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NEW single BOUM BOUM BOUM out June 11th!


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I've been away - but finally I could hear the whole of MIKAs new single BBB, and this is my simple reaction: catchy melody - naughty lyric - funny story behind the song!! :-) It all makes me smile - it's a happy song, which easily get stuck in my head - he might have a new hitsong here - congratz MIKA, well done!!


Thanks a million to all of you, for your efforts - for translating the song lyric, sharing and translating the radio interview - and making it all so nice and available!!




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True story: yesterday a young couple fell from a terrace where they were making boum boum boum and died.


I hope the song does not need a disclaimer!!!


They should have listen to the song and do it on the elevator!


Anyway poor couple

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Thanks a million to all of you, for your efforts - for translating the song lyric, sharing and translating the radio interview - and making it all so nice and available!!


Absolutely, positively seconded!

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strange how i get the "boum boum boum" being repeated as it gives a beat to the song and it doesn't bother me ... but i couldn't stand the constant repeating of "make you happy" I actually skip this song everytime :dunno:


why are the words "arguing" and "debating" even mentioned?

all i see is discussion and people giving their points of view....


let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill :teehee:


I could have written these posts myself for how much I agree. :thumb_yello:

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I like the video - much better than his usual efforts! Still think it sounds like a Eurovision entry though. Really we have to face up to it - he's more interested in Italy and France than UK and USA. Fair enough really, neither market has been kind to him.

I'm rethinking Mika - just can't relate to him in his prim suits and expensive shoes - what happened to the lad of 2007 who was such a breath of fresh air and so inclusive and relatable? Oh well....


You took the words out of my mouth...this is exactly how I have been feeling about his latest productions :wink2: It's like he never was that person, or he completely changed himself.

In any case, it makes me sad and disappointed.

I really find this song to be very "cheap" and that has nothing to do with the lyrics alluding to sex (which I don't have any issues with). I like some songs that are very explicit, so it's not about the content but rather, the delivery. This just doesn't sound polished at all to me and his singing -even in the recording itself, so I worry how it will sound live- sounds like it was done in a hurry and really poorly. He sounds out of breath and rushed and not like he's singing properly. This is such a shame IMO as he came out with such great things in the past, and I still remember how some of his acoustic performances were so amazing to watch....and we go from that to this? It's like he has decided to downgrade what he does to fit somewhere.



Yeah going around, acting like they barely know each other and not boum boum bouming. Kind of reminds me of real life actually. :mf_rosetinted:



Indeed :lmfao:

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I'm not sure if it was posted somewhere. Here's the final french lyrics, I used the video with the lyrics and corrected the few mistakes. :blush-anim-cl:


Qu’importe l’endroit, le contexte

On a toujours un bon prétexte

Pour tomber nos « fruit of the loom »

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Quand t’es pas là, j’fais n’importe quoi

J’prends des kilos, des tequilas

Je chante les chansons d’Oum Kalthoum

Je ne pense qu’à nos boum boum boum


Et tous les bourgeois du 16ème

Se demandent pourquoi je t'aime

Pour le voir pas besoin d'un zoom

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum


Hier on était chez ta mère,

elle a failli tomber par terre

En entrant dans le dressing room

quand toi et moi on faisait boum boum boum


Dans les ascenseurs des hotels

On sait monter au 7ème ciel

On envoie balader les grooms

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Et tous les bourgeois du 16ème

Se demandent pourquoi je t'aime

Pour le voir pas besoin d'un zoom

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum


Quand on reçoit des invités

On ne sait meme pas résister

Entre le thé et les Lookoums

Y a le temps d'faire boum boum boum


C'est vrai que les murs ont des oreilles,

Que tous les voisins se réveillent

Mais c'est comme ça qu'on fait l'amour

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Et tous les bourgeois du 16ème

Se demandent pourquoi je t'aime

Pour le voir pas besoin d'un zoom

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


S'aimer comme ça, c'est pas vulgaire

On a toujours un truc à faire,

Les étagères font badaboum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum !



Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum


Un plus un, ça fait toujours deux

Deux plus deux ça fait tout ce qu’on veut

C’est comme les coups de Brahim Asloum

Toi plus moi ça fait boum boum boum


Pas la peine d’aller cavaler

Y a que ça qui me fait voyager

Pas les cocotiers de Touloum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Et tous les bourgeois du 16ème

Se demandent pourquoi je t'aime

Pour le voir pas besoin d'un zoom

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


S'aimer comme ça, c'est pas vulgaire

On a toujours un truc à faire

Les étagères font badaboum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum !


Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum


Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Boum boum, boum boum boum

Quand toi et moi on fait boum boum boum !


thank you:thumb_yello:

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what can I say Sara...maybe I've downgraded myself too, and I'm aware of it.

I don't like much of what Mika is doing in recent years, and I've never done anything to hide it :teehee:


And I haven't got the skills to understand a song technically...and my musical ear is a bad*ss :naughty:


My judgement comes from the first impression and how my body/heart/soul respond to it. I wrote We are golden was not my taste the first day I listened to it, and never changed my mind, even if I admit there's something powerful in that song, especially live. And the same for some other songs.


Well, this song makes me happy like the first songs did, and there's something that I cannot explain and makes me want to listen multiple times without getting annoyed or bored.

I don't even realize it's in French anymore, that language perfectly fits the rythm, I think an English version would lose a lot, as Elle Me Dit did.

I like the lyrics, I agree Mika may not be totally aware and willing to make it an anthem for LGBT rights, but I can see it this way, and that's enough for me. Mika talking about supporting the cause when asked is the cherry on top.


I have realized that with Mika now I have to move step by step...one step forwards, maybe two steps backwards, and this song is - at last! - one step forwards.

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lol people are actually arguing on the sexuality of this song? I think that's very silly. I think its a lovely song when I first heard the snippit i wasn't a fan but as soon as i heard the full song I was captivated. Mika makes me see the romance in the french language, speaking as someone who couldn't stand the language before hand I think that's saying a lot. I am very fond of the music in it, it has this kind of...Latin salsa sound to it that i just adore. I ABSOLUTELY love the passion in his voice nearing the middle of the song, its like he has all this energy inside and he has to get it out through the lyrics and melody of the song. I have to disagree with Claire though...while I respect your feelings and opinion on the matter, I think it is lovely hes describing sex as this obsessive compulsive thing. What is love if not passionate and obsessive? If a person look at their spouse and the thought of being with them doesn't rattle through their bones than I would be sad for that person. love is not a faint candle used for illuminating small spaces love is a bonfire with huge licking flames, something that if you let it, could consume you entirely. I think this is something that Mika has represented for years...for almost his whole career. Mika has never hidden this fact and I hope that he never does because we need more attitudes like his. At the end of the day if the song makes you so uncomfortable just don't listen, but I don't think its a bad thing, sometimes its good to be uncomfortable.


Of course! Its his contribution to the world cup spirit....:naughty:

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strange how i get the "boum boum boum" being repeated as it gives a beat to the song and it doesn't bother me ... but i couldn't stand the constant repeating of "make you happy" I actually skip this song everytime :dunno:

I think the simplistic chorus is so that anyone can sing along, even if they don't know French.

This is not a song that would be good as a Christmas single, but I can imagine it in the clubs round Europe all Summer long.

At this point, this is what matters imo. I'm sure he has some beautiful ballads on the album. But as a lead single, this is way better than Celebrate, and though I'm not expecting a miracle in the UK, I did tweet the link to the lyric video, to the Radio One DJ Scott Mills. So now he knows about it at least.

I don't see the problem with the lyrics. At least there's a theme, a story if you like. It's not about lust, or mindless sex, it's about two lovers having sex wherever they can.

I very much doubt Mika and Lover Boy have annoyed the neighbourhood. The song came from an incident Mika witnessed in a restaurant. But for Mika, I think it's just another way of expressing his love for his boyfriend. They don't see each other all the time, so when they do get together it's BOUM BOUM BOUM!!!

In the 60's, there was a song with these lyrics.

Bend it, bend it,

Just a little bit

And take it easy

Show you're liking it,

And lover you know

That we're gonna hit the heights,

Cause I'm sure

That we're meant to

Fit together just like

Pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle.


I was a child in the 60s and used to go round singing that song! I didn't have a clue what it meant!

While we're on the subject of disgusting lyrics, two words spring to mind... Blurred Lines... And which song was voted the Summer Hit, instead of LYL? BBB is a song many couples could relate to, whatever their sexuality. I rest my case.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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They should have listen to the song and do it on the elevator!


Anyway poor couple


:naughty: Last week I saw Aerosmith live - then I got the real "love in an elevator" :teehee:

And Marilyn - it's funny that you remember the big hit by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick an Tich! I loved that song too! :thumb_yello: And I permit myself to keep on with another similar lyric, about wanting someone badly, with The American Breed, from the same periode: "Bend me, shape me, anyway you want me, going to love me, it's alright - bend me, shape me, anyway you want me, you got the power to turn on the light" ...:fisch:


Well, maybe we oldies are off topic now, but at least MIKA isn't the first one to make a simple and catchy song about this obsession, and he won't be the last ...:wub2:




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Well, this song makes me happy like the first songs did, and there's something that I cannot explain and makes me want to listen multiple times without getting annoyed or bored.

I don't even realize it's in French anymore, that language perfectly fits the rythm, I think an English version would lose a lot, as Elle Me Dit did.

I like the lyrics, I agree Mika may not be totally aware and willing to make it an anthem for LGBT rights, but I can see it this way, and that's enough for me. Mika talking about supporting the cause when asked is the cherry on top.


I quoted you Robi as your words above fit so well with my own thoughts. This song makes me in a good mood. It's not Relax or Underwater (obviously) but I like it a lot and have already listened it many, many times and I'm still not bored at all. I really love the emotional part. It totally sounds the "old Mika", imo, and it's enough for me to wait more music, I finally feel we have him back. Like you said, French fits perfectly to this song. I was happy to read that three French songs will not be bonus songs but a part of the album even in US. Not because I particularly want French songs but because I'm glad he has courage to do what he feels right and what he wants. Not sure either if BBB was originally written as an anthem, still appreciate it that he talks about the issue :thumb_yello:

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Thanks for all the translations!!


Missed all the radio shows yesterday...


Anyway, In my opinion, this song is soooo Mika, I love the rhythm and the message that he is releasing as well with the song. Here in France that's so needed right now...

Anyway, can't wait for the video. He told me it's gonna be fun, and he looked so excited while talking about it

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Well he can still make a (subtle) statement in the video without turning it into gay porn.




"At the beginning I'm a soldier in the Napoleon army, I have a woman I adore, a "femme fatale". I die, maybe because of her, it's not clear, but then I get reincarneted in Lawrence from Saudi Arabia and I fall in love with a belly dancer and she kills me. "


I'm disappointed, but let's see if there's one more reincarnation and he falls for a less feminine character. :dunno:



) Edited by Elwendin
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This song makes me happy and that´s what is important for me. Btw I listened to it countless times and I think it´s done in a perfect way and he didn´t loose anything of his talent. I love how he built up the energy in the middle of the song and I also think this song wouldn´t be that good in English.

The only thing which annoys me is that it still isn´t available in Germany and as I have written to different radiostations one answered me they want to see the song and it isn´t there.

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lol people are actually arguing on the sexuality of this song? I think that's very silly.


No one is arguing about the "sexuality" of the song. We are discussing whether Mika's intent behind the song is a pro-gay message to counteract some of the anti-gay sentiment that is happening in France.




"At the beginning I'm a soldier in the Napoleon army, I have a women I adore, a "femme fatale". I die, maybe because of her, it's not clear, but then I get reincarneted in Lawrence from Saudi Arabia and I fall in love with a belly dancer and she kills me. "


I'm disappointed, but let's see if there's one more reincarnation and he falls for a less feminine character. :dunno:





That would be very interesting...if he is with woman after woman over the course of history and you get to the 21st century and it's a man. That would be quite the statement.

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I think the simplistic chorus is so that anyone can sing along, even if they don't know French.

This is not a song that would be good as a Christmas single, but I can imagine it in the clubs round Europe all Summer long.

At this point, this is what matters imo. I'm sure he has some beautiful ballads on the album. But as a lead single, this is way better than Celebrate, and though I'm not expecting a miracle in the UK, I did tweet the link to the lyric video, to the Radio One DJ Scott Mills. So now he knows about it at least.

I don't see the problem with the lyrics. At least there's a theme, a story if you like. It's not about lust, or mindless sex, it's about two lovers having sex wherever they can.

I very much doubt Mika and Lover Boy have annoyed the neighbourhood. The song came from an incident Mika witnessed in a restaurant. But for Mika, I think it's just another way of expressing his love for his boyfriend. They don't see each other all the time, so when they do get together it's BOUM BOUM BOUM!!!

In the 60's, there was a song with these lyrics.

Bend it, bend it,

Just a little bit

And take it easy

Show you're liking it,

And lover you know

That we're gonna hit the heights,

Cause I'm sure

That we're meant to

Fit together just like

Pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle.


I was a child in the 60s and used to go round singing that song! I didn't have a clue what it meant!

While we're on the subject of disgusting lyrics, two words spring to mind... Blurred Lines... And which song was voted the Summer Hit, instead of LYL? BBB is a song many couples could relate to, whatever their sexuality. I rest my case.



All this time and it never dawned on me that song was about sex!:shocked:

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No one is arguing about the "sexuality" of the song. We are discussing whether Mika's intent behind the song is a pro-gay message to counteract some of the anti-gay sentiment that is happening in France.




That would be very interesting...if he is with woman after woman over the course of history and you get to the 21st century and it's a man. That would be quite the statement.


I would like to see that but if his Label is able to be that liberal...... I doubt it :fisch:

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I would like to see that but if his Label is able to be that liberal...... I doubt it :fisch:


Well Irene was saying earlier that she thinks there is no way that Mika would ever want to be seen promoting homosexuality as excessively lewd. But I am also finding it difficult to believe he would portray himself so blatantly as heterosexual in a video by pairing himself up with female lovers. He has avoided that all of his career. Maybe he feels a freedom now that he is openly gay and will just do whatever he thinks works best for the song/video. But I think he might get some backlash on that. He was already criticized for the Make You Happy video because the homosexual couple was not noticeable enough.


I agree with him doing whatever he feels works best...but you can't just blame the label for the outcome. I'm sure he could have done something more neutral if he'd wanted to.


Anyway I guess we will see.

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That would be very interesting...if he is with woman after woman over the course of history and you get to the 21st century and it's a man. That would be quite the statement.


:yes: Omg, I would love it to be that way! Please call him right now and suggest this to him. :kachinga:

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All this time and it never dawned on me that song was about sex!:shocked:

People were more innocent in the 60s. I loved the song too, but Xanadu, by the same group (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch) was much better.

Now there is even sex in the early evening soaps. They are in and out of each other's beds all the time. Even young children who watch the soaps, learn about sex before they should.

Mika is quite an old fashioned guy really.

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Thanks everyone for translations and for information about the video!


I put the song on repeat when I travelled to my work today and 'discovered' the melody of the piano around 1.50, love it! :wub2:

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People were more innocent in the 60s. I loved the song too, but Xanadu, by the same group (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch) was much better.

Now there is even sex in the early evening soaps. They are in and out of each other's beds all the time. Even young children who watch the soaps, learn about sex before they should.

Mika is quite an old fashioned guy really.


:blush-anim-cl: I agree - it was a totally different time, very nice to be young in the 60ies and 70ies :wink2: And YES, "The legend of Xanadu" was fantastic - I can still hear the machine gun, in the music ...:fisch:




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My judgement comes from the first impression and how my body/heart/soul respond to it. I wrote We are golden was not my taste the first day I listened to it, and never changed my mind, even if I admit there's something powerful in that song, especially live. And the same for some other songs.


Well, this song makes me happy like the first songs did, and there's something that I cannot explain and makes me want to listen multiple times without getting annoyed or bored.

I don't even realize it's in French anymore, that language perfectly fits the rythm, I think an English version would lose a lot, as Elle Me Dit did.

I like the lyrics, I agree Mika may not be totally aware and willing to make it an anthem for LGBT rights, but I can see it this way, and that's enough for me. Mika talking about supporting the cause when asked is the cherry on top.


I have realized that with Mika now I have to move step by step...one step forwards, maybe two steps backwards, and this song is - at last! - one step forwards.


Yes, I think you've captured exactly how I feel Robi. My reaction to this song is visceral. It makes me want to get out of my chair and dance, which is exactly how Love Today and Grace Kelly used to make me feel. I really can't defend my response to it in any other way except to say, "I feel it." :dunno:


But the French lyrics still bother me, because I simply can't sing them. :teehee:


Someone said they didn't think the song would have the same affect if Mika translated this song into English, and I don't necessarily agree. I mean, I want to be able to sing along with it and my tongue keeps tripping over all the French phrases. :(


So if Mika asked ME to help him write an English version of the song (please Mika, call me!), here's what I would say:


We never need to have a ruse

No we don't need an excuse

To drop our "fruit of the loom"

You and I can boom boom boom


When you're gone I do dumb things

I get drunk and start to sing

I sing about Orlando Bloom

And I recall our boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom


Yesterday at your mom's place

We saw that look upon her face

After she heard us in your room

When you and I went boom boom boom


In the hotel's elevator

We just could not wait 'til later

We sent the bellhop from the room

So you and I could boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom


Even at a dinner party

We can't resist being naughty

Between the tea and macaroons

There’s still time to boom boom boom


It is true the walls have ears,

And the neighbors they can hear

But they know this is what we do

'Cause you and I go boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


It's not wrong to love like this

When we make love and we kiss

You know the shelves go bada-boom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


One plus one always makes two

Two plus two it's up to you

Like the boxer Brahim Asloum

You plus I go boom boom boom


Traveling 'round would be absurd

When it's you who rocks my world

Who needs coconuts of Touloum

When you and I can boom boom boom


And all the people 'round they wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


It's not wrong to love like this

We make love and we kiss

You know the shelves go bada-boom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom




Yes, I have too much time on my hands today. :naughty:

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Yes, I think you've captured exactly how I feel Robi. My reaction to this song is visceral. It makes me want to get out of my chair and dance, which is exactly how Love Today and Grace Kelly used to make me feel. I really can't defend my response to it in any other way except to say, "I feel it." :dunno:


But the French lyrics still bother me, because I simply can't sing them. :teehee:


Someone said they didn't think the song would have the same affect if Mika translated this song into English, and I don't necessarily agree. I mean, I want to be able to sing along with it and my tongue keeps tripping over all the French phrases. :(


So if Mika asked ME to help him write an English version of the song (please Mika, call me!), here's what I would say:


We never need to have a ruse

No we don't need an excuse

To drop our "fruit of the loom"

You and I can boom boom boom


When you're gone I do dumb things

I get drunk and start to sing

I sing about Orlando Bloom

And I recall our boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom


Yesterday at your mom's place

We saw that look upon her face

After she heard us in your room

When you and I went boom boom boom


In the hotel's elevator

We just could not wait 'til later

We sent the bellhop from the room

So you and I could boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom


Even at a dinner party

We can't resist being naughty

Between the tea and macaroons

There’s still time to boom boom boom


It is true the walls have ears,

And the neighbors they can hear

But they know this is what we do

'Cause you and I go boom boom boom


And all the people stare and wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


It's not wrong to love like this

When we make love and we kiss

You know the shelves go bada-boom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


One plus one always makes two

Two plus two it's up to you

Like the boxer Brahim Asloum

You plus I go boom boom boom


Traveling 'round would be absurd

When it's you who rocks my world

Who needs coconuts of Touloum

When you and I can boom boom boom


And all the people 'round they wonder

Why I love you and not another

There's no need to use a zoom

When you and I go boom boom boom


It's not wrong to love like this

We make love and we kiss

You know the shelves go bada-boom

When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom


boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom

boom boom, boom boom boom


When you and I go boom boom boom




Yes, I have too much time on my hands today. :naughty:

Very good. I've done some on Wonkaland as well.

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