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Mika in French Press - 2022


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Nikos en vrai : à l'ombre des lumières,

mercredi 9 février à 21h15 sur TMC


ALORS QU’IL FÊTE CETTE ANNEE SES 20 ANS A TF1, Nikos Aliagas a accepté de nous livrer pour la première fois son histoire : depuis l’arrivée de ses parents immigrés grecs en France, son enfance, ses débuts à la télévision, ses succès, les doutes qui l’ont parfois traversé, les choix qu’il a dû faire mais aussi son rapport viscéral à la terre de ses ancêtres, cette double culture franco-grecque qui l’a façonné et dont il est fier et sa passion pour la photographie. Mais ce n’est pas seul que Nikos va nous ouvrir les portes de sa vie…

Des témoins de prestige vont aussi nous raconter leur Nikos : Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean-Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, Marc Lavoine… mais aussi sa famille, sa mère, sa sœur, sa femme, et ses amis, ceux de la première heure qui font toujours bloc autour de lui, comme ceux qu’il s’est fait au fil des ans à la faveur de ses rencontres.


:uk: Google translator



Nikos in real life: in the shadow of the lights,

Wednesday February 9 at 9:15 p.m. on TMC


AS HE CELEBRATES HIS 20TH ANNIVERSARY AT TF1 THIS YEAR, Nikos Aliagas has agreed to share his story with us for the first time: since the arrival of his Greek immigrant parents in France, his childhood, his debut on television, his successes , the doubts that sometimes crossed him, the choices he had to make but also his visceral relationship to the land of his ancestors, this dual Franco-Greek culture that shaped him and of which he is proud and his passion for photography. But it is not alone that Nikos will open the doors of his life to us... Prestigious witnesses will also tell us about their Nikos: Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean- Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, Marc Lavoine… but also his family, his mother, his sister, his wife, and his friends, those from the very beginning who always unite around him, like those who has been made over the years thanks to his encounters.




Edited by Kumazzz
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16 minutes ago, carafon said:



"Nikos Aliagas a accepté de nous livrer pour la première fois son histoire :  depuis l'arrivée de ses parents immigrés grecs en France, son enfance, ses débuts à la télévision, ses succès, les doutes qui l'ont parfois traversé, les choix qu'il a dû faire mais aussi son rapport viscéral à la terre de ses ancêtres, cette double culture franco-grecque qui l'a façonné et dont il est fier et sa passion pour la photographie. De la France à la Grèce, des coulisses de ses émissions cultes à ses moments intimes, grâce à des images inédites et exclusives, découvrez 'Nikos en vrai' tel que vous ne l'avez jamais vu !", a ajouté la première chaîne. Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean-Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, ou bien encore Marc Lavoine, ont tous accepté de témoigner au sein de ce documentaire, dont la narration est assurée par la présentatrice météo de TF1 : Tatiana Silva.


English translation:


"Nikos Aliagas has agreed to tell us his story for the first time: since the arrival of his Greek immigrant parents in France, his childhood, his debut on television, his successes, the doubts that sometimes crossed him, the choices he had to do but also his visceral relationship to the land of his ancestors, this dual Franco-Greek culture that shaped him and of which he is proud and his passion for photography. from his cult shows to his intimate moments, thanks to new and exclusive images, discover 'Nikos in real life' as you have never seen him!", added the first channel. Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean-Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, or even Marc Lavoine, have all agreed to testify in this documentary , narrated by TF1 weather presenter Tatiana Silva."



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2 hours ago, carafon said:


Maybe I'm getting things mixed up, but is this one of Andy's projects? Or did Mika just happen to be involved because of Star Academy and The Voice? Sounds like they have a few things in common, in any case!

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40 minutes ago, Aki Celeste said:


Maybe I'm getting things mixed up, but is this one of Andy's projects? Or did Mika just happen to be involved because of Star Academy and The Voice? Sounds like they have a few things in common, in any case!

It's not one of Andy's project but  a French documentary .

I think because Nikos Aliagas has been working for 20 years at TF1

Mika is just one of those who give some oppinion about him

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Nikos en Vrai





A Part of Mika





On 1/20/2022 at 9:32 PM, Kumazzz said:



Nikos en vrai : à l'ombre des lumières,

mercredi 9 février à 21h15 sur TMC


ALORS QU’IL FÊTE CETTE ANNEE SES 20 ANS A TF1, Nikos Aliagas a accepté de nous livrer pour la première fois son histoire : depuis l’arrivée de ses parents immigrés grecs en France, son enfance, ses débuts à la télévision, ses succès, les doutes qui l’ont parfois traversé, les choix qu’il a dû faire mais aussi son rapport viscéral à la terre de ses ancêtres, cette double culture franco-grecque qui l’a façonné et dont il est fier et sa passion pour la photographie. Mais ce n’est pas seul que Nikos va nous ouvrir les portes de sa vie…

Des témoins de prestige vont aussi nous raconter leur Nikos : Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean-Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, Marc Lavoine… mais aussi sa famille, sa mère, sa sœur, sa femme, et ses amis, ceux de la première heure qui font toujours bloc autour de lui, comme ceux qu’il s’est fait au fil des ans à la faveur de ses rencontres.


:uk: Google translator

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Nikos in real life: in the shadow of the lights,

Wednesday February 9 at 9:15 p.m. on TMC


AS HE CELEBRATES HIS 20TH ANNIVERSARY AT TF1 THIS YEAR, Nikos Aliagas has agreed to share his story with us for the first time: since the arrival of his Greek immigrant parents in France, his childhood, his debut on television, his successes , the doubts that sometimes crossed him, the choices he had to make but also his visceral relationship to the land of his ancestors, this dual Franco-Greek culture that shaped him and of which he is proud and his passion for photography. But it is not alone that Nikos will open the doors of his life to us... Prestigious witnesses will also tell us about their Nikos: Jenifer, Patrick Fiori, Zazie, Florent Pagny, Jean Paul Gaultier, Arthur, Christine Bravo, Jean- Paul Rouve, Thomas Sotto, Stéphane Bern, Soprano, Mika, Marc Lavoine… but also his family, his mother, his sister, his wife, and his friends, those from the very beginning who always unite around him, like those who has been made over the years thanks to his encounters.





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Le 02/04/2022 à 23h20


Mika malade
: le chanteur annule un concert après une urgence médicale

Samedi 2 avril 2022, le chanteur Mika a publié sur son compte Instagram un message afin d’annuler pour raisons médicales son concert prévu le soir même à Boston.


Ces dernières années ont été extrêmement difficiles pour Mika. En 2019, il apprend que sa mère, souffrant déjà d’une maladie cardiaque, présente également une tumeur au cerveau. La maladie est incurable et il voit sa mère décliner lentement, progressivement incapable de marcher puis de parler. Elle lui fera aussi une grosse frayeur en attrapant le coronavirus dont elle finira tout de même par guérir. En décembre 2021, elle s’est éteinte des suites de sa longue maladie.


Une disparition qui a bouleversé le chanteur d’origine libanaise qui a toujours entretenu une relation fusionnelle avec sa maman. Elle lui a d’ailleurs inspiré plusieurs chansons. Le 4 février 2021, il confiait même au journal Le Parisien lui avoir dédié son dernier spectacle à l’Opéra Royal de Versailles : " Toute ma famille était présente à ce concert, et même ma mère était là en chaise roulante. D'une certaine manière, je faisais ce concert pour elle. Elle est partie peu de temps après, certainement fière de celui que j'étais devenu”.

Un maladie mystérieuse


Le message en anglais publié ce samedi 2 avril sur le compte Instagram de l’ancien coach de l’émission The Voice est des plus énigmatiques. Le chanteur s’excuse auprès de ses fans de ne pouvoir assurer le concert prévu le soir même au Roadrunner de Boston. Il invoque des raisons de santé, sans toutefois en donner le détail: " J'ai été malade et j’ai dû avoir un rendez-vous en urgence avec un médecin". Il ajoute "Sur les ordres du médecin, je ne pourrais pas me produire sur scène ce soir".


Sur la Toile les fans s’interrogent, s’agit-il d’une maladie bénigne comme une grippe ou un rhume ou bien d’une maladie plus grave? Chose étonnante, la section de la publication Instagram dédiée aux commentaires a été fermée, laissant ainsi les spéculations aller bon train.



:uk: Google translator



Mika sick
: the singer cancels a concert after a medical emergency

On Saturday April 2, 2022, singer Mika posted a message on his Instagram account to cancel his concert scheduled for the same evening in Boston for medical reasons.

The last few years have been extremely difficult for Mika. In 2019, he learns that his mother, already suffering from heart disease, also has a brain tumor. The disease is incurable and he sees his mother slowly declining, gradually unable to walk and then to speak. She will also give him a big fright by catching the coronavirus from which she will eventually recover. In December 2021, she passed away following her long illness.

A disappearance that upset the singer of Lebanese origin who has always had a close relationship with his mother. She has also inspired several songs. On February 4, 2021, he even confided to the newspaper Le Parisien having dedicated his last show to him at the Royal Opera of Versailles: “All my family was present at this concert, and even my mother was there in a wheelchair. way, I was doing this concert for her. She left shortly after, certainly proud of who I had become”.

A mysterious disease

The message in English published this Saturday, April 2 on the Instagram account of the former coach of the show The Voice is most enigmatic. The singer apologizes to his fans for not being able to perform the concert scheduled for the same evening at the Roadrunner in Boston. He invokes health reasons, without however giving the details: "I was sick and I had to have an emergency appointment with a doctor". He adds "On doctor's orders, I could not perform on stage tonight".

On the Web the fans wonder, is it a mild illness like the flu or a cold or a more serious illness? Amazingly, the comments section of the Instagram post has been closed, leaving speculation to run rampant.







Le 05/04/2022 à 08h36


« Je dois reposer mon corps et ma voix »
: toujours souffrant, Mika annonce une mauvaise nouvelle

Mauvaise nouvelle pour les fans de Mika. Après avoir annulé son concert à Boston, le chanteur est de nouveau contraint de reporter sa représentation prévue à Brooklyn ce 5 avril. Une triste nouvelle annoncée sur Instagram.


« Je dois reposer mon corps et ma voix » : toujours souffrant, Mika annonce une mauvaise nouvelle

Le chant a toujours été le moyen d’expression de Mika. Et son public le lui a toujours bien rendu. Impossible de ne pas citer son premier opus Life in a cartoon motion, disque de diamant en France et album le plus vendu de l’année 2007. Que ce soit des titres comme Relax, Grace Kelly, Lollipop ou encore Elle me dit, Mika a toujours su séduire ses fans en chantant ses joies comme ses peines. C’est ce qu’il a fait en dédiant son concert à l’Opéra Royal de Versailles à sa maman, qui s’est éteinte en décembre 2020 à la suite d’une longue maladie.


Toute ma famille était présente à ce concert, et même ma mère était là en chaise roulante. D'une certaine manière, je faisais ce concert pour elle. Elle est partie peu de temps après, certainement fière de celui que j'étais devenu”, confiait l’ancien coach de The Voice au Parisien. Une épreuve douloureuse pour le musicien, lorsque l’on sait à quel point sa relation avec sa maman était fusionnelle. D’autant plus qu’elle lui a inspiré de nombreuses chansons.

Mika de retour sur scène le 12 avril ?

Ce samedi 2 avril, Mika avait hâte de retrouver son public au Roadrunner de Boston. Sauf que quelques heures avant le spectacle, le chanteur âgé de 38 ans a été contraint d’annoncer le report du show. “J'ai été malade et j’ai dû avoir un rendez-vous en urgence avec un médecin. Sur les ordres du médecin, je ne pourrais pas me produire sur scène ce soir”, annonçait-il à ses fans, promettant de les retrouver dès le mardi 5 avril à Brooklyn, New York. Sauf que dans la nuit de ce 5 avril, le musicien a de nouveau annulé le report de sa représentation.


Bien que je sois en voie de guérison et que je me sente mieux (merci à tous pour vos gentils messages), je ne suis pas suffisamment rétabli pour chanter et je dois reposer mon corps et ma voix, afin que je puisse être soigné le plus vite possible. J’ai vraiment hâte de tous vous retrouver”, a partagé le musicien, bloquant encore une fois l’accès aux commentaires des internautes. L’artiste promet de retrouver ses fans le 12 avril à Brooklyn. Impossible de savoir pour l’instant quelle maladie a touché le pétillant Mika, à qui nous souhaitons un bon rétablissement.



:uk: Google translator


“I need to rest my body and my voice”
: still suffering, Mika announces bad news


Bad news for Mika fans. After canceling his concert in Boston, the singer is again forced to postpone his scheduled performance in Brooklyn on April 5. Sad news announced on Instagram.

“I have to rest my body and my voice”: still suffering, Mika announces bad news

Singing has always been Mika's means of expression. And his audience has always given him back. Impossible not to mention his first opus Life in a cartoon motion, diamond disc in France and best-selling album of the year 2007. Whether titles like Relax, Grace Kelly, Lollipop or Elle me dit, Mika has always knew how to seduce his fans by singing his joys as well as his sorrows. This is what he did by dedicating his concert at the Royal Opera of Versailles to his mother, who died in December 2020 following a long illness.

“All my family was present at this concert, and even my mother was there in a wheelchair. In a way, I was doing this concert for her. She left shortly after, certainly proud of who I had become”, confided the former coach of The Voice to Parisian. A painful ordeal for the musician, when we know how close his relationship with his mother was. Especially since it has inspired many songs.

Mika back on stage on April 12?


This Saturday, April 2, Mika was eager to find his audience at the Roadrunner in Boston. Except that a few hours before the show, the 38-year-old singer was forced to announce the postponement of the show. “I was sick and had to have an emergency appointment with a doctor. On doctor's orders, I could not perform on stage tonight”, he announced to his fans, promising to meet them on Tuesday, April 5 in Brooklyn, New York. Except that on the night of April 5, the musician again canceled the postponement of his performance.

“Although I am on the mend and feeling better (thank you all for your kind messages), I am not recovered enough to sing and I need to rest my body and my voice, so that I can be treated on As fast as possible. I can't wait to see you all again”, shared the musician, once again blocking access to comments from Internet users. The artist promises to meet his fans on April 12 in Brooklyn. Impossible to know for the moment which disease affected the sparkling Mika, to whom we wish a good recovery.






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Nikos Aliagas nous présente sa nouvelle exposition, « Regards Miroirs »


After having exhibited in more than twenty mythical places in Paris, Nikos Aliagas will present an unprecedented photo exhibition at La Seine Musicale from April 15 to November 3, 2022.

The public will thus be able to discover a video presenting a hundred of his portraits of personalities (artists , musicians or French and international actors) to music improvised by Ibrahim Maalouf and his orchestra “Free Spirit Ensemble”. The exhibition will be completed by around thirty large unpublished prints inside the building.

Interview conducted on the set of 50’Inside by Mélissa Saint-Fort, directed by Fred Zahn. ©TF1 Production


Nikos mentions a shot of Mika and Taylor at The Voice studio.




Taylor, Mika and Nikos at The Voice on May 25th 2019.




Taylor's performance at that day.



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  • 2 weeks later...




50 Inside - Saturday the 23rd of April at 5:50pm on TF1.


A documentary from Coachella festival about Francofone artists: Stromae,  L'Imperatrice, Mika.


Second video:

Journalist: When are you going on stage ?

Mika (making calculation in his head): In 3 hours. It's perfect.

J: Are you OK?

M: Yes. Why? It's only 45 minutes. It will be fast.

J: So, have a great concert.

M: No, you should say...?

J: Break your leg?

M: No. You should say...?

J: Merde!

M: Yes, merde!



Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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On 22. 4. 2022 at 19:19, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:




50 Inside - Sobota 23. dubna v 17:50 na TF1.


Dokument z festivalu Coachella o umělcích Francofone: Stromae, L'Imperatrice, Mika.


Druhé video:

Novinář: Kdy jdeš na pódium?

Mika (počítá v hlavě): Za 3 hodiny. Je to perfektní.

J: Jsi v pořádku?

M: Ano. Proč? Je to jen 45 minut. Bude to rychlé.

J: Tak mějte krásný koncert.

M: Ne, měl bys říct...?

J: Zlomíš si nohu?

M: Ne. Měl bys říct...?

J: Sakra!

M: Ano, sakra!




Hello Anna, do you know, if is any link to watch 50'inside with Mika again? I missed it and I can't find anything.... 

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56 minutes ago, jajinka5 said:

Hello Anna, do you know, if is any link to watch 50'inside with Mika again? I missed it and I can't find anything.... 


Here is the link to watch with VPN.



I recorded my screen. Sorry for the quality.

It was pretty short with Mika :dunno:

But his morning voice is priceless!!!!



Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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2 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Zde je odkaz ke sledování s VPN.



Zaznamenal jsem svou obrazovku. Omlouvám se za kvalitu.

S Mikou to bylo docela krátké :nevím:

Ale jeho ranní hlas je k nezaplacení!!!!




I found the link, but I can't watch it in the Czech republic... Thank you very much for your video❤️

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3 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Here is the link to watch with VPN.



I recorded my screen. Sorry for the quality.

It was pretty short with Mika :dunno:

But his morning voice is priceless!!!!





Thanks a lot, I'm downloading... 

by https://youtube4kdownloader.com/download/video/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tf1.fr%2Ftf1%2F50-mn-inside%2Fvideos%2F50-inside-le-mag-du-23-avril-2022-84092388.html

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11 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Here is the link to watch with VPN.



I recorded my screen. Sorry for the quality.

It was pretty short with Mika :dunno:

But his morning voice is priceless!!!!




Thank you so much Anna :flowers2::huglove:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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55 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

It is!! It’s so deep! Hard to imagine that he hits the high notes later in the day :lol: But he does! His voice has been in great shape the whole tour, from all the videos I have seen so far. 


Mika was talking about his voice changes during the day. His best quality is about (if I well remember) 8 hours after getting up.

That's why when he is touring he tries to get up late - about noon. Like this he is in his best in the evening during the show. He is able to hit high notes. But his "morning voice" is always very low.

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4 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Mika was talking about his voice changes during the day. His best quality is about (if I well remember) 8 hours after getting up.

That's why when he is touring he tries to get up late - about noon. Like this he is in his best in the evening during the show. He is able to hit high notes. But his "morning voice" is always very low.


Ha, I wonder if that's just an excuse to sleep in, because people find it strange and call you lazy if you say you enjoy sleeping until noon. I like sleeping until noon if I can - doesn't work that often with kids, but on the weekends my family usually lets me sleep. I also like waking up slowly and stay in that place between dreaming and waking for a while, it makes the day and my mood much better if I can wake up like that, instead of having to jump up to the sound of the alarm clock. It's very relatable that Mika isn't a morning person either, for whatever reason. :lol3:  Tho I love his morning voice. :swoon: But I never understood how people can expect you to be awake before 9am or so, always thought that school starting at 8 was torture! :rolleyes: If I could plan my workday the way I wanted, I'd set appointments only between 12 noon and 12 midnight, lol! It's not lazier than other people, it's just a different schedule. :dunno_grin: Maybe I should do remote work for a company in the US. :naughty:


What else does he say? I can't understand much. Guess I'm out of practice with French (and Italian) interviews, lol! :rolleyes:

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9 minutes ago, mellody said:


Ha, I wonder if that's just an excuse to sleep in, because people find it strange and call you lazy if you say you enjoy sleeping until noon. I like sleeping until noon if I can - doesn't work that often with kids, but on the weekends my family usually lets me sleep. I also like waking up slowly and stay in that place between dreaming and waking for a while, it makes the day and my mood much better if I can wake up like that, instead of having to jump up to the sound of the alarm clock. It's very relatable that Mika isn't a morning person either, for whatever reason. :lol3:  Tho I love his morning voice. :swoon: But I never understood how people can expect you to be awake before 9am or so, always thought that school starting at 8 was torture! :rolleyes: If I could plan my workday the way I wanted, I'd set appointments only between 12 noon and 12 midnight, lol! It's not lazier than other people, it's just a different schedule. :dunno_grin: Maybe I should do remote work for a company in the US. :naughty:


1 hour ago, holdingyourdrink said:

What a life :lol3: but he also works in the afternoon until late evening and goes to bed late, so his working day is a bit different from ours! 


Ha ha ha! When I work I get up about 7am and after 30-45 minutes I am ready for work - now when I do home working it's great.

But my morning voice is for sure lower that during the day.

And what is funny very often I like singing in the evening - even late - about 10pm. Well I don't use 100% of my voice as I live in a flat with neighbors around me. But at this time I can hit really very high notes. Especially when I sing with Sia or Adele :lol3:

But I became a nightmare for my neighbors some time ago when I was recording "Let It Go" or "Tytanium" - of course late in the evening. Several days again and again the same song. I am a monster!


And about Mika as a morning person (or not) - it is one of hints in Masked Singer for the crocodile. Many of hints are for Mika. But this one???? When I watch the crocodile moving and singing - I am not sure if it's him. And he does sing only French songs. I would expect Mika choosing English songs as well.


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1 hour ago, mellody said:

But I never understood how people can expect you to be awake before 9am or so, always thought that school starting at 8 was torture! :rolleyes: If I could plan my workday the way I wanted, I'd set appointments only between 12 noon and 12 midnight, lol!


1 hour ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Ha ha ha! When I work I get up about 7am and after 30-45 minutes I am ready for work - now when I do home working it's great.

Will you all believe me when I say that I am a morning and an evening person? Afternoon person as well, depending how heavy I ate for lunch 😅

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  • 2 weeks later...

However this is unconfirmed information...




Le 04/05/2022 à 11h59


Star Academy de retour : cet artiste pressenti pour prendre la direction du château



Quatorze ans après son clap de fin, la Star Academy va effectuer son grand retour à l'automne prochain sur TF1. Le Parisien s'est intéressé aux changements qui pourraient accompagner ce come-back, et notamment au nom du prochain directeur du château.

Star Academy de retour : cet artiste pressenti pour prendre la direction du château

La musique, oui la musique, va retentir une nouvelle fois dans les arcanes du château de Dammarie-les-Lys. Des années après avoir fermé ses portes aux apprentis chanteurs, le lieu des vocalises lyriques de Nolwenn Leroy, du flirt entre Jenifer et Jean-Pascal Lacoste, des chamailleries entre Grégory Lemarchal et ses camarades s'apprête à renaître de ses cendres, comme l'a annoncé TF1 à travers une bande-annonce saluée par les fans de la première heure du télé-crochet. Il va donc y avoir du sport dans cet hôtel particulier, mais aussi et surtout du chant, du théâtre et de la danse, des cours dont pourraient bien être privés les téléspectateurs, comme le supposent nos confrères du Parisien. "La grille de TF1 est déjà bien remplie", rapportent-ils pour expliquer la difficulté de la mise en place de quotidiennes dignes de ce nom.

Mika prêt à céder aux sirènes de la Star Ac ?

Seule certitude, cette nouvelle mouture ne sera pas dirigée par Gérard Louvin - tout juste épargné dans une enquête pour viols présumés -, ni par Alexia Laroche Joubert ou encore Nathalie André. Pour leur succéder, les équipes du programme réfléchiraient à un artiste connu de la nouvelle génération.

Le nom de Mika a été ainsi placé tout en haut de la liste. "Côté direction, tous souhaitent une personnalité de renom.


Quelqu’un dans la lignée de Mika : populaire, crédible et qui aime transmettre", écrit le journal, au courant des souhaits de la production.


Un choix d'autant plus plausible que l'interprète de Love Today a "participé au renouveau de l’émission au Québec en 2021, où il a tenu le rôle de directeur artistique".


Nikos Aliagas en animateur, Mika dans le costume de directeur et Jean-Pascal comme CPE, elle aurait une gueule de première de la classe cette nouvelle promotion !


:uk:Google translator



Star Academy back: this artist expected to take over the management of the castle

Fourteen years after its end clap, the Star Academy will make its big comeback next fall on TF1. Le Parisien was interested in the changes that could accompany this comeback, and in particular in the name of the next director of the castle.

Star Academy back: this artist expected to take over the management of the castle

Music, yes music, will resound once again in the mysteries of the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys. Years after having closed its doors to apprentice singers, the place of lyrical vocalizations by Nolwenn Leroy, the flirtation between Jenifer and Jean-Pascal Lacoste, the bickering between Grégory Lemarchal and his comrades is about to rise from its ashes, like the announced TF1 through a trailer hailed by fans of the first hour of tele-hook. There will therefore be sport in this private mansion, but also and above all singing, theater and dance, lessons which viewers may well be deprived of, as our colleagues from Parisian assume. "TF1's grid is already full", they report to explain the difficulty of setting up daily newspapers worthy of the name.

Mika ready to give in to the sirens of Star Ac?


Only certainty, this new version will not be directed by Gérard Louvin – just spared in an investigation for alleged rapes – nor by Alexia Laroche Joubert or Nathalie André. To succeed them, the program teams would think of a known artist from the new generation.


Mika's name was thus placed at the top of the list. "On the management side, everyone wants a renowned personality.

Someone in the line of Mika: popular, credible and who likes to transmit", writes the newspaper, aware of the wishes of the production.

A choice all the more plausible since the interpreter of Love Today "participated in the revival of the show in Quebec in 2021, where he held the role of artistic director".

Nikos Aliagas as host, Mika in the costume of director and Jean-Pascal as CPE, she would look first in class this new promotion!







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