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Mika on Paris Match - 26 September 2019


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2 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I fixed google translation and as it is much better nowadays it took less time than translating it all :thumb_yello::hug:


Thanks a million Anne - you're an angel :hug::flowers2: So now Marc-Olivier Fogiel has got the most  private interview with MIKA - again.  I don't think I've read anything that personal earlier, where he refers to who said what - and written messages! :shocked:  I hope it's OK for his mum.  I'll  pray,  that Joannie will survive - and be able to be by MIKAs side further on!  She really deserves all the best in the world! :wub:  


Love, love


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So sad, I wrote a letter to Mika's mother in 2015, but still had no chance to give it to her (because since then I didn't get to M'nG). It says how amazed I am, that she is my hero, to rise such a marvellous children (because sometimes I can't cope with my two kids, well - now three), and a lot of things that had to be accompanied with a little present. I wonder if I ever have a chance to let her know about my greatest feeling of admiration that I have since 2010 when I was a Lollipop Girl and saw her working backstage (I can't attend any of this tour's gigs, unfortunately). The "cleverest" idea that came into my mind that day was to say loudly to other girl how I adore Mika's flowery hat and that it is amazing and beautiful. I knew that it is made by his mum, but had no courage to say it to her. 

Edited by Dreamy_Queen
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What an interview... How can we read this without being emotional ? Like everyone here, I'm moved. I really hope it will be OK for his mum... it's all I hope now. :( She really not deserves this... 


I know how it feels... My family had also some tragedies. Just this year, I had three mournings, like  my cousin who was my age (25 y.o), and whose I grown up with, and who died in several hours... 😢


Now, I just want to give Mika all the love I can on the coming tour and also after, even it I know it could be useless... 

If his mum saved him, he saved me... 

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18 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

Tearing up after reading :tears:

A few people manage to survive a brain tumor and I hope with all my heart that she will :pray: 


:tears: @crazyaboutmika yes it's true... also in italy  people of the tv die for this problem

.. for example Fabrizio Frizzi you know and Nadia Toffa also me i hope that she survive :pray: mika don't worry

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17 hours ago, Gabry74 said:

This interview made us understand a lot of things about these last years, both from a business and private point of view. I really hope that together they can overcome this battle. 🙏

yes @Gabry74 

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It’s been a long while since I posted here but this interview has got me emotional. I didn’t realize that her health was so poor. This is a beautiful interview and the sincerity is palpable. Adds a whole nother layer layer of meaning to the album.

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I saw the cover and immediately felt something wasn’t right... This is heartbreaking. Thank you Mika for continuing. Your mum is an absolute hero, an incredible force and an inspiration. All my prayers go out to you and your incredible family❤️

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  • 23 Oct 2019
  • Cyril Lacarrière t @cy_lacarriere


WEB page https://www.lopinion.fr/edition/politique/comment-marc-olivier-fogiel-veut-transformer-bfmtv-200931

PressReader https://pressreader.com/@Eriko_Shino/csb_qcQ8GhhytA4MU4WCbdhE3a9kOD699LwRxPfa__EOeA-N4uaPIgJJ2Jn0PXu3dEJ

🔻PDF file Opinion - 2019-10-23-page4.pdf




Comment MarcOlivier Fogiel veut transformer BFMTV


Le nouveau patron de la chaîne d’info française présente un profil atypique qui surprend dans la rédaction


BFMTV se cherchait un nouveau directeur général, elle l’a trouvé en la personne de Marc-Olivier Fogiel, débauché de RTL où il présentait la tranche d’information du soir. Après une rentrée animée, à cause de la coupure de Free et d’Orange du signal des chaînes Altice, les choses sont rentrées dans l’ordre. Mais si BFM demeure un solide leader de l’information en continu à la télé, elle est de plus en plus concurrencée par LCI et CNews, notamment en fin de journée. Vanté pour sa capacité à faire des « coups » et son carnet d’adresses fourni, MOF doit conforter le statut de la chaîne tout en lui offrant un nouveau visage.


MARC-OLIVIER FOGIEL VA DÉMÉNAGER. Pas de BFMTV, il vient d’y arriver mais il souhaite changer son bureau de place et aller s’installer au coeur de la rédaction avec Céline Pigalle, sa directrice de la rédaction. Parqué dans un coin du 2e étage de l’Altice Campus avec vue sur le tramway, hérité d’Hervé Béroud, son prédecesseur-jamais-bien-loin, MOF se sent un peu à l’écart de ses troupes, qui le connaissent tous mais que lui ne connaît encore que partiellement. Ce rapprochement physique concrétise l’une des missions que s’est fixée le directeur général de 50 ans tout juste : « Au-delà de l’antenne, je veux mettre plus d’humain dans quelque chose de très efficace. » Cela veut dire aussi faire en sorte que certaines animosités s’estompent, insuffler « plus de vie » et faire de BFM une chaîne « peut-être un peu plus chaleureuse ». Le recrutement de Marc-Olivier Fogiel, c’est, pour le groupe Altice, un choix industriel et aussi une question d’image.


Dans les couloirs de la première chaîne info de France, ils étaient nombreux en fin de semaine dernière à se féliciter de ne pas figurer en tête des principaux agitateurs du débat sur le voile dans le « classement » établi par le site Check News de Libération . Avec 13 débats en cinq jours, BFMTV faisait pâle figure face aux 42 confrontations organisées par LCI. Faut-il y voir le résultat d’une surenchère de ses concurrentes – Eric Zemmour arrivait en même temps sur CNews – ou la traduction de la volonté du nouveau patron de BFM de s’extraire de ce qu’il appelle les « débats nauséabonds » ? Sur la question du port du voile, Fogiel se félicite qu’elle n’ait pas été traitée « toute la journée sur l’antenne de manière obsessionnelle ». Souvent stigmatisée pour ses infos qui avaient la fâcheuse habitude de tourner en boucle, BFM serait-elle en train de prendre un virage ?


Réponse B, estiment quelques observateurs qui le connaissent bien et regardent d’un oeil curieux, et bien intentionnés, ses débuts en tant que patron. Ils prêtent, pêle-mêle, à leur « Marco » l’intention de « prendre de la distance », vouloir « arrêter le robinet à images » ou encore « l’ouvrir à de nouveaux sujets ». Ce que Fogiel lui-même résume ainsi : « C’est sans doute mon passé vieillot de généraliste qui parle, mais je crois que créer des spécificités permet d’éviter de répéter toujours la même chose. » Le marketing de l’antenne.


« Deux erreurs ».

Il a revu la tranche 9-12 heures, confié une heure en fin de journée à la jeune journaliste, Aurélie Casse, inséré son complice de RTL, Alain Duhamel, dans la case de Ruth Elkrief et revu le format de l’émission de Bruce Toussaint avec un nom à-l’américaine, le « Tonight Bruce Infos ». Si ces changements n’ont pas tous donné satisfaction, le nouveau patron assure que les nouveaux rendez-vous sont « dans les clous ». Pourtant, MarcOlivier Fogiel reconnaît ne pas assez regarder sa chaîne, tout comme il concède avoir sous-estimé à quel point il était chronophage de garder un oeil sur le travail de la concurrence. « Je suis encore un mauvais directeur d’antenne de BFM alors que je savais tout ce qui se passait sur

RTL », convient-il, tout en s’octroyant le bénéfice d’une « marge de progression ». Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de cingler quand on lui parle des invitations de la néocomédienne Zahia Dehar et du chanteur Dave, le parrain d’une de ses deux filles, chez Apolline de Malherbe, « deux erreurs », et d’espérer que la prochaine venue de Michel Sardou sera plus concluante. Un peu de paillettes dans la vie de BFM.


La rédaction sait qu’elle doit désormais composer avec un patron qu’on reconnaît dans la rue et susceptible de faire la une des magazines. « C’est aussi parce qu’il a cet aspect people qu’il a ce carnet d’adresses », justifie son ami Jean Philippe Baille, ex-directeur de la rédaction de RTL aujourd’hui à Franceinfo. Mais là aussi, cela demande quelques ajustements.


Fin septembre, Paris Match publie une longue interview du chanteur Mika faite par… Marc-Olivier Fogiel. « Un mélange des genres qui nous a surpris », confie un cadre de la rédaction de BFMTV. Et qui s’accentue lorsqu’il accompagne Mika au 20 heures de TF1 pour la promotion de son nouvel album, photo Instagram à l’appui. « Là, c’est carrément devenu un problème », ajoute la même source. Le sujet est donc mis sur la table au comité éditorial, cette instance créée lorsque la crise des Gilets jaunes avait secoué la rédaction de la chaîne info.

« J’ai répondu que cet entretien avec Mika était une parenthèse, nous répète Marc-Olivier Fogiel. C’est mon meilleur ami, je considère sa famille comme la mienne et j’ai par ailleurs demandé l’autorisation avant d’accepter la proposition de Paris Match. J’aurais compris qu’on me dise non. »


« C’est spécial ». Lui a en revanche dit non à Luc Besson, là encore un ami. Le réalisateur, accusé de viol par une comédienne avec qui il a eu une liaison, avait mis comme condition à sa confession face caméra que ce soit Fogiel qui pose les questions. Est-ce qu’il a hésité ? Il assure que non, « pas une seconde », et pas plus lorsque Jacques Chirac est mort, ce qui à ses yeux était un véritable test. « Avant d’accepter ce poste, j’ai sondé mon mari, qui me connaît depuis dix ans, et mon ancien compagnon. Lui était sûr que je ne tiendrais pas sans être à l’antenne alors que mon mari était certain du contraire. » Choix cornélien, il se souvient avoir eu un moment de « trouble » avant de se lancer dans l’aventure BFM lorsque Notre-Dame a brûlé et qu’il a assuré le direct pour RTL durant plusieurs heures. Mais ça, c’était avant.


S’il n’est plus à l’écran ou derrière un micro, Marc-Olivier Fogiel conserve la notoriété d’une vedette, inhabituelle pour un patron de chaîne de télé. « Voir le DG de BFM avec Laëticia Hallyday dans Public, c’est vrai que c’est spécial », estime une ancienne collègue de RTL. Tout comme on ne verra pas Delphine Ernotte, Gilles Pélisson ou Nicolas de Tavernost tweeter les petits mots d’amour que leur laissent leurs enfants.


« Sur Twitter, il nous montre un monde de bonheur et de félicité, où il fait en sorte que cela serve sa cause. Il y a toujours une dimension positive », ajoute une autre personne qui l’a beaucoup côtoyé ces dernières années. Cette cause, c’est la banalisation de la famille homoparentale qu’il insiste pour ne pas mélanger avec du militantisme pro GPA. Quant au reste, « je ne vais pas m’excuser d’être ce que je suis, je sais que toute façon, je serai catalogué. » Sa meilleure preuve, avoir mis à l’antenne l’ardoise fiscale de 30 millions d’euros de Johnny Hallyday. « Je me fiche de ce qu’on dira, ce qui compte, c’est ce que nous ferons. »


Il se souvient avoir eu un moment de « trouble » avant de se lancer dans l’aventure BFM lorsque Notre-Dame a brûlé et qu’il a assuré le direct pour RTL durant plusieurs heures





How MarcOlivier Fogiel wants to transform BFMTV


The new boss of the French news channel presents an atypical profile that surprises in writing


BFMTV was looking for a new general manager, she found it in the person of Marc-Olivier Fogiel, debauchee of RTL where he presented the slice of information of the evening. After a busy comeback, because of the cut of Free and Orange signal Altice channels, things have returned to normal. But while BFM remains a strong leader in streaming news on TV, it is increasingly challenged by LCI and CNews, especially late in the day. Boosted for its ability to make "hits" and its address book provided, MOF must reinforce the status of the channel while giving it a new face.


MARC-OLIVIER FOGIEL WILL MOVE. No BFMTV, he just got there but he wants to change his office and move to the heart of the drafting with Celine Pigalle, its director of writing. Parked in a corner of the 2nd floor of the Altice Campus overlooking the tramway, inherited from Hervé Béroud, his predecessor-never-far away, MOF feels a little away from his troops, who know him all but that he still only partially knows. This physical rapprochement concretizes one of the missions that the director general of 50 years has just set: "Beyond the antenna, I want to put more human in something very effective. It also means that some animosities fade away, infuse "more life" and make BFM a "maybe a little warmer" channel. The recruitment of Marc-Olivier Fogiel is, for the Altice group, an industrial choice and also a question of image.

In the corridors of France's leading news channel, they were numerous at the end of last week to congratulate themselves for not being at the top of the main agitators of the debate on the veil in the "ranking" established by the site Check News of Libération. With 13 debates in five days, BFMTV was pale against the 42 confrontations organized by LCI. Should we see the result of an outbidding of his competitors - Eric Zemmour arrived at the same time on CNews - or the translation of the will of the new boss of BFM to get out of what he calls the "debates nauseating" ? On the issue of wearing the veil, Fogiel is pleased that she has not been treated "all day on the antenna obsessively". Often stigmatized for her news that had the annoying habit of looping, would BFM be taking a turn?


Answer B, say some observers who know him well and look with a curious eye, and well intentioned, his debut as a boss. They lend, pell-mell, to their "Marco" the intention to "take away", want to "stop the tap images" or "open to new topics." What Fogiel himself summarizes as follows: "It is undoubtedly my old-fashioned past of generalist who speaks, but I believe that to create specificities makes it possible to avoid repeating always the same thing. The marketing of the antenna.


"Two mistakes". He reviewed the 9-12 hours, gave an hour late afternoon to the young journalist, Aurélie Casse, inserted his accomplice of RTL, Alain Duhamel, in the box of Ruth Elkrief and reviewed the format of the Bruce show Toussaint with an American name, the "Tonight Bruce Infos". If these changes have not all been satisfactory, the new boss ensures that new appointments are "in the nails". However, Marc Olivier Fogiel recognizes not enough watch his channel, just as he concedes to have underestimated how time-consuming it was to keep an eye on the work of the competition. "I'm still a bad antenna director of BFM while I knew everything that was happening on

RTL ", he agrees, while granting himself the benefit of a" margin of progress ". This does not stop him from talking about the invitations of the neocomedienne Zahia Dehar and the singer Dave, the godfather of one of his two daughters, at Apolline de Malherbe, "two errors", and to hope that the next coming of Michel Sardou will be more conclusive. A little glitter in the life of BFM.

The editor knows that she must now deal with a boss who is recognized in the street and likely to make the magazine. "It's also because he has this people aspect that he has this address book", justifies his friend Jean Philippe Baille, former editor of RTL today at Franceinfo. But here too, it requires some adjustments.


At the end of September, Paris Match publishes a long interview of singer Mika made by ... Marc-Olivier Fogiel. "A mix of genres that surprised us," says a BFMTV editorial executive. And that accentuates when he accompanies Mika at 20 hours of TF1 for the promotion of his new album, photo Instagram in support. "There, it has become a problem," adds the same source. The subject is therefore put on the table at the editorial committee, this body created when the crisis of yellow vests had shaken the news channel.

"I replied that this interview with Mika was a parenthesis, we repeat Marc-Olivier Fogiel. This is my best friend, I consider his family as mine and I also asked permission before accepting the proposal of Paris Match. I would have understood that I was told no. "


" It is special ". On the other hand, he said no to Luc Besson, again a friend. The director, accused of rape by an actress with whom he had an affair, had made his camera confession conditional on Fogiel asking the questions. Did he hesitate? He assures that no, "not a second", and no more when Jacques Chirac is dead, which in his eyes was a real test. "Before accepting this position, I probed my husband, who has known me for ten years, and my former companion. He was sure that I would not stand without being on the air while my husband was certain of the opposite. "Cornelius choice, he remembers having a moment of" trouble "before embarking on the BFM adventure when Notre Dame burned and he ensured the live for RTL for several hours. But that was before.

If he is no longer on the screen or behind a microphone, Marc-Olivier Fogiel retains the notoriety of a star, unusual for a boss of a TV channel. "See the CEO of BFM with Laetica Hallyday in Public, it's true that it's special," said a former colleague of RTL. Just as we will not see Delphine Ernotte, Gilles Pélisson or Nicolas de Tavernost tweeting the little words of love left to them by their children.


"On Twitter, he shows us a world of happiness and happiness, where he makes it serve his cause. There is always a positive dimension, "adds another person who has worked closely with him in recent years. This cause is the trivialization of the homoparental family that he insists not to mix with pro GPA militancy. As for the rest, "I will not apologize for being who I am, I know that anyway, I will be cataloged. "His best proof, have put on the air tax slate of 30 million euros Johnny Hallyday. "I do not care what we say, what matters is what we will do. "


He remembers having a moment of "trouble" before embarking on the BFM adventure when Notre-Dame burned and he ensured the live for RTL for several hours




Edited by Kumazzz
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/23/2019 at 12:34 AM, Kumazzz said:


  • 23 Oct 2019
  • Cyril Lacarrière t @cy_lacarriere

Fin septembre, Paris Match publie une longue interview du chanteur Mika faite par… Marc-Olivier Fogiel. « Un mélange des genres qui nous a surpris », confie un cadre de la rédaction de BFMTV. Et qui s’accentue lorsqu’il accompagne Mika au 20 heures de TF1 pour la promotion de son nouvel album, photo Instagram à l’appui. « Là, c’est carrément devenu un problème », ajoute la même source. Le sujet est donc mis sur la table au comité éditorial, cette instance créée lorsque la crise des Gilets jaunes avait secoué la rédaction de la chaîne info.

« J’ai répondu que cet entretien avec Mika était une parenthèse, nous répète Marc-Olivier Fogiel. C’est mon meilleur ami, je considère sa famille comme la mienne et j’ai par ailleurs demandé l’autorisation avant d’accepter la proposition de Paris Match. J’aurais compris qu’on me dise non. »



Hi, can someone please explain this bit?


Google translated it as: At the end of September, Paris Match published a long interview with the singer Mika made by… Marc-Olivier Fogiel. "A mix of genres that surprised us," says a senior editor of BFMTV. And which is accentuated when he accompanies Mika at 20 hours of TF1 for the promotion of his new album, Instagram photo in support. "There, it has become a problem," added the same source. The subject is therefore put on the table at the editorial committee, this body created when the crisis of yellow vests had shaken the editorial staff of the news channel. "I replied that this interview with Mika was a parenthesis," repeats Marc-Olivier Fogiel. He’s my best friend, I consider his family to be mine and I asked for permission before accepting the Paris Match proposal. I would have understood that someone told me no."


Was there some kind of controversy or something?


Thank you!

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2 minutes ago, kreacher said:


Hi, can someone please explain this bit?


Google translated it as: At the end of September, Paris Match published a long interview with the singer Mika made by… Marc-Olivier Fogiel. "A mix of genres that surprised us," says a senior editor of BFMTV. And which is accentuated when he accompanies Mika at 20 hours of TF1 for the promotion of his new album, Instagram photo in support. "There, it has become a problem," added the same source. The subject is therefore put on the table at the editorial committee, this body created when the crisis of yellow vests had shaken the editorial staff of the news channel. "I replied that this interview with Mika was a parenthesis," repeats Marc-Olivier Fogiel. He’s my best friend, I consider his family to be mine and I asked for permission before accepting the Paris Match proposal. I would have understood that someone told me no."


Was there some kind of controversy or something?


Thank you!



It should be: I would have understood if hearing "NO".

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20 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



It should be: I would have understood if hearing "NO".


thank you for replying.

however that's not the part i needed help understanding :teehee: what i need clarified are the bold parts. Like what problem was there? Yellow vests huh? Parenthesis as in (these punctuation things)?

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2 hours ago, kreacher said:


thank you for replying.

however that's not the part i needed help understanding :teehee: what i need clarified are the bold parts. Like what problem was there? Yellow vests huh? Parenthesis as in (these punctuation things)?

Ah, OK. I missunderstood it.


The thing is about Marc-Olivier. He is a new director of a TV info station BMFTV. So they were surprised that he went with Mika to another (public) TV station TF1 for Mika's new album promo.

They discussed it with a board created when "yellow vest" crisis exploded.

Marc-Oliver explains that he asked his permition (I this he asked this editorial committee) before doing an interview for Paris Match. And he considers it as a thing aside from his work. As Mika is like his family (so not a professional subject).

I hope I explained it correctly :original:

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33 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Ah, OK. I missunderstood it.


The thing is about Marc-Olivier. He is a new director of a TV info station BMFTV. So they were surprised that he went with Mika to another (public) TV station TF1 for Mika's new album promo.

They discussed it with a board created when "yellow vest" crisis exploded.

Marc-Oliver explains that he asked his permition (I this he asked this editorial committee) before doing an interview for Paris Match. And he considers it as a thing aside from his work. As Mika is like his family (so not a professional subject).

I hope I explained it correctly :original:


ok, that does clear it up for me. i hadn't realized it was with a different station. thank you! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/25/2019 at 12:33 PM, virgi said:



I copied and pasted in Google translator the whole interview. I don’t usually trust google translator at all, and I haven’t even controlled how it is translated but I think it’s an important interview and this way you‘ll have an idea of what we’re talking about, without having to wait for a properly translation, even if probably this is not so grammatically correct. 


MikaParisMatchgoogletranslator .docx 12.89 kB · 48 downloads

Thank you so much for sharing this...living in the states is hard to come by translations of important interviews such as this one. 

I wish Mika and their family all the best and I am amazed by their tenacity to persevere in spite of all of this...

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