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MIKA as a judge at "THE VOICE" France 2014


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Here the second part of Spleen's interview.


«I deliberately sabotaged myself on the battles»


How did you approach the proof/test of battles?

The show brought me only of the positive and that's what scares me. Whether my friends, my family and people in general, everyone likes what I have shown in The Voice. The risk is that it does not last and that is why I am very hard on/with myself. On the battles, I felt like not having been up to par and I had the feeling I was to leave. To be honest, I deliberately sabotaged myself on this proof. I am very interested in the human and I was opposed to someone with incredible sensitivity. Beyond music, Peter Edel came to Russia to participate in the contest. He has a wife, children, and there was a lot at stake for him. I thought it would bring more to him than to me to continue the adventure. I did everything for him to continue but Mika has chosen to keep me. I noticed that there was among the public an expectation that I could not afford not to comply/respect. So I decided to really be 100% for the continuation of the adventure.


Why did you come with this bunny disguise?

I wanted to offer something fun after the story was created during audition on the blind, with the little girl of the public, Ornella. She is a brilliant/fantastic person and was present during the battles. In the theater, I was taught to defer me on a public face and talk to him. Ornella was my face of The Voice public. So I made my staging/stageplay battles for her because I wanted make her dream and leave a memory of this meeting.


«I want to produce Leïla of The Voice»


Tell us about your independent label The Black & White Skins ...

This is something that allows me to make artists who are not enough formed to fit (/to be suited for) pretty big waves. It was ten years ago, I released a compilation with unknown artists at the time as Hindi Zahra, CocoRosie, Devendra Banhart, Antony & The Johnsons ... It turns out that, since then, they all made career. By making The Voice or concerts, I want to show that we are not obliged to make artistic concessions to exist. I continue to believe so I created my (box) company last year. With my label, I try to release albums of artists who, without me, would not be known. I make sure that they can exist.


Your encounters during The Voice have make you want to produce any talent of the show?

I met Leila who makes music completely different from mine. She has an incredible maturity for her age. She wants to make French songs and her music could appeal to millions of people. The fact that she was eliminated from the show, she is totally free of any contract with a record company and I want to produce her. She is the most talented of all the artists I've seen during the show. It’s to produce her first EP that I launched a call for contributions on My Major Company.


And your personal desires in all this?

When I made my passage on the blind auditions, I explained my love for cinema but unfortunately to become actor in France, it must be/you have to do the weather on Canal +. I said to myself that to become a director, it may be necessary to do The Voice to gain some notoriety. As I did not want to wait my 50 years to make my first feature film and that I am confident to write quality scripts ... Finally, without talking to the TV, some channels came to me to offer me things for next year. So it's pretty awesome and magical.


If you were to win The Voice, you will end up with a contract with Universal ...

I consider myself a Trojan Horse. We can not criticize the system without being in the system. Most people who put themselves on the margins of society can not change anything. While critics of the system by agreeing to put a foot could move things forward. I also want to show that we can make music with less money and go back to a human scale of the artistic creation.

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Thanks for the videos. The 2nd link works for me. I love the Bowie song.


Thanks also, Charlie, for the translation of the Spleen interview above. He seems like an interesting guy. A colab of some kind between him and Mika could be very good.

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Thanks also, Charlie, for the translation of the Spleen interview above. He seems like an interesting guy. A colab of some kind between him and Mika could be very good.


You are welcome! :)

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Hiiiiiiiii everybody!!!


Emissions "The Voice" and "La Suite" n°9 are viewable and downloadable MikaWebsite[.Com!]


"The Voice" & "La Suite" n°9 : http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-voice-prime-n9-voice-la-suite-episode-n9/


thank you very much for the link but the vids don´t work for me.

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Thank you Eriko! :huglove:

I actually watch only your vids from The Voice.:teehee:

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Hiiiiiiiii everybody!!!


Emissions "The Voice" and "La Suite" n°9 are viewable and downloadable MikaWebsite[.Com!]


"The Voice" & "La Suite" n°9 : http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-voice-prime-n9-voice-la-suite-episode-n9/

Thank you Antoine :bow::flowers2::huglove:

I have two weeks of The Voice I need to catch up with ...

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Was reading about The Voice earlier (this article about Mika being the most popular of the coaches http://www.chartsinfrance.net/actualite/news-90968.html) and I couldn't help but start thinking again about what a brilliant job he's doing at this show.

These past three weeks I've been so impressed by the song choices! From classics like Aznavour and Bowie to the contemporary ones such as London Grammar they're all so good. La classe as the French would say. And most importantly they're songs that allow the contestants to show emotion and sensitivity.

Mika is doing such an excellent work over there! They couldnt have asked for a better coach really!! :)


So much looking forward to watching the next episodes, especially this Saturday with the performance of Underwater!

(Btw don't know if it's been posted here but I read on twitter that Mika will be singing Underwater during Voice la suite on 15 March)


PS, they're such a super cool team with Kylie, absolutely love seeing the vids of them working together!!

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Was reading about The Voice earlier (this article about Mika being the most popular of the coaches http://www.chartsinfrance.net/actualite/news-90968.html) and I couldn't help but start thinking again about what a brilliant job he's doing at this show.

These past three weeks I've been so impressed by the song choices! From classics like Aznavour and Bowie to the contemporary ones such as London Grammar they're all so good. La classe as the French would say. And most importantly they're songs that allow the contestants to show emotion and sensitivity.

Mika is doing such an excellent work over there! They couldnt have asked for a better coach really!! :)


So much looking forward to watching the next episodes, especially this Saturday with the performance of Underwater!

(Btw don't know if it's been posted here but I read on twitter that Mika will be singing Underwater during Voice la suite on 15 March)


PS, they're such a super cool team with Kylie, absolutely love seeing the vids of them working together!!

I'm going to be your "Little Miss Echo" here. I have never been so proud of Mika as I am right now. Because, unlike so many pop stars who fall by the wayside when their record company move on to the next big thing, ignoring their established artists, Mika refuses to lie down and disappear.

He has so many assets, apart from the music. He is so gorgeous and loveable, not only with his looks, but with his whole self. Add that to his knowledge, empathy, intelligence and sensitivity, and he's irresistible.

I was so impressed to learn that he himself was responsible for the PopularSong video. The record company were dragging their heels as usual. This is just one reason I agree with him doing the reality shows. He's not going to spend the money foolishly, he's going to spend a lot of it on his music and his self-promotion. He's one incredible guy. I'm so glad I became his fan.

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I'm going to be your "Little Miss Echo" here. I have never been so proud of Mika as I am right now. Because, unlike so many pop stars who fall by the wayside when their record company move on to the next big thing, ignoring their established artists, Mika refuses to lie down and disappear.

He has so many assets, apart from the music. He is so gorgeous and loveable, not only with his looks, but with his whole self. Add that to his knowledge, empathy, intelligence and sensitivity, and he's irresistible.

I was so impressed to learn that he himself was responsible for the PopularSong video. The record company were dragging their heels as usual. This is just one reason I agree with him doing the reality shows. He's not going to spend the money foolishly, he's going to spend a lot of it on his music and his self-promotion. He's one incredible guy. I'm so glad I became his fan.


:thumb_yello: AMEN :huglove:




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Hiiiiiiiii everybody!!!


Emissions "The Voice" and "La Suite" n°9 are viewable and downloadable MikaWebsite[.Com!]


"The Voice" & "La Suite" n°9 : http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-voice-prime-n9-voice-la-suite-episode-n9/


Thank you very much! The website works for me.


I can't go into this thread just to avoid spoiler. Can't wait to watch it!

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Charity Auction


Blazer Trussardi indossato da Mika per The Voice




Expiring date: 20 March, 16:00


Financing: Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari"





Mika, cantante di fama internazionale e giurato molto amato dell'ultima edizione di X-Factor Italia veste Trussardi durante la puntata di “The Voice” Francia andata in onda sabato 15 febbraio.


All'asta la giacca in velluto a coste larghe blu della collezione Trussardi uomo autunno-inverno 2013-14.


Un capospalla dalla linea classica e dalla vestibilità rilassata che Mika interpreta in chiave ironica e moderna rendendosi perfetto interprete dei codici stilistici di Trussardi.


Il marchio Trussardi ha deciso di mettere all'asta questa splendida giacca per sostenere il progetto dell'Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari".


Progetto: Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari"


Condizioni: l'aggiudicatario verrà avvisato tramite email e riceverà l'oggetto entro 7 giorni lavorativi dalla chiusura dell'asta.

Sarà rilasciato un certificato di originalità su richiesta dell'aggiudicatario.

Hai dubbi?

Scrivi a info@charitystars.com o chiamaci allo 02 49762138.

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:naughty: here the tanslation... :naughty:


Mika wears a Trussardi blazer in The Voice


Mika, singer of international fame and beloved judge of the latest edition of X-Factor Italy, wears Trussardi, during the episode of "The Voice" France, broadcasted on Saturday, February 15th.


Auctioning of the jacket in corduroy blue by Trussardi collection autumn-winter 2013-14.


A classic and relaxed outfit that Mika wears in an ironic and modern way, making himself the perfect interpreter of modern stylistic codes of Trussardi.


The Trussardi brand has decided to auction this beautiful jacket to support the project of the Friends of " Dino Ferrari Centre".


Project: Friends of "Centro Dino Ferrari"


Conditions: The successful winner will be notified by email and will receive the item within 7 business days of auction closing.

Will be issued a certificate of originality on application.

Have you any doubts?

Write to info@charitystars.com or call 02 49762138.

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Charity Auction


Blazer Trussardi indossato da Mika per The Voice




Expiring date: 20 March, 16:00


Financing: Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari"





Mika, cantante di fama internazionale e giurato molto amato dell'ultima edizione di X-Factor Italia veste Trussardi durante la puntata di “The Voice” Francia andata in onda sabato 15 febbraio.


All'asta la giacca in velluto a coste larghe blu della collezione Trussardi uomo autunno-inverno 2013-14.


Un capospalla dalla linea classica e dalla vestibilità rilassata che Mika interpreta in chiave ironica e moderna rendendosi perfetto interprete dei codici stilistici di Trussardi.


Il marchio Trussardi ha deciso di mettere all'asta questa splendida giacca per sostenere il progetto dell'Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari".


Progetto: Associazione Amici del "Centro Dino Ferrari"


Condizioni: l'aggiudicatario verrà avvisato tramite email e riceverà l'oggetto entro 7 giorni lavorativi dalla chiusura dell'asta.

Sarà rilasciato un certificato di originalità su richiesta dell'aggiudicatario.

Hai dubbi?

Scrivi a info@charitystars.com o chiamaci allo 02 49762138.

FOR : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.centrodinoferrari.com/en/&prev=/search?q%3D%2522Centro%2BDino%2BFerrari%2522%26biw%3D1023%26bih%3D666

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