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Mika Composes Soundtrack for New Film "Princes of the Desert" (formerly "TEHU")


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32 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

DVD Zone 2

Zodi et Téhu, frères du désert




Date de parution 12 juillet 2023

Release date 12 July 2023



I have a question for MFC members who live in France:

Do DVDs of French movies always include dubbing in English? I'm asking because the French Amazon website gives French as the only language. Amazon.de lists the DVD as an import and thus mentions only French as well. 



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56 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Oh I can see that it's with a Hungarian dubbing!


If the Hungarian release is getting dubbed then I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for English too! 🤞

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ciak - Giugno 2023



E un esordio al cinema è anche quello di Mika, ma come compositore di una colonna sonora, un’esperienza che descrive nella lunga intervista per Il cinema secondo me di questo mese.



Incontro con l’artista anglo-libanese, divenuto autore di colonne sonore, alla vigilia del nuovo tour musicale in Italia, al via l’8 luglio




«Per me questa esperienza è stata veramente una botta d’aria fresca».


È sinceramente felice Mika di raccontare la sua ultima creatura, la colonna sonora del film Zodi e Tèhu, fratelli del deserto, una storia di amicizia tra un ragazzino nomade di 12 anni e un cucciolo di dromedario in fuga da un bracconiere. Il film, firmato da Eric Barbier (La promessa dell’alba, Piccola patria) e apprezzato in molti festival in giro per il mondo, in Italia non è ancora stato visto dal grande pubblico ed è in attesa di comparire sulle piattaforme streaming. Anche Mika è in attesa, del via al nuovo tour che toccherà tra poco anche il nostro Paese. E che dà l’idea della popolarità raggiunta anche da noi dal quarantenne cantautore anglo-libanese: per via della grande richiesta di biglietti, infatti, i due concerti previsti in origine sono diventati sei: l’8 luglio all’Arena della Regina di Cattolica, il 10 a Perugia a Umbria Jazz, il 12 al Summer Festival di Marostica, il 15 al Sonic Park di Matera, il 16 all’Arena La Civitella di Chieti e il 23 a Tarvisio, al No Borders Music Festival. Abbiamo incontrato l’artista - popolare in tutto il mondo anche per le sue campagne di solidarietà, creatore non solo di musica ma di design e conosciuto in Italia anche per l’esperienza di giudice a X Factor e The Voice e per il programma Stasera CasaMika – per parlare con lui di cinema, e di musiche per il grande schermo:


«Quando dal regista Eric Barbier mi è arrivato questo progetto, un po’ surreale – spiega a Ciak - di raccontare in musica la storia di un cammello, mi sono subito detto che era davvero l’occasione che avevo sempre sognato: fare la musica di un film e con tutta l’intensità del Medio Oriente, dove poter utilizzare tutta la mia passione per gli strumenti orientali e tribali e creare qualcosa di originale»


Da dove hai cominciato?


Tutto è iniziato a San Francisco durante i giorni di riposo tra il Coachella Festival e i concerti al Fillmore, poi ho proseguito a Firenze e a Parigi, soffermandomi sull’enorme lavoro di composizione di musica sinfonica. È stato un progetto molto ambizioso, durato due anni, con 130 musicisti provenienti da tutto il mondo abbinando strumenti sinfonici, elementi percussivi, flauti e canti orientali.


Come è stato comporre la tua prima colonna sonora?


In realtà è stato abbastanza facile perché sono potuto scappare dall’aspetto un po’ ripetitivo di un tour e puntare a qualcosa di totalmente creativo. Ho deciso di cominciare con le melodie che rappresentavano i diversi protagonisti nel film, con le loro emozioni. È stato un lavoro più o meno difficile da come lo immaginavi? C’è stato tantissimo lavoro perché ho fatto uno scouting in diverse tribù berbere del Marocco per trovare persone che suonassero non soltanto lo strumento che viene da quella regione, ma proprio la versione dello strumento che viene da quella regione dove è stato fatto il film.


Sognavi di comporre una colonna sonora fin da quando eri piccolo, perché?


È vero, sono cresciuto con questa ossessione. La musica è una sorta di presenza magica in un film: non si vede, è come se non si sentisse, eppure funziona perché l’impatto emozionale è gigante, e accade dai film più tradizionali come Via col vento, a quelli di Hitchcock, fino ai Looney Tunes: l’amplificazione delle emozioni mi ha affascinato da sempre.


Ora che hai cominciato, ti piacerebbe comporre un’altra colonna sonora?


Mi piacerebbe fare una cosa più estrema, più adulta, per poter sfruttare un’altra parte musicale di me o una cosa musicalmente molto più intima.


A quale gradino della tua carriera metti questa nuova vita di compositore di colonne sonore?


Non c’è mai una maniera di posizionare un’esperienza, l’unica cosa che conta è cercare di essere eccellente in ogni cosa, anche se è quasi impossibile, l’importante è avere un stimolo creativo che spinge sempre oltre. Come è accaduto a me per questa colonna sonora, mi ha spinto anche a cambiare il processo di scrittura delle canzoni che sto componendo per il mio nuovo album.


Con quali film sei cresciuto?


Ho visto West side story fin da piccolissimo, la cosa bella è che le musiche sono sopravvissute al tempo e hanno potuto avere una vita al di fuori del film. Sono pochi i film, musicalmente parlando, che hanno avuto questa forza. Ma i miei primi ricordi di cinema sono legati anche a Via col vento, un film molto conservatore, con una musica neoclassica in armonia con la trama del racconto. E poi sono sempre stato un po’ ossessionato dal lavoro di Wendy Carlos che ha scritto la colonna sonora di Arancia Meccanica.


Con chi andavi quando al cinema da piccolo?


Con mia nonna, pagava un biglietto per lei, uno per me, e uno per mia mia sorella, entravamo alla proiezione del mattino e passavamo segretamente da una sala all’altra vedendo quattro film in un giorno al prezzo di uno. Da piccolo guardavo i Looney Tunes e cercavo di ricantare tutte le melodie ad alta velocità.


In Zoolander hai avuto un piccolo ruolo. Non scherziamo, era terribile, non ho mai veramente recitato. Ti piacerebbe?


Se dovessi seguire il mio mantra, per cui devo sempre fare le cose che mi spaventano, allora ti direi di sì.


Quale ruolo ti piacerebbe?


Non ne ho idea, ma nella mia vita normale sono molto timido, poi quando sono sul palco perdo ogni senso di timore e di pudore. Non so se mi potrebbe succedere lo stesso su un set.


Un film sulla tua vita sarebbe un musical?


Non ho ancora fatto abbastanza cose per avere un film sulla mia vita. Magari in futuro? È pericoloso parlare del futuro perché rischi sempre di insultarlo.


Secondo te il cinema ha perso il ruolo di raccontare la società di oggi, insidiato dai social e dal mondo della tv?


Non credo, perché il potere poetico, astratto e profondo che può avere un film rimane più forte rispetto alle short stories di Instagram o a quelle di una serie tv. Un film di due ore può raccontare aspetti molto più sottili anche in un solo gesto, l’impatto emotivo sullo spettatore è diverso. Pensa a Psycho: è come un balletto, il suo impatto emotivo rimane scritto nella tua anima per anni, forse per tutta la tua vita.


Definire Psycho un balletto è un esercizio di stile meraviglioso.


Hitchcock era famoso per porsi dei limiti, perché nei limiti provocava uno storytelling molto più essenziale. Affidò la colonna sonora a Bernard Hermann, che la realizzò con un budget molto limitato rispetto all’importanza del film. Se pensi che il film più terrificante della storia del cinema ha soltanto archi senza nessun altro strumento è quasi incredibile, eppure ha provocato un’innovazione unica.


Non sempre i film finiscono come vorremmo, c’è un finale che vorresti fortemente cambiare?


A volte i finali impacchettano tutto con un fiocchetto e lo vendono velocemente perché dobbiamo andare a casa, una cosa di cui soffre tantissimo l’animazione, ma i film più belli sono quelli come Soul che ha una fine più aperta, più ambigua. Forse è un po’ frustrante, ma fa parte di questo mix delizioso dolce e amaro che deve sempre essere presente in una fine. Il finale di Nuovo cinema paradiso non è bello, ma è comunque bellissimo.



:uk: Google translator




Meeting with the Anglo-Lebanese artist, who has become the author of soundtracks, on the eve of the new musical tour in Italy, starting on 8 July


"For me, this experience was truly a breath of fresh air."


Mika is sincerely happy to tell his latest creature, the soundtrack of the film Zodi and Tèhu, brothers of the desert, a story of friendship between a 12-year-old nomadic boy and a dromedary puppy fleeing a poacher. The film, signed by Eric Barbier (The Promise of Dawn, Little Homeland) and appreciated in many festivals around the world, has not yet been seen by the general public in Italy and is waiting to appear on streaming platforms. Mika is also waiting for the start of the new tour which will soon also touch our country. And that gives an idea of the popularity achieved here too by the forty-year-old Anglo-Lebanese singer-songwriter: due to the great demand for tickets, in fact, the two concerts originally planned became six: on 8 July at the Arena della Regina in Cattolica , the 10th in Perugia at Umbria Jazz, the 12th at the Marostica Summer Festival, the 15th at the Sonic Park in Matera, the 16th at the La Civitella Arena in Chieti and the 23rd in Tarvisio, at the No Borders Music Festival. We met the artist - popular all over the world also for his solidarity campaigns, creator not only of music but of design and also known in Italy for his experience as a judge on X Factor and The Voice and for the program Tonight CasaMika – to talk to him about cinema, and music for the big screen:


«When I received this somewhat surreal project from director Eric Barbier – he explains to Ciak - of telling the story of a camel in music, I I immediately said that it really was the opportunity I had always dreamed of: making music for a film and with all the intensity of the Middle East, where I could use all my passion for oriental and tribal instruments and create something original »


Where did you start from?

It all started in San Francisco during the days of rest between the Coachella Festival and the concerts at the Fillmore, then I continued in Florence and Paris, dwelling on the enormous work of composing symphonic music. It was a very ambitious project, which lasted two years, with 130 musicians from all over the world combining symphonic instruments, percussive elements, flutes and oriental songs.

What was it like composing your first soundtrack?

It was actually quite easy because I was able to escape the somewhat repetitive aspect of a tour and aim for something totally creative. I decided to start with the melodies that represented the different protagonists in the film, with their emotions. Was it a more or less difficult job than you imagined it? There was a lot of work because I scouted several Berber tribes in Morocco to find people who played not only the instrument that comes from that region, but precisely the version of the instrument that comes from that region where the movie.

You've dreamed of composing a soundtrack since you were little, why?

It's true, I grew up with this obsession. Music is a sort of magical presence in a film: you can't see it, it's as if you can't hear it, yet it works because the emotional impact is enormous, and it happens from more traditional films like Gone with the Wind, to those of Hitchcock, up to to the Looney Tunes: the amplification of emotions has always fascinated me.

Now that you've started, would you like to compose another soundtrack?

I'd like to do something more extreme, more adult, to be able to exploit another musical part of me or something musically much more intimate.

At what stage of your career do you place this new life as a soundtrack composer?

There is never a way to position an experience, the only thing that matters is trying to be excellent in everything, even if it is almost impossible, the important thing is to have a creative stimulus that always pushes us further. As happened to me for this soundtrack, it also prompted me to change the writing process of the songs I'm composing for my new album.

What movies did you grow up with?

I've seen West Side Story since I was very young, the nice thing is that the music has survived time and was able to have a life outside the film. There are few films, musically speaking, that have had this strength. But my first memories of cinema are also linked to Gone with the wind, a very conservative film, with neoclassical music in harmony with the plot of the story. And then I've always been a bit obsessed with the work of Wendy Carlos who wrote the soundtrack for A Clockwork Orange.

Who did you go to the cinema with as a child?

With my grandmother, he paid a ticket for her, one for me, and one for my sister, we entered the morning screening and secretly passed from one theater to another seeing four films in one day for the price of one. As a kid, I used to watch Looney Tunes and try to sing all the tunes at high speed.


In Zoolander you had a small role. We're not kidding, it was awful, I've never really acted. You would like?

If I had to follow my mantra of always doing the things that scare me, then I'd say yes.

Which role would you like?

I have no idea, but in my normal life I'm very shy, then when I'm on stage I lose all sense of fear and modesty. I don't know if the same could happen to me on a set.

Would a movie about your life be a musical?

I haven't done enough things yet to have a movie about my life. Maybe in the future? It's dangerous to talk about the future because you always risk insulting it.

In your opinion, has cinema lost its role of narrating today's society, undermined by social networks and the world of TV?

I don't think so, because the poetic, abstract and profound power that a film can have remains stronger than the short stories on Instagram or those of a TV series. A two-hour film can tell much more subtle aspects even in a single gesture, the emotional impact on the viewer is different. Think of Psycho: it's like a ballet, its emotional impact is written in your soul for years, maybe your whole life.

Defining Psycho a ballet is a wonderful style exercise.

Hitchcock was famous for setting limits, because within limits provoked much more essential storytelling. He entrusted the soundtrack to Bernard Hermann, who made it with a very limited budget compared to the importance of the film. If you think that the most terrifying film in the history of cinema has only strings without any other instrument it is almost unbelievable, yet it has provoked a unique innovation.

Films don't always end as we would like, is there an ending that you would strongly like to change?

Sometimes endings wrap everything up in a little bow and sell it quickly because we have to go home, something animation suffers a lot from, but the best movies are the ones like Soul which has a more open, more ambiguous ending. Maybe it's a little frustrating, but it's part of this delicious mix of sweet and bitter that must always be present in an ending. The ending of Nuovo cinema paradiso isn't good, but it's still beautiful.













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I don't know about "VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR" at all,

they explain


VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR est édité par VITIS, la filiale France du groupe Netgem.

Fort de plus de 25 ans d'innovation technologique dans l'Internet domestique et la diffusion de contenus, le groupe Netgem se positionne comme fournisseur de divertissement et de connectivité de nouvelle génération pour les réseaux Très Haut Débit.

Nous portons toute notre énergie pour fournir au consommateur la meilleure expérience, personnalisée et unifiée, pour la consommation de tous les contenus et la meilleure qualité d'accès. VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR est un service OTT de vidéo à la demande et de streaming, utilisable sur ordinateur, et applications VIVA sur Apple et Android.

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VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR is published by VITIS, the French subsidiary of the Netgem group.

Backed by more than 25 years of technological innovation in the home Internet and content distribution, the Netgem group is positioned as a supplier of next-generation entertainment and connectivity for Very High Speed networks.

We focus all our energy on providing the consumer with the best experience, personalized and unified, for the consumption of all content and the best quality of access. VIVA by VIDEOFUTUR is an OTT video on demand and streaming service, usable on computer, and VIVA applications on Apple and Android.


Frères du désert


  • Rent HD  4.99€
  • Buy HD   9.99€



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FRERES DU DESERT | Bande-annonce | En DVD et VOD, à l'achat et en location


DESERT BROTHERS | Trailer | On DVD and VOD, for purchase and rental





YouTube banner



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Does anyone have their DVD yet? As much as I want it, I've just realised that if it doesn't have an English subs option on the disc then I'm not going to understand a thing! 😅


Could someone tell me what the options are when you pop the disc in a player?

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On 7/12/2023 at 8:50 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

Does anyone have their DVD yet? As much as I want it, I've just realised that if it doesn't have an English subs option on the disc then I'm not going to understand a thing! 😅


Could someone tell me what the options are when you pop the disc in a player?


Can anyone answer this?

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On 7/12/2023 at 3:50 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

Does anyone have their DVD yet? As much as I want it, I've just realised that if it doesn't have an English subs option on the disc then I'm not going to understand a thing! 😅


Could someone tell me what the options are when you pop the disc in a player?


5 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


Can anyone answer this?



I've seen a few people post on Instagram that they've received their DVD - I think Annik and maybe Anne? Hopefully one of them will be able to help you out CJ.

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On 7/12/2023 at 9:50 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

Does anyone have their DVD yet? As much as I want it, I've just realised that if it doesn't have an English subs option on the disc then I'm not going to understand a thing! 😅


Could someone tell me what the options are when you pop the disc in a player?


I think I read somewhere that it's only in French. Just ordered it, it's supposed to arrive within a week, so when I get it I can let you know, if you still don't have an answer by then. I hope it has at least French subtitles, because if someone speaks a little less clearly than Mika, I also don't understand much anymore. 😅

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


I think I read somewhere that it's only in French. Just ordered it, it's supposed to arrive within a week, so when I get it I can let you know, if you still don't have an answer by then. I hope it has at least French subtitles, because if someone speaks a little less clearly than Mika, I also don't understand much anymore. 😅


I messaged Miky who has a copy (sorry I can't remember her MFC name), and yes she confirmed that it's only French.


I think I might still get it though, I'm sure I'll still understand the story regardless of not understanding the language, besides Mika's music is it's own language! 😁

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On 7/15/2023 at 7:07 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:


I messaged Miky who has a copy (sorry I can't remember her MFC name), and yes she confirmed that it's only French.


I think I might still get it though, I'm sure I'll still understand the story regardless of not understanding the language, besides Mika's music is it's own language! 😁

It is inly in French. I found it in Russian on internet and downloaded it, so I can understand SOMETHING👍😁




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I found the ONLINE movie from Slovenian site.


"Zodi et Tehu" with SUBTITLES ( Maybe... in Czech language )









Caps from MP4 file.





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On 7/19/2023 at 2:42 AM, SusanT said:

Looks like the movie will be released in November in Italy




Thanks a lot for posting @SusanT


Teo e Zodì - Un cammello per amico


Coming Soon



Teo e Zodì - Un cammello per amico è un film di genere avventura del 2023, diretto da Eric Barbier, con Yassir Drief e Alexandra Lamy.


Uscita al cinema il Novembre 2023..


Durata 105 minuti.

Distribuito da Plaion Pictures.


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12 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

I found the ONLINE movie from Slovenian site.


"Zodi et Tehu" with SUBTITLES ( Maybe... in Czech language )









Caps from MP4 file.





Thank youuuu❤️❤️👍

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Mika in the title role.




the end credit







Compositeur - arrangeur Mika


  • Arrangeur - orchestrateur Romain Allender
  • Réalisateur du score arrangeur monteur musique Valentin Couineau
  • Orchestrateur - copiste Nelson Malleus
  • Ingénieur du son - mixeur musique Stephane Reichart
  • Assistante mixeur musique Marilou Calastreng
  • Assistant monteur musique Baptiste Lagrave


Voix - programmation Mika


  • Flutes Ney Rachid Zeroual
  • Loutar Guembri Mehdi Nassouli
  • Oud - Loutar Léo Fabre-Cartier
  • Kalimba Khalid Kouhen
  • Coordination musiciens marocains Brahim El Mazned


  • Flute - Flute alto - Flute basse Marie Laforge
  • Clarinette - Clarinette basse Judith Chiapparin
  • Percussions Nicolas Montazaud
  • Batterie Percussions Cyril Atef
  • Marimba Daniel Ciampolini
  • Ghaita Mehdi Nassouli


  • Guitares Tim Van der Kuil
  • Instruments métalliques Taketo
  • Guitares programmation Alex Stacey
  • Piano - programmation Romain Allender
  • Basse programmation Valentin Couineau


Orchestre National d'Île-de-France

  • Direction générale Fabienne Voisin
  • Direction musicale Case Scaglione

l'Orchestre reçoit le soutien de la région Île-de-France et de la DRAC Île-de-France

  • Chef d'Orchestre Simon Leclerc


Studio de l'Orchestre National d'Île-de-France

  • Assistants Hugo-Alexandre    Pernot Florent Berthier

Studio RIFFX - SBO Productions / La Seine Musicale

  • Assistants Arnaud Kalmez   Alexis Bauché

Studios Saint-Germain

  • Assistants Bastien Lozier    Carla Troadec


Musique originale mixée aux Studios Backyard


"No time to leave"

  • Interprété par Mika
  • Enregistré à Florence (Italie) par Alex Stacey
  • Mixé par Andrew Maury
  • Mastering: Alex Gopher - Translab Mastering Studios

℗ & © 2022 Mika Punch


"Feels like fire"

  • Interprété par Mika
  • Enregistré à Florence (Italie) par Alex Stacey
  • Mixé par Andrew Maury
  • Mastering: Alex Gopher - Translab Mastering Studios

℗ & © 2022 Mika Punch


"Feels like fire"

  • Interprété par Mika feat. Nomfundo Moh
  • Enregistré à Florence (Italie) par Alex Stacey
  • Mixé par Andrew Maury
  • Mastering: Alex Gopher - Translab Mastering Studios

℗ & © 2022 Mika Punch



Edited by Kumazzz
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  • 3 weeks later...


In Belgium


Yassir Drief IG story





Zodi et Tehu













Le Magazine Be tv



page 5





Page 24





page 49


Zodi & Téhu, frères du désert


  • Dim 13.08 20:30
  • Mer 16.08 09:30
  • Lun 21.08 21:25
  • Sam 26.08 20:30
  • Mer 30.08 18:40
  • Jusqu’au 07.05.2024





2023_07-08_Le Magazine Be tv-1_page-0003.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/30/2023 at 9:50 PM, Kumazzz said:

In Slovakia

Zodi a Tehu: Princovia púšte

Premiéra: 18. máj 2023 ( Premiere: 18 May 2023 )






🇸🇰 Slovakia


Slovak dubbed trailer


ZODI A TEHU: PRINCOVIA PÚŠTE - oficiálny trailer - v kinách od 18. mája 2023



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