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Mikasounds, Twitter and Facebook updates - Part 12


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Thanks for the report! Could you hear any of the gig while you waited?


No separate thread for this gig?


well, not really, only a few notes :aah:

I think a separate thread is not necessary as nobody attended the show, it's like it was with this private Airbus gig in Toulouse in 2013

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After this crazy tweet of Mika yesterday evening, I let EVERYTHING at home and work to run (by subway) until Palais de Tokyo, 30 minutes, call me Wonderwoman (I was exhausted :aah::naughty:). I was really hoping that there would be a way to attend the gig, and that it was why he had tweeted about it BEFORE the gig.

We tried to enter, no way, it was a private show in a private club actually (not exactly in PAlais de Tokyo). We tried to buy the security man with some grapes, it didn't work :mf_rosetinted:

They told us it was only a 45 minutes gig, then Mika stayed a bit longer inside, we heard he had a signature session.

We waited for him at the exit, he was in a very good mood :wub2: so, you know, even without managing to attend the show, it was still nice to chat a bit with him :wub2:

I asked about the work with Dario Fo in Napoli, he said it was great and that some more will come :wub2::wub2: (I guess he was talking about project(s) with him), but that he would not go on stage (for theater). Hope we understood well each other, sorry if these informations are wrong in a few weeks / months :aah::teehee:

We saw the band too (as you know, each member has his / her fans too, so it was nice! :naughty:).

With us (we were 8 fans) were 3 other people (adults), who attended the show (lucky ones :mf_rosetinted:), they told Mika that they discovered him through this gig of yesterday evening, and that they really loved his music! So, maybe some new MFCers soon :wink2:

Hahaha, crazy girl :huglove:

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After this crazy tweet of Mika yesterday evening, I let EVERYTHING at home and work to run (by subway) until Palais de Tokyo, 30 minutes, call me Wonderwoman (I was exhausted :aah::naughty:). I was really hoping that there would be a way to attend the gig, and that it was why he had tweeted about it BEFORE the gig.

We tried to enter, no way, it was a private show in a private club actually (not exactly in PAlais de Tokyo). We tried to buy the security man with some grapes, it didn't work :mf_rosetinted:

They told us it was only a 45 minutes gig, then Mika stayed a bit longer inside, we heard he had a signature session.

We waited for him at the exit, he was in a very good mood :wub2: so, you know, even without managing to attend the show, it was still nice to chat a bit with him :wub2:

I asked about the work with Dario Fo in Napoli, he said it was great and that some more will come :wub2::wub2: (I guess he was talking about project(s) with him), but that he would not go on stage (for theater). Hope we understood well each other, sorry if these informations are wrong in a few weeks / months :aah::teehee:

We saw the band too (as you know, each member has his / her fans too, so it was nice! :naughty:).

With us (we were 8 fans) were 3 other people (adults), who attended the show (lucky ones :mf_rosetinted:), they told Mika that they discovered him through this gig of yesterday evening, and that they really loved his music! So, maybe some new MFCers soon :wink2:


I always have mixed feelings about events like these. :naughty:

While i completely understand the fan urge to see him as much as possible, i also have this little voice in my head that says... maybe i shouldn't... but that's just me i guess...


I think going to see if by chance there was extra tickets to this show is ok (sorry for you there wasn't though) i'm always worried about all the people who read about this on twitter and here. I mean, this time you were only 8 + a few new fans, but what if lots of new "the Voice" followers think this is the thing to do... next time, there may be 100 fans. They've heard the regular Mika fans are doing it, so why not them? I know this was a private gig (and nothing too private in fact), but who's to say it won't taken a step further ? Then i'm sure they'd be moaning by "older fans" how "newbies" are taking over, i've read about that many times during The Voice... but really, who is really to blame? The expression "monkey see monkey do" keeps coming to mind here.


Now that he's going to Italy, maybe newer Italian fans will think "hey! it was done it France, so why not here?" and it will start again & get bigger each time. And we all know that when in groups, fans do not act the same way as if they were alone. We should, but we don't. Groups of fans can sometimes (not all the time, of course) be bolder, disrespectful, quite fierce and not always in a good way. Being in a group makes people lose their individuality and sometimes try to outdo the others. Often, they feed off of each other's energy, it escalates from there and can easily turn to bullying (yup.. that nasty word) .... I think you all know that feeling right?


I think after a while, it will be normal that we lose "access" to Mika.


I read that he was happy and everything, but sometimes because we are happy, could we be mistaking his politeness for happiness? I also read it was to give him "support"... I think this word is getting overused in Mika world. Let's call a spade a spade, wanting to see him one last time isn't giving him support, though it is self gratifying. I doubt he forgot the support shown to him in the past few weeks and he fully remembers.


He knows he is supported, he knows who his fans are. I don't think he needs "face time" to remember any of us. Let's face it, seeing him makes fans a lot happier than it makes him. I bet sometimes he just wants to go back to his place & put his feet up without having to sign/take pics. When i met Mika (yes, i met him just once!) i went to bed with a happy/silly grin on my face... i'm sure i didn't have the same effect on him, because I'm just a fan! But he knew exactly who I was, knew i supported him from the beginning and even had a "nickname" for me. And you know what? That's good enough for me and made me happy! I don't want people to think that my words are out of jalousy, because they are not. I've had my meeting with him and it made me happy. I didn't even try to go see him after the last concert. (my feet were too sore! XD )


I also read many messages putting down "newbies", which isn't right in my opinion. I see it being done by fans that i would certainly consider themselves newbies! Even if "newbies" only heard of Mika because of The Voice, wasn't that the point of doing this show? To attract new fans? If not, then what was the point? Why make them feel inferior, if not only to lift ourselves?


Of course, this is my humble (and honest) opinion.


Mentioning on twitter where he was going wasn't necessarily an opened invitation to show up. If he wanted fans to show up and "support" him, we would have had tickets on FB and on MFC, like he's done so many times in the past. Maybe it was only to mention his sponsor "Swatch" :dunno:


When he came to Montreal to work on TOOL, we knew exactly where he was recording, we knew exactly where he was staying. He tweeted about what restaurant he was in... and not one MFCer went to see him. Not one.

It isn't because we didn't support or love him, but he wasn't here to see fans... Though I'm sure, if we would have gone to see him, he would have smiled just the same.


When he comes here next February, the local fans will not be hanging around where he is certain to be rehearsing and his hotel, even if it is common knowledge for the locals.


I'm trying to make sense without sounding condescending, because i'm not.

Would I be happy if what we do to him, was done to me? I'm not always certain and that is what gets me wondering at times.


I'm not upset by all means, i just think sometimes we have to take a step back on our Mika fandom and examine our motives, our actions. I'm just happy he remembers who I am and how i personally act. At times, I don't want to be "grouped" with others.


Melanie, don't take this message as being for you, it isn't. I'm sure you behaved well and respectfully towards him. I'm just questioning this whole new fandom behavior. When is enough enough... And this isn't (only) about last night, i'm just talking about "Mika world" in general.


Of course, everyone is free to do what they want and be the kind of fan they want to be.

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I always have mixed feelings about events like these. :naughty:

While i completely understand the fan urge to see him as much as possible, i also have this little voice in my head that says... maybe i shouldn't... but that's just me i guess...


I think going to see if by chance there was extra tickets to this show is ok (sorry for you there wasn't though) i'm always worried about all the people who read about this on twitter and here. I mean, this time you were only 8 + a few new fans, but what if lots of new "the Voice" followers think this is the thing to do... next time, there may be 100 fans. They've heard the regular Mika fans are doing it, so why not them? I know this was a private gig (and nothing too private in fact), but who's to say it won't taken a step further ? Then i'm sure they'd be moaning by "older fans" how "newbies" are taking over, i've read about that many times during The Voice... but really, who is really to blame? The expression "monkey see monkey do" keeps coming to mind here.


Now that he's going to Italy, maybe newer Italian fans will think "hey! it was done it France, so why not here?" and it will start again & get bigger each time. And we all know that when in groups, fans do not act the same way as if they were alone. We should, but we don't. Groups of fans can sometimes (not all the time, of course) be bolder, disrespectful, quite fierce and not always in a good way. Being in a group makes people lose their individuality and sometimes try to outdo the others. Often, they feed off of each other's energy, it escalates from there and can easily turn to bullying (yup.. that nasty word) .... I think you all know that feeling right?


I think after a while, it will be normal that we lose "access" to Mika.


I read that he was happy and everything, but sometimes because we are happy, could we be mistaking his politeness for happiness? I also read it was to give him "support"... I think this word is getting overused in Mika world. Let's call a spade a spade, wanting to see him one last time isn't giving him support, though it is self gratifying. I doubt he forgot the support shown to him in the past few weeks and he fully remembers.


He knows he is supported, he knows who his fans are. I don't think he needs "face time" to remember any of us. Let's face it, seeing him makes fans a lot happier than it makes him. I bet sometimes he just wants to go back to his place & put his feet up without having to sign/take pics. When i met Mika (yes, i met him just once!) i went to bed with a happy/silly grin on my face... i'm sure i didn't have the same effect on him, because I'm just a fan! But he knew exactly who I was, knew i supported him from the beginning and even had a "nickname" for me. And you know what? That's good enough for me and made me happy! I don't want people to think that my words are out of jalousy, because they are not. I've had my meeting with him and it made me happy. I didn't even try to go see him after the last concert. (my feet were too sore! XD )


I also read many messages putting down "newbies", which isn't right in my opinion. I see it being done by fans that i would certainly consider themselves newbies! Even if "newbies" only heard of Mika because of The Voice, wasn't that the point of doing this show? To attract new fans? If not, then what was the point? Why make them feel inferior, if not only to lift ourselves?


Of course, this is my humble (and honest) opinion.


Mentioning on twitter where he was going wasn't necessarily an opened invitation to show up. If he wanted fans to show up and "support" him, we would have had tickets on FB and on MFC, like he's done so many times in the past. Maybe it was only to mention his sponsor "Swatch" :dunno:


When he came to Montreal to work on TOOL, we knew exactly where he was recording, we knew exactly where he was staying. He tweeted about what restaurant he was in... and not one MFCer went to see him. Not one.

It isn't because we didn't support or love him, but he wasn't here to see fans... Though I'm sure, if we would have gone to see him, he would have smiled just the same.


When he comes here next February, the local fans will not be hanging around where he is certain to be rehearsing and his hotel, even if it is common knowledge for the locals.


I'm trying to make sense without sounding condescending, because i'm not.

Would I be happy if what we do to him, was done to me? I'm not always certain and that is what gets me wondering at times.


I'm not upset by all means, i just think sometimes we have to take a step back on our Mika fandom and examine our motives, our actions. I'm just happy he remembers who I am and how i personally act. At times, I don't want to be "grouped" with others.


Melanie, don't take this message as being for you, it isn't. I'm sure you behaved well and respectfully towards him. I'm just questioning this whole new fandom behavior. When is enough enough... And this isn't (only) about last night, i'm just talking about "Mika world" in general.


Of course, everyone is free to do what they want and be the kind of fan they want to be.


I must say an escalation in this meeting at places like this does worry me too.

At some juncture, it could even come to a point where after gigs, Mika may just leave without stopping to see anyone. Which would be a shame for any newbies who haven't gone to any of these private shows or tv appearances, and would like a chance to meet him.

I hope that common sense prevails for future events.

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When he was in Lisbon a few years ago, he also tweeted the hotel he was staying in.


We went ther, left a few gifts for him, and left. We didn't see him or anyone from his staff.


The next day, he thanked us for not waiting for him there. He was genuinely grateful for that, I must say.


I guess that says a lot about how he feels when fans are *everywhere*. (not saying this about anyone in particular, it's just my two cents...)

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I must say an escalation in this meeting at places like this does worry me too.

At some juncture, it could even come to a point where after gigs, Mika may just leave without stopping to see anyone. Which would be a shame for any newbies who haven't gone to any of these private shows or tv appearances, and would like a chance to meet him.

I hope that common sense prevails for future events.


Not just the newbies, but longtime fans who are only new to MFC (yeah, like me)... I've definitely not had the means to just dash off to shows and such over the years, but I'm definitely no newb... ;)

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At some juncture, it could even come to a point where after gigs, Mika may just leave without stopping to see anyone.


Already happend on sunday. But I suppose it could be cause the situation was very peculiar :dunno:

Teens or something chased him at the hotel the day before and that very sunday and anyway 60 000 people at his gig were quite a lot to deal with.... So I don't know if it's a start of him running right away after gigs or just a random fortuity.

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Just returned from holiday on The Isle of Wight.

Hotel was good but the wireless connection sucked, so I'm catching up with the latest Mika news.

It's okay about the colab with the older guy, but I'm still hoping for something either in UK, or something elsewhere, that will get the attention of the UK.

Hope there will be something soon.

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imo it's a difference whether it's something that belongs to his work (as a performer), or something private - i wouldn't go to restaurants, airports or hotels to see him (even tho he did mention a few occasions where he enjoyed it, for example those spanish fans meeting him at a hotel there once... i think some wine was involved... :teehee:). in fact, i have met him twice at airports, but that was coincidence, as our flights were at about the same time - and i didn't ask for pix or autographs, not the right place imo. all i did was say hi, and then HE started a chat. :wink2: anyway, a gig, even if it's a private one, or an interview is something different in my opinion. i'm not saying the tweet was an invitation as such, but if he just had wanted to mention his sponsor, he could've done it after the gig too. or not mentioned the location. sure, if it had been a real invitation, he would've given away tickets. anyway, i don't see a problem at all in this case.

thanks alireine for your quick report! :biggrin2:

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I agree with what Guy wrote in general. I can't speak about France and I don't think this gig was the case, but I can see what's the situation in Italy and I'm honestly worried: people chasing him everywhere (at the hotel, like Sylvie said, and at the airport too), being desperate to see him, everybody wanting a piece of him without any regard to his privacy and will. I hope it won't get out of control, at least not more than it is already.

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imo it's a difference whether it's something that belongs to his work (as a performer), or something private - i wouldn't go to restaurants, airports or hotels to see him (even tho he did mention a few occasions where he enjoyed it, for example those spanish fans meeting him at a hotel there once... i think some wine was involved... :teehee:). in fact, i have met him twice at airports, but that was coincidence, as our flights were at about the same time - and i didn't ask for pix or autographs, not the right place imo. all i did was say hi, and then HE started a chat. :wink2: anyway, a gig, even if it's a private one, or an interview is something different in my opinion. i'm not saying the tweet was an invitation as such, but if he just had wanted to mention his sponsor, he could've done it after the gig too. or not mentioned the location. sure, if it had been a real invitation, he would've given away tickets. anyway, i don't see a problem at all in this case.

thanks alireine for your quick report! :biggrin2:




Just a clarification. It's true that some fans waited for him at the hotel when he came to "La Voz" Spain for a short appearance but the wine which some fans gave to him as a present and that he tweeted about was at the m&g in Salamanca, almost one year ago :wink2:

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imo it's a difference whether it's something that belongs to his work (as a performer), or something private - i wouldn't go to restaurants, airports or hotels to see him (even tho he did mention a few occasions where he enjoyed it, for example those spanish fans meeting him at a hotel there once... i think some wine was involved... :teehee:). in fact, i have met him twice at airports, but that was coincidence, as our flights were at about the same time - and i didn't ask for pix or autographs, not the right place imo. all i did was say hi, and then HE started a chat. :wink2: anyway, a gig, even if it's a private one, or an interview is something different in my opinion. i'm not saying the tweet was an invitation as such, but if he just had wanted to mention his sponsor, he could've done it after the gig too. or not mentioned the location. sure, if it had been a real invitation, he would've given away tickets. anyway, i don't see a problem at all in this case.

thanks alireine for your quick report! :biggrin2:


I have to agree with Mellody. If he really wanted to keep it private and not have people turn up he wouldn't have mentioned the gig or the location. He surely knows the effect that tweet would have had on people. :wink2:


Melanie, it was nice to hear your little story. :thumb_yello:

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I always have mixed feelings about events like these. :naughty:


Many things to reply to... :wink2:


First, thank you for opening the discussion here, so this topic can be discussed with moderation, it's so much better than on Twitter.


I can't talk for everybody who was there yesterday, but I think I can talk in the name of 4 people, that is the small group I am always with (if you don't agree with me, girls, please correct me :wink2:).


The questions you are asking are very important ones, and I know some "famous" people of MFC have been talking about us as "stalkers" so it's good that it is openly discussed here.

I just find it unlogical that this topic of "is it right or not to be where MIka is, except at gigs?" is started after something like yesterday, as, really, it seems to me that there is no question to have: Mika knew by tweeting that we would be there, some of us. If it would have been that he needed to do promotion for Swatch, no need to give the exact place. Everybody in Paris knows where Palais de Tokyo is. He tweeted before the event, and not after. One hour before exactly. More, everybody on Twitter had the same interpretation, saying that this was not secret if he was telling that, and that of course it was kind of an invitation. I can't believe that MIka tweeted it without knowing the consequences: the guy likes to play, right? :naughty: And, of course, you weren't there to see his face, and we might sometimes overrate his reactions, but not this time. He was willing to chat, even surrounded by his team, and stayed longer with us than he is usually doing when tired or busy. So, for me, there is no need to discuss further about whether happy or not he was to see our group of fans.


But the question of the limits to have, and of whether it's good or not to be at event or places where Mika is, is a very good one, and you can't imagine how important it is for us. We discuss very regularly about this topic in our group of 4-5 people, we never move when one of us is saying that we may disturb him, or that he may be too tired to enjoy seeing fans. In my report of yesterday I skipped the part where, still having the tweet notification on my phone, I called 2 girls of the group to know what to do and if they thought it was ok. I checked Twitter. I called again other people while in the subway. There are times when one of us say "no, it's not a good idea" to the others, and in that case we usually forgot the idea of going / offering him something / even sometimes tweeting.

We (I) are overanalyzing any of his smile, his blink or anything, just to understand as soon as possible if we disturb him. And, yes, we know how to make the difference between a warm smile and a polite smile. Between a chat and a polite answer to some questions. Even if I am still considering myself a newbie, I was lucky enough to meet some respectful fans toward Mika, who "taught" me how to behave so that he is (most of the time) pleased to meet us, and not bothered by us. And, yes, I use the verb teach because I made "mistakes", as we all do, and by watching my friends I understood how it is better to behave in order to gain his respect and not simply trying to "get all what we can from him". I'm not talking about things like "don't scream when he is here, don't stalk him at his hotel", of course I knew from the beginning that these are not proper behaviour to have :aah: As you and others often say, it's first simply a matter of acting with respect toward another human, and that I think I get it. But thanks to the girls I could understand that asking him signatures or pics whenever you see him is maybe not the best for him, and also the most interesting for us as fans. That's only an example, but I would like you to understand that, if I chosed this group of friends, that's because I love them of course, but especially because their behaviour is one of the most attentive and respectfull toward Mika that I have EVER seen in the Mika fandom.

I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic, but I'm sometimes fed up with people always finding things to criticize in the group of the "active" French fans (not talking especially about you Guy, just using the opportunity of your post to express myself about it).


Then, you say that it was good this time that we were only 8 + 3, that it might be 100 next time. We were actually very worried of such things at the beginning of The Voice, but it happened that this little Kendji took most of the new fans on his own shoulders, so Mika is actually gaining only a few "real active fans". I mean the ones who could move for him in such circunstances.


I understand your fears that some people may follow "our" example and come more and more, in France or in Italy, and that maybe they would not behave in the same respectfull way to him. But is that fear a reason to stop doing what we do "right", just because it could let other people think they can make it "wrong"? If we as old fans behave in a respectfull way, we may give good example to others, and then those who were maybe a bit "too much" at the beginning will start to act more and more respectfull, coz they understand it's better for everybody. We are seeing that now, some fans who knew Mika from The Voice were quite harassing at first, but by observing how the other "regular fans" are doing, they understand that it's better to do respectfully. And for that we have to thank Mika himself, who clearly show respect and attention to the regular fans of the group, even when they don't ask for anything.


Then, I'm quite agreeing on the other things you are saying :wink2:


About putting down newbies, I totally agree with you, I'm and some others are doing my/their best to change this behaviour in our community but it's hard to fight for everything at the same time :wink2:


Sorry, my message is a mess, I hope you can understand a bit my point of view :aah:

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I have to admit that if Mika tweeted he was in my neighbourhood I'd be off like a shot to try to see him.


I might like to think I wouldn't, but I'm sure the temptation would be too much.

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Already happend on sunday. But I suppose it could be cause the situation was very peculiar :dunno:

Teens or something chased him at the hotel the day before and that very sunday and anyway 60 000 people at his gig were quite a lot to deal with.... So I don't know if it's a start of him running right away after gigs or just a random fortuity.


Last year there were many shows for which he didn't stop. Sometimes it's just random. Even if in Naples case it was quite sure he wouldn't stop because of the crowd. He didn't stopped in the free gig of Rouen last year too (70 000 people).

Hope next time in Italy he will :huglove:

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I have to admit that if Mika tweeted he was in my neighbourhood I'd be off like a shot to try to see him.


I might like to think I wouldn't, but I'm sure the temptation would be too much.


Of course I'd never do anything like that. :mf_rosetinted:



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Last year there were many shows for which he didn't stop. Sometimes it's just random. Even if in Naples case it was quite sure he wouldn't stop because of the crowd. He didn't stopped in the free gig of Rouen last year too (70 000 people).

Hope next time in Italy he will :huglove:


Generally the larger the crowd, the less likely it is he will stop.


This is why we hope he will keep doing small venues and not big arena tours :naughty:

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Melanie I was not criticizing "a group of active French fans". I was responding to one person who has taken it upon herself to tell other fans to stop bothering Mika by asking him about his future plans or expressing that they don't like him doing TV shows. Which I found totally absurd when there was at least one person present at this meeting with Mika who asked him about when he is going to start gigging again. It seems to me such a lecture should be aimed at people who are actually turning up and asking him questions rather than insulting and bossing around newbies and everyone else on Twitter. And just to prove my point another of the "active French fans" piped up to tell me the comment was meant for newbies "who don't know sh*t" :rolls_eyes:


Melanie obviously I don't want to get into this in public but you are fully aware of what kind of shockingly bad behaviour a few of these people have gotten up to recently and I resent the implication that me or anyone else is picking on them unfairly. I am sorry if you feel hurt by association but I am not the one classing you all as a group. I don't know anything about your group, I just know about individuals.


On the issue of stalking - I call following a musician virtually everywhere he goes without a gig ticket or an invitation just because you happen to be in close proximity stalking because that's what it is. I am not interested in arguing the semantics of legal definitions that people have sent me. Every native English speaker knows what the word stalking means in this context. It is physically following someone around in an obsessive way. Ask yourself if you would do this with an acquaintance of yours in regular life? Do you think your next door neighbour or a former work colleague would find it normal if you just turned up at their work all the time for no legitimate reason? Why is it different in Mika's case?


I am not asking these questions because I think it upsets Mika or it's a terrible thing to do or that he should expect total privacy once his whereabouts are publicized. I ask myself if I want to participate in this kind of thing because it is extreme behaviour IMO and sometimes we need a reality check. I include myself in this so I am not just saying this in judgement of others but because I think ignoring it just helps to normalize what I think is not particularly normal behaviour.


Lots of people have done things that would be considered stalkerish but further to what Guylaine was saying what I am amazed by now is how brazen people are becoming and how proud of it. In the past everyone seemed to understand that there is a fine line here between welcome extreme behaviour and what has got to be annoying for anyone, celebrity or not, and they did not want to encourage others by making their own dances close to the line so public. Because as confident as you may be that your own line is on the "safe" side, you don't know where the lines of other people are.


Well actually I do know where some other people's lines are. They think it's acceptable to knock on the door of Mika's house to chat to him. Others think it is acceptable to travel from France to England so they can turn up uninvited to a private gig. A gig that Mika and team were so desperate to keep secret that they would not tell the invitees the location of the venue. Which didn't stop the people who were not invited since their plan was to secretly follow (yes stalk!) the escorted group to the venue.


And again I'm not trying to have a go at you Melanie but while I agree that Mika had no expectations of privacy about a gig he knew would be plastered all over Twitter whether he mentioned it or not - I still find it a stretch to look at this statement of fact he tweeted to 700,000 people as some kind of invitation for people to turn up. What kind of egomaniacal jerk would want his fans to show up there - knowing there was no way they could get in, knowing they would be standing outside wishing desperately that they were at the gig, knowing they would wait around for hours? For what reason? So he can feel adored afterwards? I can't believe this was his thinking and I don't even want to believe it! It would make him a f*cker in my books :aah:


When Mika wants people at an event he invites them. He knows how to make that happen and he's done it many times. Which is not to say it was wrong to go there. As Guylaine says it's up to everyone to decide what kind of fan they want to be. If it's not hurting Mika or other fans I don't care what people do. But I prefer to be frank and I do not accept rationalizations that everyone there was invited or that their motives are to support Mika while he's working instead of satisfying their own desires.


Sorry I don't really feel like talking about this or posting on MFC at all but since I was involved in this Twitter discussion I thought I should address it. It's not my intention to upset anyone or continue any kind of argument. And I don't want to be offered any more rationalizations. I have been around a long time and I've seen it all and I'm not buying it. We can just agree to disagree and everyone is free to do what they want if they are not hurting others.

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The thing is, this time it was just a few people, next time it could be 20, next time more. Where does it end?

And in Italy, and this is no disrespect to the few Italians I know do behave, but at the Swatch signing last year it got so out of control he had to be carried to his car by security, I believe!

If he gets more of a folllowing by young exuberant fans, any gigs like this he does again, could get worryingly dangerous. And not just for Mika!

Setting these prescidents now make me worry for everyone who participates in the future. Maybe it should be nipped in the bud now.

And save the meeting with him for after gigs, where there is at least more of a security presence with him, as it is pretty much standard after proper shows.

Edited by RAK1
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After this crazy tweet of Mika yesterday evening, I let EVERYTHING at home and work to run (by subway) until Palais de Tokyo, 30 minutes, call me Wonderwoman (I was exhausted :aah::naughty:). I was really hoping that there would be a way to attend the gig, and that it was why he had tweeted about it BEFORE the gig.

We tried to enter, no way, it was a private show in a private club actually (not exactly in PAlais de Tokyo). We tried to buy the security man with some grapes, it didn't work :mf_rosetinted:

They told us it was only a 45 minutes gig, then Mika stayed a bit longer inside, we heard he had a signature session.

We waited for him at the exit, he was in a very good mood :wub2: so, you know, even without managing to attend the show, it was still nice to chat a bit with him :wub2:

I asked about the work with Dario Fo in Napoli, he said it was great and that some more will come :wub2::wub2: (I guess he was talking about project(s) with him), but that he would not go on stage (for theater). Hope we understood well each other, sorry if these informations are wrong in a few weeks / months :aah::teehee:

We saw the band too (as you know, each member has his / her fans too, so it was nice! :naughty:).

With us (we were 8 fans) were 3 other people (adults), who attended the show (lucky ones :mf_rosetinted:), they told Mika that they discovered him through this gig of yesterday evening, and that they really loved his music! So, maybe some new MFCers soon :wink2:

Thanks a lot for your report Melanie :huglove:

I'd love to live in Paris :blush-anim-cl:

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Sorry i'm bumping here.

Just my opinion: if our popstar tweets details and location about a "not-so-secret" gig BEFORE the event he "deserves" to be surrounded by nice fans (as Alireine is), general fans, stalkers, robbers, kidnappers and murderers! :naughty:

He is an adult now, he should know what privacy is, but sometimes he acts like a teenager! :doh:

Edited by allegra
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imo it's a difference whether it's something that belongs to his work (as a performer), or something private - i wouldn't go to restaurants, airports or hotels to see him (even tho he did mention a few occasions where he enjoyed it, for example those spanish fans meeting him at a hotel there once... i think some wine was involved... :teehee:). in fact, i have met him twice at airports, but that was coincidence, as our flights were at about the same time - and i didn't ask for pix or autographs, not the right place imo. all i did was say hi, and then HE started a chat. :wink2: anyway, a gig, even if it's a private one, or an interview is something different in my opinion. i'm not saying the tweet was an invitation as such, but if he just had wanted to mention his sponsor, he could've done it after the gig too. or not mentioned the location. sure, if it had been a real invitation, he would've given away tickets. anyway, i don't see a problem at all in this case.


I agree with you, Karin. I travel a lot so I've always been over-careful with this issue, I couldn't bear the idea that he ever thinks I'm stalking him... I would never disturb him on purpose and I would never ever go to even near the area he lives or to see him him at his hotels, restaurants or airports. I've stayed at same hotels by accident (because in some places there are not so many hotels where to stay) and met him while traveling but only said a quick hi (unless he comes and talks to me). Radio stations are a bit grey area, imo. Well he never goes to radio stations near me, so I haven't much thought about it. He doesn't seem to mind people there (I've seen photos and heard about it) but on the other hand he is definitely really busy those days. This time he could have only mentioned Swatch or tweet afterwards, and he knows how the culture is in France and the fans who were there have seen him enough to tell the difference between polite hi and stopping for a chat if he did so (and he does both, depending on how he feels).


I've seen rude behavior in France (also in Italy and in some other countries with big crowds) but I spend a lot of time in France and know his long-time fans there and know they are always respectful with him (and it's clear Mika knows the difference as well).

Edited by tiibet
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I agree with you, Karin. I travel a lot so I've always been over-careful with this issue, I couldn't bear the idea that he ever thinks I'm stalking him... I would never disturb him on purpose and I would never ever go to even near the area he lives or to see him him at his hotels, restaurants or airports. I've stayed at same hotels by accident (because in some places there are not so many hotels where to stay) and met him while traveling but only said a quick hi (unless he comes and talks to me). Radio stations are a bit grey area, imo. Well he never goes to radio stations near me, so I haven't much thought about it. He doesn't seem to mind people there (I've seen photos and heard about it) but on the other hand he is definitely really busy those days. This time he could have only mentioned Swatch or tweet afterwards, and he knows Ihow the culture is in France and the fans who were there have seen him enough to tell the difference between polite hi and stopping for a chat if he did so (and he does both, depending on how he feels).


I've seen rude behavior in France (also in Italy and in some other countries with big crowds) but I spend a lot of time in France and know his long-time fans there and know they are always respectful with him (and it's clear Mika knows the difference as well).

For me the issue wouldn't exist, because I can only go to see him now, if I can sit down and watch his show. The last time I went to a m&g was in Hammersmith in 2010. He took a long time to come out, so I started to feel ill, so though I love him, I decided m&gs are not for me.

But from what I've seen in the past, there are a few people who ruin it for the rest of the fans. You can tell that they would step on their own grannies to get to Mika, but one thing about Mika is that he knows who the good guys are, and appreciates them. The first time I attended a m&g, at the Brixton after-party in 2008, he made it clear people didn't have to push in, he would see them all, and he did.

I don't like the idea of people trying to see him at home, or anywhere else that intrudes on his private life. But I think most people are respectful and wouldn't do that. Of course, the obsessive types come with the territory when someone is famous, so there will always be some who take it too far.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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