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Mikasounds, Twitter and Facebook updates - Part 12


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I'm watching the documentary now and I can see the "new sexism" quite clearly;


Firslt, the popularity of "lads mags" which have become mainstream and freely available for all to see on the shelves in shops, including children passing by. This isn't something that was freely available in the past.


Add to that the freedom the internet has given people to say anything they want, no matter how offensive, to other people with virtually no comeback on themselves has led it becoming normal to expect vile sexist language from strangers. For example, what happened to Mary Beard.


Songs such as Blurred Lines also give the message that the subject explored in the lyrics is ok and normal. It's not. Most adults know that, but this song is played on the radio and on TV for people of all ages to hear (they even played it during a pantomine I saw with my 3 year old at Christmas!). That's not an attitude I want my children growing up with or even exposed to, to be honest.


And finally, the portrayal of women in video games. GTA being the worst example. This isn't something that people, again including children, were exposed to in the past. Now it's considered appropriate enough for a mainstream video game.




Anyway, back on topic, I wonder why Mika deleted the tweet?

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Cordelia I agree that people are being exposed to sexism via media that didn't exist until recently. But IMO it doesn't indicate any type of changing attitude towards women. The same misogyny has been present the whole time. The guys playing GTA in the documentary pointed out that punching and robbing a prostitute doesn't appeal to them so their exposure to it does not affect their attitude. But it does appeal to some people. The same ones who probably thought it was okay to punch and rob prostitutes before GTA was released. I believe it was the founder of the lads mag who said that the magazine was just reflecting the attitude of its audience and not creating it.


We can all say whatever we want on Twitter with relative anonymity. The question is why do these men want to threaten women with rape and degrade them sexually on Twitter in the first place? You can't blame the misogyny on the existence of social media. It's just a medium to attack women, it's not the source of their sexist attitudes.

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It's not just a problem on social media though. Sexism has been an issue for decades. How often are women harassed on the streets just for being women.




I watched a video which was a response to this documentary. The girl was named a "cheap prostitute" and it was basically her own fault that men called her a whore because she was dressed 'half-naked', and because she wore make-up. It was said that women dress the way they do and put on makeup just to get attention from men and when men do give attention, women complain. They said that if women don't want to be seen as lust objects, why do they act like one?


Honestly, it's not an issue which has become big by the rise of social media. It's an issue that has been going on for ages. And instead of teaching girls that they should be ashamed of their bodies and ashamed of the fact that they are female, we should teach boys to respect women and respect boundaries. Because too often when a girl is raped, it is considered her fault because of the way she dressed. But aren't we supposed to be free to make our own decisions without having to fear being called names or worse just because we're women and just because some men consider women to be inferior to them?


It is not a man's place to decide how women should behave themselves. We don't live in the 1800s anymore.

Edited by IngievV
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MIKA official @mikasounds · 12m

En route to Nice for the Cannes Festival! Then on to Napoli for Sunday's concert! Was so good to finally be back in London this week.

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MIKA official @mikasounds · 12m

En route to Nice for the Cannes Festival! Then on to Napoli for Sunday's concert! Was so good to finally be back in London this week.


Cannes for the screening of some movie or for parties? :naughty:

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Thank you - it's great to know that MIKA is now invited to Cannes because of this movie! :thumb_yello: I was in both Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo last year end April/beg. May - when they prepared for the movie festival, and the Formel 1 race in Monaco - all lovely cities! :blush-anim-cl: This week our radio stations have been talking a lot about "Grace of Monaco" movie, and each time they closed it with playing "Grace Kelly" :teehee: I don't think I need to say how much I love this new attention MIKA has got here - and I hope he enjoys himself in Cannes tonight, and gets really energized before the gig in Naples ...:fisch:




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Thank you - it's great to know that MIKA is now invited to Cannes because of this movie! :thumb_yello: I was in both Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo last year end April/beg. May - when they prepared for the movie festival, and the Formel 1 race in Monaco - all lovely cities!

Indeed,especially Monte Carlo :thumb_yello:

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I too have heard only bad reviews about the movie so far, but also that's funny how every single bit of news about the festival (and there's quite a lot of it) ends up with Grace Kelly (the song, I mean. Obviously :aah: ). I've heard it like 20 times today only. I won't complain :mf_rosetinted:


(I was once at Cannes for the festival. I accidently ended up partying on a boat until 6 pm. He's gonna have fun :naughty: )

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In the Press, in the UK!!!!!



:naughty: It's about being at the right place - at the right time :thumb_yello: Salma Hayek seems to like him - MIKA is soo elegant in this suit ...:wub2:




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