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"The Origin of Love" - the pieces of a puzzle


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I'm willing to believe what I hear and not always what I read :naughty:

I'll wait for him to speak about kick ass in a audio/video interview before taking it for sure.


A long time ago I decided not to trust what I read about him. Not even when it´s Mika himself speaking. :mf_rosetinted:

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A long time ago I decided not to trust what I read about him. Not even when it´s Mika himself speaking. :mf_rosetinted:


Yes he even said some misleading things in that relatively open interview we saw yesterday so I take everything he says with a huge dose of salt. :naughty:

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I'm sure at one point he said that was the best song he's ever done...




exactly, and i remember at that time he told interviewers he took a week to work on Kick Ass, then he told people that he took 2 days to get it done in later interviews :mf_rosetinted:

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Phew! I thought I had missed that before!!:naughty: I never would have thought that.


I can totally believe that. That song is re-wording of WAG to support a movie, not really 'his song'.


Let's see what he says on Pharrell's part in Celebrate in 3 years :mf_rosetinted:

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can somebody please fill me in? what does ET mean?


edit: never mind, turns out google translate automatically turned on and turned 'he' into ET. so much confusion.

Edited by ibwm
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Je voulais travailler avec lui sur le deuxième album. Je l'ai contacté. Il m'a dit OK c'est 100.000 dollars. Tu m'envoies 50.000 avant qu'on commence et 50.000 quand on a fini. J'ai répondu par fax au management, j'ai écrit : "Is this a joke ?" (est-ce que c'est une blague ?, NDLR). Cette fois-ci, on a travaillé ensemble sur deux titres. Aucun contrat. Pas d'échange d'argent, pas de règles. Absolument zéro problème. Il était complètement cool, il a compris que je voulais sa musicalité pas son nom. Je voulais juste m'amuser avec lui.


--Steven BELLERY


So there's one more song in collaboration with Pharrell.

Edited by krysady
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exactly, and i remember at that time he told interviewers he took a week to work on Kick Ass, then he told people that he took 2 days to get it done in later interviews :mf_rosetinted:


Well I remembered he said that he did not understand "jazz" music and that he could not listen to it... I will definitively stop to listen/read his interviews, thing I wanted to do earlier but he was stopping at that point this kind of "game", now that he seems to restart I will definitively stop...

It sounds like someone you can not count to, a liar, that always say thing for his own interest... and I don't like this feeling...

Edited by Etoile2roses
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Well I remembered he said that he did not understand "jazz" music and that he could not listen to it...


I don't remember him making that statement so I don't know how long ago it was, but don't you think he could have expanded his horizons since then? I would assume that he has in any case which is why he's not making the same music he did when he was 21.


I don't know if all of Mika's "lies" are simply to serve his own interests because some of them seem so pointless. I am not sure I would even characterize many of his inconsistent statements as lies. I think he says things that are misleading and not a lie per se. They become "lies" when people draw the wrong conclusions. That's why I am particularly dismissive of translated interviews because inevitably someone is projecting their own interpretation of what he meant into the final English transcript.

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Translation :wink2:


Mika is still the same. He promises it. 'The Origin of Love', to be released on September 17, initiates a change of direction for the singer of 'Relax' though. Today at lunch time, in a trendy café in St Germain, the singer had invited programme planners and journalists to listen to his 3rd album. 9 songs. Not all finished.


The song that opens the album gives its name to it. 'The Origin of Love', written in Montreal a year and a half ago when Mika started. A very electro dance title, without a real chorus but with surprising bridges. We are far from the pop songs from LICM but the production is remarkable. Perfect introduction, the title makes 'cigarette' and 'nicorette' rhyme with the vocoded voice of Mika, who offered himself the services of Empire of the Sun for the production.


The following title is 'Celebrate', launched on the radio today, which could have the same destiny as EMD did last Summer. Produced with the complicity of Pharrell Williams, this dance/disco title is ultra effective but will unsettle the admirers of the nice piano melodies of the Francophile man.


The two following titles won't reassure them much more. Mika yields to the electro trend with the exhilarating 'Overrated', cut out for the clubs, the explosive 'Stardust' or the dark and nebulous 'Make You Happy' already revealed. In all these songs, Mika worked with real musicians, no computers. The production was made only after recording, he swore.


We have to wait for 'Underwater' in order to hear some piano again. This title is a caesura in the album and opens the way to a more 'pop' second part. "Cause all I need is the love you breathe. Put your lips on me, and I can live underwater" sings the young Lebanese man in a quite catchy song. (I corrected their lyrics which looked strange) Much more pop, 'Lola' is the 6th title. A true hit. A potential single which will please - this time - Mika fans. A title written and produced in less than 4 hours as the singer told us. A beautiful ballad with a catchy introduction where hand clapping and choirs are mixed.


The two following titles also caught our attention. 'Step With Me' in which Mika asks himself some questions and answers to himself in a genius game of opposition between back vocals and vocals. 'Step 1 Step 2 Step 3' he counts in a title based on a guitar melody.


'Popular' closes the album. Another hit. Amazing title where we find a feminine voice, allusion to his first album. 'Cause my song is popular' he chants on a lively piano rhythm. He is a popular, pop, general public artist. His wealth is that he has ingested 50 years of the history of pop music. Only the 3 French titles including EMD which will probably be on a second disc are missing. Mika is going one step forward, half-opens a door on the dancefloor without throwing himself wholeheartedly in it. It's in the bag (lol I don't know the exact translation, it means literally 'won bet')


Only 9 songs, some incomplete?

Overrated electro?:aah: I hope this is another , new overrated. Unlikely but not impossible!

Oh well, some of the later songs described sound more promisingly like the old mika, and maybe underwater is unchanged ! :)

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Well I remembered he said that he did not understand "jazz" music and that he could not listen to it... .


I don't remember him making that statement so I don't know how long ago it was, but don't you think he could have expanded his horizons since then? I would assume that he has in any case which is why he's not making the same music he did when he was 21..


He actually said something like that recently but his conclusion was different, as far as I remember. He basically said that he did not understand jazz but found it fascinating.


So, I think Christine makes a good point that some of Mika's "inconsistent statements" are often the result of fans having a different understanding of what he actually says. Or, in some cases he does not have exact answers to a question so he just tries to give some 'positive news'..etc.

I must add that I don't like it when he is called 'a liar' on MFC. He colours his stories and is not particularly reliable when it comes to knowing his schedule but he tries his best. If one remembers to take everything he says with a pinch of salt there won't be any disappointments . :teehee:

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He colours his stories and is not particularly reliable when it comes to knowing his schedule but he tries his best. If one remembers to take everything he says with a pinch of salt there won't be any disappointments . :teehee:


Yes, that's exactly how I see it. :wink2:


He actually said something like that recently but his conclusion was different, as far as I remember. He basically said that he did not understand jazz but found it fascinating.


EDIT: and actually according to this interview transcription (if I understand correctly), he actually chooses "jazz" as a preference among rock, pop or jazz.


Interviewer : Rock, pop or jazz music ?

Mika : Jazz. Because I don’t understand it. Maybe this music’s got a big potential.



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So, I think Christine makes a good point that some of Mika's "inconsistent statements" are often the result of fans having a different understanding of what he actually says. Or, in some cases he does not have exact answers to a question so he just tries to give some 'positive news'..etc.

I must add that I don't like it when he is called 'a liar' on MFC. He colours his stories and is not particularly reliable when it comes to knowing his schedule but he tries his best. If one remembers to take everything he says with a pinch of salt there won't be any disappointments . :teehee:


Yes, that's how I see it too. I mean, he obviously colours his stories (it looks the better the interviewer and the more comfortable Mika feels, the more honest he is) and sometimes he is guessing because he is not so sure about the schedules etc (and I can understand it well). He also seems to say his hopes aloud, and I think he often really genuinely plans something, but things just don't always work that way.

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Yes, that's how I see it too. I mean, he obviously colours his stories (it looks the better the interviewer and the more comfortable Mika feels, the more honest he is) and sometimes he is guessing because he is not so sure about the schedules etc (and I can understand it well). He also seems to say his hopes aloud, and I think he often really genuinely plans something, but things just don't always work that way.


Anybody who would do several interviews in a row or get asked the same question many times might try to disgress a bit not to get bored:wink2:

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Yes, that's exactly how I see it. :wink2:


EDIT: and actually according to this interview transcription (if I understand correctly), he actually chooses "jazz" as a preference among rock, pop or jazz.




well when you say that you don't "understand" a style of music, it "means" for me that you can not listen to it, or if you listen to it, it is not for a long time or during a short period... it is a very complicated music, and very difficult to "love" if you ears are not accustom to it... Mika gives reference of musicians he likes in pop music for the most part... It was an example but there are others and I don't want to waste my time with that...

That's not important by the way, it is just time for me to stop to listen his interviews :naughty:.

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A little interview, but there's really not much new info unfortunately...


edit: wait, does he really say he hates kick-ass?? :aah: Maybe this is old news already, I didn't know it yet :lmfao:






Mika : mon prochain album ? "De l'amour, de la tolérance et de la joie"


Mika is back. Un an après avoir fait danser la France avec "Elle me dit", le chanteur d'origine libanaise vient de dévoiler deux titres de son prochain album "The Origin Of Love" à paraitre le 17 septembre prochain. Deux morceaux qui laissent présager une nouvelle sonorité électro-dance. Virage ou pas ? Comment a-t-il travaillé ? Pourquoi Pharrell Williams sur "Celebrate" ? Pure Charts a rencontré MIKA qui lève le voile sur son troisième opus.


"The Origin Of Love" est le morceau qui ouvre et qui donne son nom à votre troisième et prochain album (lire notre critique)… Un titre très produit, électro-dance, à l'opposé de "Relax" ou "Rain" et qui donne un peu le ton de ce disque. (Steven Bellery, journaliste)

MIKA : C'est le premier titre. Il présente le thème et le son de cet album. J'écoute énormément de musiques différentes. J'adore écouter de la musique sans les barrières, sans les frontières. Du jazz au classique. Alors je me suis dit pourquoi pas faire un album qui utilise un côté de la musique électro. J'avais en tête comme références la musique des années 60 quand les instruments électro ont fait leur apparition. Et en même temps la musique des années 80, la bande originale de Blade Runner, la house française et plus récent Daft Punk.


Une électro à la sauce Mika donc… La semaine dernière, vous dévoiliez "Celebrate", votre nouveau single qui succède à "Elle me dit". Un titre produit avec Pharrell Williams. C'est tout de même très différent de vos anciens titres…


Je voulais faire de la musique avec un côté électro mais avec beaucoup de chœurs. Je ne voulais pas quelque chose de fait sur un ordinateur. Sur "The Origin Of Love" ou "Celebrate", tout est vrai. C'est moi et des musiciens dans un studio en train de jouer. Et après on fait de la post-production, on découpe tous les morceaux pour les programmer. Mais tous les ingrédients sont acoustiques. C'était la manière de donner du cœur à quelque chose qui a tendance des fois à être trop froid, trop machine…


On sent à l'écoute de votre album (qu'on découvrira en septembre) que vous avez digéré une grande partie des cinquante années de l'histoire de la pop… D'ailleurs, la seconde partie du disque est clairement pop et pas électro, c'est plus du Mika que l'on connaît…


Le but de cet album c'était de parler de l'amour, de la tolérance et de la joie. Je voulais aussi représenter ce que je suis comme fan de musique. J'écoute de la musique depuis l'enfance sans savoir ce que c'est. A Paris, j'écoutais Gainsbourg, Moustaki, Nina Simone, Louis Armstrong, du reggae… Je ne sais pas ce que je fais la plupart du temps, je fais des chansons qui me plaisent, qui me font sourire, qui me font pleurer…


Vous avez tout de même travaillé différemment que pour "The Boy Who Knew Too Much"


Cette fois-ci c'était complètement l'inverse oui. Le dernier album j'avais travaillé seul au piano. Cette fois-ci, j'ai écrit et produit en même temps.


Est-ce qu'on peut parler de virage alors ?


C'est complètement dans la continuité. C'est sincère. C'est pas un virage même s'il y a beaucoup de développements. Je ne me suis pas dit tiens je vais faire un album avec Timberland, je vais lui donner 500.000 dollars et hop. Je n'avais aucune intention de faire cela. On me dit alors, pourquoi ne pas travailler avec RedOne ? J'ai répondu "j'ai déjà fait un titre avec lui et j'ai détesté ce titre"… J'aime bien ce qu'il fait pour Lady GaGa mais ça n'était pas pour moi. Je n'allais pas acheter un son !


Vous avez tout de même appelé Pharrell Williams pour "Celebrate" ?


Je voulais travailler avec lui sur le deuxième album. Je l'ai contacté. Il m'a dit OK c'est 100.000 dollars. Tu m'envoies 50.000 avant qu'on commence et 50.000 quand on a fini. J'ai répondu par fax au management, j'ai écrit : "Is this a joke ?" (est-ce que c'est une blague ?, NDLR). Cette fois-ci, on a travaillé ensemble sur deux titres. Aucun contrat. Pas d'échange d'argent, pas de règles. Absolument zéro problème. Il était complètement cool, il a compris que je voulais sa musicalité pas son nom. Je voulais juste m'amuser avec lui.


--Steven BELLERY


Thanks for posting Droopsy, this is an interesting interview:thumb_yello:

I really like what he says about not wanting to buy a sound and work with someone like Timbaland.

My fave quote from this interview is "Je fais des chansons qui me plaisent, qui me font sourire, qui me font pleurer". I really admire and appreciate that. Thats how real proper songs are, they arent being written just as potential hits but instead they reflect different feelings and emotions:wub2:

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well when you say that you don't "understand" a style of music, it "means" for me that you can not listen to it, or if you listen to it, it is not for a long time or during a short period...


No, not necessarily so, and in this case it was clear he actually liked the potential in jazz (i.e. integrating jazz into his music at a later stage perhaps).

Not 'understanding' how a particular type of music works means one's inability to perform it. It is particularly true of jazz since you need to understand how the structure works in order to be able to improvise along it. As a listener, you can still enjoy it.

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No, not necessarily so, and in this case it was clear he actually liked the potential in jazz (i.e. integrating jazz into his music at a later stage perhaps).

Not 'understanding' how a particular type of music works means one's inability to perform it. It is particularly true of jazz since you need to understand how the structure works in order to be able to improvise along it. As a listener, you can still enjoy it.


well it is true for you, and for few others people but not for me and for few others people... so end of this... everybody right and wrong

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well it is true for you, and for few others people but not for me and for few others people... so end of this... everybody right and wrong


You said that Mika stated that he cannot listen to jazz and therefore he is a liar and it's been demonstrated that he did not say he doesn't listen to jazz. I don't see how "everybody's right and wrong". It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. :blink:


I have been going to jazz clubs for 25 years and was at the opening of the Toronto Jazz Festival on Friday night. I think it is entirely accurate to say that I like jazz but I would never say that I "understand" jazz in the way that Mika must understand pop and classical music since he studied classical music and makes pop for a living. Obviously his relationship to jazz is different but that doesn't mean he is incapable of listening to it and is therefore lying.

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