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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika @ Annexet Stockholm, Sweden: MARCH 18 2010


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Did you see me as a Big Girl?

Wonka, I was wondering that myself, about whether there was no M&G because of that.

Mika can see what's going on from the stage, and probably didn't fancy getting mobbed after, and I don't blame him!

It's a shame for those who did behave and hadn't met him before, there's always someone who will spoil it for everyone.

It could have been because he was tired, but he's done consecutive gigs before and done M&Gs after, so I don't see what would have been different about this one.


Right, and being a teenager is no excuse for bad manners, if parents bring children well, they won't do such things...:aah:

Too bad swedish goers who know how to be in public had no M&G, no matter what reason Mika had not to do one...:(


I thought it might be because ida Falk Winland was there & he might be busy visiting with his friends.

I can't see Mika making his true fans suffer because of a few rude & pushy teens.



Maybe, maybe not, but swedish having just one gig, it's bad luck, indeed...

We're not talking about the UK or France here who get 5,000 gigs a year, it's a country Mika visits once a year, if so...

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I happened to record some if it. The quality isn´t the best, but hey, it´s still something :)



Thank you :biggrin2: We're just about to walk out there, hehe, but the quality was not that bad at all :thumb_yello: I've seen far worse.

To bad that we, lollipop girls, got out of sync in the end (there was a chair in the middle of the way that interrupted the rythm -> domino effect).


I found this video of lollipop and you can see when he comes up to me and lets me sing into the microphone, and even though it's terrible quality I kind of love it:

He was so cute and he had the biggest smile on when he approached me, almost like he wanted to dare me to sing.


Did you see me as a Big Girl?

Wonka, I was wondering that myself, about whether there was no M&G because of that.

Mika can see what's going on from the stage, and probably didn't fancy getting mobbed after, and I don't blame him!

It's a shame for those who did behave and hadn't met him before, there's always someone who will spoil it for everyone.

It could have been because he was tired, but he's done consecutive gigs before and done M&Gs after, so I don't see what would have been different about this one.


Yes, he did mention that he was quite tired after the gig and therefore wanted to take group shoots with the big girls/lollipop girls insted of individual photos that I think most of all fans actually prefer. He had been in Oslo the night before so I can imagine that he was quite exhausted.

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Thank you :biggrin2: We're just about to walk out there, hehe, but the quality was not that bad at all :thumb_yello: I've seen far worse.

To bad that we, lollipop girls, got out of sync in the end (there was a chair in the middle of the way that interrupted the rythm -> domino effect).


I found this video of lollipop and you can see when he comes up to me and lets me sing into the microphone, and even though it's terrible quality I kind of love it:

He was so cute and he had the biggest smile on when he approached me, almost like he wanted to dare me to sing.




Yes, he did mention that he was quite tired after the gig and therefore wanted to take group shoots with the big girls/lollipop girls insted of individual photos that I think most of all fans actually prefer. He had been in Oslo the night before so I can imagine that he was quite exhausted.


Thats really cute of him, and lucky you for having been so close to Mika :biggrin2:


When did you sing into the microphone? The quality was so bad that I couldn´t distinguish anything :blink:

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Wonka, I was wondering that myself, about whether there was no M&G because of that.

Mika can see what's going on from the stage, and probably didn't fancy getting mobbed after, and I don't blame him!

It's a shame for those who did behave and hadn't met him before, there's always someone who will spoil it for everyone.

It could have been because he was tired, but he's done consecutive gigs before and done M&Gs after, so I don't see what would have been different about this one.


That's probably not the reason. At his last Stockholm gig things were totally crazy (even more wild/rude teenagers than yesterday). Still our little fan group got one of the loveliest M+G afterwards. Mika invited us to meet him inside the venue because it was snowing. I thought it was really nice gesture from him. :wub2: I'm pretty sure there was some other reason for no M+G this time.


When we went to see if it's possible to meet Mika or not, the security told us that he had already left because he was damn tired. I only wanted to see him because I had bought a present for him but I can give it later in Berlin or Munich. :thumb_yello: It must be really tiring to perform night after night so I really can't blame him. I was happy to get an early night after the gig because I haven't been well last days. But I felt sorry for the cute little dog that was patiently waiting for Mika with its owner. :puppy_eyes:


Anyway, I'm back home now and will do my report later. The gig itself was amazing as always. :thumb_yello:

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I don't see why some people think a M&G is almost their divine right. Mika does a lot more for his fans than most artists. In fact a lot of artists NEVER do M&Gs - they leave the stage and are in their waiting cars and away before the fans even realise the gig's finished.


Does anyone really think that having spent hours travelling, doing interviews, doing a soundcheck, and doing an exhausting show, the artist actually WANTS to stand out in the freezing cold signing things? No, of course they don't! When you buy a gig ticket it entitles you to see a gig, nothing more. If the artist does a M&G, it's a bonus, but it shouldn't be EXPECTED.

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I thought it might be because ida Falk Winland was there & he might be busy visiting with his friends.

I can't see Mika making his true fans suffer because of a few rude & pushy teens.



No, I'm sure he had some other reason to make a M&G, meeting Ida might be one of them!:wink2:


The world looks quite funny from under a skull. But it was worth it - now I can say I faced a 2000 ppl crowd (or was it even bigger?). :biggrin2:


Just arrived back home btw, will be back later. :thumb_yello:


It was so nice to see you again!:wub2:


That's probably not the reason. At his last Stockholm gig things were totally crazy (even more wild/rude teenagers than yesterday). Still our little fan group got one of the loveliest M+G afterwards. Mika invited us to meet him inside the venue because it was snowing. I thought it was really nice gesture from him. :wub2: I'm pretty sure there was some other reason for no M+G this time.



Anzuzu :wub2: I missed you yesterday! I'm happy to hear you had a great time in Stockholm!


Yes I remember that too! It was one of the most relaxed meetings with him, we got the chance to talk to him in peace and quiet.:wub2:

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Caz, you mostly go gigs in the UK? I can tell you it's quite different, you are near your home with your friends, you don't feel need to queue from early hours. But if you travel a lot you will find out that it's not that easy. After traveling you are tired. Well, at least I am. I travel at weird hours without sleeping and many times even without hotel rooms. I have no place to go except a queue. I just don't have energy to walk around in strange cities. I sit in cafés but there is a limit for how long you want to sit alone in any places. In queues you at least meet people.


And the reason I travel is because he doesn't come to my country. Like never. And I want to see his gigs and I think it's worth it.


Tii, I get where you're coming from. Honestly I do, and I know Mika doesn't really go to Finland but you've been to WAY more gigs than I have. I honestly have no idea how some of you can afford it. I arrived at the first Hammersmith Gig at 3:30pm to discover that Jemma arrived there at about midday-ish or perhaps before (she was number 30-something, that's silly in itself) and there were only TWO people in the queue who were English.


I have no problem with foreign people coming to UK gigs at all, so please don't think I have a problem with that (I'd like to think that if I had the money to go to another country and see Mika, I would) but when you go to a home gig and arrive at a more appropriate time than silly o'clock in the morning to discover that you're number 70 something and about 3 or 4 rows back because a large group of foreign people dominated the queue from sunrise seems ridiculous to me.


And I'm not saying that I think foreign people should be at the back. You've all paid money for a ticket to see the person you want to see, but it's annoying for the people who already live there. I mean, look at it from another point of view. Say Mika had a gig in Finland and a load of foreign people flew out there and queued from - I don't know, midnight - and you got there at 7am, queued all day, and then when you got to the stage you were so many rows back. It's your home gig. Wouldn't you be annoyed?


And this isn't aimed particularly at you Tii, there are other several people who do it as well. And I don't want to sound rude either, I just want you to see it from my perspective. People were going to gigs around the UK, arriving at 1pm and being number 9 or something. I know London is easier to get to and everything, but why should I have to arrive - at my home gig - at a really early time just to secure my place in front row because people haven't booked a hotel?


Please don't think I'm being horrible or attacking you, I don't think I sound rude in the post and hope people don't think I'm being rude, either...that's not what I want to sound like...but seriously...because people arrive there really early it makes other people feel like they need to arrive early to secure their place and then you get a massive queue before the sun's even had a chance to reach it's hottest point.


I know London is a popular hotspot, I know I should expect a big queue, but how many MFCers were there and how many non-MFCers were there? I can bet you it was mostly MFCers because we all know London = stupidly early queueing. But it shouldn't have to be that way :dunno:


And if you meet people in the queue how about going to get a coffee together nearby to stay in the warm? Surely that's better than staying out in the cold...?


I don't know. Maybe I'm being ignorant and naive. I'm sure London will always remain the same, it won't change. I just find it frustrating.

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I don't care if it's your home gig or if you travelled 8,000km, there's no reason for anyone to be queueing early. It's madness and I really wish it would stop. This 9am business is stupid and pointless, and you can multiply that by a hundred when you're in Scandinavia in the winter. :dunno:


I've been to a few gigs in he past six months where no one was queuing until well into the afternoon. That's how it should always be.

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I don't care if it's your home gig or if you travelled 8,000km, there's no reason for anyone to be queueing early. It's madness and I really wish it would stop. This 9am business is stupid and pointless, and you can multiply that by a hundred when you're in Scandinavia in the winter. :dunno:


I've been to a few gigs in he past six months where no one was queuing until well into the afternoon. That's how it should always be.




Get well soon :huglove:

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So anybody got a video of Big Girl? I hear Blue was yellow! :glasses2:


She was indeed, and so was I :naughty:. It was a lot of fun to do it all together, and I can't wait to see vids of Lollipop.

About the queueing, I totally agree with what Mana said. It's utterly ridiculous, and unnecessary. Both in Copenhaguen and Oslo we arrived around 3-4 ish and got front spots. It's just silly to have to go early in the morning, that's all it is.

Oh and the reason why he didn't come out after the gig was that he was absolutely knackered, we were told. He just went off to bed as I guess that he wanted to rest up a bit :wink2:

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She was indeed, and so was I :naughty:. It was a lot of fun to do it all together, and I can't wait to see vids of Lollipop.

About the queueing, I totally agree with what Mana said. It's utterly ridiculous, and unnecessary. Both in Copenhaguen and Oslo we arrived around 3-4 ish and got front spots. It's just silly to have to go early in the morning, that's all it is.

Oh and the reason why he didn't come out after the gig was that he was absolutely knackered, we were told. He just went off to bed as I guess that he wanted to rest up a bit :wink2:


and get well soon for you, too. I hear you're poorly again :no:

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Tii, I get where you're coming from. Honestly I do, and I know Mika doesn't really go to Finland but you've been to WAY more gigs than I have. I honestly have no idea how some of you can afford it. I arrived at the first Hammersmith Gig at 3:30pm to discover that Jemma arrived there at about midday-ish or perhaps before (she was number 30-something, that's silly in itself) and there were only TWO people in the queue who were English.


I have no problem with foreign people coming to UK gigs at all, so please don't think I have a problem with that (I'd like to think that if I had the money to go to another country and see Mika, I would) but when you go to a home gig and arrive at a more appropriate time than silly o'clock in the morning to discover that you're number 70 something and about 3 or 4 rows back because a large group of foreign people dominated the queue from sunrise seems ridiculous to me.


And I'm not saying that I think foreign people should be at the back. You've all paid money for a ticket to see the person you want to see, but it's annoying for the people who already live there. I mean, look at it from another point of view. Say Mika had a gig in Finland and a load of foreign people flew out there and queued from - I don't know, midnight - and you got there at 7am, queued all day, and then when you got to the stage you were so many rows back. It's your home gig. Wouldn't you be annoyed?


And this isn't aimed particularly at you Tii, there are other several people who do it as well. And I don't want to sound rude either, I just want you to see it from my perspective. People were going to gigs around the UK, arriving at 1pm and being number 9 or something. I know London is easier to get to and everything, but why should I have to arrive - at my home gig - at a really early time just to secure my place in front row because people haven't booked a hotel?


Please don't think I'm being horrible or attacking you, I don't think I sound rude in the post and hope people don't think I'm being rude, either...that's not what I want to sound like...but seriously...because people arrive there really early it makes other people feel like they need to arrive early to secure their place and then you get a massive queue before the sun's even had a chance to reach it's hottest point.


I know London is a popular hotspot, I know I should expect a big queue, but how many MFCers were there and how many non-MFCers were there? I can bet you it was mostly MFCers because we all know London = stupidly early queueing. But it shouldn't have to be that way :dunno:


And if you meet people in the queue how about going to get a coffee together nearby to stay in the warm? Surely that's better than staying out in the cold...?


I don't know. Maybe I'm being ignorant and naive. I'm sure London will always remain the same, it won't change. I just find it frustrating.


This is why I was trying before the London gigs, to get everyone to not get there until after midday. And I was getting a favourable response from most of the people coming from abroad, I think some would have been quite happy to come later, especially only arriving late the evening before for the Sunday show.

But nearer the time I started getting rumblings that people thought they shouldn't be told what time they should get there, as is their right I guess, and if they wanted to get there at 7am they would! And this was people who DID have hotel rooms!

It was similar situation at Bristol, although the queue wasn't as big. I got there at 10.30-11am and there were people there already, only 1 being a local (non MFCer I should add).

I do understand that for people who don't get to see him in their home country, and have to travel far to see him, they do want to get a good spot for their trouble. That's okay. But I don't see why the queues need to start at ridiculous times in the morning!

If I was doing that, travelling far, I would either get to the venue at a reasonable time, or arrange to go to a fellow MFCers hotel, and hang out, rather than sit in the cold for hours freezing my backside off, that way it's a much more pleasurable experience for everyone, and there's no stress on here before and after.

I do understand your situation Tiibet, that's why I added the last comment, wouldn't it be more comfortable for you to hook up with someone already there, at least you'd be in the warm?

As it is I end up travelling to London earlier than I'd like, I hate London traffic, I'd much rather get there after 1pm, makes the parking cheaper. So I'd love it if we started queuing later.

Any way back on topic, looking forward to the videos of this gig, want to see Blue in her BG outfit:biggrin2:

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Glad to hear you had fun as BG and LG!

Looking foward for see vids and pictures :thumb_yello:


I'm sorry for Tiibet!Pushing people are bad :boxed:

I had problems once (not at Mika's gig) because I was in the middle and some men started to push so hard that I thought to die....it was really scary!I came home with some haematomas in my back and arms. This is why I'm always scared to stay in the middle and I prefer front row (at least there nobody hit you in the face!)

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Thats really cute of him, and lucky you for having been so close to Mika :biggrin2:


When did you sing into the microphone? The quality was so bad that I couldn´t distinguish anything :blink:


I think I made a comment of the video, somewhere around 3.55, but it's a bit hard to see because of the ballond poping up but you still see a little bit. Haha, when I look back at the video I just sang for 2 seconds but when he came up to me it felt more like 10, time stood still at that moment. And I just sang whow-o-whow-o, so maybe it's a bit ridiculous of me saying he let me sing, but it meant a lot for me :wub2: I was in my heaven, I've never had that much fun on stage and usually I have stagefright but I've never felt so relaxed like then.


Hey! does anyone have the pictures we took backstage with the big girl costumes? :biggrin2:


Pictures?!? Did someone take photos of us backstage? With the costumes on? Or only the big girls? :shocked:

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Lollipopski, that is amazing! :thumb_yello:


Hey! does anyone have the pictures we took backstage with the big girl costumes? :biggrin2:

There is one in my signature :naughty: - I think the rest of the group pictures are on other cameras.


As for the pushing: I'm glad I wasn't at the front this time then. Reminds me of a Kooks gig where I gave up my front row spot before the 1st song and in the end I was glad I did. I don't mind if people get too enthusiastic - good for them, as long as I am not stuck in the middle. :naughty:


Well it was great anyway! The show, Mika, the band, the people I already knew and the new ones I met... To my fellow BGs and LGs: thanks for all the fun and laughter! :thumb_yello:

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Lollipopski, that is amazing! :thumb_yello:



There is one in my signature :naughty: - I think the rest of the group pictures are on other cameras.


As for the pushing: I'm glad I wasn't at the front this time then. Reminds me of a Kooks gig where I gave up my front row spot before the 1st song and in the end I was glad I did. I don't mind if people get too enthusiastic - good for them, as long as I am not stuck in the middle. :naughty:


Well it was great anyway! The show, Mika, the band, the people I already knew and the new ones I met... To my fellow BGs and LGs: thanks for all the fun and laughter! :thumb_yello:


I agree on not wanting to be at front when I hear all of this.. too bad that Sweden is the only place I can go for now.. maybe I'll convince my parents to take me to Amsterdam :aah: but I doubt that will happen!

I had a great time and I'm actually glad that I didn't follow through with being a BG. it just didn't feel right and I really wanted to be a crazy fan not having to concentrate on keeping my head up for the mask not to fall on the side :teehee:

you all looket great on stage definetly spooky! :naughty:

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Thank you for your report, Violet:thumb_yello: (Finally a real one from first hand experience again...)


I liked this part best :wub2: :

I LOVED the spotlights on Mika so you can see his silhouette against the curtains. I really love that. I can't say how much. It's a fantastic idea. His shape and poses are so distinctive, sometimes I just watched the shadow instead of the man and just loved it!

...I never noticed it before but I will pay attention to it next time.


I hope that tomorrorow's gig will be at least as amazing as the one in Stockholm. Have a great time there!

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Thank you for your report, Violet:thumb_yello: (Finally a real one from first hand experience again...)


I liked this part best :wub2: :


...I never noticed it before but I will pay attention to it next time.


I hope that tomorrorow's gig will be at least as amazing as the one in Stockholm. Have a great time there!


Thanks! I'm sure I will!


And I forgot: Speaking of attention for detail: The double hat for Dr. John and especially the inside heart of his feather coat really made me :wub2:

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