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They certainly are adorable! I think they're all great... some of Larry's reactions to things and how he says things are really funny!


Have you watched the video of Larry talking to Edge about drumming? It's so cute... Edge likes red ones :naughty:

I missed this one...


I haven't yet but I aim to now :original:


I think the diverse personalities in the band just make for great comedy as well as some great music :punk:

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I love that quote as well, in fact that was the other one I was gonna post.


It was great of Bono to point that out, cause some people need a new perspective about superority in religions and beliefs. That's why I love the concept of "coexist" so much, it just makes sense to support each other.



oooooh...is that a special day for you...perhaps when you graced this earth...:harp:


Obviously great minds think alike! :naughty:



It also turns people off religion, cause if some religious people are hypocritical (as in, act all religious, but are actually horrible people) then others assume all people in a religion are like that... look at Tom Cruise, his ranting about scientology probably put off people from getting interested in it (It's the only "religion" I really don't feel comfortable with)... And the coexist thing is great, cause we all need to learn to live together, and not just in a religious way...


Okies, now I'm done with the religious talk! :naughty:



And it very well could be the day I graced the earth... :fisch:


I missed this one...


I haven't yet but I aim to now...


I think the diverse personalities in the band just make for great comedy as well as some great music


I think it's just so cute... Larry is the most reserved one, but I bet he's got a wicked sense of humour...



:worship:s Larry's skills at standing, drumming and singing...




I can't believe there are still people in the world who think drummers can't multi task!



It's awesome... and I spied Bono wearing eye make up before he took the sunnies off... :das:

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Ok so I posted this in the Sara Bareilles thread the other day but I guess it kinda belongs here too....


This is from Sara's blog by the way about the Grammys



Monday, February 16, 2009


spacer.gifBono and I

we had a moment.

No, I'm not joking, and I'll never be the same.

I was the only person standing while U2 performed their new single at the staples center (god knows why nobody stood up) and Bono looked at me and threw his sunglasses my way. He missed and they went over my head, but that's beside the point. They were meant for me. At least that's what I'll be telling my grandkids.

Me and Bonski connecting was just one of many amazing moments I happened to have been lucky enough to experience at the GRAMMYS! I've been thinking about writing this blog since the morning of the awards but wanted to make sure I sat down with enough time to share every detail. That lofty idea has slowly faded away and now I'm just aiming at giving you as much info as I can on what was one of my favorite days in my entire life.


the entire thing was like a beautiful dream that was all kind of weird at the same time. A beautiful dream where I get to be in the same space and time as artists that I've been inspired by my entire life and I was wearing a princess dress.

Although I am not usually a star-struck kind of girl, it was difficult not to be affected by the magnitude of talent in that room. Sir Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Coldplay, U2, Radiohead.... the list goes on and on. My mom sat next to Busta Rhymes and behind Snoop. I think I've said it all. ( i had to tell her who they were, though. Pretty cute.)


and this...

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Ok so I posted this in the Sara Bareilles thread the other day but I guess it kinda belongs here too....


This is from Sara's blog by the way about the Grammys





and this...


Thanks for posting...


* :bow: s to Sara Bareilles for having a moment with Bono*




I wouldn't mind having a moment with Bono.. or any of them...


And htat's not in a chickeny way either (though that would be nice! :das:)


I reckon it would be the most fun to sit around drinking and talking crap... For obvious reasons Adam won't be drinking, but still...





Ooooh... speaking of... I was visiting Zootopia (the U2 forum) and there are some veeeeery nice threads... like the Ba...daaam thread and the topless thread... :das: the girls in there were licking Adam a lot...

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Ooooh... I'll have ot show you guys what I... erm... borrowed from u2.com...


And yes, they're mostly Adam things...






OH MY BONO!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow:


but this from Even Better than the real thing clip:


That is probably/possibly the Doppelgangers???

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I thought you guys may be interested in this from last nights brit awards :punk:

U2 - Opening the show

They were fantastic !! :groovy:

Thanks Caz :wub2: Man I'm glad they're back! :punk:

Larry is doing background vocals again...:wub2:

Someone has to teach bono some make-up lessons though. :lmao:

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OH MY BONO!!!!!!!


but this from Even Better than the real thing clip:


That is probably/possibly the Doppelgangers???


They're very nice, are they not???




Okay, I think I spend too much time on u2.com... :blink:


Even the doppelgangers look okay... I still prefer the real thing :naughty:


I thought you guys may be interested in this from last nights brit awards

U2 - Opening the show

They were fantastic !! :groovy:


*:bow:s at Larry's skillz again*


Thanks Caz... Man I'm glad they're back! :punk:

Larry is doing background vocals again...

Someone has to teach bono some make-up lessons though. :lmao:


It's good to see him doing background vocals again...



I'm sure between all of us we could teach him... I could teach him how to do eyeliner... :das:

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The Brits Awards performance was awesome, I wished they aired it on US tv like they did the last few years...oh well. Oh word to Bono, rouge instead of the eyeliner...rosy cheeks always please. :wink2:


I read mention of Bono joining Coldplay with their War Child concert after the Brits. I can't locate the video now but it was awesome, for fans of the Killers, Bono, Garry Barlow & Coldplay, it was quite a sight to see. The applause when Bono came on the stage was mad.





Ooooh, but exciting news, U2 might be streaming their album on MySpace on Friday, Feb. 20 @ 5 a.m. EST (2 a.m. PST), which is most likely today for some (time zone, etc.).


here's the link to the source: EW News: MySpace U2's New Album


I also read that the album was released for u2.com memebers but got pulled down. Either way, I can still wait til 3/2. We'll all see if these things are true soon. Man, I'm just trying to keep up with life, the fun of course....will i give the album a listen, mos def. My priorities are straight: Love Above, Family&Friends, Music, Eating, Sleeping...& school :naughty:

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The Brits Awards performance was awesome, I wished they aired it on US tv like they did the last few years...oh well. Oh word to Bono, rouge instead of the eyeliner...rosy cheeks always please. :wink2:


I read mention of Bono joining Coldplay with their War Child concert after the Brits. I can't locate the video now but it was awesome, for fans of the Killers, Bono, Garry Barlow & Coldplay, it was quite a sight to see. The applause when Bono came on the stage was mad.





Ooooh, but exciting news, U2 might be streaming their album on MySpace on Friday, Feb. 20 @ 5 a.m. EST (2 a.m. PST), which is most likely today for some (time zone, etc.).


here's the link to the source: EW News: MySpace U2's New Album


I also read that the album was released for u2.com memebers but got pulled down. Either way, I can still wait til 3/2. We'll all see if these things are true soon. Man, I'm just trying to keep up with life, the fun of course....will i give the album a listen, mos def. My priorities are straight: Love Above, Family&Friends, Music, Eating, Sleeping...& school :naughty:


That would've been cool to see... they don't show the Brits in Oz on free to air tv, it may have been on pay tv...


They usually show the Grammys though...


OOOOOOOOH!!! *goes to MySpace*



I saw a story about listening to the album, but there's no link there, only for preordering... which I've already done (and hope that it gets to Australia before I go to hospital)...


oy...i just went to the u2.com site, not sure if it's only for members, but they're playing the whole album, love the opening track so far...get over there when you can, now going to find some lyrics...:punk:


Wait... I see the page, but there's no music playing...


I clicked on the link that said that they're playing the album... \




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some people had trouble with internet explorer as their browser but firefox worked for them. i'm on a mac using safari...


my fav is "Magnificent" so far...i'm a sucker for agape love kind of thing...reminds me of Gloria...and I love that song...


good luck :)

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i'm glad :clap:


it is awesome, huh? whoa-whoa-whoa-whoah! I'm also liking "Breathe" just can't get enough of the beautifu layers on that one & "Cedars of Lebanon"...chill


just officially finished listening to the album...a nice listen b4 i head to bed and it started up again at the beg...i need to head to bed!

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I'm on Unknown Caller right now... I sort of liked Moment of Surrender... I think I'll have to let it grow on me...



I just have to say I'm soooooooo glad that our download limit reset today... *huggles internet*



That and it's a good way to get excited about watching U23D again tomorrow...

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U23D was awesome! I think I still have my 3D glasses somewhere :mf_rosetinted:


figured out the way to listen to the album on myspace.com/u2


*in the music player, above the song playing "Get Your Boots On", look for the dropdown bar that says 'featured playlist'

*and scroll down to the playlist titled "No Line On the Horizon (Standard Version)"


Once you click on that, all the songs should appear and you're good to go. I was wondering where it was, but it was just hidden...sneaky..:cool:

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U23D was awesome! I think I still have my 3D glasses somewhere :mf_rosetinted:


figured out the way to listen to the album on myspace.com/u2


*in the music player, above the song playing "Get Your Boots On", look for the dropdown bar that says 'featured playlist'

*and scroll down to the playlist titled "No Line On the Horizon (Standard Version)"


Once you click on that, all the songs should appear and you're good to go. I was wondering where it was, but it was just hidden...sneaky..:cool:


It sure was... now I don't feel so bad, having only seen it once when Kelzy, soangel and Super Twat had seen it about 4 times... and there were a few things I don't remember seeing the first time that I saw now... and bloody hell, Adam came veeeeeery close a few times! I wasn't expecting him to be really close (in Vertigo I think), and he was really really close to the camera!!! We were 5 seats from the front though...


And I saw the girls worhipping Adam when Bono introduced him and called him a genius :das:... I may have also joined in the worshipping too :fisch:...




Ooooh... will go check it out now!

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