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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika @ TW Classic Werchter, Belgium: 12-JUL-2010


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@STEP : on this picture, Mika was showing us he could not applause any more because he had a painfull shoulder :wink2: , he was supposed to stand with us in front of the camera but suddenly turned up to face us... and the picture has been taken LOL



@Biejke : thanks for your pictures, they are great !


@Macboll : super tes photos, merci, I just regret not to be on the group picture, but we can't be everywhere...

Edited by Sweetieval
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i Loved the fact that i met some other MFC'ers as wel, but i felt a bit of an intruder :sad:, because most of them already knew each other


I've had a great day yesterday:biggrin2:


And you know, next time you know us too ... :wink2:


Bienie's right - you soon get to know everyone :biggrin2:


Great reports everyone :thumb_yello:

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@STEP : on this picture, Mika was showing us he could not applause any more because he had a painfull shoulder :wink2: , he was supposed to stand with us in front of the camera but suddenly turned up to face us... and the picture has been taken LOL



@Biejke : thanks for your pictures, they are great !


@Macboll : super tes photos, merci, I just regret not to be on the group picture, but we can't be everywhere...


:mf_rosetinted: ooo right, I remember now, that he said something about his shoulder, but I was in heaven already...so I didnt understand what the heck he was saying....:biggrin2:


report soon *detailed as always I guess*

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Since I stayed at some friends in Alkmaar, I could meet up with Jojotje near where she lives.

I needed to get up at about 6:30am, quite early, I didn't have a lot of sleep the nights before haha

After I got picked up, we went to Utrecht and met up with Sylvana.

Then off to Werchter!

We had like 5 traffic jams along the way...but that couldnt stop us being happy and we happily sang along with Mikasongs.

And because the traffic jam wasnt moving quickly, Sylvana and I got out of the car to smoke. Quite funny hahaha.

During this waiting and slowly moving towards Werchter, we already dropped the idea of EVER standing front row at the Mika gig.

We were happy with just relaxing and enjoying the gig from a great distance.

We had about 3,5 hours delay in the end. But a lot of fun during those hours hahaha!

We arrived at Werchter with a nice temperature outside and sunshine!!! We watched the weather forecasts for days already and everytime it said RAIN, THUNDER and just bad weather!

That was a nice plus!

We went to the entrance and found out, it was crowded, but not THAT crowded.

Sylvana and I had a fight which involved a lot of water and we cooled down a bit because of it.

Then we went to see where we could sit and relax. We went to the front and found out there was a golden circle and that you needed blue wristbands to enter.

Those wristbands were given to the first 2000 people :(

Sylvana found out, they were maybe giving out wristbands at 6pm, at that time it was about 4pm.

So we sat down at the barriers that divided the audience from the golden circle people :)

We chilled out a bit and then at around 5pm, I asked Sylvana if we were going to ask about the wristbands now, while I was standing up...and then I saw they WERE handing them out again!

Within 30 seconds we were all at the entrance of the Golden Circle and got our wristbands! SOOOO HAPPY!!!

Then we looked for Step, to get our tshirts and we found her!!!THANK YOOOOUUU!!!!

We were then 5th row from the stage and we watched Amy McDonald. Loved her! Had seen her at Pinkpop Festival once and loved her then too.

Then during the wait for the Scissor Sisters, we could move a bit forward and I ended up with just 1 person in front of me.

During Scissor Sisters I rang Rose a couple of times, I remembered she likes the Scissor Sisters :P

Then I asked the man in front of me, if it was okay if I was in front of him during Mika, only just during Mika and he said it was okay!!!

I was SOOOOO happy!!!! Then Sylvana asked the man next to the man I just asked and he was also okay with her standing in front of him!

Two happy ladies!

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Then the Scissor Sisters were finished and I already stood at the barriers. Just a few minutes after Mrs P came out and we shouted her name...

She directly came up to us, looking relieved (sp?)... Didnt know why, but then she told she was looking for girls from the fanclub and couldnt find them!

She already looked earlier, because she knew there were MFCers present, but worried, because she just couldnt find them!

So she said she needed Big Girls and she immediately chose me. She also chose Sylvana to play one of the boys and Jojotje to be BG too.

Jojotje and me got a backstage sticker, but Sylvana didnt get one. Then Mrs P moved to pick some boys and totally forgot about her agreement with Sylvana.

I felt bad for her and didnt know what to do... :(

I told the man in front of me, I didnt really need to have that spot at the front row...as I was going on stage!!

So the three of us went with one of the staff, but Sylvana couldnt come :( I know exactly how she must have felt, I had the same feeling in Antwerp when I had to leave again, being chosen at first :(

Jojotje and me got backstage and couldnt believe this was really happening (again)!

Ive never been backstage at a festival and they really made an efford to make the VIP's feel relaxed there. Loungechairs, FatBoys everywhere. It looked really nice!

We directly got our costumes and a place to get dressed. I needed to clean my arms, as 1 arm said: Big Girl Biekje and the other one screamed: JIMMY. LOL!!!

There wasnt much time, so Mrs P asked me and Jojotje to get the others informed about what to do. So when we got backstage on stage, to watch the gig, we practised with the group.

The other BG's, LG's and boys asked Jojotje and me a lot about what, where, when XD

Mrs P told everyone to follow me, after Lollipop ended and RelaX started, when to sit down (longer stagetime!!!).

That kinda went wrong during the performance, but I will get back to that bit later on :P

I saw Amy McDonald coming to our part and watch the Mika gig too.

It was amazing!!!

Then we had to get on stage for the March of the Dead and the people in front of me were way too quick and I couldnt keep their tempo. But as Mrs P told me to be the first BG and that all the others behind me had to follow me...

I thought it was best to just keep in synch with the music and not walk any quicker...

Maria or Mrs P complimented me, it looked perfect. Awwww they're just too sweet :D

After that we could see the gig from the left side of the stage (we were on the right side all the time). My mask was broken, the chin strap broke off.

Thats why I could wear the mask during the Walk, but not during the dancing part. They gave me a cute little girly mask at first, but then Mrs P gave me a Pig or Cow's mask, I could chose.

Since I'm fat already, I didnt want the pig :P and since I'm a stupid cow sometimes, I thought the cow would fit me better hahaha.

Then Maria took some of us to the right side of the stage, to get ready for lollipop.

Lollipop started and after a bit, we could go on stage! Well, I can't say I didnt move. I'm not sure if I wanna see that video LOL!!!

But, I had sooo much fun! And that's what counts, right?

iMMa started dancing with me and I heard her sing loudly! I forgot she was holding a microphone, so I sang along loudly...untill I realised that she had a mic and I immediately stopped singing along.


Then lollipop ended, but since they always have a second bit after, I waited for that second bit...which ofcourse...never came.

*blush blush blush* so Mika told us to sit down...god, was I embarrassed ...

We were told before, to sit on the circular thing in the middle of the stage...some of us ON it, some of us just sitting on the side of it...

AND WE ALL TOTALLY FORGOT! I only remembered it tonight that we were supposed to sit on that thing!

On the other hand, we couldn't see the thing, so we would have probably fallen over stage stuff anyway. Dangerous.

So we all sat down to RELAX... and waited for a sign of Mika to get up and dance again.

I loved the view of so so so many people in the audience.

I must say that its easier to be in front of so many people, than as "little" as there were in Dublin. It doesn't feel so "personal" anymore.

Then we had to get up again and dance! SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

I tried to recognise some people at the front row, but my mask kept sliding off my face, so it was kinda hard to see.

Plus I was wearing glassed and they fogged up a bit on several occasions.

And then it was already finished... :(

We got off stage and Maria put us all together to collect all the masks. During waiting, the band and Mika got off stage as well.

We thanked everyone.

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Maria told us, that the BEP were watching us from the stage, when we got on stage and BEP thought it was awesome what we did!

And she told us, that when we got off stage, we passed them by LOL! I didnt see them!!

Then we got back to get changed into our own clothes again and after that we could sit down together on some benches and relax a bit.

Andy sat next to me and we chatted a bit. He is supernice!

They collected stuff to get signed and a whole lot of people gave their shoes, which Jojotje started hahahaha. I would have paid money to see MIKA's face, when he got that pile of shoes to sign hahaha

I gave a cd (from the Tofu Doll) and a tshirt (the one Step made!).

Mika passed us and went for an interview. When he got back, he got his picture taken with Fergie. Andy got his picture taken too.

Fangurls XD hahaha. Good to see them fangurling a bit, when we were all sitting together fangurling over him. Hahaha.

Then Fergie came up to us and told us she found it awesome that we danced on stage and that we did a really good job!

Apparently she liked Mika's idea of this, as I heard she invited iMMa and Mika on stage for their gig!!!

Then Mika came up to us to have his picture taken with 2 groups of us.

I showed him my tattoo and he said something like: oh my god! But he liked it and gave me 2 kisses on my cheeks...I LOVE HIM!!

Then I earlier heard Jimmy kinda screaming and basically being Silly behind some screens, in the FatBoy part...so I knew he was close.

Jojotje went up to one of the band members, cant remember who and then I followed and talked to Jimmy.

Showed him my faded Jimmy on my arm, that I had to get rid of it and he came up to me and also kissed me on my cheeks. But since I keep forgetting that English people kiss twice...I ended up in the air with that third one hahaha.

He saw that and apologised that he didnt remember that we give 3 kisses, so he added one more hahaha

He said his face hurt and I asked why. Apparently the facepaint isnt really easy to get off again. Poor moonface... XD

Then we said hi to iMMa and took pictures with her and Jimmy and Mark (im not sure if it was "her" Mark though...), she asked if it was okay if he was also in the picture...:P

I saw Cherisse and David taking off, so I asked them if I could take a picture with them. Didnt have a picture with them yet!

And that was ok. :) YAYYY!! Now my mission impossible is to get a picture with Martin. I had a chance earlier, but I was just too shy to ask...

Twas really really really nice there!

And then it was time to leave! Loved to meet all the MFCers!!!

Because I suddenly stayed for another night at my friends, I didnt take my presents for iMMa and I also didnt take the bracelets I made for Sylvana and others :(

I was happy to have my ticket though hahaha.

We met up with Annemaaike and Jojotje and watched a bit of BEP. During the gig we left.

On our way back we went to McDonalds and we were loving it.

I was going to Tilburg, but found out just before Tilburg, that there werent any trains going to Eindhoven anymore...where I booked my hotel (and where I work).

Thankfully Jojotje dropped me off at Eindhoven trainstation and I took a taxi to the hotel (it isnt far to walk, but I was knackered at that time, it was passed 2am already).

The hotel was VERY nice and at a nice price. De Zwaan, budgethotel. In the heart of Eindhoven City!

I guess I forgot some things, but at this point Im too knackered to think about it.

Will post this anyway and might add more at some other point.


O yeah, Andy said this was the best gig of this summer, later he added: one of the. He said we had to be proud to have been part of that.

They never said that after a gig.

30.000 people...amazing! The energy it gives, when people started cheering, when we got on stage...it's just WOW!!!


Bedtime now!


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Wonderfull report Biekje :thumb_yello: and a lot of good souvenirs for me reading it :wub2:


I hadn't noticed neither that the Black Eyed Peas were there when we got off the stage ! Shame on us :mf_rosetinted:

And I had forgotten that Fergie has congratulated us, this is amazing how kind and simple she was...:thumb_yello:

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I love these reports....and so funny to hear that Mika and Andy were fangurling with Fergie, having photos....we humans are all the same :fangurl:


Thanks for all the pics and vids too:wub2:

I am sure we will get a good clear video of Mika onstage with BEP eventually:aah:

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Thanks for your lovely detailed report Biekje!!:thumb_yello: I know how Sylvana must feel as I had the same experience. Tell her that next time, it could be us on stage. I spoke to Sylvana at the end of Mika's performance while she was waiting for you, and me waiting for Pinkcell and Sweetieval. She is a really nice girl and enjoyed the show last night!:wink2:

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I found a first vid!!!!! It's filmed from far back and you can't see much, but at least it gives us a very first impression! :boing:

Mika and band appear on stage from the left at around 2.45min...:pbjt::pbjt::pbjt:


I just love how Mika jumps and dances around like crazy, just like the LG/BGs in his own show!!! :thumb_yello::lmfao:



Can't wait for better vids of this legendary moment!!! :boing:


OMG! Thank you so much!

If I were there............... :biggrin2:


Has anyone already invaded DA BEP forum to check if there's a vid???


By the way, I love your signature! :aah:


aww this one



I should check the video!

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(Attention, sound is awful! :aah:)




I love how the say in the end: "Thank you Mika for the inspiration and for your beautiful music!" (or something like that :aah:)




Awwwwwww :wub2:


That's awesome that he was on stage with them...


Thanks for the pics and reports!

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This thread is making me feel all warm and fuzzy. :wub2:


Thanks for the pics, vids, and reports everyone! These Belgian shows always seem to be a bit special. I don't know what it is about the Belgian crowds, but it seems like a great vibe.


Biejke, I loved your story about Mika and Andy fangurling over the Black Eyed Peas. It's funny to think of him on the opposite side of the fangurly fence for a change. :teehee:


And, how cool is Mika dancing on stage with them? :shocked: I just felt so proud. Like I want to give him a high five or something. :roftl:


i Loved the fact that i met some other MFC'ers as wel, but i felt a bit of an intruder :sad:, because most of them already knew each other


I've had a great day yesterday:biggrin2:


Aw, no need to feel like an intruder. :huglove: MFCers are usually happy to meet and get to know other Mika fans. :wub2:






Mika: "So then I was like, running across the stage, like ZOOM! And then I was like, oh sh*t, I'm falling! I looked just like this!" :roftl:

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Thanks for all the pics, videos & reports! It was a special & beautiful day :wub2:



<a href=dsc03813.jpg' alt='dsc03813.jpg'>


Mika fans from different countries! United fans of Mika!


lovely pic :wub2:



I really loved it to meet MFCers and it's on other way of experiencing a gig as you're surrounded with people that are as enthusiastic as you are :wub2:

It was nice meeting you all!


It was very nice meeting you! And thanks again for all the work for the t-shirts! :clap:


Do you remember the two gay guys on the screen during Happy Ending? So cute wub2:

yes!! That was so cute! :D you could see Mika thinking wtf??



So here's my short report. I loved Mika's gig so much. A bit before he was on, the crowd got a bit excited because they apparently chose big girls and lollipopgirls, didn"t think they would ask:teehee:


The gig itself was great, I've enjoyed it so much, the whole crowd seemed to be participating. I loved his trumpetsolo again and loved thaat he played Kick Ass live. Could tell so much more of what i loved, but i'm sure other people are better at giving reports than i am.


i Loved the fact that i met some other MFC'ers as wel, but i felt a bit of an intruder :sad, because most of them already knew each otherI've had a great day yesterday:biggrin2:


pics can be found here (hoping the link will work)



and a link with some pics a friend of mine took



Ilse! It was great meeting you!! :wub2::huglove: you really don't have to feel like an intruder :huglove:

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