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  • 2 weeks later...

Just realised I didn't update about Martha.

About a week after my last post, she developed diarrhea. Nothing drastic, it wasn't gushing out of her, just when she did want to go it was liquid. Back to the vets, who were very surprised at this turn of events. Another blood test was done, which showed a lowered pancreatic enzyme. There was a suggestion that it could be lymphoma after all, and it might have spread to her liver... 😩 But! The vet consulted a specialist, who confirmed that the lowered enzyme could be causing the diarrhea, and looking at her overall history, they now think she has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI).  Basically her pancreas isn't producing enough of this enzyme, which affects her digestive ability, so any fats and oils are not digested and pass straight through, hence the diarrhea. 


EPI isn't curable, but it can be treated by adding an enzyme supplement powder to her food. Alternatively if she doesn't like the powder,  I can get some fresh raw pancreas from a butcher and chop a little into her food.  Same way they treated diabetics before insulin. 


Meanwhile she has today had her final vitamin injection. Short respite from trips to the vet. Keep her on the hypoallergenic food, the probiotic powder, and the enzyme powder. Vet will ring in 2 weeks to see how she is, hopefully by that point the diarrhea will be gone. Then another blood test in 4 weeks time to check her various levels and make sure nothing has been missed.


Fingers crossed we've cracked it at last. :crossed:

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28 minutes ago, Hero said:

Fingers crossed we've cracked it at last. :crossed:


I certainly hope so! It sounds like a lot to go through to get the treatment and diagnosis for Martha, but when it comes to family (because pets are) every penny and time spent is worth it  ❤ 

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1 hour ago, Hero said:

EPI isn't curable, but it can be treated by adding an enzyme supplement powder to her food


My friend have a cat diagnosed with EPI 3 years ago, he is 11 y.o.  He gets the daily medication and the best special food for this disease from Hill's ( the pic below )  and he is very well, the blood test results are fine. But it's very important to get the medication daily, and from time to time the vet adjusts the dosage. I know he gets the blood tests done once at 3 months now.

I hope Martha will feel well soon after the treatment will start and you'll be able to keep her disease under control  :crossed:


You can find the wet food from Hill's as well https://www.hillspet.co.uk/cat-food/pd-feline-prescription-diet-id-tender-chunks-gravy-with-chicken-pouch



Edited by krysady
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  • 4 weeks later...

Taking Martha back to the vets later today for another blood test. Poor girl, her fur has just grown back nicely from the last time. It's a scheduled test, the vet wanted to do one to be sure all her readings were back on track after the treatment. It might be timely though, Martha has been intermittently regurgitating her biscuits, so she's not getting a full dose of the enzyme powder. :emot-sad:

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14 minutes ago, Hero said:

Taking Martha back to the vets later today for another blood test. Poor girl, her fur has just grown back nicely from the last time. It's a scheduled test, the vet wanted to do one to be sure all her readings were back on track after the treatment. It might be timely though, Martha has been intermittently regurgitating her biscuits, so she's not getting a full dose of the enzyme powder. :emot-sad:


Hope it is nothing serious. :hug:

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  • 3 weeks later...

And, back to the vets we go... she's not opening her eyes properly, just squinting, and had some pinkish discharge from her ear. Guess it could be a bacterial or viral infection. Poor girl, she's not had an easy time. 

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OK, not an infection. Ears are fine, she must have just scratched herself, so no problem there. But... she's squinting because she's got a little conjunctivitis, but more seriously due to losing weight with her condition, she's lost some of the trans orbital fat under her eyes, and on one the eyelids are starting to turn inwards. :crybaby: It's not too bad at the moment, but if it reaches the point where her fur/lashes are rubbing against her eyes, she'll need surgery. For now I have to put a gel in her eyes twice a day (that'll be fun), and review in 2 weeks time. 


Just when I thought we were getting back on top of things. :doh:

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1 hour ago, Hero said:

OK, not an infection. Ears are fine, she must have just scratched herself, so no problem there. But... she's squinting because she's got a little conjunctivitis, but more seriously due to losing weight with her condition, she's lost some of the trans orbital fat under her eyes, and on one the eyelids are starting to turn inwards. :crybaby: It's not too bad at the moment, but if it reaches the point where her fur/lashes are rubbing against her eyes, she'll need surgery. For now I have to put a gel in her eyes twice a day (that'll be fun), and review in 2 weeks time. 


Just when I thought we were getting back on top of things. :doh:


Oh poor Martha, I hope the gel works and her eyes get better and it's not too stressful for you to actually apply it.

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3 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


Oh poor Martha, I hope the gel works and her eyes get better and it's not too stressful for you to actually apply it.

Thank you. Yes, I suspect I'll end up with more of it on me than her... :facepalm: 


I should have taken a photo. The vet put some dyed drops in her eyes, they were bright pink going in, but on draining it turned any eye boogers vivid green, and the rest of it stained her little face bright yellow. Which then transferred to her paws as she washed herself. She looked like she'd been at a rave during Holi! :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

Another trip to the vet for poor Martha. Her eyes are sore, weeping, crusted over. Vets taken a swab for the lab to check for any nasties that might be causing it to recur, if there are she can have specific antibiotics rather than the general drops. But it looks like her right eyelids might be starting to catch her eye too. So antibiotics first to clean them up, then another check to see if surgery is needed. Bless her. :tears:


That was an expensive start to the week. Might not be buying tickets and trains this month!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update, lab results back, all clear, no nasty viruses or bacteria causing infection. :whew:

But, next step is surgery to stop her eyelids catching on her eyes. :tears: Has to be done, for her own comfort and also if untreated it can lead to eye ulcers. Just waiting on vet to confirm details. 



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15 minutes ago, Hero said:

Update, lab results back, all clear, no nasty viruses or bacteria causing infection. :whew:

But, next step is surgery to stop her eyelids catching on her eyes. :tears: Has to be done, for her own comfort and also if untreated it can lead to eye ulcers. Just waiting on vet to confirm details. 



Sweet baby 

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4 hours ago, Hero said:

Update, lab results back, all clear, no nasty viruses or bacteria causing infection. :whew:

But, next step is surgery to stop her eyelids catching on her eyes. :tears: Has to be done, for her own comfort and also if untreated it can lead to eye ulcers. Just waiting on vet to confirm details. 



She is lovely :wub2: I hope she'll be fine soon :hug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Martha had her surgery yesterday. All went well (thank god), and she is back home to recover. She has to wear a collar to stop her scratching her stitches, which she is very annoyed about! She is also frustrated because the collar keeps getting in the way - she couldn't even climb the stairs to bed last night as the bottom of the collar kept catching on the top of the next step and pushing her back. Currently a grumpy mess cuddled into a fluffy blanket on my knee. 😢😿💔





Picking her up from the vets yesterday...




*That's not her carrier, it's borrowed from the vet. Her carrier went home with another kitty by mistake! Not sure the other kitty would have liked that, it had a well-used blanket in that smelt of Martha. Oopsie. 

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3 minutes ago, krysady said:

I hope she'll recover soon, take care of her! Any side effects from getting her eyelid removed? Would affect her in any way? 

It's difficult to see in the photos, but she's actually still got her eyelids. What they've done is take a small sliver of skin from just below the lid, and stitched it so that as it heals, it pulls the lid out slightly, so her fur and lashes don't rub against her eyes when she blinks.  



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1 minute ago, Hero said:

It's difficult to see in the photos, but she's actually still got her eyelids. What they've done is take a small sliver of skin from just below the lid, and stitched it so that as it heals, it pulls the lid out slightly, so her fur and lashes don't rub against her eyes when she blinks.  



Ah, I understand now! Then she'll be fine soon :thumb_yello:

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1 hour ago, Hero said:

So, Martha had her surgery yesterday. All went well (thank god), and she is back home to recover. She has to wear a collar to stop her scratching her stitches, which she is very annoyed about! She is also frustrated because the collar keeps getting in the way - she couldn't even climb the stairs to bed last night as the bottom of the collar kept catching on the top of the next step and pushing her back. Currently a grumpy mess cuddled into a fluffy blanket on my knee. 😢😿💔





Picking her up from the vets yesterday...




*That's not her carrier, it's borrowed from the vet. Her carrier went home with another kitty by mistake! Not sure the other kitty would have liked that, it had a well-used blanket in that smelt of Martha. Oopsie. 

Poor baby....

When my cat was wearing a collar I cut of a small bit in the front. Because my baby was not even able to eat from her bowl.

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2 hours ago, Hero said:

So, Martha had her surgery yesterday. All went well (thank god), and she is back home to recover. She has to wear a collar to stop her scratching her stitches, which she is very annoyed about! She is also frustrated because the collar keeps getting in the way - she couldn't even climb the stairs to bed last night as the bottom of the collar kept catching on the top of the next step and pushing her back. Currently a grumpy mess cuddled into a fluffy blanket on my knee. 😢😿💔





Picking her up from the vets yesterday...




*That's not her carrier, it's borrowed from the vet. Her carrier went home with another kitty by mistake! Not sure the other kitty would have liked that, it had a well-used blanket in that smelt of Martha. Oopsie. 

Poor baby 🥹 Sending cuddles ❤️

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29 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Poor baby....

When my cat was wearing a collar I cut of a small bit in the front. Because my baby was not even able to eat from her bowl.

I noticed last night she was having to use it like a little shovel to push her food up so she could eat. That could work! 

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