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Where in the World Are You?


Where in the World Are You?  

1,136 members have voted

  1. 1. We're trying to determine the locations of the membership of Mika Fan Club. Take a second to let us know the country you live in! Thanks!

    • Argentina
    • Australia
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Brazil
    • Canada
    • China
    • Czech Republic
    • Denmark
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Hong Kong
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Iran
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Japan
    • Latvia
    • Lebanon
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Malaysia
    • Mexico
    • Netherlands
    • New Zealand
    • Norway
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Russia
    • Serbia
    • Singapore
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • South Africa
    • South Korea
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine
    • United Arab Emirates
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
    • Other (tell us your country in the thread below!)

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So cool to look at the board and see so many countries represented, it's only been just over a year here for me and I've had a chance to actually meet some of the people from many of those countries!!! 


It speaks to the amazing performer that is Mika to have touched so many of us from so many places around the world, but it also speaks to the beautiful people who so faithfully commit the time it takes to maintain this virtual global home. It's thanks to you that we can all for drop by for a chat :gathering: , a laugh :floor: , a hug :hug: , an education :ap_rosetinted: , a journey down memory lane :old::drive: , or for a little virtual chill-out :groovy: on what I imagine as this big, plushy, global couch...for tea :tea: or other beverages of choice :drinks_wine:   (we need a sofa emoji LOL)


For me this has been a wonderful year and I'd really like to say THANK YOU to all those dedicated busy fingers behind the scenes of this fab site and everyone who contributes in their own way. Mika brought us out of the wood-work but you've all welcomed us in and made us like family, you all ROCK!!!  :punk: Here's to you:  :huglove:  :clap:  :flowers2:  :flowers2:  :flowers2:



So eloquent, Kat! Thank you so much! :hug:

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So cool to look at the board and see so many countries represented, it's only been just over a year here for me and I've had a chance to actually meet some of the people from many of those countries!!! 


It speaks to the amazing performer that is Mika to have touched so many of us from so many places around the world, but it also speaks to the beautiful people who so faithfully commit the time it takes to maintain this virtual global home. It's thanks to you that we can all for drop by for a chat :gathering: , a laugh :floor: , a hug :hug: , an education :ap_rosetinted: , a journey down memory lane :old::drive: , or for a little virtual chill-out :groovy: on what I imagine as this big, plushy, global couch...for tea :tea: or other beverages of choice :drinks_wine:   (we need a sofa emoji LOL)


For me this has been a wonderful year and I'd really like to say THANK YOU to all those dedicated busy fingers behind the scenes of this fab site and everyone who contributes in their own way. Mika brought us out of the wood-work but you've all welcomed us in and made us like family, you all ROCK!!!  :punk: Here's to you:  :huglove:  :clap:  :flowers2:  :flowers2:  :flowers2:

Thank you, same compliment back

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  • 2 weeks later...

i don't see Israel on the list. i'm in the US now but I know he has fans there ;)


Hey Sivan :)


This isn't about where Mika has fans, it's about where Mika Fan Club members live right now. So I hope you put yourself down as US!


I was hoping to get more active members to participate -- as it stands right now it looks like we have just a handful of active MFCers and I just know that can't be true. Not sure how else to get everyone to reply to the poll though. :dunno:

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  • 1 month later...



Hey Sivan :)


This isn't about where Mika has fans, it's about where Mika Fan Club members live right now. So I hope you put yourself down as US!


I was hoping to get more active members to participate -- as it stands right now it looks like we have just a handful of active MFCers and I just know that can't be true. Not sure how else to get everyone to reply to the poll though. :dunno:

Maybe you can send a PM to the active members each day or something, and tell them to vote here. 


And do it a bit each day, so more of the active members notice this thread. Or send an automatic message to all the members if its under your control

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Maybe you can send a PM to the active members each day or something, and tell them to vote here. 


And do it a bit each day, so more of the active members notice this thread. Or send an automatic message to all the members if its under your control


I don't think poor Deb has time to do lots of PMs, with all the other stuff she has to do

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Hey Sivan :)


This isn't about where Mika has fans, it's about where Mika Fan Club members live right now. So I hope you put yourself down as US!


I was hoping to get more active members to participate -- as it stands right now it looks like we have just a handful of active MFCers and I just know that can't be true. Not sure how else to get everyone to reply to the poll though. :dunno:

Maybe add it to your siggie? Or could it appear on the first page like a flashing message to catch members' attention? (As a sort of pop up) 

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I don't think poor Deb has time to do lots of PMs, with all the other stuff she has to do

thats very true - i should have thought about that, but I agree with @crazyaboutmika that it can perhaps pop on the first page :thumb_yello:

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  • 4 weeks later...

It seems to mostly be where Mika had done television such as The Voice in France and xFactor in italy. South Korea is really high, United Kingdom is surprisingly low. Perhaps its because the majority of English people are so afraid of languages they see another language and shy away from it. Its sad really.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It seems to mostly be where Mika had done television such as The Voice in France and xFactor in italy. South Korea is really high, United Kingdom is surprisingly low. Perhaps its because the majority of English people are so afraid of languages they see another language and shy away from it. Its sad really.

It's, more to do with the fact that he won't promote himself properly over here, like he does in those countries.

Every album that has come out over here, since TBWKTM, promo here has got pretty much non existent He barely did any for TOOL, and only 1 tv appearance and a couple of radio slots, and only 1 show. He used to do full on promo, and tours like he has been doing in France and Italy in the UK. But it's like he has given up for some reason.

That is what is sad.

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Who are the other 10 people that voted The Netherlands? BE MY FRIEND


Hi Jaela, :bye: I'm one of them and I'll be your friend.  :thumb_yello:



Unfortunately that thread is not very active.  :teehee:



I completely overlooked this thread, but I've added my location now.  :thumb_yello:

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