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Second Album in September?


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well... it is what it is... if september is when it comes out then september it is.


i would much prefer that he takes his sweet time and delivers great songs then rush through it and be disappointed by the songs. i wouldn't want him to fall flat on this one.. 2nd albums are very important.


i've never written anything myself, but i do realise that you can't write 24/7, 365 days a year. impossible. you can't always be inspired!


i'll wait as long as it takes! :thumb_yello:

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Well I don't know in your part of the world but here, at 17, you certainly don't drive, and you usually don't work, even part time, so you're still at the end of the spectrum without the financial means to buy a lot of cds :wink2: But I get what you mean, teenagers as in young adults are the ones who buy stuff.


But my point is that it's not because he's unactive that Mika will lose so many fans, especially among younglings. WHen I was 14-15, I would have a different obsession every 3 months, but in fact, I somehow remained loyal to all of them, but in sort of cycles. Know what I mean? And I still listen to a lot of the bands I used to listen to at that age.


Here you can drive at 17 (slightly younger in some states), you can get a part-time job at 15 (I think. It's a bit like driving, it might be slightly younger in some states) and an awful lot of young people have part-time jobs. I was 16 and that was 20 years ago.


And that is what I was saying earlier about the fact that you can like multiple people and have your little "mini-obsession" about them and move on, but still like them in the grand scheme of things.

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I watched this report about the music industry 3 weeks ago and they actually said teenagers didn't matter so much in terms of market shares because their tastes change too fast and they're not the ones spending a lot of money on cds and gig tickets. In fact they're the ones who usually download music for free and stuff ;) It always amazed me to see that Mika's public was much older than I expected, so I don't think he'll lose that many fans, even if it takes him a bit longer to release his album. What matters is the quality of that second album, nothing else.


I was thinking the same thing.


I mean Alex, you've said yourself that you didn't buy the second DVD and you haven't been to a gig. I realize that's not your choice and you'd love to be able to do those things, but the point is Mika is not necessarily targeting 14 year olds and they are not his bread and butter.


I was also surprised at the age of Mika's audience and at my first early gig there wasn't a young teen in sight. There were very few fangurls of any age and it was mostly twentysomething couples and a few older people who were there to listen to some good music.


These are the types of music fans who will see Mika through a 20 year+ career. Not people who lose all interest if he's out of sight for 5 minutes.


Of course you can, and it's healthy to do so, and just plain necessary sometimes..and then when you 'come back' your appreciation is heightened. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, a change is as good as a rest *insert a third cliche of your choice* :boxed: It's all true!


Yes I'm like that with many other artists. Even my strange Mika obsession really isn't an obsession with his music. A new album would be great because of all the things that go along with it like live performances but otherwise I'm content to wait.


I want a good album, not just anything at all for novelty's sake. There are some people who will love any song that has Mika's name attached to it but I'm not one of them.


Anyone who is expecting Mika to produce an album in less than 2 years is effectively asking him to sell out. No credible singer-songwriter who tours to support their album can possibly do that and make quality albums. "Artists" who are releasing albums every 18 months are products of their record company and do not write and produce their own music.

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Anyone who is expecting Mika to produce an album in less than 2 years is effectively asking him to sell out. No credible singer-songwriter who tours to support their album can possibly do that and make quality albums. "Artists" who are releasing albums every 18 months are products of their record company and do not write and produce their own music.


I think it really depends on the artist. Some work at a steadier pace, whereas others write and record faster while doing other things (having a mobile recording studio, for example). The quality factor is so subjective-- what's mind-blowingly amazing to one person is lame to another. An eye for detail doesn't necessarily disappear when someone's working quickly... so I don't think a general statement covers that topic.


Edit: Also just thought of another thing... in effect, nearly all artists signed by major record companies do become a 'product' one way or another, don't they? Just by the matter of not having total free reign.


And I'm just speaking broadly throughout this whole post-- not Mika-specific at all (so no misconceptions, s'il vous plait hahah).

Edited by rilo8913
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I forgot to post this when I first saw it, and have kept saying I would. But now I can't find the paper, but I remember the article well.

It was in the News of the World the weekend before last, in the music gossip section, in a little square in the corner.

Basically, it said something along the lines of

'Good news if your a Mika fan, like me. Mika's finally back in the studio, in LA, working on the 2nd album! We can expect it on the shelves in September.'


I think it was a little bit longer than that, but that was the important stuff. I remember thinking 'He's been in the studio for weeks!' and then 'September?!'


But it's the very first, unproven rough date. Even if it is later than I expected :thumb_yello:





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Anyone who is expecting Mika to produce an album in less than 2 years is effectively asking him to sell out. No credible singer-songwriter who tours to support their album can possibly do that and make quality albums. "Artists" who are releasing albums every 18 months are products of their record company and do not write and produce their own music.


I disagree. Queen put out one album a year for the first half of their career, and nothing was compromised. They wrote every song themselves. I realise that's pretty breakneck, but it can be done. I personally not asking Mika to sacrifice the quality of his music in the interests of time--I'll still be here--but the truth is, I'm just one person, and the fact that it's taking so long to make a follow-up to a smash hit debut might well ruin his career.

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I think it really depends on the artist. Some work at a steadier pace, whereas others write and record faster while doing other things (having a mobile recording studio, for example). The quality factor is so subjective-- what's mind-blowingly amazing to one person is lame to another. An eye for detail doesn't necessarily disappear when someone's working quickly... so I don't think a general statement covers that topic.


Edit: Also just thought of another thing... in effect, nearly all artists signed by major record companies do become a 'product' one way or another, don't they? Just by the matter of not having total free reign.


And I'm just speaking broadly throughout this whole post-- not Mika-specific at all (so no misconceptions, s'il vous plait hahah).


No one cares about what you have to say. :)




Joking, sorta. :wink2:


But yes, I agree. I don't think he'd be a sellout if he releases an album before two years is up. Artists work at different paces and come on, look who we're talking about here... it's Mika. He's a perfectionist, like myself, you can tell he's going to put a lot of time into it and won't release it until he feels good about it and feels that it's ready.

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I disagree. Queen put out one album a year for the first half of their career, and nothing was compromised. They wrote every song themselves. I realise that's pretty breakneck, but it can be done. I personally not asking Mika to sacrifice the quality of his music in the interests of time--I'll still be here--but the truth is, I'm just one person, and the fact that it's taking so long to make a follow-up to a smash hit debut might well ruin his career.


yes, but you missed one very vital point. Queen recorded those albums a long time ago. Recording was different then, it wasn’t so technical and they couldn’t edit songs in the same way.

Songs now have to be mixed, changed and demoed countless times. Then, they write the song, added other instruments, and recorded as is. That kind of music doesn’t hit no.1 now. They’re timeless, great music but honestly, if bands released songs in that format now they would be a flop. Mika has standards to live up to. If he could do it like queen, the Beatles etc of that time that would be wonderful, but unfortunately, he can’t.

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Elvis lives on the moon? :shocked::shocked:me!


Go and get me John Travolta's rocket! :wub2:






My pointer for Mika album if any ....


Lets take U2 .. a huge band .. they changed their date of album release from last year to this year ... was made public and now they are doing it in March.


Already in the press they have track listings , definate release dates .. reviews etc etc .......


The fact that we have heard nothing leads me to "think" it may be longer than we first thought


Id just like some definate information ..... please:thumb_yello:

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My pointer for Mika album if any ....


Lets take U2 .. a huge band .. they changed their date of album release from last year to this year ... was made public and now they are doing it in March.


Already in the press they have track listings , definate release dates .. reviews etc etc .......


The fact that we have heard nothing leads me to "think" it may be longer than we first thought


Id just like some definate information ..... please:thumb_yello:



I hope you're wrong, but I suspect you're right here...


I'd add to this the fact that about 5 months notice was given on ticket sales for the big Mika UK tour in Autumn 07. If they are aiming to give the same amount of notice on the tour to support this second album, the earliest we can expect a tour (and thus an album) is now June-ish, which coincides with Festivals (dodgy..)..so it's more likely to be later than that, which would mean Autumn...hmmm :blink: I dunno. Would the tour be after the album? They usually are aren't they?? I am rambling :naughty:


You see where I'm going though. But time flies for us oldlings so...yes :bleh: we'll cope.

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September............:shocked: what will we do in the mean while......

But its coming. U2 brings out an album every 5 years or so, and I survived, so i can make it to september.............but no new pics, gigs and stuff.......i think i'm getting sick..

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There are a lot of differences between Mika and other artists...


First of all, LICM was 2007's big hit, and Mika has now an enormous pressure on his shoulders. He can't just release a good album, he needs to release a GREAT album. If you couple the public (and press, and music industry)'s high expectations with Mika's perfectionism, no wonder it's taking that long lol.


His mistake was probably to have said ages ago that he was almost done with this second album. He was probably done with it in his head, as in, he had the songs, the general concept, the visuals, etc, but all this still had to become a reality.

Mika doesnt work on his album alone, even if he spent all his time in the studio, that wouldn't help. He probably wants the best producers, engineers, etc, and these people are busy bees, they don't work exclusively for Meeks, so he's also dependent of them.

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What Mika neds to do is TELL US SOMETHING ON HIS BLOG! This would stop any speculation. September is ages away and means there will be no singles yet!

But Mika DID say on his blog that 2009 will be a busy year, so at the moment, until I know for sure, I'm going by that statement frm him, that something will happen soon.

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It'd be a great birthday present for me, but... seriously... will we have to wait that long??????


Hell, if he's going to release it in the second half of the year, he may as well release it in October... the 23rd of October would be nice thanks Meeks!


I sure hope its not this late anyway ... i dont think mika can afford to release it so late tbh but that just my opinion


It's too late in Oz... Heaps of people already think that...


Come on guys September is not that long I know artists who have been working on an album for 3-4 years !


I can think of a few... Hanson had 4 years between Middle of Nowhere and This Time Around, then 4 years between TTA and Underneath (but partly cause of issues with their record company not liking anything they did), about 3 years between Underneath and The Walk, and they're talkign about writing for their new album this year...


U2 seem to have at least 3 years between albums... The time between All That You Can't Leave Behind and How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb was about 3 years, and between HTDAAB and No Line On The Horizon (the new one due in March) is about 4 years...


Admittedly both bands have been keeping themselves busy in the meantime... Hanson released a documentary, as well as touring around the time of Underneath, and have toured a lot in the US the past year, and U2 put out a movie, and have toured a hell of a lot (and Bono's been posing with girls young enough to be his daughter)...


Not saying Mika's not, but if you're writing they take a long time... and Mika is a bloody perfectionist...


I'm telling you this as a teenager who quickly moved off of Spice girls because of they're 1 CD for a lengthly period of time, and Michael Buble who's yet to have another CD.


I like Hanson when I was about your age, and I didn't go off Hanson till somewhere around 2003-2004 (coincidentally around the same time they did Underneath - which I personally think is their best album)... I didn't go off them cause of them taking a long time recording, but because I'd listened to them for years and I was frankly getting a bit sick of them...


I second that.... I'd say.....the album will be released in spring... hopefully


Spring is September for us... hopefully then!


Oh boy, that is a very scary thought. I never realized that.




I remember when he was 23..


Hey! I'm the same age as him!


What does? 26?


Ai yi yi!


I'll be toddling off then...


Same here...


Im 6 months younger than mika !!!!


so im getting there !!!


I'm two months older... we're old farts Caz!




I agree... There's no point complaining about it when:

a. It apparently doesn't come from a very good source

b. Mika himself hasn't said anything about it



I'm happy to wait till there's news from teh man himself...


My two cents...


I think September is a bit too late, since he's working on the album for a long time now, and he said that he's already recording the final versions of the songs so...


On the other hand I have no idea of the work that an album requires, even after the songs are recorded, so I don't know how long will it take for us to have the album in our hands.


Let's not freak out, until Mika himself says something!


I don't think it's too long at all... considering other acts that write their own tunes take longer... It just seems a long time cause we're all on here and there's been nothing happening...


He IS very cute. Feast your eyes (just ignore the freakishhobo looking person next to him)




He is cute... but I prefer the hobo person... gorgeousness!


I'm sorry, but I disagree. Is there something that says people can't be a fan of multiple artists all at once and get caught up with one "for a time" and then get caught up with another and so on and then come back to the first artist when he's doing something new? Mika is the artist I'm most interested in, but that doesn't mean there aren't other people that I like as well and when they put out something new I have a look. I just don't follow their careers as obsessively as Mika's, but I'd still say I'm a fan.


I agree...


Well I don't know in your part of the world but here, at 17, you certainly don't drive, and you usually don't work, even part time, so you're still at the end of the spectrum without the financial means to buy a lot of cds... But I get what you mean, teenagers as in young adults are the ones who buy stuff.


I dunno, there were a lot of under 16's at the Kooks gig I went to on Monday... A lot of kids pay for their own tickets for gigs and CDs and such..


In Oz, at 17 you can drive without a fully licenced driver, but you have a lot of restrictions... like wearing a dorking looking red P plate on your car... and kids can work at 14 and nine months here...



I want a good album, not just anything at all for novelty's sake. There are some people who will love any song that has Mika's name attached to it but I'm not one of them.


This I also agree with...


yes, but you missed one very vital point. Queen recorded those albums a long time ago. Recording was different then, it wasn’t so technical and they couldn’t edit songs in the same way.

Songs now have to be mixed, changed and demoed countless times. Then, they write the song, added other instruments, and recorded as is. That kind of music doesn’t hit no.1 now. They’re timeless, great music but honestly, if bands released songs in that format now they would be a flop. Mika has standards to live up to. If he could do it like queen, the Beatles etc of that time that would be wonderful, but unfortunately, he can’t.


Do they have to?



It might seem like a stupid thing to say, but it's not always the best thing to demo the crap out of a song and then mix it so it sounds nothing like what it did originally...


For example, one song on Savage garden's Affirmation album used the original vocal for a song that was recorded at about 3 in the morning with a piano as accompaniment (Two Beds and a Coffee Machine if you're curious :wink2:), and when the went to record the album they couldn't recreate the emotion you could hear in the demo... they could've mixed it to buggery, but they left it in a rawer state... and I think it sounds better than it would've if they fiddled...


Lets take U2 .. a huge band .. they changed their date of album release from last year to this year ... was made public and now they are doing it in March.


Already in the press they have track listings , definate release dates .. reviews etc etc ....


I was going to bring that up but you beat me to it...


September............:shocked: what will we do in the mean while......

But its coming. U2 brings out an album every 5 years or so, and I survived, so i can make it to september.............but no new pics, gigs and stuff.......i think i'm getting sick..


Exactly, it's not that long... I certainly can wait...

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You know this year JUST strated and now I want it to hurry up and come to an end already! NO MIKA until September -- New Moon in November -- COME on ... what am I suppose to do with myself in the mean time? ONLY good thing I can see from this is that I have more time to save up for the gigs! :boxed:

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