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Brian May on Mika's Sadlers Wells show


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From his soapbox :




(Here is the article, check out pics on Katy Perry on the link:wink2:)

**Sun 14 Jun 09**



Well .... it needed a jolt for me to come out of my shell, I guess. Sorry I have been so quiet, folks, but when your nose is to the grindstone, your pedal to the metal, and your .... oh ... well, you get the picture! I have found recently that there is not enough time to fully LIVE life, and write about it too ... but then ... this never really WAS a blog ... ah! that strange word again ....


It's my SOAPBOX, dammit!!


OK ... what moves me to break my silence? It had to be something positive ... I am always ready to shout about the way animals are treated ... don't worry, I have not forgotten my life pledge to change our behaviour as a race towards other creatures. ....


But this ... is pure entertainment ... and there is not an ounce of shame in that ... that's the business I plunged into, 40 years ago. This week I was thrilled to see that real entertainment and real music is still alive. I have a few reasons for saying this. Well, three.


Firstly ... I just got back from Sunderland, where our fabulous touring WWRY team opened to a riotous reception. I was proud to be a part of it ... There is no 'trap' in our touring production - no place for me to appear as if by magic (or get stuck), rising in a plume of smoke and a blaze of lights ... so for this 'apparition', I simply walked on and played ... but the adrenaline was the same ... I had a blast. It's a gift, really ... I get to be a Jack-in-the-box ... a Rock Hero, a special effect all at once ... and the demand is still to Play My Heart Out. It's always different - always challenging ... partly because Bohemian Rhapsody will never be easy to play ... and partly because .. I always feel my best is never quite enough ... luckily the result in terms of 'event' is always way above my expectation ... it's Theatre, really ... and good Theatre, I believe ... quite unique, because is it born out of a real marriage (or passionate affair?) of Theatre with Rock. Sunderland Rocks!! More on this later.


Secondly .. I went to see MIKA ... who has travelled millions of miles since those heady days when I last saw him, as a young new act. His new show is a triumph of subtlety and artistry. He somehow entertains without seeming to try! You sit there wondering why you are riveted and fascinated ... and it's because, I think, because he is fundamentally an artist ... the kind of artist who would still be weaving magic even if nobody came to see. He was born to it, rather like someone else I remember ... it's nice to see Mika still has 'A little Freddie' in his broad palette of talents. The songs define him, even before he opens his mouth ... intelligent, witty, observant, daring. But when he performs, you feel he has now defined a whole new world of his own, in which he operates comfortably and confidently, but never with complacency. It's ... utterly charming, I'd say, and his adoring audience agrees. I went backstage to congratulate him on a great show at Sadlers Wells. We didn't take pictures this time (of us together) - we are now old friends ... and 'over' that, I guess! But we had a great chat. He is a very good soul, totally unchanged by the huge success he has now had. I wish him ever greater heights of fulfilment and success.


Thirdly ... I went to see KATY PERRY. Well, it was a must, wasn't it She's gorgeous, she made one of the wittiest records of the last decade (well, two or three of them actually.... including "I Kissed a Girl", and "You're So Gay ... and You Don't Even Like Boys!) - and she sings one of our songs, for Heaven's sake ... and brilliantly well (I had copped it on Youtube). Well, that's all I knew when I walked in to my 'local' theatre, the Shepherd's Bush Empire ...


You never really know, until you see the act, live. So many big groups and singers today put on a show which is almost totally mimed, and unreal. I hate to disillusion anybody, but what you are watching these days,in so many cases, is a bunch of people jumping about and pretending to sing, while a bunch of musicians play along to a backing track (and often they are not even in the mix). It's depressing. So many singers (it's so tempting to name names, but I won't) - even singers who win awards (in fact, especially singers who win awards!), it seems - manage to make records which sell in cart-loads, because they have a clever production and marketing team around them, and then, when you see them ... they quite obviously have almost no talent - no voice, no stagecraft, no ability to really entertain.


Well, I walked in - and there was Katy Perry and a hot young band tearing it up, to an audience who responded to every note, and seldom sat down. No clicks, no backing tracks, no mime show, no dance (except some wonderful spontaneous 'dance moves' she cooked up as part of her conversational patter) ... no huge production ... no pretence. Just a really great young singer and artist, pouring her heart out. Katy Perry is the real thing. A Rock Star. Every time I use that word, I wonder if I know what it really is that distinguishes a Rock Star from a Pop Star. Well, whatever it is KP is a great example. If it's definable, it's to do with intent, and honesty, I think. The intent of a Rock Star is to express what is inside, bursting to get out, and share it with anyone who cares to listen. It's not about 'wanting to be famous' ... or 'wanting to make loads of money' ... it's about walking that dangerous line between art for its own sake and art for an audience ... it's a subject I return to often (recently in my introductory piece to our book on the work of T.R. Williams ... the great 1850s stereo photographer .. who will become hugely famous when the book is published!!!! - I hope!).


Katy Perry is quite evidently her own boss. Nobody is telling her where to stand, or how to move .. or what she should sing about. She writes highly original songs, she plays great guitar, and sings beautifully, effortlessly accurately and from the heart. But the best thing of all is her command of mood. This also made me think of Freddie. Katy sings and talks lightly, full of cheeky humour, but, at the drop of a hat ... before you realise it's happened ... she has changed gear and is singing a serious song with a natural honesty and emotion ... and you are in her grip. She's a true entertainer. I'm so happy I went. Yes, I DID go back and say hi ... and we did both feel excited enough to immortalise the moment ... I think this is a great picture (above) .. and solely because Katy seized the moment, with humour and openness, like she does so often in her stage work, to make something special. I was initially reluctant to make the picture public ... yes, I used to publish things like this on the Soapbox ... I thought these days it might seem like the visual equivalent of name-dropping. But I'm proud that we had this moment. Katy, you're great.


So folks ... her endeth my first Soapbox scream for a while. Thanks for your patience.




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From his soapbox :




Secondly .. I went to see MIKA ... who has travelled millions of miles since those heady days when I last saw him, as a young new act. His new show is a triumph of subtlety and artistry. He somehow entertains without seeming to try! You sit there wondering why you are riveted and fascinated ... and it's because, I think, because he is fundamentally an artist ... the kind of artist who would still be weaving magic even if nobody came to see. He was born to it, rather like someone else I remember ... it's nice to see Mika still has 'A little Freddie' in his broad palette of talents. The songs define him, even before he opens his mouth ... intelligent, witty, observant, daring. But when he performs, you feel he has now defined a whole new world of his own, in which he operates comfortably and confidently, but never with complacency. It's ... utterly charming, I'd say, and his adoring audience agrees. I went backstage to congratulate him on a great show at Sadlers Wells. We didn't take pictures this time (of us together) - we are now old friends ... and 'over' that, I guess! But we had a great chat. He is a very good soul, totally unchanged by the huge success he has now had. I wish him ever greater heights of fulfilment and success.




thank you, Suzie! :flowers2:....nice article.... short but good!:thumb_yello:

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From his soapbox :





Secondly .. I went to see MIKA ... who has travelled millions of miles since those heady days when I last saw him, as a young new act. His new show is a triumph of subtlety and artistry. He somehow entertains without seeming to try! You sit there wondering why you are riveted and fascinated ... and it's because, I think, because he is fundamentally an artist ... the kind of artist who would still be weaving magic even if nobody came to see. He was born to it, rather like someone else I remember ... it's nice to see Mika still has 'A little Freddie' in his broad palette of talents. The songs define him, even before he opens his mouth ... intelligent, witty, observant, daring. But when he performs, you feel he has now defined a whole new world of his own, in which he operates comfortably and confidently, but never with complacency. It's ... utterly charming, I'd say, and his adoring audience agrees. I went backstage to congratulate him on a great show at Sadlers Wells. We didn't take pictures this time (of us together) - we are now old friends ... and 'over' that, I guess! But we had a great chat. He is a very good soul, totally unchanged by the huge success he has now had. I wish him ever greater heights of fulfilment and success.



Bri [/i]


It's so cute what he wrote about Mika ... cute and true!! :wub2:


I always was a big fan of Queen, but - if possible - now I'm even more !

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Suzie I can't remember if I asked you if you saw Brian at the gig? I got close to him in the lobby but then MFC showed up so he went upstairs. :omg_fans:





Yes, I saw him. He was 3 rows behind him but not exactly behind as I was sitting in the middle and he was sitting on the side (to be able to make an easy exit:naughty:) ...

Anyway, he looked as pleased and proud as Mr P in front of him ... ...:biggrin2:

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Thank you for posting this review!


And thank you, Brian May for being so nice and putting things so well into words. :wub2:


It just feels great to read such a nice review from someone you highly respect...

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Brian is SUCH a gentleman.

He's a great ally to have in your corner, and although I walked past him several times last Monday without realising (WHAT was I on!!!), he sounds like a lovely guy to speak to as well.

Just wish I could have said hello.

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