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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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I think it is very wrong what has been said in previous posts. You can say everything about the judges (btw, I would not be so harsh in judging them especially as persons, since we do not know them, and saying Morgan is frustrated and envious of Mika and hinting at his personal life scandals is something I feel very uncomfortable with. At the same time Simona is not there to express her ideas about harmony or chords, she represents (at least she tries to represent) the 'discographic' side that (whether we like it or not) in a tv programme looking for a so-called 'popstar' is also needed.)


Anyway, you can say what you want about them- that they have massive egos, that they are vendicative etc, but one thing that has NEVER been done is to eliminate a contestant who was totally worth staying. After all Roberta, whom I appreciated, objectively had a style gap, therefore Simona wasn't wrong saying that she had not a clear discographical identity (and as much as I liked her, there are better singers.) or the street clerks, I thought they were amazing, but, as Mika said, that competition didn't give them enough freedom.


Of course there is competitivity among the judges, but when there is an evident talent or an objectively good performance they are always honest. Btw, if they were so keen on eliminating other judges' good contestants, why would Elio, who is a proper musician, not point out Valentina's mistakes in ragamuffin? Why would Morgan praise Violetta as the most 'brava'? Why would Simona be so enthusiastic about Michele? Why would Elio say that Gaia is the most interesting contestant? Actually, the one that once was not 100% honest was Mika himself a few eps ago, then at the daily he explained that he didn't say anything about Vale's mistakes or he wasn't too hard with Gaia because he was afraid he would lose them. And this is completely and absolutely normal imo, every judge is emotionally involved and wants to defend their own. But That doesn't mean that when there is an evident talent they want to sabotage him/her because he is from another team!! And that is evident in the judgements for example about Michele.


I really don't get all this fuss, and what kinda irritates me is that people take as universal truths things said by the media, some of them totally unreliable, especially online magazines, which by nature tend to exaggerate and look for scandals. I have always preferred to think with my head and rationally analyze the situations, and in this situation, apart from a normal competitivity and a lot of passion (we are Italians after all) in defending the singers, I really don't see anything dodgy. But that's just my opinion.

Ps: btw, it's not true that no one has ever 'dared' to speak against Simona, I still remember Morgan in the backstage at XF 2 screaming that she represented television, and that televisions should be turned off, then turned off his tv and slammed the door in front of the cameras.


Thank you so much for clearing this all :thumb_yello: It all felt just a normal competition to me (well it is a competition) and as you said, the judges are emotionally involved and may defend their own, I see it only normal.

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I think it is very wrong what has been said in previous posts. You can say everything about the judges (btw, I would not be so harsh in judging them especially as persons, since we do not know them, and saying Morgan is frustrated and envious of Mika and hinting at his personal life scandals is something I feel very uncomfortable with. At the same time Simona is not there to express her ideas about harmony or chords, she represents (at least she tries to represent) the 'discographic' side that (whether we like it or not) in a tv programme looking for a so-called 'popstar' is also needed.)


Anyway, you can say what you want about them- that they have massive egos, that they are vendicative etc, but one thing that has NEVER been done is to eliminate a contestant who was totally worth staying. After all Roberta, whom I appreciated, objectively had a style gap, therefore Simona wasn't wrong saying that she had not a clear discographical identity (and as much as I liked her, there are better singers.) or the street clerks, I thought they were amazing, but, as Mika said, that competition didn't give them enough freedom.


Of course there is competitivity among the judges, but when there is an evident talent or an objectively good performance they are always honest. Btw, if they were so keen on eliminating other judges' good contestants, why would Elio, who is a proper musician, not point out Valentina's mistakes in ragamuffin? Why would Morgan praise Violetta as the most 'brava'? Why would Simona be so enthusiastic about Michele? Why would Elio say that Gaia is the most interesting contestant? Actually, the one that once was not 100% honest was Mika himself a few eps ago, then at the daily he explained that he didn't say anything about Vale's mistakes or he wasn't too hard with Gaia because he was afraid he would lose them. And this is completely and absolutely normal imo, every judge is emotionally involved and wants to defend their own. But That doesn't mean that when there is an evident talent they want to sabotage him/her because he is from another team!! And that is evident in the judgements for example about Michele.


I really don't get all this fuss, and what kinda irritates me is that people take as universal truths things said by the media, some of them totally unreliable, especially online magazines, which by nature tend to exaggerate and look for scandals. I have always preferred to think with my head and rationally analyze the situations, and in this situation, apart from a normal competitivity and a lot of passion (we are Italians after all) in defending the singers, I really don't see anything dodgy. But that's just my opinion.

Ps: btw, it's not true that no one has ever 'dared' to speak against Simona, I still remember Morgan in the backstage at XF 2 screaming that she represented television, and that televisions should be turned off, then turned off his tv and slammed the door in front of the cameras.

That was extremely well said.

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só espero que não deletem essa bagaça!


*switchs off english*


tbm espero que não, mas vamos falar em inglês, esse é um fórum internacional e escrever em inglês na maioria dos tópicos é regra aqui


*switchs on english* (sorry mods, I was telling him to write in English here)

Edited by BiaIchihara
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The purpose of the program should be to find the best talent possible that could have a future in the music industry as singer/pop star, but in reality the game of the judges is to make to win one of their team by eliminating the most talented singers of the other teams, of the other judges because they,for their ego,want to win.


But they can't eliminate the best contestants as their only power is to decide between the contestants at Ultimo Scontro. And these 2 contestants are the worst in the eyes of the televoters. So the best contestants are save anyway.


Of course they could do it by trying to influence the televoters:


Their comments on the performances are almost never honest just because is part of the game to want to influence the vote of the public.


But aside from speaking very well of their own contestants, which is just natural, I don't see any indication for that until now. Teresa gave a lot of examples.


And do you really think the spectators are that easily to influence? I decide from the performances. If I like something I don't give a damn what a judge says. I would never change my mind or would vote different because a judge is praising or criticising a performance. And I can't believe anybody else would do it.


(I'm speaking about the "normal" viewer here, not the fans that are voting because of loyalty to a judge. For those ones it is not important what the judge says anyway, as their vote is clear beforehand)


Also, if you look at the televotes of last season, Chiara had won every round from the beginning. And the first rounds can't have been influenced.


And than it wouldn't make much sense for Sky either. Because they have only one goal: Making money. And most money they make when the have the biggest numbers of viewers possible and if the best one ("best" in the sense of "most people liking the contestant" :wink2:) wins and they therefore sell most CDs, merchandise products, concerts tickets… And if the judges would try to eliminate the best contestants than much less people would watch because their favorite isn't in anymore and most of all the contestant with the "biggest selling-potential" wouldn't win.

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Thanks for explaining,I understand what you mean :thumb_yello: You're right,I'm sure it's not easy for the Italian judges to be overshadowed by a stranger in their own country,and I'm sure they had no idea at the beginning how big influence Mika will have on the audience.Maybe Simona thought she'll be able to manipulate him like a puppy,since he's doing this job for the first time,in a foreign country,and in a new language.And I'm sure this is the strategy of the Italian judges,to get rid of the best contestants from the rival teams.All I wanted to say is that until now things went pretty fair and normal in my opinion,and probably Mika had his role on that.It seems he's out of those games,and I hope he'll remain like this as much is possible.I see him focused only on music and I hope he'll manage to raise a little the level of the show this year.


I haven't seen that XDaily vid with Simona,but it's obvious that things are not so sweet between Mika and her anymore :teehee:


Yes,and today,in the anticipations for tomorrow episode of XDaily, she was back on the warpath against Elio, who according to her, betrayed her Thursdays.

Two twitters on sky.it:

la Roby @malaRoby

#XF7 l anno prox se non ci sarà Elio ricordatevi le parole di @Simo_Ventura #tantofalafinediArisa #goodbyeElio

next year if there is no Elio remember the words of @Simo_Ventura #tantofalafinediArisa oh well, he’ll end up like Arisa #goodbyeElio


Emanuele Atzori @Ema_poet

#XF7 Simona è una iena #namobene sono curioso di vedere il Daily domani..

she is a hyena #namobene better and better! (ironic) I'm curious to see the daily tomorrow...





And I definitely did not want to return to this topic, but since the reaction:




Mika destroys Simona Ventura

Mika goes up and up in the consideration of the whole world: last night he said nonchalantly to Simona Ventura what everyone thinks but no one had the courage to tell her in 10 years.

Someone make him a saint immediately! Mika is perhaps the only person who was able to say on television to Simona Ventura what many think, but no one has ever had the courage to say. The incriminated sentence, pronounced yesterday evening live on X Factor is: "Simona, you do choices of s ***."("Simona, fai scelte di m***a".)

Because let's face it, over the years the Ventura has become more and more a mastiff, and a person really hard to criticize. We all remember for example the outburst last year with Arisa, guilty of having said to her that “she was false," and that – guardacaso well,really! - this year is no longer part of the program. But boycott Mika is much more difficult to begin with because he is an international star, and then because he’s earning the respect and veneration of the fans of X Factor, resulting in the end the most credible figure among the judges. But what happened? Very simple: Simona Ventura has managed to debase yet another competitor with his choices pop at all costs (many would call them extremely trivial/banal, or just plain wrong). The band in question is that of Street Clerks, with the sounds inspired to the indie band Mumford & Sons, to which Ventura did not find anything better to do that a song by Britney Spears.

Mika said without preamble what many - even from home - were thinking: "Simona, you do choices of s..t.".Ventura tried to react with a certain aplomb, even if she was not able to camouflage the furious gaze. Meanwhile, Morgan and Elio (who had never ventured much) gloated visibly, and Elio has annotated saying that Mika is like Virna Lisi (and therefore, as it was in an old promotion service, "with that mouth can say what he wants.").

In short ovation and appreciation growing for Mika, who finally gave to Simona Ventura a judgment outspoken/bluntly.




Evviva Mika! Il cantante, giudice si X Factor 7, è stato il protagonista di un feroce siparietto con uno degli altri giudici, Simona Ventura.

“Nel corso dell’ultima puntata Mika ha tranquillamente detto a Simona Ventura quello che nessuno ha mai avuto il coraggio di dirle (ma che tutti avrebbero voluto dire) probabilmente nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni.

La Ventura aveva assegnato un pezzo pop di Britney Spears a uno dei suoi gruppi, gli Street Clerks: l’esecuzione è stata piuttosto discussa e non apprezzata soprattutto da Mika che rivolgendosi a Simona le ha detto “Simona, fai scelte di m...a!”.

Applausi e risate dal pubblico, e sgomento negli occhi della Ventura che non ha controbattuto, ma che p (poi è rimasta,io suppongo) rimasta notevolmente alterata… ma d’altra parte lo scorso anno i litigi fra la Ventura e Arisa hanno fatto audience (e hanno favorito la sostituzione di Arisa). Quest’anno sembra però che la Ventura possa fare ben poco contro Mika, la rivelazione del talent, amatissimo dal pubblico. Evviva Mika e la sua spontaneità…”










“(Simona Ventura)È stata oggetto di critica (in particolar modo da parte del pubblico) per la sua poca professionalità e capacità nel gestire la presenza di ospiti quali Lady Gaga, Oasis e Muse, dimostrando di non conoscere i suoi ospiti (durante una puntata di Quelli che il calcio il gruppo musicale dei Muse ha suonato in playback, i componenti si sono invertiti i ruoli) e ponendo domande di dubbia rilevanza.”

“She was the subject of criticism (especially from the audience) for her lack of professionalism and ability to manage the presence of guests such as Lady Gaga, Oasis and Muse, proving she does not know her guests (during an episode of Those that football the band Muse has played in playback, the components were in reversed roles), and ask questions of dubious relevance.”





Muse,Lady Gaga,Kesha,Oasis:








and Mika:



He talks about it with Radio DeeJay at 04:00:



And about Morgan,you ask to Marco Mengoni,Jessica Mazzoli,(una delle concorrenti di X Factor 5),one of X factor 5 competitors,Vasco Rossi,for example.


And Alessandro Cattelan,the presenter, before the first auditions episode in July said this:




+ la volpe e l’uva=the fox and the grapes proverb that he couldn't understand,what was said in Extrafactor, the raging glances, the accusations of being favored by the production,the completely changed attitude towards him after months they say only positive things and praises...


Yes, it's just my imagination! (if someone makes a translation you/everyone can have an opinion on their own).Believe what you want.We'll see.And this for me is permanently closed..

Sorry if i said it and if I brought this to the attention.

Edited by charlie20
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Thks for all those mesages support i like them..

Thks for Loads videos for veo..

& For the end of Hell competition...








And a resumen of judices---???

I think this discussion in XFactor is going so far that really what is it meaning??


The band in question is that of Street Clerks, with the sounds inspired to the indie band Mumford & Sons, to which Ventura did not find anything better to do that a song by Britney Spears.

Mika said without preamble what many - even from home - were thinking: "Simona, you do choices of s..t.".Ventura tried to react with a certain aplomb, even if she was not able to camouflage the furious gaze. Meanwhile, Morgan and Elio (who had never ventured much) gloated visibly, and Elio has annotated saying that Mika is like Virna Lisi (and therefore, as it was in an old promotion service, "with that mouth can say what he wants.").

In short ovation and appreciation growing for Mika, who finally gave to Simona Ventura aEvviva Mika! Il cantante, giudice si X Factor 7, è stato il protagonista di un feroce siparietto con uno degli altri giudici, Simona Ventura.

“Nel corso dell’ultima puntata Mika ha tranquillamente detto a Simona Ventura quello che nessuno ha mai avuto il coraggio di dirle (ma che tutti avrebbero voluto dire) probabilmente nel corso degli ultimi dieci anni.

La Ventura aveva assegnato un pezzo pop di Britney Spears a uno dei suoi gruppi, gli Street Clerks: l’esecuzione è stata piuttosto discussa e non apprezzata soprattutto da Mika che rivolgendosi a Simona le ha detto “Simona, fai scelte di m...a!”.

Applausi e risate dal pubblico, e sgomento negli occhi della Ventura che non ha controbattuto, ma che p (poi è rimasta,io suppongo) rimasta notevolmente alterata… ma d’altra parte lo scorso anno i litigi fra la Ventura e Arisa hanno fatto audience (e hanno favorito la sostituzione di Arisa). Quest’anno sembra però che la Ventura possa fare ben poco contro Mika, la rivelazione del talent, amatissimo dal pubblico. Evviva Mika e la sua spontaneità…”

judgment outspoken/bluntly.

is not my job but... but i think that mika is hurt for elimination his girl..

But he is only a singer & the audience the public is worth all he is doing very well..

and all his effort are apreciate for all inclusive Morgan Elio & Simona Ventura...

i like the songs of Sideny O´conor and My surronder, and other..Love me Love me... etc.(lovefool -Cardigans, Calling_!!.org,These words Natasha-Beding,They,Jem,Lonely Girl (feat Linda Perry by PINK)Shot you down(Radio Edit - Audio Bully feat (Nancy Sinat))White Flag, I´M NOT AN ANGEL; dON´T THINK OF ME- Dido)


like answering Simona Ventura for elimination of Roberta...

MIKA: I like his work i think that all must space to his girls & boys for his own elections..

about the discussion of Street Glarke only i heared this.. I think is true that a band is difficult election more than a singer...But any of them very good voices...

Ah se me olvidadba i forget to say that thks all MFC for loading and place to watch/tv

ot wat/tv/Mikafactor so much.. It´s right...

-wkqu5QdgC8 It´s Rain in Spain to 40Principales Radio.i adorehimhe´s leaving his skins on stage.

At hte last assignaziones of Mika ,


Simona Ventura:


andElio http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/178709/daily-18-le-assegnazioni-di-elio/19-11-2013/

Edited by mer
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Finally I could watch the second manche :original:


I think this performance was the first one of Gaia at live stage where she showed what she can do. To me much better than the ones before.


From the performance of the Street Clerks I expected much more because I thought this time the song was a very fitting choice for them. But I felt not much whereas the original kicks me every time...


Aba's performance was very good, it's probably the first time that I liked this song. Because she made a powerful and warm version, not such a "caterwauler"-version :teehee:


Michele: I just think that he is so much better than the others :wub2: - still I don't get 100% "enchainend" from this performance, there are parts with "only" 90% for me. But my measuring stick is much much higher for him, so even 90% parts are far better than the others :wink2:


Violetta: Somehow I expect that I will "get" it finally with every new performance, but every time I'm sitting in front of my PC, and I just sit there and watch, and I don't feel anything meanwhile :dunno: And I think she should have played the ukulele longer or don't use it at all.


But I liked Tom Odell's performance :thumb_yello: I've never seen him before live. Would have voted for him and Michele this week :naughty:

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