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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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Ok... I really don't know where to start and I'm afraid that my English is to bad to explain how I feel about this...


I was so happy that I got a wristband (Thanks again Allegra and Avoca!!) but now I feel a bit bad about it.




I was one of the people he'd never seen before, and now I feel like I shouldn't have been there. However, I think I am a true fan, but without the money to follow him from city to city and country to country. Eventhough I'm just a member of the MFC since November, that doesn't mean I wasn't a fan before, I just found out about the MFC after the gig in Amsterdam...


I queued on mondag and tuesday to catch a glimp of him when he came out, but stood to far at the back. At the supposed to be party I was "lucky" to get a photo and a autograph without being pushy or anything. After that I stepped back to give other the chance to speak to him.


After reading this thread I feel like I was one of them who ruined the party... Sorry :blink:


No. You don't seem like that at all. I had only met Mika once before but that doesn't mean I'm not a dedicated fan. I don't have money to follow him everywhere, but I have been to five gigs in London so far and in Stockholm once. I was there early in the morning, didn't push at all and still got my wristband and my first photo with Mika.


I didn't like the way I met him this time though. I met in Stockholm back in November and that was a very relaxed situation, only 20 people to wait him after the gig. But this time I didn't get to say much to him. There were indeed people who got what they wanted and still didn't step back. Mika looked completely lost at one point and I had to wave my hand right in front of his face until I got his attention for a few seconds. :thumbdown: I stepped back immediately after I had gotten what I wanted. I can't blame him for wanting to get out of there and felt a bit quilty for the picture. :boxed: I got to give him my delicious chocolate bar though, and I'm happy to know that he doesn't throw gifts away. :naughty::wub2:



He's a lovely guy but I will never ever want to meet him this way again. :mf_rosetinted:

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I am not saying you don't have the right to be pissed off but it seems the people who misbehaved at that afterparty are not on this forum or don't give a damn anyway. The result of your anger outbursts is just to make some nice members feel ill at ease and guilty. :thumbdown:


Thank you all for spoiling their fun. Great example of solidarity! :wub2:


Niki with all due respect you weren't even there and if it wasn't for people like me telling it like it is you wouldn't have any idea what took place at this party. Most of the people at the party were MFC members so it should go without saying that MFC members were contributing to the problems that occurred. He couldn't have an entire room full of people blocking his movement if MFCers weren't involved.


I had dozens of people "spoil my fun" and I'll be damned if I'm going to keep quiet about it and ensure that the exact same thing happens the next time if Mika is crazy enough to try something like this again.


I'm sorry but people who weren't there have no business telling me what I should and shouldn't say about what happened. I have spent two days cooling my jets before making a post because I was livid at the time and it is not my intention to upset people or make people feel guilty, but to make them see sense.


I have not pointed fingers at anyone or said anything anger. I am not speaking from jealousy or throwing my 2 cents in as an outsider because I've got nothing better to do. I was to this party and I have every right to discuss what happened there whether my experience was positive or negative.

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OK ..... thanks guys .... time to take a breather ...... I'm going to close this thread for now . :thumb_yello:


Sorry, I've opened it, they have the right to let it out if they want, as long as they behave ;)

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Regardless of the number of people there is no reason why a room full of adults cannot act like normal human beings in the presence of Mika. I worked for a record company when I was 17 years old and I had enough sense even at that age to not crowd around artists that are more popular and established than Mika.




I'm not going to comment on the whole wrist band situation, because I wasn't there and don't really know the truth of how they were handed out/who to etc.


All I can say is it's great that you are so mature (even at 17) to sit back in the presence of your idol. However, in reality, that is not ever going to be the case in a large group of people - particularly women with their male idol. I'm sorry, but it was never going to end happily for everyone, and that is real life.


Basically what they did was invite 70 women (excepting Freddie here!) who want to have sex with Mika into a small enclosed space with Mika in the middle.


*knocks on Mika's curly topped head*



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I'm still only on page 29 of this thread, but perhaps if MIKA would like to try this again, he could have everyone seated at tables and go around to each of the tables. I know that's not the "casually walking around at a party" atmosphere he'd like, but honestly... if Iceman couldn't control some people, it cannot be done that way (or maybe word got out he's really a softy). In any case it was a really sweet gesture, usually that sort of afterparty is reserved for record company people and friends of the band (usually sans the champagne!).



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So now I'm spoiling people's fun. So bloody sorry for being here, I'll go back to my corner and shut up immediately, after all I wasn't an important part of this party :mf_rosetinted:

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The reason why you didn't notice before is cause it's new:naughty: .


That's why I'm so blooming happy! Cause he wore it last night!!!


And then when I asked he said he likes it a lot and wore it all the time for the US gig, and I should ask his mum, and then she said that he loves it, and she thanked me as well, saying "it meant a lot" that I'd made it for him.


He said "thank you" for it and held my hand to squeeze it, and seemed genuinely happy for it, so it was really great.






:yay: :yay:


That's sooooooooooooooo amazing !!! I remembered when you told me that you don't expect him to wear it but you just wanted to make one for him :wub2:


awww he is adorable:wub2: I'm so happy for you... :huglove:

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I agree that we should be able to discuss our perpective of the situation - especially if you were there.


This thread should not entirely be about blowing sunshine.


And we have reassurred many of our sensible MFCers who had time with Mika at the party, that they deserved it.

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Niki with all due respect you weren't even there and if it wasn't for people like me telling it like it is you wouldn't have any idea what took place at this party. Most of the people at the party were MFC members so it should go without saying that MFC members were contributing to the problems that occurred. He couldn't have an entire room full of people blocking his movement if MFCers weren't involved.


I had dozens of people "spoil my fun" and I'll be damned if I'm going to keep quiet about it and ensure that the exact same thing happens the next time if Mika is crazy enough to try something like this again.


I'm sorry but people who weren't there have no business telling me what I should and shouldn't say about what happened. I have spent two days cooling my jets before making a post because I was livid at the time and it is not my intention to upset people or make people feel guilty, but to make them see sense.


I have not pointed fingers at anyone or said anything anger. I am not speaking from jealousy or throwing my 2 cents in as an outsider because I've got nothing better to do. I was to this party and I have every right to discuss what happened there whether my experience was positive or negative.


I never said they were not MFCers. I said they werent there now or they didn't give a damn. :naughty:

That's my point: the people who misbehaved, the "killers" as someone called them, usually don't understand what they've done wrong, feel as if they acted very normal and decent, and will not put their behaviour into question.

The "good ones", on the other hand, those who usually care for the rest of the world and grabbed their chance last night (sometimes by accident) will feel attacked and saddened. Do you know what I mean?

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So now I'm spoiling people's fun. So bloody sorry for being here, I'll go back to my corner and shut up immediately, after all I wasn't an important part of this party :mf_rosetinted:


Kata, don't :huglove: You are a lovely person, and I don't think you are spoiling anyones fun...

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I'm not going to comment on the whole wrist band situation, because I wasn't there and don't really know the truth of how they were handed out/who to etc.


All I can say is it's great that you are so mature (even at 17) to sit back in the presence of your idol. However, in reality, that is not ever going to be the case in a large group of people - particularly women with their male idol. I'm sorry, but it was never going to end happily for everyone, and that is real life.


Basically what they did was invite 70 women (excepting Freddie here!) who want to have sex with Mika into a small enclosed space with Mika in the middle.


*knocks on Mika's curly topped head*




haha ! i could just imagne a massive orgy going on ... wait a min there a thought a could have made a packet on that , instead of handing out autographs mika could have been on the recieving end for a change & been given bjs from all willing :roftl:

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haha ! i could just imagne a massive orgy going on ... wait a min there a thought a could have made a packet on that , instead of handing out autographs mika could have been on the recieving end for a change & been given bjs from all willing :roftl:


Bet you would have managed to push in front in that case :roftl:

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