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Mika to be a judge at X-Factor Italia 2015!

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Does this mean he's eliminated?


Yes,Leonardo have been eliminated  :(


Here's Fedez's video diary,you can see some scenes from the shooting of Beautiful Disaster video,and the rehearsals for Batman and Robin moment : 


Edited by krysady
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The first part of the translation:


Mika called Luca to talk about what happened the night before (this daily was recorded on Friday)


Mika: - This week we have a big responsibility, after yesterday. I saw something important: a great talent with a fragility. So I want to emphasize/to value this thing. You must be at ease. Let's find your key. I swear this thing, I make a promise to you with all my heart.

Luca: - Okay

Mika: - We/let's go on?

Luca: - We/let's go on

Mika: - Now you have to catch up with Leonardo to the loft. Ciao/Bye

Luca: - No, wait, wait. In this way

Mika: - I've never done this in my life

Luca: - Mika, for his part has decided to commit to highlight a part of me that, up to now, with the pieces/songs, I haven’t had a chance to show

to Leonardo: - He said he would like me to be less contrived and that he would give me something to reflect me more

Leonardo: - I really hope that Luca will calm down this week, but mostly because he is capable

Luca: - Let's hope for the best

Mika: - We don’t cry. No tears, it’s not good/that’s not okay. We do nothing of the disappointment/ we don’t do anything with the disappointment

Leonardo: - To create an energy at 100% positive, at 100% pure

Mika: - Let's start with you. In the end, it was not the best choice for you, ok? So we know this and I wanted to say before we watch your performance, so we don’t stay on this thing. Let's watch your performance

Luca: - With regard to the song, I was surprised, but in a positive way. All in all, from the technical point of view there weren’t big/great problems

Mika: - With Luca the totality (of his performance) didn’t work, it has not worked. The aspect a bit sentimental was lost because he did something quite theatrical. - You sang well enough, a song that is not easy to sing, particularly in this version of the Pet Shop Boys. With this choreography, the performance is gone ... (down). I didn't understand this thing during the rehearsals. When I saw all this on the screen today, I saw it all crystal clear, all clear, and so wrong. You seemed a bit like Justin Bieber close to a superstar of lingerie. A fashion thing. Everything was a little wrong, in this sense

Luca: - I prefer the simplicity when I’m singing

Mika: - So there was not even a gram, even a thread of emotion that remained on stage during this performance. We must always put yourself and your voice in value, especially. And from this we learned so much.

I have to be very, very careful because the show is important, but these guys are not some huge/very big stars.


I'll post the second part tomorrow.


The second part of the translation:


Luca: - Thank you

Mika: - Let’s see/We see the comments?

- @confusion : Luca has an beautiful voice, if you want, he’s also good-looking, well, another thing in his favor, but the singing comes first. Understand this! Yeah

Luca: - Ouch!

Mika: - It means that he, confusion, found that the performance was superficial

Luca: - Mm

Mika: - @max And it’s in the most difficult moment that Luca becomes really what/who he is and proves himself

Luca Chiaravalli (the producer) : - Nice!

Mika: - It mean that, when you went to the showdown/sing-off  you have done all you had to do

Luca: - I felt destroyed just inside

Mika: - But in fact .. let’s watch again your performance on the showdown/sing-off  

Luca: - And I really felt (myself) get out of my body, that I was not there anymore. Just me and the song

Mika: - It was a bit of bright light and pure light - you know, the most interesting thing about this performance, when you are nervous you look at me, even during lives

Luca: - I often look at Mika and Mika looks at me like that, always the same

Mika: - Have you looked at me during the performance on the showdown/sing-off ? Not even once?

Luca: - No

Mika: - No, you sang for you. You sang as a singer. I think the people are with you. Okay?

Luca: - Okay. Yes!

Mika: -Now, you. Ah!

Leonardo: - The attack, let’s say, I didn’t, I couldn’t take it to the maximum and that yes, it was a mistake

Mika: - uhhh! - My loose cannon/wild card wandering. Sometimes it's a bit like that, uncontrollable. But when he is in the right area he’s a treasure/gem. -Very nice, very cute. You haven’t sung well the first part of the song. For you, the challenge is to concentrate, to keep the focus

Leonardo: - This is my goal, my mission here

Mika: - You have created a beautiful energy, the only thing, because there's always something, is a bit more precise voice, a little more technique. Are you crying?

Leonardo: - No, no, no, no

Mika: - What are you doing?

Leonardo: - I'm thinking

Mika: - In this way

Leonardo: - Yes, yes, in this way

Mika: - One thing, guys. You must know when to be hard on yourself

Leonardo: -Yes

Mika: - And also when to say that things are going well

- Generosity without judgment, without judging not even the other contestants – Let’s see the positive optimism and the criticism of the public about you. @alice: The most beautiful things are not perfect, they are special and provoke emotion. No one is like Leonardo. @ francy: The embrace between Mika and Leonardo moved me, I admit it. @mikasounds: Leonardo, you cry too much

Leonardo: - Ah, but @mikasounds it’s you!


I'm doing the final part of the translation. I'll edit this as soon as I'll finish it.


Edit: The final part of the translation


Mika: - Okay, let's go to doing the assignments for this week

Leonardo: - Come on!

Mika: There are two, huh! Two assignments for every two of you this week. See you later

Leonardo: -  What it means two?

Mika: - Ahah!

Luca: - Why two?

Mika: - Two songs, yes yes

Luca: -  Why two?

Leonardo: - I don't know why two. Do you ask it to me?

Luca: - What do I know, maybe you know!

Leonardo: - No, I don’t know

Luca: - Ahia/ouch! This is heavy

Mika: - Let’s/do we start with Leonardo?

LC: - Okay

Mika: - Okay, I call him. Leo ?! Are you tense/anxious?

Leonardo: - I think it will be difficult. .. I think it will be.. I don’t know.. it will be hard/tough

Mika: - There are two rounds this week

Leonardo: - Wow!

Mika: - Which means, that in the beginning you have to sing a song, a piece of a song you've already sung. Before starting any other performances, one will be eliminated 

Leonardo: - You risks a lot, yes. You risk much

Mika: - And therefore we chose a song that will put you a little in a beautiful light. It's this one

Leonardo: - Ahh!

Mika: - Okay?

Leonardo: - As first song he assigned me “Stay with me" by Sam Smith, which I have already brought at/to the bootcamp

Mika: - And after, the song you’ll sing is a song by a British artist. This artist has signed a contract when he was 18 years old with Simon Cowell. His name is Labrinth and this song it's as if he had written this piece for you. Listen well, it’s called "Jealous".

This song is a huge success in England. I see a performance full of emotion, but in all simplicity

Leonardo: - As the first impact I felt like crying, but then I said: stop, stop, don’t get caught by the enthusiasm, but you have to focus!

Mika: - Do you like it?

Leonardo: - Yes

Mika: - Yes? Really?

Leonardo: - I really like it. It touches/moves you. That is, the song penetrated me in the heart, yes

Mika: - And this is a very powerful thing. This is a sign that the song is really strong/great. I think you're the only person in this whole season of XF that could make this song, and do it well. Now he is ready to attack it, to get into this song

Leonardo: - Thank you. Ciao/Bye

Mika: - Thanks to you

Leonardo: - Ciao, ciao/Bye, bye

Mika: - He likes the song

Leonardo: - We’ll see

Luca: - "I'm jealous of the rain", do you like it? I like so much that song

Leonardo: - We’ll see

Mika: - According to his reaction he understood the responsibility

Leonardo: - It’s necessary to study it, it’s necessary to study it well

Mika: - Let's/Do we go ahead now with Luca?

LC: - Come on, call Luca

Mika: - He is very nervous. Let’s breathe. Positivity. Luca!

Luca: - Here I am

Mika: - Here you are. Enter!

Luca: - There is a bit of a double work this week. and it’s an important and difficult week

Mika: - There are two rounds. It's a double elimination

Luca: - How stressful!

Mika: - It‘s a double elimination next week

Luca: - Damn! Because, do you know what the problem is? It’s that I have just gone to the showdown/sing-off

Mika: - We have chosen a piece that you already have sung, I hope it will put you in the right light/highlight you in the right way

Luca: - It’s a song that I sang at/to the bootcamp and the title is "Take me to Church" of Hozier

Mika: - I remember the moment when you've sung this song, I said to myself: okay! For the second part of the show, I want to trust you. So this week I chose a song that will put you, I hope, at ease

Luca: - Wow! It’s beautiful! "All of the stars" of Ed Sheeran. It's a song that I feel inside

Mika: - This week I decided to put Luca at ease and to give him the chance, finally, to sing a song that he loves/adores. - It's a song of young love, believable, by you. And therefore you have to work. Luca: - Yes - to sing it well. Let’s/Do we go on?

Luca: - Let's go!

Mika: - Let's go!

Luca: - Let's go!

Mika: - I'll be very hard on you this week

Luca: - I know

Mika: - You need it

Luca: - Okay

Mika: - Okay?

Luca: - Okay

LC: - Ciao/Bye, luca

Luca: - Ciao/Bye

Mika: - Ciao/Bye

Luca: - Ciao/Bye

Leonardo: - What is that?

Luca: - "All of the stars" of Ed Sheeran

Leonardo: - Ah!

Luca: - It’s beautiful

Leonardo: - I recognized it, I recognized it

Mika: - So, let's go on

LC: -  Let's go

Mika: - Let’s work

Edited by charlie20
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X Factor 9, Leonardo: "Grazie Mika per quel regalo speciale" "Sono uscito ma accetto senza remore il giudizio del pubblico", dice


Un fiume in piena. Non c’è definizione migliore per descrivere Leonardo Dragusin, il 18enne della squadra di Mika che ieri sera ha dovuto lasciare lo show, dopo l’eliminazione lampo in apertura della nona puntata di X Factor. Il parrucchiere veneto di origine rumen, è un entusiasta e nemmeno la stanchezza per la notte insonne lo scalfisce più di tanto: ha voglia di raccontare, di raccontarsi, di spiegare a tutti che in fondo si è solo chiuso il primo capitolo e che il suo percorso nella musica è appena iniziato. Con quella voce, che alle Audizioni ha conquistato tutti e quattro i giudici, di cose da dire ne ha parecchie e lui, come spiega a Panorama.it, ha tutta l’intenzione di farlo. Con un grande sogno: diventare una grande star e riempire gli stadi.


Leonardo, eri uno dei possibili vincitori e invece alla quinta puntata hai dovuto lasciare lo show. Come te lo sei spiegato?


Forse doveva andare così: le cose non succedono per caso ed io accetto senza remore il giudizio del pubblico. Tutta quest’esperienza è stata un grandissimo insegnamento a livello umano e professionale.


Che effetto fa ritrovarsi, a 18 anni, sul palco di uno dei più importanti talent show europei?


L’emozione è enorme e confesso che c’è stato un momento in cui mi sono sentito piccolo piccolo, quasi sopraffatto. Ma è stata un’esperienza grandiosa. La rifarei altre mille volte.


Alle Audizioni hai conquistato tutti, però ieri qualcosa si è inceppato e alla prima manche sei uscito…


Dal mio punto di vista ha funzionato tutto. Non ho rimpianti o rimorsi. Anche All of me di John Legend, il pezzo che Mika ha proposto per farmi cantare nella prima manche è stato azzeccato.


Che giudice è stato per te Mika?


Il migliore possibile. C’è stato un momento in cui mi ha fatto un regalo speciale, una copia de Il piccolo principe, con una dedica che mi ha davvero colpito. Mi ha fatto capire che devo stare nel mio mondo, brutto o bello che sia: se provo a uscire da lì, perdo di forza, se ci resto, vivo davvero. È stato un bellissimo insegnamento.


Se dovessi darti un obiettivo a medio termine, artisticamente parlando cosa vorresti fare?


Lavorare sul mio inedito. Il mio obiettivo è ambizioso: voglio continuare a cantare perché durante X Factor ho capito che la mia voce fa emozionare il pubblico e penso che sia una dote che non posso sprecare. Magari un giorno riempirò gli stadi.


Il tuo pronostico per la vittoria?


È difficilissimo fare previsioni. Io sarei tanto felice se vincesse Enrica.



:uk: Translated by Deb.



Quick translation:




X Factor 9, Leonardo: "Thanks Mika, for that special gift" "I went out but I accept without hesitation the judgement of the public," he says.


An overflowing river. There is not a better definition to describe Leonardo Dragusin, the 18 year old from Mika's squad who last evening had to leave the show, after the opening lightning elimination in the ninth series of X Factor. The hairdresser from Veneto with Romanian origins is enthusiastic and not even the tiredness from the sleepless night bothers him too much: He wants to talk, to tell about himself, to explain to everyone that it is just the first chapter that has closed and that his journey in music has just begun. With that voice, which at the Auditions won over all four of the judges, he has quite a lot to say and he, as he explains to Panorami.it, has every intention of doing it. With a great dream: becoming a great star and filling stadiums.


Leonardo, you were one of the possible winners and instead you had to leave after the fifth live show. How do you explain that?


Perhaps it should go like this: Things don't happen by chance and I accept without hesitation the judgment of the public. All this experiece was a very great lesson on both a human and professional level.


What effect does it have, at 18 years old, to find yourself on the stage of one of the most important talent shows in Europe?


The emotion is enormous and I confess that there was a moment in which I felt myself so small, almost overwhelmed. But it was a great experience. I would do it again a thousand times.


At the Auditions you won over everyone, however yesterday something blocked you and in the first round you exited...


From my point of view everything worked. I don't have any regrets or remorse. Also All of Me by John Legend, the piece that Mika had me sing in the first round hit the mark.


How was Mika as a judge for you?


The best possible. There was a moment in which he gave me a special gift, a copy of The Little Prince, with a dedication that really struck me. He made me understand that I must stay in my world, whether it's good or bad: if I try to leave from there, I lose my strength, if I stay, I really live. It was a very beautiful lesson.


If you should give yourself a midterm objective, artistically speaking what would you do?


Work on my unpublished work. My objective is ambitious, I want to continue to sing because during X Factor I understood that my voice makes people feel and I think that it is a gift that I can't waste. Maybe one day I will fill stadiums.


And your prediction for the winner?


It's very difficult to make predictions. I would be very happy if Enrica wins.





Edited by Kumazzz
adding the translation
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Quick translation:




X Factor 9, Leonardo: "Thanks Mika, for that special gift" "I went out but I accept without hesitation the judgement of the public," he says.


An overflowing river. There is not a better definition to describe Leonardo Dragusin, the 18 year old from Mika's squad who last evening had to leave the show, after the opening lightning elimination in the ninth series of X Factor. The hairdresser from Veneto with Romanian origins is enthusiastic and not even the tiredness from the sleepless night bothers him too much: He wants to talk, to tell about himself, to explain to everyone that it is just the first chapter that has closed and that his journey in music has just begun. With that voice, which at the Auditions won over all four of the judges, he has quite a lot to say and he, as he explains to Panorami.it, has every intention of doing it. With a great dream: becoming a great star and filling stadiums.


Leonardo, you were one of the possible winners and instead you had to leave after the fifth live show. How do you explain that?


Perhaps it should go like this: Things don't happen by chance and I accept without hesitation the judgment of the public. All this experiece was a very great lesson on both a human and professional level.


What effect does it have, at 18 years old, to find yourself on the stage of one of the most important talent shows in Europe?


The emotion is enormous and I confess that there was a moment in which I felt myself so small, almost overwhelmed. But it was a great experience. I would do it again a thousand times.


At the Auditions you won over everyone, however yesterday something blocked you and in the first round you exited...


From my point of view everything worked. I don't have any regrets or remorse. Also All of Me by John Legend, the piece that Mika had me sing in the first round hit the mark.


How was Mika as a judge for you?


The best possible. There was a moment in which he gave me a special gift, a copy of The Little Prince, with a dedication that really struck me. He made me understand that I must stay in my world, whether it's good or bad: if I try to leave from there, I lose my strength, if I stay, I really live. It was a very beautiful lesson.


If you should give yourself a midterm objective, artistically speaking what would you do?


Work on my unpublished work. My objective is ambitious, I want to continue to sing because during X Factor I understood that my voice makes people feel and I think that it is a gift that I can't waste. Maybe one day I will fill stadiums.


Il tuo pronostico per la vittoria?


And your prediction for the winner?


È difficilissimo fare previsioni. Io sarei tanto felice se vincesse Enrica.


It's very difficult to make predictions. I would be very happy if Enrica wins.

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Quick translation:




X Factor 9, Leonardo: "Thanks Mika, for that special gift" "I went out but I accept without hesitation the judgement of the public," he says.


An overflowing river. There is not a better definition to describe Leonardo Dragusin, the 18 year old from Mika's squad who last evening had to leave the show, after the opening lightning elimination in the ninth series of X Factor. The hairdresser from Veneto with Romanian origins is enthusiastic and not even the tiredness from the sleepless night bothers him too much: He wants to talk, to tell about himself, to explain to everyone that it is just the first chapter that has closed and that his journey in music has just begun. With that voice, which at the Auditions won over all four of the judges, he has quite a lot to say and he, as he explains to Panorami.it, has every intention of doing it. With a great dream: becoming a great star and filling stadiums.


Leonardo, you were one of the possible winners and instead you had to leave after the fifth live show. How do you explain that?


Perhaps it should go like this: Things don't happen by chance and I accept without hesitation the judgment of the public. All this experiece was a very great lesson on both a human and professional level.


What effect does it have, at 18 years old, to find yourself on the stage of one of the most important talent shows in Europe?


The emotion is enormous and I confess that there was a moment in which I felt myself so small, almost overwhelmed. But it was a great experience. I would do it again a thousand times.


At the Auditions you won over everyone, however yesterday something blocked you and in the first round you exited...


From my point of view everything worked. I don't have any regrets or remorse. Also All of Me by John Legend, the piece that Mika had me sing in the first round hit the mark.


How was Mika as a judge for you?


The best possible. There was a moment in which he gave me a special gift, a copy of The Little Prince, with a dedication that really struck me. He made me understand that I must stay in my world, whether it's good or bad: if I try to leave from there, I lose my strength, if I stay, I really live. It was a very beautiful lesson.


If you should give yourself a midterm objective, artistically speaking what would you do?


Work on my unpublished work. My objective is ambitious, I want to continue to sing because during X Factor I understood that my voice makes people feel and I think that it is a gift that I can't waste. Maybe one day I will fill stadiums.


Il tuo pronostico per la vittoria?


And your prediction for the winner?


È difficilissimo fare previsioni. Io sarei tanto felice se vincesse Enrica.


It's very difficult to make predictions. I would be very happy if Enrica wins.

Hope he goes on have a singing career! With him out, likely Luca soon too. They are too young for this season :(

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