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2008 - REPORTS,PICS,VIDS OF MIKA @ Beiteddine and BAALBECK Festival - Beirut, Lebanon


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Now I appreciate I let the team down on the google thing earlier today. RL, sorry.


However, you might like these little snippets:

Mika speaking Arabic:


Relax and Fireworks



(Please tell me if they work, as youtube has no sound for me today:boxed:)


Back to RL, BRB


:rolls_eyes: Excuses, excuses.


Nice videos :naughty: Those balloons are just ridiculous. And the fireworks are amazing. I can't wait for an AOW video.

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Now I appreciate I let the team down on the google thing earlier today. RL, sorry.


However, you might like these little snippets:

Mika speaking Arabic:


Relax and Fireworks



(Please tell me if they work, as youtube has no sound for me today:boxed:)


Back to RL, BRB


what a party! :punk: lucky ppl

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omg these reports are making me cry!:tears: I WANTED TO BE THERE!


I know..now i have enough fodder to write my story

**its a fan fic...nothing racy just a story of spirituality**

its about peace in the world and where MIKA fits in all of it

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I think when we get AOW footage, sung in Beirut, I will be a blubbering mess on the floor beside Elanorelle.


I'm already practising....:tears:


(My Youtube sound has returned...I think it was burnt out after all the work of the summer!)

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OMG what a wonderfull gig , i've only read 4 pages of this thread but really felt the need i had to tell you all how amazing that show was !

I arrived at 3PM to the Martyr's square and maade it directly to the doors but the security guys told me that they won't open doors before 17h30 so i made a tour around the place and had an ice cream , then i went to the Virgin megastores wich is just next to the square and i saw a crowd in there bying tikets for the night's gig i laughed and came back to the entrance.


I saw a few people already waiting and i actualy met an internet friend of mine who has seen my picture on msn and recognized me !!! he came and talked to me I was very surprised ! it happens that i talked to him once on the internet because of a post he made on youtube about mika and now i meet him face to face in a mika gig !


Then they openend the doors and we were allowed in , i had my blue bracelet put around my wrist , and went directly next to the stage i took some pictures. My parents bought me a seated ticket but i realised that i could stay standing and in a very good place but thought that i'll have a better view from my actual seated place ! i was wrong ! when i made it up to the chairs the hostess indicated me the chair where to sit and it was not a very good place. Confortable yes the stage was far !


Anyway the place was rapidly full of people and a lebanese DJ called underground put some very good music and at 9PM Mika arrived with Relax !! the crown gone mad those on their chairs got up and started dancing in front of their chairs it was a funny thing to see !!

I overheard people saying that Mika offered 500 places for the handicaped children but i don't know if it's true or not.

Then it was the big girl song with a bunch of big girls who came in holding a big coke and then a giant plastic pizza !! then it was my interpretation , beautiful as always !

Before the billy brown song mika introduced it saying ''it's the story of one of his friends called billy brown''

Then it was Stuck in the middle , mika mentioned his dad with a wink and he ticked his tongue when he mentioned him ! so now we can assume that the song has something to do with his dad.

then to the words of Raffa he played an awesome In any other world then it was Ring Ring and here the crowd got mad again , then he played Holy Johnny , Happy ending and love today !! on the LT song the crowd went mad and everyone started jumping and dancing and he made the usual battle with Cherisse he took off his shirt then he sang grace kelly and teased the crowd and at last it was the lollipop song !! he came back after it for the other version of Relax , then when it ended they started fireworks !!!

And instantly after it ended we saw mika leaving with 5-6 cars and accompanied by the army !


*Mika talked english-french and arabic fluently during the gig ! i was very surprised i thought he only talked a few words !

*At the end he told the crowd that he loves us

*He thanked us for the great support the lebanese were giving him and said that he was proud to sing in the Martyr's square

*While waiting for mika the lollipop girls were giving lollipops for the crowd for free !

*When he was singing someone from the crowd gave him the lebanese flag and he hold it.

*When i was waiting at the entrance , someone from the radio came and interviewed me lol he asked me why i like mika and i answer him because he sings good , he have good songs and because he created an amazing world next to his songs !


I hope i didn't forget something , but it was certainly a night I will remember !


Cubitus....thank you!!!! :thumb_yello::wink2:

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يتلحّفون بسماء بيروت الخليلة، ويضعون أنفسهم في تصرّف مزاج هذا الشاب الذي يلعب دور المهرّج على الخشبة وقد حوّلها سيركاً إفتراضياً.

العلم اللبناني يرفرف بين الأيادي، "يللا بئى ميكا!!"، يغنون إسمه. الضباب الاصطناعي يغلّف الخشبة.

15 ألف لبناني ينتظرون إقتحام المغني الشاب MIKA ساحة الشهداء وقد وصلوا قبل ساعات من الموعد المحدد للقاء المرتقب.

بدعوة من مهرجانات بعلبك وبيت الدين، قدّم الفنان اللبناني المقيم في لندن، ميكا أمس حفلة أقرب الى استعراض راعب بضخامته وجنونه وصخبه.

الأضواء "تغيّر ألوانها" لتعلن عن وصول ابن الـ 25 ربيعاً. الجنون يعلن عن حضوره منذ الدقائق الأولى في الحفل.

الشخصيات المستوحاة من الرسوم المتحركة ترقص على الخشبة. خفقات القلوب تدعم الإيقاع. الهتافات تأخذ كل الاتجاهات. يعزف الموسيقيون الانغام الاولى لاغنيته الشهيرة: take it easy، relax، فاذا بالجمهور يصرخ بصوت واحد: "ميكا!!!!".

ها هو يعتلي الخشبة مرتدياً الأزياء الغريبة التي تميّزه. تلوّح له هذه الفتاة بقبعتها. يقفز ميكا، يصرخ، يلهو بصوته الذي يصل الى 3 أوكتاف. يلهو بنجوميته الشابة. الكبار قبل الصغار يلبّون نداء حريته ويقلّدون استخفافه بالقوانين الموسيقية الصارمة.

يرقص الأهل اكثر من أولادهم. يطلب من الجمهور ان يشاركه في الغناء. يقول بعربيته "المكسّرة": "مرحبا! أنا كتير مبسوط كون معكم ببيروت". يضيف: "هل من فتيات سمينات بين الحضور؟ إذاً هذه لحظتكم ليسطع نجمكم!". يغني لهن أغنية: "big girl". تنضم اليه على الخشبة فتيات سمينات يرتدين الازياء "المزوزقة"، ويحملن لعبة على شكل بوظة عملاقة. يرمينها للحضور. "بعتذر إني ما بحكي عربي منيح، بس عم جرّب أدّ ما فيّي!". اللعبة العملاقة تتنقل بين الجمهور الذي يقدّم كل أحاسيسه وجنونه للمغني الشاب. يعزف على الـ"كيبوردز". أداؤه يغمز للفنان العالمي ميك جاغر وأيضاً الراحل فريدي ميركوري.

"هيدي الاغنية قصة صديقي بيلي براون!"، يقول بعربيته المطعّمة باللهجة الانكليزية الحادة، قبل ان يبدأ بدندنة الاغنية التي تحمل إسم صديقه.

يركض على الخشبة. يرمي له أحدهم العلم اللبناني، فاذا به يحضنه بين يديه، ويلوّح به. يضعه على كتفه. يتنقل بين الموسيقيين والمغنيات المرافقات. تهتف إحداهن: "hallelujah".

يغني عن المومسات اللواتي يقعن في الحب. وما أكثرهن في عالم ميكا السحري. الكمنجات تضفي الدراماتيكية الاستعراضية على الاستعراض. يقف الاولاد على الكراسي. يتلوى رأس ميكا وكأنه يعيش لحظة انخطاف عابر. يسخّر الجمهور نفسه كورسه الشخصي. كورس مؤلف من 15 ألف مغن! لا يتعب ميكا من القفز والعزف والغناء. تغني هذه الفتاة لحبيبها. يهزّ ميكا بخصره النحيف. الرقص النقري في هذا المشهد، و"بيروت هل تريدين ان تغني معي؟ مبسوطين؟"، "أقوى بيروت! أريد أن يكون صوتك أعلى!". تنضم اليه راقصة تذكّر بلباسها براقصات مهرجان ريو الحارّ. تتعرّى وترقص بثيابها الداخلية. يغمض ميكا عينيه ويعيش هذيانه اللذيذ.

"شكراً بيروت". يقدم الفرقة الموسيقية. يغني: "happy ending". يلوّح الجمهور بالولاعات. يظهر له ميكا طاقات صوته القوي. يحمل مظلة، ويتساقط عليه الثلج الافتراضي.

أغنية "love today"، وتتمايل الاجساد في حركة واحدة. يضرب الايقاع على آلة الغيتار !

ينزع عنه قميصه. يضرب الايقاع على سلة المهملات التي تظهر فجأة على الخشبة. يتنافس مع إحدى العازفات في فرقته الموسيقية. "بدّي أشكركم على دعمكم لإلي. هذا المساء ساحة الشهداء ملككم الخاص!".

أغنية: "Grace Kelly"، و"برافو بيروت".

جنون شبابي لأغنية: "lollipop". البالونات تطير فوق الخشبة.

إحتفالية لا تريد ان تنتهي.

"بيروت هل نعود الى البداية؟". إعادة لاغنية "relax".

ألعاب نارية تحوّلت نجوماً راقصة. "هذا المساء بيروت ملكي وملككم!"، "أحبكم... تصبحوا على خير".

بيروت تخلع عنها ثوب الرصانة وترقص بكعبها العالي بتلك الهمجية الأنيقة.

همجية أنيقة؟

أي شيء من اجل هذا الشاب الساحر!



Itlhvon names Beirut Hebron, and put themselves at the disposal of the mood of this young man who plays the role of clown on stage was a circus around it by default.

Lebanese flag flying between hands, "Come on environmental Mika!!", Singing his name. Artificial fog packaging boards.

15 thousand Lebanese are waiting to storm the young singer MIKA Martyrs Square has arrived hours before the deadline to meet anticipated.

Invitation of Baalbek and Beiteddine, a Lebanese artist living in London, Mika ceremony yesterday, the earliest to review Raab magnitude and madness and vocal.

Adwa "changed colors" to announce the arrival of the 25-old son. Madness announces its presence since the first minutes of the ceremony.

Figures inspired by cartoon dancing on stage. Hearts beats supports rhythm. Chants take all directions. Musicians play the first tunes he sang the famous: take it easy, relax, If the audience shout with one voice: "Mika !!!!".

Here is Iatli stage wearing costumes that distinguish alien. These girls waving his hat. Mika jumps, shouting, playing his vote by up to 3 Octave. Bnujomith playing young. Before young adults responding to a call freedom and mimic recognizable disregard the laws of strict musical.

Dance parents more than their children. Requests from the public to participate in singing. Arabs say "broken": "Hello! I'm very happy that you Beirut." Adds: "Is it Sminac girls between the audience? Whether these noted Ndjemkm shine!". They sing a song: "big girl". Join him on stage Sminac girls wear uniforms "Almzzouzgah," and carrying a game in the form of a giant ice. Armin to attend. "What I apologize Hakim Arab Minih, but with what Ed Veii Try!". Game giant move among the public, which provides all feelings and insanity of the young singer. Plays on the "Kibordz." Wink performance artist Mick World Jagr and also the late Freddie Mercury.

"Heidi story song my friend Billy Brown!" He says, vaccinated Arab dialect English acute, before it starts GEARS song that bears the name of his friend.

Running on stage. Someone has designed the Lebanese flag, if it is embraced by his hands and waving it. Places him on the shoulder. Moving between musicians and Divas escort. Hailing One: "hallelujah".

Sing about prostitutes who are in love. What more in the magical world of Mika. Al Kamandjati confer dramatic review the review. Boys stand on chairs. Twisting the top of Mika and lived there for a moment Anktaf passing. Making fun same audience Orson personal. Corus consisting of 15 thousand singer! Tires do not jump from Mika, musical and singing. These girls sing to God. Mika shake skinny waist. Nakkari dancing in this scene, "Beirut Do you want me to sing? Happy?", "Stronger Beirut! Want to be your voice higher!". Remember join him dancing festival Rio Dancers dress warmly. Undresses and dancing clothes Interior. Mika shut its eyes and lives these two delicious.

"Thank Beirut." The band. Sing: "happy ending". Lighters waving audience. Mika show him the energies of his voice strong. Carries the umbrella, fall on the ice fraud.

Song "love today", and swaying bodies in a single movement. Beat rhythms on the guitar god!

Tended by his shirt. Beat rhythm of trash that appear suddenly on stage. Competing with one of the musician in his music. "I want to thank you for your support to me. Martyrs Square this evening for private property!".

Song: "Grace Kelly", and "Bravo Beirut."

Mad young man's Song: "lollipop". Balloons flying over the stage.

Festive does not want to end.

"Beirut Should we return to the beginning?". Returning Song "relax".

Fireworks turned Nujoma dancer. "Beirut this evening is my own and yours!", "Love ... becoming the best."

Beirut takes off in the guise of sobriety and dancing Kaaba Higher those barbaric elegant.

Elegant barbarism?

Anything for this young magician!


From Dana thanks for the link!! (and google translator...clearly taxed to its limit on this article hahahaha)

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For those who can read arabic, a lebanese newspaper, annahar, wrote an article about it. And there are 3 pictures with it.


Thank you so much Dana- and Cubitus and Racha


I loved looking at the Lebanese newspaper. When I was living in a Sudanese school in the eighties and the British press was full of the Lebanese civil war, me and all the Sudanese woman teachers used to grab every Lebanese paper and magazine we could, because to the Sudanese Lebanon meant GLAMOUR- which was a strange idea to me then. And now, after so much more trouble for Lebanon, I'm looking to their press for fun again. And it sounds like they are too! I hope everything works out for them.


(And no, I can't, and couldn't, read Arabic- I just look at the pictures and try to decipher proper names)

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