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Mika Tour (all Dates Here)


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someone tell mika to come to indiana, please!! i was sooo close to seeing him in chicago, but then i wasnt allowed to go because it was on a tuesday night and i had school in the morning!! boo-hoo! :sad:


you europeans are so lucky!!



Awwwwww group hug


Your day will come


We are kinda spoilt I must say

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Talk about a great tour schedule! I love when artists go on FULL tours instead of only a few dates at a time.


I'll be moving to Chicago in the fall for college, so I'm really hoping that he can swing by there sometime next year. Can't wait to see Mika live someday! :)


AHHH you are soo lucky!! i really want to go to chicago for art school, but its just too expensive! chicago is my fave place in the whole wide world!! especially the bean :naughty:

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Talk about a great tour schedule! I love when artists go on FULL tours instead of only a few dates at a time.


I'll be moving to Chicago in the fall for college, so I'm really hoping that he can swing by there sometime next year. Can't wait to see Mika live someday! :)


I imagine for his next tour he will visit Chicago again. I went to both of his previous Chicago shows and they both sold out, so I think he would definitely try to do a show there again in the future.

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I imagine for his next tour he will visit Chicago again. I went to both of his previous Chicago shows and they both sold out, so I think he would definitely try to do a show there again in the future.


Haha, does your banner refer to your being a Lollipop Girl?


I would do anything just to meet him, and as MANY of you know from reading my posts all over, I always have dreams of getting a hug from him.



BUT mika really needs to come back to teh USA (New ENgland) area!


:( Im so depressed....




;D sAmMy

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Yes, my sig is refering to be a Lollipop Girl. :)


But don't you worry! Mika will be back in no time and you certainly have a good chance of getting a hug! He's usually very willing to come out and see fans after shows... :)


Yayyyy! I really hope so!

My parents gave me kind of an IOU for my graduation gift for Mika tickets, but I cant see him until hes in the USA! I have plenty of people willing to come with me too!

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We wish we could go to his upcoming gigs.:wub2: Chicago was a blast Feb. Too bad we didn't get to meet him, we know the weather was getting really bad. We had to drive home in the snow the next day. During the gig, he was "absoulutely delicious" and awesome up there on stage. We have to see him again. Hopefully he will come back to Chicago or come to St. Louis next year for his new album.:wub2:

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hey sivan! i have a question and seeing that you have met him so many times.....


where do you get the info about where he will be playing?




How did you manage to meet him afterward? who did you ask about meeting him? where did you go? when? how long did you wait? how did you get the guards to pick you to see him?

please let me know because for my graduation present my parents promised me mika tickets as soon as he comes back within the area in the USA.

And i really need to meet him. its my biggest wish and dream, and it would make my graduation amazing!


thank you so much!


-sAmMy ;D

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he's not comming to the states:thumbdown:



yes yes yes yes!


everyone tells me he will when th new album comes out, BUT GOD KNOWS HOW LONG THAT WILL BE! AHHHHHHHH!

mika please come back here, it kills me that i havent seen you live or met you!


Sivan, when you get a chance, i sent u a pm with the same info as what i posted here. a question about the gigs you have been to and upcoming ones.




-sAmMy ;D

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I have a question. Do we assume the October date is correct or not? I cannot find it confirmed anywhere except lastfm, which is not exactly a reliable place.:boxed:


Lots of the other people performing at the Tim Festival have it confirmed on their web sites....


Is this a well-kept secret or just wishful thinking???

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I think he is not come to this festival, and I prefer this way, Mika has to come to Brazil and make a show in Rio and at least one more in Sao Paulo and the only place that talk about he's coming to Tim Festival was the LastFM.


sorry my english :blush-anim-cl:

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