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"The Origin of Love" - the pieces of a puzzle


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"Make you happy" as dark and nebulous?? Have we listened to the same song or did they put ear plugs?


No, I think they are absolutely right about that :dunno:


So, TOOL may turn out to be a double album or the French version being a double album with a second disc containing 3 French and some more English songs.

Edited by suzie
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Intersting reviews and thank you for posting and translating them. But I will wait and listen to the album and the the only thing that counts for me are my ears and my heart :wink2:. We all have a different taste and will hear other things in the songs

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Translation :wink2:


Mika is still the same. He promises it.


A rather revealing beginning, actually. He knows this can turn either way (he can win with this move or lose it all) and keeps emphasizing the change of direction was his own choice and was not forced on him. He said something similar recently, didn't he.

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Thanks for all the snippets, it's been an interesting read, although I always find reading reviews of things I haven't heard to be a very strange experience.


It looks as if it's going to be a mixed bag, this album. I think that's really all we can deduce from these critics' impressions. I'm just going to try very hard now to put it out of my mind until the thing comes out, and make up my own mind. It could well be one of those albums which on paper sounds all over the place but in actual fact makes sense as a whole, who knows?


Just a thought on Overrated which I haven't seen anyone touch on yet, my apologies if it has already been said: has anyone considered the possibility that it might not even be related to the demo we know in any way except the title? Mika may just have liked the title and applied it to another song completely. Assuming that isn't the case and it is related to the demo, he may have taken just small elements of the song and reworked them into a new song. Songwriters do this all the time. Their whole body of work is a constant work-in-progress. A demo often functions a sketch of a song, which may eventually be recorded in a fairly faithful way, or may be picked apart and reinterpreted, or even completely discarded.


I know many people (myself included) have a special place in their hearts for Overrated, and I understand the sense of disappointment that Mika may have "screwed it up" by making it a dance song, but this is how it goes sometimes.

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Thanks for all the snippets, it's been an interesting read, although I always find reading reviews of things I haven't heard to be a very strange experience.


It looks as if it's going to be a mixed bag, this album. I think that's really all we can deduce from these critics' impressions. I'm just going to try very hard now to put it out of my mind until the thing comes out, and make up my own mind. It could well be one of those albums which on paper sounds all over the place but in actual fact makes sense as a whole, who knows?


Just a thought on Overrated which I haven't seen anyone touch on yet, my apologies if it has already been said: has anyone considered the possibility that it might not even be related to the demo we know in any way except the title? Mika may just have liked the title and applied it to another song completely. Assuming that isn't the case and it is related to the demo, he may have taken just small elements of the song and reworked them into a new song. Songwriters do this all the time. Their whole body of work is a constant work-in-progress. A demo often functions a sketch of a song, which may eventually be recorded in a fairly faithful way, or may be picked apart and reinterpreted, or even completely discarded.


I know many people (myself included) have a special place in their hearts for Overrated, and I understand the sense of disappointment that Mika may have "screwed it up" by making it a dance song, but this is how it goes sometimes.


You make great points!


:thumb_yello: i hope others do the same! one of my main concerns about letting journalists hear the album so far in advance is that readers will get preconcieved notions and not even give the album a chance.


When we first found out a song called Overrated might be on the album i suggested he might have just used the title for a diff song and suggested it again some where recently.

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Translation :wink2:


Mika is still the same. He promises it. 'The Origin of Love', to be released on September 17, initiates a change of direction for the singer of 'Relax' though. Today at lunch time, in a trendy café in St Germain, the singer had invited programme planners and journalists to listen to his 3rd album. 9 songs. Not all finished.


The song that opens the album gives its name to it. 'The Origin of Love', written in Montreal a year and a half ago when Mika started. A very electro dance title, without a real chorus but with surprising bridges. We are far from the pop songs from LICM but the production is remarkable. Perfect introduction, the title makes 'cigarette' and 'nicorette' rhyme with the vocoded voice of Mika, who offered himself the services of Empire of the Sun for the production.


The following title is 'Celebrate', launched on the radio today, which could have the same destiny as EMD did last Summer. Produced with the complicity of Pharrell Williams, this dance/disco title is ultra effective but will unsettle the admirers of the nice piano melodies of the Francophile man.


The two following titles won't reassure them much more. Mika yields to the electro trend with the exhilarating 'Overrated', cut out for the clubs, the explosive 'Stardust' or the dark and nebulous 'Make You Happy' already revealed. In all these songs, Mika worked with real musicians, no computers. The production was made only after recording, he swore.


We have to wait for 'Underwater' in order to hear some piano again. This title is a caesura in the album and opens the way to a more 'pop' second part. "Cause all I need is the love you breathe. Put your lips on me, and I can live underwater" sings the young Lebanese man in a quite catchy song. (I corrected their lyrics which looked strange) Much more pop, 'Lola' is the 6th title. A true hit. A potential single which will please - this time - Mika fans. A title written and produced in less than 4 hours as the singer told us. A beautiful ballad with a catchy introduction where hand clapping and choirs are mixed.


The two following titles also caught our attention. 'Step With Me' in which Mika asks himself some questions and answers to himself in a genius game of opposition between back vocals and vocals. 'Step 1 Step 2 Step 3' he counts in a title based on a guitar melody.


'Popular' closes the album. Another hit. Amazing title where we find a feminine voice, allusion to his first album. 'Cause my song is popular' he chants on a lively piano rhythm. He is a popular, pop, general public artist. His wealth is that he has ingested 50 years of the history of pop music. Only the 3 French titles including EMD which will probably be on a second disc are missing. Mika is going one step forward, half-opens a door on the dancefloor without throwing himself wholeheartedly in it. It's in the bag (lol I don't know the exact translation, it means literally 'won bet')


Thanks for translation, Camille! :wub2:

can't wait to till hear the entire album....

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Thanks for all the snippets, it's been an interesting read, although I always find reading reviews of things I haven't heard to be a very strange experience.


It looks as if it's going to be a mixed bag, this album. I think that's really all we can deduce from these critics' impressions. I'm just going to try very hard now to put it out of my mind until the thing comes out, and make up my own mind. It could well be one of those albums which on paper sounds all over the place but in actual fact makes sense as a whole, who knows?


Just a thought on Overrated which I haven't seen anyone touch on yet, my apologies if it has already been said: has anyone considered the possibility that it might not even be related to the demo we know in any way except the title? Mika may just have liked the title and applied it to another song completely. Assuming that isn't the case and it is related to the demo, he may have taken just small elements of the song and reworked them into a new song. Songwriters do this all the time. Their whole body of work is a constant work-in-progress. A demo often functions a sketch of a song, which may eventually be recorded in a fairly faithful way, or may be picked apart and reinterpreted, or even completely discarded.


I know many people (myself included) have a special place in their hearts for Overrated, and I understand the sense of disappointment that Mika may have "screwed it up" by making it a dance song, but this is how it goes sometimes.

The trouble with reading the reviews is that it IS their own opinion. Some may not like Mika to begin with, and are not going to be swayed. I'd always rather form my own judgements about anything really. What suits one person, doesn't always suit another.

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I'd always rather form my own judgements about anything really. What suits one person, doesn't always suit another.


yes. At the same time, it was not only for journalists but for 'programmers' so if they don't like something it is unlikely to make the airwaves in theory - although it is more complex than that in reality.


I also just look forward the album - I would have been totally disappointed by the level of compromise he made with 'Celebrate' had I not heard the MYH before that. So I'll just wait and see :dunno:

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Mika may just have liked the title and applied it to another song completely.


Some of the girls asked him to perform Satellite and he was wondering how they knew about the song. Apparently he has his own song entitled Satellite and thought that's what they meant, instead of the Dave Matthews cover. So maybe he is not so imaginative on the song titles? :naughty:


He should have called it Blame it on the Overrated so we wouldn't be confused. :mikacool:


A demo often functions a sketch of a song, which may eventually be recorded in a fairly faithful way, or may be picked apart and reinterpreted, or even completely discarded.


I understand this but...remember when we first heard Underwater and you said it was anthemic? When you've got one powerful song and one achingly beautiful piano ballad, why do you want to turn the former into a piano ballad and the latter into a dance track? It seems like a waste of a song in both cases :aah:


I know everyone says "trust Mika" but I'm afraid sometimes I don't. :lmfao: We just don't have the same ideas about music sometimes. :naughty: I guess if Overrated is a good dance song I will like it anyway. But I have yet to hear a truly danceable song from Mika so I have my doubts.


I'm pretty much dying to hear "Lola."


I'm not bias at all because my dog's name is Lola....nope, not at all....


Ha, I think Wonka has a dog named Lola too!


I would have been totally disappointed by the level of compromise he made with 'Celebrate' had I not heard the MYH before that. So I'll just wait and see :dunno:


Yes I mean each and every one of Mika's songs has not been a masterpiece, so let's get real here. :mf_rosetinted: You just expect that the lead single is going to be the best song of the bunch but in these days of dumbed down radio tunes, it seems people are more interested in the sound than a song. So if this is what gets him on the radio, fine.

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I've moved this to the news section so we only have one thread to discuss all the news and speculation about the album.


We can discuss the album as a body of Mika's work when we actually have an album to discuss. :naughty:

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From Facebook


So, the news you have all been waiting for... Mika's third album, "The Origin of Love," will be released internationally on September 16th 2012, preceded by single, "Celebrate" featuring Pharrell Williams.


“This single is what happens when... you combine a 22 year old you find online, Fryars, with an extra-planetary Nick Littlemore and Pharrell Williams!” says Mika of ‘Celebrate’. “Written by me, Pharrell and Fryars and produced by Nick, this kind of collaboration is only possible when everyone throws themselves into it wanting to have fun and without any ego. This collective and open attitude was at the heart of ‘The Origin Of Love’. It’s an album about crazy love songs and tolerance. It was recorded in Miami and London but mostly in Fryars' north London bedroom studio!”


Featuring collaborations with Pharrell Williams, Empire of the Sun, Benny Benassi, William Orbit, Klas Ahlund (Robyn 'Body Talk) and Greg Wells (Adele) the album is a glorious follow-up to multi-million selling, "Life in Cartoon Motion," and, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much," that went Gold or Platinum in 32 countries


New songs will be debuted live at Lovebox tomorrow, festivals around the world throughout the summer and at Mika's London headline show at legendary club Heaven on 26th July.

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September 16th ? But it's sunday :blink:


Or maybe we could download it on itunes or amazon the 16 and buy it the 17 ? I'm lost :aah:


Maybe released to record shops on 16th, ppl can buy this on 17th :teehee:

Because of the time zone maybe I could be the first mfcer get this album in my hands :naughty:

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Maybe released to record shops on 16th, ppl can buy this on 17th :teehee:

Because of the time zone maybe I could be the first mfcer get this album in my hands :naughty:


I think Japan always got it a few days earlier anyway. It sounds to me like they are going to release it digitally on the 16th so the whole world can access it at the same time and hopefully limit the "need" for people to download it illegally. :aah: But you're right, if it's on iTunes it will become available at midnight I think so you will get it first. Hopefully Mexican iTunes doesn't upload it a week early by accident again. :mf_rosetinted:

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I think Japan always got it a few days earlier anyway. It sounds to me like they are going to release it digitally on the 16th so the whole world can access it at the same time and hopefully limit the "need" for people to download it illegally. :aah: But you're right, if it's on iTunes it will become available at midnight I think so you will get it first. Hopefully Mexican iTunes doesn't upload it a week early by accident again. :mf_rosetinted:


Haha I can imagine myself screaming on my twitta timeline like 'HEYY mfcers get out of da bed!! TOOL is finally OUTTTT am listening all so coool' while Europe/America are sleepin.. :teehee:

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