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Who else is tired of Mika?


Should Mika do a videoblog on how he likes his tea?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Mika do a videoblog on how he likes his tea?

    • Yes, and he should use his birthday tea set!
    • Yes, and he should use the musical tea-cup Jack so thoughtfully gave him in Philadelphia
    • Yes, and he should have a tea party with his sisters and Andy
    • Yes, and he should do all of the above
    • No, because I hate all things Mika and tea-related.

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I love the blogs. But the thing is....you don't have to read them. You could read them as often as you like or not at all.


I enjoy seeing what he's up to and what's running through his mind at the moment. Reading about his inspirations also gives you a peek into how his music is written.


But yes, haha, a tea blog would be entertaining to read. Step by step on how to make the perfect cup of tea by the lovely Mika Stewart. :bleh:

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I like Mika's blog, yes there are posts that interest me less then others but i am still enjoying checking mikasounds every other day and see what's new.


My question is, if his blogs annoy you so much, why bother checking the mikasounds website? you can easily avoid it, just don't go there.

I agree. :thumb_yello:

I love the blogs. But the thing is....you don't have to read them. You could read them as often as you like or not at all.


I enjoy seeing what he's up to and what's running through his mind at the moment. Reading about his inspirations also gives you a peek into how his music is written.


But yes, haha, a tea blog would be entertaining to read. Step by step on how to make the perfect cup of tea by the lovely Mika Stewart. :bleh:




Mika Stewart:lmao:

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Well of course it is completely preposterous of me to act like I have any authority in telling him what to blog about, or to complain about something everyone's been begging him to do for ages! It is absolutely ridiculous! That was really part of the joke. :cool: Not that I didn't mean what I said, but I absolutely recognize the intense sillyness of it, and that was what I was sharing with y'all.




and T H A T is why we love love you so much!!!! :huglove:

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well... i really like his blogs and i like when he posts. i understand what jack meant...but i think that not all the celebs are sharing everything they like and find interesting so i appreciate what mika does for us.

and i desperately wish for a new blog :sad:

The tea blog idea sounds good! I'd certainly like to see that.

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i love these blogs! I like knowing what his interests are. In fact, I saw these drawings that I thought Mika would like and I took pictures of them, so I could show them to him somehow. Sad? Maybe. But I like knowing people's interests!


Of course these blogs aren't for everyone (I sometimes wonder what you DO like about Mika, because all you ever seem to do is moan about him LMAO, and I don't mean that horribly!!!!) but I personally find them interesting. I don't want Mika to stop :naughty:

Everyday? Once a week? I don't mind I guess, so long as it's done :)


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I dont understand.

I understand what you mean some blogs are a bit pointless.

But we wined on enough saying ' there wasnt enough mika news' in that time we didnt hear much from him, and now hes giving us blogs and things we dislike it?




Idk :/

I like knowing that he might of posted something new and that hes trying to keep his fans up to date to what heas doing. He posts things which are amusing to him, or what he finds intresting. No-one makes anyone watch


but yeh, i sort of get what your saying, i think im just abit nosey sometimes.... Perhaps its just a case of not missing something till its gone.




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. He whines too much. I don't want to see him whining that much.




i like him most when he whines:roftl:


Yeah, I agree!

But the whining amuses me. The whining can stay :naughty:


it should stay:punk:

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Well of course it is completely preposterous of me to act like I have any authority in telling him what to blog about, or to complain about something everyone's been begging him to do for ages! It is absolutely ridiculous! That was really part of the joke. :cool: Not that I didn't mean what I said, but I absolutely recognize the intense sillyness of it, and that was what I was sharing with y'all.




Jack, Jack, Jack. You are such a naughty boy.


But to reply to some, I don't check all blogs, I haven't read them all, I haven't commented on them all, I don't check MS everyday.


OK you Mika loving people, I now feel drummed out of a thread, thanks for that. If the shoe was on the other foot, there would be cries of bullying.

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If the shoe was on the other foot, there would be cries of bullying.


i second that:thumb_yello:


i don't agree with every single word jack said but i see her point.


and she was nicely asking us if there is anyone else feels the same way, and that's ok IMO.

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OK you Mika loving people, I now feel drummed out of a thread, thanks for that. If the shoe was on the other foot, there would be cries of bullying.


Poof, babs. It's my thread and you if anyone certainly have a place at the table here.







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Of course these blogs aren't for everyone (I sometimes wonder what you DO like about Mika, because all you ever seem to do is moan about him LMAO, and I don't mean that horribly!!!!)


Well if he does a tea blog, you'll find out, won't you? :wink2: I'll start an entire thread on it.


Btw, "if you don't like, don't read" isn't so simple--my problem is that I feel like I have to read them soon as they go up, because that's all the rest of MFC is talking about, and if I don't, I'll be left out. So really I should be whining at MFC: "stop talking about the bloody blogs so I don't have to keep up with them!" :naughty:



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there's a bit more pressure to keep up, but in no way am I "tired" of him:wub2:


call me selfish, but I like knowing he's alive and well and having fun... I like knowing what's on his mind...what he loves and how he loves it.


It makes it so much more personal! I'm sure its hard to keep us updated,and I'm sure there are days he doesn't want to...so he could stop at any moment and I don't want that to happen!


So, I say if someone were to be annoyed with his blogging, that they simply don't visit mikasounds:roftl:

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Well if he does a tea blog, you'll find out, won't you? :wink2: I'll start an entire thread on it.


Btw, "if you don't like, don't read" isn't so simple--my problem is that I feel like I have to read them soon as they go up, because that's all the rest of MFC is talking about, and if I don't, I'll be left out. So really I should be whining at MFC: "stop talking about the bloody blogs so I don't have to keep up with them!" :naughty:




I kinda agree with you here, this is one of the reasons i don't post the blog update thread, since it's moving so fast i preffer sometime to keep my thoughts on the blogs to myself.

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next it will be moans about it not being a vlog about coffee why is it always tea with him......


:roftl: You are so right about that.


call me selfish, but I like knowing he's alive and well and having fun...


I find a certain comfort in that and I can't help but notice the difference between this pre-birthday period where he was checking in a couple of times a day and last year's where people were angry with him and wondering WTF was going on.


I am like Jack in that I feel obligated to check these blogs to know what's going on whether I find them interesting or not. But I really do want him to just blog about whatever he wants. If that's who he is, that's who he is. Whiney, random, interested in childish things, whatever. He's also travelling the world, throwing in a couple of nicely edited video bits and giving us a behind-the-production peek at things.


I think it's important that he's staying in touch with his fans and they are responding positively to his attention. I've been slightly disillusioned by some of the things I've seen...but that's reality. I don't want him to pretend to be something he's not for the sake of his image and my perceptions. That kind of facade has been one of the things that's annoyed me for the past 18 months and I'm glad he appears to be letting his guard down a little.

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Oh boy.:rolls_eyes:


Jack, you do like to tell it like it is and I like that about you.


Mika - I hope your feelings aren't hurt. Jack is truly lovely, but she's always speaking her mind. She's sincere though. :rolls_eyes:


Wouldn't you rather have a diverse range of fans? :naughty:

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So first we're complaining about him not telling us enough and saying that we want him to blog, and now he's finally doing it and now we don't want him to.. thats a bit weird.:boxed:


I really like his blogs, I think they are funny and inspiring! So no, I'm not tired of mika!

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I would really like the TEA BLOG. BUt more than that I would like word of the first new single off his upcoming album. Gosh, even Queen gave us a peek at their new album MONTHS before it is to be released.



Like that idea - but something tells me, this won't happen. It would be a pleasant surprise though....

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:roftl: You are so right about that.




I find a certain comfort in that and I can't help but notice the difference between this pre-birthday period where he was checking in a couple of times a day and last year's where people were angry with him and wondering WTF was going on.


I am like Jack in that I feel obligated to check these blogs to know what's going on whether I find them interesting or not. But I really do want him to just blog about whatever he wants. If that's who he is, that's who he is. Whiney, random, interested in childish things, whatever. He's also travelling the world, throwing in a couple of nicely edited video bits and giving us a behind-the-production peek at things.


I think it's important that he's staying in touch with his fans and they are responding positively to his attention. I've been slightly disillusioned by some of the things I've seen...but that's reality. I don't want him to pretend to be something he's not for the sake of his image and my perceptions. That kind of facade has been one of the things that's annoyed me for the past 18 months and I'm glad he appears to be letting his guard down a little.


Well said as usual Christine!:thumb_yello:


I remember the time we didn’t have a sign of life from him in months and the blogging has turned all this around.

We also talked about how we would wish him to use the internet to stay in touch with his fans…:wink2:



The rest is history.:cheers:

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Oh and I forgot to say:


No, I'm not tired of Mika, and I'm so grateful for every blog we're getting.


I think the random/pointless ones are fun and shows us the relaxed normal side to him. If he decided to make nothing but rehearsed and formal blogs on set routine times...then I would probably feel a little bit:huh:

I like how he seems to make them if the mood strikes, it's more personal that way I think.:original:

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I think it's important that he's staying in touch with his fans and they are responding positively to his attention. I've been slightly disillusioned by some of the things I've seen...but that's reality. I don't want him to pretend to be something he's not for the sake of his image and my perceptions. That kind of facade has been one of the things that's annoyed me for the past 18 months and I'm glad he appears to be letting his guard down a little.


I also had these moments of disillusion and I've been brooding about this for quite a while. But I have to say I eventually agree here. If getting bits and pieces of an insight into the Real World of Mika means that we get to see him acting in a less prepared and thought-out way, than his perfect stage persona, then be it. I also see it as some sort of a sign that he now feels comfortable enough with what he achieved and where he stands, to drop his guard every now and then. Those bloopers in his vlogs are very charming.

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I also see it as some sort of a sign that he now feels comfortable enough with what he achieved and where he stands, to drop his guard every now and then. Those bloopers in his vlogs are very charming.


I've wondered for some time if his public facade wasn't more about being wary of members of the media than trying to project a certain image for fans. During some interviews he seems infinitely more comfortable and silly than in others and I think he trusts his fans even moreso than a good interviewer. There are a few people who call Mika to task when they think he's faltering, but let's face it, we coddle him like a baby 99% of the time. He is safe on his blog and MFC, even in a thread like this.

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