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Back...FOR GOOD!!


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Hello everyone again!

It feels like I haven't been here for ages....like AGES AGES! I feel like an alien :teehee:


But it's so good to be back! Hopefully for good this time (no more big breaks :naughty:)

For those of you I know, all the wonderfull MFC members I've had the pleasure to talk to and even meet :wub2: I've missed you all! And I look forward to catching up with you very soon :biggrin2:


And there's so many new member since I've returned, so much so I had trouble finding people I knew in certain threads :aah: (Yes, I have been secretly stalking you all for a while before returning :mf_rosetinted: mwahaha)


But Hello All Newbies! I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE A GOOD NATTER WITH YOU ALL :biggrin2:


So why the big absence?

Just tonnes of things going on I guess. So much so I never had the chance to sit back and relax in the forums properly (which I love to do).

Things like exams & school etc...


But I have exciting news! As a few of you know, I'm very into photography and came 2nd in the NME Under 18's Photography Awards 2010 with a picture of Mika :blush-anim-cl: thank you to all who voted btw! And since, have embarked into the business. I'm now making a name for myself, taking onboard full shoots/day works and extra commissions...and I'm booked to shoot 2 weddings next year!! I admit, it's lots of work, with everything on top of school and homework (and a bit of me time :teehee:) But it's not gonna stop me coming back to MFC no more! I'm so glad to finally be back with you all :blush-anim-cl:




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Hi! welcome back! im new here and im trying to make friends :roftl: i feel strange here also, i see people posting links and things i dont know how to do xD but i know, soon, i will be able to do it cause i HAVE TO come here EVERYDAY xD im addicted to this website, just like facebook :thumb_yello:

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