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Getting bullied


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Awww its sad to read all of your posts about getting bullied and stuff :( I never have been bullied as I was homeschooled by entire life, prehaps one reason was because of the school system here, well and we travelled lots.

But I'm sure it musta been really terrible for y'all!! *hugs to you all*

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i was bullied in primary school, kids used to make fun of my weight ALOT.

and it really did have an influence on me, because now, i really dont let anyone take advantage of me anymore. if people call me names, i tell them not to, i dont let them.

and i usually told my parents and teachers, but they never did anything.

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When I was a kid, I was bulled by boys, but then my dear classmates kicked the crap out of them :wub2:


Then, last year there was a guy in my school, who was said like he likes me and that's why he always pushes himself into my face!! But damn, I hated him so much and then I felt how angry I can be. I don't understand those guys, who are trying to be noticed by a girl this way...that's pathetic

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i was bullied in primary school, kids used to make fun of my weight ALOT.

and it really did have an influence on me, because now, i really dont let anyone take advantage of me anymore. if people call me names, i tell them not to, i dont let them.

and i usually told my parents and teachers, but they never did anything.


...I had that problem too... :blink:

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Hm. Ive had apples thrown at my head. I get call Rat and Rattachewey.. cause I look like a rat apparently (cause I have like.. two teeth at the top at the front that stand out.. HAHA... luckily I now have braces to sort that out <3 )


Ive had people calling me reptile because I have dry skin.. but its getting better :)



Ive even had this girl Sally throw pens and books at me.. telling me to pick them up... but I didnt so she would get mad and throw them again. She used to push me in the corridoor and pushed me into a wall. Um.. while she was standing behind me she was saying to some boy how she would love to smash my head into the wall. LIKE THANKS. So I went to a teacher about it.. now she don't dare touch me. He proberly said she would get chucked out or something. This luckily only went on for a week. But I was scared.. luckily I got it sorted (Y)

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huh bullying....kids can be so terrible at times, especially when they team up against only one student. i haven't been bullied physically, but these kids made me hate school from the first day, they were so terrible and they would never let me play with them...i wasn't the "cool" girl, especially for my dressing sense i think...then people didn't like me until like 3 years ago because apparently when you get good marks and you get to skip a grade you're not supposed to hang out with the 'cool' people because you're not 'cool' enough. so baasically the people either didn't hang out with me, or just did in order to get help with schoolwork...so anyways, i learnt to get over it, and even though that's the hardest thing to do - trying to be yourself and ignoring the other ppl and whatever they may think of you - it took me about 2 years to get through it, and now i have met wonderful friends, who love me for who i am and i wouldn't change it for anything.

now at 15 i realize kids can be so silly, even the one who are my age and seem so intelligent...i absolutely hate it when they do this, and don't even understand them, and i try to help the people i know who get bullied because that's the most awful thing that can happen to you at school, and i realized that speaking out is the best way to post it


oh and i'd like to send a huge hug to everyone out there, you guys are amazing :thumb_yello:

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I was bullied from a young age (physically)....when I was in primary school. I also had to put up with it oustide of school as her mother was my babysitter.She never did anything about .I was very young to notice anyway.But the day came along when my mum actually saw it for herself..(she never believed me)....until she picked me up one day, and I still have the scars till this day.We moved away from that school and I was put in another one.

Until High School......that was full of fun times...I was verbally abused almost everyday, for no reason. I sat by myself everyday and I had no friends.I couldn't wait until high school was over.

Still nothing has changed....to this day.I gave up my music..which I loved..(I played guitar and I sang a little), because of what someone had said to me.(in which she said I was to fat to be on stage).I know I shouldn't listen to what one person has to say...but I'm a very shy and sensitive person and I find it hard trusting and meeting new people.I suffer from vertigo/anxiety now.


I try to make everyday better though, and I always think of others first...helping and comforting anyone I can.

To anyone who has ever been bullied..you have all my love and hugs.


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aww, this thread makes me sad :(


I too have been bullied and there are people at my school who i always think are talking about me (when they're probably not) and who are mean to me but I don't really want to talk about it because that means I have to think about it and I'll get upset! But I do have some superb friends - 3 of whom have made my day today (2 sent me a get well card and 1 did something else). Bullying at home sucks too :(

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Ive even had this girl Sally throw pens and books at me.. telling me to pick them up... but I didnt so she would get mad and throw them again. She used to push me in the corridoor and pushed me into a wall. Um.. while she was standing behind me she was saying to some boy how she would love to smash my head into the wall. LIKE THANKS. So I went to a teacher about it.. now she don't dare touch me. He proberly said she would get chucked out or something. This luckily only went on for a week. But I was scared.. luckily I got it sorted (Y)


Yeah I remember once in year 8, this girl, who was part of the bad crowd anyway, was influenced by this other girl to start on me. She asked me for a spare pen, but I said I didn't have one. She came over and tipped everything in my pencil case on the floor while smiling at me. The other girl on the other side of the room was laughing. The girl went back, and they threw this...dog toy at me for whatever reason. Then the girl came back again, and I can't remember how it kicked off but we got into some catfight. It was definitely a cat fight - hands slapping everywhere.

Luckily I have quick reactions when it comes to physical violence and the girl didn't hit me once as I was blocking and evading her attacks.

The teacher came back in, she walked off and I just sat on my chair and started crying.

After that lesson I walked out, and she walked out behind me and slapped my head. I remember that not hurting though lol.


Now, she's seventeen, moved in with her boyfriend, has had a baby who is going to be a year old later this year and is fat with stretch marks.




I'm definitely a lot stronger now. I'm not so afraid to speak my mind or to attack anymore LOL

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I have been bullied too...for 9-10 years...

I was a very shy and quiet girl, so they could do what they wanted without that I would become angry or something. I started to live more and more "inside my head", daydreaming. I never belonged to the group in school...I was always "different". After just some stupid bullyings it started to went too far. They started to bully me physsicly too, threwing iron things to my head, pushing my head against walls...it was all so painfull. So I decided to start boxing, but all in all i never used it. In high school the first 2 years they were gossiping much about me and I could even not walking in centrum, coz everybody knew bad gossips about me (wich were not true at all!). They started to write bad things in the front of my door so everybody could read it(I'm notgonna say what, it willbe censored anyway ;) ). Like I already said I started living in my own world. I was always writing down what happend, stories, my daydreams, a diary, poetry and I wrote songs for a while. And I still write much, cause I love it, I'm good in writing (but not in English:thumbdown: ) and I can write down everthing I want. After all I got friends. And now everything is fine! The only thing now is that it takes sucha a long time before I trust ppl.

Everybody who get bullied...a verry big hug!

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I was bullied from a young age (physically)....when I was in primary school. I also had to put up with it oustide of school as her mother was my babysitter.She never did anything about .I was very young to notice anyway.But the day came along when my mum actually saw it for herself..(she never believed me)....until she picked me up one day, and I still have the scars till this day.We moved away from that school and I was put in another one.

Until High School......that was full of fun times...I was verbally abused almost everyday, for no reason. I sat by myself everyday and I had no friends.I couldn't wait until high school was over.

Still nothing has changed....to this day.I gave up my music..which I loved..(I played guitar and I sang a little), because of what someone had said to me.(in which she said I was to fat to be on stage).I know I shouldn't listen to what one person has to say...but I'm a very shy and sensitive person and I find it hard trusting and meeting new people.I suffer from vertigo/anxiety now.


I try to make everyday better though, and I always think of others first...helping and comforting anyone I can.

To anyone who has ever been bullied..you have all my love and hugs.




All I'm reading on this thread is incredible (I was bulled too...but hoped I was the only one)...I can only say: THAT'S NOT RIGHT! Whywhywhy?!?!?



And Bianca, I can understand you, really...but you should think about Mika's troubles and Mika's success and then re-start playing your guitar and sing your songs...really, you should :(

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My trouble started in kindergarten. I remember sitting under this tunnel thingy on the playground at recess and this group of boys came up to me and started making fun of me because I had freckles. I started crying because I didn't understand why they were being so cruel and they laughed at me, so I ran and ran until I got away from them.

Then when I was in fourth grade I was really into reading and school stuff, so kids in my class thought that was abnormal for me to care about my grades. At the end of the year, I got top student in some class that I can't remember, and this one girl yelled at me for beating her and called me a bunch of stuff that I had never even heard of.

Fifth grade was a little bit better, but sixth grade was when it got the worst. I was thought of as weird because I wore crazy clothes that no one would have worn because they were too afraid to. I was also into theatre and dance and skating and art, which no one else was into at the time, and I spoke my mind instead of being manipulated into what people wanted me to be. There was this group of boys that sat at the same table at lunch every day, so when I would go up to throw away my trash, they would yell and point and laugh and curse at me, calling me every name there was to be called. They also made fun of all my friends for being around me. They threw trash at me all the time and one day I got fed up with it and just started screaming at them to shut up and to leave me the hell alone, but it just made them laugh and it got worse. They started spreading crap about me to their friends and this one boy called me an ugly nerd with no life. At the time he was in cahoots with my best friend, and then she started to act funny around me because she was too afraid of her rep being scarred for being friends with a freak like me.

I'm still bullied today, but I'm not ashamed of who I am and never will be because I know that those people aren't happy with their own lives so they try to bring mine down. I just wish all of the hatred would stop. :(

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many thanx for all your stories, it's good to know that i'm not alone, although of course it's horrible that all these things happen!!

*big hug to all you guys!* :huglove:

and what we can certainly learn from this thread is, that no matter what you do or who you are, if people want to bully you, they'll find something to do so. i bet if they bully you about being too big and then you lose weight, they'd start bullying you for being too skinny instead, or anything else.


i got bullied at secondary school, mainly at the age of 11-16. and i never really understood why. my mum said it was because we lived in a small flat in a not-so-nice area, while most others at my class grew up in nice houses... but no-one ever teased me about that, the personal things were more about my behaviour (i'm very sensitive, so i got angry or started to cry easily... i guess they liked that, because it made it so easy for them to get a result of their bullying! :(), about my last name (the first part of it is similar to the german word for "goose", so that was their fave name for me) or my looks, especially my nose. it took me quite a few years after that to get used to my nose and my last name!


the other stuff was all these little mean things they could do without it being too obvious for the teachers, like throwing my stuff around the classroom, calling me names, whispering and laughing about me when i was there, etc etc. they just gave me the feeling every day that they didn't want me there. one of the worst things i remember was when between 2 classes, they threw the contents of my schoolbag from the window of the 2nd floor, and when i came back from picking them up, the teacher was there and blamed me for being late! he didn't want to hear my reasons, and of course everyone laughed...

so they never hurt me physically, but it was like a stab in my heart every time.


the result of the bullying was, that i lived more and more in my own little world. my grades at school became worse (before the bullying i had always been a very good student) and i was always late for classes because i didn't want to be alone with the others, without a teacher. of course the teachers weren't happy about me being late all the time...


what helped me through it, besides my mum and a girl from the neighbourhood who was my only friend at that time, was music and being a fan of first nkotb, then take that and other boybands. i liked to sing and play guitar, and it was the only thing where i could get positive reactions even from the bullies at my school. so i thought "one day i'll be a famous popstar and then you'll regret bullying me!". well, that never happened, but i'm glad about it now, i wouldn't want to be a popstar anymore. :wink2: and i started a fanclub for the boyband nkotb, their fans were a group of people where i felt accepted (although there were also bullies among them, but that's a different story...) and i spent my time doing a fanzine for the club, that was where i discovered my passion for writing (as you can see in this post, lol :lol3:)... and this is what i earn my money with now. :wink2:


the bullying only ended when my mum made me change to a girls' school when i was 16. i didn't want that, because i fancied a guy from another class at my old school. but looking back, it was a good decision because at the new school i wasn't bullied much anymore. i even had a friend for a while, and although most people there also didn't really like me, they left me alone and it was much better than getting bullied all the time.


this part of my life is something i don't tell many people, because i fear they would see me as a weirdo because of it, they'd think "well, no one liked her at school, so something must be wrong with her!"... although i know, that someone who would think that, wouldn't be a real friend anyway.

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one incident where we had to vote for a class captain for the girls and boys and they voted for me because they thought it was funny and they thought that they could do what they wanted and I wouldn't do anything, and although I tried to push back there was more of them so it was hopeless.


they did exactly the same with me! first i had no idea why they voted me class captain, but i knew it couldn't be anything good, as no one liked me. and soon it turned out that it was so they could blame me for things that went wrong and make the teachers hate me, too.


The system has no idea how to handle bullying. We told teachers, we told friends (of what we had), we told family, nothing. Nothing ever gets done.


you're absolutely right. my mum first did nothing because she said it's normal that kids tease each other, she didn't quite understand HOW bad it was. when she did, she talked with teachers so i changed to a different class (there were 4 classes in each year at my school). it got a little bit better after that, but it still didn't stop, as the students from the different classes knew each other and talked about me. my mum even joined the parents' association at my school, but she couldn't do anything, because teachers just didn't care, they just looked away and pretended there's nothing wrong.


there was a story in the german media recently about a girl who reported some guys at her school because they kept beating up other students. these guys got a punishment and were reported to the police (but they could stay at that school). but after that, the girl who reported them got bullied by many others for telling the teachers about it! in the end, even the headmaster said she has to change school because the whole thing was bad for the schools reputation!! can you believe that?! it's just SO unfair!!!

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my son was bullied last year, when he was 11 and starting a new school, after primary one.

He is a good boy, intelligent, creative, artistic, very clever... good-looking as well...he could even start playing the piano by himself! ok, i'm his mother but they all recognize his qualities.

the problem is that they are not qualities anymore, nowadays.

He found 4/5 boys in his class which were (and are) exactly his contrary...

so, after a month of school, he was beaten while they were changing clothes for the gymnasium class.

i started a war, of course, and now the situation is getting better...

he's not shy but very self-confident, and this helped al lot, he talked to me immediately and i went to the teachers soon after.

Now he's ok, but you can still feel the difference of behaving of bullies towards him and among themselves.


this is my experience.

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In Junior high school I was the best pupil in the class.

Girls ate me, boys simply ignored me.

Girls stole my snack for break, and sometimes (I used to wear-like now- strange and colorful trousers or sweatshirts like Mika, or jumsuits instead of skirt and beautiful- and women fashion- shirts) they tried to fall down me with their foot. Teachers adored me, but that made worse the situation...


...At the secondary school, as I wrote elsewhere, by now I was a tomboy: girls ate my skill at school, boys saw me as a bad boy with who they can play soccer(I love play soccer :) ) and can copy latin and philosophy classworks...


...That has made me a little bit insicure in human relationship...but I have a hard-head, and a great love for people and for making friendship...so, in the following years, at university, I have had a lot of fortune...and now I've a lot of great friends :)

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My story is extreme. I don't think "bullying" is the correct term for my saga; it's more like "abuse".

It started at birth - yes, my mother abused all of us kids but especiallly me, the only girl with 4 brothers. She took a harmful, dangerous drug while I was in utero that had devastating repercussions on my life and health. She also physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused us on a daily basis.

Things were no better in school. I must've had a "perpetual deer-in-the-headlights" look on my face because apparently I was fair game for all my classmates. I was picked on by the boys - one kid actually threw me head first on the ground where I lay unconscious with a fractured skull! The teachers were no help at all - they couldn't care less! My 7th grade teacher, who was also the school principal would do anything to get rid of me.

When I reached puberty I began to get extremely sick with horrendous abdominal pain. For years doctors misadiagnosed me and treated me with psychotropics (psych meds). To make a long story short the diseases went out of control from lack of proper treatment and I eventually clinically died on the operating table. While all of this was going on I had little or no support from any family, friends or boyfriends. In fact, ANY boyfriends (or ex-husband) I have had in my life have been abusive as well, either physically, emotionally or just not being strong enough to endure reality and life's hardships (or my strengths!)

I have become a medical social worker and have worked with Aids patients as well as in an inner city hospital Emergency Room. I'm also a major advocate for the SPCA.Hey, all you guys who have been bullied and abused - haven't you noticed that the people who make the most amount of noise have the most to fear? Remember that the next time they start shooting off their mouths! All I can say is - God help the next person who gets in my face !!!!!:thumbdown:

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im so sorry you were bullied.


at my school, we dont really have bullies. we have the same cliques, but we all get along. but schools around us aren't as lucky. and my friends from there schools always get hurt. mainly verbally.


my dream job when i get older is to be a counselor. i want to help build the confidence of those been bullied.


the people doing it don't realize what it can lead to. some of these little disorders(anorexia for example.) can be caused by people telling someone she/he is "fat". its horrible.


and how i talked about my school being bully free now, well it didn't come without its price. people use to bully this girl because she was differetn, well she was my friend. and no matter how much i reassured her she was better than all of that, she didnt believe me. she ended her life september 20th 2006.


people dont realize the damage it does.

so think before you act.

and apologize, it never hurts.

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Now, she's seventeen, moved in with her boyfriend, has had a baby who is going to be a year old later this year and is fat with stretch marks.




I'm definitely a lot stronger now. I'm not so afraid to speak my mind or to attack anymore LOL



Haha.. How good.. Well, not really! But still!

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My story is extreme. I don't think "bullying" is the correct term for my saga; it's more like "abuse".

It started at birth - yes, my mother abused all of us kids but especiallly me, the only girl with 4 brothers. She took a harmful, dangerous drug while I was in utero that had devastating repercussions on my life and health. She also physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused us on a daily basis.

Things were no better in school. I must've had a "perpetual deer-in-the-headlights" look on my face because apparently I was fair game for all my classmates. I was picked on by the boys - one kid actually threw me head first on the ground where I lay unconscious with a fractured skull! The teachers were no help at all - they couldn't care less! My 7th grade teacher, who was also the school principal would do anything to get rid of me.

When I reached puberty I began to get extremely sick with horrendous abdominal pain. For years doctors misadiagnosed me and treated me with psychotropics (psych meds). To make a long story short the diseases went out of control from lack of proper treatment and I eventually clinically died on the operating table. While all of this was going on I had little or no support from any family, friends or boyfriends. In fact, ANY boyfriends (or ex-husband) I have had in my life have been abusive as well, either physically, emotionally or just not being strong enough to endure reality and life's hardships (or my strengths!)

I have become a medical social worker and have worked with Aids patients as well as in an inner city hospital Emergency Room. I'm also a major advocate for the SPCA.Hey, all you guys who have been bullied and abused - haven't you noticed that the people who make the most amount of noise have the most to fear? Remember that the next time they start shooting off their mouths! All I can say is - God help the next person who gets in my face !!!!!:thumbdown:


Wow ... Im really not sure what to say .. heres a virtual hug if it will help :mf_rosetinted:


Such a shame , and then you come here full of lovely people

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In Junior high school I was the best pupil in the class.

Girls ate me, boys simply ignored me.

Girls stole my snack for break, and sometimes (I used to wear-like now- strange and colorful trousers or sweatshirts like Mika, or jumsuits instead of skirt and beautiful- and women fashion- shirts) they tried to fall down me with their foot. Teachers adored me, but that made worse the situation...


...At the secondary school, as I wrote elsewhere, by now I was a tomboy: girls ate my skill at school, boys saw me as a bad boy with who they can play soccer(I love play soccer :) ) and can copy latin and philosophy classworks...


...That has made me a little bit insicure in human relationship...but I have a hard-head, and a great love for people and for making friendship...so, in the following years, at university, I have had a lot of fortune...and now I've a lot of great friends :)


You can play soccer! , great on my visit to italy i looked forward to it!

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I used to work for the local police force in a civilian role and 2 years ago I was the manager of a department and I was subjected to awful bullying by two of my staff one who was 37 and one who was 52 becuase I was a quiet person who kept to myself, also I was having real trouble with my husband (now ex thank god) and my son's medical problems at the time and my gran had just died and I was feeling very fragile all the time and they thought I was an easy target. They found it funny to talk about my behind my back and to whisper about me when I was in the room, some days they just ignored me which I prefered to be honest. They used to sit and email each other all day about me and I have seen the evidence of it so I know it went on. They used to ridicule the way I used to work and they used to ignore the rotas that I had set in place etc and go and complain to other people about what work they were supposed to be doing - in the course of one day one of them sent over 300 emails during a 7 hour shift! I was not believed when I reported it to my superiors even though 2 other people had been bullied by them and had left their jobs because of it! They made me feel so small and I still struggle now with people I don't know very well as I always feel that perhaps they are talking about me - my self esteem is slowly coming back but its a very slow process.


Now as well my 7 year old son is being bullied by a couple of boys in his class at school becuase he is different he has aspergers syndrome and ADHD they follow him round the playground taunting him (I see it as I work at the school as a playground supervisor), they hit him, they have even tried to flush his head down the toilet when there was a poo (sorry) floating in it!! He has been really ill over this and I have kept him off school a couple of days until the teachers have sorted it - trouble is it gets sorted and then the whole thing starts up again a couple of weeks later. My son has been learning Muay Thai Boxing for a couple of months now to build his confidence and teach him some discipline and 3 weeks ago they had been taunting him so much he snapped and turned round and gave one of them an almighty push kick to get them away from him - I can't condone his use of violence but I am real proud of him for standing up for himself!


A message to everyone who has ever been bullied for any reason whatsoever: You are a fantastic person who has many wonderful qualities that are admired by many people, even by those who may not tell you so, the bullies themselves have many faults and are not beautiful people they are ugly cowards and they are picking on you cause they are jealous of all the good things you are or have. The bullies are the ones that have a problem not you and you should always remember that no matter how low you are feeling and just remember when you are being bullied that there are thousands of us on MFC who love you loads for who you are regardless of your race, religion, family background, sexual orientation, medical problems etc..


Big hugs and kisses for everyone xxxxxxxxx


Big hugs back , man people are awful at times:thumbdown:

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I think everyone who has had the guts to share their stories on here deserve a massive hug, and a pat on the back - learning to share experiences, and "put them out there" is one of the most important steps to regaining control of your life. I have a huge admiration for the way people have coped with some horrendous situations, and I wish better for you in the years to come

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OMF! calicojasmine, That's aweful! It's so brave that you're so open about it!


*huge hug*




Edit: And I think it's so scary, that no matter how much or little you have been bullied, it's still soemthing that has affected you..

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