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3 hours ago, lormare73 said:


He said in a radio interview (I think radio 2 in italy but I'm not sure) that he had to go to new York to attend an event, but I didn't understand what type of event. 


Thanks.  I was hoping he was going to be on a talk show or something.  Wishful thinking I guess!!

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18 minutes ago, RicksBlueEyedGirl said:

He’s doing a show in New York. Or at least that’s what he just said on his Instagram story. It’s at an art museum. 



Mika IG stories

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Please be aware that currently a lot of Mika fans are contacted by fake accounts on Social Media, which pretend to be Mika. I've opened a thread about it, if you have any questions about this, feel free to post there:


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6 hours ago, Megustaelpulpo said:

A question, only curiosity becouse I have never suffered jetlag, what symptoms do you have? It's only sleep disturbance ? On a few days trip, like Mika's to NY ,Do you have jetlag?


Well, your body just needs time to adjust to the different time zone, it's like staying up all night and then having to work again the next day. So basically you're tired when you should be awake and you can't sleep when it's time, because it's not the usual time for your body. It's stress for the body, and this can lead to all the symptoms that you can get from too much stress - from a weak immune system to changes in the heart rate.

The intensity of jetlag depends a lot on how big the time difference is, and also on the direction (east/west). And for some people it's easier than for others.


For Mika I suppose it's more the general lack of sleep, the 2-day trip to NY might not have made a big difference for him. :teehee: I hope he's able to sleep on planes, that helps a lot. I can't, mostly, and I hate that! :aah:

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9 hours ago, mellody said:


Bueno, su cuerpo solo necesita tiempo para adaptarse a la zona horaria diferente, es como estar despierto toda la noche y luego tener que trabajar nuevamente al día siguiente. Entonces, básicamente, estás cansado cuando debes estar despierto y no puedes dormir cuando es hora, porque no es la hora habitual de tu cuerpo. Es estrés para el cuerpo, y esto puede conducir a todos los síntomas que puede obtener de demasiado estrés, desde un sistema inmunitario débil hasta cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca.

La intensidad del desfase horario depende mucho de cuán grande sea la diferencia horaria y también de la dirección (este / oeste). Y para algunas personas es más fácil que para otras.


Para Mika, supongo que es más la falta general de sueño, el viaje de 2 días a Nueva York podría no haber hecho una gran diferencia para él. : teehee: Espero que pueda dormir en aviones, eso ayuda mucho. ¡No puedo, sobre todo, y odio eso!: aah:

Thanks for the explanation. I don't know if it's possible to get used yo It.. Mika travels so much,... It's exhausting just thinking about It. If I make half, I look like a panda bear crawling on the floor.

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10 minutes ago, mellody said:

Mika posted a few IG stories yesterday night. What, he washed his hair on the side of the road? :blink: Or did I understand that wrong?

Yes, probably at one of those gas stations with showers :original:

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As no one has posted them yet, here are the other IG stories:

(and I just noticed he's not wearing a seatbelt in the car! :sneaky2: - at least not a proper one!)


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