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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS for MIKA in Philadelphia, PA - Electric Factory


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Yeah, I found that really touching too, Gatagordinha. :wub2: I just hope it wasn't scripted or I'll feel duped!


Oh, last thing: I just wanted to post a photo of what I was wearing. Firstly, so that if any other MFCers I did not recognize saw me at the concert, they can tell me so...



and secondly just 'cause I like it. :naughty:




As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette. :mf_rosetinted:





thats cute Jack!:thumb_yello:

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...Totally startled the poor boy by calling out "Andy! I've been wanting to meet you!" and then realizing how it must look to him, "of course I'm sorry, you have no idea who I am. But I've been hearing so much about you."

Anyway, he was, as people said, super nice, and we started chatting.... Anyway, Andy actually talked to me for a while and I went on to him about queer theory, hahah, poor guy. Probably bored the lad. He thinks you all and your obsession with his fluffy thing are crazy by the way. And that he doesn't get why he's so popular when he's just a camera man. Likely thinks I'm crazy too, but that's all right.


LOL! Lovely guy, isn't he? I would have loved to witness your conversation :roftl: especially the part where it went from general small talk to queer theory, how the heck did you manage that change-over? :lmao:


I actually didn't really have anything for Mika this time except a shiny silver apple...


You crack me up! How awesome is that, a silver apple :wub2:, too bad he apparently didn't click, maybe you should have given him some wiz gear in addition to make the confusion complete :naughty:




As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette.




Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! And your outfit is really sooo :wub2:!!! I just hope all the hanging around in the cold didn't worsen your illness and the wiz effect kicked in instead :wink2:

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Ok! Back! No pictures either, since I didn't even take a camera, but I know other people's vids will be up on youtube.


Got there pretty late (7:10ish?) and the line was looooooong. I left my coat in the car 'cause I thought we wouldn't have to wait much before the doors opened, but I still managed to pretty much freeze by the time we went in.


Rush towards the front, got a not-bad spot--then realized all the coffee had caught up with me and I needed to use the restroom, so when I returned I got a spot a bit further back. Pretty much center though, and as I told Deb--close enough. I could see the whole stage easily and I was only a few people behind mgpm. And actually, even though I was further than at the DC show, I enjoyed it so much more. I wasn't pushed or even too constrained, and I could actually move and dance to the music this time! :punk:


The concert itself was... phenomenal. I think you know I'm not given to much over-flattery, so I'm not saying this in terms of hyperbole but I think it was one of the best shows he's ever done. He looked healthy and happy, and well, kinda glowy, for lack of a better word. It's not like he had particularly more energy that at other times, but the energy he had was really radiating from him tonight, and he just seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, almost crossing over to giddy at times. Very different from the shows when he's sick.


The setlist was the usual:



Big Girl

My Interpretation

Billy Brown

Holy Johnny

Any Other World

Ring Ring

Missionary Man

Stuck in the Middle

Happy Ending

Love Today

Grace Kelly



...I think I'm not missing anything.


Anyway, the big thing is: he talked. A lot. Was almost uncharacteristically chatty. Kept making little asides, encouraging the crowd, making us interact with him--it reminded me of the way Christine said he worked really hard to win the crowd at Club Mod, except this crowd was already his. He even departed from his usual script on Billy Brown--he delivered the same information but rather than just doing the whole "they told me they'd never play this song in America and look at us now" stuff, he elaborated on it and made it into this little anecdote where he acted out the part of the label executive in a funny voice and with dramatic pauses, and was generally all-over playful.


Made us sing back to him a LOT. Billy Brown, certainly, and Grace Kelly of course, but also on Holy Johnny, Any Other World, Happy Ending... basically he seemed to be absolutely chuffed at the crowd and trying to see how much they could actually sing with him. He even had us sing back SITM, and then got up from his piano, came to the front for a bit of a sing-along and THEN he did an entire extended finale for it: first he staged a little exercise where he's call out his nonsense-refrains to us and we'd call them back, in increasing difficulty (starting with zap-para-para and ending with something ridiculous like inchiga-inchiga-da-ram-cha-cha), and then he set us up looping "stuck in the middle!" while he went back to the piano and did his own new nonsense noises over it. Kept motioning to us with his hands, telling us to give him "more, more!" Kept grinning. Made tons of eye contact, all the time. Not to me--I was too far back--but I saw him looking at everybody, and not the blank sweeping-the-room look, but actually focusing on people. Was just super-involved in general--after Grace Kelly he even touched the hands of the people in front of him, which I think he almost never does...


Messed up on the lyrics to Holy Johnny, looked totally embarrassed, haha.


Began to stage even more structured stage alongs. On Love Today, he had the left side of the crowd do "Anyway you want to," the right side do "Anyway you've gotta" and the center do "Love, love me!" and carried on with that for a bit.


Him making us sing back Any Other World was weiiiird. I've never seen him ask people to sing that back before. But it was awesome. And that was about the point where I began to feel he was trying to test his ground, and it was making him really happy how far we were going with him.


Grace Kelly: made us finish all the colors for him ("I could be ---! I could be ---! Gotta be ---! Gotta be --!") and again, at the end, did a playful thing with the Kachinga, where he would go "Kachiiinngggggg" and we'd have to finish "AH!" "Kachiiiiingggg--AH!" Over and over and over. :roftl: Everyone was jumping.


I don't want to make it sound like he actually sang any less though--he usually inserted these bits and if anything expanded the songs with them.


In the middle, he actually--and seriously, that's a big deal for him--said something that was incredibly heartfelt and, I think spontaneous and genuine, which explained a lot of the feel of the show. I can't remember it well, but he thanked us for giving him such a great reception, said that he was worried about playing that night 'cause it was the first show of the American tour but that we had now set him in a good mood for the rest of it with how great we were, and then said, seeming honestly half-taken aback: "It's really incredible, it really is, when you can play in a place you've never played before and get this kind of response."


Then he paused briefly, stood there looking at us for a moment, and then added in a slightly lower voice: "We may not get a lot of radio support in America, but it's something to know that we have this kind of support as a live act, that it's successful live." Then he grinned again and went back to do the next song.


These are not the actual words he used of course, but something like that, about being able to make a career out of live shows.


Of course I bet now he'll start saying that at all the shows. :naughty:


I had not known, btw, that the skeleton-puppet thing is an entire little drama. Loved it. Loved the new (to me) shadow puppets too, and the audience was absolutely amazed by them.


Liked Saranayde too. Don't see what the problem is at all. She stayed towards the back for most of the show, in fact I forgot she was there half the time. The only times she came forwards (besides the duet on Missionary Man) was to clap and jump and egg us on to do the same when Mika was too busy to do it. And I loved Missionary Man and her part in it.


Basically, if he's anywhere close to this good in NY, he's going to blow you all away.


After-gig report coming up next, but it's not as exciting. :bleh:





Thankyou for your report Jack. Words fail me. I... I almost can't believe how fantastic that sounded. Your writing and observations were brilliant and the concert sounded brilliant. I'm really happy to hear about all the bantering and give and take with the crowd... hope he keeps it up. Maybe now that he's been touring for so long and got the technical side of things a bit more down pat he can really enjoy the moment with the crowd. Actually, one of the comments that kept coming up on the gig suggestions thread was that he do more talking to the audience and audience participation etc. It's funny to think it's now happening. Not that I'm saying our thread had anything to do with it:mf_rosetinted: But what a way to make it feel more intimate and cosy even if he is getting more famous and further away.

I think my mouth(fingers) are running away with me now. I'll stop before I start full on gushing.

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Thank you InfiniteGreen and DSNightly for your reports! Glad you had an awesome time! :thumb_yello:



Ok! Back! No pictures either, since I didn't even take a camera, but I know other people's vids will be up on youtube.


Got there pretty late (7:10ish?) and the line was looooooong. I left my coat in the car 'cause I thought we wouldn't have to wait much before the doors opened, but I still managed to pretty much freeze by the time we went in.


Rush towards the front, got a not-bad spot--then realized all the coffee had caught up with me and I needed to use the restroom, so when I returned I got a spot a bit further back. Pretty much center though, and as I told Deb--close enough. I could see the whole stage easily and I was only a few people behind mgpm. And actually, even though I was further than at the DC show, I enjoyed it so much more. I wasn't pushed or even too constrained, and I could actually move and dance to the music this time! :punk:


The concert itself was... phenomenal. I think you know I'm not given to much over-flattery, so I'm not saying this in terms of hyperbole but I think it was one of the best shows he's ever done. He looked healthy and happy, and well, kinda glowy, for lack of a better word. It's not like he had particularly more energy that at other times, but the energy he had was really radiating from him tonight, and he just seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, almost crossing over to giddy at times. Very different from the shows when he's sick.


The setlist was the usual:



Big Girl

My Interpretation

Billy Brown

Holy Johnny

Any Other World

Ring Ring

Missionary Man

Stuck in the Middle

Happy Ending

Love Today

Grace Kelly



...I think I'm not missing anything.


Anyway, the big thing is: he talked. A lot. Was almost uncharacteristically chatty. Kept making little asides, encouraging the crowd, making us interact with him--it reminded me of the way Christine said he worked really hard to win the crowd at Club Mod, except this crowd was already his. He even departed from his usual script on Billy Brown--he delivered the same information but rather than just doing the whole "they told me they'd never play this song in America and look at us now" stuff, he elaborated on it and made it into this little anecdote where he acted out the part of the label executive in a funny voice and with dramatic pauses, and was generally all-over playful.


Made us sing back to him a LOT. Billy Brown, certainly, and Grace Kelly of course, but also on Holy Johnny, Any Other World, Happy Ending... basically he seemed to be absolutely chuffed at the crowd and trying to see how much they could actually sing with him. He even had us sing back SITM, and then got up from his piano, came to the front for a bit of a sing-along and THEN he did an entire extended finale for it: first he staged a little exercise where he's call out his nonsense-refrains to us and we'd call them back, in increasing difficulty (starting with zap-para-para and ending with something ridiculous like inchiga-inchiga-da-ram-cha-cha), and then he set us up looping "stuck in the middle!" while he went back to the piano and did his own new nonsense noises over it. Kept motioning to us with his hands, telling us to give him "more, more!" Kept grinning. Made tons of eye contact, all the time. Not to me--I was too far back--but I saw him looking at everybody, and not the blank sweeping-the-room look, but actually focusing on people. Was just super-involved in general--after Grace Kelly he even touched the hands of the people in front of him, which I think he almost never does...


Messed up on the lyrics to Holy Johnny, looked totally embarrassed, haha.


Began to stage even more structured stage alongs. On Love Today, he had the left side of the crowd do "Anyway you want to," the right side do "Anyway you've gotta" and the center do "Love, love me!" and carried on with that for a bit.


Him making us sing back Any Other World was weiiiird. I've never seen him ask people to sing that back before. But it was awesome. And that was about the point where I began to feel he was trying to test his ground, and it was making him really happy how far we were going with him.


Grace Kelly: made us finish all the colors for him ("I could be ---! I could be ---! Gotta be ---! Gotta be --!") and again, at the end, did a playful thing with the Kachinga, where he would go "Kachiiinngggggg" and we'd have to finish "AH!" "Kachiiiiingggg--AH!" Over and over and over. :roftl: Everyone was jumping.


I don't want to make it sound like he actually sang any less though--he usually inserted these bits and if anything expanded the songs with them.


In the middle, he actually--and seriously, that's a big deal for him--said something that was incredibly heartfelt and, I think spontaneous and genuine, which explained a lot of the feel of the show. I can't remember it well, but he thanked us for giving him such a great reception, said that he was worried about playing that night 'cause it was the first show of the American tour but that we had now set him in a good mood for the rest of it with how great we were, and then said, seeming honestly half-taken aback: "It's really incredible, it really is, when you can play in a place you've never played before and get this kind of response."


Then he paused briefly, stood there looking at us for a moment, and then added in a slightly lower voice: "We may not get a lot of radio support in America, but it's something to know that we have this kind of support as a live act, that it's successful live." Then he grinned again and went back to do the next song.


These are not the actual words he used of course, but something like that, about being able to make a career out of live shows.


Of course I bet now he'll start saying that at all the shows. :naughty:


I had not known, btw, that the skeleton-puppet thing is an entire little drama. Loved it. Loved the new (to me) shadow puppets too, and the audience was absolutely amazed by them.


Liked Saranayde too. Don't see what the problem is at all. She stayed towards the back for most of the show, in fact I forgot she was there half the time. The only times she came forwards (besides the duet on Missionary Man) was to clap and jump and egg us on to do the same when Mika was too busy to do it. And I loved Missionary Man and her part in it.


Basically, if he's anywhere close to this good in NY, he's going to blow you all away.


After-gig report coming up next, but it's not as exciting. :bleh:




Thanks Jack! Love the details!

Yay! Glad you got there okay and back safely. I'm happy that you thought of giving Mika and the band glitter apples and that you mentioned the apples to Luke and he was wearing his scarf!

And I love your outfit...

I am sorry I won't see you in the flesh on Saturday, but there's nothing stopping us from planning a summer meet (without Mika) :wub2:

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Yup, she did!


By the way, note that I talked about you to Mika again... he will think I have a fixation.. :boxed:









jack, he will obviously be freaked out that i'm actually really persuing him... not by you :thumb_yello: anyway... do you mention Olivia or Yoppappop ? if you mention Yoppappop, i still have a chance not to have one more person that i freak out :fisch:...


and i sure gave them the whole pack, cherisse told me they all liked it... but i sure wasn't sure he would read the story, alas... but i introduced you as one of the most intelligent person i knew. actually, i didn't reveal the BOY/GIRL thing, so maybe he's a bit confused with making the link jack/the person he sees after the gigs, all in a rush... which could be understandable :naughty: he coud just have read the introduction, or the whole story, but once again, he's quite a busy man, and it was at the very beginning of his tour, not like it was his last show...


and your outfit was absoloutely awesome !! you looked stunning... i bow down to your imagination :mf_rosetinted:

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Basically, if he's anywhere close to this good in NY, he's going to blow you all away.


Thanks for your fantastic report Jack. That's the report I would have liked to have given if I hadn't written it at 4 or 5 am when I was completely shattered from the day's events.


It sounds almost identical to what I witnessed in Toronto although he didn't talk anywhere near as much as he did when he played the Mod Club last year. He sat down at the keyboard and seemed to be about to make a speech but everyone was going so bananas he just laughed and said "What can I say? You guys never disappoint".


We got that giddy reaction from him when the audience sang along to Any Other World as well. That spark was missing from his performance in Brixton and it was such a thrill to see the joy in his face on Tuesday because you knew that it was going to be a great night for him and, consequently, for us.


If you can manage it, be one of those people who's getting all the eye contact at the front when you go to NY. It magnifies the experience by an order of 10. All the pushing and shoving, the heat, etc. faded into oblivion and it seemed as if there was no one else in the room except the dozen of us in the centre 2 rows. It felt like he was performing just for us.


I wanted to see the band though, so in a bit Luke came out and I gave him a choice of glitter apples and he picked a green one (knew it!). I tried to explain the gift (by lamely saying something like "you see, on mFC a bunch of us call ourselves apples") and mentioned Christine and Suzy. And--pay attention girls--he showed me that he was wearing your scarf! Luke is lovely.

Awww...he's sweet huh? :wub2: I can't take credit for the scarf though. It was Suzy's idea and her hubby picked it out.


By the way, note that I talked about you to Mika again... he will think I have a fixation.. :boxed:


Well, don't you? :naughty:





As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette. :mf_rosetinted:


I love it! That's even better than the outfit you wore in DC. I especially love the sash.

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Went to the concert, and at this point I am too exhausted (3 hours sleep) and overwhelmed to even write. Only want you all to know that it was surreal, unbelievable, everything JackViolet says and more.


The crowd's roars were deafening, so many fans---Philly loves him!!! ( I was so worried there would be no one there!) I love him! I really never ever thought this kind of high from a concert was possible (oh god, I sound so pathetic).


A couple brief tidbits


1. I found myself 20 feet away from the stage and I think at that point I went into some kind of shock and awe because I never in a million zillion years thought I would ever be that close. I know I was in shock because details were lost on me. All I remember is Mika and I kept saying to myself--this is real, this is real.


2. He is unbelievable in concert, really. We've all said it a million times in so many ways, I don't know how else to say it. There was a guy in the balcony above who we thought was going to fall on our heads because he was extended so far out, reaching, reaching for Mika. It looked like he was ready to jump the distance and pounce on Mika. God, do I know the feeling.


3. Yes, very chatty and I loved when he said, "This is the first concert of our US tour, and to tell you the truth, we were a little bit nervous. We had never been to Philadelphia and did not know how this would go, but if this is any indication, we are off to a good start. (CROWD ROAR).


4. Happy Ending was fantastic---he did something extra at the end --extended it out and the crowd was totally into

it. Actually, the crowd was into everything, god, how responsive everyone was, singing along every word to every song. And the simply amazing thing about Mika is that he improvises based on the crowd response. The crowd is in a frenzy, he extends the song longer, adds more stuff, more crowd interaction.


5. Was surprised that he brought up the lack of US radio airplay. Only because we have had such a discussion here.


6. I did not realize that there is a part when the skeleton leans down to hug him. Mike puts his arms up around the skeleton and he looks so fragile, so vulnerable, I wanted to cry.


7. Since this was a smaller venue, I thought there might be some scrimping on the extras. But no--we had it all, lollipop girls, big girls, skeleton, blow up doll, confetti, streamer, balloons. I thought to myself that there is no possible way he could have broken even on this concert with all the expense he put into it. But you know what?? It meant SO MUCH to us his fans, that regardless of the size of the venue, he puts it all into it.


8. I am so wiped out today, I cannot seriously imagine how this man is going to do the same thing tonight in Boston and then Saturday in New York. He puts sooooo much into his concerts, his voice, his moves, it gives it his all. I have not seen a performer give so much, and I have seen many in concert, including Mick Jagger and Prince.


9. He is simply beyond belief. Seriously. There is nothing like his live concert. People here said that, and I did not believe them. It is true. If you have any smidgeon of a chance to experience him live, you must do it. You must.

This is really a pathetic thought but you know, after the concert, on the way home, I thought, "you know, I could die right now, and I would die happy and fulfilled. Oh god, did I just write that?


10. Anyway back at work this morning and I honestly cannot hear very well. I went to a hannah montana concert a few weeks ago (for my niece--not me lol), and the noise level was nothing like last night. I was sooooooooooo, sooooooooooooo happy for Mika that he got such a reception. Philly can be a tough city, but they came through!


11. When I woke this morning, I felt like it was all a dream except that I saw the streamers from last night hanging from my lamp. I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?


12. I sure wrote a lot. I know I sound like a maniac, but I am really quite normal. In fact, I am sitting here in my professional job acting like it is just another day. Little do they all know. Next time I write, I hope to have returned to earth.

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Thanks for your fantastic report Jack. That's the report I would have liked to have given if I hadn't written it at 4 or 5 am when I was completely shattered from the day's events.


It sounds almost identical to what I witnessed in Toronto although he didn't talk anywhere near as much as he did when he played the Mod Club last year. He sat down at the keyboard and seemed to be about to make a speech but everyone was going so bananas he just laughed and said "What can I say? You guys never disappoint".


We got that giddy reaction from him when the audience sang along to Any Other World as well. That spark was missing from his performance in Brixton and it was such a thrill to see the joy in his face on Tuesday because you knew that it was going to be a great night for him and, consequently, for us.


If you can manage it, be one of those people who's getting all the eye contact at the front when you go to NY. It magnifies the experience by an order of 10. All the pushing and shoving, the heat, etc. faded into oblivion and it seemed as if there was no one else in the room except the dozen of us in the centre 2 rows. It felt like he was performing just for us.



Awww...he's sweet huh? :wub2: I can't take credit for the scarf though. It was Suzy's idea and her hubby picked it out.




Well, don't you? :naughty:




I love it! That's even better than the outfit you wore in DC. I especially love the sash.



To be fair about the Brixton show, he really wasn't himself, 'cause of his illness, so he didn't give 100% in any of the songs.

But I totally agree about the eye contact, when you lock eyes, it's definitely a special moment, it's amazing.

Jack, your reports are fantastic, I hope you are okay, Deb said you were feeling a little ill before the show, hope Dr Mika made you better, ha ha.

Andy is really sweet isn't he, he is very self depricating, doesn't get peoples interest in him at all. Wait 'til he gets to London.LOL!

Love your outfit, especially you handbag, brilliant!

Just waiting for Alice's report now, can't wait for that one, sounds interesting. Hope she finds a computer somewhere.

And Deb, good thinking on puttng the first report page on the top of each page, saves a lot of time. You are an angel.

Love the reports from DS and Infinate too, with all of them together it rounds up everything and makes it feel like you were there.

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Jack I loved your outfit and your reports!!


This is really a pathetic thought but you know, after the concert, on the way home, I thought, "you know, I could die right now, and I would die happy and fulfilled. Oh god, did I just write that?


Next time I write, I hope to have returned to earth.


I think I wrote exactly the same thing after I saw him live too, and it should take a little while before you really hit earth again. Enjoy this surreal experience while it lasts. I thought I was probably too old to ever feel like that, but I was astonished at my inner teenager's power to come to the fore as soon as I saw Mika, and that he was real.


I wonder whether any of us ever go back to who/what we were before.

How can we???



I love all these reports, it just makes me so happy reading them...and weeping too!!:blush-anim-cl: Such treasured memories!!

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WOW Another amazing concert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great energy as always. actually more since it was THE first concert in US.

i have 3 or 4 full videos of songs happy ending, grace kelly, lollipop, and may be missionary man. and a lot more. and 40 some pictures. i will put them up soon. i am at work all tierd right now. so they will be up tonight. and thn i m off to NYC

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Basically, if he's anywhere close to this good in NY, he's going to blow you all away.


:yay: I can't believe I missed your report by 15 minutes! I just couldn't

stay up any longer.


It sounds a lot like the show in Glasgow -- he was so energized there,

and did a lot of the same interacting with the crowd. The sort of

"scat-challenge" in SiTM, the extended (and often

accelerated!) endings of a lot of songs...


Thanks for all the details! Loved them! :)


Yeah, I found that really touching too, Gatagordinha. :wub2: I just hope it wasn't scripted or I'll feel duped!

I think he has said something similar to that before (maybe even in the DVD?)

but I'm sure it was still sincere, as he's never been to Philly before.

Obviously, if he says it in NYC, we'll know there's something fishy

going on! :naughty:


Oh, last thing: I just wanted to post a photo of what I was wearing. Firstly, so that if any other MFCers I did not recognize saw me at the concert, they can tell me so...



and secondly just 'cause I like it.




As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette.



Awesome outfit! Will you wear it again in New York? I'm not getting

anywhere near so creative, but then again, you have youth... :wink2:



12. I sure wrote a lot. I know I sound like a maniac, but I am really quite normal. In fact, I am sitting here in my professional job acting like it is just another day. Little do they all know. Next time I write, I hope to have returned to earth.


Normal? Sure, that's what we all say! :roftl:


Thanks for in-depth report -- and am so glad you had such a marvelous



I can't stand it!!!





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9. He is simply beyond belief. Seriously. There is nothing like his live concert. People here said that, and I did not believe them. It is true. If you have any smidgeon of a chance to experience him live, you must do it. You must.


I've tried to explain that there is no way that a DVD can possibly come close to simulating the experience of standing in the same room as Mika while he's performing. It's something you just have to experience for yourself to understand.


If you're dealing with anyone who has even marginal charisma and talent, the live experience is always better IMO. But Mika has the presence of a superstar and you could feel it even in the days when he just wore jeans and a t-shirt in front of 500 people.


11. When I woke this morning, I felt like it was all a dream except that I saw the streamers from last night hanging from my lamp. I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?


It can last quite awhile. But unfortunately it is often followed by the dreaded Mika withdrawal when you realize the high is fading and you've got no chance of getting another fix in the foreseeable future.


I've seen some tension on MFC when people complain about withdrawal symptoms as others have never had a chance to see him at all. But as you probably know now, until you see him you have no idea what you're actually missing.


To be fair about the Brixton show, he really wasn't himself, 'cause of his illness, so he didn't give 100% in any of the songs.


No, no, you're absolutely right. I've explained to Jack what happened at Brixton and my feelings about it at length so she knows what I mean. It wasn't meant to be a criticism.


It's just wonderful to see him so healthy and happy again. :thumb_yello:

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Went to the concert, and at this point I am too exhausted (3 hours sleep) and overwhelmed to even write. Only want you all to know that it was surreal, unbelievable, everything JackViolet says and more.


The crowd's roars were deafening, so many fans---Philly loves him!!! ( I was so worried there would be no one there!) I love him! I really never ever thought this kind of high from a concert was possible (oh god, I sound so pathetic).


A couple brief tidbits


1. I found myself 20 feet away from the stage and I think at that point I went into some kind of shock and awe because I never in a million zillion years thought I would ever be that close. I know I was in shock because details were lost on me. All I remember is Mika and I kept saying to myself--this is real, this is real.


2. He is unbelievable in concert, really. We've all said it a million times in so many ways, I don't know how else to say it. There was a guy in the balcony above who we thought was going to fall on our heads because he was extended so far out, reaching, reaching for Mika. It looked like he was ready to jump the distance and pounce on Mika. God, do I know the feeling.


3. Yes, very chatty and I loved when he said, "This is the first concert of our US tour, and to tell you the truth, we were a little bit nervous. We had never been to Philadelphia and did not know how this would go, but if this is any indication, we are off to a good start. (CROWD ROAR).


4. Happy Ending was fantastic---he did something extra at the end --extended it out and the crowd was totally into

it. Actually, the crowd was into everything, god, how responsive everyone was, singing along every word to every song. And the simply amazing thing about Mika is that he improvises based on the crowd response. The crowd is in a frenzy, he extends the song longer, adds more stuff, more crowd interaction.


5. Was surprised that he brought up the lack of US radio airplay. Only because we have had such a discussion here.


6. I did not realize that there is a part when the skeleton leans down to hug him. Mike puts his arms up around the skeleton and he looks so fragile, so vulnerable, I wanted to cry.


7. Since this was a smaller venue, I thought there might be some scrimping on the extras. But no--we had it all, lollipop girls, big girls, skeleton, blow up doll, confetti, streamer, balloons. I thought to myself that there is no possible way he could have broken even on this concert with all the expense he put into it. But you know what?? It meant SO MUCH to us his fans, that regardless of the size of the venue, he puts it all into it.


8. I am so wiped out today, I cannot seriously imagine how this man is going to do the same thing tonight in Boston and then Saturday in New York. He puts sooooo much into his concerts, his voice, his moves, it gives it his all. I have not seen a performer give so much, and I have seen many in concert, including Mick Jagger and Prince.


9. He is simply beyond belief. Seriously. There is nothing like his live concert. People here said that, and I did not believe them. It is true. If you have any smidgeon of a chance to experience him live, you must do it. You must.

This is really a pathetic thought but you know, after the concert, on the way home, I thought, "you know, I could die right now, and I would die happy and fulfilled. Oh god, did I just write that?


10. Anyway back at work this morning and I honestly cannot hear very well. I went to a hannah montana concert a few weeks ago (for my niece--not me lol), and the noise level was nothing like last night. I was sooooooooooo, sooooooooooooo happy for Mika that he got such a reception. Philly can be a tough city, but they came through!


11. When I woke this morning, I felt like it was all a dream except that I saw the streamers from last night hanging from my lamp. I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?


12. I sure wrote a lot. I know I sound like a maniac, but I am really quite normal. In fact, I am sitting here in my professional job acting like it is just another day. Little do they all know. Next time I write, I hope to have returned to earth.



To go over some of your points:

6. I thought everyone knew about the skeleton puppet through the videos from the European shows. Maybe not.

9. I understand where you are coming from, you come out of the show on such a euphoric high, it feels like things could end tomorrow, and it wouldn't matter, 'cause you're ecstatically happy.

11/12. The high is amazing and feels like nothing I can say I've ever experienced before (who the heck needs drugs, when you can go to a Mika show, really!), but the low, as I experienced after Munich, Glasgow and Brixton, Munich probably being the worst, can be pretty crushing. But I don't think you ever get over it. I feel like I've changed considerably over the last year, for the better.

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Anyway, the big thing is: he talked. A lot. Was almost uncharacteristically chatty. Kept making little asides, encouraging the crowd, making us interact with him.

Made us sing back to him a LOT.

On Love Today, he had the left side of the crowd do "Anyway you want to," the right side do "Anyway you've gotta" and the center do "Love, love me!" and carried on with that for a bit.

Grace Kelly: made us finish all the colors for him ("I could be ---! I could be ---! Gotta be ---! Gotta be --!") and again, at the end, did a playful thing with the Kachinga, where he would go "Kachiiinngggggg" and we'd have to finish "AH!"



Wowww, it sounds like so much fun :wub2:


Oh, last thing: I just wanted to post a photo of what I was wearing. Firstly, so that if any other MFCers I did not recognize saw me at the concert, they can tell me so...


and secondly just 'cause I like it.




As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette.




Nice! But no head? :crybaby:

Love the coloured stockings, I was wearing my new purple ones today - coincidence! :bleh:


I found on youtube :

Holy Johnny :



how much do you love me ?



Good find! The audio is really good on them, and we can see Mika's little screw up in HJ, what did he do exactly? He just starts laughing lol :naughty:


Only want you all to know that it was surreal, unbelievable, everything JackViolet says and more.


11. When I woke this morning, I felt like it was all a dream except that I saw the streamers from last night hanging from my lamp. I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?


Aww it sounds so fantastic :tears:


WOW Another amazing concert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great energy as always. actually more since it was THE first concert in US.

i have 3 or 4 full videos of songs happy ending, grace kelly, lollipop, and may be missionary man. and a lot more. and 40 some pictures. i will put them up soon. i am at work all tierd right now. so they will be up tonight. and thn i m off to NYC


Yay! Can't wait for them :original:

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I just came back from Philly and let me telL

MIKA WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 BEST SHOW EVER!!!

I got to meet great people as well. I saw Cynthia MUlat and Corina, I met Sara which I do not remember quite well is forum name. ANd her mom, what a sweetheart. THey were so nice to me!! I also met A. Clay which I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE THE FLASHING HEART!!! IT HELP ME TO GET MIKA'S ATTENTION AFTER THE SHOW :):)

I'm going to get some rest for tomorrow's show and then I'll write a small report

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9. He is simply beyond belief. Seriously. There is nothing like his live concert. People here said that, and I did not believe them. It is true. If you have any smidgeon of a chance to experience him live, you must do it. You must.



I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?



Serendipity your report was great.


I've told people (non-fans) how great he is live, but they just say yeah yeah.

But we know the truth: he is in a different league!


The high/comedown lasts quite a while, I remember just feeling kind of numb but also elated for days after, kind of in a post-chicken way (:roftl: did I just write that??).


I've tried to explain that there is no way that a DVD can possibly come close to simulating the experience of standing in the same room as Mika while he's performing. It's something you just have to experience for yourself to understand.


I know. My husband was impressed when he saw the DVD. He said 'He's obviously good live'. I said, you have no idea!!:naughty:


If you're dealing with anyone who has even marginal charisma and talent, the live experience is always better IMO. But Mika has the presence of a superstar and you could feel it even in the days when he just wore jeans and a t-shirt in front of 500 people.


He does. He radiates star quality. It sounds like hyperbole to say that, but he really does!

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Thanks so much for all your reports especially to Jack and Serendipity :wub2:



Yeah, I found that really touching too, Gatagordinha. :wub2: I just hope it wasn't scripted or I'll feel duped!


Oh, last thing: I just wanted to post a photo of what I was wearing. Firstly, so that if any other MFCers I did not recognize saw me at the concert, they can tell me so...



and secondly just 'cause I like it. :naughty:




As you can see, my inspiration was the trademark Mika rosette. :mf_rosetinted:




Will your wear the same in NY too? C'est magnifique!


I can't wait to finally meet you!

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Went to the concert, and at this point I am too exhausted (3 hours sleep) and overwhelmed to even write. Only want you all to know that it was surreal, unbelievable, everything JackViolet says and more.


The crowd's roars were deafening, so many fans---Philly loves him!!! ( I was so worried there would be no one there!) I love him! I really never ever thought this kind of high from a concert was possible (oh god, I sound so pathetic).


A couple brief tidbits


1. I found myself 20 feet away from the stage and I think at that point I went into some kind of shock and awe because I never in a million zillion years thought I would ever be that close. I know I was in shock because details were lost on me. All I remember is Mika and I kept saying to myself--this is real, this is real.


2. He is unbelievable in concert, really. We've all said it a million times in so many ways, I don't know how else to say it. There was a guy in the balcony above who we thought was going to fall on our heads because he was extended so far out, reaching, reaching for Mika. It looked like he was ready to jump the distance and pounce on Mika. God, do I know the feeling.


3. Yes, very chatty and I loved when he said, "This is the first concert of our US tour, and to tell you the truth, we were a little bit nervous. We had never been to Philadelphia and did not know how this would go, but if this is any indication, we are off to a good start. (CROWD ROAR).


4. Happy Ending was fantastic---he did something extra at the end --extended it out and the crowd was totally into

it. Actually, the crowd was into everything, god, how responsive everyone was, singing along every word to every song. And the simply amazing thing about Mika is that he improvises based on the crowd response. The crowd is in a frenzy, he extends the song longer, adds more stuff, more crowd interaction.


5. Was surprised that he brought up the lack of US radio airplay. Only because we have had such a discussion here.


6. I did not realize that there is a part when the skeleton leans down to hug him. Mike puts his arms up around the skeleton and he looks so fragile, so vulnerable, I wanted to cry.


7. Since this was a smaller venue, I thought there might be some scrimping on the extras. But no--we had it all, lollipop girls, big girls, skeleton, blow up doll, confetti, streamer, balloons. I thought to myself that there is no possible way he could have broken even on this concert with all the expense he put into it. But you know what?? It meant SO MUCH to us his fans, that regardless of the size of the venue, he puts it all into it.


8. I am so wiped out today, I cannot seriously imagine how this man is going to do the same thing tonight in Boston and then Saturday in New York. He puts sooooo much into his concerts, his voice, his moves, it gives it his all. I have not seen a performer give so much, and I have seen many in concert, including Mick Jagger and Prince.


9. He is simply beyond belief. Seriously. There is nothing like his live concert. People here said that, and I did not believe them. It is true. If you have any smidgeon of a chance to experience him live, you must do it. You must.

This is really a pathetic thought but you know, after the concert, on the way home, I thought, "you know, I could die right now, and I would die happy and fulfilled. Oh god, did I just write that?


10. Anyway back at work this morning and I honestly cannot hear very well. I went to a hannah montana concert a few weeks ago (for my niece--not me lol), and the noise level was nothing like last night. I was sooooooooooo, sooooooooooooo happy for Mika that he got such a reception. Philly can be a tough city, but they came through!


11. When I woke this morning, I felt like it was all a dream except that I saw the streamers from last night hanging from my lamp. I feel like I am on a different level right now, how long does this high last?


12. I sure wrote a lot. I know I sound like a maniac, but I am really quite normal. In fact, I am sitting here in my professional job acting like it is just another day. Little do they all know. Next time I write, I hope to have returned to earth.


Thank you so much for your review, Serendipity! :wub2:

It definitely IS amazing how Mika manges that the whole audience is completely under his spell...Makes me wanna go to London right now!

Thank you!

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Thank you to InfiniteGreen, DS, Jack, Serendipity, and anyone I may have missed for the brilliant reviews! I'm SO glad Mika was in top form and interacting with the crowd so much! I wish I could have been there...heck, I wish I could forget about RL for a month and see every single show!


I'm coming down from my Toronto high, and now I'm just sad that I'm not going to any other shows on this tour. These US reviews will keep me going, though! I can't wait to see some pictures. Oh, and thank to those of you who found the videos on YouTube! :thumb_yello:

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Have you all seen the Philadelphia Inquirers great review of the concert? http://www.philly.com/inquirer/breaking/news_breaking/15102186.html


I emailed Mr. Deluca to tell him how much I loved the show, loved his article.


Here is his response back to me:


glad you liked the show, and found the review online. that guy is a star, for sure. thanks for the note.

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Have you all seen the Philadelphia Inquirers great review of the concert? http://www.philly.com/inquirer/breaking/news_breaking/15102186.html


I emailed Mr. Deluca to tell him how much I loved the show, loved his article.


Here is his response back to me:


glad you liked the show, and found the review online. that guy is a star, for sure. thanks for the note.

:yay: Mr Deluca, all my respect:wink2:

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