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Le Cœur Holiday - Song and Lyrics Discussion


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On 9/10/2020 at 6:30 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


You wanted to cry? I was crying like a baby!!!! Hopefully I had my Lotus tissues  :wink2:


I first thought that it was a strange idea to "release" tissues in the middle of summer..... We now know the reason why 😉

On 9/10/2020 at 11:50 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

Do you know what would be awesome? 


Panther and squirrel plushies. The squirrel could be holding a little pear (I think it's a pear?) and when you press it the chorus of the song plays!


I first thought that it was a Quince because of the color but could be a pear too

BTW after the cherries in Tiny Love,there is a fruit that is very important in the story once again. 

My interpretation is that this one represents "le cœur holiday" because if you look at the real anatomy a heart has more or less the same shape as a quince. And also because it is so precious for the squirrel 

Edited by carafon
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57 minutes ago, carafon said:

I first thought that it was a Quince because of the color but could be e peer too

I thought the same first, then I checked and squirrels actually eat pears not quinces, that's why I think it's more likely to be a pear... but could be anything, who knows :)

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3 hours ago, carafon said:

My interpretation is that this one represents "le cœur holiday" because if you look at the real anatomy a heart has more or less the same shape as a quince. And also because it is so precious for the squirrel 


I hadn't thought about that, but I like your interpretation. It makes sense, as in the scene with Soprano and Mika there also are the fruits (pears or quinces), so they certainly do play an important role.


After writing my thoughts on the video here, I remembered something Mika said at the gig in Zurich, before Lollipop, that nursery rhymes are meant to tell you that you die if you get what you want. I think he says that more often, but that was the latest event where I understood him, as he was talking English. :teehee: That, and then his and Soprano's little dance remind me of the talk before Elle Me Dit, that when life throws all this sh*t at you, just dance. I guess that's the positive message after the squirrel's death - and in a way it's what the song says, right? Don't let life pull you down but move your body to the left and right. :naughty:


So my interpretation of why the squirrel aka Mika dies in the video, besides leading the viewers to the point where they can feel the need to keep their heart on holiday :teehee: is because so often in Mika's life, when he manages to have a really good time, something comes along that destroys it all for him - as this year with the pandemic. I think it's these experiences that he processes in his art, by creating dark fairytales. It makes my heart heavy to think of it, but it also gives him this depth as an artist - I mean, it wouldn't be Mika if it all was happy Disney rainbow unicorns, right? :lol3:

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I knew it. Make something with Mika AND animals AND animation... Sincerely, it's too much for my poor little heart. Plus the animation is really beautiful. How I miss this kind of graphism... 


 I'm totally in love with that. Yes, it's sad, but it totally suits him. Joyful song with sad story... It's 100% Mika. It would be strange if he would only be this cute little squirel (though I find it so cute :wub2: )





Edited by Presci1108
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17 hours ago, mellody said:


I hadn't thought about that, but I like your interpretation. It makes sense, as in the scene with Soprano and Mika there also are the fruits (pears or quinces), so they certainly do play an important role.



I think that the fruits in the shop made Soprano remember the Mika/squirrel that's why he  first looked sad

Then Mika appears behind him and  remember the gestures they made while having difficult times and turn them into a danse that makes them smile again

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Only today I realized that Mika is a spirit in the supermarket scene of the video. He has a slight glow around him and is slightly shine-through, you can see the shelves through him a little. It makes sense of course, as at this point of the video the squirrel = he is dead, and then he turns into the squirrel and dissolves. But I hadn't realized it yet, so far to me it was a nice feeling of "good, MIka is still there and dancing", which made the squirrel's death a little more bearable. So well, I'm not too happy about this discovery. 😅 I still love the video tho, it's just too cute. :wub2:

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An Interview by NRJ France



6 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:


Mika parle de son duo avec Soprano «Cœur Holiday» 
«Le message a pris de l’ampleur après la pandémie»


C’est un message plein d’espoir et d’amour que Mika et Soprano ont voulu livrer avec leur collaboration «Cœur Holiday». Ce titre a aujourd’hui une résonnance toute particulière après les épreuves familiales qu’ont dû traverser les deux artistes. Découvrez les confessions de Mika pour NRJ.


Mika est un artiste engagé ! Le chanteur a organisé un concert virtuel en soutien au Liban il y a quelques jours et a voulu offrir un titre positif et plein d’espoir quelques semaines après le confinement. «Cœur Holiday», chanté à l’unisson avec Soprano, est un hit qui réchauffe les cœurs dans ce contexte sanitaire inquiétant.


«Le message c’est l’amour. Quand quelqu’un t’aime ça peut être une copine, un copain ou un parent. Et bah tu as de la valeur. Tu n’es pas rien du tout. (…) Quand tu te sens valorisé et que tu ne te sens pas comme un moins que rien, tu changes ton comportement. Et tu changes aussi ton regard sur le monde autour de toi. L’amour provoque de l’amour aussi.», révèle Mika au micro d’NRJ.


Mika se confie sur le clip très émouvant de «Cœur Holiday»


Comment s’est passée la collaboration avec Soprano? Les deux chanteurs se sont rencontrés sur le plateau de The Voice et ont décidé de chanter ensemble il y a longtemps. Depuis, Soprano a perdu son père des suites du Covid-19. Le Marseillais n’a donc pas souhaité apparaitre dans une vidéo illustrant «Cœur Holiday».


«J’ai commencé à écrire cette chanson en anglais, il y a dix mois. Je l’ai adaptée ensuite et on l’a enregistrée avec Soprano. On l’a terminée avant cette pandémie. Avant que tout soit fermé, et avant tout ce qui est arrivé à Soprano et aussi dans ma famille. Le message a pris de l’ampleur. Quand je devais faire la vidéo. Je ne voulais pas être dans une vidéo sans lui. J’ai donc travaillé avec une équipe sur une animation qui pouvait provoquer une émotion.», se confie Mika avec beaucoup de sincérité.



Mika talks about his duet with Soprano "Heart Holiday"


"The message gained momentum after the pandemic"


It is a message full of hope and love that Mika and Soprano wanted to deliver with their collaboration "Heart Holiday". This title has a very special resonance today after the family trials that the two artists had to go through. Check out Mika's confessions for NRJ.

Mika is a committed artist! The singer organized a virtual concert in support of Lebanon a few days ago and wanted to offer a positive and hopeful track a few weeks after confinement. "Holiday Heart", sung in unison with Soprano, is a hit that warms hearts in this disturbing health context.

“The message is love. When someone loves you it can be a girlfriend, boyfriend or parent. And bah you have value. You are not nothing at all. (…) When you feel valued and you don't feel like less than nothing, you change your behavior. And you also change your outlook on the world around you. Love breeds love too, "Mika reveals at NRJ's microphone.

Mika confides on the very moving clip of "Heart Holiday"

How did the collaboration with Soprano go? The two singers met on the set of The Voice and decided to sing together a long time ago. Since then, Soprano has lost his father to Covid-19. The Marseillais therefore did not wish to appear in a video illustrating "Heart Holiday".

“I started writing this song in English ten months ago. I adapted it afterwards and recorded it with Soprano. We finished it before this pandemic. Before everything was closed, and before everything that happened to Soprano and also to my family. The message gained momentum. When I had to do the video. I didn't want to be in a video without him. So I worked with a team on an animation that could provoke emotion, "says Mika with great sincerity.





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I'm so sorry for Soprano's loss.


Soprano and his father at the TV commercial.


le Dimanche 03 Mai à 16H38

Il devait être évacué vers le CHU de La Réunion : Soprano apprend le décès de son père en plein vol, le chanteur rejoint les Comores

Le père du chanteur Soprano est décédé ce dimanche 3 mai au matin à Moroni, en Grande Comore. Gravement malade, il était censé être évacué vers le CHU La Réunion. Il serait décédé du Covid-19 mais l'information n'a pas encore été confirmée à ce stade. Soprano et sa famille ont quitté Paris ce samedi soir en direction de La Réunion, c'est durant leur vol que leur père est décédé. Selon nos informations, le chanteur l'a appris ce matin lors de son atterrissage à La Réunion. En transit sur notre île, il est reparti à 13h40 vers Mayotte puis prendra un nouveau vol en direction de la Grande Comore.

Le père du chanteur Soprano est décédé ce dimanche 3 mai au matin à Moroni, en Grande Comore. Gravement malade, il était censé être évacué vers le CHU La Réunion. Il serait décédé du Covid-19 mais l'information n'a pas encore été confirmée à ce stade. Soprano et sa famille ont quitté Paris ce samedi soir en direction de La Réunion, c'est durant leur vol que leur père est décédé. Selon nos informations, le chanteur l'a appris ce matin lors de son atterrissage à La Réunion. En transit sur notre île, il est reparti à 13h40 vers Mayotte puis prendra un nouveau vol en direction de la Grande Comore. (Photo avion dans lequel se trouvait Soprano pour sa liaison Paris-LaRéunion rb/www.ipreunion.com)

Le père de Soprano, qui réside à Moroni en Grande Comore, jusqu'ici gravement malade est décédé ce dimanche 3 mai 2020 au matin. Il serait a priori mort du Covid-19 comme l'annonce le média local Comores.infos, mais aucune confirmation pour le moment.


Selon nos informations, le père du chanteur devait bénéficier d'une évacuation sanitaire organisée vers le CHU de La Réunion. Un avion privé avait été affrété pour l'occasion. L'appareil a quitté La Réunion ce samedi et est arrivé à Mayotte le même jour. Il devait partir pour Moroni ce dimanche matin afin de récupérer le père de Soprano. L'avion devait ensuite faire un stop à Mayotte pour se ravitailler, puis devait repartir pour La Réunion et arriver vers 16h30 ce dimanche.

Entre temps, Soprano, sa soeur, son manager, un neveu et une nièce ont embarqué ce samedi 2 mai sur le vol d'Air Austral, vers 23h30. Mais le père du chanteur est décédé alors qu'il était en plein vol. L'avion privé qui devait partir pour Moroni afin de l'évacuer ensuite vers le CHU de La Réunion est donc resté stationné à Mayotte.


C'est en atterrissant à La Réunion ce dimanche à 11h40 que Soprano apprend alors le décès de son père. D'abord en transit à La Réunion, la famille a ensuite pris un autre avion lui aussi de la compagnie Air Austral, qui transporte du fret et des passagers, à 13h40 vers Mayotte.

Une fois à Mayotte, Soprano et sa famille resteront à nouveau en transit puis prendront l'avion privé resté stationné sur l'île aux parfums, vers la Grande Comore afin de rejoindre la dépouille de son père à Moroni.


le Mercredi 06 Mai à 12H25


Après avoir assisté aux obsèques de son père aux Comores : Soprano de retour en métropole après un passage à La Réunion

Après avoir passé 24 heures dans un hôtel de Saint-Denis, Soprano arrive à Paris ce mercredi 6 mai 2020. Le chanteur a assisté ce dimanche aux obsèques de son père aux Comores après avoir appris son décès alors qu'il se trouvait à bord d'un vol Paris - La Réunion


Après avoir passé 24 heures dans un hôtel de Saint-Denis, Soprano arrive à Paris ce mercredi 6 mai 2020. Le chanteur a assisté ce dimanche aux obsèques de son père aux Comores après avoir appris son décès alors qu'il se trouvait à bord d'un vol Paris - La Réunion (Photo archives AFP)

Le père de l'artiste, possiblement atteint du covid-19 selon le site Comores.infos, devait être évacué ce dimanche vers notre île en vol privé et être hospitalisé aux CHU nord.  Accompagné de sa sœur, d'un neveu, d'une nièce et de son manager, Soprano devait se rendre à son chevet dès son arrivée à La Réunion en provenance de Paris. Mais le père du chanteur est décédé aux Comores dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche alors que Soprano et ses proches étaient déjà en vol.

L'avion privé qui devait effectuer l'évacuation sanitaire a finalement transporté l'artiste et sa famille de La Réunion à Moroni en passant par Mayotte pour se ravitailler en carburant.

De retour à La Réunion ce lundi après-midi à bord de ce même appareil privé, Soprano et ses proches ont été conduits dans un hôtel dionysien. Le lendemain, mardi, ils ont tous quitté La Réunion pour Paris à bord d'un vol d'Air Austral.



Sunday May 03 at 4:38 p.m.


He had to be evacuated to the University Hospital of Reunion: Soprano learns of the death of his father in full flight, the singer joins the Comoros

The father of the singer Soprano died this Sunday May 3 in the morning in Moroni, in Grande Comore. Seriously ill, he was supposed to be evacuated to the CHU La Réunion. He is believed to have died of Covid-19 but the information has not yet been confirmed at this stage. Soprano and his family left Paris this Saturday evening for Reunion Island, it was during their flight that their father died. According to our information, the singer learned about it this morning when he landed in Reunion. In transit on our island, he left at 13:40 to Mayotte then will take a new flight to Grande Comore.

The father of the singer Soprano died this Sunday May 3 in the morning in Moroni, in Grande Comore. Seriously ill, he was supposed to be evacuated to the CHU La Réunion. He is believed to have died of Covid-19 but the information has not yet been confirmed at this stage. Soprano and his family left Paris this Saturday evening for Reunion Island, it was during their flight that their father died. According to our information, the singer learned about it this morning when he landed in Reunion. In transit on our island, he left at 13:40 to Mayotte then will take a new flight to Grande Comore. (Photo of the plane in which Soprano was traveling for his Paris-LaRéunion link rb / www.ipreunion.com)

Soprano's father, who resides in Moroni in Grande Comore, so far seriously ill died this Sunday, May 3, 2020 in the morning. He would a priori have died from Covid-19 as announced by local media Comores.infos, but no confirmation for the moment.

According to our information, the singer's father was to benefit from an organized medical evacuation to the University Hospital of Reunion. A private plane had been chartered for the occasion. The aircraft left Reunion this Saturday and arrived in Mayotte the same day. He was to leave for Moroni this Sunday morning in order to pick up Soprano's father. The plane was then to make a stopover in Mayotte to refuel, then had to leave for Reunion and arrive around 4:30 pm this Sunday.

In the meantime, Soprano, his sister, his manager, a nephew and a niece embarked this Saturday, May 2 on the Air Austral flight, around 11:30 p.m. But the singer's father died while in flight. The private plane that was to leave for Moroni in order to then evacuate it to the University Hospital of La Réunion therefore remained parked in Mayotte.

It is while landing in Reunion this Sunday at 11:40 that Soprano then learns of the death of his father. First in transit in Reunion, the family then took another plane also from Air Austral, which carries freight and passengers, at 13:40 to Mayotte.

Once in Mayotte, Soprano and his family will remain in transit again and will then take the private plane parked on the Perfume Island, towards Grande Comore to join his father's remains in Moroni.



Wednesday May 06 at 12:25 p.m.

After attending his father's funeral in the Comoros: Soprano back in France after a visit to Reunion


After spending 24 hours in a hotel in Saint-Denis, Soprano arrives in Paris this Wednesday, May 6, 2020. The singer attended his father's funeral this Sunday in the Comoros after learning of his death while he was aboard the boat. '' a flight from Paris to Reunion

The artist's father, possibly suffering from covid-19 according to the Comores.infos site, was to be evacuated this Sunday to our island in a private flight and hospitalized at the North University Hospital. Accompanied by his sister, a nephew, a niece and his manager, Soprano was to go to his bedside as soon as he arrived in Reunion from Paris. But the singer's father died in the Comoros overnight from Saturday to Sunday while Soprano and his relatives were already in flight.

The private plane that was to carry out the medical evacuation finally transported the artist and his family from Reunion Island to Moroni via Mayotte to refuel.

Back in Reunion this Monday afternoon aboard this same private aircraft, Soprano and his relatives were taken to a Dionysian hotel. The next day, Tuesday, they all left Reunion Island for Paris aboard an Air Austral flight.


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On 9/20/2020 at 2:20 AM, mellody said:

Only today I realized that Mika is a spirit in the supermarket scene of the video. He has a slight glow around him and is slightly shine-through, you can see the shelves through him a little. It makes sense of course, as at this point of the video the squirrel = he is dead, and then he turns into the squirrel and dissolves. But I hadn't realized it yet, so far to me it was a nice feeling of "good, MIka is still there and dancing", which made the squirrel's death a little more bearable. So well, I'm not too happy about this discovery. 😅 I still love the video tho, it's just too cute. :wub2:

That's why we were all sad after watching the video, but it's clearly Mika's style and I love this, the video makes the song more meaningful and expressive :original:

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Well, I guess it’s about time, I put into words what I think about Le Cœur holiday’s video. First time I watched the video, I was depressed and thought it would have been better, when I had just keep listening to the song without watching the video, because the song itself cheered me up. Don’t understand me wrong, I think the video is well-made. However, I didn’t expect someone to die in that way (or probably not at all) and I was afraid the panther accidentally killed the squirrel (I didn’t see the first time the monsters run away), which was just unbearable for me as the squirrel helped him to be not sad anymore. Now, I don’t think that the panther killed the squirrel, hoping Mika doesn’t state the contrary in a later interview. :naughty:

Summary of the video (how I interpret it):

The panther was really sad at the beginning (I think about that point we do all agree) and the squirrel managed to cheer him up. Afterwards they save multiple times each other’s lives (this could also be in figuratively way, i.e. they help for example each other with their problems). Subsequently, they spent a nice long life and friendship together (the settings change multiple times; I didn’t realize the first time watching the video that they changed so many times). Much time later, the squirrel is followed by monsters. This could also be that these monsters are in the head of the squirrel (i.e. now he is depressed). The panther sees that. However, it can’t help the squirrel (the monsters go through the panther) and the squirrel dies. (This could be an explanation for me because these creatures are the only one in the video that are surreal.) If Mika (or the producers of the video or both together) would have wanted to show that the squirrel dies and the panther can’t help him, they could also have chosen an animal that really exists in the jungle, such as a lion or a tiger. However, the squirrel doesn’t look sad but scared in this scene. It could also be that he runs away from his problems. So far as I know, if you dream that someone is following you that means that you are running away from your problems. Maybe the problems were too big and the panther couldn’t help him and when he was dead, the problems weren’t there anymore (the monsters run away)? Though, it could also be that the squirrel disturbed the monsters (for what do they stay?) as he was rolling at his pear and crashed in their cave? However, it could also be that the squirrel suddenly had a problem (a stone at the ground made that he couldn’t roll at the pear anymore and lost control, what never happened the whole time, when he was on the move with the panther in all the many settings (I guess there is a lot of room for interpretation, what this scene really means😅). After the dead of the squirrel, the panther is sad, of course. So, when the panther (Soprano) is in the supermarket and sees the pears, he remembers the squirrel and is sad and his hands hurt because of the scratches. Then in a way, it happens the same as at the beginning of the video, the squirrel (Mika) appears. However, this time Mika is also sad, probably because he sees that Soprano is in pain? However, when Soprano sees him, he is happy and makes the moves they did before together and Mika now smiles. Even if the squirrel is dead, he manages to make the panther happy. Though, this time the panther cheers up the squirrel.

My conclusion:

Of course, the video is sad. Though, it isn’t as dark as it could seem at the first sight. The squirrel is dead but it seems he is ok, where he is now. So, if he wasn’t happy at the end of his life, he maybe now is. So, it gives hope to what happens after death. They spend a long time together and I’m afraid in live, one person in a friendship often dies before the other and has to live with this. Furthermore, I suppose a panther has a longer life expectancy than a squirrel.

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3 hours ago, Prisca said:

Well, I guess it’s about time, I put into words what I think about Le Cœur holiday’s video. First time I watched the video, I was depressed and thought it would have been better, when I had just keep listening to the song without watching the video, because the song itself cheered me up. Don’t understand me wrong, I think the video is well-made. However, I didn’t expect someone to die in that way (or probably not at all) and I was afraid the panther accidentally killed the squirrel (I didn’t see the first time the monsters run away), which was just unbearable for me as the squirrel helped him to be not sad anymore. Now, I don’t think that the panther killed the squirrel, hoping Mika doesn’t state the contrary in a later interview. :naughty:



Summary of the video (how I interpret it):



The panther was really sad at the beginning (I think about that point we do all agree) and the squirrel managed to cheer him up. Afterwards they save multiple times each other’s lives (this could also be in figuratively way, i.e. they help for example each other with their problems). Subsequently, they spent a nice long life and friendship together (the settings change multiple times; I didn’t realize the first time watching the video that they changed so many times). Much time later, the squirrel is followed by monsters. This could also be that these monsters are in the head of the squirrel (i.e. now he is depressed). The panther sees that. However, it can’t help the squirrel (the monsters go through the panther) and the squirrel dies. (This could be an explanation for me because these creatures are the only one in the video that are surreal.) If Mika (or the producers of the video or both together) would have wanted to show that the squirrel dies and the panther can’t help him, they could also have chosen an animal that really exists in the jungle, such as a lion or a tiger. However, the squirrel doesn’t look sad but scared in this scene. It could also be that he runs away from his problems. So far as I know, if you dream that someone is following you that means that you are running away from your problems. Maybe the problems were too big and the panther couldn’t help him and when he was dead, the problems weren’t there anymore (the monsters run away)? Though, it could also be that the squirrel disturbed the monsters (for what do they stay?) as he was rolling at his pear and crashed in their cave? However, it could also be that the squirrel suddenly had a problem (a stone at the ground made that he couldn’t roll at the pear anymore and lost control, what never happened the whole time, when he was on the move with the panther in all the many settings (I guess there is a lot of room for interpretation, what this scene really means😅). After the dead of the squirrel, the panther is sad, of course. So, when the panther (Soprano) is in the supermarket and sees the pears, he remembers the squirrel and is sad and his hands hurt because of the scratches. Then in a way, it happens the same as at the beginning of the video, the squirrel (Mika) appears. However, this time Mika is also sad, probably because he sees that Soprano is in pain? However, when Soprano sees him, he is happy and makes the moves they did before together and Mika now smiles. Even if the squirrel is dead, he manages to make the panther happy. Though, this time the panther cheers up the squirrel.



My conclusion:



Of course, the video is sad. Though, it isn’t as dark as it could seem at the first sight. The squirrel is dead but it seems he is ok, where he is now. So, if he wasn’t happy at the end of his life, he maybe now is. So, it gives hope to what happens after death. They spend a long time together and I’m afraid in live, one person in a friendship often dies before the other and has to live with this. Furthermore, I suppose a panther has a longer life expectancy than a squirrel.



It's beautiful what you have written. 

I don't watch very often the video because I don't want to cry. And it MAKES me cry!


I don't know if you heard the short interview in french for NRJ radio,


What is the message of the song "Le Coeur Holiday" you sing with Soprano?

Mika: What's the message? For me, it's… Love. And I don't mean love from Hollywood movies. The point about love is that if someone loves you -  it may be a friend or parent - then you feel worthwhile. You have a value. You are not just anybody. You are not worthless. Love gives you value. And I think this is the most important thing. This is the message. Because when you feel that you worth something, that you are not nobody, then your behavior changes. You start looking differently at the world around you. So love generates love.

Where did the idea for such a moving video come from?

Mika: "Le Coeur Holiday" I started writing in English about 10 months ago. Then I did the French adaptation with Soprano. We recorded it before the pandemic. Before everything was closed, before what happened to Soprano (Soprano's father died - probably from the coronavirus), before what happened in my family (Mika's parents and Yasmine were also sick). And in a special way this ... the message remained the same, but it gained even more meaning. And that's why when I was about to make the video, Soprano - after what happened - didn't want to be in it. Me either. I didn't want to be in it alone. So I was working with the team on a cartoon movie that could also evoke emotions. This is why when people watch this movie they think, "oh, a nice video, just like Disney's."  And suddenly, there is a twist in the action and this is... maybe not scary, but still it's a surprise.



So Mika did it on purpose - the squirrel dies - but the Love stays.

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16 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

So Mika did it on purpose - the squirrel dies - but the Love stays.

Thank you Anna. :original:

Yes, I heard the interview. I'm just too sad that the squirrel dies. :emot-sad:


Mika: And suddenly, there is a twist in the action and this is... maybe not scary, but still it's a surprise.


I don't agree here with Mika, I think the dead of the squirrel is quite scary, you don't expect it.

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1 hour ago, krysady said:



I think I prefer this video because it makes smile :bleh:  And we see happy Mika and happy team.

I posted a small part with dancing Mika on Tik Tok :wink2: Do we throw a challenge?

No, of course the animation is better. No wonder it was watched over 1 million times .

Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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On 9/30/2020 at 9:24 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:



It's beautiful what you have written. 

I don't watch very often the video because I don't want to cry. And it MAKES me cry!


I don't know if you heard the short interview in french for NRJ radio,


What is the message of the song "Le Coeur Holiday" you sing with Soprano?

Mika: What's the message? For me, it's… Love. And I don't mean love from Hollywood movies. The point about love is that if someone loves you -  it may be a friend or parent - then you feel worthwhile. You have a value. You are not just anybody. You are not worthless. Love gives you value. And I think this is the most important thing. This is the message. Because when you feel that you worth something, that you are not nobody, then your behavior changes. You start looking differently at the world around you. So love generates love.

Where did the idea for such a moving video come from?

Mika: "Le Coeur Holiday" I started writing in English about 10 months ago. Then I did the French adaptation with Soprano. We recorded it before the pandemic. Before everything was closed, before what happened to Soprano (Soprano's father died - probably from the coronavirus), before what happened in my family (Mika's parents and Yasmine were also sick). And in a special way this ... the message remained the same, but it gained even more meaning. And that's why when I was about to make the video, Soprano - after what happened - didn't want to be in it. Me either. I didn't want to be in it alone. So I was working with the team on a cartoon movie that could also evoke emotions. This is why when people watch this movie they think, "oh, a nice video, just like Disney's."  And suddenly, there is a twist in the action and this is... maybe not scary, but still it's a surprise.



So Mika did it on purpose - the squirrel dies - but the Love stays.


Since hearing that interview, I find the video less sad. I'm torn about it, in a way I think it wouldn't be Mika if it was just cute. But I'm sad that Mika dies in the video. I'd be sad already about the squirrel, but with what he said in that interview, I can live with that, it makes sense. But that it's clearly Mika, and not just the squirrel, that's what I still find hard to take. Just like the Underwater video, it still hurts me to watch that (the end of it). And I guess it's better for me if I don't analyze it too much - it'd just make me worry about Mika, because I tend to take things literally while I suppose/hope he meant it figuratively. I've gotten a lot better at reading between the lines since I'm a Mika fan, but it's still not my strength. :naughty:

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10 hours ago, mellody said:


Since hearing that interview, I find the video less sad. I'm torn about it, in a way I think it wouldn't be Mika if it was just cute. But I'm sad that Mika dies in the video. I'd be sad already about the squirrel, but with what he said in that interview, I can live with that, it makes sense. But that it's clearly Mika, and not just the squirrel, that's what I still find hard to take. 


On the other hand it would not be fair to ask Soprano for a collab and kill him in the video...:naughty: 

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11 hours ago, mellody said:


Since hearing that interview, I find the video less sad. I'm torn about it, in a way I think it wouldn't be Mika if it was just cute. But I'm sad that Mika dies in the video. I'd be sad already about the squirrel, but with what he said in that interview, I can live with that, it makes sense. But that it's clearly Mika, and not just the squirrel, that's what I still find hard to take. Just like the Underwater video, it still hurts me to watch that (the end of it). And I guess it's better for me if I don't analyze it too much - it'd just make me worry about Mika, because I tend to take things literally while I suppose/hope he meant it figuratively. I've gotten a lot better at reading between the lines since I'm a Mika fan, but it's still not my strength. :naughty:


I am OK with death. We all will dye one day. But seeing somebody dying is so painful!  I lost my dad, I lost my mom, I had to decide to end up the life of my beloved cat, I almost lost my brother last year. So watching the movies or a videos like this brings sad memories. But what Mika sais is so true. The Love is still there. Our beloved stay alive as long as we remember them.

I think Mika faced death during last few years and he is looking for his own way to embrace death. And he is doing it in his "lebanese" way - while singing and dancing. 

I don't know what the video would have been about if Soprano was there too. But this animation is a great success. And I am happy that it provokes in us this urge to understand why the squirrel dies and what it means. There is several levels of the story.

I think you were right with this interpretation that in the store there was not Mika but his spirit. When Soprano thought about him, he appeared there because it was true Love true Friendship.

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