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Mika - the new artistic director @ Star Academie Canada


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1 hour ago, mellody said:


Thanks! The "open official site" from your first link works for me with a Canadian proxy. https://www.qub.ca/tvaplus/tva/en-direct 

Anyway he'd have to be on soon after the show starts, I'm not planning to stay up all night for a few seconds of him saying Hi. :mf_rosetinted:

You got the right link!



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Salut BonJour


11 février 2021 10H20



Jean-Philippe Dion nous dit tout sur la nouvelle édition de Star Académie

Le 14 février, 19h, marquera le coup d'envoi de Star Académie 2021, avec la présentation du tout premier gala de cette nouvelle édition. Pour en discuter, nous avons reçu le producteur de l’émission Jean-Philippe Dion. Il nous présente en primeur des images de l'intérieur de l'Académie. Il s'ouvre également sur sa vie personnelle et sa relation avec son amoureux. 



Jean-Philippe Dion tells us all about the new edition of Star Académie

On February 14, 7 p.m., Star Académie 2021 kicks off, with the presentation of the very first gala of this new edition. To discuss this, we heard from the producer of the show Jean-Philippe Dion. He presents us first images of the interior of the Academy. It also opens up about his personal life and his relationship with his lover.





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La Voix de l'Est

13 février 2021



( excerpt )


Star Académie: que le spectacle commence


Quelques surprises sont à prévoir, dont la présence de Mika — qui fait également partie du corps professoral de Star Académie — qui fera une apparition « virtuelle » au cours de la soirée.

Ces soirées du dimanche, animées par Patrice Michaud, seront aussi l’occasion d’accueillir les professeurs de l’Académie.


Outre Mika qui est le directeur artistique et qui devrait passer trois semaines à l’Académie, ce groupe est composé la directrice de l’Académie Lara Fabian, de Gregory Charles (voix et musique), d’Ariane Moffatt (création musicale) ainsi que des profs en identité artistique Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval, Pepe Munoz, Yannick Nézet-Séguin et Marc Séguin.




Star Académie: let the show begin

A few surprises are to be expected, including the presence of Mika - who is also part of the Star Académie faculty - who will make a “virtual” appearance during the evening.

These Sunday evenings, hosted by Patrice Michaud, will also be an opportunity to welcome the professors of the Academy.

In addition to Mika who is the artistic director and who should spend three weeks at the Academy, this group is composed of the director of the Academy Lara Fabian, Gregory Charles (voice and music), Ariane Moffatt (musical creation) as well as teachers in artistic identity Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval, Pepe Munoz, Yannick Nézet-Séguin and Marc Séguin.




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13 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Salut BonJour


11 février 2021 10H20



Jean-Philippe Dion nous dit tout sur la nouvelle édition de Star Académie

Le 14 février, 19h, marquera le coup d'envoi de Star Académie 2021, avec la présentation du tout premier gala de cette nouvelle édition. Pour en discuter, nous avons reçu le producteur de l’émission Jean-Philippe Dion. Il nous présente en primeur des images de l'intérieur de l'Académie. Il s'ouvre également sur sa vie personnelle et sa relation avec son amoureux. 



Jean-Philippe Dion tells us all about the new edition of Star Académie

On February 14, 7 p.m., Star Académie 2021 kicks off, with the presentation of the very first gala of this new edition. To discuss this, we heard from the producer of the show Jean-Philippe Dion. He presents us first images of the interior of the Academy. It also opens up about his personal life and his relationship with his lover.







A short resume of the intervierw:


Jean-Philippe Dion spoke about the format of this year's Star Academie season.

When they first entered the new place, everyone had tears in their eyes.

We can also see 4 photos from inside the academy. Piano in the hallway. Everything is like home. Lighting and cameras are virtually invisible.

Academy student beds are large. Producers decided that when there are 15 people in a shared space, they need a little more space "for themselves". Hence the idea that the beds should be large and cozy.

Almost 400 people work on the production of the program!

The music  for the program will be selected in such a way as to suit very young and also mature audiences. The guests will be Canadian music stars.

As the first episode starts on Valentine's Day, of course, part of the program will be devoted to love songs.

In the second part there will be guests (we can see their photos and names on the screen).

We already know the list of 21 candidates selected for the live program. But there will be chosen 12 people. Everyone has their suitcases ready and they will find out during the program whether they have been selected. Nine of them will have the opportunity to sing in the program. And TV viewers will vote and choose only 2 of them who will enter the Academy.


Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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23 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

In addition to Mika who is the artistic director and who should spend three weeks at the Academy,


Interesting. How many episodes will there be from today, do we know that? I suppose it might be the last 3 weeks that he's there.:dunno_grin: Because usually for the final in such shows there's a lot more show elements, a lot more work for an artistic director. At least that's my interpretation, based on these infos.

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5 hours ago, mellody said:


Interesting. How many episodes will there be from today, do we know that? I suppose it might be the last 3 weeks that he's there.:dunno_grin: Because usually for the final in such shows there's a lot more show elements, a lot more work for an artistic director. At least that's my interpretation, based on these infos.

There are 12 shows, haven’t read anything, but I have the same impression regarding Mika, that he’ll be there for the last 3... we’ll see I guess

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Le grand retour de Star académie



Publié à 17 h 22

Près de neuf ans après la diffusion de la cinquième saison de Star académie, la populaire téléréalité s’apprête à faire un retour en grande pompe dimanche soir avec un spectacle de variétés de deux heures animé par l’auteur-compositeur-interprète Patrice Michaud.

Cette soirée musicale, diffusée en direct sur les ondes de TVA à partir de 19 h, regroupera la directrice de l’académie, Lara Fabian, son directeur artistique, Mika, et son équipe de professeurs et de professeures : Gregory Charles, Ariane Moffatt, Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval, Yannick Nézet-Séguin et Marc Séguin.

Du côté des prestations, une belle brochette d’artistes est attendue, notamment Corneille, Louis-Jean Cormier, FouKi, Les sœurs Boulay et Alaclair Ensemble. On pourra également faire connaissance avec les 21 candidats et candidates de la sixième cuvée de Star académie.

Au fil de la soirée, 12 artistes obtiendront d’emblée un laissez-passer pour l’académie, alors que les neuf autres devront se battre pour les trois places restantes en interprétant une chanson de leur choix. En fin de compte, 15 candidats et candidates entreront dans l’aventure.

Le producteur exécutif de l’émission, Jean-Philippe Dion, a donné plus de détails sur cet événement et sur la nouvelle mouture de Star académie à Catherine Richer, chroniqueuse culturelle à l’émission Le 15-18.

Faire découvrir la chanson québécoise aux jeunes

Jean-Philippe Dion avait déjà travaillé sur plusieurs des précédentes saisons de Star académie, mais l’industrie de la musique a beaucoup changé depuis la dernière, en 2012.

« J’ai fait tous les postes possibles et imaginables sur cette émission. Pour la première fois, mes réflexes ne me servaient pas. Des artistes sont très populaires sur les plateformes d’écoute en ligne, mais mes parents n’en ont jamais entendu parler de leur vie. En même temps, on veut aussi faire plaisir à nos parents avec Star académie. Donc, les jeunes vont peut-être découvrir des monuments de la chanson québécoise », pense-t-il.


Un autre défi pour le producteur que Jean-Philippe Dion est devenu, c’est de donner aux 15 jeunes qui entreront à l’académie l’occasion de chanter en français. C’est même un devoir qu’on leur donne cette envie, car pour le moment, leurs références sont 100 % anglophones, avoue-t-il.

D’ailleurs, c’est pour cette raison que chacune des émissions du dimanche soir va s'ouvrir avec une chanson de la nation. Une chanson de notre fondement musical, que ce soit Offenbach, Céline Dion, Isabelle Boulay ou Ginette Reno, poursuit Jean-Philippe Dion.

On va vraiment aller dans notre répertoire, ce qui a forgé notre culture musicale québécoise. On espère que les jeunes vont s’approprier ces chansons et avoir envie de les interpréter.

Un changement de perception

L’émission de téléréalité s’est aussi offert une nouvelle crédibilité depuis la première saison, en 2003, et le milieu artistique ne regarde plus Star académie de haut.

La preuve, c’est la présence de Marc Séguin, de Xavier Dolan, d’Anne Dorval et de Yannick Nézet-Séguin, un grand chef d’orchestre de renommée internationale qui accepte de venir dans une émission dite populaire, soutient Jean-Philippe Dion.

Ce dernier pense que Star académie fait maintenant partie de notre culture et de notre patrimoine télévisuel.

« Tout le monde connaît l’émission et a des souvenirs qui y sont rattachés. Si on était jeunes à l’époque, on a grandi avec Star académie. Les gens comprennent aussi qu’en ce moment, on a besoin d’un grand plateau comme ça pour remettre notre chanson à la télé. »

Pas de Zoom ou de virtuel

Le producteur voulait également apporter un vent de fraîcheur à l’émission en se détachant des prestations virtuelles qui ont envahi nos écrans depuis la fermeture des salles de spectacle.

Ça va faire du bien de voir du beau dans notre télé après toutes ces émissions tournées en Zoom et en numérique. On a investi énormément en scénographie et [en éclairage], car on ne voulait pas de Zoom et de virtuel, précise-t-il.

La santé publique au cœur des préoccupations

Toutefois, la pandémie ne peut être oubliée, surtout en ce qui concerne les mesures prises en regard de la santé publique. Les musiciens sont toujours en arrière-scène, derrière les chanteurs. Et comme on n’aura pas de public cette saison, on a transformé le décor pour qu’il soit en 360.

De plus, les académiciennes et académiciens sortent d’une période de quarantaine, ce qui leur permettra d’être ensemble sans porter de masque toute la journée.

Ils sont dans une bulle, et personne ne pourra s'en approcher. Les professeurs, les invités et les membres de l’équipe technique doivent rester à deux mètres, explique Jean-Philippe Dion.

Il ajoute que si jamais l’une des personnes participantes est infectée, cela entraînera l’arrêt de la production. Un plan a été fait, et je pense qu’il est efficace, mais on n’espère que ça n’arrivera pas.

Une cuvée d’artistes diversifiée

Consciente de son époque, l’équipe de production de Star académie 2021 fera également une plus grande place à la diversité. Elle voulait que les académiciennes et académiciens soient issus de toutes les communautés, et Jean-Philippe Dion avoue que ça n’a pas été un problème.

Quand les auditions ont commencé, on s’est aperçus que cette diversité était bien présente sous nos yeux. Vous allez voir une cohorte qui ne ressemble en rien à celles des saisons précédentes. Il y a vraiment une cassure et une espèce de modernisme qu’on sera fier de voir à la télé chaque dimanche soir.





The big comeback of Star Académie


Posted at 5:22 p.m.
Almost nine years after the fifth season of Star Académie aired, the popular reality show is set to make a big comeback on Sunday night with a two-hour variety show hosted by singer-songwriter Patrice Michaud.

This musical evening, broadcast live on TVA from 7 p.m., will bring together the director of the academy, Lara Fabian, its artistic director, Mika, and the team of professors: Gregory Charles, Ariane Moffatt, Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval, Yannick Nézet-Séguin and Marc Séguin.

As for the performances, a great range of artists is expected, notably Corneille, Louis-Jean Cormier, FouKi, Les sœurs Boulay and Alaclair Ensemble. We can also get to know the 21 candidates of the sixth  Star Académie.

Over the course of the evening, 12 artists will get an academy pass right away, while the other nine will have to fight for the remaining three places by performing a song of their choice. In the end, 15 candidates will enter the adventure.

The show’s executive producer, Jean-Philippe Dion, gave more details on this event and the new version of Star Académie to Catherine Richer, cultural columnist on the show Le 15-18.


Introducing Quebec songs to young people


Jean-Philippe Dion had already worked on several of the previous seasons of Star Académie, but the music industry has changed a lot since the last one in 2012.

“I've done every job I could imagine on this show. For the first time, my reflexes were not helping me. Artists are very popular on online listening platforms, but my parents never heard of them in their lives. At the same time, we also want to please our parents with Star Académie. So young people will perhaps discover monuments of Quebec song, ”he thinks.

Another challenge for the producer that Jean-Philippe Dion has become is to give the 15 young people who will enter the academy the opportunity to sing in French. It is even a duty that we give them this desire, because for the moment, their references are 100% English speaking, he admits.

Besides, that's why each of the Sunday night shows will open with a song of the nation. A song from our musical foundation, be it Offenbach, Céline Dion, Isabelle Boulay or Ginette Reno, continues Jean-Philippe Dion.

We will really go into our repertoire, which has forged our Quebec musical culture. We hope that the young people will appropriate these songs and want to perform them.



A change in perception


The reality show has also gained new credibility since its first season in 2003, and the arts community no longer looks down on Star Académie.

The proof is the presence of Marc Séguin, Xavier Dolan, Anne Dorval and Yannick Nézet-Séguin, a great conductor of international renown who agrees to come on a so-called popular show, supports Jean-Philippe. Dion.

The latter thinks that Star academy is now part of our culture and our television heritage.

“Everyone knows the show and has memories attached to it. If we were young back then, we grew up with Star Academy. People also understand that right now we need a big set like that to put our song back on TV. "


No Zoom or Virtual

The producer also wanted to bring a breath of fresh air to the show by breaking away from the virtual performances that have invaded our screens since the theaters closed.

It will be good to see something beautiful on our TV after all these shows shot in Zoom and digital. We invested a lot in scenography and [in lighting], because we didn't want Zoom and virtual, he says.


Public health at the heart of concerns

However, the pandemic cannot be forgotten, especially when it comes to measures taken with regard to public health. The musicians are always in the back of the scenes, behind the singers. And since we won't have an audience this season, we changed the setting to make it 360.

In addition, academics are coming out of quarantine, which will allow them to be together without wearing a mask all day.

They are in a bubble, and no one will be able to approach them. Teachers, guests and members of the technical team must stay two meters away, explains Jean-Philippe Dion.

He adds that if any of the participants ever become infected, it will stop production. A plan has been made, and I think it is working, but we hope it won't happen.


A diverse cuvée of artists


Aware of its times, the Star Academy 2021 production team will also place greater emphasis on diversity. They wanted academics to come from all communities, and Jean-Philippe Dion admits that was not a problem.

When the auditions started, we realized that this diversity was very present in front of our eyes. You're going to see a cohort that looks nothing like those from previous seasons. There is really a break and a kind of modernism that we will be proud to see on TV every Sunday night.








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2 hours ago, Amy hudsone said:

Did anyone figure out a way to watch it?


Live only with a Canadian VPN/Proxy, on this link: https://www.qub.ca/tvaplus/tva/en-direct - but Eriko has managed to download the replays of the last episodes, so let's hope we can watch those without a VPN.


I hadn't planned to stay up so long tonight to watch it live, for maybe just a minute of a prerecorded video, who knows if it's really a live video connection and how long he'll be on... but I miss him, I just want to see him, so maybe I'll just stay up and hope he'll at least be on during the first hour (btw, how long is the show?). :puppy_eyes:

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9 minutes ago, mellody said:


Live only with a Canadian VPN/Proxy, on this link: https://www.qub.ca/tvaplus/tva/en-direct - but Eriko has managed to download the replays of the last episodes, so let's hope we can watch those without a VPN.


I hadn't planned to stay up so long tonight to watch it live, for maybe just a minute of a prerecorded video, who knows if it's really a live video connection and how long he'll be on... but I miss him, I just want to see him, so maybe I'll just stay up and hope he'll at least be on during the first hour (btw, how long is the show?). :puppy_eyes:

It’s more than 2.5 hours... 

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10 minutes ago, cathouzouf said:

It’s more than 2.5 hours... 


thanks, that's good to know. I certainly won't stay up until 4am... :aah: but maybe I'll watch the first 30 minutes or so, hoping that the connection to him is live, because I suppose he wouldn't stay up all night for it either. I'll see how tired I am. :lol:

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48 minutes ago, mellody said:


Live only with a Canadian VPN/Proxy, on this link: https://www.qub.ca/tvaplus/tva/en-direct - but Eriko has managed to download the replays of the last episodes, so let's hope we can watch those without a VPN.


I hadn't planned to stay up so long tonight to watch it live, for maybe just a minute of a prerecorded video, who knows if it's really a live video connection and how long he'll be on... but I miss him, I just want to see him, so maybe I'll just stay up and hope he'll at least be on during the first hour (btw, how long is the show?). :puppy_eyes:


Yes, we miss him, I will follow Star Academie instagram account, hopefully they will share his video message

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2 hours ago, mellody said:


thanks, that's good to know. I certainly won't stay up until 4am... :aah: but maybe I'll watch the first 30 minutes or so, hoping that the connection to him is live, because I suppose he wouldn't stay up all night for it either. I'll see how tired I am. :lol:

We just saw about ten seconds of him singing L’hymne à l’amour... not sure we’ll have more later

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1 minute ago, cathouzouf said:

We just saw about ten seconds of him singing L’hymne à l’amour... not sure we’ll have more later


Yes, I saw it. Thanks. That obviously wasn't a live connection either. But anyway, good to see him. :wub2: Here's a screenshot:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-15 um 01.18.34.png


Anyway I'm off to bed now. I suppose that might have been all for tonight, and even if not, it doesn't look like he'll be on live.

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Star Académie - Le variété (segment 1) - TVA en rattrapage | TVA+ (qub.ca)

  • Dailymotion Part-1


Mika ( virtual ) sang a bit of Hymne a l'amour ( Edith Piaf ) with candidates.



  • Dailymotion Part-2
  • Dailymotion Part-3
  • Dailymotion Part-4
  • Dailymotion Part-5
  • Dailymotion Part-6 
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Edited by Kumazzz
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Here is what I think about the first episode, The rhythm of the show was slow and boring at times, it is hard to create a show without audience because they add a lot to the dynamic of the show, Some talents were really good and I understand that Mika will not take part of the program at this stage, the talents are numerous at this stage of the competition, I guess this is why they didn't give collective performances. The stage is huge it looked sometimes empty, for sure it will be a great opportunity for Mika to create fantastic live shows.

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Just now, Kumazzz



Star Académie - Le variété (segment 1) - TVA en rattrapage | TVA+ (qub.ca)

  • Dailymotion Part-1


Mika ( virtual ) sang a bit of Hymne a l'amour ( Edith Piaf ) with candidates.



  • Dailymotion Part-2
  • Dailymotion Part-3
  • Dailymotion Part-4
  • Dailymotion Part-5
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  • Dailymotion Part-8 
  • Dailymotion Part-9



Thank you!!!

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22 hours ago, Prisca said:

I kind of feel like they had Mika appear for a few seconds so they could claim he was in the episode. :dunno:


Maybe...  or maybe he wanted to do it, to show his presence, but also communicate that he can't do more than this right now. I do wonder meanwhile whether it was originally planned that he'd be there in person for all the shows, and not just for 3. Somehow I think that if things had been different, he would have been in this episode in person or at least live via video connection. I hadn't expected that he would sing, I was completely surprised when he suddenly appeared on the screen. It's beautiful, and I think that might be why he wanted to do it. At least I hope it was that way, and not them telling him he has to fulfil his contract by appearing in the show in some way.

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


Maybe...  or maybe he wanted to do it, to show his presence, but also communicate that he can't do more than this right now. I do wonder meanwhile whether it was originally planned that he'd be there in person for all the shows, and not just for 3. Somehow I think that if things had been different, he would have been in this episode in person or at least live via video connection. I hadn't expected that he would sing, I was completely surprised when he suddenly appeared on the screen. It's beautiful, and I think that might be why he wanted to do it. At least I hope it was that way, and not them telling him he has to fulfil his contract by appearing in the show in some way.

Yes, it's possible that he wanted to do it. :original:

Yes, we don't know what was planned. :dunno_grin:

I don't think that he did this to fulfil his contract but I think that it was a good publicity for the show to tell that he will be "live" in the show. :teehee:

Yes, he sang beautifully. :fangurl:

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TV Hebdo - 27 Février 2021


Sunday 28 February



Monday 1March



Tuesday 2 March



Wednesday 3 March



Thursday 4 March



On 2/9/2021 at 9:20 PM, Kumazzz said:


TV Hebdo

Du 13 au 19 février 2021


Sunday 14 février



Monday 15 février



Tuesday 16 février



Wednesday 17 février



Thursday 18 février



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