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Mika in "La Canción de San Miguel", Barcelona (Spain) - 22.04.2013


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Oh the Jamie Cullum one is really good.


The first scene is just like the one Mika has in Celebrate :roftl:


So I guess Mika has written / recorded a new song as well :thumb_yello:


I'm confused, what is it with the re-worked song they are talking about?


It is not a new song but has been in his catalogue for a while (or at least an earlier version of it) with the title Everybody (Live Your Life) and lists Wayne Hector and Steve Robson as composers, too. So whatever original version this ad / song is based from, it seems to have multiple authors. No doubt it will be catchy and happy: those guys write for the likes of One Direction, Olly Murs, Take That or Miley Cyrus.

Edited by suzie
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I think the only reference to "Ciudadanos de un Lugar Llamado Mundo" will be the part we sang in Spanish in Barcelona. I'm confident the rest is Mika's song.

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It is not a new song but has been in his catalogue for a while (or at least an earlier version of it) with the title Everybody (Live Your Life) and lists Wayne Hector and Steve Robson as composers, too. So whatever original version this ad / song is based from, it seems to have multiple authors. No doubt it will be catchy and happy: those guys write for the likes of One Direction, Olly Murs, Take That or Miley Cyrus.


Yeah we found this song in 2011. I wonder if the Dan Wilson songs will ever come out.

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It is not a new song but has been in his catalogue for a while (or at least an earlier version of it) with the title Everybody (Live Your Life) and lists Wayne Hector and Steve Robson as composers, too. So whatever original version this ad / song is based from, it seems to have multiple authors. No doubt it will be catchy and happy: those guys write for the likes of One Direction, Olly Murs, Take That or Miley Cyrus.


Yeah, I saw it on his BMI page a long time ago haha!


The song is going to be so catchy, for sure


I think the only reference to "Ciudadanos de un Lugar Llamado Mundo" will be the part we sang in Spanish in Barcelona. I'm confident the rest is Mika's song.



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Here it is:


Todo el que habla de Mika coincide en lo mismo: es un músico apasionado y cercano. Cantante, compositor, pianista y teclista. Iba para cantante de ópera cuando descubrió que lo suyo era la música pop. En “Sólo Moda” hablamos con él en exclusiva y descubrimos qué se esconde tras la imagen de este peculiar artista.


Será su voz, ese don innato para llegar a las notas más agudas, su estilo, o todo a la vez, pero cuando le escuchas sabes que es Mika. Le entrevistamos en Barcelona y lo primero que nos llama la atención es que es más alto de lo que pensábamos. Además de ese ??? o esa facilidad para lograr estilismos desenfadados con un toque único.


Estas zapatillas me las hizo Christian Louboutin, esta chaqueta me la hizo mi madre, esta camiseta me la compré en American Apparel por diez libras.


No todos tenemos la suerte de que Christian Louboutin diseñe para nosotros unas zapatillas explosivas – Mika sí. Este es un modelo especial por el Tay Day, uno de los estampados que más le gustan ahora mismo.


Diseña cosas que pueden ser más o menos divertidas, cosas que pueden resultar muy chic, pero lo importante es que diseña objetos, no sólo hace moda, diseña lo que le gusta.


Las zapatillas podrían ser una de sus señas de identidad. Tiene 29 años, pero cuando empezaba ya las elegía con el mayor de los mimos. Así era con 17 y así posaba en su cuarto londinense cuando aún soñaba con ser una estrella. Hoy, en cambio, confiesa que no saldría a la calle con unos shorts.


Los llevo a veces pero tengo unas rodillas muy feas.


Me gusta comprar las chaquetas de invierno, mucho, no sé por qué.


Cuando estoy delante de un espejo procuro no mirarme demasiado porque cuanto más me miro menos me convence la ropa que llevo. Es como cuando estás en un estudio y estás grabando, si te escuchas demasiado, fastidias la grabación.


Nos conquistó con su Relax y su Grace Kelly pero tuvo que convencer antes a los que le veían demasiado melódico para unos registros, raro para otros.


Tienes que trabajar tus limitaciones. Si eres muy alto como yo, intenta parecer más alto aún. Es como mi amiga Rossy de Palma, toda ella es importante, su cara, sus ojos, su boca, todo es pronunciado, pero cuando la ves relajada es maravillosa porque exagera todo eso que el resto de la gente intentaría ocultar.


Soy muy supersticioso con los relojes, cuando necesito mucha suerte llevo como tres relojes en la mano, y nunca llevo un reloj demasiado caro; de hecho, nunca actúo con algo muy lujoso o caro.


Ser una estrella no le impide ser un cantante comprometido que no dudó, por ejemplo, en ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto de Haití.


Lo dice el equipo que le acompaña, que trabajar con él es un lujo.



Thanks for the transcript, it's so much easier to understand everything this way:thumb_yello:




Great cover, really love the colors they used!! Cant wait to hear the song!!!

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Well this is a little summary more or less :blush-anim-cl:



Talks about fashion, about those Louboutins he wears at the interview, Louboutin made them especially for him, the jacket was made by his mom :wub2: and bought the t-shirt in US for 10 pounds. Talks about Louboutin that he designs funny things and that he does not design only fashion but objects and whatever he likes. He says that sometimes wears shorts but it does not likes go out with them because he has an ugly knees ( false IMO):doh: He likes to buy winter jackets very much but he does not know why and that he tries not to look at the mirror cause the more he looks the less he likes the clothes he wears :blink: Says that is very superstitious with watches and when he needs a lot of luck he wears three watches but never wears expensive watches in fact he says that never wears something expensive when he performs :naughty:


The girl finally says that the team who works with him says that it's a luxury to do it :wub2::wub2::wub2:



Erm.... no :aah:


I´m not sure if he could use pounds in America.... anyway he says he bought it in American Apparel. It´s a shop.

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Well this is a little summary more or less :blush-anim-cl:



Talks about fashion, about those Louboutins he wears at the interview, Louboutin made them especially for him, the jacket was made by his mom :wub2: and bought the t-shirt in US for 10 pounds. Talks about Louboutin that he designs funny things and that he does not design only fashion but objects and whatever he likes. He says that sometimes wears shorts but it does not likes go out with them because he has an ugly knees ( false IMO):doh: He likes to buy winter jackets very much but he does not know why and that he tries not to look at the mirror cause the more he looks the less he likes the clothes he wears :blink: Says that is very superstitious with watches and when he needs a lot of luck he wears three watches but never wears expensive watches in fact he says that never wears something expensive when he performs :naughty:


The girl finally says that the team who works with him says that it's a luxury to do it :wub2::wub2::wub2:


We know that CL has made shoes exclusively for him, as a gift - he has told this before, I think he's a very good friend :wub2: MIKA might well have bought t-shirt in US, but telling the price in pounds. I often do it myself, tell the price in N.kr. when things are bought abroad, and paid in euros, pounds or dollars. Imo, it's a natural thing for him, because he lives in UK :blush-anim-cl:


I know several very thin people who think they have ugly knees - I assume it's because the bones are more marked then - but I think it's both more natural and prettier, than having knees wrapped in flesh and fat :naughty: MIKA can wear whatever, and look good:wub2: About wearing more watches at the same time, he has also told us earlier. On stage he needs comfortable clothes and shoes, because he's an acrobat! :aah::wub2:


Thanks Mikasister for your translation! :thumb_yello:




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We know that CL has made shoes exclusively for him, as a gift - he has told this before, I think he's a very good friend :wub2: MIKA might well have bought t-shirt in US, but telling the price in pounds. I often do it myself, tell the price in N.kr. when things are bought abroad, and paid in euros, pounds or dollars. Imo, it's a natural thing for him, because he lives in UK :blush-anim-cl:


I know several very thin people who think they have ugly knees - I assume it's because the bones are more marked then - but I think it's both more natural and prettier, than having knees wrapped in flesh and fat :naughty: MIKA can wear whatever, and look good:wub2: About wearing more watches at the same time, he has also told us earlier. On stage he needs comfortable clothes and shoes, because he's an acrobat! :aah::wub2:


Thanks Mikasister for your translation! :thumb_yello:





There is an American Apparel shop in London.:wink2:

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We know that CL has made shoes exclusively for him, as a gift - he has told this before, I think he's a very good friend :wub2:MIKA might well have bought t-shirt in US, but telling the price in pounds. I often do it myself, tell the price in N.kr. when things are bought abroad, and paid in euros, pounds or dollars. Imo, it's a natural thing for him, because he lives in UK :blush-anim-cl:


I know several very thin people who think they have ugly knees - I assume it's because the bones are more marked then - but I think it's both more natural and prettier, than having knees wrapped in flesh and fat :naughty: MIKA can wear whatever, and look good:wub2: About wearing more watches at the same time, he has also told us earlier. On stage he needs comfortable clothes and shoes, because he's an acrobat! :aah::wub2:


Thanks Mikasister for your translation! :thumb_yello:






Or he might be a woman. Or a plane. But he said American Apparel. That´s it.

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Im trying to help English people who want to know what Mika really said instead of what Mika could have said. That´s all.


Ok, his exact words were: I bought the t-shirt for 10 pounds at American Apparel... didn't say where:thumb_yello:

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Ok, his exact words were: I bought the t-shirt for 10 pounds at American Apparel... didn't say where:thumb_yello:


Erm :mf_rosetinted:


And? I have just said that he said he bought it in American Apparel since the first translation said "he bought it in the US".

I dont care if he bought it in London or in ***** China. He said American Apparel and that's it. XD


I dont understane the drama this time...

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Mika annonce l'inédit "Live Your Life" pour une publicité de la bière San Miguel

Le chanteur Mika sera ce soir la tête d'affiche du "Concert pour tous", place de la Bastille à Paris, mais dans quelques jours il dévoilera son tout nouveau single. "Live Your Life" a été enregistré pour les besoins d'une publicité pour la marque de bière San Miguel. Découvrez le teaser !


Le planning de Mika s'annonce très chargé ! Tandis qu'il continue d'exploiter son dernier album "The Origin of Love", paru en septembre dernier et écoulé à plus de 80.000 exemplaires en France, avec le titre "Popular" enregistré avec Ariana Grande, le chanteur est partout. D'abord chez nous puisqu'il sera ce soir en concert gratuit, place de la Bastille à Paris, afin de célébrer la loi autorisant le mariage pour les couples du même sexe. Il sera d'ailleurs accompagné de Mademoiselle K, les Lascars Gays, Zaza Fournier, KH et les Saltimbanks sur scène. Mais fort de sa renommée à l'international, grâce à ses nombreux tubes pop comme "Grace Kelly", l'artiste de 29 ans a accepté d'enregistrer un morceau inédit pour une marque de bière.


En effet, c'est la semaine prochaine, le 27 mai précisément, que sera dévoilée la toute nouvelle chanson qui accompagnera la campagne publicitaire estivale de l'enseigne San Miguel en Espagne. Qui de mieux que Mika pour entonner un hymne festif et coloré et ainsi la promouvoir ? Le titre s'intitulera "Live Your Life" et revisitera le hit "Ciudadanos de un lugar llamado mundo", chanté par le groupe Delafé y las flores azules. C'est d'ailleurs cette piste qui avait rendu encore plus célèbre la marque de bière durant l'été 2011. L'an dernier, c'est le Britannique Jamie Cullum qui avait pris le relais et relevé le défi de proposer sa propre version. Dans une vidéo teaser publiée sur YouTube, on peut apercevoir Mika sur une estrade, face à une petite foule, afin de lui faire enregistrer des "hey" qui seront intégrés à la mélodie de son single. Il demande ensuite au public de taper dans les mains pour les besoins de l'enregistrement - et même de danser.


Ainsi, Mika espère sans doute décrocher un tube de l'été en Espagne, et peut-être même ensuite ailleurs, lui qui a eu du mal à séduire le reste du monde avec son troisième album "The Origin of Love". Révélé au grand public avec "Relax (Take It Easy)" en 2007, numéro 1 en France durant deux semaines, le chanteur a été propulsé au rang de révélation avec son premier album "Life in Cartoon Motion", écoulé à plus de 800.000 exemplaires chez nous, grâce aux singles "Grace Kelly", "Love Today" ou "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)". Ensuite, "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" a été moins bien accueilli en 2009 mais "We Are Golden" et "Rain" se sont tout de même transformés en succès. En 2011, il surprenait tout le monde en entonnant le tube "Elle me dit", chanté en français et numéro 1 durant cinq semaines.

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