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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika @ Hammersmith Apollo, London FEB 28 2010


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I'm including everything, so if you only want to read about the concert itself, just find the tl;dr mark :bleh:


So, I got to the venue at about 2:15-2:30PM, and kind of awkwardly found myself a little gap to stand in on the left side. I had been expecting there to be a queue like the last time I'd seen Mika at Hammersmith, but everyone was taking shelter from the wet weather under both sides of the front of the building. There was a sea of unfamiliar faces, and I found myself wishing that I had some sort of technology that would cause everyone's usernames to float above their heads so I'd know who they were. :blush-anim-cl: Seeing as nothing was happening, I was really frickin' cold, and the fact that we weren't in a queue indicated to me that the order in which we came didn't matter (I would later be proven wrong on this), I went walking around for about 20 minutes. When I came back, there was a blond guy with a ponytail saying something inaudible about lining up, and it turned out we were gonna line up according to numbers. Seeing as I didn't have a number, and figured that this wouldn't matter much as they were usually just used to keep us in order anyway from my experience, I found a place that seemed appropriate for the time that I came, and all seemed good.


In the line, I chatted with Sumiko2 and Rachel (sorry, I forgot your username ^_^; ), who were both lovely, and Sumiko2 even gave me a chocolate doughnut! I never expected to get free food at a Mika concert :aah: I was shivering like crazy with the cold by this point, but good company always makes nasty weather more bearable.


Fast forward an hour or two, and suddenly a bunch of us were moving forward. It turned out, though, that they were only letting people with numbers into the building. The girl next to me, who said she was a member of the MFC (couldn't find your username, though, sorry - might have misheard it due to me being senile XD; ), was really angry about this as she'd been queueing for hours and so by rights should've been near the front, but the security man's explanation for this was, paraphrased, "Well, we have to do a little extra for the MFC members."

"Uh, I AM in the MFC!" she replied. There was nothing we could do, though. So we waited outside for a few more hours in the freezing cold and the rain, shivering our arses off, before the doors were opened to us lesser beings at last :bleh:


tl;dr The support act was Erik Hassle. I found his music didn't do much for me, as I felt his choruses tended to be weak and his music didn't sound that different to everything else I've ever heard. Still, he did have a few nice synth bits going there.


And then it was time for Mika. What a show! I love the whole 'movie' screen thing he's got going on in the background. The band's equipment apparently decided to go haywire and screw things up for them, but to be honest, I hardly noticed. I loved the juxtaposition of the lollipop girl and big girl outfits with the grotesque heads they had to wear, even if the LGs and BGs were on the stage for a little too long due to being so numerous. I also very much approved of the little 'bin orchestra' that the band had going on near the end. :naughty: The only slightly annoying thing was that despite getting a fairly decent place in the 3rd row, there were a bunch of tall people in front of me, so I had to keep ducking and diving in order to see anything.


Afterwards, I followed RAK1 and co. round the back before finding CazGirl and friends waiting for Mika to come out. It was some time before he actually came out, but when he did, I got a couple of pictures:





^ He's signing CazGirl's book here, which you can't see but oh well :aah:


He's bloody gorgeous in the flesh. =D (Not like you all didn't know that anyway!)


So then I went home, ate hummous and walnuts, misheard hilarious things while listening to

, and then went to bed. The end!


Many thanks to all who kept me company and gave me hearts and doughnuts, you all rock :wub2:


That was me! It was lovely to meet you and chat with you too in the queue! Sumiko2 and I both looked for you when we got inside the building - neither of us had realised that you hadn't been able to get inside at the same time as us and were therefore still outside; we'd thought you'd joined another queue by one of the other doors! Hope to meet you again at another show in the future!


Well, my here's my report - first off, I thought Erik Hassle was really good, so it made the wait for Mika less painful!


I was lucky to have got to the second row just in front of where Mika's piano was on the stage, can't complain, was worth the long wait in the cold, lol! When he finally came on, the cold and the sore feet/back seemed to just evaporate, I just felt euphoric. Being so bloody short, if I hadn't got that close to the front, I'd only have seen people's backs so it was fantastic to see him and so close too!


This was my first time at one of his gigs on this tour (and won't be seeing him again for a few months now) so it was really exciting to see this new set and hear him singing his new stuff live, amongst the old favourites! He said at one point that there was a technical issue but TBH I hadn't noticed anything wrong - maybe those who've seen the show several times would've been able to have picked up on it, but otherwise I don't think it was that obvious (or maybe I'm just not very observant!?)


I felt that his voice was really good, which after so many shows, is impressive. He seemed 'fresh' and in really good (even high?) spirits too which was lovely. He also interacted/chatted with the audience a lot I thought (don't know how this compares with other shows at other venues??). I was pleasantly surprised at how long the set lasted. The band were great - loved Cherisse's big hair and Imma's lovely dress and also her colourful net skirt she changed into later.


I would love to have been able to dance more - when standing, there really isn't the room to do anything too 'expansive' (which I'd forgotten until we got inside the auditorium and remembered of course people are standing very close to each other), not without accidentally punching/taking out the eye/stomping on the feet etc of anyone in the vicinity LOL! So just had to hold arms up waving, jump up and down a bit and tried to be 'restrained' but I really desperately just wanted to 'let go'!!


I hung around outside until about 11.15 but then got paranoid about catching my bus and getting to my hotel so decided to leave. I knew I'd regret this decision and, boy, do I regret it or what???? Why, oh why did I do that?! I'd been so looking forward to having the chance to 'meet' or at least see him outside the venue at this show, but then I just panicked about getting to the bloody hotel...I need my brain examining. Oh well, I'll have to save this opportunity for another time...


All in all, the show was amazing (although TBH I'm not totally convinced about the need for the masks, interesting as they are, on the BG's and LG's...) - wasn't expecting anything less of course, but nevertheless, it's good when expectations are met (and exceeded!).


Been listening to Mika this evening VERY LOUDLY, lol, to relive my fantastic time last night. Can't wait to see him again! :wub2:

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The problem isn't when a single someone arrives later and meets his or her friend in line. The problem is that in the Mika community, we were seeing one or two people arrive - and hold a place for 20+ of their friends who turn up five hours later.


If I'm 6th in line, and two people pull that off, then I'm suddenly 46th in line. Is that human decency? Not in my opinion. By arriving early and being the sixth fan at the venue, I would think I should have my pick of spots inside the venue... but in that situation would now be relegated to second or third row, where I can't see the stage. I don't think that's fair at all. Maybe you don't mind having a whole row of people jump the queue and get in front of you, but trust me - most Mika fans do mind.


I understand your point that no one wants to be marooned away from his or her friends, but we turned a blind eye to that in the early days and it ended up out of control. This community is so cohesive that the prospect of someone holding a spot for a whole football team worth of people can and did happen. That's why the numbers system came to be in the first place. And again, I get that it's logistically frustrating - one has to coordinate with all his or her friends and get to the venue at around the same time, or else be separated in the queue, and have to scramble to meet up again inside the venue. But it's more fair, IMHO, than having the people who arrive at the venue the earliest get stuck further back because so many people queue jumped.


And for the record, you're wrong that no other fans have ever used the numbering system. The venue told MFCers to start it back in 2007 because they had seen it work for other artists. I've experienced myself at non-Mika gigs over here in Canada. It's not a perfect system, but at least a first-come, first-served approach levels the playing field.

i agree with you.


Reading reports about the queuing problems makes me scared of my upcoming gigs.


Alle concerts i've been to have always been fun , even queuing was fun in the rain (westerpark) .

People just have to decide what they want , and whats more important to them .

If you want to be with your friends and they don't want to queue for hours , thats ok but have some respect for the people who make another decissions and spend their day in front of the venue .

They should be the ones who get to the front row mfcer or not.

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Or..if it were say 2 others that were coming, just tell the person numbering to give you 3 numbers.

Imagine how it could have been handled. You queue, you get your number, you tell the numberer I'm waiting for my friend can I get a number for her... or guylainem123's suggestion would work just as well.


no way!!! thats how the system will fail , thats the same as keeping a spot for your friends! not fair at all

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No suggestions about the queing system, but just wanna say that I had a totally different experience last night.

I sometimes suffer from low blood preasure and get dissy which I can resolve by getting some fresh air and extra suggar. Yesterday, I got dissy just at the moment that Mika was going to appear on the stage. We had to leave our spot in the +/- 5th row to get a got and to snap some fresh air. When feeling better I could get back to almost exactly the same spot as where I was standing before, all people just let us pass because my boyfriend told them why we have been out and why we were passing them to get back in again. I found that more than fair of everyone (and wanna thank everyone for doing so).

So, I have no experience at all with selfish people at that gig, not at all!

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No suggestions about the queing system, but just wanna say that I had a totally different experience last night.

I sometimes suffer from low blood preasure and get dissy which I can resolve by getting some fresh air and extra suggar. Yesterday, I got dissy just at the moment that Mika was going to appear on the stage. We had to leave our spot in the +/- 5th row to get a got and to snap some fresh air. When feeling better I could get back to almost exactly the same spot as where I was standing before, all people just let us pass because my boyfriend told them why we have been out and why we were passing them to get back in again. I found that more than fair of everyone (and wanna thank everyone for doing so).

So, I have no experience at all with selfish people at that gig, not at all!


Wow, that was very nice of them idd! :thumb_yello: Good to see there were some good experiences as well :pinkbow:

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I enjoyed the Hammersmith show even better than Manchester one and that was good too I could see much better view in 3rd row no much taller people stood in veiw which was nice I only 5ft 1 was more relaxed and happpy had more fun lovely to see Mika still loves to spend time with fans nice to see that not changed after 3 years still kind and polite I love the way he speaks nice n gentle manner even Hayley liked the show and was impressed how nice he is to talk to we stayed over night in hotel on kings street and had look the shops today bought few nice things got back to Liverpool 6pm glad to see my kittens Tilly 6 months and Alfie 10 weeks next door friend kerry minded them again got her present for minding them

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I enjoyed the Hammersmith show even better than Manchester one and that was good too I could see much better view in 3rd row no much taller people stood in veiw which was nice I only 5ft 1 was more relaxed and happpy had more fun lovely to see Mika still loves to spend time with fans nice to see that not changed after 3 years still kind and polite I love the way he speaks nice n gentle manner even Hayley liked the show and was impressed how nice he is to talk to we stayed over night in hotel on kings street and had look the shops today bought few nice things got back to Liverpool 6pm glad to see my kittens Tilly 6 months and Alfie 10 weeks next door friend kerry minded them again got her present for minding them


i'm glad you had a good time punky! your cats are lucky to have a good "mommy" like you :wub2:

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I enjoyed the Hammersmith show even better than Manchester one and that was good too I could see much better view in 3rd row no much taller people stood in veiw which was nice I only 5ft 1 was more relaxed and happpy had more fun lovely to see Mika still loves to spend time with fans nice to see that not changed after 3 years still kind and polite I love the way he speaks nice n gentle manner even Hayley liked the show and was impressed how nice he is to talk to we stayed over night in hotel on kings street and had look the shops today bought few nice things got back to Liverpool 6pm glad to see my kittens Tilly 6 months and Alfie 10 weeks next door friend kerry minded them again got her present for minding them


Hi Catherine - lovely to read your report. Mika is lovely to his fans :wub2:

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i'm glad you had a good time punky! your cats are lucky to have a good "mommy" like you :wub2:



Thanks Catherine x

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Hi Catherine - lovely to read your report. Mika is lovely to his fans :wub2:[/quote


he is lovely nice voice Catherine

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Thanks Sharon! Watching it again just makes it all seem real again I am still in shock, hahahah!!! I just could NOT believe my eyes when I saw him pounce and grab my arm, and pull me to the front :lmfao:

All I could remember were his eyes with a very determined look, staring at me through the mask :roftl:. At that point I nearly died. I thought 'WTF am I going to do now???'







Oh Guy, believe me, if I had thought about it, I would have said the same thing, but when it happens, you just somehow 'go' and it all comes naturally :naughty:. Oh dear!

I found another vid that gives more of a view, including when he sort of put his bum against me:



What a surreal night. When I came off, someone said that MamaP and John were standing there, staring at the stage in disbelief, wondering wtf had posessed Mika to do that :roftl:. They all thought that he'd gone mental, ahhahaha.

During the rehearsals, MamaP had decided that she liked my zombie, and said that I needed to be the last one to go out in the line, and I tried a few times to sneak into the middle of the line, because I didn't particularly want to be the last one, but every time she found me out and put me at the back again, saying that I was last :aah:, so I really tried very very hard not to be the last one, but she just insisted that I had to, and wasn't having any of it. Oh goodness, I am still in shock, haha.

After he put me back in the middle, I couldn't see anything, so I couldn't even figure out how to get off the stage until Imma came to get me and lead me out. I didn't know what Mika wanted me to do either, obviously, so I just kinda improvised and made sure that I was moving until someone told me otherwise :naughty:. Which Imma kinda did when she took my hand and lead me off the stage.

What a night!!!!!!!!!


i think you did an AWESOME job!!

if i didnt know, i would have thought it was planned!!

I was looking at the vid and wondering when someone would get you off stage until i saw Imma dragging you to the side!! :lmfao:

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Hmmm... Asia in June, South America in October... *calculates*

So maybe US in the September/October range... OK, I guess I can wait

that long... :insane:


I'm assuming that date range works for you :teehee:


I filmed that.


Not going to talk about the gig much. I thought Mika was fantastic as always but the entire night was ruined for me by the MFC. I have gone to 100s of gigs in the past from the biggest artists in the world at arenas to small bands at tiny clubs. The night before Mika I was at the o2 arena for Gaga and guess what... there was no numbering system. When people arrived later than others, no one batted an eyelid or caused an argument when they skipped past people in the queue to stand with their friends because there is such a thing as human decency. Lets compare that to Mika's fans, shall we?


I'm sorry to say this (and it is definitely not true of all of you) but you guys are the worst fans of any artist in the world. You guys are selfish, pedantic and think you have a bigger right of being there than other people. Guess what guys? We are ALL Mika fans. The fact you paid a stupid amount of money to come here from another country does not change that. Whether you live next door to the venue or the other side of the ocean, we all have the same right and expect the same level of enjoyment? But you guys manage to ruin peoples enjoyment including me. And no, this isn't just me. When I raised a point about it in the venue last night, people were backing me up and agreeing with it.


You guys actually expect someone who arrives later than their friend to queue on their own and spend the entire gig on their own because of your precious numberng system? How selfish and heartless is that? If I can see the biggest artist in the world the day before and find there is no numbering system in place yet there is no one pushing and everyone walking in calmly. Compare that to Mika where you guys would quite happily kill someone else if it meant you could get in the front row.


I await the abuse, the predictable comments of "But John supports the numbering system" but I honestly couldn't care less. I have been going to Mika gigs before most of you lot had even heard of him. The first year of gigs was amazing. The queues were a lot of fun and that is how I made friends with some of you here. From last year that all changed. I was actually dreading yesterdays gig before I'd even got there solely down to the fans. I have a ticket for the Brighton gig on Wednesday but I'll happily waste the money so I don't have to spend another night with some of the vilest people I have ever met. Again, this isn't all of you but I'm wondering if its a minority of you or the majority?


To conclude, I'd like to thank you for ruining one of my favourite artists for me. I don't think I will ever go to another Mika gig again.


I think that's a bit harsh.


If GaGa's fans don't mind people pushing in, that's their choice. I personally wouldn't like to wait in line all day just to have people who arrive a few hours before the doors open jump in front of me.


Whether you use a numbering system or not, you don't push in front of people who have waited longer than you (I personally don't see how the numbering system could work with people who aren't part of MFC, but if people want to use it, go ahead). I was about 11th in line for the Mika concert in Sydney and left the queue to be a big girl.When I finished, I went and stood near a door and didn't think to push in front of people who had been standing in the crowd longer than me.



If you want to be so fickle as to not going to Mika concerts anymore because you don't like how they have a numbering system then go for it. I doubt people would be that concerned.


Fantastic night to finish off a fantastic weekend (we saw Lady Gaga at the O2 on Saturday night)


We arrived at about 1.15 and got numbers 66 & 67 in the queue, then got the chairs out of the car and prepared for the long cold wait for the doors to open at 7.00 (and it was cold......VERY COLD)


After a while John came out and told us that once the staff arrive at around 4.00 he had arranged for those MFC'ers who had been there the longest to queue inside for the last few hours. As it turned out the staff didn't let us in until nearer 5.00 o'clock but it was certainly appreciated. We soon warmed up once inside and it was lovely to be able to sit on the floor and chat amongst ourselves. It also gave us a chance to see the Big Girls and Lollypop Girls being put through their paces through the inner doors. I'm not sure how much credit John gets on here for what he does for us all but I have to say I for one feel very lucky to have someone so thoughtful looking out for us.


At about 6.40 we attempted to line up in number order before being allowed to go through to the next doors, pretty sure the order wasn't quite right but once we went through it turned into a wide queue at the next doors which was more of a free for all, so the numbers were pretty much out of the window by now as the queue was as wide as it was deep. We stood behind 4 girls on the left hand side and luckily the member of staff checked our tickets while we were waiting so once the doors opened he let us straight though. We followed Rose and headed for the left hand side of the front row and managed to get a really good spot. Given the fact we were numbers 66 and 67 we didn't expect to get front row but I guess this makes up for Brighton when we were about the 6th to arrive but ended up around row 10.....call it karma.


The gig itself was amazing, MIKA's voice is stronger than ever, with so signs of strain from what must be an intensive tour for him. Don't know what it was but he seemed to really have a twinkle in his eye last night and was really going for it. He made reference to the technical problems and thanked the audience to just going with the flow and being supportive. I thought the crowd was amazing last night, I looked over my shoulder in Billy Brown and I think every single arm was waving....quite a sight.


Once the show was over we made our way to the M&G line as some of you will know we had a little gift we have been trying to give to MIKA but missed him at the Alan Carr show.


We call him Minimika.....











Success !!! we managed to give it to him and he loved it, Jules noticed someone was filming his reaction when he got it so if it was an MFC'er and they are reading this, please could you upload the clip, we'd love to see it.


BIG thank you to everyone in the queue before and after the show who helped to make our evening so special, we thought Gaga would take some beating but our Sunday night was even better than the Saturday.


Totally awesome weekend (now to catch up on some sleep)


I love MiniMika! He's awesome!!


Did you make him or did you buy him somewhere?


wow, that's fabulous! so are the pics and vidsso far, thanks guys for uploading!


for my first gig, it was amazing! i never thought (stupid i know) that i could scream that loud, jump that long and sing/ shout that length of time as well as clap, and attempt to dance in a space of the size of a stamp!!


i wanted to appologise to the people standing around me (i was in a green shirt with buttons and beads sewn on and the long socks over my jeans, and also the side bunches) if i made you deaf with screaming to much, or if i bruised you when we all jumped around through Love Today!!


he said there were techniqual difficulties and didn't seem to happy, but from where i was standing, maybe about 8/9 rows back, i never noticed, it wasn't for the fact the 'bandits' came on stage to fiddle with the keyboards David was on, that i really noticed. but to be honest, when he asked for help, what were we gonna say, 'nope, we don't wanna?'!! course we helped, it was soo much fun!


in brief, it was the bedroom party i pictured in my head, all that was missing was a hair brush to sing into! my throat hurt soo much yesterday and it still is pretty raw today, and i don't think i've managed to stop smiling!


i cannot wait until i get to see him again, and see him in the flesh (which was another reason i felt soo good. pictures really don't do him justice huh?) and i hope we hear what festivals he is doing this year, i'm soo going!! lolz


anyways, sorry to have waffled on for a whole heap, i can't get the words to come out right!!! hope everyone who sees the rest of the tour in the UK and Europe enjoy it just as much as me and my mum did last night, it was truely the best night of my life, and will be pretty hard pushed to ever top it!!



I loved the waffling! :naughty:


Lors de son concert londonien du dimanche 28 février, Mika a assuré le show comme une bête... de scène !


Il a le diable au corps, et c'est peu dire ! Lors de son dernier concert, dimanche 28 février à Londres, Mika s'est lâché comme jamais. Quasi en transe, le chanteur s'est livré à des contorsions extrêmes et à des mimiques impossibles, comme s'il était possédé ! Par chance, son slim ultra-moulant empêchait largement tout démon de prendre place à l'intérieur, alors que l'interprète de Relax faisait simplement corps avec ses chansons.


Tout comme dans son dernier clip où il fait preuve d'une énergie débordante , Mika a donné de sa personne sur scène, ne se souciant ni du ridicule, ni de la fatigue. Pourtant, après une telle prestation, on doute que le britannique d'origine libanaise doit être complètement vidé. Espérons qu'il passe par un sas de décompression entre-temps, pour exorciser sa frénésie... et reprendre ses esprits !





Il a la fièvre !



Qui va craquer en premier, les cordes vocales ou le slim ?



Aïe, ça fait mal, les cheveux !



Freddie Mercury, sors de ce corps !



Les baskets à paillettes, so cute !



Proche du septième ciel ?



Oooooooh, nice pics!


I had to do this yesterday - coming with 3 friends none of whom wanted to queue before 4pm. I was happy to queue from 12noon. But in the end i decided my friends were more important to me than getting front row, as i know i will get front row one day. So i had to compromise. However, we were lucky and got 3rd row so i still had a great view and i got to spend time with my friends.


I know though that i could have queued alone earlier and got a better spot but i would have been on my own


And half the fun of being at a concert is being with your friends!


Thanks Sharon! Watching it again just makes it all seem real again I am still in shock, hahahah!!! I just could NOT believe my eyes when I saw him pounce and grab my arm, and pull me to the front :lmfao:

All I could remember were his eyes with a very determined look, staring at me through the mask :roftl:. At that point I nearly died. I thought 'WTF am I going to do now???'




I found another vid that gives more of a view, including when he sort of put his bum against me:



What a surreal night. When I came off, someone said that MamaP and John were standing there, staring at the stage in disbelief, wondering wtf had posessed Mika to do that :roftl:. They all thought that he'd gone mental, ahhahaha.

During the rehearsals, MamaP had decided that she liked my zombie, and said that I needed to be the last one to go out in the line, and I tried a few times to sneak into the middle of the line, because I didn't particularly want to be the last one, but every time she found me out and put me at the back again, saying that I was last :aah:, so I really tried very very hard not to be the last one, but she just insisted that I had to, and wasn't having any of it. Oh goodness, I am still in shock, haha.

After he put me back in the middle, I couldn't see anything, so I couldn't even figure out how to get off the stage until Imma came to get me and lead me out. I didn't know what Mika wanted me to do either, obviously, so I just kinda improvised and made sure that I was moving until someone told me otherwise :naughty:. Which Imma kinda did when she took my hand and lead me off the stage.

What a night!!!!!!!!!


Awww yay!


That was awesome!!



You were on stage for a while, I thought she dragged you off pretty much straight after Meeks pulled you back to the middle...

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Mellody...you don't FORGET such important details:sneaky2:

Was it Osaka? Was it Fukuoka? Was it Nagoya? Kyoto? Sendai?

Jog that memory girl:wink2:


statue_of_liberty said she understood osaka, but i really don't remember, i've never heard the names of those cities before. :blush-anim-cl:

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Oh thanks so much for that! I was hoping to see Mika's reaction at the Alan Carr show but everyone missed him when he left.


Glad Kev was finally able to give it to him. Mini Mika is so cute!!

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WOW - thank you so much for those wonderful photos Naectegale :huglove:


What an absolutely AMAZING gig - LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the set, the band, the merchandise... oh and MIKA :wub2:


I can't top the praise Kev has given the gig - by saying he enjoyed this gig even more than Lady Gaga !! MIKA still has the ability to make me feel like a teenager - and I LOVE it !!


The icing on the cake was obviously seeing Meeks reaction to Mini-MIKA - I so hope the person that recorded that part of the M&G is an MFC'er... must be patient and hopefully it may appear on here one day.


Shame I couldn't get a personalised exercise (maths) book - they had sold out, but managed to nab one of the 3 remaining turquoise hoodies :boing: :boing:


It was great seeing so many familiar faces too - LOVE you guys :wub2:

Edited by Blue Eyes
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this blogger made me laugh...i loved the quick gig summary he gives! LOL




That's cute


Kev described how he came up with mini-mika in the Alan Carr thread


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