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Where in the World Are You?


Where in the World Are You?  

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  1. 1. We're trying to determine the locations of the membership of Mika Fan Club. Take a second to let us know the country you live in! Thanks!

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Hiya! Ive been a silent member for a bit. I’ve always watched in awe as all of you shared your Mika experiences,planned unbeleivable suprises for Mika at his concerts,had awesome Mika trips around the world to meet one another,etc. You are all AMAZING and FUN! Some Mika fan club members have become closer to me than my own family on platforms like Twitter💜 Many years of talking,laughing,sillyness,and really getting to know eachother. I cant believe how lucky i have been to found the people i have. They are so good to me😊 I’m speaking up today because i’m curious to know if Mika has a fan club in the USA that anyone knows of? If so please let me know who i can contact so as maybe I can be a part of something crazycool here in the US to show Mika how much we love his music! And his dimples. And his laugh.And Andy. And his dogs... well you guys know🤣 Have a great day everyone! Thanks in advance💜

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42 minutes ago, NancyM said:

Hiya! Ive been a silent member for a bit. I’ve always watched in awe as all of you shared your Mika experiences,planned unbeleivable suprises for Mika at his concerts,had awesome Mika trips around the world to meet one another,etc. You are all AMAZING and FUN! Some Mika fan club members have become closer to me than my own family on platforms like Twitter💜 Many years of talking,laughing,sillyness,and really getting to know eachother. I cant believe how lucky i have been to found the people i have. They are so good to me😊 I’m speaking up today because i’m curious to know if Mika has a fan club in the USA that anyone knows of? If so please let me know who i can contact so as maybe I can be a part of something crazycool here in the US to show Mika how much we love his music! And his dimples. And his laugh.And Andy. And his dogs... well you guys know🤣 Have a great day everyone! Thanks in advance💜


Hi Nancy! And welcome! I'm also in the US, in the DC area. We don't have a US fan club -- I consider this my Mika "home."


There is a thread here for US fans, but it hasn't been very active... mostly because Mika hasn't been here in US for nearly three years, I guess. But there are still plenty of us around. :) 


You may want to repost your introduction over in the Introductions thread, where I'm sure you'll get a very warm and international welcome! :thumb_yello:

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Hi dcdeb! I recognize you from twitter and all the work you do here😊 I believe we may have been at the same Mika concert in NY way back in 2015! I remember seeing pictures of you in New York the same weekend of his Webster Hall and Brooklin show😬 I attended the Webster Hall show and it was so much fun to be around so many Mika fans! I’m in Michigan and drove 12 hours to get there. It was fun and sooooo worth it! I am so grateful you responded today😊 I will be happy to call this my home and be present in this USA thread as well! Would you mind if I friended you in other social media’s as well? I think it would be so fun to be a part of the fandom if Mika ever plans to have future tour dates here. I want him to know that we love him here too! Just like all of his fantastic fans all over the world do💜 Thanks again, this really made my day💐

Edited by NancyM
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14 hours ago, NancyM said:

Hi dcdeb! I recognize you from twitter and all the work you do here😊 I believe we may have been at the same Mika concert in NY way back in 2005! I remember seeing pictures of you in New York the same weekend of his Webster Hall and Brooklin show😬 I attended the Webster Hall show and it was so much fun to be around so many Mika fans! I’m in Michigan and drove 12 hours to get there. It was fun and sooooo worth it! I am so grateful you responded today😊 I will be happy to call this my home and be present in this USA thread as well! Would you mind if I friended you in other social media’s as well? I think it would be so fun to be a part of the fandom if Mika ever plans to have future tour dates here. I want him to know that we love him here too! Just like all of his fantastic fans all over the world do💜 Thanks again, this really made my day💐


Sure Nancy, feel free to add me on other social media. And I think you mean 2015, not 2005 -- and yes, I was there!  👍🏻

Perhaps we even spoke? I seem to recall meeting people who drove quite a distance to get there.


In any case, I'm sure Mika will come back to the States eventually. Maybe not Michigan -- you might have to drive to see him again -- but NY and LA for sure.

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Thank you so much dcdeb! I did mean 2015! LOL! Either my brain isn’t working properly or my chubby fingers on this keyboard typed the wrong thing. Either one of those is very possible!! Thank you so much for replying! I did find the USA thread with some help! And I will be sure to find you on the other social media platforms as well! I am gonna have so much fun on the site with you all! I can tell already!!!! 

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