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Mika in Nice, France at Palais Nikaia


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First in any case I said that it was Sariflor who told me that but be sure that it is true and it is not from my poor english or the fact that she did not speak french but this sentense has been told to me in english: "you must make a choice" and if this person is honest she must simply said that it came from her.


After that Sariflor said: "Our Husbands do not come here" with a movement of her hand like if "their husband ran away from Mika gigs"


I am sorry to live my passions with my family but I really thought it was possible...




Sorry, but I must say something because this is really becoming weird and unfair to read there are rumors about us. I don't understand french so I can't read what they say in the french forum....but I can read here and I want to say something.


I was there since 7AM and I was also there when the french girl with long black hair (I think she's the one who wrote here in french) asked us about the numbers. She said she was member of MFC and she asked us if her husband could join her queue with MFC even if he wasn't a member too and also another person...so 4 people on the MFC list even if only 2 were actually on MFC. This was not fair for other french people who came earlier so Sariflor said something like "you have to make a choice" but that was releated to the fact of asking us to insert 2 people who were not MFCers while other people were scrolled down in the list. Also, Sariflor didn't say "Our Husbands do not come here", she said "we did it to our husband too" to explain that if a wife comes in queue at 8Am and the husband comes in queue and 5 PM they can't have the same position in a queue. But I think it's obvious!

So, that's a misunderstanding for sure!

Plus, guys, we tried to explain but many french people don't speak english at all....you can figure out by yourself how hard it could be to understand each other.


Last thing I want to say is: we did our best to get things smoothly, we took numbers, we explained the reason of taking numbers and all..but, in the end, is the management (not only Mika's management), the universal and the venue mangement that decided what to do. We did what they told us to do, that's all. Plus, we helped and "pushed" to let all the early queuers to be on the list and to enter in a different queue BEFORE the other fans.

I mean that if there wasn't a number system but only a MFC queue, the early french people wouldn't have a chance to enter in a different queue and before the other fans. They would be in the queue all day, enter the venue at the usual time, try to get the 1st row somehow and that's all.

We tried, and we managed, to find the best solution to get them inside with MFC before the other fans.

I don't think they can complain. Plus I don't think that is a BIG difference if you are 1st and you become 8th or 9th. You still enter the venue early. The front row is large and all stuff you already said.


That's what I think. We don't have to apologize or justify ourself and I really think it's not nice to read on other forum that we are pointed at or accused for things we didn't do!

What do you think, that we have the power to decide about things regarding Mika? We are fans....that's all :aah:

Edited by Sarina
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wow! :shocked: first of all, to the last post here, suzie, i agree with you but if i understood it correctly, in this case the husband was queuing since the morning as well. :wink2:


then, humphrey, thanx for clearing things up. i didn't even realize that mfcers were blamed (i don't read the french forums), just read that the queue was reorganized, and here on the thread it sounded to me like it was the fault of the french universal people - but very interesting to hear that it came from john, and that he had thought it was always just mfc. :blink:


yes, mfc is the official forum, but like some said on here already, it doesn't make sense for everyone to join mfc, like, if they can't understand english at all. then i think at least the website navigation etc. should be available in different languages. :dunno: what sense does it make if we have lots of nominal members who never post at all and just become a member so they can get a queuing number? :blink: and this "fan for one day" argument doesn't count imo, as those who aren't on mfc but post daily on the french forum aren't just "fans for one day" either.


and there's many more reasons why i'm not happy with this - some might not be able to join any forums because they don't have an own pc, or are too young, or don't have an e-mail-address (yes, we as internet addicts know it's easy to get one, but not everyone does...) - what should they do if they wanna be front row at a gig where 50 mfcers are coming to? or all those people who just don't KNOW of the mfc, or of the numbers system. ok that might only be a handful at every gig (of those who queue early), but i can understand that they're disappointed.


ok, end of ranting. maybe we should put a thrad on the front page news about the numbers system the way john wants it, in multiple languages, so at least everyone who visits the mfc has the chance to find out about it, and can for example tell their friends whom they're going with to join here? :wink2:


and a short comment about what caz+babs said about keeping some things to themselves... of course it's everyone's own choice what they say and what not, but it's a vicious circle really... you have secrets, people find out bits+pieces and get jealous or at least curious, thinking wow if it's such a big secret it must be really cool+exclusive, some just get on your nerves by asking lots of questions, others start rumours around the bits+pieces they know, you are -understandably- annoyed about that and tell even less the next time. or it starts with people spreading rumours, at whatever point you want it to start, but it's something that'll probably never end once it started. that's why i personally always prefer to tell everything, and although i've seen+met mika almost as often as sara, i never had any problems with jealousy and rumours so far. not that i know of anyway. :teehee:


like i said, that's just my personal opinion and the way i do it, it's up to everyone on their own how they handle it, and of course i know that some things HAVE to be kept secret, like the planets painting at first. :wink2: i'm just saying, i can kinda understand both sides - it's natural that people become jealous if they feel they miss out on something important - which in fact might not be that important at all, but they don't know if they don't have the information. :wink2: and about the rumours, well, of course i don't like that either, but we've seen how fast that can go, just based on a stupid joke, on the evening of mika's abu dhabi tweets. :teehee: it's just a matter of fact that lack of information - whether based on secrets or on language barriers or whatever - is a perfect breeding ground for rumours.

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I agree with Melody.


And instead of fighting endlessly, I think it's time to think of solutions.

Maybe one could be that the people in charge of the list can speak the language of the country + English, in case problems of this kind occur. Some sorts of gigs delegates, or whatever.

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Mellody thank you to say we've all been waiting in line 9.am

but hey it is not very serious .... this is not our first concert of mika and is known to be tolerant people in each country where we went!

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I think I need to read all the posts within the last 15 hrs in this thread before commenting any further, but there is something I saw in Mellody's post I'd like to state my opinion on and then I get back to work. :teehee:


maybe we should put a thrad on the front page news about the numbers system the way john wants it, in multiple languages, so at least everyone who visits the mfc has the chance to find out about it, and can for example tell their friends whom they're going with to join here? :wink2:


I actually think that starting a thread about the queuing system, let alone putting it as front page news would create not only further debate but it would also make members think that you need to go to gigs in unbelievable hours....

Besides, the system can be slightly different at each gig, depending on the venue, the promoter, the number of people turning up by a certain time, the security guards and what John can negotiate with them, so I don't think we can regulate it from here and it is not the responsibility of the forum to sort this out.


I think it is better to discuss certain issues on gig threads or on separate threads and regular concert goers will know what the 'rules' we created for ourselves are. I don't think we should worry about non-MFCers making comments on the system of the official fanclub.


At all gigs I attended 'we' (queue organisers from MFC) were fair to every fan arriving - ie. even PROACTIVELY approaching them if they wanted a number - yet I heard / read second hand comments from people saying otherwise...:blink: it will never stop, I think, no matter how hard you try to be fair with everyone.


PS: this is again a general comment, I was not in Nice to argue for or against anything. :wink2:

Edited by suzie
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suzie, the problem is that john obviously wants the number system to be exclusively for mfc, or at least mfcers first, and then all the others, no matter what time they arrived. and if you have to be on mfc to get a good number if you arrive early, then i think this should be communicated on here very publicly, and not hidden in some gig threads where no one will find it. :wink2: that's all i meant, not discussing details or anything.


in nice it wasn't that much of a problem, if it was just about 10-15 mfcers. but if it had been 50 or 70 (like in amsterdam), and 3 or 5 or 10 non-mfcers who have been there before them had to go to the back of the queue, it would've made a much bigger difference.

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Post by Lululitalienne:

Quoi ????? Non mais ils sont cons ou quoi???

Depuis quand faut un badge?? J'espère que les autres membres du MFC présents vous ont soutenus! Franchement ce serait vraiment dégueulasse de leur part de vous laisser dans la merde, surtout qu'ils connaissent l'existence des forums français!

Il me semble qu'Allegra y allait, elle pourrait peut-être en parler à John?

Punaise ça a le don de me saouler cette connerie!



Just because my name was mentioned even if in a not negative way (sorry Sariflor, i use your quote):

I was not here when all happened. I was concentrated do drive fast :drive: to arrive on time at the venue.

I arrive with my friends at 19.00, we join the "normal" queue after a lot of people, we entered in the venue almost full, and we attended the beautiful gig in the middle of the crowd. That's all.


Sometimes, 4 o 5 times in my entire, big and old career of Mika fan starded 3 years ago, i jumped some places of the queue (never an entire queue) to stay with my friends, and sometimes i jumped places in the back, for the same reason. This is my only outing.


Please, in general, Relax take it easy.



Edited by allegra
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Hey Sara,

Thanks for your post and for expressing yourself. To begin with, I do know that there is indeed some resentments on our forum about you. Don't know when/where it started, don't know why it is still going on. It is true that you shouldn't have been pointed out in particular.

I would like to apologise about your name being trashed, it was definitely a bad thing.

I have been working with Niki and Guylaine a good part of the day yesterday with Deb to understand what happened in Nice. We clearly do not want another "war" with you guys. Too bad you didn't take the opportunity to quote Deb's pm from yesterday as well, where she said she was sorry for what happened.

Some of our members felt something was going wrong in the queue, and were very upset about it. And expressed it... Some of them only knew you, so it was "easier" to place the blame on a person, if I can say. Ugly, but probably true.

Then, I understand it was apprently nobody's fault to re-organize the queue, that the Universal guy did so. But it would have seemed fair to me to let him believe everyone that was there early was part of the MFC, just as Lillibet did in Marseille. He would not be able to check, really. And never did.


I will be more careful in the future to check that nothing hurtful is said on our forum, and don't hesitate to pm me if you notice something unfair to you. I hope things will get better in the future...

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suzie, the problem is that john obviously wants the number system to be exclusively for mfc, or at least mfcers first, and then all the others, no matter what time they arrived. and if you have to be on mfc to get a good number if you arrive early, then i think this should be communicated on here very publicly, and not hidden in some gig threads where no one will find it. :wink2: that's all i meant, not discussing details or anything.


in nice it wasn't that much of a problem, if it was just about 10-15 mfcers. but if it had been 50 or 70 (like in amsterdam), and 3 or 5 or 10 non-mfcers who have been there before them had to go to the back of the queue, it would've made a much bigger difference.


Before advertising anything, maybe we should discuss it, and let John know what our conclusions are about all this?


I for one was very happy with the old system, and see no need for a change, since it obviously causes unnecessary drama. MFCers always queue early anyway, so even if 2-3 'outsiders' arrive early too, it doesn't make a huge difference for us. Whilst telling these 'outsiders' to step back behind 30 MFCers, like you said, has a big impact on them, and can lead to unpleasant queuing situations for everybody.

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Before advertising anything, maybe we should discuss it, and let John know what our conclusions are about all this?


I for one was very happy with the old system, and see no need for a change, since it obviously causes unnecessary drama. MFCers always queue early anyway, so even if 2-3 'outsiders' arrive early too, it doesn't make a huge difference for us. Whilst telling these 'outsiders' to step back behind 30 MFCers, like you said, has a big impact on them, and can lead to unpleasant queuing situations for everybody.


I must agree. I have seen quite a few gigs this year, and this system has worked perfectly. Numbered queue is called MFC queue, but there are always a few locals who are not on MFC but they want to queue early with us, and we have told about the MFC and asked them to join :thumb_yello:


This situation seems to be very messy (and I was not there, I'm not commenting on it, just speaking about queueing general), but I hope people will not do too fast decisions and that mods will talk about this and let us know if there are any news.

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I think I need to read all the posts within the last 15 hrs in this thread before commenting any further, but there is something I saw in Mellody's post I'd like to state my opinion on and then I get back to work. :teehee:




I actually think that starting a thread about the queuing system, let alone putting it as front page news would create not only further debate but it would also make members think that you need to go to gigs in unbelievable hours....

Besides, the system can be slightly different at each gig, depending on the venue, the promoter, the number of people turning up by a certain time, the security guards and what John can negotiate with them, so I don't think we can regulate it from here and it is not the responsibility of the forum to sort this out.


I think it is better to discuss certain issues on gig threads or on separate threads and regular concert goers will know what the 'rules' we created for ourselves are. I don't think we should worry about non-MFCers making comments on the system of the official fanclub.


At all gigs I attended 'we' (queue organisers from MFC) were fair to every fan arriving - ie. even PROACTIVELY approaching them if they wanted a number - yet I heard / read second hand comments from people saying otherwise...:blink: it will never stop, I think, no matter how hard you try to be fair with everyone.


PS: this is again a general comment, I was not in Nice to argue for or against anything. :wink2:


Maybe put the thread in the Information section, that way newbies can see it when they are checking the place out.

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Just because my name was mentioned even if in a not negative way (sorry Sariflor, i use your quote):

I was not here when all happened. I was concentrated do drive fast :drive: to arrive on time at the venue.

I arrive with my friends at 19.00, we join the "normal" queue after a lot of people, we entered in the venue almost full, and we attended the beautiful gig in the middle of the crowd. That's all.


Sometimes, 4 o 5 times in my entire, big and old career of Mika fan starded 3 years ago, i jumped some places of the queue (never an entire queue) to stay with my friends, and sometimes i jumped places in the back, for the same reason. This is my only outing.


Please, in general, Relax take it easy.




I can't believe you would drive fast!:naughty:

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I must agree. I have seen quite a few gigs this year, and this system has worked perfectly. Numbered queue is called MFC queue, but there are always a few locals who are not on MFC but they want to queue early with us, and we have told about the MFC and asked them to join :thumb_yello:


This situation seems to be very messy (and I was not there, I'm not commenting on it, just speaking about queueing general), but I hope people will not do too fast decisions and that mods will talk about this and let us know if there are any news.



In fact a couple of queues I was in here, when I explained to non MFCers the benefits of being able to all go off for lunch and things together and coming back to the same spot they left, they were extremely happy to have a number.

So everybody wins.:thumb_yello:

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I'm working today and have already spent way too long posting here, so I don't have time to reply at length now, but just to point out two things:

@sushigang: you are COMPLETELY twisting my words. Read what I said about our conversation.


Here is a nice, long thread, where people of the French forum carried on for pages and pages discussing Mana and I, during the acoustic 2009 tour.




If you read back enough, you will find some pretty shocking comments about us.

I am making nothing up; It's all their/your own doing.

Oh, and for the record, I have not become bankrupt or divorced, and in fact my husband came to a gig with me a week or so ago :thumb_yello:.


Come on Sara. This is about 2 people. Don't talk about the french forum as a globality because of some comments from a few people. You know many efforts were made by the mods of the french forum with the mods of MFC so everything could be perfectly well and we managed till the last days.

Then, they don't have insulted you. They comment on what they thought. I can't believe you pay credit to some old comments like that. What is the deal to find an old thread when we try to sort all that mess all together. Ok, we should not let the name written on our forum, we'll edit from now on, like that, no names written publicly. But we can't moderate everything people think or said you know. But as I said, from now on, you won't find your name written on our forum.


Ohh lord this is messy and Ive been out for a few days / not at the gig so Im not going to comment too much .. one thing though .. John IS right , MFC is the official forum , everything comes through here , its his official fan club and therefore we should NOT start splitting hairs over different forums.


We have worked hard to make this one community for all , so everyone is in the mix for all benefits / tickets and more than we feed back to his managers.


Its easy enough to join :thumb_yello:


Of course, and we never said the contrary, you know that :wink2: ! But what was a mess, is that the queuing system changed just like that, without any explainations, that's why people felt upset :wink2:


I agree with Melody.


And instead of fighting endlessly, I think it's time to think of solutions.

Maybe one could be that the people in charge of the list can speak the language of the country + English, in case problems of this kind occur. Some sorts of gigs delegates, or whatever.


Good idea :thumb_yello:

And I agree with Mellody too.


Hey Sara,

Thanks for your post and for expressing yourself. To begin with, I do know that there is indeed some resentments on our forum about you. Don't know when/where it started, don't know why it is still going on. It is true that you shouldn't have been pointed out in particular.

I would like to apologise about your name being trashed, it was definitely a bad thing.

I have been working with Niki and Guylaine a good part of the day yesterday with Deb to understand what happened in Nice. We clearly do not want another "war" with you guys. Too bad you didn't take the opportunity to quote Deb's pm from yesterday as well, where she said she was sorry for what happened.

Some of our members felt something was going wrong in the queue, and were very upset about it. And expressed it... Some of them only knew you, so it was "easier" to place the blame on a person, if I can say. Ugly, but probably true.

Then, I understand it was apprently nobody's fault to re-organize the queue, that the Universal guy did so. But it would have seemed fair to me to let him believe everyone that was there early was part of the MFC, just as Lillibet did in Marseille. He would not be able to check, really. And never did.


I will be more careful in the future to check that nothing hurtful is said on our forum, and don't hesitate to pm me if you notice something unfair to you. I hope things will get better in the future...


+ 1 :thumb_yello:

I sent you a PM to apologize of what was said about you Sara. You didn't even answer me. I don't see what I could do more !


Before advertising anything, maybe we should discuss it, and let John know what our conclusions are about all this?


I for one was very happy with the old system, and see no need for a change, since it obviously causes unnecessary drama. MFCers always queue early anyway, so even if 2-3 'outsiders' arrive early too, it doesn't make a huge difference for us. Whilst telling these 'outsiders' to step back behind 30 MFCers, like you said, has a big impact on them, and can lead to unpleasant queuing situations for everybody.


I must agree. I have seen quite a few gigs this year, and this system has worked perfectly. Numbered queue is called MFC queue, but there are always a few locals who are not on MFC but they want to queue early with us, and we have told about the MFC and asked them to join :thumb_yello:


This situation seems to be very messy (and I was not there, I'm not commenting on it, just speaking about queueing general), but I hope people will not do too fast decisions and that mods will talk about this and let us know if there are any news.



In fact a couple of queues I was in here, when I explained to non MFCers the benefits of being able to all go off for lunch and things together and coming back to the same spot they left, they were extremely happy to have a number.

So everybody wins.:thumb_yello:



Yes, everyone seemed happy with the system numbers, as we MFCers are quite often the first ones to queue ! :thumb_yello:

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I would like to add something.

In Milano, robbie managerd a "priority" entrance for ppl who were at the venue early , with John + italian security;

So at Marseille, i began a list ( just in case i could do the same),John asked me , introduced me to the french manager ( the same who was at Nice i suppose).

This man asked clearly if the ppl were MFCers, i was surprised but said "yes ": it was not true at all, some were MF, some MWS and the others....only fans...At the end, the list was 60 , some left us to be BG/LG and i gave their numbers to allow the 35 to become 19 ( it's an example).

I was not aware that Mikateam had decided to give special numbers to MFCers on the whole tour, for me Marseille was a great surprise !!!

So , i hope that this bad fight at Nice won't decide them to stop it ,it could be interesting to clarify the situation for the future, i mean number 1 to 25 = MFCers arrived early of course , and 25 to ...80 or more to locals fans?

i hope that i am clear enough with my bad english!

@sarah: really sorry, i should have come!!!

I won't forget your help in a certain occasion , you understand what i mean.

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I would like to add something.

In Milano, robbie managerd a "priority" entrance for ppl who were at the venue early , with John + italian security;

So at Marseille, i began a list ( just in case i could do the same),John asked me , introduced me to the french manager ( the same who was at Nice i suppose).

This man asked clearly if the ppl were MFCers, i was surprised but said "yes ": it was not true at all, some were MF, some MWS and the others....only fans...At the end, the list was 60 , some left us to be BG/LG and i gave their numbers to allow the 35 to become 19 ( it's an example).

I was not aware that Mikateam had decided to give special numbers to MFCers on the whole tour, for me Marseille was a great surprise !!!

So , i hope that this bad fight at Nice won't decide them to stop it ,it could be interesting to clarify the situation for the future, i mean number 1 to 25 = MFCers arrived early of course , and 25 to ...80 or more to locals fans?

i hope that i am clear enough with my bad english!

@sarah: really sorry, i should have come!!!

I won't forget your help in a certain occasion , you understand what i mean.


yes, and no one in Milan asked me to have only MFCers in the first 150...i mean, 150 mfcers in italy??? LOL


john only wanted to be sure all mfcers were IN the 150 and mainly they were.

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suzie, the problem is that john obviously wants the number system to be exclusively for mfc, or at least mfcers first, and then all the others, no matter what time they arrived. and if you have to be on mfc to get a good number if you arrive early, then i think this should be communicated on here very publicly, and not hidden in some gig threads where no one will find it. :wink2: that's all i meant, not discussing details or anything.


I see... It was not really clear for me that this is what John wants. Does he really insist on that? I am a bit surprised, to be honest....


If he wants only MFC, then I think we need to use the RSVP list to check if the fans arriving are really from MFC. Basically, we can always claim that if you read MFC on a regular basis you must be aware of this system - end of any arguments, this is what Mika's management asks for.



Maybe put the thread in the Information section, that way newbies can see it when they are checking the place out.

this is a good idea.




...still surprised though...

Perhaps a moderator can ask John about this again this week and officially confirm on MFC any new rules in the queuing system - or even better, MFC should approach him with conclusions if any, after this discussion.

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Wow. This thread is becoming impossible to keep up with :aah:. I'll try and post a few "points" in the most organised way that I can, to reply to a few things.





Thank you for your honesty. I respect the fact that you have said outright that some people in the french forum have a problem with me. I honestly for the life of me can't think why this is, as I don't even know them, and they know nothing about me, but the reality is that they decided a long time ago that I was a certain way, and that seems to be the going idea.

Not to bang on and on about it, as I guess that one can't influence what people think if they REALLY want to make up their mind before they know others, so I know that I can't change that, but this is what bothered me about this issue. The fact that just because I was there, it was decided that I was doing certain things.





I have explained a few times that I didn't say what you think I said about your husband, or even about husbands in general. This was a genuine misunderstanding. My husband has come to a good number of Mika gigs, and the last time was a week ago. I did NOT say that husbands shouldn't be there.



@French Deb:


I appreciate your efforts trying to conciliate forums, and trying to resolve things and clarify them, I really do.

I also appreciated your pms, which I didn't respond to simply for a matter of lack of time. I went to bed early last night, as I have a terrible cold after Nice and I had hardly slept all weekend. I was planning on replying later today, but then saw that the thread had moved and just replied to you in the thread instead.

I never had any intention to keep the fact that you pm'd me "covered up", or to paint you in a negative colour. The only thing that I had a poblem with was the fact that you put it all down to "misunderstandings", and I wanted to point out that this wasn't entirely the case.


What happened here was that problems ocurred, and then conclusions were reached because "certain people" were involved. Then, comments were made in the french forum about me, painting me in a negative light, and saying things such as "what can you expect from her", etc... This is my problem.


The reason why I posted that old thread is because I wanted to make the point that this was not a new thing, and that I have known that people in that forum have written bad things about me in the past. I wasn't just dredging old things out for the sake of it; I was using it as background information to make the picture clearer.

The reason why I am telling you these things is that, as a moderator, if you want to have a credible forum, you need to make sure that these things don't happen :wink2:. If we wrote even half of the "opinions" about mysef that I have seen on the french forum here on MFC, we'd be banned for life. It's just not acceptable to attack people like that, especially when they haven't done anything to warrant that hostility.

I even recall some of the guys in the french forum copying posts that Mana and I made on MFC and pasting them there, making fun of what we were saying, and making negative remarks. This is what I mean, this is where the moderator's responsability comes to play.


Of course you can't control what people think, obviously. But you can (and must) control what they write.


I haven't even been reading this forum to check if there have been any other comments about me, but was just lucky that people told me about it so I went to look on these two occasions. I guess that if I started looking for it, I could find more.


Anyway, moving forward and all that. Thank you for reassuring me that you will not allow these comments.


The funniest thing is, that I don't even have a problem with anyone.


I have (or so I think) good relationships with many people who are regulars in the french forum, like Em, Lillibet, Mariposa, Fanny, Biche, etc... and I have never even spoken to most of the others, apart from a quick hello perhaps, or a very superficial chat. This is what shocks and saddens me most about this situation. That random people who don't actually know me at all, are able to post such things. But I guess that this is a different issue altogether.



Re the whole MFC/priority queue list, and the drama in Nice: I agree with what some people have said about us needing clarification on how to proceed next.

And, in Nice, I really didn't take an active part at all in organising the queue at all. I was knackered, had hardly slept, had a cold coming on, and was just mostly feeling sorry for myself, so I didn't even get involved.


I was asked for opinions or help speaking to people a few times, and in fact I did say that I thought that it would be best (and fairest) to just let the early arrivals stay at the front of the queue, regardless of where they came from. But as the others didn't think that this was an option, and they were the ones who had done all the work, AND this was not something that would prevent these people from having an amazing spot at the gig, I just let it go and went back to minding my own business.


I knew that the friends who I had arrived with had numbers 8-10, as we were there since 7 am, which would guarantee a front row, and we had the plan to be BG's anyway, so any re-arrangement of the queue would not benefit us. I had nothing to win from any of this, and I had not taken part in any discussions with the French promoter or John, as I arrived to the queue from a toilet break when they had arranged it all. I simply just didn't have any active part in any of it, and just tried my best to help when I was asked to. That's all.





Another thing that upset me about these posts was that I genuinely thought that the girls from the french forum who I met in Oslo were very nice, and that we had gotten on when we chatted there, and it felt like a stab in the back to see the comments that some of them made about me now.


Edited by sariflor
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ahem...we have posted that we are sorting this out, haven't we :wink2:


Yes, we really are trying our best to find out what John and Mika's

team expect of the queue -- what happened in Nice, and what WILL happen

going forward. I can't stress enough that this came as a surprise to

ALL of us. :blink:


I can't comment on Nice directly because I wasn't there. Nor have I been to

ANY of the latest European gigs (poor me :( ) so it's hard for me to

comment on how the queue system has or has not been working. I only

know what I've been told and it seemed like up until Nice everything was

going smoothly... It sounds to me like whatever the issues were in Nice

were unusual, and since we don't want that sort of thing to happen again,

I think it's best that we all refrain from pointing fingers and blaming this

person or that. Why don't we all just

give this a rest until we actually have something more concrete to

discuss? :flowers2:

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yes, and no one in Milan asked me to have only MFCers in the first 150...i mean, 150 mfcers in italy??? LOL


john only wanted to be sure all mfcers were IN the 150 and mainly they were.


I think that's the whole point. He just wants to take care of the MFC, it's very kind thing to do, and MFC is the official fan club after all, and everyone (from different countries) can join it :thumb_yello:


I really don't want him to think that we are complaining, because this system works (mostly) so well and I don't want them to take it away :aah:


I see... It was not really clear for me that this is what John wants. Does he really insist on that? I am a bit surprised, to be honest....


If he wants only MFC, then I think we need to use the RSVP list to check if the fans arriving are really from MFC. Basically, we can always claim that if you read MFC on a regular basis you must be aware of this system - end of any arguments, this is what Mika's management asks for.




this is a good idea.




...still surprised though...

Perhaps a moderator can ask John about this again this week and officially confirm on MFC any new rules in the queuing system - or even better, MFC should approach him with conclusions if any, after this discussion.


I agree, and I really think that if you read MFC you are aware of this system.

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