch his attention :mikadas::mf_rosetinted:

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